Wednesday 6 September 2017

September UPDATE - at last!

I have been extremely busy for the last few weeks and I apologise for being absent from this blog.

My log cabin is finished and my workshop which was to be in it, has had to be moved to the garage, which is more suitable for drilling and sawing etc  The log cabin is now my writing and drawing place and will provide a good space to complete the numerous illustrations required for the book I am engaged in writing  I read somewhere that a surprisingly large proportion of authors prefer to work in a quiet bolt-hole out in the garden. Perhaps there they can let their creative juices flow away from the distractions they’d otherwise encounter in the main home or in a traditional office space. Not even a phone for many, and certainly no spouse, kids or visitors to disturb them. Perhaps this, together with the peace and tranquility which the garden lends, is the secret to their success …well you never know, it might work for me too!

I've had a number of emails and posts asking when I aim to be back so here is an update for now and normal service will return shortly

The code breaking has continued despite the hiatus caused by moving house and helping my family in several tasks, including building another log cabin, clearing and tidying another one's garden and of course my own self-imposed plans.

I read with fascination the many claims to know the secret to Bessler's wheel, and remember how many times I also made the same claim, only to discover that I was wrong.  I told myself back then, that I would not make the same mistake again...until I had found a work-around that would satisfy the demands of Bessler's wheel, without conflicting with the accepted laws of physics - well I have known of such a concept for several months but I was unable to figure out how to build it into a working wheel.  Now I have a complete design and it is all due to Bessler's clues and all I have to do is build it.

But I think that I have said too much already, I don't want to follow a certain person's lead on the BW forum, who has so far achieved about 90,000 views without actually saying anything!  So although I believe I have the secret I don't want anyone thinking I am making a claim to actually have it, I just think/hope I have...along with all the many others who also think they do.

The book so far contains over 30 illustrations, all of which will be refined before it becomes available as a download.  There are possibly going to be another 20!  If you think that is a lot, I have already combined some and eliminated others.  The reason for so many is that there are so many solid clues in Bessler's work that each step requires an explanation and an illustration of what it is and how it is used.  I'm confident that there will be little or no argument about my explanations, but I want to get it as precise and as good as I can get it, before I release it into the world outside!

So back to the log cabin - I must post a picture of it in my next post, it is thing of beauty and I am inordinately proud of it, considering I built the whole thing single handed.

Back soon, happy wheeling!



  1. Wow! least I am being recognised!

    1. And, Trevor, our JC forgot to mention those THREE HUNDRED BWF PAGES!

      That is a record. No other ever came near to it, and yet, you are saddled with "No Reputation". But even though this, they do keep posting and objecting! 'We' note too that they take care to not push you down into the red, and possibly out. It is mental aberration on their parts that answers for this, I believe. They enjoy ragging on you! Sadists! Needlers! Did I forget anything?

      (Yes! Whole times-of-life as devoted to the 'Impossible Quest' and spent, on-going forever 'till death' as one might suppose, and all based upon not one MICRO-MICRO WATT of energy ever returned by any mechanisms, for all the heart-felt/breaking effort. It is either madness or faith as proved over and over again infinitum. Maybe both.)

      For your NEXT three hundred, Trevor, I'll keep reading if not posting.

      Congrats, man!


  2. What if your wheel doesn't work after you've built it? Wouldn't that be at least a little argument against your code explanations? No offense, but you are up to how many views?
    And I'm guessing you hope to have this by Christmas? Deja vu...

    1. A reasonable question and no offence taken.

      The deciphered information is so compelling that even if the wheel doesn't work, I believe it would be a simple matter for someone else to take that information and build a working model, that is why I'm simultaneously building the wheel and writing an account of the information I have obtained. I don't think anyone will argue with both the concept which avoids the current restrictions due to the laws of physics, nor the actual information.

      If my model fails I think it will be due to poor workmanship or I have got some detail wrong which may become obvious at some point. In either case I intend to publih what I know as soon as it is ready.

      Yes Christmas...this year? Who knows? ;-)


    2. I'm considering the possibility of publishing a single piece of code with a full explanation of what it means, just to provide some limited evidence that I have good information to work with.

      This piece has been the subject of numerous posts on the forum and as far as I know no one has come near the true exolanation.

      Give me few days to consider the ramifications.


    3. The same question for you then, how would you know it was the true explanation unless your gravity wheel worked? There wouldn't be any ramifications I could see, maybe more views for your blog.

    4. How do I know it was the true explanation if the wheel didn't work?

      I guess I believe it will work, and therefore if it didn't work then you might think my explanation is wrong, but it isn't and I believe that you would agree with me if you were familiar with the design/concept.

      The ramifications I spoke of refer to the revealing of some part of the coded information which might lead to someone getting a working wheel ahead of me. Actually I don't think it would give anything away, it all depends on which pieces of code or codes I describe. Still pondering on what to reveal.


  3. Hello everyone,

    Well I just finished drilling all the holes for the small linkages that will be glued to the weights. Everything is coming together sooner than expected, but that's OK because I'm excited too I see if this thing is really going to work.

    One thing that's interesting about this wheel is, all the weights go off balance at the same time and, in the same direction, whether the wheel is going forward or in reverse. So, I just might have it all completed by this weekend. I'll keep you updated as to what happens.

    I'll keep you posted🤓👍

    1. Also, I just wanted to say that the reason why all the weights go off balance at the same time and in the same direction, is because of the special cam that I designed that sits in the middle of the wheel. This is just a small side point that I thought I would add in there. 🤓

  4. Is there a way that I can view all the comments I made on this forum since I joined? I'm looking for a specific comment that I made.


    1. You could try 'search this blog', it is at the end of the side panel on the right.


  5. Well, I haven't even finished my wheel yet, but I can tell already that it's (not) going yo work as designed......

    Oh well, back to the drawing board 🤓👍

  6. Replies
    1. Pman - silence is golden. If one has nothing to say then say nothing.


    2. I know John, just trying to throw a little humor into the equation😁👍

    3. That actual distilled truth of it is that - silence is deafeningly golden.

      John, when I have nothing to say, I try to say something nice. It is the "PC" in me, you see? Can you not just see my head bobbling with such agreement?

  7. John, really appreciate the update. This is the best news I have seen in a long time... We are all sending our thoughts and good energy to you as you continue on your search.

  8. A good shed is a thing of beauty always ;) ... Jon

  9. never underestimate shed power: see
    all done in a garden shed.

  10. John, I don't know what you have found, but I really don't think Bessler coded any direct information about the design to his documents (especially the ones written before the Kassel demonstration). He was obviously paranoid. Coding a direct information seems against his nature and highly unlikely. He might have coded something but I don't think that would be related to the design.


    1. Hello Yellow. I think that Johann Bessler's comment about being content with acknowldgement post humously if he failed o get the money for his invention suggests that he planned to leave information.

      Secondly his comment that those who sought answers should study 'this little book', i.e. his Apologia Poetica', this too suggests that it contains hidden information although I do admit that it might not have been about the design of his wheel.

      Lastly I don't agree that his apparent paranoisa would have prevented him from disclosing coded information, but I think ke would have made it so obscure that it would be very difficult to find it and interpret it.


    2. My feeling is that Bessler left a lot of descriptions about his wheel design in his poems and quite a lot of clues too in his other writings...ensuring that no one gets the complete picture...but how the new age inventor can benefit from Bessler's hints is by initially starting from the scratch and later ensure that he is on the right track by comparing his efforts with Bessler's...

    3. I think, if he left a real clue or code about his design, it must be later in his life, when he was frustrated and possibility of his death before selling his wheel started to become more and more real to him.

      I am not sure about the chronology of the documents, but MT drawings and descriptions seems to be the best place for finding the solution... moreover remember it was also not published I think that's very important. I feel in my bones that somewhere in that book lies the solution ;)


    4. You may be right...Bessler expected post death recognition as the wheel sale seemed is not only in the mt drawings but clues are scattered all over his writings as Bessler tried to convince public that it was was also his sales tactics...he had to divulge something now and then....the entire solution in one piece cannot be found anywhere... recreating Bessler wheel is not difficult if one follows Bessler's guidelines and makes a genuine effort...a person who is totally devoted can only be successful...clues from elsewhere combined with mt drawings can yeild good is important we understand that Bessler has not given away the entire secret in any form...

  11. What if someone was able to build a gravity powered machine that kind of looks like a wheel but really isn't? Will that person still be considered the first person in 300 years to develop a gravity powered system that produces free energy? In fact, does it have to be a Bessler type wheel in order to be considered a perpetual gravity powered wheel?

  12. I've reviewed my past blogs to see what clues I have discussed and I was surprised at the number of them there are, over a period of time, then there is of course the website at which although published in 2009, still has much information about my own efforts to decipher Bessler's clues.

    Considerable progress has followed since I put the web site up and it will be revealed in full in the coming months.

    There is as well my web site at which contains information on my efforts to decode chapter 55 of Apologia Poetica. Definitely worth a look!



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...