Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Karl’s New Year Card

Following a question abut Karl's birthday card I decided to post images of the only item I have which I assumed the posted comment referred to.  Although I have had this item for many years I have never attributed anything of significance to it although it is a curious document.

I contains large number of Chronograms each of which seem, as far as I have investigated, point to a particular year, usually the one in which the item is inserted.  Each one has a bible reference attached which I assume contains the quotation that Bessler used.

That is all I can say about the document but I am curious to know if anyone else sees more within it that is apparent to me.  It will be useful to post it here for anyone to return to should the need arise.

I was unable to arrange them in a more compact manner so they are central but in order from first page to last, top to bottom. Clicking on each page will give you a large version.

Doubtless you will notice the curious coincidence of the last part of the last page referring to this year 2019.



  1. "Doubtless you will notice the curious coincidence of the last part of the last page referring to this year 2019."

    yes, iirc, it predicts that this year would be the one the secret of his wheels would be revealed if they did not sell during his lifetime.


    John, I wanted to bring this to your attention quickly before its too late: this is the wrong document!
    In your last blog, I asked about a document called:
    Glückwunschadresse zum Geburtstag von Landgraf Karl von Hessen-Kassel (1654 - 1730).

    I'm sorry I didn't catch this one right away; the document is currently in a library in Germany,
    and if my theory is correct, only one such document exists; therefore you could not possibly have a copy.

    If you will notice on the second image, which is the first page of the poem,
    there are some crossouts on the bottom. This is obviously not a final draft.

    I don't know if you can edit or update your blog,
    but the document you posted was written in 1719.
    This one was made in 1728.

    Notice the timeline:

    1727: Bessler is arrested and brought to court
    1728: Bessler writes this "Congratulatory Address" to Karl on Karl's 74th birthday
    (notice "Psalm 74" in large font on the last page)
    1728 onward: Bessler never builds another wheel
    1730: Karl dies

    1. Sorry, forgot to put the link:

    2. Hi Anon. I realised that the document I posted was not the same as the one you have referred to above, but I assumed you intended that one.

      Actually I do have a copy of the one you have linked to, along with over 600 others by Bessler, if you include all the MT images. The reason I’ve never done any work on them is because I can’t read the writing and even if I could I don’t know any German. Eventually, I’m sure someone will transcribe the handwriting into digital format and translation can take place.

      It seems to be part diary and part chronogram, but whether there is anything which might help us to a solution I simply do t know.


    3. For those who missed the last post, I am repeating the comment here:


      Hello: does anyone have a transcript of Bessler's birthday card to Karl? It is in Kurrent script and is very difficult to read, but it most definitely contains an encoded message. My reasons are as follows:

      1. It has Bible verses like AP ch 55
      2. Every single line has an accompaniment verse
      3. There are 24 letters in the German alphabet;
      and there are also 24 lines on each page of the booklet
      4. I have reason to believe each line was assigned a letter;
      the first letter of each Bible book could point to a line on the page
      5. Crossouts and revisions on the first page, and a couple v marks,
      show this was probably not Bessler's final draft,
      and from close examination reveal the list is from z to a, not a to z,
      and this is probably a very substantial help to know
      6. I have been told by researchers that each line is a summary
      of the content of the accompanying verse, which is seemingly odd
      for a birthday letter you send to someone (as big as a booklet)
      7. These same researchers say it is incredibly difficult to translate
      8. The verses form a poem, similar to AP
      9. Bessler wrote this shortly after his vindication in court,
      about two years before Karl died,
      and then afterward never returned to wheel building
      10. I speculate that Bessler left a birthday present for Karl
      buried in the birthday letter, perhaps final secrets of the wheels?
      11. It makes sense that this would be his final patent ensurance,
      since if nobody solved the clues, Karl's descendants could solve this
      12. It follows as a corollary that the code in this letter
      must be much more easier to solve than AP 55,
      since Karl was Bessler's friend, and Karl was very old at the time,
      and the letter was not publicized (or at least not widely if at all),
      so there was no fear of the public figuring it out

      A translation would probably prove to be helpful in the search as well.

  3. I think Bessler built a last wheel in 1745. A working model for sale completed six months before he died.

  4. Anybody got an English translation of the bottom of page 12 that talks about the year 2019?

  5. In a post above you say we are looking for a solution, a solution to what ?
    A solution to a code ! or What is it you are looking for .

    1. Just commenting on the document and whether it had any other purpose.


  6. John, that's absolutely fabulous to hear you have a copy, it could be a final draft. Could you send me a picture of the second page (aka first page of the actual poem)? I'm interested in seeing if the revision marks are absent on your copy. You might be in possession of the final draft actually handed over to Karl. That would be sweet! And, if the v marks are missing as they should - wow that could prove a lot right there!!! Oh my goodness, I can't wait to see this I'm literally falling off my chair right now in suspense...! This has got to be one of the best finds ever in Bessler research, if your copy is indeed the final draft.

  7. Besslers wheel has already been discovered, there is actually a company making them to produce energy for commercial industries. They installed their first prototype in Las Vegas. They have a video of it here

    1. lol! this scam got nothing to do with bessler wheel!

    2. It's not a scam, anon, here is a video proving that it is completely genuine:

      (although you might be right in that its not Bessler's wheel.)

    3. That's right, they have a whole website explaining the science behind it. › earth_engine
      They even say its not perpetual motion because magnets wear out.
      That's honesty.

    4. Looks like another Keely Motor Company type scam. They claim their "Earth Engines" can output up to 25 kw continuously for about 3 years with no input. Apparently they think the magnets used will "wear out" after that time. Yeah right. Before even considering investing a single cent in this, insist that all claims be independently verified by a qualified testing company. You can be sure that won't be happening if this is yet another scam.

  8. This guy, Janjaap Ruijssenaars, harvests electrical energy from gravity but its not a wheel and isn't perpetual motion. This doesn't look like a scam at all. Its like a very efficient windmill, since it only works when wind blows it around.
    "gravity energy"

    1. Anon, the website says that it works on more than wind, it also takes inputs of rain, sunshine, warmth, and vibrations. It boasts primarily of being extremely efficient.

      The promo feature is seen at
      and the main website is

    2. yes he make official vid on you tube check this out
      he also make big scintific vid to, he prove it work
      no seem like scam, look kind of simple, maybe sim it

    3. Aside from his OU permanent magnet motor, it looks like he has a type of piezoelectric generator that uses the vibrations of unbalanced weights to "harvest" environmental energies. Such harvesting is already being done with things like hydroelectric dams, geothermal power plants, wind turbine farms, and solar panels. He may have something that extracts small amounts of useable power, but will it be able to compete with what's already out there? I think he's really betting on his permanent magnet motor to draw in the investors, but like that anon above said, make sure his magnet motor has been verified to work by an outside testing company before sending in any of your money. Scammers will often offer all kinds of test results to "prove" their claims, but it's always gotten from the testing they do! Ask what those not connected with the inventor have to say about his invention. Also, beware of splashy promotions. They are often used to hypnotize potential investors into believing that the claims made for an invention must be true otherwise no one would have spent so much promoting them.

    4. Anon you are confusing two different individuals. Dennis Danzik made the earth engine, aka "magnet motor", and Janjaap Ruijssenaars made the other thing.

  9. Now that the latest permanent magnet motor scam is out of the way, again I ask does anyone have a translation of Bessler's 1719 "birthday card" to Karl? Particularly the last stanza for the year 2019 on page 12 of it? Or are we supposed to come to some conclusions just based on the Bible verse references in it?

    1. "latest magnet motor scam is out of the way" really? can u prove its a scam were you there? did you see the vid showing the proof

      all anon said was it looked like keely motor scam and somehow i guess that "proves" its a scam no wonder why they're still not gone public yet

      and if you took the time to read John's blog here you'd realize that nobody has even transcribed the thing yet let alone translated it

      and if you took the time to read the other anon's comment you'd also know that the manuscript John published here is not the birthday card that was originally referred to, but this one here

    2. yeah i talk with some translator experts, they say it very difficult to understand and translate, they say it take hundred and hundred or even thousand of euro to do

    3. What we really, REALLY need is a transcript so we can figure out the code message in this.


    For all those who are asking about the transcription/translation of the last page that John posted,
    I have provided them here for you.

    The transcription is as follows:
    ICh wIL DICh nICht VerLassen noCh VerseVMen.

    The capitalized letters are all those letters that can qualify as Roman numerals.
    I=1, V=5, X=10, L=50, C=100, D=500, M=1000.
    Those letters are ICILDICICVLCVVM.
    The sum is 2019. Simply, 1+100+1+50+500+1+100+1+100+5+50+100+5+5+1000=2019.

    The phrase, "ich wil dich nicht verlassen noch versevmen,"
    in Google translate comes out as "I do not want to leave you or miss you."

    This is actually a reference to the accompaniment verse, Hebrews 13:5,
    which says,
    "Let your conversation be without covetousness;
    and be content with such things as ye have:
    for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."

    Another version says it this way,
    "Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have,
    because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

    The quote "I will leave you and never forsake you" comes from Deuteronomy 31:6.

    The only reason why Bessler would instead choose to use the passage from Hebrews
    is to tell his Christian audience in a very religious way that,
    if they reach the year 2019 and still don't have the secret of the wheel,
    but are continuing to comb Bessler's books for clues to it,
    they should just go pound sand and forget about the whole thing.

    That's not very encouraging, and I hate to be the party pooper, but you asked for it!

    1. You're not a party pooper anon, I rather find it a most appropriate message from Bessler arriving to us now, out of all times, near the approaching holiday of Thanksgiving in November next month. So let us prepare our hearts to give thanks to God for all the good things He has given us, even if we don't have the wheel. We may as well face the harsh reality that, ever since that fateful day in Gera, Germany, when Bessler unleashed the very first prototype of that machine of wonder onto the world and yet just out of its reach, that it could be only look at it, and not touch it, that it has perpetually rolled away from the public, never to return to its hands again. And so, rather than bemoaning such sadness of sorrow of such mournful fate, let us rather rejoice in what good things we have that we can be thankful for. It is indeed a most encouraging and heartwarming message from Bessler. He could instead have been mean and called us all a bunch of idiots for not having figured it out in our modernized high-tech well-learned scientific society, when he figured it out before Newton laid down the equations of physics. Go figure.

    2. Thanks for that one line translation, anon 01:00. But, it still leaves the other 12 lines of the remaining stanza untranslated! Other than letting us know that he had some comments pertaining to the 19th year of each of the centuries starting with 1519 and ending with 2019, one can really get nothing of value from this "New Year Card". Maybe the number 19 had some particular numerological meaning to him or was somehow used inside of his wheels?

    3. I told you before that its the BIRTHDAY card, NOT the New Year card, that holds significance. You're looking in the wrong place. I didn't translate the last stanza because it was only seeming to be the promise of a new wheel at the time of publication, 1719. Seems pretty useless. We're wasting our time on it. We need to focus on the 1728 congratulatory address, that's where the goodies are.

    4. What does the gigantic "PSALM 74" at the end of the card at the bottom mean? I know Karl was 74 years old, but the reference in question seems odd for someone's birthday. Could it be part of the code?

    5. Yes the large and obviously miss-placed 74 is a part of a code.

  11. NOTE...I’ve posted a thread about the Annual Card for Karl, on the Besslerwheel forum.


    1. John do you have the link or url for it?


    3. See Marchello’s amazing work in transcribing the text on the first and last page plus online translation and confirmation of the chronograms year totals.


    4. John, can you ask Marchello to try transcribing the 1728 birthday card? I'm still truly convinced that there is a very easy code in that one, for reasons I have previously listed.

    5. Thanks John.

      That Fraktur typeface already makes me dizzy, but its printed and reasonably consistent. After much effort I can now reasonably manage to read it (besides mixing s's and f's).
      The 1728-card is a different hurdle: It's handwritten.
      It would be really great to be able to decipher the handwriting as that would also help with the MT's - which I can't read either.
      The card is written much cleaner, but still I'm staring at scribbles where "und" is only "und" to me because it makes more sense than that "nmd" I actually see. And that's one from the easy group.

      There are people out there who are seriously much more capable at reading that stuff, while I'm also no mastermind with the German grammar.
      But by the lack of those people and to satisfy my own curiosity while actually helped by the Roman numbers here's my attempt anyway for the last few lines on page 2.
      Card 1728-08-14 From Orffyre to Herrer Carls
      Page 2 - Last four lines, first two are crossed out.

      Erk??t: Was fÜr eIn geMäCht WIr aLLer sInD!
      EIneM IegLIChen WIrD seIn eIgen Wort eIne Last seIn
      DIe HoffnUng Der HeUChLer wIrD VerLoren seIn [Hiob:8.13]
      rÜstet eUCh aLLe zUM krIege WIeDer sIe [Jerm:6.4]
      Roman Numerals[
      III V WW LL C D M (Count:11, Sum: 1728)
      IIIIIIII WW LL C D M (Count:15, Sum: 1728)
      III VVV W LL C DDD (Count:13, Sum: 1728)
      III VVV W LL C D M (Count:12 Sum: 1728)

      Erkennt(?): Was für ein gemächt wir aller sind!
      Einem Jeglichen wird seIn eigen Wort eine last sein
      Die Hoffnung der Heuchler wird verlogen seIn [Job:8.13]
      Rüstet euch alle zum Kriege wieder sie [Jerm:6.4]

      It so seems it's just the same bible game.
      Did he do it by heart (explains some cross outs) or did he have to look it all up?

      Maybe interesting for the code-breakers out there: I tracked down the missing references of the first two lines to a Luther Bible (1545):
      1. Psalm 103:14
      2. Jeremia 23:36

      Maybe it could be interesting to those to crosscheck Bessler's spelling mistakes. (And note that I probably made them too!).
      For example, Jeremia 23:36 spells "jeglichem". That would have added an extra Roman "M" (1000) to the sum.
      Don't ask me which one is correct. My German-Dutch dictionary only tells me "Jeglicher". For me each one of the variations could be correct for their own special reason.

      Regards, Marchello E.

    Simple question, would Bessler have sent Karl a coded message when he already knew the secret ?

    1. Good question Stevo, and one I have debated in my mind for a long time. In the end I thought that it might have occurred to Bessler, that these panegyrics might be preserved for posterity, as many of them have been, and there is just a chance he hid some information within them. Slight chance I admit.


    2. John and Stevo, Karl was shown the inside of the wheel to confirm there was no trickery, such as hanging weights or clockwork springs. That does NOT mean he knew how it worked. It is this particular secret that I am convinced he relayed to Karl in "coded" form in the 1728 congratulatory address, aka birthday card.

  13. The argument has been put that if a code existed it was for the benefit of Karl's heirs.

    Since he hadn't sold the wheel and was still attempting to do until his death in 1745 it seems a remote possibility.

    1. Anonymous27 October 2019 at 23:35 said "The argument has been put that if a code existed it was for the benefit of Karl's heirs."

      Anon, that wasn't exactly my intention. Bessler couldn't have known when Karl would die, so the birthday card for Karl was obviously for Karl. The implication is that Karl could decide to leave the secrets to his posterity.

      "Since he hadn't sold the wheel and was still attempting to do until his death in 1745 it seems a remote possibility."

      After the arrest, he tried making other types of gizmos, like fountains, pianos, and submarines - no more wheels.

      The idea is that the 1728 card was the final publication, albeit privately to Karl, of the secret of his wheels.

  14. Someone like Marchello E. should make a transcript of the 1728 card.

    1. Yes anon, but they would need to include the two lines of text that were crossed out.

      Don't forget the font is not fraktur, but kurrentschrift.

  15. I haven’t found a copy of the birthday card yet, but I have to look at over 600 files with nonsense numbering so I shall return to the task as and when possible. From the look of the copy at
    I can’t see why you are so interested in seeing the original. There may not be any other version available, but since the crossing out looks like a correction with the corrected piece inserted below, maybe all we need is in the archived copy.

    There is another curiosity apart from the reference to psalm 74 - the circumpunct and it’s adjacent letters to the right of the last paragraph on the last page. Bessler used the circumpunct as an abbreviated signatures on many of his letters. I assume it sold for his wheel.


    1. Analyzing the Birthday card, we can soon see that the encoded message are a Masonic or Rosicrucian salute to Karl. Kassel and the Weisseinstein castle was the hotspot of RC in Europe. Including London of course. I will send you a proof by email if you like? What the "O" is about etc. Karl would recognize this intellectual game, and so would other RC and Masons. The codes is a form of art. Art that only the "best" can see.

    2. Yes please send me an email, Øystein. Fascinating.


    3. John, you said in your comment above "I can't see why you are so interested in seeing the original. Maybe all we need is in the archived copy."

      I totally agree with you 100%, I am way more interested in getting a transcript of the archive page (, as that will tell us everything we need to know.

      As far as my curiosity in seeing your copy, my theory is that you may possess a final draft. The archive has revisions. Its really nothing extremely important for the code itself, except that it may show how the code was processed into the message through analysis of the revisions made.

      For example, Psl 126.5 was crossed out and replaced with Col 4.1. If we go to line p, and then letter 126 and 5 or maybe word 126 and letter 5 from that word, it should match in line C with 4 and 1, and then we know we've got it.

      Furthermore, there is the presence of strangely placed capitalized letters, which always appear in the last two lines of each of the three stanzas on each page. These two lines also display a slightly more latinized font than the rest of the poem lines, which are heavy cursive. Similarly enough, the verse references are also more latinized than the rest of the text. Does this mean the last two lines alone contain code, and were added to each stanza after the first six lines of poem in each stanza was written?

      I quickly dismissed a hunch that the capitalized letters were Roman numerals because of the W, but as you have pointed out elsewhere the W could be a double V, and so VV is two fives or a ten.

      Notice the two lines that were crossed out have no accompaniment verses. This tells us the verses were added AFTER the poetic lines were written. Also notice the two lines at the end of each stanza always seem shorter than the rest of the lines of the stanza.

      Some oddities I found include: a couple v's between chapter and verse occur at the beginning, but then no more. Some Bible references only have the chapter and verse, but no book. Some pages have big and clear-fonted title and name of Karl. Page 4 is lacking an 8th line in the last stanza. The first stanza on page 6 has 9 lines, but also has a weird indicator system on the left hand side, and two of the lines look like one long big line (would a poet make such an absurd anomaly in something that is supposed to be a masterpiece gift to a person such as Karl?) Worse yet, the second stanza has a combination symbol of the last two lines to a single Bible reference! Here's where things get really fun. The third stanza on page 7 also lacks its 8th line. But it also has a half circle with two dots inside, almost looking like an ear, and then, instead of Bible references, it has year numbers 1727 and 1677. From the standpoint of 1728 when this was written, we know Bessler was arrested in 1727... but what took place in 1677? And why the symbol before this year, and what is the word between the symbol and the year 1677? On page 8, the beginning word is scratched out and a line inserted above. On the same page, in the third stanza, we see a part of a word capitalized, gEBURTS, which is very strange, and then at the end we once again see the year 1727. Again, I believe this constant reference to the year of his arrest is key to understanding his rationale for relaying his secrets to Karl. Page 9 has a giant x and a missing Bible reference. And, of course, as you found, Page 12 has a circumpunct, a "v.12" (unusual presence of v for verse), a missing Bible reference, and a very large "Psalm 74."

      What I really, really need is the transcript. I think a transcript is even more important now than a translation of this into English.

    4. I have numbered some anomalies below; please note this is not an exhaustive list.

      These anomalies are in reference to the 1728 congratulatory address, written a year after Bessler's arrest in 1727.

      1. A couple v's between chapter and verse occur at the beginning, but then no more (except once at the end)

      2. Some Bible references only have the chapter and verse, but no book.

      3. Some pages have big and clear-fonted title and name of Karl.

      4. Page 4 is lacking an 8th line in the last stanza.

      5. The first stanza on page 6 has 9 lines, but also has a weird indicator system on the left hand side, and two of the lines look like one long big line (would a poet make such an absurd anomaly in something that is supposed to be a masterpiece gift to a person such as Karl?)

      6. Worse yet, the second stanza has a combination symbol of the last two lines to a single Bible reference!

      7. Here's where things get really fun. The third stanza on page 7 also lacks its 8th line. But it also has a half circle with two dots inside, almost looking like an ear, and then, instead of Bible references, it has year numbers 1727 and 1677. From the standpoint of 1728 when this was written, we know Bessler was arrested in 1727... but what took place in 1677? And why the symbol before this year, and what is the word between the symbol and the year 1677?

      8. On page 8, the beginning word is scratched out and a line inserted above.

      9. On the same page 8, in the third stanza, we see a part of a word capitalized, gEBURTS, which is very strange, and then at the end we once again see the year 1727. (Again, I believe this constant reference to the year of his arrest is key to understanding his rationale for relaying his secrets to Karl.)

      10. Page 9 has a giant x and a missing Bible reference.

      11. Page 12 has a circumpunct, a "v.12" (unusual presence of v for verse), a missing Bible reference, and a very large "Psalm 74."

      12. Are the capitalized letters in the last two lines of each stanza Roman numerals? One would have to explain the W as either 55 or 10.

      Only a transcript and perhaps a translation also will show these anomalies to be either a pile of mere coincidence and sloppy work, or a rather complicated code interwoven into a birthday letter, hidden in plain sight. In either case, its more fascinating than I previously assumed.

    5. Thank you for pointing out all those anomalies, anon, very interesting. If you have seen my efforts to understand the code in chapter 55 in Apologia Poetica in my website at www, you will see I have been thinking along the same lines as you. I’ll check it out and come back on this document. Øystein has already done some good work in the last few hours.


    6. For page 7
      [-but what took place in 1677? And why the symbol before this year, and what is the word between the symbol and the year 1677?-]

      (: von ??rgan, ??il ?orm Jahr Carls fünfzig Jahr regirt :) von 1677
      1677 + fünfzig = 1727
      "In seiner langen Regierungsperiode von 1677 bis 1730"

      Marchello E.

  16. I believe his principle was rediscovered in 2019. Although not published. If so, a good prediction by Bessler ;-) And a good story if it turns out to be true..

    1. I think his principle was rediscovered this year but also published. I wonder if Bessler studied the prophecies of Nostradamus?

    2. maybe this is the principle which was published this year? but he could have planned it that way to fulfil B's prediction! if not then a really strange coincidence.

    3. His design is interesting anon 16:08. It actually represents the crucifixtion and resurrection of Jesus! At 12:00 the arms of the Y lever point up and that represents Jesus' arms as he hung on the cross at noon when the eclipse happened. When the lever passes drum's 3:00 it hits the stop which represents Jesus dying at 3 pm or the 9th hour if the hours are counted from sunrise at 6 am and then he's laid out horizontal at foot of cross shortly after. At drum's 6:00 the lever's arm point down symbolizing Jesus put down into the tomb inside the earth. The next three drum times of 7:30, 9:00, and 10:30 represent the next three days in the tomb. As the lever moves from drum's 9:00 to 10:30 it swings cw through its biggest angle and at 10:30 the weight arm is above the horizontal which represents the resurrection of Jesus in his tomb. Between drum's 10:30 and 12:00 represents the 40 days that the resurrected Jesus spent on earth before ascension. At drum 12:00 lever arms point up again and this time represent Jesus' arms pointing skyward as he ascends into heaven at noon as shown in many renaissance paintings of resurrection. Then, whole cycle repeated again and again with every turn of wheel. Bessler said how his wheel worked was mentioned in words of Jesus. Jesus told apostles about how he would be crucified, die, and then be resurrected after three days and nights and that happens symbolically inside wheel in video.

    4. That symbolism would also have been obvious to Bessler because he was so religious. The Y-shaped levers do look like arms extended upward toward heaven. Also, the perpetually turning wheel is a symbol for eternal life which most religions, including Christianity, promise their followers if they accept and obey their tenets. From the description of the design in KenB's video, there are always five out of eight levers counterbalanced against each other at any time. If you add 5 and 8 you get 13. If you add 12 apostles and 1 messiah, you also get 13. If you multiply 5 by 8 you get 40. Somewhere it mentions there were 40 cords needed to control the different lever motions in the video's wheel. Jesus had to spend 40 days and nights fasting in the Judaean desert before returning to Galilee to begin his ministry. After the resurrection, he spends another 40 days and nights on Earth before his ascension. This could just all be a coincidence, but that would seem improbable. These numbers in his wheel design would have further convinced Bessler that the design was given to him directly by God as a reward for his religious devotion.


    6. @anon15:42 LOL!!!

  17. I think that his principle was discovered much sooner than you thought and that it was published but not yet discovered by the public ;-)
    There are reasons for that. . .

  18. I mentioned above in my list of "oddities," or anomalies, in the 1728 congratulatory address, the presence of the year 1727 twice (which, no doubt, is referencing the year of his arrest), leading me to believe that, as a thank you to Karl for standing by his side, Bessler left behind the secrets of his wheel in that very card for a very happy 74th birthday for Karl.

    However, I also mentioned the existence of another date, a word I can't decipher, and a weird symbol, like a half of a circle stretched out and two dots in the middle. The date was the year 1677.

    As you know, Bessler was born in 1680, so 1677 precedes him. Karl was born in 1654. I haven't read the history again to refresh my memory, but 1677 could refer to when Karl became landgrave? Ahh, that sounds a bit sketchy. 1727-1677=50 years. I think the 50 years span is what matters.

    1677 could also be a reference to a year of a great mechanical discovery. Notice what took place around and during that year just in England alone: (I haven't looked at Germany yet)

    - The first clocks made using a form of deadbeat escapement mechanism
    - Robert Hooke discovers the law of elasticity in springs, determining the relation of force and distance
    - Robert Hooke also made the first working universal joint
    - Coggeshall slide rule invented

    1. look who else is the "about me" section at the top right of the page

    2. Well if Bessler predicted not only that 2019 would bring the wheel, but someone else the same age as Karl would make it, that would be rather intriguing. I would say that John must feel happy, complimented and inspired by such an encouraging prediction.

    3. Yes I I too believe his principle was discovered this year and it will be published soon, and of course I’m 74! Yes it has inspired me to greater efforts to finish my wheel!

      But seriously I have found it extremely difficult to make time for my build due to health problems in the family. There is an article in the Daily Mail on line which is about my granddaughter, Amy. Why not visit it at...


  19. No one can predict the future by the principle of "free will", otherwise everything would be written in advance and nothing could change it. We simply would not be "free" to do what we want (it would be stupid ) . A world written in advance and without freedom of action. As for Nostradamus, it is rather about the writings of a former monk he would have taken over (see Rudy Cambier and Yves de Lessine). To return to Bessler and his invention, have not you ever wondered why Karl did not instigate Bessler to give more obvious clues? Maybe just because they are more visible when we know the solution! Otherwise I think he would have convinced him to "simplify" the riddles, too difficult to find for " Mister everyone" . The goal is to spread it whatever happens (if not why put so much clues?).
    For information, I search the solution for 8 years and I am a supporter of construction with real materials ;-)

  20. What if it is rediscovered by someone we have excommunicated.

    1. No, it will be one of us righteous ones.

  21. That is strange because I for one had discovered Bessler's secret in October 2019.

    1. We thought you discovered it three years ago as claimed in your perpetual thread Trevor. Are you saying you were Wrong?


  22. Bessler remote-viewed Trevor rediscovering it in October 2019, that is why he put this year in the birthday card.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I guess that he was referring to the former drawing/s that would occur later in MT, but that he burned and buried..

    2. But he may also have thought about..window curtains.. he was a maker of window frames.. and "the Cross" and the Masonic geometric methods I discovered in MT was used in windows or rather their frames.. So when he pull back the will see something..

  24. Ha,ha John, the fact is it has taken me all this time to interpret what I had discovered and developed the appropriate mechanism to reap the fruits of it.
    If you must know it is all about movement and the amazing acrobatics that goes on in the circus arena.

    1. Hi Trevor. Can you tell us anything about your concept? How many weights, how many mechanisms, does it use scissor mechanisms?


    2. Hurray, well done Trevor, why not show us your wheel with a quick video of it, whats its rpm, when did it first start working.

    3. Yes John,my wheel is made to accommodate eight weights but I am only starting with four for now.It does not use any storkbills.If I raise on weight and drop it there enough momentum set up to raise the opposing weight four quarters.This what Bessler meant so by using the right mechanism it is achievable.

  25. Yes John,my wheel will accommodate eight weight but started with four.No there are no storkbills,they are to slow an cumbersome.If I raise one weight a quarter and drop it, there is enough momentum set up to cause the raising of the opposing weight,four quarters using the right mechanism,just as Bessler described.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...