Monday, 5 October 2015

Some of Johann Bessler's Clues shared and discussed.

I believe that I am running out of subjects to write about on this blog, so I have decided to bite the bullet and follow suggestions which might hopefully make this blog more interesting.  Obviously the whole reason for this blog was to write about Johann Bessler and his clues and the latter have been markedly absent, for which I apologise.  Blame the lack of discussion of clues on my paranoia! Afraid that I will accidentally give the game away and lose out to someone else?  Yes and yet what if I should die tomorrow?  All my work would become as nothing - which of course it might still do, but at least others will get a chance to decide for themselves whether I am completely nuts or perhaps I do have something to share.

All I ask is that I get credited with any of the ideas discussed here which it can be seen, clearly originated here.  I have a copyright notice at the bottom of this page but some people do not seem to recognise the requirements this places upon them.  Having said that, please feel free to discuss my ideas anywhere, just be fair and credit me as the author of them.

The first and most important clue for anyone who does not know is that the drawings in Das Triumphans, those done by Bessler, plus the one in Grundlicher Bericht and of course the Apologia Poetica wheel provide you with 90 percent of what you need to construct Bessler's wheel, BUT... each clue is skillfully camouflaged.

In addition the most vital piece of information without which your wheel will remain as stationary as mine has, is to be found in the text of Apologia Poetica, again cunningly disguised.  Despite my inclusion of a clue of a textual nature, most of those clues remain undeciphered despite identifying many, and obviously illustrations, no matter how cunningly contrived, hold the best hope of understanding what Bessler wanted us to see, and I shall include illustrations in future posts

Almost from the beginning of my first encounter with the legend of Bessler's wheel, I thought that the inclusion of the drawings in Das Triumphans, seemed strangely irrelevant and quickly came to the conclusion that they had another purpose, that they contained information about the mechanisms inside the wheel, but cleverly disguised - and so I began to compare them.  The number and succession of anomalies quickly grew and seemed disconnected, but then I realised that Bessler used multiple methods of disguise but by isolating them I eventually exposed two, different methods of concealment, which seemed to act in confirmation of each other.  Others followed in confirmation of this technique, but so slowly that it has taken me almost my whole life to get to grips finally with his system.

I have spent the least amount of time studying Maschinen Tractate simply because it was never published, although clearly it was intended for publication.   I have written about any findings I have made in Maschinen Tractate on my other websites, although the Toys page has given me some insights which I haven't shared to date but will do so soon.

Specific clues will follow but for those who have not visited them my web sites at  and specifically the chapter 55 in Apologia Poetica  contain some of the clues I have identified and to which I have added my speculations

The clues discussed here in this blog will be only those I know are correctly identified and whose meaning has been clearly revealed.



© 2015  John Collins All Rights Reserved


  1. Well, John, let me start by saying that I like the way you changed the color of your blog titles to blood red. No, not because I'm a horror film fan, but because it reminds me of the two color printing used on DT. It certainly seems like you are, finally, on the verge of revealing the clues that led you to your current wheel mechanics and I am looking forward to seeing what you've found. Clue interpretation can be highly subjective and remains so unless it leads to a working design at which time it immediately becomes highly objective. Once you reveal the wheel design you have, I'll make a quick, but as accurate as possible, wm2d model of it (as I'm sure others will also do) and then we'll know with reasonable certainty if you do, indeed, have "it" or anything that does or can be made to work.

    Update. I pressed on to my model # 1267 earlier this morning and all I got for my efforts was one keel after another. Most discouraging, but that comes with the territory. In looking for something to try next, I can't get that "ink blot" in the second DT portrait that I mentioned several blog ago out of my mind. I'm now more convinced than ever that it was not a printing mishap, but, rather, purposely put into the portrait by Bessler to give a future reverse engineer that final clue he needs to achieve success when he's found and accurately interpreted all of the other clue encrypted component parameters and they still have not led to success. Tomorrow, I'll start to make a small modification in the attachment point of one of the main ropes in my design which I think that "ink blot" is directing me to do. Hopefully, with my new approach to testing wheels from a "dead start", I'll finally get a design that grossly displays the long sought pm effect.

    I also mentioned last blog that I had been inspired by Techstuff's decade old failed solution to the Bessler wheel mystery to make an "MT 18 inspired" wm2d model of a design I actually physically built a decade or so ago. I did make that wm2d model and, incredibly, it seems to work! However, it just barely works and I need to improve its acceleration. I started another model of it (named "MM_05" in my wheel research folder) today that will use proper levers instead of rods. I've shortened the levers in this model and, hopefully, that will improve performance by moving the CoM of its 8 quarter lb weights farther onto the wheel's descending side. So, now, I'm actually chasing two different approaches to pm: one, all models past # 1267, is what I believe Bessler actually used and the other, all models past MM_06, that, so far, is the only one I've found that shows any hint of the pm effect being present.

    Bessler cat's mighty jaws clamped down tightly on the mousy contents in his mouth. But, something was wrong. All he had in his mouth was the severed tail of pm mouse! Incredibly, at the last millisecond before certain death, pm mouse managed to dart to the side and, excepting his tail, escape from the feline's mouth. Yes, Bessler cat savored the taste of the mouse's tail as he slowly chewed and consumed it. But, it was not the full meal for which he still hungers. The mouse is now hiding in another part of the room and laying low while his newly acquired stump heals. Bessler cat will soon begin his search for him anew...

  2. Words in John's post - 594. Words in Ken's first comment - 606!

    1. Ken, please! At least keep to the subject. Now I'm writing more of Bessler's clues as many have requested, you have no need to "entertain" us with your cat and mouse tails.


    2. I'm not sure if I understand. You're just going to share what you already have on your other websites? Or do you have something new to share apart from those clues?

    3. No problem, John. I'll eliminate the continuing adventures of Bessler cat and pm mouse until I finally and hopefully find that "plausible" solution to the Bessler wheel mystery I'm on a quest for. Then, if and when I find it, maybe I can symbolize my success by, finally, having the cat tackle and consume that damn mouse!

      You mentioned MT's "toy page" and I agree it contains an important clue. The note to the page reads:

      "Children's game in which there is something extraordinary for anyone who knows how to apply the game in a different way."

      I wonder if the word "game" should not have been more correctly translated as "toys". Anyway, I believe Bessler's note refers to the toy shown in the center of the collection. As the hammer head of one of the two figures swings down toward the central anvil, the other figure's hammer head rises up and away from it. Then the action is reversed. This clue, I believe, refers to the motion of the weighted levers on the ascending side of Bessler's wheels. As the weight at the end of a lever there swings in toward the axle of the wheel, the weight on the lever leading it begins to swing away from the axle and toward the rim. 315 degrees of drum rotation later, it is then that leading lever weight's turn to swing in toward the axle and cause the weight of the lever leading it to begin rising away from the axle and toward the rim. I'm not sure of the exact meaning of the other toys on the page, but it's interesting to note that the scissor gadget on the left side has 8 sections in it and each of Bessler's wheels would produce 8 impact sounds per wheel rotation which many, me included, means that there were 8 mechanisms arranged symmetrically around a wheel's axle.

    4. Doug, I'm only discussing clues here, which I know are real and the meaning I've extracted correct. I only referred to the other website for those who have not perhaps visited them before. Those websites contain what I believe are real clues but whose meaning I have commented on without being able to prove I'm right and, despite my own certainty, are therefore largely speculation.


  3. It's tough at the top John...Trevor.

  4. I mentioned above that I thought that "ink blot" I found in the second DT portrait was an important clue and was directing me to reattach my main lever to lever coordinating ropes in my design to a new spot on the leading levers. Now, after getting an improved translation of the text under the portrait, I'm more convinced than ever that is exactly what Bessler intended that particular blot to mean. It is, indeed, the very last clue a reverse engineer needs to correctly interpret in order to finally find success or so I hope. I shall soon know if I'm "barking up the wrong tree" or not.

    Update. I had a lot of problems during this morning's Bessler wheel research session. My model kept crashing and I spent about an hour trying to find out why. The reason turned out to be simple, though surprising. I have a rather small ram of less than a gigabyte on an aging PC and, upon booting up, most of it was being cluttered up with various automatically downloaded programs that I was not even using! The solution was to find the Startup Manager and shut down all of that crap. Now things are working much smoother, but I had wasted a lot of time in the process. However, despite the delay, I did manage to begin making a template or "source" wheel that will allow me to try out that new main coordinating rope attachment point. I also redid my "MT 18 inspired" wheel using levers with shorter mass and I should be able to thoroughly test it tomorrow to see if it, too, displays the pm effect.

    In place of the continuing adventures of Bessler cat and pm mouse (both of whom are taking well deserved naps at this time), I am providing this link to an interesting video that appeared in an ad when I first downloaded John's latest blog topic. It's probably a hoax, but they claim to have plans for a Tesla inspired free energy generator that is so simple a 12 year old could build one during recess! A slightly larger version, costing less than $500, supposedly will allow one to completely power his home with AC electrical power. Apparently, Tesla (who some claim was actually smarter than Einstein!) had discovered that our planet's ionosphere is charged with tremendous amounts of energy by our Sun. His device apparently allows one to connect directly to our ionosphere and tap that energy by turning it into electrical power! If true, this Tesla invention could revolutionize life on our planet by providing humanity with all of the truly free energy it will ever need. Just as I was being mesmerized by the Yildiz permanent magnet motor, along comes this gadget!

    1. Here's another site offering instructions for building a Tesla generator that, supposedly, will allow one to "get off the grid" by generating all of the AC power their home needs. It's in the form of a downloadable electronic book that costs $ 47 and they will provide "full technical support". I still think this has to be a hoax, but there is a short video on the site that actually gives one a parts list and circuit diagram so he can quickly build his own demonstration model. Again, it is claimed the device will tap a huge supply of energy that builds up in Earth's ionosphere. I keep asking myself "If this is real, then why are we not now using it?". Yes, it could be something that is being suppressed by "Big Power" or "Big Oil", but, then again, maybe the reason it's not in everyone' home is because it does not work! Anyway, here's a link to the site. Happy building everyone!

    2. If the thought of parting with $ 47 is too much for you to bear, here's a complete .pdf file of the downloaded ebook's text that some reviewer posted. At the beginning he says, after having read it, that it's basically worthless in terms of building a device to power your home although it does provide a lot of interesting historical info on Tesla. Oh well, back to Yildiz and Bessler for me.

  5. Update. This morning I completed the template or "source" wheel model for my next series of modifications that will utilize the new, second DT portrait "ink blot" sanctioned attachment point for the main ropes interconnecting my wheel's 8 levers. However, once that modification is made, there are still 5 other possible attachment points for the lifter rope between the 7:30 and 9:00 levers that must be tested! There's enough testing there to keep me going for the next week or so unless, of course, I get lucky on the first try and see the model accelerating continuously throughout a 45 degree segment of drum rotation. I don't expect to be that lucky though (but one never knows!).

    I've also now completely abandoned my "dalliance" with the "MT 18 inspired wheel". I've tried several variations and they all eventually keel if one just lets the sim run long enough. It's a dead end. Back to "formal" Bessler wheel research for me!

    Meanwhile, I came across this interesting little Japanese video of a sort of folded up SMOT or "Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy" which looks remarkably similar to a design I once posted on "another free energy site" years ago. If this is a fake, then how is it being done?

  6. Update. I tested model # 1269 earlier this morning. It is the first using the "new" main rope attachment point to the leading lever. Well, it did keel at about 4 seconds into the 3 foot diameter model wheel's rotation. Yes, that's bad news. But, the good news is that the same model using the "old" main rope attachment point keeled after only 3 seconds. So, despite the failure, I've seen a 33.333 % improvement in performance! One must thank God for every little bit of progress when chasing pm. Tomorrow morning I'll test the next modification which uses the same "new" main rope attachment point, but moves the 7:30 to 9:00 levers lifting rope to its next possible attachment point and see if the keeling can be delayed further. Hopefully, one of the next several DT portrait clue suggested lifter rope attachment points I'll test will allow the wheel to smoothly accelerate throughout an entire 45 degree segment of wheel rotation. If that happens, then I've finally found "it". Some may notice that I am slowly, but surely approaching my 1300th model! If anyone had predicted that I would have to press on to 1300 models earlier this year, I would have said that he had taken leave of his senses. Yet here I am! Despite the unexpected extra work, I'm still feeling very optimistic. Even the now snoozing Bessler cat is having pleasant dreams:

  7. Update. I continued on to model # 1275 earlier this morning and, so far, have gotten only "keels" as a reward with the only "good" news being that I managed to delay the keel until 4.6 seconds from the beginning of a "dead start" sim run (note that I define the "keel time" as the time it takes for the CoM of my model wheel to drift over to the punctum quietus point under the axle. The angular momentum of the wheel will, of course, keep it moving for a while longer and then force the CoM to drift onto the wheel's ascending side before the wheel finally stops and beginnings counter rotation). I mentioned above that, based on that "ink blot" DT portrait clue, I moved my main rope attachment point to the leading levers to a new location and that, indeed, did increase the lifting force on my 9:00 going to 10:30 lever. But, I must now juggle the attachment points for two other lifting ropes that are attached to that lever. There are only 5 DT portrait clue indicated attachment points for those two ropes. That means there are 5 x 5 or 25 possible combinations that must be tested! To make matters even more vexing, there is yet another possible main rope attachment point that I can try which then doubles the number of modified wm2d models that must be tested to 50! Yes, it's a lot of work, but, fortunately, I've streamlined my testing procedure so that I can do the tests in batches of 5 every day and at that rate complete testing will only take 10 days and even shorter if I find the correct "it" combination of ropes before I've tried all possible combinations. This morning, feeling a bit energetic, I managed to complete 7 tests which, in a worse case scenario, only leaves 43 to go. Yes, it's starting to look like I may reach or even exceed the 1300 model mark. Unfortunately, without a nice precise mathematical theory of how to build an imbalanced pm wheel, one must, like Bessler, resort to laborious trial and error testing. If I do not find the "it" combination of coordinating ropes in the next 43 modified wm2d models I test, then I will definitely have reach the final limit of what I can do with the DT portraits and that will most likely sound the death knell on my continuing Bessler wheel research. I'm hoping and praying it will not come to that. But, if it does, then at least I will know that I did do my best to find that much anticipated solution for which every serious student of Bessler's inventions is desperate.

    Meanwhile, here's an interesting short video clip I ran across. It's a news segment about an inventor who claims he is able to use a small amount of input power to generate far more output power from some sort of flywheel arrangement he developed. Sadly, he can't even get anybody to take him seriously or even test his machine! Prejudice is a difficult thing to overcome...especially in the world of science.

    1. Sorry Ken, I've been as patient as Job, but you are beginning to really PI$$ me off! Please find your own blog.


    2. And I've been patiently waiting for days now for others to contribute here. But, it's starting to look like this blog has become a tragic victim of demon apathy which I have to ultimately blame on the lack of progress in finding a solution to Bessler's wheels...something I'm working daily to change. Well, I certainly don't want to PI$$ you or anybody else off so I think it's time for me to take another break from this blog and just lurk for a while to see what others will be contributing. Adios, hasta luego! (Bessler gato y el ratón pm también dicen adiós por ahora.)

    3. Uh-oh!

      Looks like a breakpoint may have been reached?

      Not good; I am saddened to see it. (Truly.)

      (K.B., I will be in-touch with you through The Cosmic Vault. I assume there is a link for this? In my recent spate of ill advised, relative low meanness, I had quite forgotten that you are a superlative correspondent and indefatigable researcher and one replete with a delightful wry humor-sense, just as is J.C. here.)



    4. Ken, all I ask of you is to keep your posts much, much shorter; much less frequent and although I know you like to keep us informed of your work, I do not want to read about every model you test, all I'm interested in is successful wheel-building; no sims - neither yours nor anyone else's.

      I admit I remain totally unconvinced that you have found anything meaningful in either of the portraits, and that probably colours my view of your efforts. Of course it may be that you are right and I am wrong, but your assertion that the weights moved no more than - I forget how much, but it was infinitesimal - is totally at odds with my own findings. I am of the opinion that the Kassel wheel weights moved at least two feet.


    5. Feo, estoy convencido de que usted es un idiota arrogante. esperar a que otros comentar es una excusa, porque esto no es un foro. Vea cómo no podía resistirse a añadir una frase sobre la historia de su gato y el ratón estúpido?

    6. I wish I could have said that in English!


    7. ". . . I am of the opinion that the Kassel wheel weights moved at least two feet." - John Collins

      Yes, understood as to why, I think.

      Since the prime mover is supposed (as I understand this to be according to the quite distinct impression as left by Bessler, in this writing regarding this area) to have produced 4X the energy over what was input so as to induce it's one weight to fall, (thus leaving a surfeit of 3) then I would say 'at least' or, that the imbalancier weighed considerably more than the Prime Mover one. If so this, then some sort of leverage would have had to have been used 'tween them, so as to bring to approximate parity the pair displacement-wise; the one going down the other up caught and ergo: some nice angular displacement over one weight-set's period making ready for the next and so-on?

      Just my three cents worth.


  8. John, as you wrote in part:

    ". . . I have written about any findings I have made in Maschinen Tractate on my other websites, although the Toys page has given me some insights which I haven't shared to date but will do so soon."

    This I will especially enjoy reading.


  9. Uh oh ! What happened to the new topic II that I spied last night and was going to read with interest today ?

    1. It'll be back tomorrow, anon!


    2. Whoa ...... it happened again. shades of Brigadoon LOL.

    3. I've decided to cancel the clue-sharing anon. Sorry for this, but I am way too busy at present and composing each post is too time consuming and anyway there doesn't seem to be any interest, apart from you. Maybe I'll return to the agenda once my house is sold and I've moved to a new one. I hope I haven't wasted your time. I'll post a fuller explanation.


  10. I am lurking, with I'm sure many others, to hear more from you, but happy to wait .... Jon


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...