Thursday, 25 October 2012

Johann Bessler's graphic clues to the mechanisms in the Orffyreus wheel.

Someone grumbled that I haven't posted any interesting clues lately, well I can't give out any hard and fast clues yet, but here are some pointers to how I interpreted some perceived clues and got their meaning 

As I've said before, the most useful of Bessler's clues are those which show the actual mechanism.  They are contained in a few illustrations. That being so, how come no-one has been able to build a working model based on those clues?  The answer is, because Bessler deliberately confused the simple interpretation of the drawings by omitting some features, adding unecessary pieces and moving others into the wrong position, and pointing out what he had done, in other drawings.  

One particular example can be interpreted by re-orientating the drawing to the position in which the mechanism would naturally respond to gravity.  If you study the drawing, one part of the mechanism is semi-detached, and consequently by re-orientating the drawing, and allowing gravity to act as if it was a real mechanism and not just an illustration, thus changing the position, the item then shows itself in its correct position.  Reversing the orientation of the drawing again does not mean that the item discussed should return to its former position as this would then be incorrect for the functioning of the mechanism.

It is this kind of encoding that permeates Bessler's clues and requires a certain amount of lateral thinking.

One drawing is, as I have mentioned before, not showing the wheel in its true dimensions, but this advice was dismissed as wrong or irrelevant, which is of course the reader's prerogative.

Another one shows the two positions of the mechanism and how they vary in their connections with other parts of the same mechanism, during their range of movement - the connectedness principle.

Yet another drawing provides corrective information about a particular item in a different drawing and this can be established with a fair degree of certainty once you know what to look for.

There is one drawing which also hides the principle which I have described, but encoded, at the end of each post on this blog. I even described the clue on my website,, although I did not understand what it meant at the time. I stumbled on the principle by chance and then had it confirmed by the clue in question. This principle is the one which Bessler says he found where everyone else looked.  It is the one thing you need in order to build Bessler's wheel.

I can't put it better than Bessler did, "no illustration by itself contains a description of the motion; however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them."

I apologise if people do not find this helpful, but I wish to retain what I know for my own build.  Of course I might be completely wrong and I wouldn't want to lead anyone else up the wrong path.  There is much more to be learned from Bessler's drawings and they would not have been so carefully drawn and included for our consumption unless they were there to aid reconstruction, but, to the casual eye, they offer nothing of use to anyone seeking the answer. 




  1. "As I've said before, the most useful of Bessler's clues are those which show the actual mechanism."

    My contention, of course, is that there are NO complete images of Bessler's secret mechanism ANYWHERE in the literature and that it can ONLY be pieced together via a VERY difficult logical analysis of the many valid DT portrait clues (which, quite unfortunately, I will no longer be discussing on this blog). If you have found what you consider to be his secret mechanism illustrated in ANY fashion anywhere in the Bessler literature other than in the two DT portraits, then I would CERTAINLY like to see it. Until such revelation is made AND justified, however, please pardon me if I remain highly skeptical.

    "This principle is the one which Bessler says he found where everyone else looked. It is the one thing you need in order to build Bessler's wheel."

    If it does NOT involve the CRITICAL use of spring tension, then I would VERY surprised!!!

    "I apologise if people do not find this helpful, but I wish to retain what I know for my own build."

    Also, by not disclosing the precise details of what you think you've discovered, you don't have to worry about being labled as "a nut, a nice nut, but still a nut" as someone else on this blog recently was!

    Well, I, of course, wish you the best of luck with your research, John, but it appears like the pressure on you to reveal is continuing to increase exponentially by the day. IF my current design's testing is successful, then I DO intend on publishing the results and it will be shortly after the confirmation has be obtained. However, I won't publish anything unless I am 100% convinced that it is IT.

    Speaking of which, I've just finished some additional increasing of the k values of the 16 springs on my current design in an effort to finally see if I can achieve that counter balanced state of the 9:00 to 3:00 position weighted levers that is CRITICAL to the successful operation of the design. I've been cautiously working my way up from 0.00000 lb/in to 0.31250 lb/in in daily 0.05000 lb/in increments and will not exceed a maximum value of 0.31250 lb/in. If I have not achieved the counter balancing at that k value, then I will have to, regrettably, admit defeat as far as this design is concerned.

    This morning I reached a k value of 0.15000 lb/in for the 4:1 scale model one-directional wheel design I have and...the weighted levers ALMOST balanced! This is a VERY good early sign and it looks like I just might get the counter balancing required at a lower k value of 0.25000 lb/in which would correspond to a k value of 4 lb/in for the larger helical springs used in the actual Merseburg wheel. I would prefer to have this lower k value instead of 0.3125 lb/in because it will help maximize the average horizontal displacement of the CoM of the design's eight 1 ounce weights onto the wheel's descending side during rotation.

    Stage 1 testing will continue tomorrow.

    1. TG, John said bessler confused the simple interpretation of the actual mechanism by omitting features and adding features and putting others in the wrong positions.

      It's up to you to figure out which drawings he's referring to, and what was omitted, added, or positioned incorrectly.

      So John isn't giving out a hard and fast clue, just as you or I haven't.

      Our PM stockings may only have a lump of coal in them at Christmas.

    2. Doug wrote: "So John isn't giving out a hard and fast clue, just as you or I haven't."

      I've been giving out nothing BUT "hard and fast clues" since I got here! Where were you while all of that was going on? Anybody who reads the comments here for the last several MONTHS will know all of the basics of the "right track" design approach that I promote to solve the Bessler wheel mystery. In the comments to the last blog entry I discussed the number of cords and springs used in Bessler's two-directional wheels in detail and even some of the DT portrait clues used to justify that information.

      Maybe YOU will be finding a lump of coal in your Christmas stocking this year, but I'm looking forward to finding a big shiny bar of SOLID GOLD in mine!

    3. You've been saying the same thing every post. Except when you change an insignificant detail that is always another convenient "decoy". Your clues aren't clues. If a design fails, no amount of tweaking is going to help.

      John is saying the secret is in the MT drawings which is what most people think because that's where bessler said it was. He tried to explain how he figured them out, the logic behind his thinking. A soft and slow clue.
      Merry PM Christmas!

    4. "Your clues aren't clues."

      EVERYTHING I've posted here about Bessler wheels is based strictly on the clues, both published AND unpublished. Just because YOU do not perceive something as a clue (such as the "Parted Wig Clue") does NOT mean it is not a clue.

      "John is saying the secret is in the MT drawings which is what most people think because that's where bessler said it was."

      Oh, really? Here's what Bessler actually wrote about MT:

      "NB. 1st May, 1733. Due to the arrest, I burned and buried all papers that prove the possibility. However, I have left all demonstrations and experiments, since it would be difficult for anybody to see or learn anything about a perpetual motion from them or to decide whether there was any truth in them because no illustration by itself contains a description of the motion; however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them."

      He specifically tells the reader here that " illustration by itself contains a description of the motion" which IMMEDIATELY negates the validity of JC's statement: "...the most useful of Bessler's clues are those which show the actual mechanism." All that Bessler does in this quote is tell the reader that by STUDYING the illustrations of the various machines and thinking about what principles they use and how their parts might be combined, the reader can BEGIN to search for a movement and find one because of his STUDY of the MT illustrations. That is ALL he is telling us. He is NOT saying that the solution is actually contained in MT in any SPECIFIC way.

      I could just as well send everyone here a catalog of mechanical components, tell them to study the various illustrated parts and think about combining them in various ways, and then state that he (or she) will be able to BEGIN his (or her) quest for a PM device and, eventually, successfully complete it. Does anybody here seriously think that I would be telling him (or her) that there was a secret PM mechanism HIDDEN somewhere IN that catalog?

      Of course not. And neither should anybody think that he will find the secret mechanism Bessler found and used in MT. That collection of illustrations, although certainly indicating how very active Bessler's mind was when it came to matters of PM, does NOT contain the solution to the Bessler wheel mystery (it did at one point, but that information was COMPLETELY removed and DESTROYED). The ONLY place that you WILL find THE solution is in the two DT portraits, but one will make zero progress with them until and unless he (or she) accepts that the solution IS contained in them.

    5. TG expounds:
      "Oh, really? Here's what Bessler actually wrote about MT:

      ... however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them."

      Just because YOU do not perceive this as a clue does NOT mean it is not a clue.

      "I could just as well send everyone here a catalog of mechanical components...Does anybody here seriously think that I would be telling him (or her) that there was a secret PM mechanism HIDDEN somewhere IN that catalog?

      Of course not. And neither should anybody think that he will find the secret mechanism Bessler found and used in MT."

      Using that logic, you've illustrated my point: there is no mechanical solution to PM. Your design is also juggling parts from MT: springs, cords, weights, and levers. Tweaking k values, connection points, numbers of springs, etc. is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
      Even if the solution is in the portraits, you're going about the wrong way like everyone does - looking for a mechanism.

    6. "Tweaking k values, connection points, numbers of springs, etc. is like rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic."

      Well, all I can say is that I DO now have the correct "magic" lever shape, the correct connection points to the levers, and the correct cord pattern Bessler used as well as the correct type and number of springs per weighted lever. I have NO doubt that the overall arrangement of the parts and their proportions within my model wheels is correct. But, it is that "something extra" that is needed to make what would be ordinarily be a "NON-runner" into a "runner" that is, figuratively AND literally, the "sticking point" that I am now trying to get around.

      In order to maintain the CoM of the design's 8 weights on the descending side of the wheel, one must have an additional source of energy / mass and Bessler's wheels obtained that from contracting springs. But, Bessler used them in a VERY special way. The DT portrait clues take me so far toward finding that information, but then the path grows blurry as those eyeglasses he provided me with, metaphorically speaking, begin to lose their resolving power. When that happens it's time to KEEP building and STUDYING the portraits as much as time will allow. Then, suddenly, one will see a glimmer of the way to proceed as the resolving power of his eyeglasses suddenly improves again.

      Unfortunately, the "right track" approach is a winding one with MANY dead ends and branches that can take one right back to where he started and leave him feeling emotionally and physically drained. But, the path WILL eventually lead one to success IF he can summon the strength to remain on it. I intend to remain steadfastly on it!


    I think someone here is doing a game ... what Bessler has created to sell his books and have at least a minimal source of income ... he was ordered not to build ever more the wheel, but maybe it has did it because he had no money and then used it to gain time and to feed his family ... with the hope of getting revenue from the sale of books ... the same way ... someone here comparing so unbecoming to those who actually may have discovered something, he wants to do the same so smart ....

    who cries that he discovered something he must do so without hiding ... better not to say anything that pretend to be omnipotent and then hide .... I respect everyone but I think that making fun of people is poor. however, everyone is looking for something to get into the history books ... or to make money ..... and those who are doing someone in this story! then speak well to save the planet ... when people think only about money!! but really we think that has not been discovered ....??? or that certain things do not come out because maybe there are different interests? nasa moon goes on .... and we can not run a stupid wheel? mankind has discovered the world, built pyramids, created Atomic Energy Agency, carved mountains, reached the moon in orbit of artificial satellites, and here again you think that nobody in the world has spun a wheel with weights? ? wind turbine blades spin when the wind blows in the same direction ... if the wind blows forever, it would be a perpetual engine! and we have no gravity and reflects on the fact that it is so complex? I'm doing the wheel, I admit, I know Bessler and try to figure out if he has used a system similar to the one I use ... There is nothing complicated levers and weights .... I do not say anything because I'm honest I do not want to help anyone because no one would do it with me. my levers are laser-cut wood. arranged horizontally are unbalanced and that's enough! if already then rotate to 45 degrees are balanced.

    my additional model will be ready when I have the time and inclination and swear and say I swear I'll make a nice video and I'll send .... but remember you do not see the inside .... too easy otherwise ..... if I want to put a metronome near which the frequency will change deliberately to make you understand that it is a bluff or I can create a contact to view it skype video call .... I have no problems ....

    but do not tell you that I have solved the problem because I'm not a genius! are simply a person who does nothing but dream about only one thing ....

    do something to make me gain (as everyone thinks but show few making themselves hypocrites)

    remain in the history books .... as I dream of many ....

    and finally live in peace.

    I do not think I can do more as forces more simplistic an individual decide the fate of the world!

    Good day to you all and I hope that this post will make people think.

    Thanks to you soon ...


    1. Thanks for your input, ITL, and we will look forward to seeing a video of your wheel even if you don't reveal its secret. If you find a design that does work, then you will certainly be mentioned in the history books.

  3. John,are you still working on your latest book?

    1. Vincent, the book will be finished one day but at the moment I'm unable to find the time and the inclination to get back to work on it. I'm also struggling to find the time to actually work on my wheel due to family commitments, but rest assured the book will be finished, and much sooner if someone succeeds in making a working Bessler wheel. SA for the wheel, things will improve shortly and then I can finally finish the model I'm woking on and publish what I think I know!


    2. Take your time John,we all have some sort of commitments,life is not revolving ONLY around Bessler.

    3. Good luck with the new book, John. People generally are oblivious to the sheer amount of work that goes into writing a comprehensive book. There have been cases of people who needed a decade or more to complete a single volume.

  4. TG, I want to apologize. My math comment to you was condescending. You answered my question in detail. I just think looking at a picture and trying to guess what every squiggly line means as if Bessler hid clues in the portrait is just silly. If you were to take 50 different people to separately look at several details and ask them what Bessler was trying to say, you would get 50 different examples. I doubt you could show us your most convincing 3 clues from the portraits and get the majority here to agree with your understanding. Again I am sorry for the way I worded my last post. Thanks, justsomeone

    1. Okay, Justsomeone, I'll cut you some slack and forgive you this time since you seem to sincerely regret what happened in the comments to the last blog entry.

      All I can say to you and anybody else here is that there was a time when I, too, thought that the various items, angles, associations, proximities, ratios, etc. in the two portraits were JUST decorative and had NO real relevance with regard to the internal mechanics of Bessler's wheels. I NOW know how VERY wrong I had been! The mathematical information that can be found in those portraits is DIRECTLY derived from the mechanics of Bessler's wheels and its incorporation into the portraits was Bessler's way of establishing HIS priority to the WORKING PM mechanism that it had taken him 10 years and 300 attempts to find. If I reach the point where I reveal the design I am now working on because it actually works, then, as it is studied by other mobilists, it will eventually become VERY obvious to them exactly where I got the ideas from for its design. That source will the the DT portrait clues.

  5. In my opinion Bessler did not depict his " mechanism " in the MT nor the DT portrait... no matter how you arrange it or interpret it .

  6. Bill_Mothershead25 October 2012 at 15:44

    And so the psychologist holds up the first Rorschach inkblot image and ask "What do you see?"

    And the engineer replies "A butterfly."

    And the doctor holds up a fuzzy old portrait of Bessler and ask "And what do you see in this one?"

    And the patient replies "Springs and chords and balancing levers in a wheel."

    A surprised doctor smiles and says "That's...ah...very...interesting."

    1. LOL! Good one, Bill.

      Yes, at first glance the DT portraits do, indeed, look like a confused tangle of symbols and parts. That is exactly the impression that the Master intended them to have on the casual reader and average mobilist reading his work. They are a sort of "information overload" that was meant as a deterrent that would prevent all but the MOST persistent of reverse engineers from continuing on a quest to uncover the secret mechanics of Bessler's wheels and it has served this purpose quite well for almost three centuries so far. But, that time is rapidly coming to an end. I have managed to properly interpret the vast majority of the portrait clues (but, sadly, not all of them!) and it took years and HUNDREDS of models to do so. I'm starting to realize, however, that trying to post and discuss the huge body of information contained in the portraits in a piecemeal fashion is probably not the best way to proceed.

      Rather, since these images were initially intended to establish priority for Bessler in the event that an IDENTICAL machine was later produced by a rival mobilist AFTER Bessler had destroyed is only existing wheel, perhaps it would be best to just publish the design I have (only, however, IF it works) and then leave the rationalization of its construction and components in terms of the portrait clues for later discussion of which, I suspect, there will be MUCH!

  7. Could the Gods (and Goddesses) be angry with me!

    As many will realize, I have been trying to adjust the testing schedule of my latest "right track" one-directional wheel design so that the final Stage 2 verification test would be completed on THIS October 31st. Not to celebrate Halloween or All Souls' Day or the Autumnal Equinox, but, rather, so that the positive test results could be announced on that date as an "homage" to the SUCCESSFUL October 31st, 1715 "official examination" of Bessler's Merseburg wheel (which is my personal favorite of his wheels). So far, the "adjustment" of my testing schedule for Stage 1 has been proceeding well.

    Then I noticed something odd on the weather news last night.

    Shortly BEFORE I announced my plan to declare that I would try to have Bessler's wheel mystery solved on October 31st, I saw that a really nasty little hurricane was brewing down near Cuba. Earlier European computer models had predicted that the hurricane would move north, just miss the southeastern tip of Florida, and then curve off to the east to harmlessly dissipate over the North Atlantic Ocean. Certainly nothing to worry about unless one was in a fishing boat out there somewhere as in the movie "The Perfect Storm".

    Now, however, AFTER my plan has been announced, ALL of the latest computer models including the European one have been suddenly and unexpectedly "revised". The hurricane is now predicted to make a sudden turn out in the ocean because there is another storm sweeping across the US that will, literally, draw the hurricane to the west so that its path will then be directed straight toward the east coast of the US where I just happen to live. Because it involves the combining of TWO storm systems, this hurricane is being called the "Frankenstorm" in the media and it will have sustained wind speeds of about 100 mph when it finally hits the east coast of the US sometime this Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Furthermore, from studying several dozen of the computer models for the predicted paths of this once in several decades, late autumn hurricane, it looks like the majority of them converge on a single target: MY HOUSE!

    Consequently, it's quite possible that my plan to announce the rediscovery of Bessler's secret PM mechanism on this October 31st (assuming that the Stage 2 tests are successful) may be delayed a bit. Indeed, it's quite possible that on that important date, I may find myself huddled in my basement and surviving on uncooked canned food, crackers, bottled soda and water, a blanket to keep warm at night, candles for light, and a battery powered radio for information on how bad things are in my area and how long it will take to get back to "normal". I might not have electricity, heat, clear roads to drive on let alone an operational car, cable television, internet, or telephone service including cell phones. These conditions might persist for a WEEK or more and I will then have a unique opportunity to see what life was like for Johann Bessler back in the early 18th century!

    Since I happen to have a home surrounded by tall and aging trees, it's also quite possible that, during the storm, many of these heavy timbers will come crashing down and demolish my house in the process. Even if that does not happen, there will, undoubtedly, be an ENORMOUS amount of cleaning up to do when the storm is over. It all promises to be "jolly good fun" as the Brits might say!

    So, if I suddenly disappear from this blog for a week or so, everyone will know what probably happened. Of course, IF I do manage to verify that my latest "right track" design is IT, then that will certainly help me feel better about matters.

  8. "Furthermore, from studying several dozen of the computer models for the predicted paths ... the majority of them converge on a single target: MY HOUSE!

    Wow, TG. I'm starting to think that you need to change therapists!

    Seriously, what does this have to do with John's post? You really should GET YOUR OWN blog.

    1. Great idea, maybe I could use one of YOUR therapists or psychiatrists (if they are not too busy treating you, that is)!

      Actually, my last comment has absolutely NOTHING to do with John's current blog entry because all he told us was that he thinks he's found a way to juggle some of the parts of some of the illustrations in MT and somehow get a working mechanism out of it. But, then he states that he is not going to tell us what the illustrations are that he used or what the parts are that he used or what the mechanism is that he made from all of that. Thus, this current blog really has NOTHING to discuss or comment upon. I inserted the news about the hurricane to show that, despite my own intentions to announce the rediscovery of Bessler's secret PM mechanism (which is NOT derived from MT), I might be delayed due to natural forces beyond my control. Of course, IF my Stage 1 and 2 testing of my current design are successful and IF at all humanly possible, I will try to make every effort to announce that HERE next Wednesday, October 31st.

      My OWN blog?! The thought HAS occurred to me, but then I wouldn't have time to support JC here on this blog with some content for you guys to ponder. Also, it takes a LOT more work to run a blog than to just contribute to someone else's. I just do not have the time for everything I'd like to do everyday unless they decide to put 30 hours into each day from now on!

  9. What is the mechanism ?

  10. Step 1 testing progress update:

    I continued the increases in the k values of the 16 springs on my 36 inch diameter model wheel (a 4:1 scale model of one of the one-directional sub wheels that were inside of the Merseburg wheel) this morning and finally reached a value for the 0.20000 lb/in for its diminutive springs (which for the original full sized Merseburg wheel's springs would correspond to a k value of 3.2 lb/in). With this increased spring tension, the 5 weighted levers from the model wheel's 9:00 to 3:00 positions are still only "almost" counter balanced.

    Tomorrow, I shall continue to escalate the k values until I reach k = 0.25000 lb/in (which corresponds to a k value of 4 lb/in for the full sized Merseburg wheel's springs). I'm really hoping that I'll have full counter balancing at that k value in my model wheel. If not, however, then the next jump I will make will be to k = 0.3125 lb/in (5 lb/in for the full sized Merseburg wheel). IF I still not have counter balancing at that value, then I will have to make a decision.

    I either I have to call it quits and declare that this design has FAILED its Step 1 counter balancing testing (thus NO chance of announcing rediscovery of Bessler's design next Wednesday!). Or, I will have to consider going to even higher k values and will probably then be making "jumps" in increments of 0.06250 lb/in (corresponding to jumps of 1 lb/in in the k values of the full sized Merseburg wheel's springs). I do not like that second option because it then requires my 6:00 going to 7:30 weighted lever to stay against is rim stop for a longer amount of time before it can start to rotate CCW about its pivot and thereby begin to deliver the extra energy / mass needed to stretch the two springs attached to it. Those delays then cause the CoM of the design's 8 weights to be "pulled" a bit closer to the punctum quietus and, consequently, lower the available torque to the axle.

    I was very optimistic yesterday, but today I'm starting to grow a bit pessimistic. Perhaps I'll see what I want to see tomorrow.

    1. TG, I hope the storm(s) do not converge on your dwelling(s). Be safe. As for the testing, I am not as experienced with sim s/w as for example Arktos and you are, but isn't it possible for the s/w to figure it out for you (the K values) in some automated "optimization" batch routine?

    2. Thanks, Andre.

      Well, the various "sphagetti maps" for the projected paths of hurricane "Sandy" still show it highly probably to reach me, but, from just "eyeballing" the satellite and Doppler radar maps, it looks to me like Sandy is starting to weaken and dissipate a bit. Now I'm wondering if, instead of being hit by those 100 mph winds, I might just be hit by a very windy, rainy tropical storm which would be far less destructive.

      However, maybe the models for this "weather event" are taking into account something that is not obvious from the maps I've seen. Perhaps, as Sandy starts to veer to the east over the ocean waters, it will regain strength and its "eye wall" will again reappear. There are already reports coming in from people living in Cuba that say this is the WORST hurricane they've ever experienced! The last death toll is saw was, I think, 24. This is supposed to be a "monster" hurricane that, if it does suddenly turn westward and hit our east coast, will actually be affecting local weather from the state of Maine in the north, to Florida in the south, to Ohio in the west at the SAME time! One could probably easily pick out its distinctive cloud pattern if he was viewing it from our moon!

      In any event, I'll know for sure about all of this by this Tuesday night.

    3. Re changing values easily, in simulation software:

      For a while now I've been looking for a well-performing and reasonably priced 3D program. I've been trying Universal Mechanism 6.0 (a Russian program, see It has some bad and some good points, e.g. the user can build objects, springs, dampers etc as mathematical equations, rather than say drawing them directly or importing from CAD files (which it can also do, e.g. as .3ds files). The equations allow very easy changing of values.

      The UM tippe-top at is included in the program samples. The top is built up entirely from equations.

      BTW I had a quick look at UM Lite, (freeware) but its model building capabilities are too restricted — it's useless for me.

    4. @ Arktos

      I've considered making the upgrade to 3D simulations because of their "eye appeal", but they are more complicated to use and are not really necessary in order to model Bessler's wheels in which all of the internal component motions were restricted to the plane of a drum. Using 2D only models speeds things up and lets one move down that "right track" at a faster pace.

      I also stay away from any programs that tend to get one overly involved in equations. Not that I'm afraid of mathematics or anything like that, but such programs are really meant for professional engineers who get PAID to play with them, they are not, IMO, necessary for the mobilist.

      I always recommend "Working Model 2D" to sim newbies because of the extreme ease of using it. It's very intuitive. You simply click various component icons off of a side box and insert them into your model. You need do little else and the program will even compute "reasonable" parameters for the components so that when you're done with your "construction" and hit the Run button, it will usually work although it usually won't be doing exactly what you thought it would! There's a real feeling of accomplishment attached to the first time a user hits the Run button and sees the frames of his little machine being computed and then they are all made to run in sequence in "real time"! Even someone who has never used a sim program can be building rather impressive machines in a matter of MINUTES and there is also a short (like 8 page) .pdf tutorial that comes with the software that can help get one started.

      Of course, the program also allows you to carefully shape your components and alter their parameters if you so desire. I have to make extensive use of that feature because of the specially shaped "magic" levers used in my wheels. The program also allows one to use a form of WM2D "algebra" to produce components with special properties. There's a manual and .pdf file containing all of the information on the special WM2D algebraic equations to do this, but, again, it's not really necessary for the average mobilist to learn and I haven't done so yet I've been able to construct hundreds of VERY impressive wheels using a minimum of special programming. In short, WM2D is so "user friendly" that it almost hugs you! I can virtually guarantee any mobilist who has not tried using sims yet that, if he does, then he will NOT be going back to NOT using them again!

      @ Andre

      Just a follow up on my previous comment.

      Our local radio and television stations are now warning residents of my state to "be prepared" for "widespread and PROLONGED power outtages"! Someone told me that the stores that sell those little gasoline powered electrical generators (about 2,500 watts maximum power output) are sold out of them and the stocks of batteries are also dwindling. Fortunately, I have a large supply of these and plenty of candles.

      Where are those Bessler electrical power generators when we need them?!! Oh, I forgot...we haven't solved the Bessler Wheel Mystery yet.

  11. I thought I made it clear, a few weeks ago, I was not referring to MT, I've never regarded the drawings in MT as being of vital importance, nor the Apologia drawing, although I found the 'Toys' page useful for confirming what I had found elsewhere. No, the drawings I mean are the ones in Das Tri and Grundlicher Bericht.


    1. John, have you recently decoded more text from Bessler's works that confirm your mechanical coded clue?

    2. Sorry - with "mechanical coded clue" I mean from the mechanical coded clues from the drawings in Das Tri or GB. Hope this makes sense, its late here ;-)

    3. Das Tri and Grundlicher Bericht?
      Aren't those just drawings of the outside of the wheels?
      Are you talking about the pentagonals and such you found in them?

    4. John, I think it was my comment refuting that Bessler's secret PM mechanism was shown in MT that started to make everyone think YOU were referring to them being in MT. I apologize for that. In reality, in my earlier comments I was just responding to Doug's erroneous statement:

      "John is saying the secret is in the MT drawings which is what most people think because that's where bessler said it was."

      Instead of responding to that, I should just have pointed out that you were NOT referring to MT, but rather to other illustrations in DT.

  12. Thanks, JC, that is a good clue.

  13. Doug, I'm saying that there are enough clues in the DT and GB drawings to discern the whole mechanism and it has taken me most of my life to establish that as a fact.


    1. I shall be eagerly looking forward to seeing WHAT the "whole mechanism" is and HOW you "establish that as a fact"!

  14. PART I:

    GOOD news to report!

    Well, this morning's continuation of the Step 1 counter balancing testing of my current "right track" design for the 4:1 scale model of one of the one-directional sub wheels used in the full sized two-directional Merseburg wheel was, technically, a SUCCESS! But, I'm not quite satisfied enough with the results yet to declare it to be an UNqualified success. Here's what happened.

    I was raising the k values of my 36 inch diameter model wheel's 16 springs from 0.20000 lb/in to 0.25000 lb/in in 0.01000 lb/in increments. At 0.24000 lb/in, the five weighted levers whose pivots are between the 9:00 and 3:00 positions were still flopping over when the levers were released and allowed to move although doing so slowly. Then, after the k values were all finally raised to 0.25000 lb/in, COMPLETE counter balancing WAS finally achieved! BUT, it is a VERY delicate counter balancing and it only persisted as long as the wheel was pinned down so that it could not rotate.

    I noticed that, with the new higher k values, the weighed levers would immediately begin to flop over if the wheel was allowed to turn freely or if it was suddenly rotated by a motor turning at a "standard" rate of 1 rpm. From this undesirable instability, I think I'm starting to better appreciate what the Master meant when he wrote:

    "...there's always the danger that a surreptitious shove would knock it out of balance and bring it grinding to a halt." (AP, pg. 297)

    Apparently, those allowed to examine the Merseburg wheel would occasionally give the drum a strong shove when Bessler's back was turned and this would then temporarily disable the wheel until the internal imbalance created among its weighted levers was corrected. The problem I observed in my Stage 1 testing seems to mainly be caused by the 10:30 position weighted lever which is almost horizontally oriented. Indeed, practically all of the gravitational torques and spring tensions of the other weighted levers leading it are employed to counter balance that ONE 10:30 position weighted lever. No wonder that lever's symbol, the tilted volume, takes center stage on the table in the first of the two DT portraits!

  15. PART II:

    So, although I could, technically, declare that the design I now have has passed the Stage 1 testing of its counter balancing capability, I've decided to delay that declaration by a day or so and continue increasing the k value of the springs involved. This is to see if I can get rid of or at least greatly lessen that instability problem that manifests when the OB wheel is allowed to freely accelerate from a standstill. The next k value I will try and immediately jump to will be 0.31250 lb/in (which corresponds to a k value of 5 lb/in for the much larger springs used in the full sized Merseburg wheel's sub wheels). Hopefully, that k value will solve the instability problem and I can then get on to the Stage 2 test...the FINAL test that will determine IF I can legitimately declare the Bessler Wheel Mystery SOLVED on this coming Wednesday!

    One VERY nice thing I observed was that, even though the counter balancing of the 9:00 to 3:00 position weighted levers was extremely precarious, the application of a perpendicular lifting force of only about 1/10th of an ounce to the 9:00 position weight literally made it FLY UP...just as Bessler said the ascending side weights in his wheels did!

    Wow...what a HUGE difference a single day makes! Yesterday, I was very pessimistic and getting ready to dump this design into my very crowded folder full of FAILED attempts and NOW I'm more convinced than ever that this, in fact, is THE design Bessler found and used and that I WILL be making that long overdue announcement THIS Wednesday, October 31st!

    Hopefully, hurricane "Sandy" will be merciful with me and not try to prevent that. I've already calculated the direction that the 100 mph winds will be blowing in and, quite unfortunately, they will pushing a 200 ft tall oak tree TOWARD my house whose ten foot diameter base is located only 60 feet away from where my bedroom is located! IF it comes crashing down, it will probably demolish most of my house's upper floor and my bedroom with it. That is why I will be sleeping in the corner of a basement and PRAYING as I ride this one out!

  16. There is one significant print in the MT .

    1. ...Well , two actually . What constitutes a pair of pairs ? One pair could be two or many even numbered objects .

  17. TG Good luck! I well I go to the wheel by building

    1. And good luck to you, too, "K". IIRC, you mentioned in the last blog entry that you would be announcing your construction of a working wheel next month in November and providing a video of it. I shall be looking forward to your announcement.

  18. Hi John, Sometimes I find it a pain to look for new posts that are posted as a reply to someones earlier post. I would prefer all new posts appear at the bottom, but that's just me. Keep up the good fight. JUSTSOMEONE

    1. I, too, prefer the strict time sequence of posts, but the current format is the one JC selected for us. It DOES take some getting used to, but still requires a commentor to back track through the entire comment section in order to see if anyone made a response to one of his earlier posts that then requires another response to answer. Oh, least our eyes are not being dazzled by a bright GREEN background color!

    2. Testing testing

  19. Yes I agree, justsomeone. Thanks for the encouraging words.


  20. @TG

    You may well be right that all motion in a Bessler wheel occurs in a single plane. But until a working wheel is built no-one can know for sure.

    The main reason I am now working with 3D software is that I need it to model my ideas on extracting energy from the rotating Earth. I have made significant progress on that, whereas I have made essentially none on the Bessler wheel.

    1. I can well see why you would be interested in 3D modeling / simulations if you're trying to extract energy / mass from rotating spherical objects like our Earth (which is not quite perfectly spherical, of course). However, when I was trying to see if, indeed, Bessler wheel's were obeying Newton's 3rd Law of motion, I was attaching them to a model of the Earth in WM2D that consisted of just a large radius, massive disc which, obviously, was a LOT less massive and far smaller than the actual Earth. Using a far less massive model "Earth" allowed its reaction to the wheel's rotation to be greatly amplified and, thus, easily observed.

      This method did work and I was able to confirm to my satisfaction that Bessler's wheels were NOT violating that important law of physics. As a wheel rotated in one direction, the massive disc substitute for the spherical Earth would always counter rotate in the OPPOSITE direction with the same magnitude of angular momentum. Thus, the momenta of the wheel and "Earth" always summed to ZERO as required by the 3rd Law.

  21. I've altered how the comments appear. Let me know if this is preferable or should we try something else or return to the old one.


  22. Thanks John,..Yes that might work because often I've felt that some of my replies have been missed because the next poster has already changed the subject.

  23. What is the change John? My test post still appeared up the thread. Is it the lines? Trevor, your posts may still be missed if they don't show up on the bottom. JMHO. Thanks. Justsomeone

  24. Hoping to test my wheel this week.
    It is my ultimate configuration which is very likely to succeed because it has all the characteristic atributes described in the Bessler wheel.
    Hold thumbs!

    1. Hmmm...sounds VERY good, Trevor. All ten of my thumbs are up for you this time. But, if it should happen to fail, then let us know and give us an idea of what the problem might be. You don't have to reveal all of the design's details to do that and, quite possibly, someone will suggest a "workaround" that might help you.

  25. I'm starting to think that the "old" format worked better. Yes, it did not put the comments in strict chronological order, but at least we knew who was responding to a particular comment. This new format is confusing and could require a poster to address a comment to someone who posted several comments ago. In fact, wasn't that confusion the reason you adopted the "old" format in the first place?! I think that you should return to the "old" format, but, if possible, try to retain the use of HTML which could allow us to insert an occasional sketch into out comments IF the img src tag is included in those "some HTML tags" mentioned.

  26. When the reply isn't associated (below) the original comment, you lose the context in which it is being made.

  27. Let me enjoy the faster posting speed of this "new" format (while it lasts!) to get one quick comment in.

    In this morning's Stage 1 counter balancing test of my current "right track" design, I finally increased the k values of all of my 4:1 scale model wheel's 16 springs to 0.31250 lb/in in order to see if I could eliminate that flopping over upon wheel rotation problem I mentioned in the last blog entry's comments.

    I'm VERY happy to report that, indeed, the increase (which corresponds to a k value of 5 lb/in for the larger springs used in the full sized Merseburg wheel) worked like a charm. The five weighted levers between the wheel's 9:00 and 3:00 positions no longer flop over when the wheel is allowed to self start or even when it is suddenly accelerated by the motor attached to it. Thus, the design has SUCCESSFULLY passed its Stage 1 testing.

    I originally intended to make the FINAL Stage 2 test this Wednesday, October 31st that would verify that this design is, indeed, THE one Bessler found and used. However, as most know by now, there is a "super storm" called "Sandy" that is now bearing down on my location and, although it's still two days away, I'm already noticing how unusually windy it is outside. From the weather reports that I am seeing, it looks like things will be getting REALLY rough here late Monday night going into Tuesday morning and, most likely, I will NOT have electrical power for several days to a week at a minimum as the wind proceeds to disable our aging electrical distribution infrastructure (now I know why the Germans have their nation's entire electrical grid buried underground!).

    If I do not have electrical power, then that means that I will not be able to do the final Stage 2 verification testing of my "right track" design until sometime in early November. However, if Stage 2 is successful, then I intend to STILL consider that the rediscovery took place on Wednesday, October 31st since, IF there had been no storm and I had electrical power to run the Stage 2 testing, then that is what would have happend. Yes, I know that this is not exactly historically accurate, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let a LOT of rain and wind stop me from paying tribute to the Master on that special anniversary!

  28. The 'a' tag works, it took me a few tries, it opens the link in the blogger window. To go back from the link to the comment page, you have to right click on the top of the window and left click "Back"

  29. Sorry Guys but I prefer th old format,so unless there is a overwhelmiong response against it, I'll reinstate it this pm.


  30. "Sorry Guys but I prefer th old format,so unless there is a overwhelming response against it, I'll reinstate it this pm."

    Agreed. But, it's too bad we can't have the old with some of the new's HTML capabilities like hyperlink and image insertions...

  31. I'm happy with the present one.
    It looks so neat clean and uncomplicated and straight forward.
    Convenience is a priority.

  32. That seems to work. I can make the pop page be a new whole window but that's about all.

    Any feelings about what works for you?


  33. TG said:

    "I think that you should return to the "old" format, but, if possible, try to retain the use of HTML which could allow us to insert an occasional sketch into out comments IF the img src tag is included in those "some HTML tags" mentioned."

    It doesn't allow image tags.

    One thing I noticed, if you click on the "(name) said", the comment entry is hidden. The name remains there, just the comment is hidden.

    John, is it just the three tags allowed (b, i, and a)?

  34. I just don't like going through 40 posts to locate the new post. Anyway I love your blog John. Signed : Justsomeone

  35. I don't know if other tags allowed, but here is the break tag
    just to see what happens. I haven't jumped a line so if it does do a line breake then presumably any kind of tag will work in cluding colours maybe?


  36. The break tag works but not colors, I think


  37. I tried the image tag with a smiley face from the HTML reference page I linked to earlier.
    The comment wouldn't post because it said IMG tag wasn't allowed, but I could have had a typo or something.

  38. also, the comment window is maximizable in the chrome browser.

  39. That might be a setting Doug, you need to look at, I'm using chrome and it maximises fine.

    I can choose to make the pop-up window and whole page if you prefer?


  40. I've no idea what you guys are talking about.
    I'm on windows 7 with straight google,am I missing something.

  41. John, yes , the comment form opens in a new window but it's not maximizable in Internet explorer. It's a window about 3" by 5" on my monitor, so i'm using chrome.

    Also, in safari, it includes a button at the top that jumps to the comment form; the old format you had to scroll with swipes on the screen to get to the bottom, annoying when the comments would get over 40 or 50 long

    1. You don't have to "scroll with swipes on the screen" IF you have the Page Down key on your keyboard which is what I use when the comments section gets too long.

    2. Ipad keyboards don't have page down keys.

      John changed it back, bummer


  42. I find that right-clicking "comments" and choosing "open in new window" works in IE.

    BTW if we have italics, will TG reduce his use of capitals?

    1. I doubt it, Obsessive-Compulsives are usually set in their ways. :-)

    2. I strive to minimize my use of Caps and words as much as I can, but, often, it becomes impossible if I want to make a comment that will actually have some real information in it. Caps let me emphasize what is important and extra words are needed to present a concept fully. Sadly, much of the internet's "content" today is meaningless nonsense that serves only to waste the reader's time and some server's hard drive space. Amazing how much time so many people have to waste! I don't want to be part of that nonsense or to encourage it in any way if I can help it.

      Those that think others are "obsessive-compulsive" are usually suffering from "attention deficit disorder" themselves and are incapable of absorbing the information content of a well crafted comment. They, consequently, will find the usual meaningless dribble of internet content to be perfectly suited to their limited intellectual capabilities.

    3. Real information doesn't need capitalization in the middle of sentences. The importance of a comment can be conveyed by the brevity of the content. You should try writing normally. Maybe you'd be surprised.


    4. @ Doug

      Well, that's YOUR opinion and you are welcome to it. Maybe next you will be criticizing the use of various punctuation marks as well because you will be deciding that those who use them are NOT "writing normally" YOUR standards, of course!

      Yes, brief comments have their place, but, generally, I've found that about 90+% of them are irrelevant to whatever topic is being discussed (when there actually IS a topic!). When I go to the trouble of making a post, I want to make one that people might actually get some USEFUL information from otherwise I feel like I'm wasting my time AND theirs.

  43. Well, earlier this evening, just as I was preparing to evaculate to my basement to await the coming meteorological apochalypse, a good friend in a nearby town phoned and invited me over to his place.

    What? Risk leaving the safety of my fortress home to venture out into the streets, I thought. But, then I checked the weather channel on cable tv and it said that hurricane "Sandy" is still hundreds of miles away from me and won't be making its deadly turn westward toward the US' east coast until between midnight and 3 am Tuesday morning. I decided to risk it.

    I had a great time as my friend showed off all of his latest electronic "toys" (none of which he had yet bothered to read the voluminous instruction manuals for!) and we even spent some time playing a "virtual reality" pool came on his oversized widescreen tv. That was really cool!

    When I left several hours later, I noticed that it was still not raining outside as had been predicted and, although a bit windier than usual, this was not a problem while driving.

    Then I thought, what IF Sandy is NOT going to make that turn to the west as was predicted by several DOZEN super computer weather system models several days ago? Could it be possible that ALL of those models were WRONG?!

    From my own experience with computer modeling I know that, even if the physics used in the software is flawless, the predictions made by simulations CAN be dead wrong IF the assumptions inputted into the model are wrong in the first place. Apparently, our current weather "event" scenario is a bit unusual because it involves these weather system models trying to accurately predict what will happen due to the interaction between an unusual buckling in the "jet stream" over the eastern US and a hurricane with an unuually low central barometric pressure (about 952 millibars compared to about 990 millibars for a "normal" hurricane with its wind speeds). Maybe ALL of those computer models are wrong because they were never originally programmed to be able to handle the extreme parameters that now exist in these weather systems!

    Well, we will probably know for sure by 6 am this coming Tuesday morning. IF Sandy just continues northeastward out to sea and eventually harmlessly dissipates, then that means that all of the money lost by closing down the transportation system on the east coast, opening Red Cross shelters, closing government agencies, activating National Guard troops, and rescue equipment, etc., etc. will have been needlessly WASTED! Something that we can ill affort in these "perilous" economic times.

    IF that happens, then expect to see a variety of "official" government investigations into who was inputting the data into the weather system prediction models, WHY they were making the inputs they did, and WHY they did not consider that the programs were INsufficient to ACCURATELY predict what would really happen. That would, indeed, be VERY interesting to watch!

    Maybe all of these programs are right, though, and I have to assume, at this point in time that they are and continue to prepare for the worst. IF I still have electrical power and a working internet connection, I WILL complete that Stage 2 testing of my current "right track" design and post the results HERE on THIS Wednesday, October 31st!

  44. Sorry guys, but I prefer the old comment system, however if there seems to be enough interest in using the pop-up windows I will reconsider and return to using them.


    1. I liked it, it made it easier for me anyway.

      @TG"Well, that's YOUR opinion and you are welcome to it. Maybe next you will be criticizing the use of various punctuation marks as well because you will be deciding that those who use them are NOT "writing normally" YOUR standards, of course!

      Yes, brief comments have their place, but, generally, I've found that about 90+% of them are irrelevant to whatever topic is being discussed (when there actually IS a topic!). When I go to the trouble of making a post, I want to make one that people might actually get some USEFUL information from otherwise I feel like I'm wasting my time AND theirs."

      They aren't my standards. Others have pointed it out.
      Your style of writing is condescending ("90% of posts irrelevant" - making your 10% the only relevant commentary?) and invites combativeness ("next you will be criticizing the use of various punctuation marks" - yes, your excessive punctuation does leave a lot to be desired)and the frequent capitalized words only reinforce it; do you think we're children?

      "whatever topic is being discussed (when there actually IS a topic!)"

      Alright, class. Sit up straight.The topic is at the top of this page. If the topic is not that one, then it's something else; but there is always a topic.

  45. Well, it's about 7:15 am EST time here on the east coast of the US and, so far, "Sandy" has yet to complete that left turn out in the North Atlantic Ocean that it was supposed to make according to all of the super computer models! It has, however, veered a bit and is now heading north instead of north-north east as it was earlier. Apparently, it IS being deflected a bit by a high pressure bubble over the North Atlantic that its north east side is colliding with. Now it is heading almost due north and, if its path does not change, it might hit the eastern end of Massachuesetts. At this point, it does not look to me like it will suddenly hang a left turn so that its eye will make landfall in southern half of New Jersey. But, the computer models still say that will happen. We shall see.

    BUT, this hurricane is definitely intensifying! It's central air pressure is down to 942 millibars which is VERY unusual and indicates that it is picking up a LOT of thermal energy / mass from the warm Gulf Stream waters (about 85 deg. F) that it is currently moving over and thereby increasing it highest wind speeds near its "eye wall" (up to 85 mph). No matter where it hits, it will be doing a LOT of damage and, considering that the storm is over 900 miles in diameter and has unusually high angular momentum, it will be doing it for SEVERAL days! Houses and cars can always be replaced, but people can't. Let's hope that the fatalities from Sandy will be minimal.

    As I look at the various satellite and Doppler radar images for this unusual weather "event", I can't help wondering if this could be considered to be one of the "Earth changes" that are supposed to be predicted by that Mayan "End of Days" prophecy. If one has not heard of this, it involves the date of December 21, 2012 which, according to the ancient Mayan calendar, marks the end of the 5th and last of the 5 great periods that they subdivided time into (I guess that, like Bessler, their favorite number was also 5!).

    Supposedly, each time one of these periods ends and the next begins, something really dramatic happens on Earth to humanity, the environment, the weather, etc. and it tends to be traumatic in nature. Then, as the next time interval begins (in this case we are going from the 5th back to the 1st intervals again), things eventually settle down, but humanity is changed forever as a result. Together, the 5 time intervals add up to something like 25,000 years and the last time humanity went from the 5th to 1st interval (that started the present cycle of 5 intervals of history), fire was discovered and harnessed by humans! As a result, humans were able to leave Africa and spread out across the globe. They developed science and technology and the wars got bloodier than ever.

    Now I wonder what changes are in store for us in the coming years! If there's anything to this Mayan calendar prophecy stuff, then we should be in for some REALLY big changes!

  46. This is a friendly note to TG, so please don't take it the wrong way! I welcome all comments and try to keep from censoring any of them. I don't mind you using my blog as if it were your own - at least that's the way it looks sometimes - but I do wish that you would reduce the length of your posts as, in my case, and I'm sure I'm not alone, I can scarcely be bothered to read them. It isn't that I'm not interested in what you have to say, I am, but I seem to see a tendency to monopolise the comments. I think you'd have better and more effective communication, if you tried to avoid pushing your ideas onto others and, instead, communicated in ways that were more inclusive and non-confrontational.

    Someone suggested that you should have your own blog and it's not a bad idea. I would not like to lose you from here but if you need the space to elaborate on your ideas then a blog is the ideal place to test the market so-to-speak and see what others think.

    No offence intended, just trying to please all the people all the time!


    1. Thanks for the friendly note, John.

      My equally friendly, no offense intended response is that I am sorry if you find my comments a bit wordy and do not have the time to read them. I only make a comment if I feel I can add something of value to the blog subject or someone else's comment or if I can correct what I perceive to be a false statement with regard to Bessler and his wheels.

      I also hope that your "friendly note" to me has not been prompted by the pressure of envious lurkers that do NOT represent the majority of visitors here who DO like to read my comments despite their length, but do not email you to say so. I think you'll find that those who make the most complaints to you only rarely, if ever, contribute anything meaningful to the ongoing discussion. Quite sadly, they're mostly here for entertainment purposes and not to SERIOUSLY solve the Bessler wheel mystery. As I'm sure those reading my past comments will realize, I DO take solving this historical mystery VERY seriously!

      My purpose has never been to "monopolise" this blog, but only to spread the message of what I now call the "right track" approach to solving the Bessler wheel mystery which I am VERY convinced is the ONLY way that it will ever be solved. Despite this, however, I REALLY do want to learn what other people are DOING in their attempts to achieve PM (I've repeatedly stated that I do not believe that Bessler's approach is the ONLY way), but, sadly, other than myself, rarely do any of them discuss any of their efforts in any detail. I certainly wish they would, but even YOU are avoiding providing the details of your work even though this is YOUR blog! MY willingness to provide detailed information about my research only makes it SEEM like I am monopolising the discussion by comparison. IF others would make an effort to share more, then I wouldn't give the appearance of monopolising anything!

      I really have no desire to make my own blog, only to support YOURS at the moment. IF I did make my own blog, then I would probably no longer have the time to post comments here.

      So, while I shall continue to attempt to keep my comment lengths to a minimum, the fact is that this is YOUR blog. IF at any time you want me to leave, then simply say so and I will be IMMEDIATELY gone! I won't spend one second providing content on ANY site where I do not feel welcomed by the actual OWNER of the site. Then, hopefully, those who are complaining about my length and style of commenting can then come in and supply your blog with content that will attract visitors here daily.

    2. Thank you TG, for taking my criticism in such a decent way. Please continue to comment, and if you can be briefer then so much the better, and if you can't then we'll just hve to live with it, because I don't want to lose anyone from here!


  47. That was the most polite " shut up " that I have ever read. ;)

  48. TG is Ken B, nuff said.

    1. And I think that you are Napolean Bonaparte...therefore, you MUST be Napolean Bonaparte! LOL!

  49. Is that true TG? Are you Ken B. ?

    1. If I was the legendary Ken B, then why would I be using a phoney pseudonym like "technoguy". Ken B. is not the type of person who cowardly hides behind pseudonyms.

    2. If you are not Ken B, then who are you, and why are you cowardly hiding behind a phoney pseudonym (in your own words)?

    3. If you are member of BW, look at the Albums section for posts by Ken B. Interestingly enough you will see a closeup of one of Bessler's portraits showing the items sitting on the table, and the discussion is about clues in the portrait. Read some of Ken B's posts and see if you think there is a similarity between Ken B's posts on BW and Technoguy's posts here.

      I guess this is also a coincidence, but TG you mentioned you live in New Jersey, and it just so happens that Ken B also lives in New Jersey.

    4. logorrhea - definition: pathologically excessive talking

      From a 2010 post on BW by J.C.
      "Many of you will recall Ken's huge contributions to this board and although inclined to logorrhea (means he was somewhat verbose!), they were often interesting."

      Another interesting coincidence.

    5. Ok, the punctuation/grammatical coincidences are striking. From the use of CAPs of certain words to the "..." between words with no spaces .

      Ken B example.
      When a weight is rested on a surface, it DOES do work...but only momentarily.

      TG example.
      Alright, already...what IS this "new scientific discovery" that could appear "magical" which you think Bessler found?

      There are many similarities between the writings of both individuals. I have also found similar topics discussed by both individuals. More to come ...

    6. When TG splits his comments over multiple comments, he begins each with

      PART I:

      PART II:

      and so forth. On BW, when Ken B has multiple (related comments), he began his with

      Part 1:

      Part 2:

      Interesting. The coincidences just don't stop.

    7. Good work Anonymous. But will he confess? Stay tuned to the subtopic at the moment.

      Meanwhile, bessler's Mystery Wheel is still looking for a solution.
      I imagine a small windmill/ generator would work better for the poor folks in the northeast U.S. Gravity, schmravity.

    8. JC wrote:
      “This is a friendly note to TG …”. “I don't mind you using my blog as if it were your own - at least that's the way it looks sometimes - but I do wish that you would reduce the length of your posts …”. “… I seem to see a tendency to monopolize the comments”.

      Scott on BW in Nov 2006 post wrote this to Ken B:
      I just doubled your total word limit to 600 per day, 3 posts per day, 200 words each. That is more than enough to allow you to make meaningful contributions here, without drowning out the discussion in the process.

      Ken B left the forum shortly after because it appears that he could not follow the forum rules.

    9. Ken B on BW in Nov 2006 wrote:
      It seems that my research is now reaching an advanced state and, I am starting to reach the highest level possible for the Bessler mobilist. I call this state "Bessler Awareness" or "Bessler Consciousness".

      The "Right Track" must have come later.

    10. Ok I have been given information in confidence that Ken B and TG are NOT the same person. It's absolutely amazing that two people can have such similarities. Oh well it was fun while it lasted. I'm sure I had as much fun looking thru the posts for clues as TG looking thru the portraits. As Doug said, back to the matter at hand, the Bessler mystery.

      My apologies TG.

  50. Okay,now back to the subject,..The Bessler Wheel.

  51. I agree with anonymous......... You can feel it I feel it There is a resolution to the fact we will succeed shortly..... because I can tell by the energy of the comments. I believe I believe and now you also believe and soon everyone will believe that that crafty little devil Bessler was right all those many years ago

    I am a Pertuum Mobilist r u ?

    1. You are so right,you better believe it!

  52. I hate to keep saying this but I have the most reason to believe that a solution has already been found by myself just not realized in a model as of yet . That's why it is so hard for me to have discussion with you guys . My camp ( of one namely me ) has reason to believe ever more strongly in the facts , the actual design , the principle and finally the engineering of this machine . However I know that in the depths of your minds ( some of you ) the discussion will go on and on regardless of what anyone dares to claim as it has all been said before . I know that there must be proof . That is my next step . So keep writing inexhaustibly about nothing in particular , keep leading people on little by little into nowhere , keep believing that your ideas are valid and your designs require " slight modifications " here and there to make them workable and then some day soon , contrary to all expectation not unlike Bessler himself said " I will show you something that will make you hold your tongue " .

  53. I'd help you with your proof if I lived closer, Chris. I have a big workspace and material here.

    The discussion will go on I guess, until you or someone builds the proof. Claims don't mean anything as everyone knows all too well.

    Why do you think you've found it? Wheel ideas turn easily in our imagination. The next step is the only one that matters .

  54. Doug: " Why do you think you've found it? "

    Because of how long it took me to work out the design after I knew the principle . In the design I have there are things that are difficult to understand and/or very particular in the way they must work . I always wondered how Bessler could ever say that " there would never be a better one in the world "... but now I think I know why he thought so . I appreciate the spirit of help . I also think that If I were to explain this design that a lot of folks would get it ( those who can really think ) and some would say it's definitely not " the answer " ... but no one could argue with a turning wheel . So let it be built I say and there will be silence .

    1. Does your wheel use heavy weights?

    2. I'll wish you good luck with it in any event.
      The design (and build) will obey the laws of physics regardless of the 'principle' you've found.

    3. The laws of physics you say... of which I honestly know nothing ... in this context anyway . The question is can force be created , added to gradually and sustain/increase itself . The truth is yes , it can ... it just has to be given the correct environment for that to happen . The mind of man ... other than Bessler is not familiar with such an environment . I am familiar with it . Imagine a river that flows without your being involved , and you are tapping into a small part of it ...this is what we are discussing .

    4. Bessler hinted that there were actually solutions to the P.M. problem but that the best minds ( those most capable ) had other things to concern themselves with ( mainly vanity ) and therefore the problem was abandoned to anyone who cared to pick up the torch ( mostly laymen ) . So here we are 300 or so years later and it is indeed a layman who has worked out the details of this device . He also hinted that certain words in the Bible lead him to the solution . But many fancying themselves " scientific " have failed to listen and have therefore missed the mark on this particular aspect . So one might ask how religious text could hold a solution to a mechanical problem and the answer is this : " does it really matter where the solution came from ? " It is after all , from the mind of a man and not an ape or a fish .

  55. Technoguy said "If I do not have electrical power, then that means that I will not be able to do the final Stage 2 verification testing of my "right track" design until sometime in early November."

    How convenient. John was absolutely right to ask you to reduce the length of your posts - IF they are nothing other than a weather report. Nobody comes here to read that, nor to read about you visiting your friend, yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.

    Start your own blog if you want to talk about a load of uninteresting rubbish that isn't even tangentially related to Bessler's Wheel.

    You haven't got the solution, nobody has. It's always tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. Even John is still doing it, as always.

  56. Hi, everyone! I'm STILL alive and back again!

    At about 9 pm EDST Monday, 10/29 hurricane "Sandy" had finally reached the southern tip of the state of NJ and I had just finished making a few posts on various sites including this one. I had noticed that, during the previous several hours, the lights would occasionally flicker and that the winds outside were beginning to become somewhat gusty. Suddenly, I began to experience a SERIES of powerful gusts that must have been 60 mph or more! The entire house began to shake in resonance, the lights began to flicker steadily, and then...BLACKNESS!

    I spent the next almost four days without any electrical power or heat. Having an all electric kitchen meant no way to heat food. I eventually had to make things like sphagetti and oatmeal by just soaking them in hot water (yuck!) and, thank God, I opted NOT to have an electric water heater installed when my last one started leaking last year. That source of hot water made the different between truly freezing as the house temperature slowly sank to 50 deg. F and being able to wash my hands with hot water and warm up a bit. Quite fortunately, I had an adequate supply of candles for nighttime illumination, a long nose butane lighter to quickly light them, and "D" sized batteries for my flashlight and trusty Sanyo AM/FM radio so that I could keep track of the recovery efforts.

    It was rough...sort of like being on a INvolutary camping trip, but despite that I was one of the 8.5 MILLION without electrical power spread throughout 11 states (at the time of this writing, there are still about 2 million without it!), I had absolutely no damage to my home from flooding or wind even though there are SCORES of trees in my town that got uprooted and fell onto my neighbors' properties (one poor guy down the road from me had a 80 ft tall pine land less than 20 feet from his house!). The main thing is that I and my loved ones survived without injury which, quite unfortunately, is NOT a claim that can be made by hundreds of others.

    I do, however, have a ton or two of dead branches and tree limbs that now litter on my lawn (along with about half of another neighbor's roof shingles!) and I spent part of yesterday after my power was restored, beginning to cut them up with my electric chain saw for disposal. I'm just hoping that Sandy was truly a "once in a century" weather "event", but something is telling me that she is part of the "new normal" which is the result of all of that Global Warming that a small minority still think is just a hoax. The idea of having to endure one or more of these late season hurricanes slamming into the east coast of the US EVERY year from now on and causing the amount of damage it did (about $50 BILLION USD!) is enough to fill anyone with a sense of dread and make him consider MOVING!

    Well, I, too, am VERY disappointed that I could not carry through on my intention to proudly announce that the Stage 2 verification testing of my current "right track" design had been successful and that NOW, finally after 300 long years, the Bessler wheel mystery had been SOLVED. I wanted to make that announcement on Wednesday, October 31st in order to pay tribute to Bessler on the 297th anniversary of the successful examination of his Merseburg wheel. But, hurricane Sandy had different plans for me.

    So, I will, sometime during the next few days, complete the Stage 2 testing and then announce the results on this blog. Either it will be successful or it will not be successful. If the latter, then I will probably be doing one of the most intense "post mortems" that I have ever done on a failed design. I would never want to quit when I might be so very close that only the slightest of modifications would give me a "runner".


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...