Friday, 21 September 2018

Gottfried Bessler, a little speculation.

Following up my previous post, I’ve received a couple of emails pointing out that Gottfried Bessler, Johann’s brother, might be another potential source of information about Bessler’s wheel.  It seems to me that he could have had some knowledge of the machine’s construction, if so, its possible that he could  have passed it onto his children at some point.

Bessler says he first obtained assistance from a relative called Bessler, who worked as an artist, organ maker and turner.  In Johann Bessler’s account of Christian Wagner’s unscheduled examination of the wheel, which happened when Bessler had fallen and injured his head, he says that Gottfried allowed Wagner and Borlach to view and test the wheel. It seems safe to assume that he was referring to Gottfried when he called him his relative, and on the occasion of Wagner's visit, the original German refers to his assistant as “mein Matz” which has numerous meanings, but the most likely is “my little brother/toddler/squirt” etc.  In other words, a term of affection.  We know therefore, that Gottfried was his assistant from the beginning.

To show the wheel to the visitors, Gottfried must have had access to the machine.  As Johann was unwell and confined to his bed, the only way his brother was able to show Wagner and Borlach the wheel turning, was if he borrowed a key to get into the room containing the wheel - or he customarily had access to it anyway.

It seems unlikely that Gottfried could have assisted Bessler for two or three years without learning somethings about the wheel.  So if Gottfried knew how the wheel worked he probably had to swear on oath never to reveal it, and we know Bessler often used oaths to secure silence.  I imagine he might have been overawed by Johann enough to obey him. He was some eight years younger than his brother, about twenty-two or so and probably, happy to oblige his far more charismatic older brother.

But it is possible that he passed on what knowledge he had to his children, perhaps after Johann died. Unfortunately I don’t know if he had any, but I have contacted my source to see if he has any relevant information, but a brief search of various lists on line does not seem to help identify which of the many Besslers is the right one, if any of them are.  it is fairly certain that the information is available, but it may take a while to find it.

We know that apart from a brief visit to London, he lived most of the remainder of his life with Johann and their parents in, at first Kassel, and subsequently in Carlshafen.

There is one small detail which might be completely innocent, or it might be a hint at something of interest to Øystein? At one point in Apologia Poetica, Bessler makes reference to his blue-apron’d assistant,  which we know referred to Gottfried.   I did some research into the use of the term during Bessler’s era and there are references to Free Masons and their use of aprons and in particular, blue ones.  I’m not saying this is conclusive, merely possibly suggestive of a link.  It may also refer to apprentices, which of course also links to Free Masons, but also to indentured apprenticeships.

Blue aprons in modern times are closely linked to chefs  who wear them while learning to cook, and it is difficult to eliminate that relation from the one we seek which was evident over 300 years ago.



  1. Nice work John. Yes Aprons are also a Masonic "artifact". "Blue Aproned" could also be a metaphor for a person being a Great Craftsman..Like the greatest ones that was chosen to build King Solomon's Temple..

    About: "The wearing of a blue Masonic apron"

    The Apron & Royal Blue degree begins:

    “Why do you wear royal blue?
    Because I am free and accepted.
    Why do all those who are free and accepted wear royal blue?
    Because it was the colour worn by the principal workmen employed at the building of King Solomon’s household.”

    A Blue Apron:

  2. I have often wondered what happened to the parts of his last demounted wheel. The one he had the buyer for. What a valuable pile of wooden parts it would be.. Put up for an auction.. Maybe Gottfried took care of the parts, as he was the only one living that knew the secret at that time?

    1. Keno ( Greek) means: empty.

    2. Keno is of Chinese origin and of great antiquity, dating back at least 2,000 years. The original Chinese name for the game is baige piao or pai-ko p’iao, meaning “white pigeon ticket,” a reference to the tickets used in a betting game involving homing pigeons. From about the 3rd century BCE,

    3. It is recorded that the remains of a wheel were given to his widow but I doubt if they were of any interest to her. I suppose her landlord, Baron von Mannsberg might have acquired them, he was the man who ordered Bessler’s final wheel.


    4. If the wheel had been working, it would not have been given to the widow in the first place. So I assume that wheel was missing some parts...may be?

  3. Why should Freemasons hide the secret?

    1. I only mentioned it because it seemed irrelevant to what Bessler was saying and it is typical of his sly nudge and a wink to secret societies. Why was Gottfried wearing a blue apron, why mention it, or it’s colour? I instinctively looked for any secret society with connections to blue apron, and found it.


    2. Hello John,
      I know Karl is known to have seen the interior of Besslers wheel. But knowing how it worked, Bessler could just tell you directly, as he stated he did to the Countess of Gera from the bottom of page 270 on to 271 in the AP of you pioneering books on Bessler. As I read here reaction, she seemed pretty happy about it! I wonder if she left a diary..?

    3. I agree with you John. And you did correct when you look for a reason for such a choice of word. You don't need to believe anything special to do curious research. You nor I think that Freemasons in general hide Bessler's secret. But Gottfried, Bessler and/or Carl could be a mason or a Rosicrucian! Why would it be important for us to know? Or to keep the option open? Because it would make us more fit to understand or research certain choice of words, and connections to books, persons and/or places. It would be pretty stupid of us to overlook the fact that Kassel and even Weissenstein and the Landgrave is mentioned more than once as a melting pot for Rosicrucianism and Masonry. The RC Manifestos was originally printed in Kassel etc. Their allegorical founder's name was even German. By the way John, do you have any data on Baron von Mannsberg? Was he the person Bessler mentions in his last letter? The person he had finished a new wheel for, and was waiting for..? What was his full name? Thank you!

    4. Baron Anton Adam von Mannsberg (sometimes with one ‘n’.). 1698 - 1759
      Member of King George III’s cabinet. Became a Fellow of the Royal Society 9/3 /1727.
      Was usually based in London, but his home was at Meinbrexen.

      His two sons became Masons in one of the first lodges in Germany. It was they who planted the landscaped garden behind the mansion, rich with Masonic symbols, which had been forgotten over the last 250 years, and which since 2011 has been discovered bit by bit and restored in the years to come.

      My researcher contacted the current von Mansberg who admitted that he had huge library of books and records going back to the first von Mansberg but they are apparently in a mess and back then he was planning to employ some one to organise the library.

      They have a Facebook page at Rittergut Meinbrexen, and a website at

      That is all I can tell you at the moment.


    5. What if there is a wheel in the cellar of that mansion? Or at least some remains...

    6. John, don't you mean King George II's cabinet ?

    7. Oops, that’s what happens when you copy and paste someone else’s work, you copy their errors too! Thanks Øystein, my mistake. George II.


    8. John there is a musical group called "Orfeo 55." It is strange, Orfeo and 55 are in their names. I really don't know if it is something important, but you may want to check them out.

    9. Orfeo, is Italian for Orpheus, a character mistakenly attributed to Orffyreus due to the apparent similarity of the two words. As for the 55, I assume it’s a coincidence, but an interesting one nevertheless. Thanks for pointing it out, yellow.


    10. Orłosreus. Latin: (or erso reused) - or reuse of the strange.
      (su ers oro) - please see "Ł" modifiers.

  4. And Orfeo*s wife was Eurydice. So their support organization is named "Eurydice55" "Orfeo55" and "Eurodyce55". I take note of the number 55 and 88 in the same name: Eurydice55 has the value by the gematria values found in the work of O+r+f+f+y+re'(88) Eurydice55 = 5+20+17+23+4+1+3+5+5+5 = 88. By this I claim nothing, just observing and mention this for intellectual musing. Since I have documented that this is an old artistic and intellectual tradition, rather that some every odd code, I find this at least plausible. As Nathalie Stutzmann is one of the most outstanding musical personalities of our time, she would likely fit into many intellectual groups, ideas and get to know special traditions..

  5. Well, here is another one;

    Sonnets to Orpheus
    are a cycle of 55 sonnets written in 1922 by the Bohemian-Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke.

    1. .Don’t forget the 55 verses in chapter 55 of Apologia Poetica.


    2. May be there is a connection between 55 and Orpheus that Bessler also knew? just guessing.

    3. Verily, Verily I say unto you that number 55 isn't even something to muse about with regard to BW... 'cause, it can't lead us to the intricate internal wheel design by any count... The wheel components are such that only natural imagination can render something plausible... Take a cue from our solar system... It is something like that... I have always been ranting about it but it is simply falling on deaf ears...

      I would like to ask... Can any code explain if springs are used?... Or how each component is designed leave alone how it is arranged... How about the magical lifting that happens... How many lever-weight system involved and how they are shaped... What is their critical weight and length... How each system coordinates with its counterpart... How many ball-bearings used... How the swinging weights actually perform... What is the core secret... or idea?...

      Ground reality is entirely different from what is usually discussed here... I just don't know how to drive this point home... When nothing worthwhile is seen we are prone to naturally drift towards the code theory either directly or indirectly...

      It is artfully designed and that is a fact...

      The one-way wheel is easy to conceive and it is self starting and there is absolutely no doubt about it...

      The Mt drawings can definitely help us in making out the core principle or the prime mover...

      The lever is a very critical tool in bringing out that magic...

      The wheel structure is equally important to produce that amazing motion...

      Perpetual Motion...

    4. Write these 55 verses and publish for everyone on your blog.
      It will be OK.

    5. Suresh, may be it is another wink to a society from Bessler. He was an organ maker after all. Who knows...

    6. The 55 verses are in Apologia Poetica which you can get from my web site at, and you can read my work on it so far at my website at


    7. John, have you ever thought or found any evidence that 45 is actually more significant than 55 itself? 45 = 55 - (5 + 5)

    8. No I can’t say I have, but perhaps I’m not understanding the question?


  6. The year is soon coming to an end and another pledge sees the dark... This will go on and on just like the PM itself... Are we destined to see the BW perform in our life time?... This question is as mystical as the great PM mystery itself... With all present day advancement and our acquired skills why aren't we capable of recreating that wheel... Probably, it is our belief system to blame...

    We are not progressing on the right track... Somewhere, we have derailed...

    Bessler was indeed an organ maker, clock maker, etc, etc., But his wheel works on an entirely different principle altogether...

    Our wild guesses are the actual hindrance... The code theory had almost died down but again emerged from an unexpected quarter...

    If we are really serious about the whole thing we should start afresh... We are dealing with gravity and our solar system employs the same forces and tactics like BW... and it is in PM... Only thing is that it is operating on large scale... The CF, CP, inertia... All are there...

    To capture this movement in a lab we do require a wheel structure and levers... The main actors remain the same...

    If you see some sense in my reasoning don't I deserve some rating...

    Bessler, has successfully reproduced this heavenly act and even he didn't get what he deserved...

    Very weird world, isn't it?...

    1. So Suresh how are things coming along on your side of the blog have you got a bite yet for someone to help you with your design? You have a theory or what sounds like more of a solid idea of what is to happen inside the wheel is someone helping you yet to apply it?

  7. I wish the best in your endeavors, hopefully you will find someone soon.

  8. Mark my words, the most pertinent secret is in the catapult that I have been talking about for years.

    1. I also think there is some kind of throwing is involved.

  9. If you ask me, there isn't any throwing involved... 'cause, when you throw something it is temporarily out of control and cannot always land in a designated point... Let's just not make wild guesses... It is very much necessary that the weights remain under reigns at any given point of time... there is a controlled movement involved...

    It is rhythmic, artistic and smooth... Swinging is one aspect you could call as throwing... That is the only phase the weights move fastest but still remaining attached to levers...

    So, catapulting is simply ruled out... Everything is a coordinated motion... Accuracy is another thing that is of prime importance... Precise action at every turn... The weights have to first swing, gradually, one after another, land at the same point, and get lifted... This is a cyclic motion happening...

    Very, very simple although extremely difficult to conceive in mind... But once realized, you will jump with joy... You'll straightaway know that you have hit the point...

    It is all there in the MT drawings... And, lucidly described in the poem...

    Good day...

  10. I want to have it out there before I get a working demonstration, the reason is that I think there are watchers, looking to suppress things from coming out on the internet and the best place is the comment section to get information out because they are less likely to look in places like this, they would probably be looking closely at youtube for things to suppress, because they are watching out for people with working devices.

  11. The important thing is that the spring has to be adjusted to unlock and swing back at six o'clock, it compresses at twelve o'clcok and locks up enough so that it will swing back at six o'clock, here is a mechanism that could be made to work, the only reason this does not work is that I do not have the catapult cord set up correctly on it.
    I am posting this here in case I am suppressed, someone reading this might want to try getting it to work and it should work, nothing needs to be lifted on this type of bessler wheel.
    If I am not heard back from, then try and get this working.

  12. You can relax Derek.
    In this age, it is nearly impossible to suppress something like a perpetual motion machine.
    Once it is unleashed, no one can stop its spread.


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...