Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Update for April 2016

While I await completion of the purchase of my house, I am unable to do any wheel building, so I'm working on the configuration of the mechanisms to try to improve and simplify the actions.  This can be a good task to undertake as it can lead to new ideas and also the discovery of potential problem areas.   Predictably I have found a weak spot in my design which is easily overcome and my enforced idleness has given me the opportunity to find this before I had continued with my build.  I tend to attack these new designs with too much enthusiasm and haste and then find I've got to go back a couple of steps to correct things.

My publishing intentions are still firm and at least I have the time now to work on the document and make any necessary alterations.

So my plan is to continue to finish and publish all the information I have acquired which I believe Bessler left for us in the hope that we would understand it and replicate his work.  At the same time l'm continuing to look at my design and once I'm back in my workshop, I will try to finish my proof of principle wheel or at least the mechanism, and publish a video of it with accompanying commentary.

For those who may think I'm prevaricating about my hypothesis document I must tell you that it is proving a complex composition.  It currently runs to more than 40 pages with more than 38 illustrations and there are more in the pipeline. If this seems a lot, be assured that it is necessary.  If I am to prove that Johann Bessler left enough instructions to permit the construction of his wheel, exactly in the form that he built his own, then I have to show the clues as he left them and how they reveal the solutions.  Each clue forms part of the whole, but it had to be obscure otherwise it would be too obvious and his secret revealed too soon.

Which ever comes first does not matter to me, I will publish both. In the mean time I will continue to write my blog when I feel that I have something worth saying.  I hope that you will stay with me at least to give me your reactions when publication happens.



  1. Great to hear, John. Looking forward to it. Best of luck moving.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hello John,
    Hope all is going well with the new house! Sounds like your book is coming together, can't wait till it's published. Anyway, I was wondering: Did Bessler experiment with water wheels? Did he ever try to build a gravity powered wheel using falling water? I'm sure this is a silly question but I'm interested in all types of gravity wheels weather powered by gravity, water, or weights. What's your thoughts on this?

    1. Perpetualman,
      a guy named Burt Rutan, a well known aviation engineer, designed a wheel that worked with water. He claims it cannot be perpetual motion because every so often he has to top up the water level !
      It was featured in the November 1989 edition of Popular Science, I'm sorry I don't have a link, but if you Google, Burt Rutan's overbalanced waterwheel, I'm sure something will come up.

    2. Here ya go, Perpetualman, Stevo:

      Google Books - Popular Science, November 1989

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. See pgs 68 and 69 in that issue of PS

  4. Hello again John, I just wanted to mention one more thing, I posted a comment yesterday but it appears that it had been deleted. I hope I didn't offend anyone by asking if Besler's wheel could've been made by using some other type of overbalancing mechanism I nstead of using traditional weights as described in Bessler's comments. So, if anyone was offended, i humbly apologize for my wanting to know.

    1. Thanks again guys.

      I know that sometimes comments don't appear but I never delete any unless the author has removed them and left a blank space, otherwise only if its spam or inappropriate language. I've checked the spam folder and there's nothing there from you so I must assume it never quite made it to the blog.

      To answer your other question, I am not aware of any experiments with water driven gravity wheels.


  5. Is it true that if besslers wheel was spinning to fast it would brake and slow itself

  6. Of it spins too fast confusion would arise and the levers will get entangled and the whole system would ensure smooth running a limited speed is essential...Suresh

    1. All is self regulating.
      All must be in balance.
      Other ways it would not rotate at All.


    2. If all are balanced then the wheel wouldn't rotate at all...the secret lies in side of the wheel must be heavy always...this happens due to swinging of the levers inside...Suresh

    3. Translation to ALL - weights, levers and springs.


  7. We know that Bessler's last wheel had to be turned by hand up until a certain rotation speed was achieved, then a bang was heard, and the wheel propelled itself.

    The speed of the wheel at this break away point could be critical. Is there any observations about this speed. I don't remember reading about this, but it could be useful to know. If anyone does know, would you please reply.

  8. John

    My thoughts about "... it is proving a complex composition." +40 pages with drawings!?
    After thinking here some time, all of your future realeased information amount, plus looking your previous writings and comparing it with my findings. Then there will be not so much about new things to reveal!? You have covered allmost all main points allready, in some of your publications. But you do not have connected them. Do you put them all together, in one writing or You have now "new information"?


  9. Hello John,

    I wanted to ask you a question: which one of your books would you say describes the internal workings of Bessler's wheel? I would like to buy which ever one had the most clues.

  10. painting of weissenstein castle,-Near-Kassel-Wilhelmshoehe,-1778.jpg

  11. Perpetualmanp4 May 2016 at 19:59

    Has anyone solved the inner workings of Bessler's mysterious gravity wheel?.....

    Just curious��

    1. Yes!...I have. You will not find anything in the MT drawings or in the codes.
      The most relevant clue lies in the apologia wheel.

    2. "Yes!...I have."
      ... and ...
      "Just pray that it works!"

    3. Yeah that's right and completing the demonstration model is only going to be a formality.

    4. May I ask you Trevor, How many weights do you use in your wheel? And, does your wheel only work in a CAD program or did you actually build a true working model? Do you have a video of it? I would like to see it.

    5. My wheel is hands on. Not at the demonstration point but mathematically sound using the law of perpetual motion; which requires that no energy is needed to prime the weights even though they produce an imbalance providing torque to turn he wheel.
      Subject to circumstances I am hoping to prove the wheel in about a week.

    6. Looks like john could be right, Bessler's one way wheel could possibly start spontaneously. Trevor may I ask, is it besslers wheel?

    7. Trevor ....... "Just a few more days now."

    8. Let me say this; it is definitely the secret principle Bessler used because there is no other way,but the mechanical variations can vary in subtle ways depending on what materials are available.
      The principle uses known physics, so Bessler nor anyone can claim prior art.
      All of Bessler's wheels could theoretically start on their own, it just depends on what state they were left in when they were stopped.

  12. Perpetualmanp,

    AP, DT, and MT are an absolute must.

  13. Can we say today - "Happy birthday Bessler!"?


  14. If my gravity wheel works, will I be financially set for life if I don't sell it? I've read a lot about people who would rather sell their working model to a secret corporation for millions of dollars and then let it sit in some underground warehouse so that it wouldn't benefit anyone. So that being said: How can I become financially set for the rest of my life if I don't sell it? I would like to see people using it or building it for themselves and reaping the benefits of free gravity powered energy.

    Any advice?

  15. (IF) your gravity wheel works you will automatically know then how to go about it further....regarding the financial aspect, you will get wealth (IF) it is mentioned in your destiny and, to know this, you can get hint from numerology, easily....Suresh


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...