Monday 28 September 2020

Bessler Collins Gravity Wheel Preface

The end of September is nigh and I must honour my commitment to share what I know about the design 
of Johann Bessler’s wheel. I also promised to reveal the details of my own reconstruction attempt whether it worked or not. It doesn’t work yet but that’s because it isn’t finished. I have known the design for several months but assembling the mechanisms has been difficult. So I shall continue working on the wheel until it’s finished even after I have posted a picture of it.

I have written a full description of the wheel and its mechanisms and actions and it is way too long for one post and I haven’t even tried to include pictures at this point, so I’ll probably publish details piecemeal.

As for the Besslerwheel forum, I’m wondering how to show everything on the forum? I could possibly add it all to one of my websites and place a link to it? Or I could simply provide a link to my blog? I can post pictures of anything on my blog, but I’m not so sure about Besslerwheel forum. As far as I can tell you can’t post a picture to look at on the actual post, they all seem to link to a separate page which you get to by clicking on a link in the post? Is this the only way to post pictures, I’m sure in the past people have posted pictures which were visible within a post on a thread, but perhaps I’m mistaken.


Friday 18 September 2020

Bessler-Collins Gravity Wheel

The time is approaching for me to finish my wheel and show that it works (or not!) and share my design with everyone. Obviously I hope it will work, but if it doesn’t it will be my fault.  As I’ve said before, my skills as an engineer have long since withered so-to-speak, it being some 45 years since I worked at Rolls Royce aero engines and before that British Aerospace on Concord, and I did five years in the Royal Air Force, so I have struggled somewhat to get to grips with one piece of the mechanism.  I know how it works and what it does and I can explain its function, but getting the pieces to work as required was proving difficult.

I’ve called my design the Bessler-Collins Gravity Wheel because I believe that it matches Bessler’s design concept 100 per cent and the actual construction is perhaps 95 per cent similar.  I’m sure this is correct because I obtained the design by finding and deciphering Bessler’s codes.  I cannot claim to have discovered the design myself, because I could not have found it without his amazing wealth of clues. I am referring to it as a gravity wheel, because calling it a perpetual motion machine conveys the wrong impression and attracts negative responses.  It may not be using the force of gravity directly, but that force enables the machine to run continuously.  

Karl the Landgrave of Hesse, described the machine as simple.  I’m sure he understood exactly how it worked having seen it in action, but believe me when I tell you that it has a number of tricks up its sleeve which are not readily apparent to the observer. I’m not even sure how it can be simulated but I’m no expert and I know people who do know about sims, so I hope they can replicate the machine on a computer if only to prove my design concept is correct.


Thursday 10 September 2020

The Solving of Bessler’s Wheel.

The search for the secret of Bessler’s perpetual motion machine continues unabated.  It is impossible to prevent the same wrong ‘solutions’ being found time after time, it is in the nature of this occupation that people tend to work alone and therefore there is every likelihood that each one will travel the same path as the previous one, making the same discoveries and the same mistakes.  But there some basic assumptions routinely made which I believe will turn out to be wrong.

The physical laws which we are told, prevent the possibility of Johann Bessler’s wheel working as he claimed, are correct in general, but the fact that the established laws are correct doesn’t mean that we can’t use the falling of objects of mass, caused by gravity, to generate rotation and thus electricity ultimately.  We keep muttering the same phrase, “gravity is not a source of energy” parrot fashion, but this stark fact implies a number of assumptions which overlook the ramifications of this force or field - the terminology is confusing and confused. I’m sure it is correct that gravity is not a source of energy, but despite that, we use it as an energy source every day, everywhere in the world.  Running water to drive any number of energy consuming devices and weight driven clocks.  Of course you have to have a plentiful supply of water, or the ability to raise the weights again. Strictly speaking it doesn’t supply energy to these forms of motion, but enables them to move in its presence

In 1841 Julius von Mayer stated that  “energy can be neither created nor destroyed, but it can be converted from one kind to another”, of course gravity is not an energy source and we haven’t found a way to turn it on or off yet but its action can be converted into energy of another kind. What about magnetism?  Magnetism can be described as a force or field too. but it has no energy of its own.  It is extremely useful for converting energy from one form to another.  Most of the energy derived from fossil fuels, nuclear and hydroelectric energy and wind comes from systems using magnetism in the conversion process.

Gravity too, can be described as a force or field and has no energy of its own, but it is also widely used for converting potential energy into kinetic energy - by enabling things to fall.  Magnetism requires motion to move electrons along wire, so we use spinning turbines for instance to push the electrons through circuits past magnets.  To make the turbines spin we use running water, courtesy of the effect of gravity.  So even though magnetism is a vital ingredient of our electricity we still need falling water, or wind etc., to turn the turbines.

So the ingredient necessary to all gravity operated motion is available to us, but so far we have to rely on an inexhaustible supply of water, for example in our hydroelectric generators.  Where gravity supplies potential energy, we have to rely on either a huge falling distance - or something or someone repeatedly lifting the weights back to their starting position.

My point is that there’s no reason to deny the possibility of using gravity to generate electricity, we just need to find a way of lifting the fallen weights back up again.  It’s no good saying it can’t be done, we know Bessler did it, we know Karl validated his machine and we know, instinctively that there is a way. We have even know what the solution needs to include - a design which breaks the symmetry which has always maintained a stranglehold on every design we have come up with.  


Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...