Sunday 29 October 2017

Johann Bessler's Logo

In his last and most professional-looking publication, ‘Das Triumphirende…’ (produced in 1719), on page 144, Johann Bessler included a logo-like doodle that at first sight seem attractive to the eye but meaningless.  But there is more to it than meets the eye. I have reproduced it enlarged so that it is easy to see the features incorporated with in it.  The logo is composed of a crown with some curious lettering beneath, some of which on closer inspection looks like the word Orffyre which was Bessler’s name according to the atbash cipher and before he latinised it.  There is some additional lettering reversed on the left side of the middle circle.

If I transcribe the letters into modern font it will be easier to read.  It says:-
HTARORFFYRE, which, when the left side is reversed, reads RATH ORFFYRE.  This means COUNCILLOR ORFFYRE.  

Below that there are 5 letters evenly spaced, which might stand for Doctor of Mathematics, Medicine and Perpetual Motion, attributes he claimed for himself, or possibly Music in place of Mathematics.

Knowing of Bessler’s propensity for using numbers and letters substitution in various ways, I was sure that the logo contained hidden information, and the key to solving this innocent looking code could be found. One of his favourite puzzles used alphanumerics and the above is easy to read.  If D is the fourth letter of the alphabet then applying the same principle to the other letters gives  4 + 12 + 12 + 15 + 12  = 55 (again!) But that cannot be all.

Here is one of those curious, easily dismissed anomalies I have spoken of previously.  Notice the ‘P’; it does not look quite right. Is it upper case or lower case?  If lower case then the upper curved portion is too big; if upper case then the downward portion should not extend below the line of text. Which ever is the intention it should be upper case because the other letters are.  But why are the letters YR above the letter 'P'  conjoined? Is there more to this than just producing five letters or at least five letters if you include the YR as one letter.

A possible clue might be seen in a handrawn version of the logo but with some variations as below
In this example the 'p' has a tail similar to the letter 'q' when hand written.  However it might also be also be a 'j' or some other letter, and these puzzles can be read to provide what ever answer you seek!  Notice that in the hand drawn picture Bessler has put the letter 'O' at each end instead of in the middle as in the first logo but this is not as good at providing the link to the two way wheel as the first logo does.  

As for the other features of the logo, the crown represents Karl, the ruler; Rath Orffyreus tells us that Bessler was a counsellor under Karl; the D.M.M.P.M. tells us, in my opinion, that he was a self-proclaimed, Doctor of Mathematics (or Music), Medicine and Perpetual Motion; the number 55 tells us that he was telling us of the importance of the number 55.  Finally, the leaf design is similar to the leaves of the Arondo Domax giant reed, which is commonly used in Organ Pipes of that period, and still is today for that matter.  This is a reference to Bessler’s skills in organ building.

I am leaning towards the letter 'M' standing for music since  Bessler's later connection with organs seems to be more suitable, and of course there are examples of his musical notation for the carillon he was hoping to build one day for another prince, Karl I, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttelf.

One more item.  This a close up of the centre of the logo, and something that Bessler often used in placeof his signature.....

Very very interesting!


Friday 20 October 2017

Some more on Bessler's Codes

I've decided to share here, some more of the pieces of  Johann Bessler's coded information which I've discovered from time to time. For brevity I am reducing my explanations, just pointing out my findings and conclusions. The really detailed information is in my book which is steadily progressing and will be published in due course.

I put this clock up here last year but here's another chance to study it along with a little extra information.
Notice that the lines of perspective are as you would expect, all centred on the point of rotation.  I noted that there appeared to be a single gap in an otherwise fairly symetrical arrangment of lines.  I became curious when I noted that the two weights numbered 8 seemed to be on an alignment which passed through the centre of rotation but for which there was no perspective alignment available

The number eight figures seemed to me to be just on a line where you might expect an eight o'clock line to be.  Then I realised that when this line was added there were just twelve lines and made the logical conclusion that they must represent a clock.

Obviously I questioned the point of this inclusion and managed to relate it to another piece information. There appear to be a surplus of numbering in all of Bessler's drawings and this led me to the conclusion that the numbers might be designed to add up to a significant total.  This, as it turned out was correct.  I had already investigated the atbash route, converting numbers to letters, hoping to find a hidden text message but there was none. But the numbers in the above drawing total 660 and  660 divided by twelve (from the clock) comes to 55.   What is the relevance of the number 55?

Chapter 55 of his Apologia Poetica contains the mysterious Declaration of Faith, which also includes 141 Bible references which you can read more about in my web site
There I have shown the existence of a long and detailed code, but so far no one has to my knowledge deciphered it yet. I think that the number 55 had a dual purpose, firstly it related to his machine, and secondly it pointed to the largest piece encoded text.  The other hints at this number are numerous and I'll point out some of them in the next few weeks, but if you want to know Bessler's secret then you need to decipher the part of Chapter 55 I have described in the above web site.

PS As promised in comments, I include picture of the designs at the foot of page 128 on Apologia Poetica.  Do the represent Fibonacci spirals?

 And below is a rough copy of the preface to MT, I assume you meany this and not the actual preface?

Saturday 14 October 2017

Hmm - No References to my Books about Johann Bessler on Wiki.

Curiously, despite the fact that I have added information on the subject of Johann Bessler on Wikipedia and other 'official' search engines, I can find no mention of the five books I published, which give more information in one place than anywhere else as far as I know.  There are no links to any of my web sites though I have added them in the past.

All the references and links point to either historical accounts or negative articles about Bessler.  I have added new information three or four times over the last few years but somehow all those references and the information I provided have been removed.

It isn't because I need to see my name up there but rather, anything that catches the attention of someone with the instinct, imagination and luck to make the leap from merely repeating what every one else has done to finding that unique concept which Bessler found, is exactly what we need. Any method that attracts the attention of the right person is valid.  Without such information on Wikipedia how can people who might be interested find out more about it?  I realise that google offers the ways and means of getting more information but Wikipedia lends authenticity to such searches.

If I was paranoid I might think there was a conspiracy to silence any attempts to promote Bessler's work, but I'm not.  I suppose that because the Bessler wheel type of perpetual motion is declared impossible by  historical precedent, Wikipedia censors anything which might seem to validate his claims.  I guess we could test that out by seeing if any other kind of alternative science which has not been accepted as legitimate by its peers is referenced with links and articles supporting its claims.

It seems to me that the majority of people interested in this subject are of an age similar to my own. Could it be that the younger generations have been brainwashed into believing that an interest in this subject is so laughable that they cannot even take a moment to consider it?

Computers and all their related offshoots require a different discipline quite alien to the way we thought out solutions to physical problems in our youth.  Just as I find it hard to get to grips with computers, so they, the younger generation are taught to find the answers with computers.  I think that we older ones are used to visualising mechanical processes, whereas the new generation can't because they don't need to.

But who removed the references I added to wiki?  Presumably someone with the education to 'know' that my information isn't backed up by the educational institutions and is therefore proscribed.


Friday 6 October 2017

Gravity plus Gravity Drives Bessler's Wheel

I decided to post this both here and the the Besslerwheel forum to publish my idea about the secondary force involved in Bessler's wheel and hopefully generate some discussion about its potential as possible step forward towards a solution.

I could apologise for writing in simple terms without the use of numbers and formulae, but I won't because I think they put people off and confuse some fairly basic concepts.

Bessler’s wheel used weights, he makes that clear.  Weights can only have an effect if they either overbalance something or they fall – I leave impetus and inertia to one side for now.  

Gravity enables the weights to fall, or as I prefer to say, it makes them fall, therefore let us cut out all the dancing around and say that Bessler’s wheel is driven by gravity.

What about gravity?  It supposed to be a conservative force, but what does that really mean? To me it simply means that it conserves its energy, or to put it another way, it’s a continuous force, therefore no matter how much work it does it is never diminished, at least not as far as we are concerned here on earth. 

We are taught that you cannot obtain continuous rotational motion from gravity i.e. in a wheel.  The reason is that the force acts on all parts of the wheel at the same time, so that even in a overbalancing wheel the falling weight has to be lifted back to its pre-fall position and it has to be lifted against the force of gravity.

In fact this does not preclude the possibility of achieving continuous motion, its just that no one could see how it might be achieved.  It is correct to say that gravity having made a weight fall, cannot be used to also raise the same weight again.  We need another force to raise it back to its pre-fall position.  For hundreds of years perpetual motionists have searched for the other force without success.  Even today we continue to look for the means to lift the weight back up and many have been forced to conclude that it is indeed impossible to find a force capable of acting quickly with equal power to gravity.

That force has been under our noses all the time.  Gravity is the only available force which matches the desired criteria.  Obviously we cannot use the falling weight’s own  kinetic energy to raise it or another weight back up, because that energy has already been used to rotate the wheel a little.

The answer, it seems to me is to have another weight whose sole purpose is to raise the first weight back up.  Obviously this second weight cannot have an effect on rotation or it would negate the rotation gained by the first weight.

Bessler have us two good clues about this.  Firstly he said his weights worked in pairs, and this seems to support the second weight notion.  And he also described in his Apologia Poetica how “A great fat herd of fat, lazy, plump horses wanders aimlessly”.  I think that this describes the weights whose job it is to raise the fallen weight, in their inactive state.  When they are not raising the fallen weight they must be in a neutral position, possibly their action takes place in the Z plane but I have design which does not require that.


Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...