Sunday 5 February 2023

It’s My Birthday - 78 today!

I decided that when I was 78, I would begin to share what information I have acquired over the years, that I haven’t published before.  So today I’m 78 and ready to publish the same details both here and on the BW forum.  It will be brief and to the point, and I may not show where all the clues came from, but I can tell you that all the clues I found came from GB, AP, DT and the Toys Page in MT.  None came from Bessler’s portraits, which means that my information probably doesn’t relate to any of Ken’s, and when you see them you will understand why I have been so dismissive of his work. 

It has been 63 years at least since I first met Johann Bessler.  Then I was no more than about 15 years of age and I read and reread the account by Rupert T. Gould in his compendium of Unexplained Facts, called “Oddities” and wondered if the story was true.  At that time I reluctantly accepted that it must have been a false claim and Bessler was lying - because that was what I was taught!

A few years later, and after many attempts at drawing numerous sketches of perpetual motion machines, I happened to be in a second hand bookshop and quite by accident came across an original copy of “Oddities”.  I bought it and devoured the details avidly and almost immediately I spotted the flaw in the maid’s evidence.  

She claimed that the wheel was turned by means of a lever secreted within the supporting pillars of the wheel.  This was connected to a turning handle fixed to the wall of Bessler’s bedroom.  This lever was apparently designed to turn the wheel by applying force to the bearings on the ends of the axle.  My first thought was that it wouldn’t be possible.  The contact point was too small, the wheel was too big and heavy, and most unbelievable, for the endurance test, Bessler, his wife, his 14 year old daughter and the maidservant herself, were required to operate the wheel 24/7 for 54 days! These illuminating statements were responses to questions raised by investigators to her charge that Bessler was a fraud.  

The bearings were always open to inspection; the wheel was routinely moved from one set of support pillars to a second set, to allow the many examiners to check for such just such tricks.  There were other questions all designed to get to the truth of her accusations,  but one she was unable to answer  was the Landgrave of Hesse’s role in these events.  He had stated that the wheel was genuine and he had personally inspected it, verified that it worked and fully understood it.  He had issued a certificate saying that.  He had only allowed Bessler to exhibit the machine subject to his approval. It’s worth noting that the Landgrave was respected for a number of experiments which he had funded to aid Denis Papin with his steam engine. He was known as a man interested in keeping up with the latest scientific thinking.

So with these considerations firmly fixed in my mind I proposed to try to find out how Bessler’s wheel worked.  I was aware that I might also discover how he faked it, and that was acceptable.  But I didn’t worry that it might take a long time to find out anything useful the latest, but I didn’t think it would take this long.  I have, over many years, identified numerous clues and published many of them, but it’s only been within the last two years that I finally got to the truth and I now know how Bessler’s wheel worked.

So I hope to build a working model, or Proof of Principle in my 78th year.  My only concern is that my engineering skills and equipment might not be up to the job.  Consequently I have found some kind person to make a sim according to the design I’m working on.  Hopefully we’ll know soon if I’m right, but I’m absolutely convinced that this design is the one Bessler used……BUT as I always say, even if it fails, I’m certain that my design is 99 per cent correct so I’ll publish the details and explain how I arrived at the solution.  There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind once you see the real clues, that this design is correct.



  1. Happy 78th birthday, John Collins!
    Wishing you success and happiness as you continue to strive for new inventions.
    May your tireless pursuit lead you to find the perfect running wheel that brings you joy and satisfaction. Cheers to another year of innovative ideas and great discoveries!
    Yours sincerely - Marco Z.

    1. Thank you Marco, for your encouraging words.


    2. Happy birthday John


    3. Thank you jso.


  2. (Part 1 of 2)

    Yes, happiest 78th birthday to you, John Collins!

    I read through your blog topic and here are some random thoughts it triggered in my mind:

    "So today I’m 78 and ready to publish the same details both here and on the BW forum. "

    >>>What a sudden change from the last few blogs where you said you will share nothing with anybody until after you get a runner! You certainly weren't "ready" then. I guess another birthday helped change your mind! But, then again, being ready and actually DOING something are often two different things.

    "The contact point was too small, the wheel was too big and heavy, and most unbelievable, for the endurance test, Bessler, his wife, his 14 year old daughter and the maidservant herself, were required to operate the wheel 24/7 for 54 days!"

    Actually, the maid's story would be plausible if Bessler's 12 foot diameter Kassel wheel was light enough and the handle the maid and others used applied enough leverage to the axle of the wheel. They would only have needed to manually power the wheel during the short times it was being inspected and tested. They could have powered it at the beginning of the two month duration test, then stopped when the door to its room was closed and sealed, and finally powered it again briefly when the door was opened.

    However, to make the wheel as light as possible, it would need to not contain a lot of lead weights. If so, then how can one account for all of the lead weights that came out of the Merseburg wheel during its official test when it was moved to a new set of axle supports.

    If the drum was actually empty of weights, then it would mean that Bessler had to fake that he was removing the weights from the wheel. Not impossible since he worked behind the wheel and out of sight of the witnesses. He could have had a few weights in this pockets and just kept pretending he was taking them out of the wheel and putting them in a nearby box, but then just pocketed them again before returning to the wheel to continue and kept repeating the cycle to convince the witnesses he had removed a large number of weights from the wheel.

    (End of Part 1 of 2. Continued and concluded in Part 2 of 2)

    1. (Part 2 of 2)

      But, what about the boxes of bricks being hoisted by wheels? Again, possible if the boxes were actually empty during the lifts and the witnesses didn't know that. Bessler could have faked that he was loading them with bricks like he faked he was removing and installing lead weights in his wheels when they were moved to new axle supports during official tests.

      "He had stated that the wheel was genuine and he had personally inspected it, verified that it worked and fully understood it."

      >>>Whatever wheel Count Karl saw, it couldn't have been the Kassel wheel which hadn't been constructed yet and it couldn't be the Merseburg wheel because Bessler had destroyed it. It could have been a small toy wheel with some sort of cleverly hidden clockwork mechanism in it. Bessler had been a clockmaker's apprentice at one time.

      "I have, over many years, identified numerous clues and published many of them, but it’s only been within the last two years that I finally got to the truth and I now know how Bessler’s wheel worked."

      >>>Unfortunately, all of those clues and codes on your many websites published years ago led to nothing. Let's hope your latest, greatest, and soon to be released clues will finally work!

      "Consequently I have found some kind person to make a sim according to the design I’m working on."

      >>>We all naturally assume that "kind person" is Fletcher.

      "There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind once you see the real clues, that this design is correct."

      >>>Unfortunately, without at least a reliably made WORKING sim, there will be nothing left but doubts. Any new clues you publish will be dismissed as delusional. Cruel, but that's how the Bessler's research game works.

      Hope I didn't sound too pessimistic on this your 78th birthday. We are all wishing that this Year of Our Lord 2023 will FINALLY be THE year where you produce an undeniable runner to crown your many years of seeking one. If SoS was here he would probably be adding this year's digits to get 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 7! He would then say 7 is the luckiest of all numbers and since your birth month and day is 2/5 which also adds up to 7, that means you will have GREAT luck this year!

      Let's hope he would be right!

      (Conclusion of Part 2 of 2 and end of this comment)

    2. First...Happy 78th B'day, John, and many more!

      @anon 15:10/15:12

      As for the maid's story about her and others taking turns moving Bessler's Kassel wheel using a long metal rod going down through one of the hollowed out vertical support columns to hook onto one of the axle's end pivots to rotate it is concerned, I do agree it is possible to do that if the wheel was light enough. However, there's a little detail that refutes her story that I rarely see mentioned and you didn't mention it either.

      The ends of the two wood support columns for the Kassel wheel were not in direct contact with the floor boards or the ceiling beams. The ends of the two columns were both attached to strong metal pieces that were then in turn attached to the floor boards and ceiling beams. Those metal pieces created a gap between the ends of the columns and the floor and ceiling. You can see those metal pieces and the gaps they created in the two drawings of the Kassel wheel in DT. If there had been any sort of metal rod going down into a column to drive the Kassel wheel's axle, then those examining the wheel would surely have noticed it in one of the gaps and immediately suspected a hoax.

      There is no mention of them seeing a metal rod inside of any of the gaps created by the metal pieces. So, if the maid's story was true, then how did that alleged metal rod Bessler used to fake his Kassel wheel's performance go unnoticed? Obviously, it couldn't have so Bessler's wheels must have been genuine and the maid was lying.


    3. Anon: 15:10 Thanks you for your greetings. I disagree with your attempt to show that the maid might not have been lying. Besides you are possibly unaware of the whole story concerning the maidservant. She was foisted on Bessler by his parents in law, she spent two periods in prison for malicious gossip about her employers. The room in which the wheel had its endurance test was sealed with the Landgrave’s seal and placed under 24 hour guard.

      Do you know something, I don’t know why I’m even bothering to explain, you clearly have an ulterior motive.


    4. @Anonymous5 February 2023 at 15:10
      Either he was genuine or he was not , its not within your unproven theories and unsubstantiated allegations to prove your fraud scenario , we continue though to try and test and explore things to determine fact , not fiction or untested explanations like yourself.

    5. @John

      Don't let anon 15:10 ruffle your feathers.

      I think he meant well and was just bringing up some of the paranoid suspicions that the skeptics of the Bessler story would think up to explain it all away. Anything rather than consider that just maybe Bessler had a genuine pm wheel. Most of those skeptics aren't really familiar with the details of the Bessler story because they've never read more than a cursory outline of events and description of the wheels and tests online. Why should they bother anyway since they are already 100% convinced it all had to be hoax? They look at Bessler as a combination of a magician and a crook who, money hungry for the 100,000 thalers, would go to any lengths to stage hoaxed exhibitions and official tests of his fake pm wheels. They view him as a crook who was just lucky enough to not get caught.

      I think Jason, however, did an excellent job of deflating the maid's nonsensical explanation of how the wheels were hoaxed.

      I'm sure that during the official tests, the examiners actually climbed up and lifted the axle pivots off of their brass bearing plates so they could carefully examine those plates using magnifying glasses as they looked for anything that might be poking out of them that could grip a steel pivot and make it rotate. They found nothing and the steel pivots themselves where probably almost mirror polished smooth from having spun around in the bearing plates so much. How could any "barbed hook" even manage to get a grip on a polished surface like that to apply any torque to it? It would be physically impossible even if Bessler's entire Kassel wheel only weighed five pounds!

      As far as Bessler hoisting empty boxes is concerned, that is also highly unlikely. Those supervising the tests would have suspected something like that and probably weighted all of the bricks that went into a box and made sure they were all in the box. The people testing Bessler's wheels were not stupid. They had scientific and mathematical training and were going out of their way to look for any hoaxing by Bessler. They found nothing.

      The only conclusion one can draw from all of this is that Bessler had a genuine pm wheel (or a "self-moving" wheel as Ken B insists on calling it because he's apparently not convinced that they were perpetual as in being able to run for all of eternity). Being real machines though, they probably would have broken down and stopped after only a few years of running nonstop without periodic maintenance.

      No matter how one views Bessler's wheels, they were unique in the history of mechanics and we need to duplicate them if possible. Maybe that won't change the world and maybe it will. But if nothing else, it will allow a lot of Bessler pm wheel researchers to sleep a little more soundly at night!

      PM Dreamer

      PS: Before I forget, Happy 78th Birthday!

  3. Happy Birthday John Collins, and a wish for many more!

  4. Thank you guys. Much appreciated.


    1. Happy Birthday John
      We all look forward to seeing your synthesis.

    2. See his "synthesis"? Heck, no! We want to see his new clues and the wheel they describe.

      We've waited patiently since his last revelation back in September of 2020 which was almost two and a half years ago. Meanwhile others who have been around here a lot less than him are posting more and more of their wheel designs here while all he gives us is nothing but vague hints about all of the amazing clues he's found.

      I also wish him a happy 78th birthday, of course, but I believe I will eventually be wishing him a happy 88th birthday and we still won't see anything from him!

      By then he'll be pushing a walker around some nursing home over in England and complaining that he's having trouble setting up a work table, getting materials, and using tools. But he'll keep right on hinting that when he finally finishes his wheel "whether it works or not" and publishes all of his latest clues, we will all be totally amazed by his discoveries. Unfortunately, most of us here today will probably be cold in our graves by then!

    3. @anon16:39
      At the top of this blog John wrote
      "So today I’m 78 and ready to publish the same details both here and on the BW forum. It will be brief and to the point, and I may not show where all the clues came from, but I can tell you that all the clues I found came from GB, AP, DT and the Toys Page in MT."
      It looks to me like he's finally going to start showing us something real for a change. You and others need to be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day and he probably has a lot of information he plans to share with us.
      I'm looking forward to seeing what he's found.

    4. @anon 00:32

      Thanks for John's 2022 "year in review". I'm sure he'll be delighted to be reminded of all of it!

      Maybe the real problem is that John's days as a builder have actually come to an end, but his ego cannot accept that reality yet? So, he goes on and on about the "last" wheel he plans to build without producing anything.

      If I was him I'd do like Ken B and stop trying to build anything and just concentrate on clue analysis, making wheel designs based on them, and then simming them to see if they are runners.

      John never learned to sim (that he admitted he was too old for!), but he could come up with Paint sketches based on what he thinks the clues he's seeing describe and then shoot them over via email to Fletcher to let him see if he can tweek a sim of any of them into a runner. That could take a lot of work to do so John should consider paying him something for his time.

      If Fletcher can do that successfully, then John can finally declare victory at solving the Bessler wheel mystery and, like Ken B does now, just sit back and wait for other younger builders to turn his design into a working tabletop model for him.

      I can imagine John at the ripe old age of 90 sitting by a glowing fireplace on a cold, rainy night as he watches a small working model of the Bessler wheel design he found spinning away inside of a glass case on a nearby table. That model would be one that was shipped to him by a younger fan who built it using his design and wanted to honor him with it as a gift.

      Could there be a better way to end one's lifelong involvement with the Bessler mystery? Probably not.

  5. Happy birthday John! I have an idea. Maybe the shaft was there and Bessler installed it so he could monitor that the wheel was still turning during the sealed room test. The maid saw the shaft and assumed it was used to turn the wheel.

    1. "Shaft"? Are you talking about something hidden inside of one of the Kassel wheel's axle support beams? If so, then you need to read Jason's comment above and you will realize that what you suggest was not possible.

  6. Thank you for the kind birthday greetings.

    Thank you anon 00:32 for your detailed review of the last year. I must admit it makes painful reading, but you know the old proverb, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions!” Most of us are probably married and we make life easier for ourselves if we try to accommodate the needs of our other half, which means that our needs tend to take second place! Add in my habit of procrastinating…..and another year has passed.

    But I have actually drafted a copy of my next blog which goes some way towards providing some information. Once it’s ready it will be in several parts so don’t expect full disclosure in the first one, but I think you’ll find it interesting. I anticipate three blogs to give enough information to make a sim.


    1. "I anticipate three blogs to give enough information to make a sim."

      The crowd of lurkers out there approves!


    2. I'd bet dollars to donut holes that when John starts releasing his new clues, we'll see that they form an extravaganza of pentagons, pentagrams, and an angle of exactly 72 degrees everywhere. Oh, I forgot to mention the number 55 in there somewhere! Has he finally escaped from the firm grip that the number 5 has on his brain? Probably not.

      Despite all of that, however, it's ultimately the finally mechanical design that he cooks up from all those clues that really counts. That design of his, however, will remain a matter of subjective interpretation until and unless at least a single reliable sim of it shows it works. Only then can his interpretations of his new found clues be considered objective reality.

      Bessler pm wheel chasers have been arguing about the meaning of various clues over on bwf for decades now and none of it led to a running wheel. But, maybe they just did have the right clues to make a difference. Does John now have those "right" clues?

      As with all things, time will tell...

    3. Sure sounds better than the false explanations KenB goes on and on about , boating about his sim , then runs around explaining it gets energy from reducing the mass or material , but forgets to mention how non of that mass reduction to energy conversion exist in the sim software pfffffff what ever.

    4. anon18:34

      If a rotating pm wheel puts out energy it must be paid for by a loss of the masses of its parts. That is what currently accepted physics would say about how Bessler's wheels worked once a working replica of one of them is finally made and real scientists get a chance to test it. But those mass reductions are in fractions of a nanogram per wheel rotation and difficult to measure even with our most sensitive equipment. That is why it took from Newton to Einstein to realize that such tiny mass reductions actually took place.

      John used to push his gravity wind theory that tried to convince us that Bessler's wheels were powered by energy somehow gotten from gravity. Those who knew their physics hammered him over that and he quickly changed his tune to say that gravity "enabled" Bessler's wheels to release energy. He should have more accurately said that gravity enabled them to release the energy associated with the masses of their parts. I give Ken B credit for being the first to realize and state this even though at the time most in Bessler research didn't even understand the meaning of E = mc^2 and many still don't.

    5. You want to say OB is produced by energy from mass reduction , and mass reduction is caused by OB .........................pffffff

    6. No, anon 20:27. He's not saying that "OB is produced by energy from mass reduction". The OB, due to the design of the wheel, has to already exist even before the wheel begins to turn and, only after it starts turning, can the energy of the mass of the weights be extracted from them and used to increase the RKE of the wheel. That RKE can then be used to power any devices attached to the wheel's axle.

    7. You do realize that the OB cannot drive the wheel fully around and reposition the masses back to position to produce OB again, the laws of thermodynamics or the laws of conservation of energy proofs that the losses of energy prevents this.

      So if the OB cannot produce enough energy to drive the wheel fully around and therefore cannot reposition the masses , then it is self explanatory that he by product of the theory say the needed energy to move the masses to produce OB to drive the wheel itself comes from the imaginary mass to energy conversion by his explanation that the energy comes from mass reduction.

      "only after it starts turning, can the energy of the mass of the weights be extracted from them and used to increase the RKE of the wheel"

      Do you not see that this is exactly what you say he says , if there is no energy to turn the wheel then there is no continually OB produced.

      So it is by simple logic determined , no extra energy = no rotation and mass reset .

  7. Ken’s theory is bs, the energy will be shown to have been supplied by the force of gravity. Gravity makes things fall, it’s up to you to work out how to make the return to their starting point. Bessler knew and now so do I.


    1. I don't care about a lot of fancy science and math when it comes to pm wheels. But, I'm very sure of one thing. If your wheel doesn't stay OOB while it turns AND also keeps its torque then you don't have a runner no matter how much you think you should have one.
      Just being OOB isn't enough. You also got to have the torque too. All of the OOB wheels I ever seen either turn into some position until they have no torque or don't have it to start with in any position. When that happens you can turn them around any way and they just sit there.
      Bessler had the right kind of OOB wheels and knew how to build them. Does that Ken B have his design? Maybe but I'll believe it when I see someone build one of them. The same goes for anything John or anybody else shows us.
      I don't trust sims. They look pretty but I want a wheel I can touch with my fingers on and not just some laptop keys.

    2. John wrote: "...the energy will be shown to have been supplied by the force of gravity."

      Sounds like John is sliding right back again to his "wheel energy comes from gravity" theory and not from the mass of the weights themselves which is the source in Ken B's theory. But, without the mass of the weights, there is no "force of gravity" acting on the weights and no energy can come out of them because they have no mass to lose to provide that energy. Only weights with mass can lose some of it and release any energy as they fall in a gravity field. I agree with others who say it's more accurate to say that a gravity field enables the process of releasing the energy in falling weights, but is not actually supplying that energy itself.

      Also John wrote: "Gravity makes things fall, it’s up to you to work out how to make the return to their starting point."

      Ken B wouldn't disagree with that, but he would probably say that it's more important to figure out how to make the weights return to their starting point using LESS energy then they released as they fell from that starting point on a pm wheel's descending side to some low point in the wheel. Unless that happens, the wheel won't be able to provide energy to any machines outside of it and attached to it.

      This might sound like it would be impossible, but somehow it can be done. Ken B says Bessler did it by using the sudden reversal of the swing direction of levers on the ascending sides of his wheels at the 9:00 position. It takes some clever mechanics to produce sudden motion like that, but Bessler was, after all, a very clever mechanic.

      @anon 00:37
      You have a very practical approach to overbalanced pm wheels and what you say is certainly true. I've seen a few of those overbalanced wheels in my time that have no torque no matter how you turn them around and their inventors are really shocked after going to the trouble of building them to realize that they have produced nothing more than a complicated fly wheel with a lot of moving parts in it.

      I agree with you that it's always better to have a physical model of a pm wheel to test than just a computer simulation of it. Unfortunately, many pm wheel chasers aren't that good at building things, don't have the right equipment to build them, or aren't physically able to build them. But, they can sometimes make excellent simulations.

      I could accept that a still unconstructed physical wheel should be a runner based on simulations. BUT, I'd never do that using only a single simulation. Maybe if two out of three independently made simulations showed the wheel worked, I'd start to believe it. Better yet would be say 7 or 8 out of 10 independently made simulations.

  8. Anon 06:45: wrote
    “ Sounds like John is sliding right back again to his "wheel energy comes from gravity" theory and not from the mass of the weights themselves which is the source in Ken B's theory.”

    I’m not sliding back from anywhere, I’ve been saying that Bessler’s wheel was enabled by gravity for many years.

    Ken AB’s theory simply doesn’t make sense. He claims the weights lose a minuscule amount of their mass as they fall and they rise because they weigh less than they did when they fell. Does anybody of rational mind believe that? If they lose mass every time they rotate they would soon disappear! Besides a minuscule difference would not overcome the slightest friction let alone lift heavy weights. The theory does not stack up.

    I know how Bessler was able to make his wheel turn, using the force of gravity, and I’m going to spell it out over the next couple of weeks. Once you know, it makes complete sense, without having to see a sim even!


    1. It is due to people not understanding E=mc2 , they think when mass is in motion it produces fission hahahaha

    2. John wrote: "He claims the weights lose a minuscule amount of their mass as they fall and they rise because they weigh less than they did when they fell. Does anybody of rational mind believe that?"

      That's not exactly what he's saying, John.

      Obviously a loss of a fraction of a nanogram by each weight as it falls on a pm wheel's descending side is negligible in terms of the imbalance it creates in the wheel especially since most (but not all) of that lost mass has to be regained by its diametrically opposite weight as it rises on the wheel's ascending side at the same time. But, what he is actually saying is that the amount of ENERGY associated with that fraction of a nanogram of mass lost by the descending side weight will be slightly MORE than the amount of energy that its diametrically opposite ascending side weight needs to be supplied with from the rotational kinetic energy of the turning wheel in order to rise back to the top of the wheel again.

      That very slight amount of EXTRA mass and its associated energy lost by the descending side weight is not completely lost though, but is used to increase the rotational kinetic energy of all parts of the wheel around the center of its axle. This process is, according to Ken B, only possible if a pm wheel always stays overbalanced as it turns which obviously Bessler's wheels did.

      Bessler's Kassel wheel has had several rough calculations done of its power output when driving that Archimedean waterscrew shown in the DT drawing which give values of about 50 watts. When one uses the E = mc^2 equation to calculate the amount of mass being lost per wheel rotation by its lead weights to output energy at that rate, it works out to a fraction of a nanogram per wheel rotation. Next, if we assume that the Kassel wheel contained several hundred pounds of lead weights, we can calculate the total number of wheel rotations that could be powered by the energy content associated with that large mass of lead weights.

      The calculations show that it is an enormous number of wheel rotations and when you divide them by the 20 rotations per minute that the wheel ran at while driving the waterscrew you will be able to determine how many minutes the Kassel wheel could run while outputting that power constantly to the waterscrew. Ken B has done calculations indicating the Kassel wheel, if it did not break down due to wear and tear, could actually run nonstop powering the waterscrew for over one BILLION years! But, then it would stop.

      At that time the weights would still contain all of their lead atoms, but they would be massless because they had been completely drained of their energy content. If you removed one from the wheel and released it, it would float right up to the top of our atmosphere and probably drift off into space to be blown out of our solar system by the solar wind! To get the wheel to run again, you would have to install fresh lead weights in it whose atoms had their normal masses.

      I find Ken B's approach interesting because, although he is 100% convinced Bessler had working wheels, he does not believe that they could run forever even if they were immune to wear and tear. Since they only contained a limited mass of lead and its associated energy content, they could only output that energy for a limited amount of time. But, it was an incredibly long amount of time. One billion years is about 20% of the age of our solar system!

    3. @anon 10:30

      It's obvious from your long comment that you have read Ken B's book on Bessler in which he goes into the same things you mentioned. I think, aside from reverse engineering Bessler's wheels, one of his goals was to turn the search for mechanical pm into a subject that could draw the attention of the scientific world and get them to treat the subject with less ridicule so he describes the flow of energy inside of Bessler's wheels with the same kind of language used to describe the flow of heat energy inside of objects in the subject of thermodynamics.

      One problem I have with his theorizing is the final state of weights inside of an overbalanced wheel when they have lost all of their mass energy. He claims that, aside from being massless and weightless, the atoms of lead would still have all of their other normal chemical and physical properties. However, I think that such a state might be so unnatural as to be somehow avoided by Nature. Maybe the lead atoms, after they had lost too much mass, would somehow steal it from the matter around them? If that actually happened, then Bessler's wheels could, in principle, run forever or at least until the universe ended assuming it will have an end. This is all hypothetical because no scientists are going to keep some replica of the Kassel wheel maintained and under observation for millions of years to see if its lead weights are actually losing measurable amounts of mass.

      Here's another bothersome problem I see with an overbalanced type pm wheel.

      Assume that the wheel is spinning away at a constant speed and powering some external machine from its axle. If we could actually see the CoG of the wheel's lead weights it would look like a small spot that was floating in space inside of the drum's descending side with a mass equal to the total mass of the lead weights.

      Now here's the mystery. While that energy is being outputted to the external machine, the CoG of the drum's weights does not change its distance from the center of the Earth. That means that the CoG is not falling toward the center of the Earth and the lead weights should not be losing any GPE that could be outputted as energy to power the attached external machine. If that is the case, then from where is that outputted energy coming? It certainly cannot be due to the Earth's gravity making the CoG fall since it's not falling. The only possible source for it would have to be the lead weights inside of the drum.

      This appears to give some support to Ken B's theory, imo. If E = m c^2 is valid, then it would seem that outputted energy would have to come at the expense of the mass of the weights and they should get less massive over time as a result. I think these are all matters that will certainly interest future physicists, but that won't happen if no one can manage to build a working overbalanced pm wheel regardless of whose design works.


    4. I read anon 10:30's comment with much interest and decided to do some calculations of my own.

      According to E = mc^2 one gram of mass contains 9 x 10^13 joules of energy. That's a LOT of energy and about the amount released by the atomic bomb that wiped out Hiroshima. One nanogram is only a billionth of a gram so it contains 9 x 10^13 joules/10^9 = 9 x 10^4 joules or 90,000 joules of energy.

      If Bessler's Kassel wheel's lead weights were loosing only a fraction of a nanogram of their mass per wheel rotation, say, 1% or 0.01 nanogram, they would have put out 900 joules per wheel rotation. While running the water screw pump, the wheel made 20 rotations per minute so that's 900 joules / rotation x 20 rotations / minute = 18,000 joules per minute. This is equivalent to 300 watts of continuous power output.

      For his Kassel wheel to be putting out only 50 watts, its weights would have had to have been losing mass at the rate of 0.00167 nanograms per wheel rotation or 0.03333 nanograms per minute.

      If this loss of mass during wheel rotation takes place as Ken B claims it does, then it could certainly account for the energy Bessler's wheels put out. It's just too bad his wheels couldn't have made their weights lose full nanograms of mass per wheel rotation because then their power outputs would have climbed up into the tens of KILOwatts. That's enough to electrically power several homes.


      I have replied to the theory before , and like i said mass does not convert in to energy , this is not fission period .

      E=mc2 , is the energy mass equivalent , if the KE increases the mass measurement increases equivalently , if the KE decreases the mass measurement decreases equivalently .

      The GPE of the downward side is equal to the GPE of the upward side , the height of the downward side is equal to the height of the upward side.

      That means the energy of the downward side is equal to the energy of the upward side.

      That means the energy and mass equivalent measurement of the downward side is equal to the upwards side .

      What is gained is lost.

    6. Thank you anon 09:55 - you have just blown Ken B’s ridiculous explanation out of the water! Let’s hope that silences him this time.


    7. anon 09:55 said

      " i said mass does not convert in to energy , this is not fission period ."

      First of all mass does not need to "convert into energy" because it already is energy if you believe that E = mc^2 formula which I do. Also Ken B has never said that Bessler's wheels needed to have fission reactions taking place inside of them to release the energy in their weights. That energy was released automatically due to the special mechanics of the wheels which as they turned forced their falling side weights to release more energy to the entire wheel than the rising side weights took from the entire wheel. That extra lost falling side weight energy that built up in the entire wheel could then either slowly speed it up or could be used to turn the parts of some machine attached to a wheel's axle. The concept is easy to understand, but the wheel design that can use it must be very carefully made.

      If you haven't read Ken's book on Bessler's wheels yet, then you definitely should. It is probably the most detailed analysis of the wheels that has ever been done. He promises that those who read it will finally understand as much about Bessler's wheels as Bessler did! I found the answers to most of the questions I had about the wheels in it and he's the only author I've ever read who gives an explanation as to how Bessler made his big wheels work in both directions that actually made sense.

      That involves using two side by side one direction wheels packed together inside a wider drum and then having all of the levers of one of those wheels that is forced to turn backwards locked down against their drum stops by small gravity powered latches so that locked up wheel couldn't interfere with the other wheel driving the drum by itself.

    8. Correction : "go and give it a try , go and extract the extra energy from mass by moving it around , the only energy you can extract is LESS than the amount you are putting in to it as you are moving it ,if you succeed in extracting extra (more) in doing so you will become an instant trillionare because you just created extra energy and extracted it from moving a mass around , and then reduced the mass like spend fuel ."

    9. Anon 23:46 wrote "You cannot extract the energy from the mass beyond the rest mass by simply moving the mass around in and out on a circle , go and give it a try , go and extract the extra energy from mass by moving it around..."

      But that is exactly what Ken B claims had to take place to the lead weights inside of Bessler's wheels. They could potentially loose all of their rest masses if forced to do so and the mechanics of Bessler's wheels could force them to do so if a wheel ran long enough.

      I think you are just looking at the vertical distances on both sides of the wheel that the weights move through and immediately saying, that since they are the same, the GPE and its associated mass lost on the descending side must always exactly equal the GPE and its associated mass gained on the ascending side. Therefore, there is no GPE left over to increase the rotational KE of the wheel. This is the standard argument used by skeptics to dismiss the possibility of any rotating pm wheel ever working.

      But, Ken B goes beyond that concept and is saying something different is happening inside of an overbalanced pm wheel that is spinning away. He's saying that the decrease in GPE and its associated mass of the weights on the descending side at any moment is always a little greater than the increase in GPE and its associated mass of the weights on the ascending side during the same moment. That then allows the little extra lost GPE and its associated mass of the descending side weights to be available to increase the rotational KE of the entire wheel. He claims that this discrepancy in the instantaneous rates of change in the GPE's and their associated masses on both sides of an overbalanced type wheel is due to the retrograde swinging of the levers on the ascending side between the drum's 6:00 to 9:00 positions in a CW turning wheel.

      While an accelerating Bessler's wheel's descending side lead weights (and also their levers) constantly lose some extra GPE and its associated mass, that energy and its associated mass is instantly and equally distributed to all of the atoms in the wheel and slightly increases the rest masses of all of their subatomic particles. This results in no change in the gross mass of the wheel. If, however, the wheel's axle was connected to some outside machine to accelerate its parts, the extra GPE energy and its associated mass being lost by the wheel's descending side lead weights would immediately flow right into the parts of the machine to increase the rest masses of all of the subatomic particles in all of those parts. Ken B likens that flow of the extra descending side weight GPE and associated mass into the entire wheel and also into attached machines to the "flow" of heat energy discussed in the science of thermodynamics.

      Btw. That extra loss of energy and associated mass by the lead weights on a Bessler pm wheel's descending side has nothing to do with any kind of nuclear reactions taking place inside of the nuclei of the lead atoms in the weights. All of the electrons, neutrons, and protons in those lead atoms are still present and just experience the same percentage decrease in their normal or rest masses as the wheel turns and continues to speed up or, while running at a constant speed, powers some attached machine's parts which are accelerated in some way and they move about.

    10. anon 2:13 I am sorry to hear about your mental illness , get well soon.

    11. If anybody else has a better explanation of where B's wheels got the energy they produced then Ken B does then please do enlighten us with it.

    12. There is none yet , because there is no working wheel yet , unless you ask people who make false claims , or people who take guesses.

    13. "There is none yet , because there is no working wheel yet"

      Even after B's wheels are finally duplicated, the Ken B explanation will be the only one acceptable to serious scientists. Meanwhile everyone else like anon 11:30 remains totally clueless about the source of that energy.

    14. "Even after B's wheels are finally duplicated, the Ken B explanation will be the only one acceptable to serious scientists. Meanwhile everyone else like anon 11:30 remains totally clueless about the source of that energy."

      What is preventing you from doing it now ? my guess would be you cannot build it because it is not real.

      We can discuss theories and tell each other why someone's theory seems more likely than another , but Ken B or the people who write about him here seem to be among the people who think that his theory is proven fact and not a theory , because as soon as the theory is challenged by someone else's theory or shown to have problems he or the people who write here tries to to exclaim how everyone else is wrong and he is right , but he or the people who write here about him have zero proof for anything that he is right.

      As soon as you act like your theory is fact and not theory anymore , science and everyone will challenge you on it , the world of science does not take theories as fact very lightly , its a matter which needs real proof , not empty words and believe .

      But Ken B is welcome to take his place among people who claim things as fact without proof , as soon as the truth comes out and Ken B is proven wrong , he cant change his view because he has written himself in to a corner of which there is no undoing.

    15. " soon as the truth comes out and Ken B is proven wrong , he cant change his view because he has written himself in to a corner of which there is no undoing."

      I get the impression that is of little concern to Ken B because, unlike John who currently is only 99% certain of his design, Ken B seems 100% certain that he has the true design! But, then again, who cranks out an 800 page volume on something who isn't 100% sure of it?! Ken B will either go down in pm history as one of the biggest fools or greatest geniuses to ever come along. It all depends on whether or not a working wheel comes from his design. Sims are nice, but nothing beats a working wheel.

  9. Rather than respond to your exhaustive comment , I would be curious to see any evidence that supported your theory Ken. Even if you are able to produce a paper hypothesising such a theory, I simply cannot see how it could possibly drive an Archimedes screw or lift a 70 pound chest of stones. I doubt very much if Bessler designed his wheel with that theory in mind either, since it couldn’t have been published back in his day, in which case your imaginary clues which led to your design of your wheel, cannot possibly relate to anything to do with Bessler.


    1. There are people like Bessler who build and test their ideas , people who fail and learn.

      Bessler was an exception though , not only did he test and build his ideas , he also found something that rotated very long and did external work .

      Bessler did not just claim that he had a wonderful and useful invention , but build and showcased and made available for examination multiple wheels , with multiple speeds and power ,having been multiple sizes , and made them perform multiple types of external work , allowed multiple people to see and touch ,and request multiple things like start and stop and translocate while showcasing them.

      Well known and intellectual people were allowed to observe these tests , and weigh in on their thoughts too.

      There are exceptions to these examples , people who claim to have it solved (whatever "it" means to them) , but cant produce a single tangible real thing , neither by themselves or hired individual or by a friend for free.

  10. Happy birth day John Collins!! Hope you are well and in good spirits----------------Sam

  11. Thank you Sam. It’s nice to read a friendly comment.


  12. John wrote this at the top of this blog:

    "...I’m absolutely convinced that this design is the one Bessler used……BUT as I always say, even if it fails, I’m certain that my design is 99 per cent correct so I’ll publish the details and explain how I arrived at the solution."

    If you actually build it, but cannot make it work and no one else can make a sim of it that works, will you still be "99 per cent" certain that it is Bessler's design? This seems more like a statement of religious faith than of scientific reason. What would it take to convince you that your design is NOT what Bessler used?

    1. Yes I can see that, but there are a couple details that I will only be sure of their exact placement when I begin the build and/or the sim is constructed. With the sim it should be simple to try the two variations. I’ve said this a few times now, when you understand the concept you will have no doubts about its validity.


    2. "I’ve said this a few times now, when you understand the concept you will have no doubts about its validity."

      This sounds very intriguing! I can't wait to see your concept.

    3. @anon 07:29:

      Did you notice that John didn't answer your question about what it would take to convince him that he doesn't have Bessler's design? That is because, having become totally obsessed with finding a solution with his last wheel, he cannot even conceive of the possibility of not having found it. He must make it work no matter what!

      I think we will see that even though he never completely builds it and has to depend upon the simming of others for independent verification, if they report back one after another that his design is totally unworkable, he will just ignore all of them and automatically assume that they aren't making their sims correctly or, if he gets paranoid enough, even that they are deliberately lying that it does not work because they've found that it actually does work and are hoping to steal his design for themselves in the future after he is gone.

      He could eventually become so convinced that he has to have the solution that he will even be content with just having his 99% solution that is just one tiny change away from being the 100% solution. He will then promote that 99% solution to his last day. In his mind, he will be totally convinced he's found it even though no one else will be convinced of that. He may hope that when some future builder finds the missing 1% and gets a runner out of it, John will still go down in history as having found 99% of the solution.

      I had a friend years ago who experienced the same kind of obsession with an pm invention he came up with. He had built nothing and it was all on paper. He was so excited by it that he was actually getting ready to patent it without building anything! He was convinced that building it would be completely unnecessary because it was so obvious that it would work (notice how similar that belief is to John's telling us how easy to understand his clues and concept will be when revealed). Fortunately, others talked him out of spending a lot of money he'd have to borrow to obtain the patent and got him to agree to build it first. He did that and it was unworkable. He became very depressed after that and it took him months to recover.

      Learning to sim can quickly teach a person how really unreliable their sense of what should work can be. It is a humbling experience that every pm wheel chaser should have to help keep his feet on the ground and his head out of the clouds. Unfortunately, John hasn't learned how to sim and probably never will. In fact, he may unconsciously be avoiding learning to sim so he never has to personally test his design to see for himself that it cannot work. Procrastinators tend to avoid facing situations that they know from past experiences may frustrate, depress, or upset them.

    4. It's hard to make progress in any thing unless you do get obsessed and fanatical about it so that can be a good thing. But, when I look at the internet I see all sorts of webpages put up by people saying they know how Bessler's wheels really worked and giving some drawings. In almost all cases they built nothing and simmed nothing. They are convinced their design is it because it seems so obvious to them that it must work.
      Most of those designs have been on the web for years and nothing ever came of any of them. John has to be careful that whatever he comes doesn't get lost among all of those other "has to be it" designs. Eventually, some change in the internet will come along and they will all be flushed away. How many websites from the 1990s are still up and running?
      John needs to put a book out and not just a webpage or a blog or a forum comment that gives the details of his design and why it is the one Bessler used. A working sim made by someone else than him or one of his friends would also be helpful and I hope he can get that.

    5. Oh you truly amusing fools you're all of the opinion that Bessler left no explicit instructions and how it was done and where it comes from none of you have even the slightest understanding of what the prime mover is and how it works and the philosophical representations it is conveyed in the simplicity will be blinding

    6. We remember Stephen. You said it was Galloway's design with a few small changes. It's in the blog.

    7. Finally, John's head has been opened and look what popped out of it! Just as everyone here suspected all along. Lol!

    8. You all should feel sorry for Stephen it must be hard to have zero credibility.

    9. If only JC had the wisdom to except SG's kind offer a couple of blogs ago to assist him he could have learned the secret of Bessler's prime mover which would guarantee that JC's soon to be revealed pentagonal pentagramal extravaganza gravity wheel would be a runner. But NO! JC refused the generous offer and chose instead to remain an amusing foolish dullard and drunkard like the rest of us. Now we must all suffer because of JC's stubbornness. Shame on you, JC...


    10. What I worry about the most is if the revealing of it is as really as simple as is claimed, I think I'll become angry that I was incapable of thinking of it. There is great enjoyment in discovering a new invention and when that is gone, it induces a depression worse than death. I've had it happen before. There is some pride involved in being able to think up something, but when you try and fail, and someone else thinks it up before you - it really and truly makes you feel worse than a pile of cow dung. The worthlessness that comes upon you is so intense, you wish you were dead. At least it's how it affects me. Revealing of the Bessler Wheel, if legit, is going to make me extremely sad. I'll build it and use it to power stuff, but it will always be tainted with sorrow that I wasn't smart enough to figure it out - in fact, a Bessler Wheel dunce.

    11. @NQ

      I don't think it's really that important who finds the secret to Bessler's wheels or even if what they find actually is Bessler's wheel (although it would certainly be nice if it was his wheel). What's important is that some sort of genuine pm machine be found which will show the skeptics out there that we were not all wasting our lives looking for one.

      Once something is found that's real, we can all get to work trying to improve it to help power human civilization. There will always be some mysteries that need solving and inventions that need improving. I'm looking forward to what the future will bring as far as Bessler's wheels and other sources of free energy are concerned. I tend to ignore the skeptics. They quit a long time ago because they assumed that they knew it all. No, they do not and we can all look forward to enjoying watching them squirm when a successful pm machine finally comes along.


    12. I like your attitude Jason. I still would like to be the one to figure it out and not being able to do so, makes me feel stupid. I mean it's just a gravity machine right? The simplest form of machinery with no pistons, turbines, or armatures to worry about and yet...I can't figure it out? It's a double-edged sword - glad to have a working wheel, but so intrinsically sad that I'm now a consumer and not a producer. There are far more people in the first category than the latter.

    13. Unfortunately, NQ, in the real world spectacular successes are a rarity and most of the time we have to be content with just getting by and making small contributions if possible. Not everyone can be another Newton or Einstein. All we can do is give things a try and hope for the best.

      Everyone talks about what a genius Thomas Edison was. His light bulb illuminated the world! But, no one talks about another guy named Lewis Latimer. Who was he?

      Edison's original light bulb used a carbonized thread as a filament and it was brittle and could easily break if a bulb was jostled about too much while being handled. Even without that, the carbon would, when incandescent, begin vaporizing so a bulb would not last long before burning out as its too thin filament eventually snapped in two. Latimer came up with the idea of using a tiny coiled tungsten filament in Edison's bulb. Being metal it was far more resistant to breaking. That filament, even when incandescent, could last for hundreds of hours because it was far more resistant to vaporization than an incandescent carbon filament was. It made Edison's light bulb practical and easier to manufacture.

      They have build monuments to Edison all over the world and he even wound up on a US postage stamp. Latimer? No one's made anything for him. Btw. He was also a negro inventor which might have had something to do with that.

    14. "...and he even wound up on a US postage stamp."

      Here's a block of four 3 cent US stamps with Edison's picture on them printed circa 1947:

    15. There is a bizarre theory that Edison was actually MEXICAN! That country even issued a stamp honoring him in 1981 on the 50th anniversary of his death which was back in 1931.

  13. Anon 20:02 makes his usual unpleasant comments deriding my statements and mocking my plans, predicting some kind of psychological breakdown for me. I wonder what lies behind his intense dislike of me and my work? Jealousy, envy or is just the typical narcissistic behaviour so common in others who who exhibit such troll-like behaviour.


    1. Ignore his noise, John. He's probably just another burned out, FAILED Bessler pm wheel chaser who is envious of your achievements that will only be amplified more when you release your new wheel design to the world.

  14. Hello again everyone!

    Sorry I'm late to the party, but I've been busier than usual the last few months. May I now extend the most happy belated birthday wishes to JC for his 78th birthday.

    As an Aquarian, JC can be expected to be

    "...very intelligent and analytical. Those associated with the Aquarius star sign are very objective and very unemotional. These people are very confident, strong and determined in their characteristics. Aquarius is easily fascinated and inspired by the new and interesting things around them. Aquarius zodiac sign people believe in freedom, being independent, and are a little rebellious in their essence."

    which is how one horoscope website describes him. I'll leave it to JC to decide if that is an accurate description or not.

    Last year, as a goodbye gift for the followers here on what was to be the last regular blog, I provided the numbers of the specific MT drawings which I was convinced Bessler referred to when he wrote at the beginning of MT

    "...however, taking various illustrations together and combining them with a discerning mind, it will indeed be possible to look for a movement and, finally to find one in them."

    Some may recall that I concluded that those illustrations he referred to were MT 9 through to and including MT 13 as well as MT 18. Only six drawings whose principles one should focus on to solve the mystery of his wheels. My opinion of this has not changed.

    After that final blog last year I continued my numerological research into MT, but eventually realized that I had found as much of the clues he left there as my skills would allow. So, I decided to look elsewhere in the Bessler drawings. However, I decided not to look for numerological clues in the two DT portraits showing Bessler's face because I'm now convinced that KB has probably found most of them already. So, that left the few other drawings Bessler left us.

    My attention soon became fixated on the second of the double view drawings of the 12 feet diameter wheel at Weissenstein Castle in Kassel which is the one showing the wheel lifting the crate of stones on the left side and driving the huge swinging pendulum on the right side. To make a long story shorter, I have found that this double view drawing is literally loaded with new numerological clues. When I find something like this I feel like a kid in a candy shop!

    I'm tempted to rush to show them all off to everyone now, but from reading through this blog, it looks like JC is getting ready to release a lot of his own new clues. I don't want to steal his thunder so I will hold off on my latest discoveries for another few blogs or so. I also will need to prepare some quick drawings using that DT illustration to make what I've found as clear as possible. These new clues are not completely numerological, however, but also involve some amazing and highly improbable alignments that I've found in the drawing. Be prepared for some BIG surprises!

    Anyway, it's nice to see this blog is back again with new information continuing to surface on it. I've always said that it is a unique blog on the internet and I still think it is.

    Sayer of Sooths

    1. Hi, SoS! Nice to see you back here again. Now it seems more like the old pre-shutdown blog of last year again. I'll be happy to see any new clues you have to share with us. The more we have the better.

      PM Dreamer

    2. @SoS

      I found your zeroing in on those mt9 to mt13 + mt18 drawings last year as the place to look for a solution very interesting. Here's what I noticed about those six drawings.

      mt09 is the only place Bessler mentions his connected principle and says another inventor's wheel won't work without it. He suggests the connectedness is done with belts (leather ones?) or chains between the levers. You could probably use ropes but they might not last as long.

      mt10 is the only place we are told that some sort of special lever is required and he'll discuss it at the end of the mt drawings.

      mt11 is the only wheel that has two separate wheels built inside of it and we are again told it will be discussed at the end of the mt drawings. This was probably a hint about how his two direction wheels worked which needed two wheels inside of their drums.

      mt12 tells us the levers moving between 6 and 9 o'clock should move in toward the wheel's axle.

      mt13 was a new and most likely Bessler's last wheel he built before he found a runner. He shows us levers with two arms each and tells us it would work if we found some way to quickly raise the levers heading toward 12 o'clock.

      mt18 shows weights being lifted using springs on the rising side of a wheel and he tells us it's a principle that should not be ignored and will be discussed at the end of the full collection of mt drawings.

      I can see why you claim the secret is gotten by using the principles in just those six drawings. Bessler keeps hinting he will tell us more about how to use them at the end of mt. That end was supposed to contain drawings that showed the actual inner construction of his wheels. We never got to see those drawings because he removed and destroyed them to keep the full details of his wheels from being learned by the police if he got arrested again and they confiscated his mt drawings. In place of the destroyed drawings we get the toys page at the end of mt and many think it also contains hints about how his wheels worked.

      I was also impressed at how you added the numbers from mt9 to mt13 together and got a sum of 55 out of them. You always claimed that Bessler used Y shape levers and Y is the 25th letter of alphabet. If you use the 5's in 55 and multiply them you get 25! Too much coincidence imo. Maybe Bessler on purpose used drawings with those numbers to give the hints about his pm wheel principles so the 5's in their sum of 55 when multiplied together to get 25 would tell us his levers were shaped like the 25th letter of the alphabet?

      I decided to take a look at mt25. He tells us that it's just a version of mt24 with some differences. But when I look at mt24 I noticed that each of its eight weight moving mechanisms actually contains three metal rods that form the letter Y! Was this Bessler's way of telling us that his wheels contained eight Y shape levers?! Again too much coincidence imo.

      Like PMD I'm also looking forward to your future clues for us, SoS.

    3. I see a major clash of opinions here.

      John has stated several times in the past that there absolutely were no Y shaped levers inside of Bessler's wheels. However, both SoS and Ken B claim that there absolutely were and that his wheels could not work without them!

      Only one of these views can be the correct one. But which one? I think this will ultimately turn into a battle of clues and sims if nothing is actually built. Should be interesting to follow.


    4. Only the mightiest of "clues" will win in the epic battle to come! Lol!

    5. @anon 23:50

      You mention MT 10 and how it is the only MT drawing where Bessler says that a different type lever is needed and he will talk more about it at the end of MT which we assume is what he meant by at "the appropriate place".

      Last year SoS had an interesting post in which he discussed MT 10 and pointed out that in the original MT 10 drawing Bessler shows it having 15 of those curved levers instead of 16 as shown in the incorrect version provided by that website. SoS then pointed out that if you added the correct number of levers, 15, to the number of the MT drawing, 10, you got the number 25. This, according to SoS, was a clever numerology clue that Bessler deliberately put into MT 10 to let us know his wheels needed those special Y shape levers.

      I'm also a believer that Y shape levers were used. I don't think that Bessler would have kept putting clues to them everywhere if they weren't very important for some reason.

    6. All of you Y shape lever lovers are really going to be shook up when John finally reveals HIS wheel's lever shape. I'm predicting that it will be Z shaped and he will show us all of the obvious and undeniable clues in GB, AP, DT, and MT that PROVE that is the kind of lever that Bessler actually used in his wheels!


    7. @anon 23:50

      Well done! Even I missed that one. I had looked at MT 25, but didn't think it that important. But, you are right. It does direct the reader back to MT 24 and I think there are definitely eight letter "Y's" that one can find in it. Looks like a valid new clue to me.

      Sayer of Sooths

    8. @anon 23:50 & SoS

      Very interesting info about the meaning of MT 24. I'm not a numeralogist but I think I found another clue that shows that there is a connection between MT 24 and MT 25.

      If you add their drawing numbers you get 24 + 25 which is 49. 49 can be written as 7 x 7. There are those 7s that Bessler liked so much because they are lucky and have something to do with heaven or God. That number probably appealed to Bessler because he was so religious. Also, IIRC there's some verse where Jesus tells one of its followers that he must forgive a sinner 7 x 7 times or maybe it was 7 x 7 x 7 times?

    9. Shemp you have surprised me with your intuitive understanding of the Z but don't stop there continue on to the other significant letters come on Dorothy you're not in Oz anymore consult the Emerald Tablet and don't forget Toto you go to the Head of the Class!

    10. Come on Shemp don't take your baseball bat and glove and go home I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is can't leave everyone hanging open up that melon the train is leaving the station YOU CAN DO IT!


    12. @anon 07:51

      Maybe Bessler used those letter Z's instead of number 2's for those MT drawings because he wanted the reader to take the value of Z which is 26 and then divide it by 2? That gives 26/2 = 13 and was his way to hint that, as a student read his way through MT, he would eventually realize that Bessler's working design was just a variation of MT 13? I know that is what SoS believes and he has found a lot of religious symbolism in that wheel's smiling face design.

      PM Dreamer

    13. Does MT , GB , AP , DT use the 26 letter modern alphabet or the German 24 letter alphabet? 24/2=12

    14. MT13 is modeled obviously from A variant form of the "Secret Seal of Solomon", as seen in the 17th-century grimoire The Lesser Key of Solomon then of course yes it has a religious understanding many artists have Incorporated it in other religious artwork you might want to look at the monstrance of Saint Stanislaus Church in Chicago I discovered it's hidden meaning many years ago don't inquire to any priests if you find something in that design they say they don't see it or get upset and run away it's modeled after the Ark of the Covenant and also that lesser key of Solomon and something more by the way I still think they have a 24-hour prayer vigil maybe the SOS could solve that design Secret I won't be a spoiler right now but it does give great insight. John you might want to take a look at that monstrance too considering you used to be fond of what is Secret in it oops there goes another hint. Go figure Angels and Demons angles! and dimensions! It is really rather funny when you think of people who have power flaunting the secrets In Plain Sight thinking they're the only ones who can know truth.

    15. Thanks to anon 07:51 for the link to those MT numbers on John's website. Most who see them just think they are decorative and dismiss their importance. That can be a big mistake when trying to understand Bessler.

      I like PMD's explanation of how they tell you MT 13 was the design Bessler modified to get his runner. But, then one wonders why he only uses the letter Z for a number 2 in MT drawings 52, 72, and 92, but does not do that for MT drawings 42, 62, and 82. Well, I think I have a possible answer for that.

      I think he used the Z's to bring attention to the first numbers in each pair of numbers. That is, he wanted to highlight numbers 5, 7, and 9. If you add those numbers you get 5 + 7 + 9 which equals 21. Next, add 21 to the year Bessler was born or 1680 and you get 1701. That must have been the year when Bessler first got interested in making a pm wheel and, ten years later in 1711, he had his first success when he made changes to a small tabletop model of MT 13 that turned it into a runner. It wasn't until the next year, 1712, that he was able to build a larger second one with a closed drum to exhibit in the town of Gera.

      I'm just guessing here, but it seems to make some sense. I definitely don't think he used those Z's for decorative purposes because he got bored using 2's. I think practically everything we see in Bessler's drawings has an obvious surface meaning, but also and more importantly a deeper meaning that only a few with "discerning minds" will understand.

      It's like when Jesus spoke in parables. He knew only his closest followers, his apostles, would understand them and even then they occasionally had to have Jesus explain them.

    16. @ Anon 23:30
      John may have been the first to notice those Zs used for 2s in MT, but he never came up with a good answer as to why they were used. Your answer seems most likely to me.

    17. Very nice numerological analyses everyone made above which made me think that maybe I left my study of MT too soon!

      It greatly gratifies me to see people here realizing that, being a numerologist, Bessler naturally would have used the obscurity of number combinations to both conceal and preserve the secrets of his wheels. I will continue to urge everyone to study Bessler's original MT drawings and their notes as carefully as possible. The above analyses prove that they still contain more to be discovered.

      Keep up the good work everyone!

      Sayer of Sooths

    18. I still haven't seen or read anything of value concerning a solution via numbers and numerology , I think its a useless pursue ,a waste of time.

      But that me , and my opinion.

    19. Y is letter 23 in the German alphabet that Bessler used

    20. anon 13:23 wrote "I still haven't seen or read anything of value concerning a solution via numbers and numerology , I think its a useless pursue ,a waste of time"

      Then you probably haven't read Ken B's book on Bessler's wheels yet. About the last quarter of it is devoted to an analysis of the many new geometry and number clues he found in the two DT portraits and several other drawings as well including the mysterious Toys Page which contains the last clues Bessler would ever leave us. It is a very detailed treatment. Those who put down the wheel design Ken B found based on those clues usually haven't read his book and probably never will. They think they know it all from the dribble of information they get off the web so no need to look any further. If they ever do read his book they will realize how really blind they were all along. Ken B has managed to just about quadrupled the number of clues we now have about Bessler's wheels yet most Bessler "researchers" are still unfamiliar with them. They are like people still using candles to see their way around a dark house after Edison came along with the lightbulb!

    21. Edison light bulb worked.

  15. There's been some talk about Thomas Edison on this blog and how he managed to light up our world...even though another inventor, Lewis Latimer, is rarely mentioned as greatly helping to make that possible. The point though is that the electric light bulb did lead to all of our other forms of lighting and now we have a night whose populated areas are filled with artificially made light.
    All of it requires the continuous production of a lot of electrical power to make work. Will Bessler's wheels ever play a significant role in producing that continuously needed power? That remains to be seen, but hopefully they will.

    Ever wonder what the Earth would look like if our Sun suddenly went dark and it was nighttime all over the globe? Well, now you can get an idea from this composite satellite image of the Earth provided by NASA. It shows the nighttime lights of cities on the various continents and the brighter the lights in a region, the greater the human population there. Notice that most of Canada, Greenland, South America, Africa, Siberia, China, Australia, and Antarctica are dark so fewer people are living there.

    1. Thanks for posting that image anon 06:26. Very illuminating!


    2. "Very illuminating!" Lol! It certainly is.

      I can just imagine space aliens who are exploring and enter our solar system in their faster than light speed traveling spacecraft. As soon as they find our Earth and see its dark side, they immediately know there are intelligent beings living here just from the city lights. They don't even have to enter our atmosphere or land.

      There are plans for a satellite telescope project that would somehow combine the images from several separate satellites to produce a single very high resolution image. With it we should be able to actually see any Earth-like planets in star systems up to several tens of light-years away. The resolution in the image should allow things like clouds, oceans, continents, and possibly even city lights to be made out on those planets if there are any. If there are, it would provide strong evidence that we are not alone!

      My question is, however, if such evidence is obtained, will it be disclosed to the public or will it be kept "top secret"?

    3. Either fewer people are living there or it shows who can pay their bills

    4. As far as things being kept top secret that all depends on who benefits from keeping it secret monetarily that is!

    5. Several governments (like those of Brazil and France) have already officially admitted that some of the UFOs that have been spotted are real and extraterrestrial. The US, Chinese, and Russian governments have not done that yet.

      In the past all governments denied the reality of extraterrestrial UFOs because, most likely, they were afraid their overly religious types would freak out and might commit mass suicide because they thought the appearance of UFOs meant the end of the world was about to begin. Nowadays, however, more and more people are non religious agnostics or even atheists and far more receptive to the "we are not alone" message. Many people actually welcome the idea and hope humans will make contact with the beings building the UFOs.

      US jet fighters shot down four "high altitude objects" in the last week and the first one, a 200 foot tall balloon was obviously some sort of Chinese spy balloon. It's wreckage was recovered off of the east coast of the US after it was allowed to drift across the entire country for several days.

      But now the US military is saying that the next three and much smaller objects that were shot down may never be recovered because of the areas their pieces landed in. Some in the US military are beginning to propose the "benign balloon theory" which says that those three objects were just some runaway research balloons and there's really no need to worry about them or to shoot down any more of them. It's starting to look like they want everyone to consider the subject closed and move onto other more important topics in the news.

      I think that the US military will eventually recover a lot of the pieces from all three objects and when they analyze them, they will realize at least one of the objects contained metals that aren't found on our planet. In other words, they will have absolute proof that the object was a genuine UFO that was manufactured on some planet in another solar system. But, the military won't reveal that and just classify everything top secret.

      Meanwhile, the scientists in their secret government labs will be trying to figure out how that genuine UFO worked and flew so they can use its technology to make more weapons. They won't really care if the technology could be used to produce cheap energy or allow astronauts to be flown to Mars in under an hour to explore and set up a colony on that planet. Their only goal will be the production of new weapons using the extraterrestrial technology because they will be afraid that their counterparts in China and Russia are doing the exact same thing and could make more progress than the US.

      It was thinking like that which allowed the US to be the first to detonate a nuclear weapon in 1945. They worked on the project 24/7 for years because they were convinced that the Nazis were doing the same thing and ahead of them in progress. It was only learned after WWII was over that the Nazis were nowhere near getting nuclear weapons. But when the everyone realized the US had such weapons because two of them were used to destroy Japanese cities, the world's major governments raced to make their own nuclear weapons. Those weapons combined with rockets to deliver them anywhere on Earth led to the Cold War and, even today, we are still only a few pushes of the right buttons away from triggering a nuclear war that would destroy the human race!

      Now consider if the US government actually does have the remains of a genuine extraterrestrial UFO that they shot down last week and can use its technology to make even more dangerous weapons. Are they going to immediately use any of them so that everyone will know about them and all of the other major governments will then rush to copy them? No, I don't think so. They will just keep them quiet so they can have a monopoly on them. That would also assure that, unlike what happened with nuclear weapons, only the US had them so they could be used IF they ever needed to be.

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    6. Good summation AaPoi.


    7. So what kind of a monument should we erect to the stupidity of man so the future creatures that inhabit the world will know what not to do? Or maybe we shouldn't leave any at all just markers of where the most irradiated parts are.

  16. Here's what one ingenious Bessler pm wheel chaser managed to do with a design he was working on. After years of trying, he couldn't get it to produce any pm, but since he put so much effort into it, he decided to modify it a little and then patent it to do something useful. I wish I had thought of this one.

    Supposedly, he's already made millions in profits off of it! I'm going to order mine soon so I can start saving money and also help save our forests. We need as many trees as possible taking that climate change producing carbon dioxide gas out of our planet's atmosphere.


    1. "Dishwasher Safe!" Rotflmao!

      Shemp you are one fine nutter...but I like your sense of humor.

    2. That Roto Wipe is a great idea, imo. It's perfect for aging pm wheel builders who have trouble reaching behind themselves after years of struggling with nonrunners in their shops. By changing the discs, you can also use it to skin potatoes and other vegetables. Busy housewives will love that feature.

      I found out they also make a handheld version for the less impaired who don't want to be bothered installing the permanent unit on their toilets.


    3. We all know there is a maid in the next room.

    4. Finally something practical has come from all of the years of Bessler wheel research!

      Just make sure that your wife, after using the stripping disc to skin some potatoes for dinner, knows that she has to replace it with the disc having the "Sof-Touch Bristles" on it or you will have a really rough ride after your next dump when use your new Roto-Wipe! Lol!

    5. I admire that inventor because everything I ever tried to build turned into a mess that wasn't even good enough to wipe a butt with.

    6. Nice to see a sensible solution to the inflation in the price of toilet paper! Like with all great new inventions, there are some videos:

    7. Looks like we're near the end of a blog when everything starts getting silly. That Roto-Wipe is a prank gift that you can find on this website that specializes in novelties of various types:

      There is no actual Roto-Wipe invention. It's just what they call a "prank gift box". You put the real gift you want to give someone inside of the box and then wrap it up. The fun part is when they unwrap it and read about the ridiculous Roto-Wipe with instructions on how to install it. They appreciate the gift, but don't know how to react. They don't want to offend those who gave them the gift, but, otoh, they think it's a nutty gift which it would be if it was real. Those who gave the gift encourage them to open the box immediately and they do. That's when they discover the prank and find their real gift inside the box. Everyone has a big laugh about it and it makes the gift giving memorable especially if others are videoing the whole thing.

      If anyone here wants to get one of these fake Roto-Wipe prank gift boxes, you can order it from the swagvibe website on this page:

      I'm wondering how many here saw Shemp's endorsement of this nonsense invention and actually thought it was real?! If anyone did, I don't expect him to admit it! Lol!

      I, of course, knew instantly that it was nonsense...or did I?

    8. Thanks for that link to, anon 02:49. I found several items I wanted especially that "levitating light bulb" which looks like it might have been invented by Tesla! Then I found out it's $90! Too much, imo, and I think most of the other items they show are also too expensive.

      The website does not sell anything. All they do is direct visitors over to sellers on that sell them. Still they show a lot of unique items if you don't mind the prices.

  17. Sorry for the delay in posting part one of my information sharing plan. I promised to post the same info on the Besslerwheel forum at the same time as here. I’m having problems posting images but I’ll get it right soon.


    1. Hurry, John! We sharks are HUNGRY for your new clues. FEED US!

    2. This shark was recently found washed up on a local beach. His dying words were "Feed me, John, feed me...gasp!" Sadly, the new Bessler wheel clues he needed to nourish him did not arrive in time.

    3. Pyoo! That rotting shark carcass is starting to stink and attract flies. Please someone...drag it off the beach and bury it somewhere!

    4. John's silence is beginning to become ominous. Fawk, he could be in hospital or even deceased now and nobody bothered to tell us! I have a bad feeling about this.

    5. Anonymous 01:40 I'm sure John is fine he's just playing around with his design and then when he has completed his book it will be there for you to read. I'm just curious at about what time did you get this ominous feeling ? there might be a correlation to a other event.

    6. I’m still alive and kicking! I’ve got two problems (only two?) we have had builders in the house since the middle of November which hasn’t been a problem until up about four weeks ago, but now I can’t access my computer and I’m having to do everything on my iPad. Our kitchen is currently greatly reduced and currently in the second bedroom! The bathroom is now hosting the kitchen sink. It’s ok, but I can’t modify the size of the various images which I want to include in my blogs as well as Besslerwheel forum, at least not with my iPad. Hopefully they will have finished by the end of the coming week and I can sort out my images and get posting.


    7. @JC
      Nice to see that you are not up in heaven and having tea with Bessler!
      But, your long silence here made people start to wonder. It sounds like you have some valid excuses for the delay in feeding the sharks around here.
      You might want to consider uploading your images to:
      because you can down size your images there.
      I'm also looking forward to those new clues.

    8. Anon 21:48 wrote to John: "It sounds like you have some valid excuses for the delay in feeding the sharks around here."

      Lol! John ALWAYS has "valid excuses" for not revealing anything here. At the end of the coming week, we will all get to see his next "valid excuse". Mark my words on that.

      Here's what I suspect is really going on. He's probably already drawn up the design for his revolutionary solution to Bessler's wheel and emailed it over to kindly Fletcher who dutifully simmed it for him. Fletcher then wrote back that his sim shows there is no way it could possibly ever work and that John must not have interpreted his latest "clues" correctly. So, what can John do?

      Simple. Just keep delaying while he scrambles to find some new interpretations of his "clues" and a new design based on them. That requires him to first come up with more "valid excuses" for us as to why this isn't exactly the "right time" to be revealing anything here. Watch and see how very true my prediction will be at the end of the coming week.

      Starved Shark

    9. Yes that's right i came this blog after few years and excuses still going on.

    10. Sorry to disappoint you, but I haven’t sent anything to fletch and I have the first information share ready to publish. Will you continue to disparage me even after that? Obviously the answer is yes and yet what have you ever offered freely?


    11. Could anon 12:48 possibly be our infamous "Mr. Lepard Spots"?!

      Some may recall that he was here in 2019 and was JC's greatest skeptic at the time. Ken B's big Bessler wheel book had come out in February and JC's reaction was that he was finally going to release his far better design. MLS, however, said that would never happen because JC was just a big phony, but JC insisted it would happen in only a few months by the beginning of that year's summer. As summer approached, JC kept promising the release was imminent until it was only a week away! What actually happened?

      At the last minute and without prior warning, JC revealed nothing and suddenly flew off for Spain to "get some Sun" and left everyone here hanging! MLS had been 100% right! JC got a ton of anger dumped on him as a result and I think a lot of people quit this blog in disgust. They were like little disappointed children who had been promised some special toy for Christmas, but didn't find it waiting for them under the tree come Christmas morning. MLS even went further and made a prediction for 2029. He said that if JC was still alive and this blog was still up and running in that year, then the names of the posters here would be all be different, but JC would still be making excuses instead of revealing anything.

      JC, however, eventually proved that MLS's 2029 prophecy was wrong, but it took JC until September of 2020 to finally do so when he showed us a paint drawing of his solution to the Bessler wheel. Unfortunately, it turned out to be another nonrunner. Let's hope this time around his design will finally be a runner.

      IIRC, MLS said he was quitting after years of searching for a solution so he could enjoy his retirement while his health held up and he finally left this blog sometime in late 2019. JC couldn't stand him, but MLS did have some fans here who seemed to enjoy seeing him irritate JC. MLS's comments were hard to read because his English and spelling were horrendous.

  18. Here's a guy who found a great way to pass time during slow days in a Leonardo da Vinci's hydraulic perpetual motion machine!

    1. That is NOT a self-contained pm machine like Bessler had! Here is da Vinci's original drawing of his machine:

      It's basically an undershot waterwheel used to raise water from a lower to a higher level. At the higher level the water would pour into a storage tank from which it could then be taken. He also included two extra Archimedean waterscrews near the machine thinking they could also be driven to lift more water to a higher level (maybe this gave Bessler the idea to attach a waterscrew to his Kassel wheel's axle?). da Vinci's designs can work if one can find streams of rushing water to apply enough torque to their lower wheels.

      I've often wondered why da Vinci never came up with the idea of using pistons to pump water to a higher level. If he had, then the steam engine might have been invented centuries earlier and who knows where our world would be today.

      Bessler probably did use pistons for that perpetual fountain invention he mentioned in 1738 (by then he was well aware that the major rival for his wheels, steam engines, all relied upon pistons). We don't have a drawing of that Bessler design, but Ken B put out a video about a year ago that showed how he thinks one of Bessler's wheels could have been used to drive two opposed pistons to keep a stream of water constantly shooting out of a fountain. The design relies on the operation of four automatically activated one way valves in its pipes. You can see it here:

    2. @anon 10:58

      The big problem with those early steam engines was leakage between the pistons and their cylinders. Even if they fit perfectly together, there would be wear that would make a gap form between the pistons and the cylinder walls which would then leak steam and lower the engine's power output. The pistons and cylinders in Bessler's pm fountain would have had the same problem even though they would have used water instead of steam.

      They needed to have something in the cylinders of those early steam engines and also in the cylinders of Bessler's pm fountain that would act like the soft metal rings that are put into grooves formed around the steel pistons in an automobile's engine to keep its pistons from making actual physical contact with their steel cylinder walls. Those rings plus the engine oil coating the cylinder walls helps keep the exhaust gases in the cylinders from escaping until they have pushed the cylinders down to turn the engine's crankshaft. The soft rings will slowly wear away over time, but they can be replaced fairly easily and their cylinder walls are protected from excessive wear.


    3. I remember reading somewhere that Count Karl wasn't a fan of steam engines and actually considered them dangerous based on an unpleasant experience he had with an early French steam engine inventor named Denis Papin.

      Karl had been a patron of Papin who came up with some sort of crude steam engine that looked promising. Papin then installed his prototype on a small boat so it could drive side paddle wheels to propel the boat along and invited the count to take a ride on the boat's maiden trip down some small river near Kassel. The count agreed, but soon complained that the boat didn't seem to move very fast. Papin, to satisfy the count, decided to add extra coal into his engine to increase the temperature and pressure of the steam it produced which, in principle, would make its attached paddles turn faster and increase the speed of the boat.

      Suddenly, the steam engine's boiler exploded and the count was seriously injured. Fortunately, he recovered, but that incident put an end to his sponsorship of Papin's steam engine. Papin then took off for England hoping to sell his design there, but that never happened and he died a few years later.

      Karl must have been intrigued when he began to hear stories about Bessler's wheels and how they could work without burning fuel or risking an explosion. It was only a matter of time before Karl would start funding Bessler's research. It's sad to realize that, as with Papin, nothing ever came of Bessler's invention.

    4. This engraving shows the experimental steamboat of Denis Papin (1647 to 1713) that Count Karl had previously been injured on. It depicts a scene in 1707 when an angry mob of Weser, Saxony workmen, considering the new technology to be a threat to their jobs, decided to destroy Papin's boat. Notice the guy chopping a hole in the boiler with an axe! A seam on that boiler could have previously split open from too much pressure and the blast of steam spraying out then injured the count in some way. Maybe it caused him to lose his balance and have a bad fall?


      Papin left Karl's employ in 1707 and returned to London. He was trying to use steam power to pump water to height to feed Karl's continuous fountain. In London he built a model of the first hand-powered paddle wheel boat. Stories circulate but are unfounded that he built and demonstrated the first steam powered paddle boat on the river Weser in Germany in 1707 after seeing Savery's design for a steam engine, and that it was destroyed by waterside workers to protect their jobs.

      Either way Karl was not seriously injured from an exploding boiler while taking a previous steam boat ride with Papin.

  19. And IF that account is true then it begs the question what physically within the way Bessler's wheels worked stopped Bessler and Karl putting them into boats connected to paddles or screws via chains or belts to drive them along, and the same question applies to why they didn't build the first horseless carriage, regardless of its lack of power at that early stage? They remained firmly attached to the earth with no extra mobility.

    1. Bessler's first prototype wheel was small (3 ft) and could be lifted up off the floor and put on a tabletop. His second larger wheel (4.5 ft) was on some sort of mobile frame that could be wheeled around. He must have been able to push it out of his house and into the Gera town square for his June 6th, 1712 public demonstration.

  20. Anon 21:39 References for your 'facts' please? Where can I read this published information? Gera was not a town square open-air demo afaik.

  21. Anon 21:39 is as usual talking rubbish. Ken builds his “facts” upon speculations for which there is no evidence, no documentation at all, it’s all supposition. You won’t find any documentary evidence because there isn’t any.


    1. In DT it mentions how Bessler got an official certificate dated October 9th, 1712 that was signed that day by a group of experts who tested Bessler's second wheel in Gera. Part of that certificate says:

      "It was shown several times to Her Grace the Dowager-Countess and His grace the Count in person..."

      The count and his wife lived in a castle in the principality of Reuss, Germany, whose capital was the town of Gera and most likely their castle was outside of the town itself. The question is whether or not these two noble people would have made several previous trips together to Bessler's rented residence in Gera to see his wheel or if he was obliged to haul it out to their castle for them to see. If the latter, then that wheel was certainly portable.

      IIRC, Ken B claims that second larger Gera wheel's wooden support frame probably had small metal wheels on its bottom so he could easily move it around inside of his home to show witnesses that there was nothing coming up through the floor to power it. If he had to take it outdoors for a public demonstration or over to the count and countess' castle, then he most likely would have put the whole thing on a small cart that was pulled by a horse instead of pushing it along streets that were either dirt or paved with stones.

      One thing I am sure of though. If Bessler did take that wheel outdoors, then he would have kept it in sight at all times to make sure no one could get close enough to it to tear off one of the wood pieces covering its sides so he get a peek inside of it.

      PM Dreamer

    2. John Collins DT pg 230 digital version

      A Modest Postscript - (written by Bessler) regarding the Gera Wheel.

      "mounted in a light framework which could be easily moved back and forth"

      - no wheels are mentioned.

      The immediately following Gera Testimonial 712

      "for all curious eyes (page 111) to behold, by the said Orffyreus, for the first time, in Herr Richter’s house (and in a footnote at bottom of page “where now a church has been built”) on the Nicklausberg. This was seen by the Count’s widow, and heir, and, with Her Serene Highness’ consent, by all of us who are named below"

      - there is no mention in the Gera Testimonial of the Count's widow viewing it several times, nor having the wheel transported to the castle. It was viewed inside his house.

      PM Dreamer "It was shown several times to Her Grace the Dowager-Countess and His grace the Count in person..."

    3. The Gera wheel was the first wheel exhibited to the public. There is no evidence that there was any other wheel prior to it.

      My main complaint about Ken’s writing style is that it is littered with the same phrases over and over, and is one of the more obvious ways of discerning his authorship. Such phrases as “probably” and “most likely” convey a sense of certainty which the known facts don’t support. He (you) never state that your words are mere speculation and your conclusions questionable.


    4. You guys are all talking about what happened after an official test of the Gera wheel that was made on October 9, 1712. But, Bessler first publicly demonstrated that 4 and a half feet diameter wheel on June 6th, 1712 which was FOUR MONTHS earlier! A lot could have happened to his "easily moved" wheel during that time.

      Also, didn't Bessler put an announcement in the Gera newspaper a few weeks earlier to let the citizens of Gera know that he was planning his first public demo of his wheel for June 6th, 1712? If so then several hundred people might have showed up to see that demo. I can't imagine that he would have all of them crowd into his home to see it. I'm with those those who think that first public showing took place outdoors.

      And what better place than in a town square where a lot of the Gera citizens could gather? If he put the wheel up on a cart then people at the back of a large crowd could see it and if the cart was high enough those closest to it could see that there was nothing hidden under it to make it run.

      I think maybe Ken B was speculating about the metal wheels on the frame. But, it's not that far fetched because it would certainly be easier with them attached than having to drag a wooden frame across the floor whenever he wanted to relocate the wheel inside of his rented home. His landlord probably also would have appreciated not having the floors scratched up by the frame.

      From DT page 230 we learn that the wheel was "mounted in a light framework which could be easily moved back and forth". This sounds to me like a description of how a rectangular frame with two wheels attached to the corners of each of its opposite sides would move. You could easily move it from say left to right, but not from back to front (unless Bessler used some sort of swivel wheels...did they have them back then?)

    5. There seems to be a lot of confusion here about how many wheels Bessler built in the town of Gera. Maybe this can help clear it up.

      from AP:

      "For ten years I struggled until I found a way to make 100 machines. It was only after that that I found the Mobile. If I hadn’t started making organs, I probably wouldn’t have been able to. I put together in 1711 the very first device which could spontaneously revolve...The machine stood 3 feet high, and was mounted in such a fashion that anyone could walk all around it."

      Ken B claims that 3 feet diameter wheel was Bessler's FIRST prototype Gera wheel, was one directional, and was mounted on a wooden stand that held it 6 inches off of a table's top making the top of the wheel's drum actually 3.5 feet high off of the table's top surface. Bessler kept that first wheel with him as he moved from one town to another and would occasionally demonstrate it to guests at his various homes. It was apparently destroyed along with his MT drawings showing how his wheels worked after he was arrested and got paranoid about having his secret legally exposed during some court proceeding. Ken B says the SECOND Gera wheel was bigger with a 4.5 feet diameter drum and was also one directional. It was that second larger Gera wheel which he says was the one exhibited outside in Gera's town square on June 6th of 1712. It was destroyed when he moved out of Gera.

      In his book, Ken B devotes an entire chapter to giving VERY detailed instructions for building an exact replica of the first Gera prototype wheel based on the various new clues he found in the two DT portraits. He even gives the dimensions of the wooden stand needed to hold the wheel's axle!

      I found it interesting that in his book he does not give many quotes. He apparently just read all of the Bessler literature he could find and then gave his impressions of what it all actually meant. He also gives his interpretations of all of the new clues he claims to have found. As a disclaimer, he admits in the book's beginning that he was forced to do some speculating in order to produce a readable account of the Bessler story, but tried to keep the speculation to a minimum and as reasonable as possible. The various translations we have of the Bessler books all also have a subjective quality to them with the translators giving what they BELIEVE Bessler's words actually meant. This is particularly the case for AP where we go from rhyming German poetry to English prose.

      Maybe Ken B's approach will prove to be a good one because others working with just the Bessler quotes and letters haven't made much progress so far. If that design Ken B came up with eventually results in a runner, then everyone will be forced to consider his speculations and interpretations as being accurate. So far, however, they haven't led to a runner, but then again neither has anyone else's.

    6. Promoting a book detailing and speculating an account of Bessler written by someone else , other than the books written by Bessler himself is just arrogant.

    7. OMGosh - a lesson in when facts don't matter. What motivates any individual to willingly weave together fact and fiction with total disregard for the source they quote, or the truth.

      "Anonymous28 February 2023 at 13:17

      There seems to be a lot of confusion here about how many wheels Bessler built in the town of Gera. Maybe this can help clear it up.

      from AP:

      "For ten years I struggled until I found a way to make 100 machines. It was only after that that I found the Mobile. If I hadn’t started making organs, I probably wouldn’t have been able to. I put together in 1711 the very first device which could spontaneously revolve...The machine stood 3 feet high, and was mounted in such a fashion that anyone could walk all around it.""

      These quoted sentences and phraseology are not from AP or DT.

      AP says the year was 1712, not 1711. The only accurately quoted sentence is the last one "The machine stood 3 feet high, and was mounted in such a fashion that anyone could walk all around it". And the 3 feet high was later updated on further investigation as not being an accurate translation.

      The above "quotes" supposedly quoted from AP are made up.

    8. The FACT is that Bessler's FIRST wheel was less than 4.5 feet in diameter and that is NOT the diameter of the one demonstrated in Gera on June 6th, 1712. Ken B is right about that wheel being Bessler's SECOND wheel. AFAIK, he is the ONLY researcher who has emphasized that. Also, if you do not accept that the first wheel was completed before the end of 1711, then you have to believe Bessler managed to build TWO complete working wheels in the first five months of 1712 while also keeping his medical practice going during the day. He must have been a very busy guy!

    9. Nonsense begets nonsense.

      Your AP quotes were not quotes at all - you sold them as facts - you deliberately mislead people - fact!

      Bessler (paraphrased) says in AP he built a device that revolved a little. He later says "in the year 1712 I achieved the discovery of the wondrous device that has amazed the world so much". This was his first complete wheel. Comprehension - "achieved the discovery of the wondrous device" - he didn't achieve the wondrous device twice over!

      There is no evidence for a complete earlier runner whether that be in 1711 or 1712. It is pure miscomprehension that he completed a POP "wheel" which was his first wheel. Clearly that is not what he says in AP.

    10. @anon23:35
      In the first five months of 1712 there were about a month's worth of Sundays and other religious holidays when Bessler wouldn't have done any work on his wheels. Also throw in some days when he was sick from a flu bug and got nothing built. So he would have had to get his first two working wheels done in only about four months! Maybe he was using some herbal brew that acted like speed?!

      Amazing how you completely ignore Bessler's first 3 foot wheel which was a wheel that he kept in his home for years later. He would not have kept it and showed it to his guests if it was not a completed and working POP wheel. That was his first working wheel and it was not the larger one he exhibited in Gera on June 6 of 1712 which would have been his second completed and working wheel.

    11. Anon 01:17 .......... Fact Checking Fake News - Where are your references proving a first 3 foot completed and working POP wheel kept at home for years? And where does he say he showed the same wheel to guests?

      Or is that too hard and inconvenient for you to do?

    12. LOL I know for a fact that Denis Papin sailed away with it up the Thames in his rebuilt steam powered paddle boat after severely injuring Karl, and buried it under the Furstenberg Mill.

    13. @anon 01:48

      I can't find the references now but there have been several of them and I do recall reading how one of Karl's oldest sons visited Bessler in his new home in Karlshafen before Karl had died and saw that 3 foot wheel there. I'm sure that John is familiar with that reference. I agree with those who think it was destroyed after Bessler got arrested on a bogus fraud charge.

      My question is why, if that 3 foot wheel was actually Bessler's first wheel, did he act like his first wheel was his second 4.5 foot wheel that was publicly revealed on June 6th, 1712?

      I've concluded that he couldn't publicly reveal that first 3 foot wheel because, aside from being fragile, it could just about keep itself in motion. People would have laughed at his toy wheel and word spread around that his so-called pm wheel wouldn't be able to do any serious work.

      He needed to have a more powerful wheel before going public with it which is why he came out with the 4.5 foot wheel for the June 6th, 1712 demonstration and wanted people to think that it was actually his first wheel. IOW, his deception was done for marketing purposes and historical accuracy had to take a back seat. Considering that selling his invention was his priority, I guess that his decision makes sense.

    14. Anon 05:40 wrote "I'm sure that John is familiar with that reference."

      I'm sure that he is too because he once wrote on BW forum:

      "History only records the existence of four wheels - the Gera, Draschwitz, Merseburg and Kassel ones. However I have discovered evidence of three more making a total of seven."

      I think one of those extra three wheels was Bessler's first Gera wheel that was only 3 feet in diameter and which was the only wheel that Bessler kept with him as he moved from town to town.

      Btw. Ken B claims that there were actually 8 wheels! But, the 8th one was only in the planning stage and never constructed. It was a giant "super wheel" capable of continuously outputting something like 6,700 watts and intended to fully replace the typical waterwheel of Bessler's time. Unfortunately, it would have been far more expensive to construct than the Kassel wheel and for that reason Count Karl decided not to fund it (he was already funding two mistresses and they had rather expensive tastes!).

  22. Ken's approach will prove to be not one red herring but a huge shoal of them! The design Ken came up with will not result in a runner, not even if it a shown to bare no resemblance to Bessler's wheel.

    In his disclaimer, Ken apparently admits in the book's beginning that he was forced to do some speculating in order to produce a readable account of the Bessler story, but tried to keep the speculation to a minimum and as reasonable as possible. Well that is a joke, the book is stuffed full of speculation, and if he had to include it to make the book readable then the so-called clues and his ridiculous interpretations leave his 800 pages of painful self justification just a bag of hot air. His excess verbiage only adds to the problem of wind rhetoric.

    1. If you think Ken B has produced a "huge shoal" of "red herrings", wait until you see John's "clues". They will be an OCEAN full of red herrings! Lol!

  23. What is the most reliable and accurate is what is said by Bessler himself, and the first hand witnesses. I can not say his words are absolute 'fact' because in some instances he may have had an alternative agenda to full and accurate disclosure of certain things, particularly of a mechanical or operational nature.

    What we do know is that he was satisfied with his experiments in 1712 that could revolve a little. He felt he was on the right track at last. Later in 1712 he moved to Gera and rented a house from his cousin. He then decided to attempt a build of a full PM Machine and rented another larger house with more room and was successful. On the 6th June 1712 he publicly displayed this wheel in his rented house where he conducted viewings including the private Testimonial investigation. This wheel was 4 foot 6 inches diameter and about 4 inches thick. According to Bessler in AP it was mounted on a light frame which could be moved back and forth. His later bi-directional wheels at Merseburg and Kassel were not mounted on an independent moveable frame but on pillars firmly attached to floor and roof. The Merseburg Wheel later underwent a translocation test between prepositioned supports of the same anchored floor to ceiling kind. An alternative would have been to mount it in a free-standing frame and either move it (lift or slide) with the frame to another location or to another second frame. He did not do this. I am sure the owners of the Green Room were thrilled that he drilled holes into their floor and ceiling to attach the support posts. If I were them I would have said put it in a moveable frame that rests on the floor, even mount it on wheels for ease of movement, unless that operationally compromised the Wheel. Karl had seen how it worked by that time IINM.

    A mystery is hard enough to solve from just the facts and reasoning. This can lead into speculation, naturally. Attempting to solve a mystery based on speculation after speculation without cross-checking against facts is about as successful as giving medicine to a dead man. Speculation does not become fact because you tell it often.

    1. In the Leipzig Post Zeitungen (for the week of 24th to 30th June, 1715) one can read:

      "An illness which has afflicted the famous Mr. Orffyreus has prevented him from exhibiting, at the Easter Leipzig Fair, as he wished to do, a new and larger version of the true perpetual motion machine, invented by him. It will be of interest to the public to know that the famous inventor has just informed us that he has brought to perfection a new perpetual motion machine. It was finished with God's help, just before the recent Whitsun Holiday, in his rooms in the Green Manor by the sixth Gate."

      Sounds like Bessler planned to move and exhibit his 12 foot diameter Merseburg wheel outdoors at some Easter fair. He would have had to have made a strong, but portable wooden frame to hold it securely. I assume it would have been located inside some sort of tent to protect it from the weather and guarded 24/7 to prevent unauthorized people from looking inside the wheel's cloth coverings ("unauthorized" meaning anybody other than Bessler and his brother!).

      This exhibition might have really been intended to show businessmen at the fair that his wheels, regardless of size and weight, were portable and could be set up outside and near a mine to pump water out of it and prevent it from flooding out. I wonder how moving that huge wheel would have been accomplished.


    2. It’s quite amusing to think that all this debate and speculation stems directly from my own efforts to publish every document I could find over a period of some 25 years. I had them all translated and decided to publish all of it in the hope that I, or some other person would be able to work out how Bessler did it.

      So all the quotes were originally published by me, but my overall plan was to publish only documented facts, witness statements and letters. There is a place for speculation, but it needs to be clear that it is that and not necessarily factual.


    3. @JC

      You are certainly to be well commended for your successful past efforts to keep the Bessler story alive and more accurately told than was previously done by either Dircks, Gould, and especially Edwards. Their writings are filled with factual errors of which they were unaware. However, I've often wondered if there are any English translations of Bessler's works in existence other than the ones you paid for that we've never seen before. Where did those three authors get the translations that they used for the information in their books? I'd certainly like to read them and compare them to yours.

      Unfortunately, the ambiguity and vagueness in Bessler's writings literally force people to speculate. It's unavoidable and about 99% of what we see on forums like bwf are pure speculation. But, I think one should always try to keep his speculations as close to the "obvious clues" in Bessler's writings and the letters of those who witnessed and tested his wheels as possible. But, even so, there will then be much argumentation over what actually is an obvious clue!

      Also, just speculating endlessly is not enough. Those speculations should be subject to some sort of verification just as new theories in the physical sciences are when their authors submit them to reputable academic research journals for publication. That means either building something or, at a minimum, accurately simming a wheel design to see if it has any hope of working. There was a time when simming wasn't possible for the average Bessler pm wheel chaser, but those days are over now.

      I'm very wary of any Bessler pm wheel researcher who says that he's discovered some new law of motion that the sim programs aren't programmed to use so, therefore, ignore any sim that shows his design cannot work. Big mistake, imo. I doubt if Bessler's wheels were following any new laws of motion that we don't know about. No, they obeyed all of our known laws of mechanics and physics, but their unique design just used them in a novel way.

    4. Anonymous 14:01 you are absolutely correct in questioning the translation. Every part of this machine is calculatable and understandable and can easily be simulated. If you're interested to know more I also can be found in VR bigscreen.

    5. Frank Edwards used both Dirck’s and Rupert Gould’s translations. There are some small pieces translated by William Kenrick, but that is all. Dicks and Gould were both fluent in German. Mike Senior who did all my translations had a degree in 18th C German. For those who don’t know, before he began he asked me did I want a literal translation or one which reflected exactly what he believed Bessler was saying. In the beginning I had no idea what would be revealed by the translation but I chose the latter one as Mike said the literal version would be hard to understand and hard work to get through. I still think I chose the right version, but due to the nuances between modern English and 18th century German, and any double-entendres and jargon by Bessler etc, variations in understanding will occur, and they are worth considering even if they seem to point to a different meaning.


    6. IMO you did make the right choice for literal translation John .. and you are also correct to call for the strict partitioning and labeling of fact and opinion (self-discipline and policing required) to keep integrity of information flow for others .. your works are the most credible and reliable source of material relating to B. and his wheels that I have read. Opinions disguised as facts is called gaslighting, and does not help the research community move forward.


    7. @-f
      No, JC opted for the translations that reflected what Mike Senior BELIEVED Bessler was saying and not the literal translations as you stated in your comment. JC has been criticized in the past for not also including the literal translations in his books. I think the translations by Mike Senior are good, but the fact remains that they are still subjective in nature and may have been subtly biased by how he may have consciously or even unconsciously thought Bessler's wheels were actually constructed and worked. To guard against such possible bias by a translator, I tend to agree with those who said JC should have also included the literal translations of Bessler's writings even though that would have increased the page counts and costs of the books.

    8. My bad .. I had meant to write 'less literal', if given the choice of one or other.

      Stewart has provided a lot of word by word literal translation which can be compared against the more conversational style of Mike Senior. Both are invaluable to me in certain circumstances and I often compare both regularly to get my own feel for what I think is meant. Most often both are in close agreement imo.

      Point is I don't want to read unflagged speculations of so-called clues or supposed detail etc that are promoted as facts to the unwary, otherwise our discussions and conversations become no more than a collection of Chinese whispers.


    9. And since John has provided digital forms of his books I also regularly use an on-line translator, which can be very literal (if I check each word separately) on occasion. And then a fluent German speaker etc can tidy up the grammar and add contextual clues to meaning if they feel the need to explain or nuance.


    10. And while I think about it, as I'm sure has occurred to most long-timers, how far along would we each be in our research into this mechanical mystery if it weren't for John Collins dedication and making available the background publications, whatever translational flavour they might be ?! If it weren't for him I'd be struggling to translate the Latin and old German from other sources if I could be bothered - full kudos and admiration to him and his translator !

      If anyone deserves to solve this mystery, or at least make a major contribution to it being solved, by volume of work and time at the coal face alone, it is him, imo !

      I wish him well and good fortune !


    11. Fletcher wrote: "...I don't want to read unflagged speculations of so-called clues or supposed detail etc that are promoted as facts to the unwary..."

      Then you might have a problem with Ken B's book on Bessler and his wheels. I would also dismiss his research if those new clues he claims to have found did not result in a wheel design that is unique and supposedly has been verified by a working sim. He insists that Bessler hid all of the important construction details of both his 3 foot and 12 foot wheels in the two DT portraits of himself and he devotes many pages to showing where they are located and how to interpret them. I'm not a numerologist like him, but I've studied his analysis and I have to admit that I found it persuasive. Even if it all turns out to be the product of his imagination, I think his book can still be considered to be a nice tribute to Bessler and his wheels. Someone previously commented that it was a "labor of love" type of book and I'd have to agree with that.

      John has promised to soon begin releasing his clues and I will be looking forward to seeing how others react to them both here and on the bw forum. I suspect that if he continues to promote his past five weight shifting mechanism approach, he will have to provide some very convincing evidence that it is what Bessler actually used.

      His past attempts to suggest such a design have generally been dismissed as wrong and usually used as an excuse to ridicule him. That clue about Bessler's largest wheels making "about" eight thumping sounds per wheel rotation is a very difficult one to rationalize away especially for someone claiming that only five weight shifting mechanisms were used. I'm curious to see how he does it this time around assuming that he has not suddenly switched over to the eight weight shifting mechanism approach that most seem to believe Bessler used.

      I also give much credit to John for the past efforts he made to dig up the Bessler literature and get it translated for us into readable English. I'm sure that readable version is somewhat subjective, but that does not mean it cannot also be accurate. The fact is that what John has provided gave a major boost to future Bessler wheel research which might eventually have died out completely if not for his efforts.

    12. I think it's about time the long running mechanical mystery is finally solved. Like everyone else I won't believe a sim that is not peer reviewed, and probably only 100% after a real-world build validation. In which case skip the sim and straight to build.

      And as is always the case when it is finally and conclusively solved there will be winners and losers. John will be a winner whomever solves it and only more so if it is him, imo.


    13. Ken is irrelevant when it comes to history facts about bessler , if you want facts then read the books bessler wrote himself , which was republished in translated form by JC , who knows more about bessler than bessler himself ? ken ? its a no brainer.

    14. U D Man John Collins now that a wheel is turnimg by the application of weights we are all in your debt

    15. Anon 08:37 wrote "who knows more about bessler than bessler himself ?"

      I read a comment somewhere on youtube where Ken B says that anybody who reads his Bessler book will actually wind up knowing MORE about Bessler's wheels than Bessler did! Ken refers to this state of superior knowledge as "total Bessler awareness". Of course, that can't possibly be true but just reading that claim of his certainly got my interest going. I may order a copy in the future just in case it is true. My own research over the years unfortunately went nowhere.

    16. I can reassure you he does not know more about Bessler or a Bessler wheel than Bessler himself , that's a laughable statement to say the least.

      Go ahead we dont care , we dont need an announcement if you were to get his book , in fact , i believe this whole mentioning of him and his book ad nauseum , is nothing else but trying to make his name and book relevant on google.

  24. ATTENTION all blog regulars and lurkers:

    To help prepare our brains to accept the soon coming release of some of John's latest Bessler wheel clues, please consider staring at this special hypnotic animation several minutes per day for the next week. While doing so constantly repeat aloud "I firmly believe that Bessler's wheels used only five and definitely not eight pm mechanisms". Enlarge the animation until it is full screen on your monitor for best results.

    CAUTION! This is a powerful technique. Use at your own risk and stop immediately if dizziness, nausea, seizures, or sudden death occurs. I let my best friend test it for me several days ago and he ignored his symptoms. His funeral is scheduled to be held next week...


    1. đŸ˜‚

    2. Damn, Shemp! That is powerful. I only stared at it for one minute and then when I looked away all I saw was spinning pentagons! It took several more minutes for them to fade away. I'm wondering if there's one like it that uses octagons?

    3. It can cause sudden death?! I'll email the link to my ex-wife. Hopefully she'll watch it before my next alimony payment is due. Thanks, Shemp!

    4. Yeah thanks Shemp. I tried it and it bothered my eyes and I stopped. So I'm still convinced B used eight weight shifting mechs inside his wheels and not five. If John wants to convince me otherwise his new clues will need to be really good. His past clues didn't convince me but maybe he's got something new this time. I'll try to keep an open mind about it.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...