Monday 11 October 2021

Bessler’s Wheel in the Future.

When someone finds the solution to Bessler’s wheel I don’t know how, or even if, it will affect the world we live in, but I do know that concerns regarding the changing climate could introduce a whole new raft of requirements which our existing technologies will struggle to deal with.

We are constantly being urged to reduce consumption of fuel, of all kinds.  This, it is suggested, will help diminish the amount of greenhouse gas currently being produced and consequently warming the planet. This potentially leaves a huge gap in the right kind of energy being generated. We know it’s got to be clean and cheap and at some point I think Bessler’s wheel will be considered as an option, but not until it’s proved viable.

Most of us believe in Bessler’s claims and if a working model is produced, it may cause some indigestion initially among the scientific community, but once they’ve swallowed their antacids they will pounce delightedly on the new (old) technology and take it to heights undreamed of by our mechanical selves.  

By that I mean that the mechanical answer to Bessler’s wheel might be translatable to other systems unallied to gravity.   Don’t ask me to be more specific, I don’t know exactly, although I have some ideas, but I know that a simple mechanical design which converts linear motion into circular motion has the potential to be included in other systems and I look forward to seeing if I’m right and what they might be.



  1. John Collins, I think you are a visionary------------------------Sam

  2. If and when a working reproduction of one of Bessler's wheels comes along, the scientific community will have it all explained in no time. They will tell us that it's probably not true perpetual motion such as the kind that can run forever and so it does not violate any of the laws of thermodynamics. But don't expect them to get too excited over it anymore than they got excited over Crookes' 1873 radiometer or Strutt's 1903 radium electroscope which was originally mistakenly thought to be a perpetual motion machine. They will dismiss Bessler's wheel as a nice invention with little practical value and finally acknowledge that Bessler was not a liar with a fake wheel. Three hundred years late but better late than never. Meanwhile they will be focusing their attention on making fusion reactors a reality since they look like a serious way to put a permanent end to Climate Change.

    1. I found this image of Strutt's radium powered electroscope:

      Here's how it worked:

      "Physicist R. J. Strutt (1842-1919) built a radium electroscope in 1903. It continued its motion for an incredibly long time. An evacuated quartz glass bulb contained an inner glass capsule with a small amount of radioactive radium. The electron emission from the radium (A) charged the gold-leaf leaves (C) which slowly moved apart until they touched the metal foil on the inside of the chamber and discharged. Then the charging and discharging cycle started over again. This process was limited by the decay life of the radium isotopes, which means that the charging gradually decreased over time. A very long time. The half-life of the isotope Radium-226 is 1601 years. Then the charging rate would be only half what it was initially, but the action would still continue."

  3. Anon: They have done a good job of keeping the cat in the sack; but once it is out it will be the primary energy source.

    John Collins: You are correct. Motion in a straight line can be transferred into a circular line with no loss of motion. You can also release a mass from circular motion and it will move in a straight line; again with no loss of motion. The same formulas used for mass moving in a straight line can be used for mass moving in the arc of a circle.

    In Bessler’s wheel the sum of each particle of mass times its arc velocity is the momentum of the large wheel. This large momentum of the large wheel can be transferred to the small internal masses. It is not surprising that no change in velocity is detected (in Bessler’s time) as the momentum of the large wheel is shared with the small masses.

    The small masses (whatever they were) could have a much higher velocity than the larger wheel. This would allow them to rise inside the larger wheel. This increase in energy could be used to cause a potential imbalance.

    The mass could rise hundreds of times higher than it could in Bessler’s wheel.

    If this same event were to occur with another type of force (magnetic, electric, ???) then that force would have to be a uniform force field. The same force at 20 cm, 20 m, 20 km. And the force will have to cost less to make than the energy produced.

  4. There is a possibility that BW could become more popular than the windmill or solar power systems...


    It would be highly reliable...
    Not dependent on weather conditions...
    For its steady power output...
    For Not really requiring a prime land location...(even subterranean regions would do)
    For its affordability...(how many of us can afford a windmill or solar power system)
    For its negligible maintenance...
    For its durability...
    For its Novelty...
    For its safety...
    For its simplicity...
    For its ruggedness...
    For its rigidity...
    For its easy portability...
    For its easy repair work...
    For its sturdiness...
    For its artistic arrangement and parts movement...(interesting and beautiful to observe)
    For its versatility...(can even function in a ship's belly not visible externally or every home can have one installed in its basement)
    For the environment friendly and bio degradable materials used in it...
    For its ability to function in enclosed or protected, secured spaces...( No fear of storm damage)
    For its power to size ratio efficiency...
    For its everlasting life expectancy...(would continue to perform in such places where the wind or solar power systems can't be installed...
    For its ability to run on an invisible energy source...
    For its ability to run a directly attached machine or produce electricity through a generator...(dual use)
    For its ease in braking when not in use...
    For its ability to be assembled even by illiterate guys...
    For its ability to function non-stop round the clock...
    For its ability to power low powered devices as well as heavy duty ones...
    For its use over land, below land, on mountain tops, inside mountains, over and under the sea, in dessert areas, in polar regions...etc.,
    For its day and night use...(24/7)
    And, for its use in toys or decorative objects...

    Please see if the above list can be further updated...

    1. It’s a comprehensive list Suresh, although I think there are some duplications, but I will leave fir others to update. For me it is as I have described - cheap, low tech, clean, portable.


    2. For the fact that its FREE.
      That triumphs over everything else. It's going to be a no-brainer.
      Nobody would want to pay anymore for what they know is free. Like paying for air.
      It being environmentally friendly is just a bonus. If it were the opposite,it would still become the default energy source in the world

    3. "For its power to size ratio efficiency..."

      Right! Everyone will want to have a machine the size of a barn attached to his house to power it. Lol!

    4. @ anon. It doesn't have to be the size of a barn. The denser the material the heavier it is. Think about it like this, instead of having a wheel thats 100m in diameter and 1 feet thick. You could have 1 wheel that's 5m in diameter and 20 feet thick. That seems more portable,dont tou think?

    5. And the 100m wheel wins!

      Best regards

  5. Hello, John! You wrote the right thing, according to me: "a simple mechanical design which converts linear motion into circular motion". A fall-less fall.

  6. Mornin John .. excuse the pun - the climate is more receptive today to a free-energy solution that does not increase a countries carbon footprint, and could potentially reduce it per capita. In fact, its appearance might create some welcome leverage for a positive and tangible change in that direction, at last, if uptake is widespread and not political suicide. Given that governments and corporations have a penchant for endless ideology, discussion papers, report writing, and hollow rhetoric and glad-handing, designed to win and influence the minds and hearts of voters and consumers in their favour, with no real substance. They are short on any meaningful delivery mechanism for their promises, except to create and sell a carbon credits market etc. Examples are the countless fly-in strategy meeting, such as the up-coming COP26 in Glasgow next month, and it predecessors and others like it for decades beforehand. People see it is, as hand wringing self-serving ideology (talking the talk) while China builds a new coal fired power station every week. And govts sell their in-ground coal reserves at never before seen prices. Maybe they will latch onto such an energy solution and it starts some real change and momentum for the good of the planet. If the will is there then it can be developed and help mitigate more than one current world problem at once. But that would take more than ideology and some real walk the walk. Politicians aren't known for this unless there is an upside to change. So it would have to augment the current situation and not create too much instability or threat for world markets and geo-economics, until the paradigm is well and truly bedded in. IMO.


    1. The fossil fuel industry is doing everything they can to make sure we won't be fully switching over to pollution free, alternative energy sources until the last lump of coal is dug up and the last drop of oil is pumped out of the ground and burned. Whenever they start to hear too much "noise" being made about Climate Change being due to too much carbon being blown into our atmosphere and how we need to stop burning fossil fuels, they just increase the supply of fossil fuels to drive the prices down for a while. When people then see how cheap the fossil fuel energy is compared to the alternative energy, they go right back to using fossil fuels as usual and dismiss Climate Change as not really being that serious yet. Some will even say it's all a hoax and doesn't really exist. When the Earth's polar ice caps finally completely melt, they will still be saying it's nothing to be concerned about and we'll be burning more fossil fuels than ever then!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

  7. In response to the many pluses;

    Machines and power grids will cost money just like every other build. And a grid would still have to be maintained.

    If it were easily portable then it would be small; and it would produce little energy. A useful machine would have a mass in 100 s of tons.

    Power to size ratio????; 100s of metric tons A mass reactor needs mass; It also needs to throw mass up a reasonable distance.

    You will need a tower built onto you basement. Yes barns

    You can build small machine that prove the functionality; but if you are going to product the power of a hydroelectric plant then you need the mass of a hydro plant.

    I think light houses are as nice looking a wind mills; and they don't chop birds up.

    And they can be under ground, under a corn field, under a desert, under a city.

    Big who cares; the bigger the better.

  8. To bring an end climate change it would be necessary to gain control of the suns natural cycles, that technology might exist in thousands of years in the future, it does not exist now, and the Bessler wheel is not going to do it. The climate is going to keep changing as it always has throughout all the billions of years that Earth has existed .

    1. That has always been my belief for many years. The climate changes periodically with or without the actions of humans. But we still need Bessler’s Wheel. As fletch said, “.. governments and corporations have a penchant for endless ideology, discussion papers, report writing, and hollow rhetoric and glad-handing, designed to win and influence the minds and hearts of voters and consumers in their favour, with no real substance.”. But sometimes people ‘vote with their feet’, and will demonstrate their opinion by buying into Bessler’s wheel despite official opinion.


    2. Climatologists claim that the last decade has been the hottest in the last 125,000 years and the CO2 in our planet's atmosphere is the highest its been in 2 million years. Coincidence? The UN doesn't think so and recently stated that Climate Change is real, is here, and it's getting worse. Pretending it is not real will not make it all go away so we can keep right on burning as much fossil fuel as we want. One climatologist said that if the world does not start to get serious about eliminating fossil fuels, we will be waking up on a day in 2040 when we won't recognize our planet anymore! So far all that the world is doing is talking about it and setting goals for carbon reduction in the future and decades from now...maybe.

      As far as Bessler's wheels go, I don't think they will ever become a serious source of power. They are only a historical mystery for the builder and philosopher types to play around with. They've made no real progress in duplicating any of them since the last one was destroyed and probably never will. This mystery just generates a lot of opinions on the internet and nothing more. It's kind of like the fascination with that big pyramid in Egypt in the 19th century. They made all sorts of measurements of its inside passages and many books were written about the meaning of it all. They are still writing them today along with many youtube videos and websites devoted to the subject. What has come of it all? Nothing real! And that is exactly what will come of all of this chatter about Bessler's wheels.

    3. @anon19:19
      You have a very negative view of the subject. Even if Bessler's wheels don't produce huge amounts of power it would still be nice to know how they worked. I recommend you see that Ken B book on the wheel. He found many previously unknown clues hidden in Bessler drawings and they describe a very interesting wheel design that many think could be the one Bessler used. If it is then it can give inventors a starting point to make improvements to boost its power.

      We have to stay positive and believe that our generation will be the one to finally find a solution and prove it by building working wheels. Being negative never accomplished anything. I do agree with you about climate change though. Everyone is talking about it but it is still ongoing and slowly worsening. That anon above who mentioned fusion reactors seems to think they will make climate change quickly go away. Maybe, but we can't wait to the end of the century for it. We need it as soon as possible.

    4. Before anyone gets too enthusiastic about fusion power, he might want to see this video made by an actual scientist who worked on fusion reactor research for years:

  9. Ballistic pendulums do not conserve energy. Ballistic pendulums do not conserved angular momentum (if the radius changes). Ballistic pendulums only conserve linear Newtonian momentum; every time all the time.

    Machines exist that reverse the ballistic pendulum. They transfer the motion of a large mass back into a small mass. Is this reverse motion going to conserve something different than the original motion? Newton said it will conserve linear (arc velocity) Newtonian Momentum.

    All you have to do is confirm that Newton’s Law of Conservation of Momentum is correct. Build a reversing machines and video tape it. Help replace the fossil fuel with a clean, free, energy source.

  10. Hows building and demonstrating those machines gone for you pequaide? Start a discussion thread somewhere and following and exposing the science close the loop to confirm your theory. Build it and they will come!

  11. Delbert...I still really feel you have a point but people here are not able to grasp it and that includes me, too...

    The motion of masses and the way energy is transferred is really fascinating and very mysterious to understand by many...

    See, a simple mechanism like BW takes decades to decode... There is still no concensus amongst us with regard to its working... JC sir's approach is different and so is Ken's...mine is also something different...

    Unless we make it more palatable others will simply not accept it... We all do have a point... There is no point in being harsh to one another as is happening... This is very uncivilized... without trying to understand deeply and dismissing something just makes no sense... internet is amazing except for the trolling... And there is no point in being arrogant too as...

    This is a great mystery and we have to make it interesting as it gets gradually unraveled... Some people lack the required patience... I find that you are working very hard... but I wish you could explain it more in a simple manner avoiding too many formulas and maths... People like me find it hard to follow...

    We need to ensure that things match with Bessler's work... Bessler left some hints and our explanation should agree with it... Bessler was very honest... Some of his clues are a direct giveaway...

    My assertion is that swinging of weights is involved... It plays a very active role... A game is enacted...we need to get that core Idea or movement first... This is composed of basically a design factor... A particular design, which is totally absent in Ken's video... This is even nowhere seen Bessler wheel forum... But Bessler has amply shown...we still haven't shown discretion in spotting it... That is why some people here lose tolerance... See how Ken reacts when pointed out... He goes all out in attacking anyone... This is being quite immature... Ofcourse, he is not crooked or clever but silly and foolish... Talks mountains yet childish when it comes to Bessler's design... I expect a raging storm in a short while... One should actually take it in a sporting way... He is still promoting his book here... Don't you think it is a blatant misguidance...
    Sometimes our ideas are right but unless we realise that the design factor is critical nothing is going to work...

    The core movement... The core design involved make all the difference... That is why it is taking so long... Bessler wheel was successful because of these two things... This is the only way to make Gravity work favorably... This Gravity gives all the initial kick before other principles take over... saying only Gravity being the energy source is not right... some other help is also involved without which Gravity would be helpless... You must have read my comment the other day... A booster shot is automatically delivered at every rotation... How do we make this happen???...

    1. Yes indeed. The swinging of weights is involved - and the 3rd derivative of motion that such swinging gives rise to. :-)

  12. Long back I read in a dream analysis report that if you see a snake in your dream and get scared, especially, this is a cautioning of imminent realtime physical injury from a person close to you...

    This has turned out to be too true twice in my case... once long back and one just Last night...

    This early morning a saw a little snake and decided to draw others attention to it... but on a second look I found a larger aggressive snake in its place and it was preparing to attack me... I quickly tried to move away from it... Suddenly, I woke up and found myself on the floor with pain in my chest... I had fallen from my bed due to fear and actually hurt myself...

    Now, I suspect a left rib fracture as it happened earlier in the same rib... Pain is excruciating... I need to rush to a hospital now...for an X ray... Today's comment is written in a painful state...

    Last time it was my friend who punched me... This time the injury is self afflicted ofcourse inadvertently...

    That day, my other friends, instantly, pinned him down in a gutter and thrashed..and I intervened to save him and ensured he was locked up in a police Stn... shortly...till he repented... My x ray then revealed a left rib fracture...

    Some may term all this as being too superstitious but I keep seeing sense...

    Bessler wheel story is so much mysterical... Bessler changed his name... He believed in the divine... All this cannot be absurd...

  13. A wheel will accelerate according to Newtonian physics F = ma. When a wheel interacts with other masses Newton’s linear momentum is conserved. Professors in our time do not believe this; they teach that energy is conserved and that Newtonian momentum is not conserved. They teach this without citing experiments. This teaching that interacting masses conserve energy is false; and it has damaged the advancement of free energy production.

    A spinning wheel can give all its motion to a very small mass; experiments prove that the motion conserved is Newtonian linear momentum mv.

    If you wrap a 100 kg wheel with a string; and hang 10 kg form the string it will have a velocity of 1.3355 m/sec after a drop of one meter. That is 10 kg dropped one meter.

    Place these 10 kg on a string one meter apart. Hang this string from the wheel and drop the string one meter. Now you only need to throw one kilogram up ten meters to reload the system; this is easier than throwing 10 kg up one meter.

    To throw 1 kg up 10 meters takes 14.0 units of Newtonian linear momentum: and the 110 kg moving 1.3355 m/sec has 146.9 units. These throwing wheel are experiments that can be found on the internet, ‘double yo-yo despin’, and many others.

    1. "This teaching that interacting masses conserve energy is false; and it has damaged the advancement of free energy production."

      How dare those idiot professors teach such nonsense! Lol!

  14. Good Delburt... Was better this time to follow... I think you are right with this but I am finding it difficult to relate it with BW working...

    I think BW operates on an entirely different principle... Weights are attached to levers in the case of BW not by wrapping the wheel with strings as in yo-yo if that's what you mean...

    If in case you feel I didn't get you right then kindly let me know how your yo-yo Idea can be incorporated with BW...

    Because some principles may look very promising but what matters is whether Bessler used it in his wheels...

    Even a simple lever has its own advantages... Any heavy work can be performed with ease by employing lever principle...

    We should remember that BW mechanism is very simple and the arrangement inside was very artistic...and further, the noises or sounds of falling and banging weights are quite unmistakable...

  15. I suspect that a short weighted string and a weighted lever are extremely similar. I have no trouble believing that this is where Bessler got his driving component in his wheel. The mass on the end of the lever (hammer) could be flipped to a higher energy level. But then the mass must retract to a low energy level; all as the wheel rotates. I have not figured it out.

    Flipping the weight off the wheel, or above the wheel, makes it very easy.

  16. I agree with what you have stated at the end dear... the main secret lies there... If you can figure out the other or the second secret you have it all there...

    I always knew from the beginning you do make a point...

    Many other people haven't yet come to this understanding... that is the driving component Bessler used... They sometimes refer to it as the prime mover or preponderance... I still don't fully understand what they mean by preponderance...

    The weights are the main actors and they make up the PM motion inside...

    I have a feeling we are somewhat near the truth... The problem comes when we veer off from here or go off track...

    It is both a mystery and a wonderment how BW secret has been evading mankind...

    I always keep wondering what really could be the reason...

    And it is another mystery as to when the world would see see the first wheel in running State... And, what the reaction is going to be like...

    1. SK wrote "I still don't fully understand what they mean by preponderance"

      It means one side of his wheel was heavier than the other side because the center of gravity of the weights was kept on that side as the wheel turned. All other wheels fail because they cannot do that.

  17. Turning linear motion into a circular one is not a big problem at all... But it would be quite absurd to think that a Bessler wheel could replace a car or truck engine... What I feel is BW can replace bullocks or other animals that help farmers in remote locations grind or pound their grains... Maybe even draw water from ground, in merry-go-rounds, replace windmills, run conveyor belts, etc.,
    BW may never really suite citylife...

  18. If BW is presented to the world accompanied with an explanation from where it draws power and also a briefing on how Gravity works will it stand a chance before the noble committee???...

    1. It certainly will! And since you know where the energy came from that Bessler's wheels produced and how gravity works, you can look forward to receiving a Nobel Prize in physics! You are to be admired...poor old John must be so envious of you!

  19. You are kidding... I thought I was serious...
    What I feel is that Bessler wheel alone is not sufficient so the additional theories as bonus should draw some attention from the Nobel group... Ofcourse, it will carry Bessler as the actual inventor... We are just his descendants... All the efforts deserves some good award, isn't it?...

    1. 'Ofcourse, it will carry Bessler as the actual inventor..."

      Why would it carry bessler as the actual inventor? Was it Bessler that invented it or applied for patent?
      I dont think it would nor should it. Whoever invents or reinvents it should be credited as the inventor. Not someone who supposedly left clues........ambiguous ones at best.

    2. For the most optimistic, I think that if there is a Nobel prize, it should be shared with JC, because without JC no research on Bessler...

  20. Finally a Japanese inventor has created true perpetual motion with only one moving part!

    1. I actually built one of these years ago and it worked perfectly. What you don't see in his video is a powerful magnet located above where the steel ball is launched from the bottom of the tracks. The magnetic force on the ball helps it rise to a greater height so it can land in the funnel. You have to make it out of some nonmagnetic material like the brass he uses or the plastic I used in mine.

      I don't remember what happened to the one I built. My kids were playing with it and then it disappeared. I think my daughter mentioned that our damn dog started chewing on it or something. Thanks to the anon who posted the link to this video because now I'm thinking of building another one. If you put little paddles in the funnel then the steel ball can spin them before it goes through the hole and you can make your little pm machine do some work like raise a weight or spin a shaft with fan blades on it. This is nice and quick way to show pm is possible even though it's not very powerful.

    2. @anon 12:01

      What you see in that video is not real. It's a high resolution, virtual reality computer animation and a well made one. Making them requires some expensive software which apparently that Japanese youtube channel owner has access to. He has other examples of his handy work on his channel.

      Also, I doubt anon 20:09's claim that he made that perpetual motion machine years ago out of plastic and that it "worked perfectly". Magnetic fields, like gravity fields, are conservative and just putting a strong magnet over the rising steel ball will not cause any net increase in the steel ball's kinetic energy as it travels around a closed path within the magnetic field. That's because that same magnetic field that adds kinetic energy as the ball rises is later removing the exact same amount as the ball descends, goes through the funnel, and then down the ramp to begin the cycle again.


    3. I agree with you anon 10:58. You can tell from the odd swaying motion of the "handheld camera" view that there's something not quite right about it. Definitely a CGI fake. Hopefully no one seeing his video wasted his time and money trying to duplicate it.

    4. Here's another one of Fujikawa's virtual reality fakes based on an optical illusion:

    5. That one is making me cross eyed! Lol!

  21. Rolling... sometimes I feel guilty about all this development...300 years back that man laboured and struggled so much with his wheel and after so much of efforts ended his life tragically... His writings and hints are still an inspiration to some of us... Our efforts are nothing comparitively...

    JC sir brought out so much of info about him spending so much of his life... Which still keeps us going with this wonderful blog...

    Frankly speaking, what I have contributed so far is just tidbits...

    Without Bessler history and JC sir's blog we wouldn't be here spending most of our time...

    Bessler wheel is still in the dark as far as the world is concerned... with the advent of BW the PM myth would be shattered and the world will have yet another renewable energy source...

    How can we ignore that legend?...

  22. You say his clues are ambiguous... Well, if Bessler had been slightly more generous it would have been a direct giveaway... And, the story wouldn't have been so much intriguing and puzzling... Consequently, we wouldn't have had the challenging quest...

    Cracking this mysterical case wouldn't have been interesting... It is like any other deep mystery of the universe... With so many of us at it still no one has been successful...

    Thanks to Bessler for being so discreet... They say everything happens for the larger good... BW may see the light of the day at the most appropriate time... When there is an expectation of clean and free energy...

  23. Why didn’t Bessler sell the wheel for what he could get? He would have been the honored guest of every Duke and King in Europe for the rest of his life. Instead he worked for them for a common wage.

    Bessler’s wheel would be limited to water pumps and grinding mills; but if you throw above and beyond the wheel the energy output is unlimited. The wheel could be 200 tons throwing 5 tons up 60 meters every few seconds. That would be a constant drive force of (5 ton * 60) 300 tons. The output would be equal to a moderate sized hydro plant.

  24. Perhaps, JC sir would be better able to tell us why Bessler didn't settle for a lesser sum...
    I think the since the price was fixed there was no offer... also, as the wheel was veiled people were sceptical...

    1. IIRC with that last smaller wheel he built in 1745 when he was starving and the buyer refused to pay him what he wanted for it in advance, Bessler got so desperate to make any money off of it that he announced in some newspaper that he would sell the wheel for far less to anyone who wanted it. Even then at a bargain price he couldn't find a buyer. The depression caused by that last failure to sell his invention may have been what finally pushed him over the line to commit suicide by jumping off the top of that windmill if that's how he actually died but it could also have been an accident. We may never know for sure.

    2. His local magistrate who was supposedly looking after Bessler’s needs didn’t respond to his requests for money to buy wood for his fireplace or food for his family.

      I’m not aware of any documents saying he wanted to sell his wheel for less. I have my doubts about this because he had the order from Mannsberg, his landlord to build a model of his wheel which he had accomplished. That order could not be ignored and could result in punishment for Bessler if he had gone ahead with such a plan.


    3. Bessler wrote to Mannsberg that the last wheel had been completed on April 14th, 1745, but the latter never came for the wheel or paid for it. Apparently, the story of the wheel being offered for public sale for a "good price" in May of 1745 (only a month after it was completed) originates with a past BWF member, a native German, named "Hotzenplotz" who claimed he saw it mentioned in a 1745 newspaper that he found. The story was never verified, but it sounds like it may have been true. Maybe Bessler thought that by publicly announcing that he was looking for another buyer that would then help motivate Mannsberg to pay Bessler for wheel? Most contracts have clauses in them that render them "null and void" in the event that either party fails to fulfill his obligations. To Bessler, Mannsberg's failure to pay for the wheel by a certain date could have made Bessler feel free to sell it to someone else. I suspect, however, that his "good price" would have been far less than 100,000 thalers depending on how desperate he was and he was very desperate. I think he would have jumped at an offer of a single, lump sum payment of only 50,000 thalers.

    4. Yes Mannsberg wanted the wheel but was unable to come and collect it because King George forbade all channel crossings due to the Jacobite rebellion of 1745. It began in August 1745 and ended in January 1746, by which time Bessler had died.

      “ The British government was concerned by reports of an invasion fleet being prepared at Dunkirk but it is unclear how serious these plans were. Over the winter of 1745 to 1746, Maréchal Maurice de Saxe was assembling troops in Northern France in preparation for an offensive into Flanders, while Dunkirk was a major privateer base and always busy.[30] Threatening an invasion was a far more cost-effective means of consuming British resources than actually doing so and these plans were formally cancelled in January 1746.”


    5. If that blockade began in August of 1745 and Bessler had the wheel finished in mid April of that year, then Mannsberg had a good three and a half months to return from London and pay Bessler for the wheel if he was serious about buying it at the agreed upon price. By the end of May Bessler would have realized that, once again, delayed payment tactics were being used on him in an effort to wear him down so he would give the wheel away for next to nothing. I don't blame him for deciding to sell it to someone else who would be local and have all of the money he wanted ready to pay. But who? Bessler would have naturally turned to newspaper advertising to find him or them. I think that newspaper story Hotzenplotz told is the truth. Too bad we can't find that newspaper announcement though.

  25. Delburt... I have been thinking about it since this morning but tell me how do you throw above and beyond and at the same time ensure the wheel rotates continuously... And, if you still do work it out it would be different from BW...and, if it is a different design then it probably won't work as there is only one design that will work and that is BW design...

  26. How about his death sir?... Was it accidental?...

    1. It was reported as an accident in local news at the time.


    2. Someone showed up here months ago with a different theory about Bessler's death. He claimed that Bessler, who died on a Tuesday, was an alcoholic. He had to cut back on his weekend boozing so he would be sober during Sunday Mass, but then made up for it on Monday with a extended wine binge.

      Tuesday morning he was still hung over, but forced himself to get up and go out to that windmill to work on it and skipped breakfast or had it and vomited it up! On top of the windmill a cold November wind started blowing and chilled him to the bone. He had a few bottles, probably whiskey, stashed away up there to warm himself up and started tapping them. Before long he was totally wasted and stumbling around. He then tripped and tumbled off the top of the windmill. He probably broke some bones on impact and had various internal injuries and hemorrhaging from them that did not kill him immediately. Fortunately all of the alcohol helped numb the pain. He may have died a day or so later.

      This was just a guess, of course, but considering all of the alcoholism rampant in Europe then (and now), it sounds plausible. A lot of older guys back then ended like that and the local coroners would just write "accident" on their death certificates so as not to publicly announce that they were drunks and embarrass their survivors. Drunkenness was frowned upon by their clergy especially if one showed up at Sunday Mass in that condition.

    3. I’ve never heard of the above and again no documentary evidence. But beer and wine were most commonly drunk in 18th C Germany! Not whiskey. Also Bessler was not a Catholic so no mass for him.


    4. If Bessler was a Lutheran, then he would have been celebrating a Sunday Mass just like other Christians. I found this in the Book of Concord, Article XXIV of the Augsburg Confession (1530) which describes the Lutheran service:

      "Falsely are our churches accused of abolishing the Mass; for the Mass is retained among us, and celebrated with the highest reverence. We do not abolish the Mass but religiously keep and defend it. ...We keep the traditional liturgical form. ...In our churches Mass is celebrated every Sunday and on other holy days, when the sacrament is offered to those who wish for it after they have been examined and absolved."

    5. I don’t know which religious persuasion Bessler finally adopted but he was verbally very God-fearing. He seems to have taken on board facets of different religious convictions, and published a pamphlet discussing his ideas for merging the Christian religions. It sounds like a dangerous subject to discuss publicly but I’m not aware of any published criticism, so it was probably ignored.


  27. Must have slipped or lost his balance... someone shoving him off or suicide seem far fetched... Thanks anyway, sir... I must admit that you are not less than an encyclopaedia on Bessler... You have visited his place to create the biography... most of your efforts have been researching the inventor than the invention itself...more than anyone else I think it is you who has researched Bessler?...
    Really great... We are all basking in the work done by you...
    I suggest you write a sequel this time elaborating how the scientific community is being reckless ignoring a legend like Bessler... When we are all so much convinced about Bessler why the authorities and the agencies like NASA are not looking into bessler's many such mysteries have been carelessly really the physics laws on PM coming in the way...
    There seems be a great misunderstanding...

  28. " really the physics laws on PM coming in the way... There seems be a great misunderstanding..."

    Karl said IT was EASY to understand, and SIMPLE to build ! Bessler said IT was DEEPLY HIDDEN !

    I say it is a very REAL physical FORCE, that gives the impetus and very apparent momentum gain to the wheel. That which disturbs the "local bubble" equilibrium of forces, that all others must obey.

    However, it is my opinion/hypothesis that the earths momentum interaction with the wheel provides the excess energy for the wheel to overcome frictional losses et al, and do external Work. Thus the "open total bubble" system is in force and energy equilibrium.

    The mathematical answer to the "local bubble" favourable bias will likely be found deep within Trigonometry and Geometry, IMO. For those that earnestly look, perhaps more ardently after the advent.

    The true mechanical PM Principle will manifest and showcase the "local bubble" Math loophole in humble simplicity of application, IMO.


  29. By saying 'great misunderstanding' what I actually meant was that there could be some misunderstanding between Perpetual motion laws and laws governing Gravity assisted wheels...
    In the case of PM it is supposed to operate without involvement of any external force and BW requires Gravity enablement...

    What actually could be happening is that patent offices could be mistaking all claims as PM claims and thereby rejecting the same...

    So if anyone files BW for patent he should clearly state it as non-pm Gravity assisted wheel...

    Maybe by doing this the patent office officials may accept the applications without any misunderstandings...

    One should avoid the initial excitement and proclaim BW as PM's...

    Even RA Ford has wrongly titled his book on Bessler as ' Perpetual Motion: a continuing quest'...

    JC sir has also wrongly titled his biography on Bessler as 'Perpetual Motion: an ancient mystery solved?...

    Ken's book also associates its title with PM...

    Maybe, this is also the reason why the mainstream science doesnt even look at Bessler wheel mentioning...

    Imo, the very association of the term pm with BW is the main obstruction and hindrance being caused to our mission...

    Even Bessler too has referred to PM while describing how the weights in his wheel played their roles...

    How do we clarify and rectify the defects in the Book titles?... the damage is already done...

    Any insights on this???...

    1. You're 100% right as usual, SK. How negligent of Bessler, Ford, John, and Ken to have used the words "perpetual motion" in their books' titles! That only guaranteed that their ideas would be completely rejected. If they were that negligent with their titles, then they were probably just as negligent with the contents of their books. Now that you have pointed this out, I won't waste any money buying their books or time reading them. They are probably just filled with a lot of nonsensical babblings about PM machines. Thanks, SK. We need more people with your keen insight posting on this blog!

  30. How many times must this be recycled. "PM", "gravity enabled", semantics. Bessler himself called it true mechanical PM, as he understood it to be. So it is right that others do also. The general population en-masse, and the well educated, don't take it seriously because they have been educated that PM is not possible within the framework of the existing Laws of Newtonian Mechanics and the formulas describing it. Secondly the risk reward profile is very small to attempt to do so, made smaller by the above entrenched belief system. Produce a "runner" with your patent application and its existence can not be refuted, though speculations would be rife about what allowed it to work to those who had not inspected it. And naturally spend some time and effort identifying where the likely energy source is for the "runner". It is not a chicken and egg, one or other approach will do. Bessler did experiments, then he did calculations to improve it and quantify it, after he had his "runner". And if he could calculate it then it was tangible, and measurable.

    1. Bessler criticised the term, ‘perpetual motion’ and some times added the expression, ‘per se’ which means ‘as it were’, or ‘as if it were’, or ‘by itself’, or ‘in itself’, or ‘intrinsically’. So he is saying it is as if it were a perpetual motion machine.


    2. The word perpetual defined as to mean forever can only be described as irrelevant! to any argument because it in itself! cannot be proven so don't use the word nor any other word that implies forever.
      Build the machine then you will know its name!

    3. Ken B prefers to describe Bessler's wheels as "self moving" since as SG suggested it may not be possible in practice to ever determine if they truly are "perpetual" meaning able to run forever while generating power. However, if one prefers to call them "perpetual" he is free to do so. If one of them could run for a million years before stopping, most people would probably call it "perpetual" even though that would not be the actual truth.

      I had a gadget once that was called a "perpetual calendar" meaning it could always show a month's correct days and dates for any year. But, it assumed that a human owner would always be around to dial in a particular year and month to get the calendar for that month. Will humans still be around millions of years from now to work those dials so it would still be "perpetual"? Who can say? I know I won't be here.

  31. Thanks... that settles it...
    PM is different from BW... calling bw pm is not appropriate... the final outcome can only be ascertained after a runner is ready...

    1. Ken B has said in his youtube video comments that he's not convinced that Bessler's wheels were actually genuine perpetual motion machines or the kind that would be able to produce energy forever if they did not break down. He says the energy they produced was supplied only from the mass that was being constantly and gradually lost by their weights and levers while a wheel was turning and since these only had a certain total amount of mass that means one of Bessler's wheels could only run constantly for a limited amount of time and then it would have to stop until new weights and levers were installed in it. But that limited amount of time might be many millions of years!

      The second poster on this blog mentioned that Strutt's 1903 radium electroscope was first thought to be a genuine perpetual motion machine, but it was eventually realized that it was being powered by the energy of the radiation coming out of the radium and would finally, after thousands of years, come to a stop when the radium was no longer radioactive. That energy from the radium was being supplied by some of the mass in the radium atom nuclei which was constantly being lost as the radium emitted radiation. This is very similar to what Ken B is suggesting only in Bessler's wheels he says the constant and gradual loss of mass that produced the energy was not due to any kind of radioactivity. That loss of mass was done in another and very simple mechanical way. It's so simple that it never occurs to anyone not even scientists!

  32. Yes yes we remember his theory - relativity and rest mass melting away. Lucky he could get his sim to simulate that mass decaying effect so it could be a runner eh!

  33. Thank you for the information: I did not know that the attempted sale of the wheel was so close to his death.

    The general principle that Bessler used was the Law of Conservation of Momentum. This Law is attributed to Newton. This Law is demonstrated by any collision: Ballistic Pendulums: or any interaction of masses, yo-yo despin, or cylinder and spheres.

    To state that Bessler had the one and only experimental demonstration of the Law of Conservation of Momentum is uninformed. Even the transfer of motion from a large mass to a small mass has been done with tethers or strings. Bessler probably did it with something like a hammer; but it is not a deep mystery of the universe. It is not an undiscovered force. Bessler had a very simple application of a well known Law.

    At the very same time that Bessler was doing his work the Law of Conservation of Momentum was being replaced with the Law of Conservation of Energy. Soon after: anyone trying to repeat Bessler’s claims was labeled a scientific heretic.

    How people claim that “Newtonian Mechanic” negates F = ma or The Conservation of Newtonian Momentum is mind-boggling.

  34. I think Bessler made a huge mistake by insisting that he be paid all of that money for the secret of his wheels. Imo, he should have just given the secret away and let as many people build it as they wanted to and then said that his Christian faith (his version, of course) required him to do that. He could then have earned money by supervising the manufacturing of the wheels, their installation, maintenance, etc. He would have shook up the academic and scientific world of his time who would not be able to just label his invention some sort of clever hoax. He would have become an even bigger celebrity known to the entire world and accumulated a lot of followers, both poor and rich, who would contribute money to hear him speak, help him start his technical school, and even start some new form of religion. If he'd done that, then he would have reached the age of 65 having collected far more than 100,000 thalers and he would be living in luxury instead of having while half starved to climb to the top of windmill and risk a fatal accident.

    So, while he was a genius inventor, he was a poor businessman who let his fear and paranoia prevent his invention from getting the recognition, distribution, and further refinement it really deserved. If he'd revealed the design, then what might have three hundred years of his wheels being built and improved have led to? Maybe the industrial revolution would have been based on free energy instead of fossil fuel combustion energy and now we would not be threatened by Climate Change? We might have an all electrically powered world in which there would be plenty of free energy available to keep all of those lithium batteries in everyone's electric vehicles charged up. As scientists tried to explain how his wheels worked, that could have led to an entirely different physics than the one we have now. It would be a physics in which we had a far better understanding of gravity and inertia.

    It's too bad time machines don't exist so someone could go back three centuries and try to talk some sense into him...

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. On the other hand, if some rich guy would have come forward and purchased the same from Bessler...

      Possibilities are always there where there is will, Love, trust, honesty, compassion, consideration, respect...

      You are looking at it from a short perspective... Life goes on and on, on rebirth... the soul never perishes...
      Who knows, same Bessler could reap the reward in a later life... maybe the BW could appear in a more appropriate period...when the world really needs it...

      Consider how people responded to Bessler... They were like today's trolls... They always annoyed Bessler... some even wanted to steal the secret... This is true even to this day... Some even don't want to disclose their identities...

      Nothing is actually lost possitive...
      A better person with real intentions and genuine concerns for others will surely succeed.... If we are lucky we could see this happening in our lifetime...

    2. Aapoi wrote: "If he'd revealed the design, then what might have three hundred years of his wheels being built and improved have led to? Maybe the industrial revolution would have been based on free energy instead of fossil fuel combustion energy and now we would not be threatened by Climate Change?"

      Maybe and maybe not. That Crookes radiometer invention has been around since 1873 and what has been done with it? Do we have giant versions of it now spinning away in the sunlight and running electrical generators? If Bessler had revealed his wheel's secret and his wheel could not be made more powerful, then it might have wound up like the radiometer which is now sold as a science toy online and used to demonstrate that light carries energy that can be converted into motion. That is certainly interesting, but it's not changing the world.

      I'm with those that think fusion power is what the world will eventually use for all of its electrical power. Increasing the funding for research into fusion reactors by ten times should help to speed up their development. They will also be far safer than today's fission reactors. If something goes wrong with one it will just shut down and there is no possibility of a Fukushima like disastrous release of radiation.

    3. Most of us won't be alive when fusion power would appear... let's be practical...let us understand we are now closer to free energy than anytime before...

  35. We can change the next 300 years.

    1. ...but only if there is any humanity still here 300 years from now! Right now it's starting to look "iffy" for us lasting to the end of this century!

  36. 'However, it is my opinion/hypothesis that the earths momentum interaction with the wheel provides the excess energy for the wheel to overcome frictional losses et al, and do external Work. Thus the "open total bubble" system is in force and energy equilibrium'

    Fletcher... Can u elaborate on the above?... Seems something interesting to me which I would like to learn... Could be useful to others, too...

    1. Sure .. this is my particular brand of logic, tho not exclusive I'm sure. B's. wheels did Work. That means there is an excess of internal energy available, to sustain its rotation rate, and from the Work Energy Equivalence Principle (KE = f x d) deduce there must be an internal Force generated. And it is this that is the root cause of the innate momentum and RKE gain, to be succonded for external Work Done.

      Here I diverge from many, in that I believe that the Law of Levers is sacrosanct, it is a physical relationship primarily of dimension dynamics within mechanical applications that is absolute. From here we are forced to consider one of B's. possibly most cryptic comments for further context .. (from JC's AP - Mike Senior)

      XXI (b) Here Wagner lists all mechanical implements.

      Wagner seems almost to have run out of fancies. He says nothing
      can be achieved with "mechanical implements", the gist being that
      my Mobile must be impossible because I designed it to be driven by
      some "mechanical power". But did I not, in Part One, devote more
      than one line to a discussion of the type of "excess impetus" that
      people should look for in my devices? Once more I will humbly extol
      the virtues of this passage to my next worthy reader. Even Wagner,
      wherever he is now, will have heard that one pound can cause the
      raising of more than one pound. He writes that, to date, no one has
      ever found a mechanical arrangement sufficient for the required
      task. He's right! So am I, and does anyone see why? What if I were to teach the proper method of mechanical application? Then people would say: "Now I understand!”

      Here is the Deep L Translation of the Bessler AP German.

      Wagner can almost no longer write poetry;
      Speaks: There would be nothing at all to be done
      With the mechanical armament; x.
      O! deny, thou stupid Wagner, deny.
      Look, how you deny, after the row,'
      That my mobile is impossible,
      That by its very nature
      Driven' a mechanical force. x.
      Because in the first part
      I have laid down more than one line,
      In what way the overbalance
      In my arts is sought;
      So I will advertise that place;
      To point the worthiest reader there;
      Even Wagner hears (where he still lives),
      How one pound lifts more than one. NB.
      He writes: One would not until these hours
      No such mechanical armament found,
      That to the art is sufficient. x.
      He is right, and so am I, who can tell?
      But how, when I shall teach,
      Apply so much armoury witness?
      Will it be said: Now we understand this;
      Was not Wagner an old hare? x.

      You will note that both translations align pretty well, tho Mike's reads easier.

      I'll come back to this in the next post in case this gets too long for posting.


    2. The gist is that B. agrees with Wagner .. that nothing can be achieved with mechanical implements (i.e. the Law of Levers is absolute). Yet, B. did use mechanical implements and says it leads to and excess impetus, which Deep L translates as "overbalance". And why he says both are right. Do we know why ?

      Tho clearly B. did produce an excess force from his mechanical arrangements, which were also "absolute", IMO.

      Putting aside for the moment the perplexing argument for how that asymmetric force was generated and sustained from mechanical principles we then leap forward to where that excess energy might ultimately be sourced from ? And IMO, logically, the most likely candidate would be an earth-wheel interaction which steals a little momentum from the earth to give to the wheel. Since the wheel is grounded to the earth system with no further gradient between them a momentum exchange seems the logical deduction, when short of alternative facts for a better or competing hypothesis.

      A simple example of such an interaction to show it does exist in Nature is a satellite-planet sling shot maneuver for a satellite to permanently gain velocity, mv, and KE in a close fly-by, whilst the planet permanently loses a little AM (unnoticeable for all intents and purposes). A well documented principle of Physics fair trade exchange. This is a generic example found in Nature but imo not appropriate, in this form, for the context of internal wheel-earth dynamics being discussed here, today.

      B. goes on to say if he were to teach the proper mechanical "application" (method) then we would understand !

      Now, you might prefer the logic of the "pixie dust" hypothesis for breaking LOT COE, or the "break the absolute nature of Law of Levers" hypothesis, and that is entirely your prerogative, however my deductive abilities and reasoning sends me in another direction entirely, as said !

      I guess whatever theory or hypothesis you subscribe to we should at least consider science fact before science fiction, IMO !

      Hope that helps, in general terms ..


    3. fletcher wrote: "...the most likely candidate would be an earth-wheel interaction which steals a little momentum from the earth to give to the wheel."

      How do we know that it was not actually the Earth that was "stealing a little momentum" from Bessler's wheels? This would have to happen if the momentum in a wheel could arise without the need for a planet's gravity field. In the past on this blog someone said that Bessler's wheels could run aboard a spinning, wheel type space station located in deep space and far from any solar system's gravity field.

      I can imagine going a step further and mounting two wheels at the ends of a common frame located out in deep space and then spinning the frame around its center so we have each wheel's weights feeling 1 g of CF and there being no large spinning space station needed. Basically, the two wheels and their connecting frame replace the spinning space station. If the two wheels were each able to run normally in this situation and each increased its momentum up to a certain maximum amount as it did so, then they could not both be stealing momentum from each other. The momentum of each wheel could only come from itself.


    4. It has been speculated that they "might" be able to operate in deep space effectively in zero gravity Ken. And you previously speculated that two could be coupled as you suggest today. Easy things to do apparently, if COE is dismissed outright. I'd call that creative science fiction guessing. Along with being able to produce anti-gravity forces. I guess Bessler never had time to get to space or even give the horses a rest and put one in his buggy (he did have plans for a submarine). Heck, he didn't even let one roll down the belt-way like a tricycle, pulling him in a cart behind hand on brake lever and waving to the fans. Infinity miles to the gallon and no hay required is very attractive. I guess there must have been a reason for them being in one place.

    5. Anon 02:45...That scheme of making two Bessler wheels spin around each other in a frame while each turns around its own axle wouldn't necessarily require dismissing COE. Ken B would just say that the COE principle was still operating because any energy that the two wheels produced was being paid for by the slow loss of the masses of their weights over time...really long time like millions of years. He has an answer for everything with his approach to Bessler's wheels.

    6. I had been expecting your answer - the speculated non-radioactive decay of rest mass theory over billions of years. Imagine what the mass of the universe and our planet was 4.5 billion years ago, when non-radioactive elements created in stars fusion (like Oxygen and Gold) have been around up to 13.5 billion years until today with the same atomic number. Radio-active half life I understand, ordinary mass half-life I do not.

      I prefer to keep my feet more firmly on the ground, and my head out of nuclear clouds.

    7. "Radio-active half life I understand, ordinary mass half-life I do not."

      If Ken B is right, then that loss of mass by the weights and levers in Bessler's wheels did not involve any sort of "half life" like the mass loss in decaying radioisotopes. The loss in Bessler's wheels would be at a constant rate and only take place when a wheel was turning and performing outside work. How much loss per second would be determined by how much power the wheel was producing as it rotated.

    8. The earth is turning, the solar system is turning at the same time, the galaxy is turning, and the universe is turning. Does it lose more mass if it turns CW or CCW ? After all you are simply talking about Net Angular Momentum.

  37. Now I am going to reveal an universal secret for good health, prosperity and harmony in life... This isn't a superstition but the universal truth... Believe me... It is time tested... Chinese call it fengshui and in india it is vastu... this is more famous than the bw secret...

    Sometimes, we fail in life and suffer a lot like Bessler... But if we follow simple rules of the universe we can really have its support... The invisible energy of the universe can uplift us... give us that intuition and guide us in all respect...
    This really works like a magic wand... No side effects... It is Natural... like free energy...

    As per ayurveda our body comprises of five elements... Earth, fire, air, water and space... Similarly, all built up spaces are made up of colours accordingly with relevance to the geographical directions and five elements...

    Water's colour is blue or black...
    Air colour is green or brown...
    Fire colour is red and its shades...
    Earth is yellow...
    Space is white or grey...

    North to North east...water... blue or black...
    east to east of South or brown...
    South to south
    South West to North West... space...white or grey...
    East of South West to south yellow...

    In our body when there is an imbalance of the five elements disease follows... I mean that is why we fall sick...

    Body and our home are related since We live in it...

    As per vastu, any direction of a space has an element or colour or any given element governs a particular direction...

    Every colour has its effect in a particular direction...

    Every object or implement used by us or built in a building has its own effect in a particular place or direction...

    Hence, when there is an imbalance in a space due to wrong Colors or wrongly placed objects in a particular direction in a house disturbance arises...

    It could be loss of anything... unhappiness... Bad growth... tragedies... Financial difficulties...procrastination...

    Because, the universal energy gets blocked... And is not in favour...

    For example toilet in North or northeast... No opportunities... No clarify of thought...

    Likewise a food processor or a washing machine kept in southeast creates mind churning...

    A photo kept in the wrong direction brings negative results... A burner or stove in north east creates problems... because north east is water...

    Inappropriate colour in a particular direction brings bad results...

    Inappropriate sleeping position in a particular direction brings negative results...

    Inappropriately placed objects or machines or tools in a particular direction creates unlucky conditions...

    All the miseries' route cause lies in any of the above...

    Solution; follow simple inexpensive laid down procedures and live in harmony...

    1. Wow! Thanks for those revelations, SK.

      Now I realize why I've had no success with Bessler's wheels all these years...the toilet in my house is located in the northeast corner! I wasn't even aware of how it being located there could mess up my wheel research. I've called a plumber and he and his crew are coming in a few days to convert a room in the southwest corner of my house into a new bathroom and put a new toilet there for me. Meanwhile I'm using a bucket that I placed in that southwest corner. I just hope I don't accidentally knock it over the next time I use it! It's hard not to do that when I'm squatting over it...

    2. @anon 20:31
      I had a similar problem once. Don't use a bucket in your house because it can make a mess especially if you're tipsy while using it! I found digging a hole about a foot deep in my backyard worked the best. After I made a deposit, I just covered the opening up with a sheet of plywood until the next time I needed to use it.

      When the hole is half full, put the dirt back in, pack it down, and start a new hole nearby. You will also find that next year the flowers will grow better in those parts of your yard where you made the holes.

      If you have a partner, she may not exactly be thrilled by this, but she'll get used to it in time. Tell her that by saving money of plumbing bills with this method, you'll be able to afford to take her out to some fancy restaurants. That worked with my wife.

    3. Omg! Thanks anons for your comments. I haven't laughed as hard in months. Also thanks to Suresh for his explanation of "fengshui". I always thought it was something you could order in a Chinese restaurant! Lol!

  38. Pls read as 'root cause' at the end...typho...

  39. You always troll my comments, Ken... It is worthless to share anything with you around...
    I wish you could act in a more responsible way...

    By the way, there's no need to break or demolish anything... Simple coloring solutions are available... Like sticking a blue tape around the toilet seat on the floor and painting blue the toilet walls...

    If the toilet is located in North or northeast direction the above remedial action is suggested...

    If Bessler had known all this he would have found a buyer soon... Merely changing ones name is not sufficient...

  40. Thanks, Fletcher... Very interesting indeed...
    But I need to read it several times over... Your English is high... your approach is good and quite different from others'...

    I want to know say suppose a bw is suspended a little above the ground with strong strings... Will it be able to steal Earth's momentum and sustain itself?... I mean, will your Idea work then?...

  41. That's OK, my Hindi is bad. Yes .. the strings are connected to beams, that are connected to poles, that are connected to the ground. You will have noted that B's. wheel illustrations all show the support posts from floor to ceiling (braced), and none in a moveable manner able to be picked up and moved as one (like I would build). Maybe that's just an oversight, .. or not.

  42. ok... And suppose, a BW floats independently in space in the presence of only Gravity...

    How is it going to steal Earth's momentum?...

    Will it work?...

    1. Suppose one put a Bessler wheel aboard a jet cargo plane and flew the plane in the opposite direction that the Earth was rotating around its axis but at the same speed? The wheel would then remain stationary relative to the jet and the axis of the Earth and it would not be moving along with the mass of the Earth below the jet.

      If his wheel worked by stealing momentum from the Earth as Fletcher believes, then it should not be able to work when put aboard such a jet. If Ken B's view is correct, however, and a turning wheel's momentum is due to the loss of some of the mass of the wheel's weights, then the wheel should still work when aboard the jet plane.

      This will be a very interesting experiment to try after we finally make a working Bessler wheel if that day ever comes.

    2. SK said "ok... And suppose, a BW floats independently in space in the presence of only Gravity... How is it going to steal Earth's momentum?... Will it work?..."

      See answer and context below. Short answer no, to not well.

      Basically everything we know about forces is that they come in pairs - action and reaction pairs. IMO for a B. wheel to generate an internal force to self-move then the reaction force must be being absorbed by the earth couple, which is not noticed or measured, tho still there.

      Anon 7.09 above is probably close. The plane would still have inertia which the wheel could act against, but probably weakly at best, as the plane has low mass and inertia compared to the earth couple.

      KB Anon 04:05 says "...That scheme of making two Bessler wheels spin around each other in a frame while each turns around its own axle wouldn't necessarily require dismissing COE. Ken B would just say that the COE principle was still operating because any energy that the two wheels produced was being paid for by the slow loss of the masses of their weights over time...really long time like millions of years. He has an answer for everything with his approach to Bessler's wheels."

      And my hypothesis says that artificial gravity wells could provide the 'source' of gravity acceleration for the wheels to work. But COE would not be maintained from depleting mass supplying the energy to do Work. It would come from the spin axis of the two wheels gradually slowing down over time i.e. losing AM. So to conserve Energy and momentum the system would need to be given initial spin energy to create the artificial gravity gradient and AM's, and after a while the battery needs topping up again. Because the missing energy went into the Work Done. Not much room there, or necessity for, imaginary stealth evaporating mass theories to balance the energy budgets.


    3. Hmm...this makes me wonder.

      When the Earth or any planet rotates around its north to south pole axis, does its gravity field also rotate along with it or does the gravity field stay stationary in space while the planet rotates inside of it? I know that when a planet orbits a star, it takes its gravity field along with it. But what about when a planet rotates on its north to south pole axis?

  43. Sorry... this time I find it hard to grasp...

    My question is when BW is not in physical contact with earth then how does it manage to steal the planet's momentum?...

    Regarding Gravity... when a planet rotates in north-south axis...

    Gravity is different from other forces...

    Direction of a planet's rotation has no bearing on gravity...

    Mass curves spacetime... Direction of its rotation doesn't affect how mass curves spacetime...

    Whether a mass is stationary or moving or rotating in any way curving of spacetime happens unaffected..

    The moment a mass appears on the scene bending or warping of spacetime begins irrespective of its content or motion ...

    The denser it is the more the curvature...

    My two cents...

  44. Gravity doesn't rotate... It is stationary and travels with the planet.. Gravity doesn't function like magnetic field...

  45. "Sorry... this time I find it hard to grasp...

    My question is when BW is not in physical contact with earth then how does it manage to steal the planet's momentum?..."

    Really! It is the relative difference in inertia's, the wheels, and what it is anchored too. You are disappearing down KB's rabbit hole. ALL Bessler wheels were in physical contact with the earth, at ALL times. Unless you have evidence otherwise.

  46. I agree... But as per Fletcher, BW steals energy from Earth's momentum...

    But my question is how will it steal when not in contact with Earth?...

    In case BW is dropped in empty space not far from Earth but still in its Gravity, how is it going to steal the energy?... Or will it stop rotating and resume on landing?...

    1. If a B wheel is dropped in empty space and accelerates toward the Earth, then its weights become weightless and the wheel will not work. If the wheel's frame that holds its axle has rocket motors attached to it that can fire and make the wheel stay at a certain altitude, then the wheel's weights will have weight again and the wheel will work. The plane of the drum must be perpendicular to the surface of the Earth below it.

      I think you are wrong about a gravity field not rotating. As a planet rotates, it's gravity field will rotate around with it.

    2. SK .. the sound of a penny beginning to drop per chance.

      As said earlier the hypothesis attempts to quantify (within current Laws and Newtonian understanding) a path to a local energy gain for a wheel to be self-moving and do external Work.

      The hypothesis requires a binary environment for a wheel to be a "runner". A gravity field AND and a large mass momentum sink it is GROUNDED to !

      Take one away and it is no longer a "runner" until the binary conditions are reestablished, IMO.


    3. SK wrote: "I agree... But as per Fletcher, BW steals energy from Earth's momentum..."

      I wouldn't be in such a hurry to agree with Fletcher's view because, if you do, you also have to agree that Bessler's wheels could not work on a planet that was not rotating! Does that make sense to you or anyone else? The Ken B view tells us that the increase in the angular momentum of a Bessler wheel was due to an increase in its rotational kinetic energy and that energy could only come from one source...the mass of the weights inside of a wheel. Their masses represented a huge supply of energy. Bessler's wheels will work on a planet whether it is rotating or not.

  47. To throw a mass up 30 meters takes 2.47 seconds.

    To drop the same mass in an Atwood’s (1 accelerating 100) 30 meters takes 24.73 seconds.

    The 100 to one is a large mass and momentum sink; and you need gravity. That looks binary.

  48. Delburt
    You so obsessed with this throwing mass up to 30,50,100 meters in whatever time it takes to throw them up and then to fall down ratio bs. PM does not throw masses up, it uses masses falling down, plain and simple

    Best regards

  49. What goes up will come down:and the same force is applied for ten times longer. Is this too simple to be missed for 300 years? No; it is still being ignored.

    At least I am obsessed with the correct solution.

    1. Actually, you are obsessed with what you BELIEVE is THE correct solution. But, there are MANY others out there who are also obsessed with what they BELIEVE are THE correct solutions. Since all of these beliefs about having THE solution are DIFFERENT from each other, that means only ONE can be THE correct solution assuming that one of them actually is THE correct solution. It's also possible that NONE are THE correct solution.

      Have you actually constructed anything which demonstrates that your solution, whatever it is, is correct? Have you made any computer simulations that show it works? If you have neither of those, then all you really have is a BELIEF. Beliefs, unfortunately, are NOT knowledge. They are in the same category as religious faith. They can give one a nice feeling of understanding something, but they don't necessarily and usually do not correspond to REALITY.

  50. youtube Delburt Phend The motion returns to the cylinders; therefore energy has been made in the lab. Only linear momentum conservation can return the motion.

  51. So, can we conclude that BW doesn't steal energy from planet? operates on a different principle, altogether... Unknown, so far...

    1. I think Ken B has probably given us the best explanation so far which is that the energy Bessler's wheels produced came from the mass lost by their lead weights. Apparently, this is only possible in an overbalanced wheel that actually stays overbalanced as it turns. Bessler's wheels did that, but no one else's has since the time of Bessler. Ken B has found a wheel design which he claims is the exact one Bessler used and he says the many new clues he found in Bessler's books confirm that design.

      If he's right, then this mystery is finally solved and it's time to move to the next phase and start trying to build replicas of Bessler's wheels and using them to duplicate all of the tests that were done with the original ones during the official tests on them when Bessler was alive. If Ken B is wrong then we're back to square one again with everyone describing his latest theory which he is convinced must be the one that Bessler used and which has to work. I do hope Ken B is right because if he's not then we could wind up chasing after the solution to Bessler's wheels for another three hundred years or until everyone finally loses interest in it and moves on to other things. We need to see some real progress for a change.

    2. Ken, you don't seem to get the point... If your published design was right then the world would have swooped on it by now...

      What your design lacks is...
      The core idea...
      The core...
      The core structure...
      The core noises...
      The artistic arrangement...
      The peacock tail look...
      The children playing among columns...
      To name a few...

      There is one such mechanism or design I have in my mind... please wait till I decide to reveal...once you get to see it you'll realise how silly you have been all along...

      Just let me hear about the authenticity of your idea from one here in this blog... You won't... If you will then it has to be one of your double...

      It is almost a year now since you published...
      There is no sensation...
      Then why do you keep harping on the same note?...

      Please be serious... provide some other Idea then we will agree with you...
      We are so much suck of seeing your design...

      BW design is something different... It is not in your domain... You don't have the resilience or tolerance or maturity to comprehend it... Pls don't promote anything...
      How many times JC sir has rebuked you...

      What you don't understand is that BW design once published will create a sensation...
      No promotion is reqd...

      Such is the design...

    3. SK wrote "There is one such mechanism or design I have in my mind... please wait till I decide to reveal..."

      Lol! We've been hearing that from you for about a decade now. So far we've seen no drawings, no builds, no sims, and not even an intelligible description from you about your great discovery...nothing but vague hints about how much you know about Bessler's wheels and how wrong you know everyone else is. You like to put down others like Ken B and the wheel design his years of research revealed, but unlike you at least he showed us a design that fits with the clues we have.

      His youtube wheel video has so far gotten almost 11,000 unique views and over two thirds of those who have seen it accept it as the solution to Bessler's wheels. Where is your video? You have none because you really don't have anything to offer but your many rambling comments on his blog that will never lead to anything real. You haven't convinced anyone here that you have even the slightest idea of how Bessler's wheels actually worked. The only one you are fooling is yourself!

  52. Unless I grossly misunderstood a news report I just saw, the UN has just announced that Climate Change is far worse than their climatologists originally thought according to the latest data they've analyzed. As a result of this the UN is now warning that the world must reduce it's fossil fuel carbon emissions into the atmosphere by 50% over the next decade. If that does not happen, then they claim all hell is going to break loose on our planet! That will consist of large scale environmental hazards such as extreme weather, more extensive and frequent floods and wildfires than ever, the die off of many species of animals and plants, increasing stress on food production leading to food shortages and starvation, and the spread of new and more dangerous viral infections around the world. The current Covid 19 pandemic could just be the beginning of what is in store for the human race.

    That upsetting news story was then followed by another even more upsetting news story that said a recent poll of the major fossil fuel producers found that they all intend to double their production of these fuels over the next decade! That means a doubling of the amount carbon being pumped into our atmosphere over the next decade instead of the halving of it that the UN says must be done!

    This situation is like someone who is very sick from some horrible disease deciding to take a big dose of poison because he doesn't believe he's actually sick or that the poison will cause him any harm. The world seems like it's actually gone insane and it's all being powered by the greed and ignorance of the capitalists who profit off of selling us as much fossil fuel energy as possible while they quietly work behind the scenes to make sure alternatives to fossil fuel energy production are not being seriously pursued. They work by showering corrupt politicians with all the money they need to win elections so they can stay in power and keep doing the bidding of the capitalists by making sure no laws are passed that restrict the use of fossil fuels. The rest of us have become passengers along for the ride on this suicide train of theirs!

    I used to laugh at the religious kooks who said that we are living in the "last days" or in the "end times". Now I'm starting to wonder if maybe they got that right!

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. I read something similar AaPoi, and I agree with the report, even though I don’t have the technical knowledge to verify it’s conclusions. One of these days someone in the scientific community is going to stumble on the legend of Bessler’s wheel and wonder if it might help towards a solution. I hope I’m still alive and kicking when that happens!


    2. Dangers have always been lurking in different forms... the world is not thinking of only climate changes...

      What if an asteroid strikes... How were the great predators wiped out...
      How about a sudden Solar eruption taking our planet by surprise...
      What if an earthquake flattens a major land area...
      Why can't a tsunami occur again...
      Chinese aggressive nature is unpredictable...
      Another war can create more damage...
      Terrorist strikes, invasions, mishaps, viral attacks, nuclear attacks, to name a few...
      We already have enough dying every day due heart conditions, etc.,..

      BW is not going to solve so many problems...
      What we need is a great change... compassion...

      Many great saints and prophets arrived and failed miserably...

      One man or one invention is not a solution...
      Fossil fuel is going to be there as long as it is going to Last...

      Since dangers are always going to be there we should learn to live with it...

      Whatever solution to a disease is found there is always a new one cropping up...

      There is no end to this... Man will soon spread all this to other parts of the universe...

      Try to find inner peace... That's easier than the mad race...

    3. John given the amount of time that has passed do you think it's likely that someone has already figured it out?
      If you think it's likely here's another question what would be the largest reason they would not have shared it with the world?

    4. Ken... I am not surprised with your reaction... No one can convince you...and, there is no use of convincing you...

      Just because you authored a book and published everything doesn't mean you have achieved it...

      I am very sure no one, other than your fake doubles, can say your design means something...

      You might have researched for so many years but what is the use?... Where is that sensation?...

      My principle is don't publish unless you are too sure that it is it...or till that time when it is right...

      Right now you are only trying to misguide every one... This subject has already taken so many years... And you are another confuser...

      You are unable to tell us what is that core principle BW is possible... How is it able rotate so much and produce extra energy?...
      What is it that Karl saw?... How simple it is?... That even a young carpenter boy can replicate the same?...

      All this is true... what Karl described is cent percent true... And that grand look of a peacock's tail... where is it?...

      Does your design have that grand look?...

      If not then why cling on to that...

      How many are happy to read your comments on this blog?... How many respond to them?...

      You keep babbling like a jungle babbler... That is all... If you just leave all this and start anew you may find the actual secret...

      What is the need for appearing as an anon?...

      Be bold and open...

      That way you will appear more credible...

    5. Stephen, I don’t believe anyone has figured out the solution and I doubt very much, that if they had, they would keep quiet about it. It’s likely it would have taken someone many years to find the secret, and that implies a determination to solve it, and therefore he/she must have had an end or plan for when it happened. I can’t believe anyone would work so long and then turn their back on it and say nothing.


    6. Thanks for your answer John I suppose you've worked out all those details and have the resources to complete that task.

    7. SK wrote (about Ken B): "That way you will appear more credible..."

      Lol! Right now his credibility is about a thousand times more than yours! All those things you claim he doesn't answer are actually answered in his book which you obviously have not read and probably never will since you think you have the solution and don't need to learn anything new about Bessler and his wheels. Ken B's book is, I believe, only available in English now but maybe someday it will be available in Hindi so you can read it and finally know what you are talking about when it comes to Bessler's wheels.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...