Thursday, 6 February 2014

Wheel update - precipitation, inundation, electrocution, procrastination and birthday celebration!

I included the word 'birthday' before anyone jumped the conclusion that I had succeeded in reconstructing Bessler's wheel - ridiculous thought!

Well I had hoped to be nearing completion but the interminable rain has put a bit of a damper on progress. "The deluge that has engulfed southern and central England in recent weeks is the worst winter downpour in almost 250 years, according to figures from the world's longest-running weather station.

The rainfall measured at the historic Radcliffe Meteorological Station at Oxford University in January was greater than for any winter month since daily recording began there in 1767, and three times the average amount."  Excerpt from the Observer newspaper.  Saturday 1st February.

This is definitely down to climate change although the jury is still out on the cause- man-made or a natural . The increased concentrations of  gases, especially carbon dioxide can cause global warming. There is apparently significant scientific evidence that points to human activities, such as burning of fossil fuels, as being mainly responsible for the current increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.   

On the other hand, changes in solar energy can affect global temperature. Thousands of years ago, global temperature changes were driven by solar and orbital variations. The Royal Society, the National Academy of Science in the UK and the Commonwealth confirms that solar activity contributed to changes in global temperature in the early 20th century.

Either way the rain is falling and I have a leak in my workshop; the rain is actually cascading down the outside wall of my house which in this case forms one wall of my workshop!  I've managed to move everything away from the leaking area, but I can't move the electrics so I've had to turn everything off until I can fix the leak.

So I'm 69 today and I had hoped to finish this darn wheel but hey-ho, what's another few days after 50-odd years!

Although I am unconvinced about the cause of climate change I can see its happening and strange to relate it might just be causing a delay in the Bessler wheel solution - that is if I am on the right track and who knows for sure?  I mean this flood is causing me a delay in finishing my wheel but perhaps it's nature showing us how puny our efforts to control her are.

There are some who might be tempted to suggest that there is an element of procrastination in this delay and on previous occasions I might well be persuaded to admit that.  Let's face it as long as the wheel isn't finished I can go on maintaining the belief that I am about to succeed, but if I finish it and it still doesn't work, what then?  I admit to failure and reveal all that I know (or think I know) and let others search for a nugget of gold in my mental meanderings.  But this time I can say, hand on heart, I am so eager to finish this wheel , that I was prepared to risk electrocution until my wife and son-in-law stopped me, thank goodness!




  1. Happy birthday John!

    The climate has always changed. Have you noticed their terminology has also changed? Global warming use to be the term. Ooops, the earth quit warming 14 years ago. Let's now call it climate change. CO2 is now often referred to as carbon. Sounds much dirtier huh?

  2. Congratulations! The weather has changed here too. Wild storms during the summer and rain during the winter etc. Besslers wheel is the answer...

  3. Happy birthday John.... and stay healthy.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you Michel. Yes I too have pondered on the unique ability possessed by Johann Bessler. He tells us he had more determination than any before, but I think we all have that same determination, perhaps to a lesser degree but still sufficient for the task. He also didn't have to trouble himself over the certainty that reigns supreme today that such a machine is impossible, but even that does not explain his success. He also says he devoted every hour to solving the problem, more time than was availble to anyone else. Still not sufficient an explanation in my opinion. No he had something else; undoubtedly a natural ability understand mechanics, but also a mind that could view and analyse mechanical actions. But that still doesn't expalin why him and not one of the thousands of people before or since.


  5. If I might be allowed to join-in with the Earthly Chorus of well-wishing as done above? Then, I also sing my wishes for an outstanding 69th to your rather imposing and august self.

    (Well, honestly, being basically 'the father' of modern Besslerian research and of indubitably fine scholarship, and doing it so very well as we all observe consistently, is at very least ennobling.)

    Also - and if I might now speak for the said others as well - if you would, please say to your beloved wife and loyal son-in-law that WE DO THANK THEM for their most wise intercession, for if they had not so-done, any further time leading to some rosy 70th, might NOT have been!

    (Necessity, being who and what she is, and here I'll mercifully not further elaborate, was the one egging you on doubtless-so but, 'twas Goodness herself that finally prevailed in the struggle to make separate yourself and water and electrical power. Again, indeed thank Goodness!)

    The rain will leave; the sun will return and surely, surely then the thing of it's own self SHALL TURN!

    Kindest Regards


    1. Wow James, what can I say? I'm gratified beyond measure at you kind word, thank you!


  6. John,
    regardless of any water leaks, electricity supplies to out buildings should have an E.L.C.B. or an O.C.C.B.
    Maybe time for an upgrade once the roof is repaired, you'll need to get the wiring checked anyway.
    If your place was recently wired, it should be just a simple matter of changing the breaker, something the electrician who checks the place should easily be able to do.
    Stay safe so you can enjoy many more Happy Birthdays !

    1. P.S.
      Sounds like you need some flashing (don't laugh !)
      It's a strip that is inserted into the pointing of the brickwork, then overlaps the roofing sheets, to provide a seal against the rain.
      Don't be tempted to buy the stick on stuff it's not very good.
      There speaks the voice of experience !

    2. OOPS!
      That's a R.C.B.O. not an O.C.C.B.
      Sorry !

    3. Sound advice Stevo, thanks, but my workshop is really part of a lean-to, kind of carport, with doors at each end and a load of metal racks on one side and a couple of work benches on the other side, fixed up against the outside wall of the house. I took the power supply from an external socket provided before my time here and everything goes through it, fridge, freezer lights etc. I've got a circuit-breaker RCCB in between me and sudden electrocution!

      As for the roof, it's polycarbonate sheeting and it has a habit of slipping downwards from time to time due to expansion and contraction and usually all I have to do is tap it upwards again from the outer edge, to seal any leaks, but the rain hasn't stopped for weeks now and I'm just glad I live on high ground.


    4. John'
      I'm surprised it didn't trip when the electrics got wet, as a quick check of the circuit, use a test lamp between the live terminal of a socket and the earth .
      An old table lamp with the wires connected thus in the plug-top will do if your a bit squeamish.
      It should trip straight away if the breaker is working correctly.
      Don't forget to use the switch on the socket when plugging in and out.

      On the lighter side, if I ask in the hardware store over here for some clear plastic corrugated sheet, I get a blank stare.
      If I ask for clear galvanize, they know what I'm talking about.
      I cannot convince them that if something is galvanized, it cannot be clear !



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

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