Friday 30 June 2023

I’ve Been Sharing Information Since this Blog Began in 2009.

Many comments posted here suggest that I don’t share any information, but in fact a simple search in the “search this blog” box at the bottom of the panel on the right will reveal a wealth of information I’ve shared over many years, right back to 2010 and earlier.

There are links to my other web sites in the same panel which include coded information I’ve found and solved.

Ideas to search for:-

Craftsman,  clock,  Toys,  5,  parametric oscillation, (you can miss out ‘oscillation’ it will pick up on ‘parametric’),  kiiking, (the spelling is correct), MT137 and much more.

The first “craftsman” phrase I had already decoded a couple of years before it was actually published way back September 2011!  Yet I still find most people trying make one pound lift four!  

Scrolling down through the search/finds, reveal more interesting subjects of interest. 

Much of my information seems to get lost in the dross being released by others of a more indiscriminate nature. I am certain that most of the information I’ve shared will be re-evaluated once Bessler’s Wheel has been solved and published.  Many have said that they don’t think the information I have published will help anyone reach the correct solution, well it has helped me and when I publish the solution you will see why I say that.


Copyright ©️ John Collins

Friday 23 June 2023

The True Story of Johann Bessler and his Perpetual Motion Machine

 On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine. For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine the outside of it, but it’s internal workings were kept hidden. This was because the inventor feared that his design would be copied and someone else might obtain credit for all his years of hard work looking for the solution. He followed the advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, who was able to examine the device, and recommended a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.

Karl the Landgrave of Hesse permitted Bessler to live, work and exhibit his machine at the prince's castle of Weissenstein. Karl was a man of unimpeachable reputation and he insisted on being allowed to verify the inventor's claims before he allowed Bessler to take up residence. This the inventor reluctantly agreed to and once he had examined the machine to his own satisfaction Karl authorised the publication of his approval of the machine. For several years Bessler was visited by numerous people of varying status, scientists, ministers and royalty. Several official examinations were carried out and each time the examiners concluded that the inventor's claims were genuine.

Over a number of years Karl aged and it was decided that after so long it was time the inventor left the castle and he was granted accommodation in the nearby town of Karlshafen. Despite the strong circumstantial evidence that his machine was genuine, Bessler failed to secure a sale and after more than thirty years he died in poverty. His death came after he fell from a windmill he had been commissioned to build. The windmill was an interesting design using a vertical axle which allowed it to benefit from winds from any directions. 

He had asked for a huge sum of money for the secret of his perpetual motion machine, £20,000 which was an amount thought only affordable by kings and princes, and although many were interested, none were prepared to agree to the terms of the deal. Bessler required that he be given the money before the buyer was allowed to view the internal workings of the machine. But those who sought to purchase the wheel, for that was the form the machine took, insisted that they see the secret mechanism before they parted with the money. Bessler feared that once the design was known the buyers could simply walk away knowing how to build his machine and he would get nothing for his trouble. 

I became curious about the legend of Bessler’s Wheel, while still in my teens, and have spent most of my life researching the life of Johann Bessler (I’m now 78). I obtained copies of all his books and had them translated into English and self-published them, in the hope that either myself or someone else might solve the secret and present it to the world in this time of pollution, global warming and increasingly limited energy resources.

Not long after I was able to read the English translations of his books, I realised that Bessler had embedded a number of clues in his books. These took the form of hints in the text, but also in a number of drawings he published and I found suggestions by the author that studying his books would reveal enough information about his wheel,to allow “someone with an acute and discerning mind, to build one”.

For some ideas about Bessler’s code why not visit my web sites at 

Take a look at my work on his “Declaration of Faith” at 

Also please view my video at 

It gives a brief account both the legend and some more detail about some of the codes.

The problem of obtaining a fair reward for all his hard work was anticipated by Bessler and he took extraordinary measures to ensure that his secret was safe, but he encoded all the information needed to reconstruct the machine in a small number of books that he published. He implied that he was prepared to die without selling the secret and that he believed that posthumous acknowledgement was preferable to being robbed of his secret while he yet lived.

It has recently become clear that Bessler had a huge knowledge of the history of codes and adopted several completely different ones to disguise information within his publications. I have made considerable advances in deciphering his codes and I am confident that I have the complete design.

Johann Bessler published three books, and digital copies of these with English translations may be obtained from the links to the right of this blog. In addition there is a copy of his unpublished document containing some 141 drawings - and also my own account of Bessler’s life is also available from the links. It is called "Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved?" 

This biography contains a wealth of information about Bessler himself, as well as many quotes by Bessler and letters to him or about him from many interested parties. It tells of his life up to and including his years with Karl the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel, and what happened to him later.

Bessler's three published books are entitled "Grundlicher Bericht""Apologia Poetica” and "Das Triumphirende...".

I have called Bessler's collection of 141 drawings “Maschinen Tractate”, but it was originally found in the form of a number of loosely collected drawings of perpetual motion designs. Many of these have handwritten notes attached and I have published the best English translation of them that I was able to get. Bessler never published these drawings but clearly intended to use them in his planned school for apprentices.

You can order copies of the books from my website at 

Printed books direct from the printer can be obtained from here

Or from the top of the right side panel under the heading ‘Bessler’s Books’.
There are also links lower down on the right side panel.

These books contain the most important information available if you seek to find the solution to Bessler’s wheel.


Saturday 17 June 2023

Time for Sharing Bessler Information.

Those of you who have visited here before will be familiar with the title of this blog, so I expect the usual ironic comments but this time I’m serious. I’ve spent much of my spare time during my life, researching the life of Johann Bessler but at 78 I have to admit it’s time I shared my work, my discoveries and hopefully, the solution.  For me the chief problem is that I keep finding new clues or new ways of interpreting the clues but the new stuff doesn’t alter what I have already surmised.  I really need to stop researching because I worry that there’s an increasing chance that if I delay any longer I might become unable to share what I know due to possible dementia, physical illness or early demise!

I first suspected that Bessler just might have been telling the truth when his maid claimed that he had forced her to turn the wheel from his bedroom via a simple mechanism.  The method she described was absurd and impossible for her, with the help of Bessler’s wife and his daughter, to turn the wheel just one rotation let alone, night and day for 54 days - it was a ridiculous statement.  Later on in my research I discovered that she had been imprisoned twice for spreading malicious gossip about her previous employer, Bessler’s  in-laws. 

Leaving that aside, you get the feeling that Bessler was genuine just reading his account of his search for the secret of perpetual motion; his long running battle to get accepted and his constant harassment by the three men who set out to try and prove him a fake. They were Andreas Gärtner,  Christian Wagner and Johann Gottfried Borlach and they did their damndest to prove Bessler a liar, but they failed.

Bessler was visited by the great scientist, Gottfried Leibniz twice, and he was highly impressed by Bessler’s machine and recommended a number of tests the inventor should include in his demonstrations, to prove the machine’s value . With the acknowledgement from Karl the Landgrave of Hesse, who had been allowed to examine the interior of the machine and had stated that the machine was genuine, the inventor was able arrange the demonstrations just as Leibniz had suggested.  

The demonstrations included raising a heavy load from the castle yard up to the roof, as many times as people wished; driving an Archimedes screw; transportation of the device from one set of bearing to another set a few steps away.  This last allowed investigators to thoroughly examine both sets of bearings and the pillars in which they were set, to the satisfaction of all present.  The bearings themselves were left open for detailed examination.  Finally an endurance test was arranged.  The machine was locked in a room, after all present were able to verify that there were no hidden trapdoors or other means of access to the room.  The machine was started, and Karl the Landgrave locked the door and impressed his personal seal on it, and placed a guard on the door for the full period of the test, which ran for 54 days. What more could he have done to prove he was genuine?

But Bessler was still in a catch 22 situation.  This is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules or limitations.  The terms of a deal in which payment was to be made following an agreement to buy his machine required the buyer to give the money to  the inventor before being allowed to inspect the interior.  No would-be buyer was willing to do that for fear of being cheated.  But Bessler was equally unwilling to allow access to the machine before he had been paid.  He argued that the buyer could study the inner workings of the device and then change his mind about completing the deal and just walk away, and build his own version and sell it for a lot less money than Bessler was asking for..

A very emotional letter exists, one of Bessler’s final ones, in which he begs for more material so that he can complete his last contract, which was to build a new type of windmill, with a vertical axis so that the wind could apply its force from any angle without having to rotate it to face the wind.  He had built the mill up to the first floor but had run out of timber.  The remains of the mill can still be seen, and it’s a very impressive structure.  Bessler unfortunately fell to his death from the top of the building, and it was believed that the secret of his machine was lost.

I discovered that Bessler had left a complex series of clues of various kinds which would reveal the secret of his machine.  As far as I know no-one before me had even suspected such a thing existed.  I have published numerous examples of these clues on my other web site at

When I publish the actual clues which reveal the secret I hope that someone will take the challenge and build a working model.  I hoped it would be myself who gained that honour, but I’m finding it more difficult these days to build the mechanisms and in fact although Karl described the configuration as simple and the design easy to understand, his suggestion that an apprentice could build it given a chance to note the details, may have given the wrong impression. I think that apprentices could do it, after all they used to study under a Master craftsman for seven years before being released from their apprenticeship, so I believe they were probably more capable than I!

As for the design configuration, it really is simple and easy to understand and, like Karl said, “I’m surprised no one has discovered it before.”  There’s going to be a lot of faces filled with chagrin!


Saturday 10 June 2023

Johann Bessler’s First Public Exhibition was on 6th June, 1712

A comment on this blog inspired me to follow his suggestion that we should call this day, 6th June,  “Bessler Day”. 

On the sixth day of June 2023 it was 311 years since the famous inventor, Johann Bessler, also known by his strange pseudonym, Orffyreus, first set up his Perpetual Motion machine in the small village of Gera, in Germany, in order to exhibit his amazing machine.  He desired to sell his machine and sought the patronage of a wealthy and respected member of the nobility.  

He eventually accepted the offer of a place to exhibit his machine plus a position as Commercial Councillor at the castle of Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse.  Karl was a highly respected and knowledgable patron of scientific experimentation.  He had spent several years prior to Bessler’s arrival funding the experiments of Denis Papin.

Bessler attracted a huge amount of interest but failed to sell his machine due to his awkward terms of sale - there was distrust on both sides, despite Karl’s assurance that he had been able to inspect the inner workings of them machine, and stated that it was genuine. The inventor died without having sold his device when he fell from a windmill he was building.  Like many if his ideas it was designed to take advantage of the wind from what ever direction it came.

He never withdrew his claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine and continued to devise new uses for it, such as draining water from mines, a continuously playing carillon, a submarine, fountains for pleasure gardens etc.

The evidence that his machine was genuine is convincing.  He left a number of clues, hints and illustrations which contain enough evidence to work out how his machine worked.  It’s all there before our eyes and has been for more than three hundred years.

At the moment I expect less that 99.999 per cent of planet earth’s population have ever heard of him, but I confidently anticipate that that figure will drop dramatically upon release of the solution to his machine to the world at large. His name will become famous, his story will appear in countless languages and people from all around the world will discover the benefits of free, clean electricity. People will want to celebrate Johann Bessler’s work on Bessler Day for discovering and building the world’s first free, clean, energy continuously rotating electricity generator - hopefully a way of mitigating the effects of climate change.


Sunday 4 June 2023

Johann Bessler’s Maschinen Tractate

When Bessler, aka Orffyreus, died his after-death inventory included many papers stored in a box along with several wood ink blocks.  Among those papers was a collection of printed sheets which numbered about 141.  They consisted of a number of illustrations detailing examples of attempted perpetual motion machines.  None of these would have worked but some were accompanied by brief notes. The author hints that he will reveal more later in the sequence of pages.  Many are convinced that the drawings contain codes which when deciphered it is hoped, would lead to the solution to his own perpetual motion machine.

It has always been my contention that the papers were never intended to be published.  I think that they were simply oexecuted prints designed for use by his intended apprentices at his planned school once he had obtained sufficient funds from the sale of his PM machine. I named the collection of pages ‘Maschinen Tractate’, (MT) in error thinking that a book he offered to the Tzar of Russia, Peter the Great, which he described similarly was what was in the box. Later I realised that the Tzar’s book was to contain details of all the agricultural and industrial machinery that Bessler had learned about during his early years.

I envisage a class of young apprentices of around fifteen years of age, numbering a dozen or so.  For each class Bessler would print off a dozen sheets from his box and hand them out for discussion and study. He included some of his minor ciphers but I believe they were there to test his pupils powers of observation and to introduce new ideas and some humour into their classroom discussion. 

The last illustration that seemed intended as part of the series appears to be MT136; MT137 was in my opinion added later but still intended for discussion because it mimicked  Bessler’s acquaintance, David Heinichen’s ‘circle of fifths’. This would be a good subject for class discussion particularly because it drew a link between music and the golden mean. 

After MT137 there followed a single page numbered 138,139,140 and 141. I coined the name the ‘Toys Page’, (TP) for convenience and because I didn’t want people to refer to it as MT138 without the other numbers as I thought it might lead to confusion. I used the word ‘Toys’ because Bessler used the word in a note on that page.

I think that Bessler had already designed and printed this page for discussion in his classroom, but added the note later, possibly for benefit of those who came after.

In summary then I think there is little to learn from MT, which is not available elsewhere, but the Toys page does offer lmore information from a different angle, which I found useful.

On the first page of the MT, Bessler wrote, 

 N.B. 1st May, 1733. Due to the arrest, I burned and buried all papers that prove the possibility. However, I have left all demonstrations and experiments since it would be difficult for anybody to see or learn anything about a perpetual motion from them or to decide whether there was any truth in them because no illustration by itself contains a description of the motion; however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them.”

I have said this several times over the years, but here goes again - in my opinion when he writes,taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind’  he is not excluding other illustrations, in other words he is also hinting at those in GB, AP and DT.

NB - What ever his original intention may have been in making his collection of illustrations with ink block printing, the above message written on the front of MT suggests that at that point in his life he thought that his illustrations might become the focus of examination by other people.  In which case what is in the collection is sufficient in his opinion for a stranger to discover his solution.  Personally I don’t believe that any of the collection has enough information within it, to help towards that desired end - unless you include the illustrations in GB, AP and DT.


Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...