Friday 22 December 2017

Perpetual Motionist Keep Going!

Perpetual Motionists never, ever give up!

I first became aware of Johann Bessler when I was about 15 years of age, now I’m 72.  I’ve spent at least 50 years persuing  the truth about Bessler, why?  Because even at the age of 15 years I knew that the maid’s story was a pack of lies.  Her account of how the wheel was turned formed the most damming part of the evidence that Bessler was a fraud, but if it was so obvious that she lied, why was the inventor not celebrated for his wonderful accomplishment ?

The thing is, just because I knew that she lied, doesn’t mean that Bessler’s claim to have designed a true gravity-enabled wheel, also known as a Perpetual Motion machine, was true.  But gradually over many years studying the facts, letters, witness reports.....and the laws of physics, I came to the conclusion that in fact there was a way to avoid the problem so well described by 300 years of institutional “expertise”, summed up the simple phrase, “perpetual motion machines are impossible, you can’t get more energy out than you put in.”

So the maid lied.  Did anyone ever see how the machine worked apart from the inventor?  Yes Karl the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel. His evidence has to be accepted for two reasons; he offered Bessler his patronage on one condition, he must be allowed to verify to his own satisfaction that the wheel was genuine and Bessler was not a fraud; the second reason lay in Karl’s character. He was widely respected for his honesty, integrity and loyalty.  No hint of scandal ever surfaced to tarnish Karl’s reputation.

So what are we to make of the situation?  Many will say that Karl was fooled by a clever fraudster but history described Karl as a very intelligent man, tough too, given his difficult accession to the throne which involved turning his decimated country into thriving nation, admired by his neighbours. Karl was no fool; and.......the demonstrations of each wheel provided further evidence of Bessler’s sincerity.

It’s a paradoxical situation for me, but not for the scientists and teachers, who each follow the rules taught correctly but within a straitjacket of conditions relating to specific circumstances. The paradox lies in the fact that tradition says  ‘impossible’, but the evidence says ‘not impossible’.

The paradox has been resolved.  Bessler’s wheel did work exactly as the inventor claimed.  My own fear is that I might shuffle off this mortal coil before I have proved my theory, for theory is all it can be without proof. So my intention is to continue building my wheel and when it’s too cold I'll retreat inside and continue to try and draw a detailed diagram of the wheel as I see it.  I'm also trying to complete the booklet which explains in more detail how the wheel worked and the clues I found which reveal the design.

That is or was my intention, but my elder daughter was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma stage 4 about 5 weeks ago.  She is undergoing chemo therapy which for any parent is a devastating thing to see.  She has completed two chemo cycles and is due home for Christmas, and then she has two cycles more to suffer in the new year.  She is making good progress apparently but the sheer pain, sickness and depression she is enduring is emotionally draining for the whole family and I have simply abandoned all wheel work for the time being.  I may have to temporarily close this blog as we are spending every day at hospital taking it in turns to sit with her, but at least while she’s home she has the rest of her family around her.  The prognosis for her recovery is very good and she is lucky to be at one of the top performing hospitals in this field, so fingers crossed, things can only get better!



  1. John,
    the usual greetings for this time of year seem somehow inappropriate,
    but, as your daughter will be home for Christmas I hope you have a nice quiet family gathering, and the coming New Year brings brings good news from the hospital.

    1. Thank you Stevo, everyone is coming to us this year and even though we are a small family there’ll be ten for Christmas dinner. My daughter, Jo, the poorly one, has sworn that nothing will keep her away and she’s going to kick cancer’s ass!


  2. John- I'm praying for you and your family and a speedy recovery for your daughter. Thank you for all you've done to keep the dream of Bessler's discovery alive!

    1. Thank you sojourner, for your kind wishes and thanks. My curiosity has known no bounds, hence my obsession with Johann Bessler!


  3. Thank you John for all this sharing, a very good Christmas and see you next year.

    1. And may I wish you very happy Christmas. Hopefully things will be better next year.


  4. John, all the best to you and your family going forward. And especially to Jo, a speedy recovery. Perpetual motionists never give up and neither does Jo, that's the spirit.


  5. I hope your daughter will get well soon John. Happy Christmas.

    1. Thank you yellow, and a happy Christmas to you.


  6. There is a rumor that Dickens wrote an unfinished sequel to his Christmas story. Perhaps it describes the adventures of a sick little boy. Likey includes visits by spirits with lessons to be learned. And because it is a Dickens story, the boy gets better because he never gives up.
    A timeless story crafted with with love and drama and hope...but still unfinished.
    Though ten sit at your Christmas dinner table, you have another family of your own creation. We have read you words and shared you dream these many years and become like an extened family. Like a hopeful spirits, we will haunt this blog awaiting news of this unfinished story.

    I close this Christmas post the same as Dickens finished his story: "God bless us, every one!"

    1. Thank you so much Bill. That was a most moving and kind message and one that I appreciate more than words can say!


  7. Merry Christmas John,
    Here is some info that I hope would be a help to Jo.

    INTRA A herbal health supplement mixture of 23 herbs and botanical extracts of capsules or liquid. Builds up body's immune system gives you more energy and eliminates allergies ( does for me) Does other great stuff for your health as well.
    I take one once a day.
    For to counter effects of chemo nausea and to build up the bodys natural immune system which chemo destroys you have to take much more.
    1-3 ounces every 6 hours. It is made by a company called Lifestyles International . You can look it up on the internet. They probably will have distribution there in England.
    Secondly look into a drug called Glevec . Also has a number of direvitivies Several years ago my next door neighbour was dying of bone cancer. He was taking chemo and going downhill. I did some research on the internet and found out about a small company in California that discovered a drug called STI 571 that they gave to 92 patients with this type of cancer and 92 recovered. As fortune would have it there was also a fact file sheet on the US 700 club about the same drug.
    I printed the article and gave it to my neighbour. He gave it to his doctor which brought the drug in from California (Telik as I remember)and put him on it. He was 100% after four weeks . That Drug is now known by the popular name of Glevec. Hope this helps. Hope your Jo gets well soon. Sincerely Alan Doucette ( BIBLEAL )

    1. Thank you Alan, I shall look it up and see what people say. Anything that can relieve the dreadtl effects of chemo is worth a look, although as she has to have her bloods taken three times a week plus a stomach injection daily and the doctors are very particular about anything she takes into her body at this time. This Glevec might be the answer after chemo has been finished to help her recover. Thanks again Alan and Happy Christmas to you and your family.



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...