A blog about Johann Bessler and the Orffyreus Code and my efforts to decipher it. I'll comment on things connected with it and anything I think might be of interest to anyone else.
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Saturday, 23 December 2023
Preliminary to Sharing the Solution.
Wednesday, 13 December 2023
Gravity is the Originator of Rotation in Bessler’s Wheel.
It still surprises me that some people dismiss the possibility of gravity being the chief originator of movement in Johann Bessler’s wheel. Gravity enables a Bessler-wheel to rotate by causing the weights to fall in a particular configuration. One requirement is that the weights land in a way that generates a limited amount of rotation in the wheel. The second requirement is that the weights can be lifted back to their pre-fall position in time to fall again, with a lot less energy than was generated by their fall.
Yes we are told that it’s impossible for two reasons. One is that gravity is not a source of energy and therefore cannot be used to drive the wheel and secondly once the weights have fallen it would take extra energy to lift them back up again, there being less energy available. But according to Bessler he was able to lift the weights back up using less energy than was produced by their fall. This unused energy was available to accelerate the wheel a little, in the following rotation.
Gravity may not be defined as an energy source but it makes items of mass move downwards or fall and that is an action that we can make use of. The second requirement is necessary because without it there can be no continuous rotation. Just because we don’t know how to design a method that would allow the weights to lifted back up at a lesser cost in energy, does not mean it can’t be done.
Other energy sources have been proposed over many decades, but none can produce the same results as Bessler’s wheel did, and without revealing the source of the energy they used.
Bessler stated in Das Triumphirende…, “NO, these weights are themselves the PM device, the ‘essential constituent parts’ which must of necessity continue to exercise their motive force (derived from the PM principle) indefinitely – so long as they keep away from the centre of gravity.” So we can have no doubt that the weights are indeed the cause of the PM. What is left? Nothing but the force of gravity.
Bessler said he had solved that problem. We believe he was genuine, therefore lifting the weights to the necessary height can be done for less cost in energy and we can find the way he did that too. I believe I know how it was done and soon I’ll know if I’m right and so will you.
Tuesday, 5 December 2023
The True Story of Johann Bessler and His Perpetual Motion.
On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine. For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine the outside of it, but it’s internal workings were kept hidden. This was because the inventor feared that his design would be copied and someone else might obtain credit for all his years of hard work looking for the solution. He followed the advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, who was able to examine the device, and recommended a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.
Friday, 1 December 2023
Update for Christmas and Onwards to Next Year
So the end of the year approaches and I’m still building my Bessler-Collins wheel. I’m trying to finish it before New Years Eve, but if I don’t finish it by then I will still publish everything anyway, and continue with my build.
As I’ve said before, and others have too, nothing proves the concept/design/configuration better than a working model, so even if the design is being simmed, I’ll continue with my project.
I’m not good at producing images so the explanation will be a mix of text and images. I’ll try to keep it short and as simple as I can. I won’t take up too much space explaining where I found the clues and how I arrived at the interpretation, much of it will be fairly obvious.
The main thing is that once anyone understands the concept, it probably won’t need much further explanation.
A detailed explanation of all the clues I used is being written but that will take much longer to become available. Bessler had no way of knowing which, if any, of his clues would be identified and interpreted or deciphered, so he doubled up on lots of clues, distributing them here, there and everywhere in text and drawings. Some clues had two ways of deciphering them, and if they came up with the same answer that was a good result. There are literally dozens of them and that does not include the huge database containing 141 Bible references which I have barely skimmed - and although I can prove it contains coded information, I haven’t succeeded in deciphering it. I calculate that there are potentially in that chapter between 1000 and 1500 characters or words to find and decipher.
Bessler’s wheel concept is easier to understand than to build, for me anyway, but I suspect that more than a few people will accomplish a working model more quickly than I and it will look much better than mine. The skills and tools I used to have are considerably diminished but hopefully I’ve got enough left to make this model. If not then I just hope the sims will inspire enough people to build an actual working model.
This is a very busy time for me, not just because I’m building a model and writing up both a simple description for posting after Christmas, as well as the long term version for a later time, but I’ll also be travelling north before Christmas to stay near my granddaughter Amy and her parents over Christmas, and it’s normally a three and a half hour drive, but it being this time of the year, I reckon it could take longer. I’m also on shopping duty!
Also, you may remember my granddaughter Amy Pohl is a TikTok and YouTube influencer with over 3.7 million followers. I fear I shall be dragooned into another of her infamous videos, along with the rest of the family. So embarrassing!
I’m very excited and at the same time apprehensive about my big reveal! I anticipate a kind of stunned reaction, when people see how simple the solution is. I just hope I’m right!
Monday, 27 November 2023
What Goes Around, Comes Around……Again and Again!
I’m aware that some people, (maybe more than some!) are disappointed by my ‘sharing information’ posts because they say that it’s all stuff I’ve shared before, but I don’t want to post anything which will give away the design I’m working on just now.
As you’ll see from this post I’m reminding myself of some of the things I’ve shared, and I can tell you that there are some blogs which give a great deal of really useful information. At the time I wrote them, I regretted writing so much, but as is often the case no one picked up on what I’d said and it was all dismissed as my ‘usual speculation’, and best dismissed or ignored. Having said that I note that in 2019 I wrote,
“Following a fair criticism in comments, I have taken on board the suggestion that I should at least have given away some of the clues I used to discover Bessler’s design for his wheel. I have posted several clues over a number of years but for those who missed them, here are some of the ones previously identified plus some I didn’t mention. These are not necessarily in order.”
So still not revealing enough apparently! Still, at the end of this year you will know most of what I think I know about how Bessler’s wheel worked. I’d like to finish a working model before I publish what I know, because experience warns me that without one, no one will take any notice again, and just dismiss it as speculation.
I recently noted that some of the subjects of my old posts, both here and on the Besslerwheel forum, pop up from time to time there. I realise that there must be a lot of people currently exploring this subject who have not looked into old posts in either or both sources for obvious reasons.
Firstly, if they’re new to this subject, they think that only recent posts may have useful information in them and therefore there is no point in studying old posts. Also maybe they don’t have the time to plough through huge numbers of posts without knowing exactly what to search for, or they can’t be bothered, and I don’t blame them for that.
A quick look at the stats on this blog shows I have posted 798 pages, which received 29,915 comments and 1,786,619 visits. That’s a lot of words to search, so I thought I’d suggest some searches.
The number ‘5’ is my favourite and it goes all the way back to 2010, and is frequently discussed over the years. ‘Pentagram’ too is a frequent presence on this blog. ‘Kiiking’ a subject which I introduced here and in the BW Forum and has been taken up in numerous other places. ‘Parametric Oscillation’ is another old favourite, which I first discussed with the famous parapsychologist and electrical engineer, professor Hal Puthoff way back in 2004; and ‘drawings’ is another.
There are so many interesting subjects covered both here and at the BWForum, that I couldn’t do justice to them all, so if and when I think of them I may offer further searches.
Friday, 24 November 2023
Sharing Info MT 138, 139, 140 and 141- AKA — The TOYS Page
This post contains some of my ideas about where and how Bessler intended to reveal the workings of his perpetual motion device, or what is generally referred to as Bessler’s Wheel. Without a working model this is speculation, but I believe it is based on some sound interpretation of the many clues and hints he scattered throughout his documents.
I’ve written several blogs about the ‘Toys’ page so this is my latest and best attempt to explain all of it.
The figure below is from the original Maschinen Tractate, which is a name I coined for it because I originally thought that Bessler was referring to this collection of drawings in one of his letters but I think now he was talking about another project.
Underneath this original picture is the same figure cleaned up which is the one I’ll write about and explain what I believe is the true meaning of all the separate figures.
Sunday, 19 November 2023
Further Update on Bessler’s Wheel Model.
Building this prototype has made me realise how clever Bessler was to squeeze all of these mechanisms. into such a thin wheel. His first wheel was only four inches thick and even allowing for very thin coverings there wasn’t much room inside. On the plus side, in my version none of the mechanisms overlap so there isn’t a problem of them taking up too much room within the internal depth of the wheel.
I’ve placed ten pivot points, two per mechanism. The levers are a little complex and getting their configuration right requires a small amount of trial and adjustment. I deliberately did not say trial and error, because that is not the case; it is necessary to find the optimum arrangement and this can only be defined accurately by trying slightly different adjustments to each part. I know exactly how they are supposed to work. Once the exact proportions of one lever is correctly determined, the others can be made in the same manner.
Although none of the five mechanisms overlap in their actions, they are connected in pairs so that as one weight falls another is lifted. There is no requirement for one pound to lift four pounds as I have explained many times. Yet, although doomed to failure, people still try to design a system thst can do that. This is what Bessler said, “as one weight falls 90 degrees it’s paired one is lifted suddenly just 30 degrees.”
The next and final part is designing connections between each pair of mechanisms. At first I assumed two pulleys per mechanisms would do the job, but I’ve discovered that that won’t work because they get in the way of the action of the levers. It’s quite likely that the configuration can be altered to include the pulleys in their most effective position. But for now I’ve had to make alterations to the positions and even the use of the pulleys and for this prototype I’m not using them. The alternative is to replace the pulleys with a simple eye from a hook-and-eye fastener. This would be fine for a short demonstration but not for long term use. The cord I’m using slips easily and smoothly through the eye.
My five weights are small and roughly equal to about 2 ounces each. Each one can easily lift another weight a short distance quickly. Larger weights would produce more speed and overcome the friction inherent in my home-made bearings but I’m only trying to prove the design and not make a 50 rpm wheel……yet.
I’m not posting pictures until I’ve tested this device to see if it works, before I share anything more informative. Someone commented that no one could simulate the design unless I included a picture but I don’t want anyone to simulate it yet, not until I’ve tested it as a working model. What I can say is the designs were completed by studying several drawings in AP and DT, plus the ‘Toys’ page and hints from a few others. Even then I had to have a much needed kick up the backside by means of a sudden revelation about a drawing in the ‘Toys’ page which linked with another drawing which I thought I had understood, but I hadn’t considered for long enough all the potential variables possible.
Anyway, slow progress but creeping progress at least. Quite a lot of careful assembly necessary to get the levers working correctly. As I’ve said many times, I will share all of it once I’ve tested it, working or not working, because I believe I’m very close to what Bessler designed, so my efforts might be enough for someone else to finish it. I’m aiming to finish one way or the other by New Year’s Eve, if not before.
GB Grundlicher Bericht
AP Apologia Poetica
DT Das Triumphirende
MT Maschinen Tractate.
Thursday, 16 November 2023
The True Story of Johann Bessler and His Perpetual Motion.
On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine. For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine the outside of it, but it’s internal workings were kept hidden. This was because the inventor feared that his design would be copied and someone else might obtain credit for all his years of hard work looking for the solution. He followed the advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, who was able to examine the device, and recommended a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.
Saturday, 11 November 2023
A Brief Account of My Bessler Journey to the Present.
Between 1960, when I first read Gould’s excellent account of Bessler’s wheel and 1974 when I built my first attempt at replicating it out of balsa wood and washers, my thoughts were confined to my mind and numerous scraps of paper and pencil drawings. From then until about 1980 little changed until I made up my mind to try to obtain as much hard information about Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine as I could possibly manage. This was of course before the internet made this kind of task so much easier.
I joined the British Museum Library and was able to actually touch and handle GB, AP and DT. Subsequently I obtained poor copies of those same documents, but I couldn’t read them. I advertised in a local newspaper for anyone who could translate 18th C German into English. Amazingly I was contacted by four people, one of whom was Mike Senior who became a good friend over the next twenty years or so.
He translated everything into English, handwriting it and adding a number of notes about what he had done. He asked me if I wanted a literal word by word translation or what he said would be his best impression of what Bessler wrote, conveying meaning and nuance where possible. I chose the latter because I simply didn’t know what was in the documents at that time.
Seeing as we all make use of his translations I should say a word or two about Mike. For a start he was was a polymath and a member of MENSA. He was consultant to the local authority on flora, having a Masters Degree in Botany in fact several degrees in different unrelated subjects - he was just curious about everything. He read and spoke 18th C German, read and translated Latin and could quote from memory from all the Greek classical plays in the original Greek. He was an expert on astrophysics and wrote papers for peer review in scientific journals. He loved Maths problems and tried to explain String Theory and Riemann’s Conjecture to me, for example. It went straight over my head at very high altitude! He also like his beer! There was so much more to Mike but space is limited. But he did once say to me, “of course you do realise that what Bessler claimed is impossible”. We laughed and agreed to disagree.
Once I had the translations plus a number of other documents about Bessler, also in German and needing translating, I set about writing my own biography of Bessler, trying hard to stick to the facts as presented. Most of these were either letters to and from and about Bessler, or items from the local newspapers of the time. Included were accounts of several official examinations arranged by certain men of high standing including Karl the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel who agreed to offer his patronage and support but only if he had first satisfied himself that the machine was genuine
I was unable to get a publisher in the U.K. to publish my book, although I only sent it to about a dozen publishers having written the manuscript in one year. I read that JK Rowling took seven years to write her first book! Maybe I should have held out for more publishers, but I was impatient, and decided to self publish.
Later I decided in addition to PM:AAMS? to self publish GB, AP, DT and MT. It wasn’t profitable at all but it enabled me to just about cover my costs in running several web sites.
While this was happening I continued with my day job and in my spare time constructed many PM wheels. I began this blog back in April 2009. It’s alarming to see how confident I was back then - nothing’s changed!
I’ve done numerous radio interviews both here and abroad. I was invited to Rome to take part in a documentary about Bessler. Unfortunately it was all in Italian, even my words were dubbed in so I don’t even know what I said let alone what the rest of the cast said. It was a bit of a set up as the other speakers were traditional scientists following the classic path that it was impossible.
I was asked to lecture at the Glastonbury Crop circle symposium in the mid 1990s and met Brian O’Leary a trained astronaut although he didn’t complete his training. It was a strange gig, which resulted in me discovering I could dowse for water, not a very useful trick these days, but curiously rewarding.
I also did a radio interview from home, here in England with Redneck radio in Greenwood, USA. Hilarious but good fun.
There is so much more but I don’t want to bore the pants off you!
GB Grundliccher Bericht
AP Apologia Poetica
DT Das Triumphirende
Saturday, 4 November 2023
What Was the Purpose of this Blog? To Inform.
I think sometimes that people question the purpose of this blog. My approach has always been to try to interest everyone who happens to drop in on this blog and I’ve tried to maintain an ethical standard in my writing, not knowingly including false information but occasionally offering speculation.
I have from time to time got carried away with an optimistic view of my ongoing research and made promises I was unable to fulfil. I understand how frustrating this can be, and I humbly apologise. Usually I try to curb my enthusiasm, but from time to time I fail. A quote from Top Gun seems appropriate;” “Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash”. I must apologise if I seem overly optimistic, but in my defence, I know that optimism is a vital ingredient in this field of research.
When I began this blog back in February 2009, I never dreamed that I would still be writing it 14 years later. and yet here I am. I’ve described numerous clues and codes I’ve found that Bessler inserted into his publications over the years and they actually amount to a lot of information.
As time passed I imagined in my naivety that some people would see and understand the interpretations I was giving away freely and do as I have done. I have continued to search, find and interpret clues and codes, hoping that people would continue my work, possibly getting to the solution before me. But no; they haven’t! I realised fairly recently that nothing else would change this but a working model and a full explanation of how Bessler gave us the clues to solve this puzzle. This laissez-faire attitude among my readers is possibly because everyone wants to be the one who finally finds the solution to this 311 year old mystery, using their own interpretations of Bessler’s meaning.
Be that as it may, the moment of truth is fast approaching. The solution to Bessler’s wheel might well be a simultaneous discovery or invention. Given that so many people are engaged in this pursuit, it’s quite possible, even likely, that two or more will announce the solution within hours of each other. I don’t mind if this happens, I welcome it, let’s let the genie out of the bottle, that’s the most important thing.
My chief aim over the life of this blog has been to try to keep the story of Bessler’s wheel alive in the mind of the countless numbers of people already engaged in seeking the solution. It has also been my self-appointed task to try to bring the story to the younger minds who are not perhaps au fait with the legend, and of course pursue my own research whether through building models - and when that failed to materialise successfully - continue to look for new clues/codes which still awaited deciphering.
I have to admit that after so many years building experimental models that did not work, I stopped and concentrated on finding the solution without the bother of building, but since I recently came to the conclusion that only a working model would ever convince anybody that my interpretations are correct the thought of starting to build again was a little daunting, but having begun again I am enjoying it and am hopeful, finally, of success.
This has been an expensive exercise. I originally ran 10 websites but I had to let some of them go which was a painful decision for me. The only income I had that I could use to keep this thing going came from the sale of books which is why you will see the occasional blog promoting the legend of Bessler’s wheel. It’s getting harder to cover the expense and I can see a time not so far off, when I’ll have to let them go, but I’ll keep on while I can.
I have latterly found a few new clue/codes and reinterpreted old ones, and this information which I have been able to add to that which I already have, has enabled me to at last believe I’m almost there. My current build will be my last one, if it doesn’t work, I think I will know why, and it will then be my pleasure to release all that I know, and some that you don’t know I know!
People often ask me if I would patent the device if I was able to build a successful one - well the answer has always been no. Patents are not for likes of us, too expensive to get and too expensive to watch over and defend. Besides you’re never going to stop random people and companies elsewhere in the world, building and selling their own Bessler wheels, where such niceties as moral and legal systems are overlooked. So no patents.
Monday, 30 October 2023
The True Story of Johann Bessler and His Perpetual Motion.
On 6th June, 1712, in Germany, Johann Bessler (also known by his pseudonym, Orffyreus) announced that after many years of failure, he had succeeded in designing and building a perpetual motion machine. For more than fourteen years he exhibited his machine and allowed people to thoroughly examine the outside of it, but it’s internal workings were kept hidden. This was because the inventor feared that his design would be copied and someone else might obtain credit for all his years of hard work looking for the solution. He followed the advice from the famous scientist, Gottfried Leibniz, who was able to examine the device, and recommended a number of demonstrations and tests designed to prove the validity of his machine without giving away the secret of its design.
Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Update on Building a Working Model of Johann Bessler’s Wheel.
Thursday, 19 October 2023
Johann Bessler’s Inspirational Dream
Three hundred and eleven years ago Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, exhibited something he called a perpetual motion machine. It took the form of a wheel mounted between two pillars or supports. It rotated at about 50 RPM, and would begin to turn as soon the brake was released. He welcomed the public who examined the device. They were allowed to stop it, start it, or slow it down. He didn’t allow anyone to see the interior because he intended to sell the machine for £20,000.
Most people are convinced it was a fraudulent enterprise.
There are those who believe Bessler’s Wheel was genuine but don’t know where the energy came from to drive it.
Others who accept Bessler’s words that the weights were the energy source and therefore accept that gravity provided the energy. The problem they encounter is that we have been taught that gravity is not an energy source because it’s a force.
The situation has resulted in deadlock. The circumstantial evidence that Bessler’s wheel was genuine is compelling. It’s legitimacy was verified by the only person besides Bessler, who was permitted to study the internal workings. This man, Karl the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel, was chosen because his reputation as an honest person of great integrity had been established over many years, acting as an honest broker trying to bring the wars that were then currently being waged throughout Europe to an agreeable end.
His excellent reputation was critical to his role as an impartial mediator and he would never have become involved in anything of questionable authenticity. His name was a vital part of the verification, but he only accepted that role if he was permitted access to the internal structure of the wheel to confirm what Bessler claimed was true. He described it as quite simple and expressed surprise that it hadn’t been discovered before. He issued an official document, certifying that the claims that Bessler made regarding his perpetual motion machine or wheel, were correct.
This leaves us with an interesting paradox. We have been taught for more than three hundred years, that perpetual motion machines defy the laws of physics, yet it would appear that this may not be true
So we have two points of view to consider. Here’s a quick reminder.
Bessler swore his machine was genuine
Karl agreed and issued a certificate stating in his opinion, the wheel was genuine
Every test devised simply added to the evidence that Bessler told the truth.
Who is right, Bessler or the venerable scientific institutions?
Bessler began by simply showing his first wheel, spinning and being stopped and starting again. It always began turning as soon as a brake was released. Spectators were encouraged to thoroughly examine the device but not allowed to view the interior.
News of the wheel reached the ears of that famous man of science, Gottfried Leibniz. He arranged a private meeting with Bessler to study the machine’s performance and concluded that it was a valuable machine. He suggested a number of tests that Bessler should incorporate in his public exhibitions of the machine to persuade potential buyers of the machine’s merit.
The tests included stopping and starting the wheel, including running it in either direction. This was a new step by Bessler who wished to make his machine able to rotate in either direction in order to silence those who claimed his machine was wound up by clockwork, this required the wheel be given a gentle nudge in either desired direction before the wheel began to turn and accelerate to its full speed. Other tests included translocation of the device from one set of bearings to another a few paces away; allowing intense examination of both sets of bearings before and after translocation; demonstrations of the wheel’s power in lifting heavy loads and driving an Archimedes screw pump were routinely demonstrated. Finally a 54 day test in which it was locked in a room, with a 24 hour guard outside the door. The wheel was made to begin rotating and the room locked and sealed with Karl’s personal seal. The rooms on either side and above and below had already been checked for some connection with the locked room. All was found satisfactory. After 54 days, Karl unlocked the door and he and a number of witnesses found the wheel still spinning.
So what is the answer to this paradox? It’s clear from the history of this particular area of study that literally thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people have sought a solution to this puzzle, from the earliest inhabitants of Egypt, Sumer, the Indus valley and China up to the present day. It seems that there is an inbuilt instinct that a device such as Bessler built is an absolute certainty if only we could discover how to build it. Johann Bessler knew; he built a working model.
The evidence is clear, a machine which is enabled by the force of gravity to run and run, is simply waiting to be rediscovered. It’s not perpetual motion because it could come to a stop through wear and tear, accident, overloading etc. But it could run continuously without using any of the traditional sources of energy such as running water, wind, fire or the modern equivalents.
How? Bessler said the weights provided the energy. Energy is a property of the weights in Bessler’s wheel, but they have to be moved by the force of gravity. The weights provide a medium through which gravity can supply energy by moving them, making them fall.
We’re all familiar with the need to lift the fallen weights at each revolution. Bessler discovered the method, it came to him in a dream, maybe a daydream. He found the answer and in his books he provided codes and clues and hints, indicating everything we need to know to duplicate his work.
I believe that I have found the answer and am currently building a model which I hope will be a working model! I too found inspiration in the middle of the night, lying awake considering everything. This happened a few months ago and I’ve been working on how to make the best of use my of sudden comprehension. Of course I have been here countless times over the last 50 years or so, but I’m confident that I have the right configuration and am trying to finish this build and then working or not, I’ll share what I believe is the solution to this very long search for the truth.
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
How I Discovered Johann Bessler’s Perpetual Motion Machine
Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!
The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference. My book titl...
It's not that unlikely. In the 1870s, two inventors, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell, both independently designed devices that c...
It has always seemed obvious to me, that if Johann Bessler was genuine he would have wanted to leave precise information in a publicly acce...
For the last twenty-five years I have been publicly maintaining that Johann Bessler really did invent what used to be known as a Perpetual M...