Wednesday 26 December 2018

HAPPY NEW YEAR! ..Welcome Bessler's Wheel in 2019.

My usual New Year message expresses the hope that the coming year will see the solution to Johann Bessler's Wheel, but this time I'm actually predicting that the solution will be found!

In a previous post I asked if Johann Bessler foretold the year of the reappearance of his wheel? I asked this because he published a panegyric to Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, dated 2019.  This seemed an odd date to seemingly pluck out of the air for no apparent reason, but it did relate to the year 1719 when he published it, although 300 years out!  He also dated others, 1519, 1619, 1819 and 1919.  Hedging his bets? Some people have suggested that Bessler obtained knowledge of the future of his wheel from his subconscious mind.   I’m sure it was a coincidence, but a happy one for us because I am firmly convinced that this year, 2019, will see the reappearance of a working Bessler wheel.

In recent years I have become fairly confident that I knew how his wheel worked, but not in precise detail.  I shared my design with someone who pointed out the defects in the design, and any doubts I had about its validity were confirmed. However this year I have been familiar with the current design for several months but have been unable to do much of any work on it due to other more urgent calls on my time but  I have had plenty of time to dwell on it, consider it and turn it over and over in my mind. Once the new year is under way I intend to work hard on completing the device according to the design I have worked out from Johann Bessler's clues.

But as I always say, I've been wrong before and I could be wrong again. But I have deciphered many clues and I'm confident that my interpretations are correct, which is why I feel more confident than I have ever been before that this coming year will see Bessler's wheel working once again.  Later this year I will publish what I know, with or without an actual working model, including photos of it. Then I shall publish the book I've been working on for the last few years, explaining all of the clues I have deciphered and why they lead to the solution.

So....fingers crossed Bessler's Wheel might just reappear in 2019.


Friday 21 December 2018

Why did Johann Bessler Use So Many Codes?

Enormous amounts of text have been published concerning Johann Bessler's clues. I am as guilty as anyone in publishing my own findings, views and opinions. But as time has passed I believe I have come to understand Bessler's purpose in placing so many apparently pointless pieces of code in every conceivable place and in every kind of code known to man, or so it seems.  So why is there so much of it, when none of it appears to be of any use in discovering the solution?

The reason is, in my opinion, that Bessler wanted to make sure that someone who was familiar with a particular code would recognise a bit of it when he saw it and realise that perhaps there was more to be discovered. But it would take a considerable amount of effort to discover the final message for the simple reason that Johann Bessler contrived a new code system unique to himself, and one that would take anyone unfamiliar with the field of codes, forever if not several years of trying, to solve it.  But an expert in the field of cryptography might more quickly decipher the hidden message.

Consequently we perceive an avalanche of codes each of which is a recognised form of cipher, each capable of attracting the attention of someone with a special knowledge of that particular type of code.  I suggest he did this because he wasn't sure if anyone would even suspect the existence of coded information, or to put it another way, he wanted to attract the attention of anyone with a good knowledge of codes.  He could have stated that there was coded information within his books, but if it was too simple, that might have resulted in someone deciphering the information before he had sold his secret.

So we have alphanumeric, alphabetic substitution, Caesar shifts, Rosicrucian, Baconian, Hebrew Atbash and Albam, Pythagorian and Plato codes, geometric and algebraic codes, chronograms and  John Dee's Language of Angels; the list seems endless and yet pointless if there is no forward progress in deciphering his meaning.  But the whole purpose was get someone to look for a different code and then try deciphering it. But are there any other codes? There is indeed Johann Bessler's own ingenious code, so far undeciphered and barely recognised. The details of one of them that I have worked on can be seen here 

Unfortunately I haven't made any progress in deciphering it other than that which I have decribed on the web site. From the evidence I have described, the existence of the code is undeniable.

Others I have found and interpreted can be seen at 

I believe I have managed to decipher one of them, but it is a work in progress and one I first began to understand about two or three years ago.  I am confident that I am making progress and what ever happens, 2019 seem to be the most appropriat year to publish it.


Sunday 16 December 2018

Was Bessler Prescient About the Year 2019?

Here we are on the brink of 2019 and, as I have done every year since I don’t know when, I think that this coming year we will succeed in replicating Bessler’s wheel.  This next piece of information causes a frisson of expectation.  

I have a copy of a document, a panegyric addressed to Karl annually, but it has something unique.  As many will know, Bessler was very fond of chronograms, which is a phrase or inscription in which letters such as M, C, X, L, and V can be read as Roman numerals giving a date. He provides dozens and dozens of them in some of his documents and curious as they are they don’t appear to hold any coded information.

This particular one includes the year.........2019! He also wrote them for 1519, 1619, 1719, 1819.and 1919.  But why 2019?

 Here is a close up of the part for 2019,

 As you can see, there are plenty of chronograms which each add up the relevant year they are attached to.  I have attempted a translation of each piece of text but there seems little of import, as far as I can tell.

Each of the above has a quote from the Bible, but using just the one for the year 2019, Hebews 13;5 it says,

 "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,

“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

So, nothing but sound religious advice, but my suspicious mind still suspects that there could be more to this than meets the eye. But years of paranoia on my part probably affects my opinion!

Anyway there it is for your perusal.  Any opinions welcomed.


Tuesday 4 December 2018

Maybe Bessler’s Wheel COULD Solve Global Warming.

Sir David Attenborough at COP24, Katowice, warns, 

“Civilisations are going to collapse and much of nature will be wiped out to extinction if humanity doesn't take urgent action on climate change.”

The warning came as Sir David took the "People's Seat" at the opening of the conference, as part of a UN initiative that aims to give normal people a voice at the international climate talks.

Sometimes it feels though I live on another  planet - maybe I do! I read and hear all the warnings about global warming and I think maybe we have something which might help to reduce it or at least bring the rise in temperature to a stop.  I know that the central aim of the Paris agreement was to strengthen and accelerate a global response effort in combatting the threat of climate change.  How did they intend to achieve this?

1) Keep global temperature rise “well below”, 2 degrees C, or 3.6 degrees F, above pre-industrial levels by 2100.

2) Pursue efforts to limit temperature increase even further to 1.5 degrees C.

3) Limit green house gases emitted by human activity.

The rest is political nonsense; rich countries aiding poorer countries by providing “climate finance”; demanding contributions of at least 100 billion dollars towards upgrading their production facilities etc.  147 countries have ratified the agreement. The four biggest emitters of greenhouse gases - India, China, US and the European Union had signed up for it but the US has since changed its mind.

But even the biggest or the smallest emitters simply cannot comply with the agreement, so this is just so much hot air with little chance of achieving anything close.  The less developed areas of the world need their old fashioned technology before they can even contemplate spending more money than they can afford to update their industrial processes.

This website  provides a good balanced view, even discussing the theory that the global warming might be caused by periodic increases in the sun's output. They offer a good argument against this being a factor in global warming, and although I admit I still subscribed to that view, their evidence is pretty convincing.

There IS a potential solution!  Bessler’s Wheel could eventually replace massive amounts of fossil burning technology.  147 countries ratified the Paris agreement, but in my opinion they can indeed talk the talk, but they simply can’t walk the walk, without knowing or finding some additional way of generating electricity (for instance) A brave aspiration but impractical without pre-industrial technology such as Bessler's wheel!


Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...