Friday, 22 May 2020

After a PoP Demonstration, Peer Review and Acceptance.

I think that when Bessler’s wheel actually works and is developed into what ever is proven to be its best evolution, it will confirm the opinion of many of us, that it will herald the future of a world with greatly reduced pollution; very cheap electrical supply; all-electric cars, trains, electric boats and ships.  Not sure if electric aircraft would benefit, but I understand there are some efforts being made in that direction.

Conversely, the cessation or severe reduction of the manufacture of all fossil fuel burning vehicles, boats, aircraft and generators etc, may eventually happen, and not necessarily because of Bessler’s wheel, but because pollution, global warming, rising sea levels - not to mention the increasing cost of pumping oil - demands it. But what a welcoming opportunity for the entrance on to the world stage for Bessler’s wheel.

I know that many here doubt the effectiveness of Bessler’s wheel as an electricity generator, but it seems to me that, in the simplest terms, a rotating device, powered only by the effect of gravity on weights, which can rotate another connected device, no matter how weakly, is capable of being scaled upwards to the point where it can be an effective replacement for all electricity generators. It may appear large or cumbersome, but compared to the many solar panels covering much of the roofs of houses in the U.K. it will seem invisible and far more effective!   But I do not believe it will prove to be as weak as most people predict.

What about all the alternatives means of producing electricity presently in use if the above scenario should happen?  Windmills, tidal generators and nuclear energy, can all be proscribed.  But there are others that I think may still have an important role to play.  Hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy and solar power seem likely to have long term use, but all of the above will benefit from the ongoing development of cheaper and more effective batteries or other electrical storage devices in which to store excess power, or as a backup utility.  Biomass is regarded as renewable energy but still produces CO2 when burned, but there are other ways of extracting energy from it, some of which can be directly converted into electrical energy via electrochemical oxidation reduction reaction (redox).

But above all these, in my opinion, Bessler’s wheel triumphs for its simplicity, cleanliness,  low cost, low technology and therefore reliability.



  1. I have a friend who works in a gas station and one day I asked him if he was worried about losing his job with all of the talk about electric cars and solar panel energy to power them. He just laughed and said we wouldn't see any of that until the oil companies pumped the last drop of oil out of the ground. That conversation took place about twenty years ago and, so far, he's been 100% right!

    1. True, but there wasn’t the kind of pressure there is now, demanding new ways to reduce global warming. Don’t forget that there are numerous other uses for oil other than burning it in combustion engines; asphalt, feedstocks, plastics, inks, tyres, and according to the following link at least 6000 other Items.

      I spoke to an expert a few years ago and he said providing oil for Petroleum for automobiles to burn, was like throwing Rembrandt pictures on a fire to keep warm - and it was a complete waste of a valuable product with millions of other uses.

      So I wonder how much truth there is in these oil conspiracies?


    2. "So I wonder how much truth there is in these oil conspiracies?"

      If the whole truth be known we'd see that Big Oil was doing everything it could behind the scenes to make sure that low cost, all electric vehicles are NEVER introduced into America or any other country. Oh sure, you'll see a few grossly over priced electric cars here and there like the "TESLA", but they are really only a side show to make everyone think they'll soon be owning an affordable electric car. Meanwhile, when they need a new car they will be running right over to their local dealer and buying another gasoline engine vehicle which is all they can afford to own.

      The Chinese are currently only a few years away from mass producing an all electric, quickly rechargeable lithium ion battery car that will sell new for LESS $10,000 US dollars. Watch what happens when they try to introduce them to the US and Europe. All of a sudden there will be some political opposition to them based on some nonsense or a huge VAT will be slapped on them to keep the average person from being able to afford one. Big Oil will be behind it all shoveling tons of bribe money to the politicians to keep them busy finding some way to prevent them from selling to the masses. You'll see. Neither you nor your kids nor their kids nor their kids will ever be driving an all electric car.

      Without Big Oil's obstruction we would have been driving these types of cars decades ago. Same goes for Bessler's wheels or any other kind of "free energy" machines. Once Big Oil perceives it as a threat to their profits, they'll make sure they are never mass produced. They'll let you have your toy wheels to play with and brag about, but that's about all.

    3. Big oil has been all but shut down for months now because of a virus that might not even exist, there is no big oil anymore. Someone just needs to get a working wheel now and that will finish off any big oil.

    4. As Trump continues to tweet while America burns, here's what the Chinese have been doing now for YEARS. Think they won't be taking over the world's production of all electric cars in another few years? Think again!

    5. Anon 21:18 wrote: "here's what the Chinese have been doing"

      Very impressive! I'd love to have one of those little Chinese electric cars. I'd keep it parked in my garage and always fully charged and ready to go. It's just what I need to do local shopping and visit a friend. Looks like some of them can even hold up to four passengers which means good for a couple with two kids. The insurance on it would be a lot cheaper than what I'm paying now and so would any repairs. I'd only visit a gas station when I needed a repair or a flat tire fixed (the tires are so small you could probably use solid rubber ones and never have to worry about a flat!). No wonder Big Oil wants to keep these off of the streets of the US. $1,500 makes one affordable for practically everyone and is a lot better than having to borrow even more money to pay $40,000 or more for a Tesla!

    6. I think those little Chinese "micro cars" could be big sellers in the US, but we have to be able to go into a regular gas station and get them recharged in minutes just like we do now to fill our gas tanks and at about the same price. I recall reading somewhere that they have a small, lightweight "super capacitor" that they are experimenting with that is about the size of a suitcase and can be charged up in less than five minutes. IIRC someone estimated it could power a midsize car for about 80 miles before needing to be recharged again. Unlike a chemical battery, it could last forever. If used in one of those micro cars it might actually double its range since they weight less than a midsize American car!

      If I was calling the shots over at GM or Ford, I'd have my best engineers working on making an American version of those Chinese ones that would use the super capacitors and could be recharged either at a station in minutes or longer using the electricity from one's garage outlets. I'd make sure it was cheap like under $10k and as stylish looking as possible. I'd be doing that because I know that if I didn't those hundreds of Chinese companies over there making them right now would be only too glad to do it for me. Let's keep the jobs of making these right here in the US for a change!

    7. There are many ways to store the energy that a microcar would need. You could use compressed air or flywheels. I even remember reading about a French inventor years ago who made a spring powered car. Its giant spring could be quickly wound up in minutes by a special high torque motor he had and would then power the small car that used the system for about ten miles or so. For one of those micro Chinese cars it might be possible to make it go over 50 miles on a wind. When your dashboard gauge showed the tension in the springs was getting too low you'd pull into a station and they would attach a special motor to the back of the car and give you a quick wind for a few bucks. I think we'll have these nongasoline powered cars when the cost of owning and operating our present gasoline powered ones makes them unaffordable for the average citizen. We're not there yet though.

    8. anon 03:28 wrote:

      "If I was calling the shots over at GM or Ford, I'd have my best engineers working on making an American version of those Chinese ones..."

      No need to bother because GM is ALREADY building these little all electric cars...over in CHINA!

    9. While Americans talk endlessly about changing over to all electric autos and then do next to nothing about making it a reality, the Chinese have been doing it by the MILLIONS now for years. Here's another short video about how they are doing it over there that Big Oil does not want you watching:

  2. John may I give you a suggestion?

    You know on the wiki there are a lot of clues listed. May be you can post the ones you like (one by one) and give your comments on it. And we can write our ideas about it on the comments.

    What do you say?

    1. Lol! Expect him to omit this one from his list:

      "About 8 weights fell during each revolution of the wheel, which took about 3 seconds. (Kassel wheel diameter ~ 12 feet)"

    2. Nice idea yellow, and I do struggle to find something to write about for my blog, but I can’t spare the amount of time it would take me. I’m spending what limited time I have finishing my build and I really need to do that! Thanks for the suggestion though.


    3. Anonymous 23rd May, 07.23 - it was “the sound of about eight weights landing gently on the side towards which the wheel turned,”. If you quote please quote accurately. I have no problem with that statement, because it applied to the Kassel wheel which was bi-directional. People assume there eight weights, but no one knows what caused that sound or whether other sounds were dampened. I continue to work with five mechanisms and as long as you all work with eight none of you will find success. 🤔

    4. John, I think you intended to address anon 00:58 and not 07:34 which was yourself when you admonished him to "If you quote please quote accurately."

      I checked it out and 00:58 got that quote he gave from the BW forum's Wiki "Clues" page and the clue on that page says the sound was caused by 8 WEIGHTS! It says there that this mention of weights was from an eyewitness account by Joseph Fisher. Are we supposed to assume that Fisher could not accurately determine that the sounds he heard were due to weights making impacts against some sort of stops inside of the Kassel wheel's descending side?

    5. My own research confirms that eight weights are reasonable... Multiples of four... It can never be five in any case...
      Whether it is the case of unidirectional or bidirectional the principle is the same and in case of bidirectional wheel one set of weights are locked down... when direction is changed...
      It was not necessary for bessler to muffle or dampen sounds... That is one too much a speculation to suit ones design...
      If eight sounds were heard it just means eight weights hitting the wheel side...
      This can be well understood only when one has the correct configuration...

    6. Please accept my apologies anon 08.25, my eyesight wobbled! The clues come from my book, PM. an Ancient Mystery Solved? Yes, having studied the subject for many years I pointed out in my book written over 25 years ago, that Fischer’s report stated that his examination lasted 2 hours and I questioned his use of the word ‘about’ given the length of his examination. We know from other reports that the wheel emitted a variety of noises and I argued that the specific noises he heard were muffled by other ones and he was unable state categorically that there were exactly 8 sounds. He did say that the weights landed gently and I have my own theory about the cause those sounds.


    7. It sounds like Fischer was examining the Kassel wheel while it was running that water pump and its turning speed was reduced from its maximum of 26 rpm's to 20 rpm's with each complete rotation then taking 3 seconds.

      He probably used a pocket watch with a second hand on it to first determine how many drum rotations took place in one minute and determined it was very close to 20.

      Next he would have listened and counted the number of impacts he heard as he watched the second hand on his watch register one minute. If there were exactly 8 impacts per drum rotation, then he should have counted exactly 160 impacts during one minute. I suspect that he tried this several times. But trying to count impacts while also watching the second hand on his watch might have caused him to become distracted and occasionally make miscounts. Maybe because of these miscounts he got counts of 158, 159, 160, 161, and 162 for different tests depending upon whether he accidentally excluded an impact or two or included an impact or two while making his counts. He would have recorded the numbers of impacts he was counting during each test and then just averaged them to eliminate the effects of his miscounts and obtain the 120 impacts per minute or 8 per drum rotation. If this is what he did, I think it's highly likely that the actual number of impacts was exactly 8 per drum rotation as everyone, except you, seems to believe.

    8. My mistake! That next to last line above that reads "...and obtain the 120 impacts per minute or 8 per drum rotation." should have read "...and obtain the 160 impacts per minute or 8 per drum rotation." Guess I got distracted worst than Fischer!

    9. Hhhmmmm, I’m not convinced by that argument, Ken. Fisher only needed to count the number of impacts for each revolution. He could watch a point on the circumference of the wheel to judge one revolution and just count how many noises he heard. He definitely used the word ‘about’, in French, which I do speak, and it seems to me that a man of such experience in mechanics would have been more precise if he could.


    10. " I can’t spare the amount of time it would take me.." OK fair enough.

    11. I agree with you on this John, at least the majority.
      8 knocks per revolution is in no way a garuantee that there were 8 weights. Making this assumption is something i have always thought to be incorrect. This doesn't mean that the wheel didn't have 8 weights, but it certainly doesn't mean that it did.
      " He definitely used the word ‘about’, in French, which I do speak, and it seems to me that a man of such experience in mechanics would have been more precise if he could".
      The about has always intrigued me, my eplaination of this has nothing to do with confusing other noises making the counting difficult.
      With 17 or 15 sections, for example, by using the method of taking a fixed point and counting the number of knocking sounds for a whole turn you "could" not have the same number every turn.
      To observe this, you would need only to have a knock, every other section. The sections being odd and the progression being even, 2 for example, would give alteranting numbers of knocks counting from a fixed point. The irregularity observed by the listener would make it difficult to accurately establish the number 8.
      This would also allow for the inspection and maintenance of all of the weights through a fixed inspection hole without the need of Mr Tickle's arms.

    12. Good comment RH, and worth considering, although I’m not so sure about using the hole to maintain all the weights. I’m still doubtful about that possibility, but I like the suggestion that Fischer wasn’t able to say exactly how many impacts he heard.


    13. I think there would still be errors in the counting of impact sounds per drum rotation if one was trying to watch a single point on the drum's rim as it passed a certain point outside of the drum to determine when a single rotation had been completed. A point on the outer rim of a 6 feet diameter drum turning at 20 rpms is traveling 37.7 feet around the rim every 3 seconds so its speed is 12.57 feet per second. I know I'd have trouble trying keep track of when the point on the rim exactly passed the outside reference point while also trying to count the number of thumps the wheel was making which would have occurred once every 3/8 or 0.375 seconds.

      John and others who don't like the 8 lever weight version of Bessler's wheels are really obliged to translate the word "about" as meaning "highly approximate". But, I think this is a mistake. I think Fischer used that word just to indicate the difficulty he was having counting the 8 sounds per drum rotation. I don't think he really doubted that it was 8 per drum rotation or he would have written something different like he had measured 7 or 8 sounds or 8 or 9 sounds or even that he was getting different values on different counts such as 7, 8, or 9. He doesn't do that though. I accept that the actual count was exactly 8 sounds per drum rotation despite the difficulties in measuring it by eye and ear.

      This is yet another case were a slightly different translation can give one a completely different idea of how Bessler's wheels worked. Unfortunately, the English versions we have of his writings are filled with such subtle translation ambiguities and have probably led many astray and will continue to do so.

    14. Someone put a simulation of the 8 knocks per revolution on youtube. It is very clear that counting to 8 is not a difficult task, at the speed the wheel was turning. With regard following a fixed point on the wheel, i agree that could be a bit of a task, but only if the surface of the wheel was perfectly uniform. A bent nail, an exeptionally shiney nail head,a splinter in a board or a knot in a plank would be very easy to see turn up at selected stationary reference point.
      If the wheel had 55 pivot points and a weight was swung to land at every 7 this would give 7.857 knocks per revolution. Can you imagine the difficulty to distinguish the movement of the starting knock of each rotation?
      There are many arguments that could explain why the word "about" was used. There are many possibilties as to the number of weights used to create the functioning wheel. 8 weights is certainly one of the possibilities. Convincing oneself of any number of weights is, in my opinion, a big mistake. Counting on making a lucky guess, is not the best of methods to progress torward the solution.
      Translation is effectively a huge problem, with all the best intentions in the world,(which i think is the case), we could be being mislead.

    15. "Someone put a simulation of the 8 knocks per revolution on youtube."

      I assume you are referring to Ken B's wheel. It's undoubtedly a very interesting design he's come up that seems to fit all of the clues we have and I'm sure many are already starting to accept it as "the" solution. But, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to do that. Let's see what John has first. Most importantly, let's see the clues that John has that he claims justify his design.

      I think ultimately only a real working wheel can settle the matter but until then judgements of which wheel design is "it" will rest mainly on whose clues seem to make the most sense. Ken B from what I understand claims to have found dozens of extra previously unknown clues in the DT portraits, but they tend to mainly be numerical ones while John claims he's found 5 or 6 or maybe 7 previously unknown geometric type clues in Bessler's drawings?

      Geometric figures tend to be easier to understand than numerical ones, but, unfortunately, no one is going to understand any of them unless he starts revealing them as he has promised to do this year. Let's hope that is not just more talk from him this time.

    16. I assume you assumption is incorrect.
      The video on youtube i was refering to was simply an audio frequence of the timed beats. A member of Bessler wheel shared the link, if i remember correctly.
      I don't even know how Ken B's wheel is suspected to work. I suppose i had best check it out incase it is of interest.

    17. I lied, but it wasn't intentionally.
      I didn't realise that it was that wheel that all the fuss was about. i don't think it will work, for the simple reason that there is nothing special or new happenning with regard the movement of the weights. It is a fine example of another way of trying to do exactly the same thing but by a different method.
      I think what we need to do is something different. Then we can try different ways of doing whatever it is that is different. Once we know what Bessler did we will be able to find other ways of doing it, at least this is my opinion. Believe me i would very much like someone to show a working wheel that shows i am talking nonsense.

    18. "...there is nothing special or new happenning with regard the movement of the weights."

      Maybe that's why Joseph Fischer wrote:

      "His Highness, who has a perfect understanding of mathematics, assured me that the machine is so simple that a carpenter’s boy could
      understand and make it after having seen the inside of this wheel, and that he would not risk his name in giving these attestations, if he
      did not have knowledge of the machine." ?

    19. "His Highness" was refering to Bessler's wheel when he said that.
      I was refering to Ken's.
      If you were to see the "special or new" movement of the weights you could build one too. It would work.
      If you were to see the old and standard movement of the weights in all the failures, you could build one like that too. It wouldn't work.
      When what you are doing is wrong, it doesn't matter how complicated or simple it is, it will not work.
      Bessler made it very clear that we were doing something wrong. 'His Highness", merely pointed out, that when you do it right, it can be done very simply.

  3. In the previous blog...

    JC sir wrote that the build is complicated...
    The fact is it isn't...
    Because, you only need to design a single lever weight system... The rest of the levers are carbon copies...

    Gravittea wrote that Karl made it very clear that bessler was very genuine...
    It is not only that...
    Karl has also made it very clear that the internal mechanism was very simple...

    There are just two things to remember...
    The BW has a secret mechanism...
    The BW wheel's secret mechanism performs a secret movement... or motion...

    Yes... Secret mechanism and a secret motion...
    But both are extremely simple when discovered...

    JC sir feels that the build is difficult because the right design and it's movement is not known to him yet... It is as straight as this... His very approach is wrong...
    Bessler was too worried that his secret would get leaked... He took all precautions including planting of clever clues...
    So to solve this mystery you shouldn't try through his so called codes or clues... You should start from the beginning all afresh and go through the pains and process that bessler endured and then compare your idea or the result with the clues...

    BW invention may not create a revolution or any sensation but it will be another tool for mankind...
    Because, BW technology is an outdated one and it is too crude and slow for modern requirement...
    Bessler wheel secret can be busted easily within a week if only we join together and combine our efforts...
    Good day...

    1. "JC sir feels that the build is difficult because the right design and it's movement is not known to him yet... It is as straight as this... His very approach is wrong..."

      Just what John needs to read! Most likely he's fallen into a trap that many others have fallen into. When they can't get their "simple" design to run, they will keep making changes to it and it will then slowly become more and more complicated yet still refuse to run. Bessler described this trap on page 295 of AP:

      "He can rack his brains and work his fingers to the bones with all sorts of ingenious ideas about adding extra weights here and there. The only result would be that his wheel will get heavier and would run longer if it were empty!"

      When a Bessler pm wheel chaser falls into this trap it's time for him to say "No! This design is useless. I need a new one." John, however, is not yet to that point. He needs some more time. Someone months ago predicted he'd probably keep struggling along with his current five lever mech wheel through the end of this year before finally giving up on it. Pet designs can be very difficult to rid oneself of, but at some point it must be done if one hopes to make any real progress.

    2. SK writes "Bessler wheel secret can be busted easily within a week if only we join together and combine our efforts... Good day..."

      A strange thing to say from someone claiming to 100% know the solution. We would all know it within a week if SK drew a picture of HIS simple solution and published it.

    3. Suresh, when I described my mechanism as complicated I was referring to the difficulty of getting the build of just one mechanism right. But there are other factors affecting the build, which may look simple but It is not so easy to get right. I could describe in words how it works, and that would take a couple of pages because there are reciprocal actions to include which all depend on other actions.


    4. I just realized that JC and SK really have much in common. They both post on this blog regularly. They both claim to know Bessler's secret based on clues they have found and have known it for years. They both have revealed nothing yet because "it's not the right time". So how are they actually different from each other? Actually, they are not.

      Oh, yes, JC CLAIMS to be working away on his five mech wheel. But, that's just talk. How do we even know he has such a wheel or, if he does, that he's done anything with it in years? For all we know, he could be fabricating his whole story for reasons known only to him. Maybe he actually gave up a long time ago but only pretends to be working on a wheel because he can't bear to admit he's been hoaxing everyone all along?

      If he has been hoaxing everyone then that would permanently destroy any credibility he has and he would become the laughing stock of the free energy community and deservedly so. But, there's really no proof whatsoever that he has anything currently!

    5. Not really much in common anon, 11.11, although time will tell soon enough. 😀 JC

    6. Good point anon 11:11. I've come to believe that SK is really John's sock puppet. He uses this sock puppet to put down every else's ideas, even his own, while the SK sock puppet continues to constantly claim he's got a solution but won't reveal it. This is a clever method John uses to take everyone's attention off of him never showing us anything. Everyone is focusing on SK's crazy comments all of the time while overlooking the fact that John is doing the exact same thing!

      You might be right about something else anon 11:11. John probably has nothing to reveal and he's got to keep hiding that fact as long as possible. He could be hoping that he will eventually get a runner someday and then no one will ever discover his ongoing deception on this blog. But without a runner, he'll have to keep his hoax going for the rest of his life or until the day he's forced to end this blog because he's too old and sick to keep it up.

    7. Gosh darn it! Found me out! My sock puppet has let me down! There’s only one thing I can do, I’ll have to try to discover the real secret of Bessler’s wheel and post the details here as quickly as I can. But where shall I start? I know, I’ll copy Ken and invent clues that no one else can find and make up some design that no one will believe but which they can’t prove because no one can build it.😃JC

    8. "...I’ll copy Ken and invent clues that no one else can find..."

      To be fair to Ken it should be mentioned that he devoted several hundred pages in his book on Bessler to showing everyone exactly where those new clues he found are located in the two DT portraits. He cannot be accused of concealing anything. It really comes down to a matter of whether or not one accepts what he's found as being genuine clues and, if so, if he accepts that Ken's interpretations of them are accurate. The same goes for any clues and interpretation you or anyone else may eventually be revealing to us.

      It's also not accurate to say his design cannot be proved "because no one can build it". The design he has definitely can be built, but that hasn't been done because no one has actually tried to build it yet as far as I know although I do recall reading some comments on his youtube channel videos from people claiming they were interested in trying to build it. His design will probably eventually be built and then we will finally know if a real version of it works like the ones in the sims he made do.

      If not, then he's just been chasing Bessler's pm wheels in the wrong direction for years. Although I'm sure he will be devastated by that realization, it's really nothing to be ashamed of because that's exactly what thousands of other Bessler wheel enthusiasts have done over the last three hundred years. He'll just be another one of them as you and others will also be if you can't get your own wheels running.

    9. I didn’t say Ken was concealing anything, but what I would say is this. If we accept that Johann Bessler left clues in order for someone somewhere to decipher them and successfully build a wheel based on those clues, then I’m certain that the clues would prove to be a hundred times easier to understand and accept than Ken’s clues. His clues are dependent on us accepting that his interpretation is right, and in my opinion not only are they imaginary but they don’t convince us that they are strong enough to understand what is actually intended, if that is, they really are clues to the construction of Bessler’s wheel and were intended to be. We do Bessler a disservice to imagine that the clues he left for us are so vague and open to error of interpretation.


    10. I think the one big factor in Ken's favor is that the clues he's found are of a numerological type and Bessler was a numerologist. As that SoS guy pointed out last blog, it would only have been natural for Bessler to hide his clues using numerology which is what Ken is claiming. But, Ken makes another claim which was quite a surprise to me when I first heard about it. It is that those clues he found aren't actually there to teach anyone how to build one of Bessler's wheels. They are only there to describe the technical details of Bessler's wheels just in case another inventor back then during Bessler's life came up with the same working design Bessler had. Bessler could then point out the clues in his writings, mostly located in the two DT portraits that Ken uses for his book's analysis, and show that the parts in the other inventor's wheel had the same proportions as the ones that were in Bessler's wheels. That was Bessler's way, in the absence of a patent system in Saxony at the time, of assuring he'd get the credit for being the first to come up with the design. Maybe he hoped doing this would also somehow allow him to force the other inventor to pay him some money in case that other inventor managed to sell the invention?

      So, how did Ken manage to first find Bessler's wheel design so he could then use the clues to verify that it was actually Bessler's? Apparently, he had to duplicate all of the later years of work Bessler did that finally led up to that first little working wheel he had in Gera which was some sort of table top toy wheel whose drum was only 3 feet in diameter. Ken says this was only possible because he was able to speed up the process by using sims and had to make about 2000 of them! The work required to do something like that is almost unbelievable. It sounds to me that if Ken has finally found Bessler's secret wheel design, then it was the result of a combination of incredible luck and persistence. But, then again, he claims he's been at this for almost half a century! No matter what people may say about him, no one can ever say he is a quitter at least not when it comes to Bessler's wheels.

    11. Well if you aren’t Ken himself, you must be his doppelgänger! You make good case but I remain absolutely certain that Ken is completely and utterly wrong. There are so many reasons why! First and most obvious Karl described the wheel’s design as simple, and Ken’s design is anything but simple. Secondly I too have found and deciphered most of Bessler’s deliberate clues and they reveal a simple but ingenious design which anyone could understand, AND the clues are obviously clues and once I point them out easy to interpret. There aren’t 40 strings involved either!
      Ken’s book is, sadly, a complete waste of time and money.


    12. I haven't read Ken's book yet but want to because I've heard so much about it. Like others I've also seen his youtube video of the wheel design he's found and was impressed because it does seem to agree with all of the clues I'm aware of. I agree that having 40 cords is a lot, but Bessler shows many wheels in MT that are also loaded with cords so that was an approach he was exploring. Someone said that of the 40 cords in the design only 16 are really essential and the other 24 are just used to make short connections between parts and could be eliminated if needed to be.

      You say that the clues Bessler left are simple and obvious. Ken, otoh, seems to suggest that they are not that obvious and you really need to be a numerologist to be able to locate and interpret them. He fortunately is a numerologist. At this point I'm willing to consider the clues he's found. My main concern is really just finding something that works and he promises he's found that. Meanwhile there's a new book out there devoted strictly to Bessler's wheels and they tend to be few and far between nowadays. Something for me to digest while I wait out this pandemic lock down.

  4. What you are not able to grasp is why SK is so confident... SK learnt the secret decades back... But is too lazy and unskilled...
    My journey began in 1989 and underwent too many failures... But not so later... Believe it or not...

    1. Suresh , noone cares when SK started. Just tell SK to build the damn wheel and prove himself...

  5. SK is too lazy and unskilled to draw a picture - sheesh !!!

    Methinks SK dost protest too much !

    1. SK is still playing his usual game of "I've got the answer, but I'm not going to share it yet. But, maybe if you all kiss my feet long enough I'll finally give it to you or at least a few little hints". If he actually had anything, he would have patented it by now and would be looking for investors to have a working prototype made and would not be wasting his and everyone else's time here bragging about his big discovery from one blog to another. If he's here six months from now he'll still be playing the same game with everyone. He's really using this blog for an occasional ego trip because, other than here, he's not getting it anywhere else. He can't go over to Bessler wheel forum to brag there because they'd laugh him off the site in no time and he knows it.

    2. If that is your understanding and conclusion well, it is ok... I have no issues... You may carry on with your present presumptions...
      Such things happened even with bessler... It is all part of the game... You will soon know if you are right or wrong... But, atleast, don't forget to acknowledge me later when I am proved right...

    3. We won’t forget you Suresh, IF you are proved right. 🤔. JC

    4. If SK is "too lazy and unskilled", then how will he ever be "proved right" later about Bessler's wheels? He can't even provide us with a sketch of his big discovery. It's obvious that he's just a talker and not a doer. Talking is easy. Otoh, rolling up your sleeves and getting to work trying to get some real results is hard. For every 1000 talkers drifting around the internet nowadays there might only be one actual doer and he definitely is NOT one of them.

  6. Ah yes - I remember now a couple of blogs back SK promising to start his build, no more procrastination. Back to his old tricks.

  7. SK: "Besler's wheel is outdated" You mean I've spent 5 years inventing / reinventing an obsolete wheel! SOB---------------------------Sam Peppiatt

  8. Yeh... Modern living calls for compact and more punch in a generating system... Man needs to run his ACs, TVs, microwave ovens.,etc...
    BW technology would ofcourse be interesting...
    But expect no big revolution in the power sector... Solar power would still be leading... BW technology will be like the Bullock Cart technology in today's time...
    Whatever the outcome it is still worth inventing...

    1. SK wrote: "Whatever the outcome it is still worth inventing..."

      I can agree on that. Aside from it being nice to know how Bessler's wheels actually worked, it might be possible to improve their design to make them put out more power. But, we won't know if that is possible until we first find out how they worked. Even if they cannot be improved, I would still like to have a small working model of one to put on my coffee table and to use as a conversation piece when his damn pandemic is finally done with and I can invite friends over to my home again. It's difficult to relax and talk when everyone is wearing a face mask!

    2. A formula 1 racing car was never invented. They do exist, but nobody actually invented one.
      It took decades of progress from that really crappy car that was invented over a century ago. It took all the technological discoveries that were made over the same period to progress from what a car was capable of doing to what a car is capable of doing.
      The assumption that Bessler's wheel cannot benefit our current knowledge, is unfounded. When we understand how Bessler's wheel worked, we will know if it can be improuved and to what extent. Not before.

    3. No visionary's here-----------------only critics! I'm 300 years too late. Sam

  9. Ockham's Razor says that Bessler extracted nearly all the potential power from his display wheels, each a slight improvement on the last. Perhaps mechanical and materials improvements but not necessarily more powerful. Given the materials of his day. But his PM concept is mechanically constrained and conferred only a small asymmetric imbalance advantage which is ultimately the reason for their low power density. However the power is free and constant. And in a power hungry world that must be a useful point of difference that adds to its inherent value and utility today.



    1. That was the first problem I noticed in Ken's wheel video. It's center of gravity is so close to the center of the axle that it has to have very low torque. Of course it's supposed to be a sim of Bessler's first 3 foot diameter Gera wheel and he did say in AP that it could barely turn itself (see page 271). His four times larger Kassel wheel with more massive weights would have had a lot more torque but still it would not be that great and nothing compared to the average water or wind mill back then. I think anyone expecting to make a gravity wheel that will be small and also be putting out a lot of power is only setting himself up for disappointment. Also any design that puts the center of gravity of its weights too far from the axle is probably going to be a nonrunner. At least that was the case in everything I ever tried building.

    2. Ken understands that the 'CoG' cannot be far from the axle. Many of us do, so he has company. We also understand that that unpleasant fact is the constraint to limited power output and is mechanical in nature. Personally I am not convinced that Ken's solution is the correct one. Tho he can't be faulted for his conviction and enthusiasm for his design. A competent build would show all. Happy to be proved wrong.


    3. Personally I hope he has found B's secret so this damn centuries long mystery is finally solved. But then what?

      We may see a few random builds by different builders but if their reproductions can just barely turn themselves probably no one is going to invest in making larger ones like the Merseburg and Kassel wheels for any kind of practical use. I think the only real money to be made from them will be as expensive handcrafted items for wealthy collectors so they can own a piece of recreated early 18th century technology.

      I've studied Ken's design and I can't see any way to dramatically improve it but that's just me and maybe someone else will see more potential in it. I also agree with others that the design is unique and since every other design tried so far has failed, maybe what we need is something really different for a change to actually work.

  10. I really don't get here in the blog there are guys who say they know the solution but don't build it. Even one of you has written a large book about it.

    Are you that afraid of failing? Failing is not that bad. It is just one step closer to the solution. It is not important.
    Go and build your wheel. Right or wrong see it. Tell us it was wrong or right. Make everyone one step closer to the solution.

    Only cowards are afraid of failure. Be brave.

    1. I don't think they are afraid of failure and lack courage because many of them did spend years and sometimes even decades chasing after pm machines by building one after another without any success. That constant failure has a way of grinding down one's enthusiasm, depressing him, and making him lose ambition. Advancing age and personal problems do not help matters. One pays a very high price in the long run for daring to chase pm in the first place.

      Many burned out pm chasers "retire" to become armchair philosophers, critics, and even occasional skeptics. Some of them try to discourage newbie pm chasers so that they won't have the same energy sapping experiences and can devote their spare time to more attainable goals. Some try to educate the newbies as to what to expect. Others just like to hang around giving a bit of advice or wisdom here and there whether it's solicited or not.

      Most (occasionally referred to as "Besslerites" to make them seem like kooky pseudo-religious cultists) continue to have faith that Bessler actually did construct such pm machines and they remain confident that, hopefully during their lifetimes, reproductions of his wheels will perpetually turn again. That is their dream and hope and a world full of PhD degree scientists who think they know better will never change their minds.

  11. Yellow sir... The big problem today is the task of convincing people...
    One should be able to distinguish truth from fiction...
    They should know who possibly is nearer to the truth... JC sir or SK?...
    When I make a claim I explain things before hand... Without something in me I just can't make tall claims... I am 63 now... And at this fag end of life you just can't say I am fooling around with others... It is not required at all... I don't gain anything from it sitting here in India... It is hard to convince Ken...
    You must know that it is one thing to know the secret and quite another to build it...
    Once you build it the story is different...
    You either lose or win...
    Tell me, did bessler reveal it all?... And, if not, why?...
    There are too many things to tackle before you start to build... It shouldn't go the bessler way... I mean it shouldn't end up the way it did with bessler... This is the biggest fear...
    Tell me how can I encash my intellectual property?...
    Is there a foolproof way?...
    Will I face the same things that bessler did?...
    Is there any law that can ensure my security?...
    It would just take a few hours to assemble the wheel when the required parts are cutout and ready...
    But what will happen after the build?...
    This is the biggest hurdle...
    Spare parts are not readily available... They have to be custom built...
    To an unskilled person like me it is a big. nightmare...
    Unlike other mysteries, BW mystery is different...
    Because the mechanism is too simple...
    The inventor has too much to worry about safeguarding the secret than to build it...
    Once built the nightmare begins...
    What if one manages to have a glance inside...
    Well, you can't expect everyone to behave like Karl... Can you?...
    As you say... It is not the fear of failure it is the fear of losing the secret...
    Take my word for now...
    Everybody cannot be successful in this venture...
    Because there is only one configuration...
    It is like striking a lottery...
    One among millions...wins the jackpot...
    Everybody cannot win the jackpot simultaneously...
    Similarly, BW secret is unique... There is only one of its kind...
    Do you think everyone on this blog is on the same page?... Never...
    Take for example our leader, JC sir...
    He is not afraid of the failure as you speculate... He simply doesn't know the secret... He will keep trying and trying till he falls dead... Here, Ken is terribly right...
    You may recollect what JC sir revealed a few years back... It was meaningless to most...
    Now you can imagine how close he is to the truth... There was a big pamper before he revealed last time...
    My case is different... I am not stuck to five mechanism theory... I advocate that it is in multiples of four...

    a Basic BW needs just four to begin with... Eight is ideal... It has to be symmetrical...
    Basic geometry is involved... Weights have to be equidistantly placed for unbalancing to occur... The weights are the most important players... The levers make them act in such a way... The right arrangement of these inside ensures the proper performance...
    No rocket science...
    No fear of failure...
    No chance of failing either...
    Yes... There's the fear of leakage of secret...

    Good day...

    1. "SK" wrote: "They should know who possibly is nearer to the truth...JC sir or SK?...Take for example our leader, JC sir...He is not afraid of the failure...He simply doesn't know the secret...He will keep trying and trying till he falls dead... "

      Now I'm more convinced than ever that "SK" is actually John's sock puppet!!!

    2. Here's a Zen Buddhist "Koan" or mind puzzle for everyone to contemplate:

      If two people show up here, person A and person B, and each is the other one's sock puppet, does that mean that neither of them actually exists?!

    3. Interesting logic problem, anon 07:40. I think it would mean that each person is actually his own sock puppet which means that neither is really a sock puppet. So both persons could exist.

      I think that the problem of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" is harder to solve.

    4. SK,
      There are many questions we can ask as to what is best for us.
      We can also ask ourselves, what is more important?
      One man's life or the correction of a monumental erreur made by the whole of humanity?
      If one is unable to correctly answer that question, because the life in question is one's own, i feel that the needed objectivity to find the answer is missing.
      There is no valid argument to justify witholding any form of information to help us collectively correct this mistake.
      Every individuel is part of humanity, but no individuel is as important as humanity.
      The only way to correctly think out of the box, is to think from outside of oneself. When you able to understand that someone stealing your idea and becoming rich and famous is a wonderfull thing to happen, you may finally have what is needed to find the solution.

    5. "When you able to understand that someone stealing your idea and becoming rich and famous is a wonderfull thing to happen, you may finally have what is needed to find the solution."

      So someone stealing MY invention that I sacrificed my effort, health, money, and time to make and getting filthy rich off of it while giving me nothing for it is actually a "wonderful thing"? Why didn't I realize that all along? Thanks for that important insight, Unknown!

    6. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

      Everyone knows that God created a chicken and a rooster out of mud in the garden of Eden right after he created Adam but before he made Eve out of one of Adam's ribs. That first chicken then started laying eggs and made even more chickens and roosters. There is no mystery to any of this. Full grown chickens and roosters came first not eggs. One of Adam's jobs was to name the different animals God created and he came up with some name for chickens which didn't sound like the word chicken at first. Over time as chickens spread around the Earth they changed their names in different places and the ones we have are just called chickens here. Humans did not start eating chickens until Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden. They taste good chopped up, cooked, and served with rice. Still cheaper by the pound then beef.

    7. No wonder that last chicken I ate had a muddy taste to it!

  12. Don't ask SK for proof. You will destroy his dream.

  13. I have decided to begin the long task of posting details of Bessler’s Codes. Hopefully I will have finished building my wheel before I get to the really important details! I will also post details on the separate ‘pages’ tab which is in the top of the left panel. It will take me a few days to get going but hopefully people will become convinced of my sincerity once they see my work.


    1. This is promising John. you are half way to getting this problem resolved.
      Let's just hope that will be enough for someone to find the solution and allow you to know that all of your descendants can be very proud of you for generations to come. I would much prefer being a descendant of Tesla than Edison. There have been millions of Edisons throughout history, Tesla's are very few and far between.
      You too have fully understood the fact that we have collectively made a huge mistake which has had an influence on Bessler's story. Have you fully understood, that the influence this mistake has on us, is our major obstacle?
      Why is it we cannot see something which is evident?

    2. "...hopefully people will become convinced of my sincerity once they see my work."

      Great news! This should help counter the growing belief that you really have nothing and not even a wheel you're working on. It will also give you an idea of how everyone will be reacting by the time you "get to the really important details". Expect a ton of criticism along the way which is the norm in the FE community.

    3. Unknown wrote "There have been millions of Edisons throughout history, Tesla's are very few and far between."

      Yet Tesla had to go to Edison for a job and was hired in June of 1884 as an electrical engineer for $100 per month. A month later Edison fired him because they had what is today called a "personality conflict".

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I found this about Tesla being cheated out of the money:

      "Tesla insisted that he could increase the efficiency of Edison’s prototypical dynamos, and eventually wore down Edison enough to let him try. Edison, Tesla later claimed, even promised him $50,000 if he succeeded. Tesla worked around the clock for several months and made a great deal of progress. When he demanded his reward, Edison claimed the offer was a joke, saying, “When you become a full-fledged American, you will appreciate an American joke.” Edison offered a $10/week raise, instead. Ever prideful, Tesla quit, and spent the next few months picking up odd jobs across New York City. Nikola Tesla: ditch digger."

      I think the problem here is that Tesla didn't get the agreement in writing in which case he could have sued Edison for breach of contract. Edison, being a businessman more than a visionary type like Tesla would probably never have signed such a contract and that would have told Tesla exactly what his chance of ever getting the $50,000 would be. Edison probably didn't feel too bad about not paying the bonus he promised Tesla because, technically, Tesla was his employee and Edison did offer him about a 40% increase in his $100 monthly salary. Who knows, maybe Edison couldn't afford to pay Tesla the money at the time or he changed his mind about the improvements Tesla made being worth that much. Maybe Edison could have given him his bonus in the form of stocks instead? This incident certainly makes Edison look like a real tightwad, but we only have Tesla's side of the story. I'd like to hear what Edison had to say about the matter but I can't find that anywhere.

    6. Edison and Tesla had a weird kind of love/hate relationship with each other for most of their lives. Both were geniuses but with widely different approaches to research which made it impossible for them to work together. However, years after that initial bad "bonus incident", Tesla was giving a speech to a group of electrical engineers and Edison happened to show up at it. Edison had hearing problems and he had to stand near the stage so he could hear what Tesla was saying. As soon as Tesla saw him, he announced his presence to the audience and then he began clapping loudly. The audience followed suit and their applause lasted for about a minute. Edison was almost brought to tears by this and considered it as a sincere sign of respect from the younger inventor and his audience.

      It's a shame that Edison could not have given Tesla's idea of using alternating current the attention it deserved and worked with him to develop it. But, Edison was convinced his DC approach was better and could not be persuaded otherwise. That led to the "War of the Currents" and Edison eventually lost that war. But while AC is certainly better for long distance electrical power transmission than DC, practically all electronic devices must eventually convert AC back into DC in order to use it. Maybe, ultimately, Edison did get the last laugh?

  14. Good for you John ! Onwards and upwards to the goal.


  15. All this talk of clues and codes soon to come has triggered me into providing a quick numerological analysis and prophecy!

    This year of 2020 is a very special one as far as the history of Bessler's wheels is concerned. How do I know that? Simple. Bessler told me! Well, actually his interesting logo, as shown at the top of this page and also in the following link, told me:

    The average person sees only a nice decorative design. Some may think it represents one of Bessler's wheels. Those are all accurate, but to a numerologist there's much more to it. The two circles can also be thought of as being two 0's. Then look at the curly swirl on the right side. It's actually the numeral 2 with its lower tail stretched out. Next look at the curly swirl on the left side. It's also the numeral 2 but it's been reversed left to right as was done in that decorative fraktur letter N that I analyzed in the last blog. We see that Bessler's logo really contains two numeral 0's and two numeral 2's. If you put these four numerals together and alternate them, you can get 2020 out of them!

    I think this means that this year we will see two wheels come to prominence that are both claimed to be the one Bessler found. Now look at next year which is 2021. Notice it only has a single numeral 0 in it. The meaning is that next year only one of the wheels will remain and be considered to be Bessler's.

    (Btw. To show how important this logo is, it is possible to numerologically extract the exact time and date that Bessler had his first public pm wheel demonstration in Gera from it. But, I will leave that analysis for a future comment.)

    Sayer of Sooths


    2. SOS wrote: "To show how important this logo is, it is possible to numerologically extract the exact time and date that Bessler had his first public pm wheel demonstration in Gera from it."

      Yeah right. I doubt that's even possible. But please do prove me wrong if you can. Lol!

    3. Oh ye of little faith!

      Okay, anon 20:56, here goes:

      To get the year 1712 we must now treat a circle in the logo as the letter "O" rather than as the numeral zero. Then simply add the alphanumeric value of the large letter "O" which is 15 to the value of the numeral 2 on its right side to get 15 + 2 = 17. Next, add together the individual digits of the alphanumeric value of a letter "O" to get the digit sum or 1 + 5 = 6. Since there are two letter "O's" combined in the logo, the big one and the small one at its center, we add together their digit sums to get 6 + 6 = 12. Finally, we take the results, 17 and 12, and place them next to each other to get 1712.

      To get the month and date which was June 6th or the 6th month of the year and its 6th day, we can simply use the individual digit sums of the two letter "O's" or 6 and 6.

      To get the time of day which was noon we again simply add together the digit sums of the two letter "O's" to get 6 + 6 = 12 which then stands for 12 o'clock or noon.

      We now see that the logo numerologically contains the date and time of June 6th, 1712 at 12 noon. This day, btw, was a Monday or, in German, "Montag". It means "Day of the Moon". Bessler also indicates this in his logo. Note that the larger "O" looks like a full moon! Also, the larger "O" could represent the Earth and the smaller "O" the Moon transiting across it as seen from outside of the orbit of the Moon. Montag as well as Monday begin with the letter "M". If you subtract a 2 from the alphanumeric value of an "O" which is 15 you get 15 - 2 = 13. "M" just happens to be the 13th letter of the alphabet!

      Let this be lesson to you anon 20:56. NEVER doubt the power of numerology or of Bessler's use of it!

      Sayer of Sooths

    4. @SoS. Nice analysis of that Bessler symbol which surprised me. I can see now why Bessler used it. He probably doodled many until he finally found that particular one to use. It's compact but says a least to a numerologist.

      @Anon 20:56. Shame on you for doubting our "King of Numerologists"! Lol!

    5. I guess that shuts me up. Sorry for having doubted you "King". Excuse me while I now humbly crawl back under my rock.

      anon 20:56

  16. Maybe it's also possible for SOS to extract the initials of the successful person who replicates Bessler's wheel? I can see DD and MM so perhaps Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse are building wheels.

    1. You also seem to have a faith deficiency, anon 21:07.

      Yes, it's even possible to get some numerological info about whose wheel will be considered the same as the one that Bessler found.

      The logo tells me that the sum of the alphanumerical values of his initials will be exactly 13. But the logo also says there will be TWO people whose initials have that value! You get the 13 value by just subtracting the value of an attached side numeral 2 from the alphanumeric value of a letter "O" which is 15 to get 15 - 2 = 13. But you can do this TWICE according to the logo symbol...once using the larger letter "O" and again using the smaller letter "O". The difference in the sizes of the "O's" indicates that only one person's design will dominate and finally be considered to be the same as Bessler's design.

      I'm sure everyone reading these blogs over the last year realizes by now that the two most likely to have solved the secret of Bessler's wheels are currently John Collins and Ken Behrendt. The alphanumeric value sum for John Collins' initials is J + C = 10 + 3 = 13. The alphanumeric value sum for Ken Behrendt's initials is K + B = 11 + 2 = 13. So their sum values are identical and both equal to 13 which is a very important number in numerology as well as religion. It was a very important number to Bessler as well which is why MT 13 is the most important design in MT and probably the one that finally led Bessler to success.

      However, the logo only tells us that two people will compete for the honor of having rediscovered Bessler's secret. Unfortunately, it does not tell us which one will finally win that competition. Destiny beyond the power of the logo shall decide that.

      Sayer of Sooths

    2. Unfortunately Bessler used the earlier German Alphabet of 24 letters where I/J were the 9th and U/V were the 20th in order. MT is a good example of the prior alphabet system in use by Bessler.

    3. @anon 05:38. That's one of the biggest myths going around. In the early 18th century the German alphabet, like the English one, did have 26 letters and I, J, U, and V were all separate letters. From the words under the two DT portraits it's obvious that Bessler was using the 26 letter German alphabet. Consequently, SoS's analyses are valid.

    4. Is it numerology, gematria, arithmomancy, kabbalah or something else? My own studies indicate that the first ten numbers were the main feature, after that various systems add or multiplied the first numbers. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa defined the letters in question as separate, hence there 26 letters in Bessler’s time, although his system was easier, you just counted them all in sequence.


    5. Then take a look at MT121 as an example. 'A' through to 'Z' - no C, or N, or Y. But especially no j or u, only i and v. Does that sound like a 26 letter alphabet to you?

      Besides, Numerology analysis by SOS today might be wholly independent and an unintended consequence latterly ascribed to Bessler's writings and doodlings.

    6. Going by SOS anyone with their two initials adding to 13 will be getting excited that it could be them, besides JC and KB. If they don't you're out of the running lol. Looks like SK is out as his add to 30. SG has double the chance coz his add to 26 = 2 x 13. I guess we'll have to wait for the remainder of this year to see if SOS's Numerology analysis and predictions are accurate. For that matter it would be interesting to log and compare all SOS's predictions over the last couple of months of blogs and score his predictive reliability.

    7. I don't think SoS is using straight numerology in one of his analyses. There are online sites that can do that with names and dates using computer programs. He's also doing some psychic interpretations with them as well. Like someone reading Tarot cards and then interpreting the symbols on the cards depending on the impressions they give him about a particular client. When it comes to numerology some may dismiss this approach as too subjective but so far I've found his interpretations to be very impressive. I wish we had more material for him to work with.

    8. My head is starting to swirl with numbers as everyone catches a case of "triskaidekamania" here thanks to SoS. As I understand all this what he's actually telling us is that the Bessler symbol shows that unless one's initials add up to 13 then the wheel he's working on cannot be the same one Bessler had. However, if his name does not add up to 13 that does not necessarily mean he cannot have a runner. It just means it won't be exactly the same as Bessler's. That's probably okay with about 90% of the pm wheel chasers out there because they just want anything that works whether it's the same as Bessler's or not. So let the 13 guys chase their Bessler wheels. We non 13 guys may find an even better wheel with more power.

    9. Did anybody even consider for a second that "John Collins" might not be his actual name but just a pseudonym he uses online and on his book? Maybe he selected the first name of "John" because it is the English version of "Johann" in Bessler's full name and he's been obsessed with him for decades. If so, then his real initials might not actually be JC and might not add up to 13! Assuming SoS's analysis of that logo is right that would mean that "JC" is not a guy who can find Bessler's wheel design. This applies to "KB" also. Amazing how trusting people still are in this digital age of fakes and scammers.

    10. Now that you mention it anon 21:01 I recall looking up his "Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?" book years ago online and the website I was using listed the author's name as "Michael Collins" and not "John Collins" which was on the book's cover. I notice this has all been changed now. But it might indicate that you are right and that "John Collins" is only a pseudonym he uses. If we apply SoS's logo number 13 rule to the sum of its letters we get MC = 13+3 = 16. That would mean he cannot be one of the two logo predicted possible rediscoverers of Bessler's wheels. But on the plus side, the value of the first letter M is 13 and the numbers in the sum do add up to 7 because 1+6 = 7 which is supposed to be lucky. Maybe this could mean although he won't find Bessler's wheel he will find another one that also works?

    11. I’m actually Michael John but for reasons unknown, I’ve always used the second name, John. It seems to be a quirk of our family, both my sisters, and my father were all called by their second name. My mother had four forenames but used just her first one. When you do this it becomes awkward when filling in forms and they ask for your first name, then last, hence the confusion over my books.


    12. No worries John. MJC totals 26 (2 x 13).

    13. Nice that John (actually Michael) has cleared that up for us. Since he's always used "John" as his first name, I think that means that we can still use the J + C = 10 + 3 = 13 formula for him and keep him in the running to be the first to successfully find Bessler's pm wheel design. In fact, having that extra M = 13 in there might give him some extra luck since 13 is an important and lucky number in numerology. We can then write his initials as JMC and keep the M in the middle for the extra luck.

      On his Bessler book's cover Ken gives his full name as Kenneth W. Behrendt (I don't know what his middle name is). So we can then write his initials as KWB. W is the 23rd letter of the alphabet which is not that significant numerologically. However, it can be thought of as made of two letter V's placed next to each other and would then be the Roman numeral sum of 5 + 5 which equals 10. If we then subtract that value from the letter W's actual alphanumeric value we get 23 - 10 = 13. So for Ken, his middle initial of W could have a lucky influence equal to that of a letter M.

      In numerology one often has to reverse the symmetry of letters to get their true meanings (doing that in the last blog turned the letter S into the numeral 2 and allowed for a complete analysis of the figure it was part of). If we flip Ken's middle initial of W top to bottom it becomes the letter M! Again this suggests it will give Ken some extra luck as the letter M does for John.

      The two middle initials for John and Ken, M and W, are the horizontal mirror images of each other. The symbolism of this is obvious and I don't think it's accidental. It indicates that the two are in opposition to each other as to their claims of how Bessler's wheels worked. This fits in with the overall symbolism of the Bessler logo which suggests two competing designs for Bessler's actual working pm wheels in our current year of 2020.

      Sayer of Sooths

    14. Thank you for your analysis SOS, I like where you’re going with this. It does seem a little weird that numerology can predict future trends. So our dna is not involved but our parent’s choice of names for us is?


    15. Maybe the names that are picked for children are actually the result of their parents' DNA which made the sounds of certain names and images associated with them more appealing to them and more likely to be picked for their children? Then if those names are the right ones numerologically to fit in with some prophecy, some of those with those names will eventually find themselves playing a role in those prophecies even though they are not even aware of it at the time.

      What are the chances that two people on different continents would both read about Bessler in a book by the same author around the same time, would both become obsessed with Bessler for almost their entire lives, would both have initials whose alphanumeric values sum to 13, and would then both eventually claim to have solved the riddle of his wheels after years of work? Then we find out that Bessler was also obsessed with codes based on the number 13 and even used one to translate his surname "Bessler" into "Orffyre" which he signed on documents! When Bessler came up with that logo of his you use at the top of this blog's pages most likely even he was not fully aware of what it was predicting! I also don't think it's an accident that you put it where you did to make it so prominent. You felt drawn to that logo and for a good reason. It directly involves YOU even though you were unaware of it at the time!

      Very low probability of all of that happening just by chance. There must be some "higher force" at work behind all of it. Numerology can help to give us a glimpse at that force and what it plans for us, but only if we are open to the possibility of it actually existing.

      As someone once said "Try to keep an open mind because a closed one can shut out the truth." The scientific world has unfortunately closed its collective minds to even the possibility that Bessler could have had something real. I think in the years to come they are going to be in for a really big shock!

      Sayer of Sooths

    16. I usually try to keep an open mind SoS, I kind of accept your argument, and I did pose the question of a ‘guiding hand’, in a recent blog, but the idea that a prophecy might be foretold or indicated suggests that we don’t have the free will we think we have. Or is it more of a tendency which attaches itself to a number of suitably numerological people many of whom might fit the bill, but mostly are not of the right dna for a particular scenario, to or who lack other prerequisites to act out the prediction?


    17. I think we don't have any free will. We only have the delusion of having it. We're all like trains going down the track of life and it's the track that controls where we go. We may think that steering wheel in front of us is controlling our train's and life's direction, but it's only there for show and isn't really connected to the train's wheels. We enjoy playing with it because it makes us feel like we are in control of the direction of the train and our lives. Those dying of ventilators now know differently! Many realizing this turn to the invisible man in the sky, God, to help them gain some control. Some are convinced he's doing it and they are happy as they run to temples every week and chant their prayers. Maybe they're crazy? Then again, maybe those who don't join them are crazy?

    18. Not having control of the train is not a problem, because as you say, it's on the tracks and doesn't need to be controlled. If you do manage to take control and leave the tracks you will have a very bumpy ride. You will visit unexplored territories, see things that have never been seen before, realise that things can be different and the delusion of having free will no longer exist. Because you will know without a doubt that you can only dream of having it.
      Staying on the track is the easy option.

    19. The thing is, can we ever know? Will we continue to live our lives under the illusion that we are making our own choices, I prefer to think I have some control over my life, but perhaps subject to the influence of unknown origin posing under the umbrella of numerology.


    20. Trains do occasionally leave their tracks. It's called a "derailment" and usually damages or destroys the train and can injure or kill some of its passengers and crew. Much easier and safer to stay on the tracks and just keep telling ourselves we are the ones deciding which direction the train travels in.

      But, there are switches in the track that can change that! Usually, however, someone else is pushing a button somewhere else to activate the switch that then determines which track our train will travel down. As far as the directions of our lives are concerned, maybe that someone is God? All we can do is keep praying and hope He will push the button that sends the train of our life down a track to the place we want to go. Often, however, we regret it after our arrival and wonder why we wanted that destination in the first place. As someone once said "Having is never the same as wanting."

      I had a good friend, now dead for many years after committing suicide, who had a favorite saying. It was "Never pray for anything too hard because you might actually get it!" I think he was speaking from personal experience. The bitter kind.

  17. Equal opportunity - Minnie Mouse!

  18. Hello ,

    I would like to wear a little reflection that may have already been discussed on the blog or the forum. We know that the weights of Bessler's wheel were made of lead. He must have melted them himself. At that time (and often in our time too, unfortunately) there was no means of protection against lead vapors. Was he aware of the danger of lead and its effects?
    My reflection is as follows: could it be that his irritability is due to lead poisoning?
    It may not be important at first glance as reflection, but often its "crises" have changed the heart of its history, of History.

    Robert . . .

    1. Casting small items with a heavy metal like lead such as bullets and fishing weights is usually not that much of a health risk as long as one uses adequate ventilation and wears disposable gloves.

      IIRC, they found a lock of Sir Isaac Newton's hair several decades ago and analyzed it. Turns out he had something like 30 times an average person's amount of mercury in it. When a student at Trinity College, like other students, he often slept in his lab right next to open flasks containing liquid mercury and would have been constantly breathing its vapors. They have a letter from him to a friend declining the friend's invitation to join him and visit some local girls with "negotiable virtue" because of "the problem" Newton suffered from that's not described in detail in the letter. It's possible that the mercury poisoning he suffered had damaged his nerves and given him ED which is a shame for a young guy to suffer from. That could be the reason he never married and remained a virgin for the rest of his life. But he used his energy in a different direction and did revolutionize science. The last time I checked over a hundred biographies had been written about him. But I'd prefer not to have ED!

    2. I think he was irritable long before he began breathing lead vapours, but when he did it could have made him worse!


  19. As Hamlet said in that play "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

    Human science still does not have all of the answers because if it did we would not need to do any research. There's probably some reality to the occult and SoS's numerological analyses, but it gets lost in the forest of delusion, hoaxing, and scamming that surrounds it. Same thing with Bessler. He had something obviously real but it got lost in the same forest.

    Anyone coming up with a working wheel or actually anything good nowadays will also see it slowly being lost in the same forest. If either John C., Ken B., or anyone else ever finds the secret of Bessler's wheels or any kind of wheel, chances are nothing will ever come of it. It may cause a brief sensation but will then be bypassed as the "news cycle" moves on to the next "big story". Years from then someone will ask "Whatever happened to that wheel that was made by what's his name?" His companion will say "I don't remember that." Then he'll say "Yeah, it was some sort of perpetual motion wheel wasn't it?" The reply will be "Can't be...that's supposed to be impossible. You must be mistaken." The result will be that Bessler or non Bessler wheel will be "lost" for maybe another 300 years or more as life goes on.

    Who knows if humanity will even exist another 300 years from now? Maybe 99.999999999+ % of us will be wiped out in a nuclear war or COVID-2319 will come along and make the Black Death look like a dry sneeze by comparison. As a result, there will then just be a few isolated bands of humans still living in remote caves around the world who've been reduced to cave people who communicate by making grunting sounds at each other. They will not have fire or the wheel and their main concerns will be eating, drinking, sleeping, urinating, defecating, and mating as the need arises. But, one day one of them will begin playing with an old rusted out bicycle he found and spinning its front wheel around and around. He will be fascinated by it and wonder if he can make it spin forever by attaching small sliding weights to its spokes. He will spend his days trying to make that happen but fail again and again. His fellow cave dwellers will occasionally look and him and just make grunting and laughing sounds as they stuff uncooked vegetables and pieces of dead animals into their mouths.

    He will be frustrated and feel the same anguish Bessler did six hundred or more years earlier. He will be unable to make it perpetually spin yet he will be unable to just throw it out of the cave and get on with life as he knows it. He will be in the same kind of emotional bondage that many pm chasers all over our planet find themselves in today. It is a hellish existence that one can only escape from by finding final success. Many will desperately seek that escape for the rest of their lives without any success.

    Is it any wonder that the all knowing scientists keep telling us not to waste our time chasing after pm? They are only trying to save us a lot of unnecessary anguish. They are concerned for our mental and physical health. How nice. Maybe we should all be thanking them for their advice? Maybe they are right and we are delusional? Then again, maybe we are right and they are delusional? Flip a coin to decide. Heads they are right, tails we are right. If you don't like answer, keep flipping until you get the answer you want.

    1. Rather a depressing scenario, anon 19.13, you seem like a glass half empty kind of guy, I hope for much more upbeat outcome, with Bessler’s wheel in action all over planet earth, supplying electricity to the entire human population, or somewhere between that and your prediction. 🤔. JC

    2. Wonderful post, like a short story.

      I am a professional engineer working full time and have very good connections in the science community. I can guarantee if we find what Besslerwheel was, it will be one of the most important events in history.
      Yes, it may or may not bring big fortunes to the inventor, but it will change the history of science and technology, that's certain.

      My dear Besslerites don't understand that what can be done with gravity can also be done with more powerful other forces. So the power of the wheel is irrelevant it can be increased hundreds maybe thousands of times with other domains. This will change every aspect of human life, hopefully in a better way.

    3. Agreed, it's a thought provoking post.

      I think WHEN we finally do manage a working reproduction of a Bessler wheel, it will be up to us to make sure it does not get lost again. We have to make sure all of the governments and universities of the world are aware of its existence. We must make sure that they independently test it and confirm it is genuine. Forget any notion of patenting it. That will only unnecessarily slow down it's development. Then, as "yellow" says, the task of improving its power output must begin.

      I suspect the solution to that will be making some sort of magnetic version of it that uses high strength permanent magnets. Unlike Bessler's wheels it should be able to work in any orientation since it won't need a gravity field. Something the size of a coffee table that can put out tens of kilowatts of mechanical energy would be ideal. They will power our homes without having to cover our roofs over with solar panels. They will power our cars without the need to install recharging stations everywhere. They will eventually defeat Climate Change.

      What happens with the first Bessler wheel replicas will be up to us. If they fail to lead to anything, it will be because WE failed to make sure they would do so. Unlike Bessler, we MUST not fail THIS time!

      Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    4. anon 19:13 wrote:

      "He will be fascinated by it and wonder if he can make it spin forever by attaching small sliding weights to its spokes. He will spend his days trying to make that happen but fail again and again. His fellow cave dwellers will occasionally look and him and just make grunting and laughing sounds as they stuff uncooked vegetables and pieces of dead animals into their mouths."

      If you hadn't mentioned this takes place 300 years from now after a nuke war or killer plague, I'd swear you were describing the experiences of a typical member over on the BW forum today! Lol!

    5. I would like to know why it may or may not bring fortunes to the inventor?...

    6. Bessler was a good example, dear Suresh. Turning anything into profit requires a special business mindset; which the inventor may not possess. This all depends on the inventor's skill in business. The majority of scientists lack this skill.

    7. Thanks... Yellow sir... But we are talking about an original and natural invention cum discovery that deals with fundamental physics which even calls for a prize that should be somewhat equivalent to the Nobel Prize... Does every Nobel Laurette needs to be a good business man?... Don't you think state should identify and recognize such an inventor?...
      I think there is something terribly wrong in the system itself... Such highly deserving contribution to science shouldn't go unrewarded...

    8. "... which even calls for a prize that should be somewhat equivalent to the Nobel Prize."

      I can see it now. "Congratulations! You've just won the Bessler Prize for Advanced Physics!" It should also include a medal made of solid 24kt gold which is larger and thicker than the Nobel Prize medal. Also needs a nice image of Bessler on it with one of his wheels in the background. Whatever the cash amount that goes along with the Nobel Prize, triple it for the Bessler Prize!

    9. if we talk about the money then Nobel prize is not that much to be honest.
      Nobel prize's value is not materialistic. It is a big honor, but I think you talk about becoming rich.

    10. @yellow. I like the idea of a Bessler Prize with a big shining gold medal and fat cash prize. It would be a great way of celebrating him and also getting even with all of the smart ass know it all skeptics and scientists over the years who not only put him down as a crook and a nut case but also the rest of us right up to today. To make the Bessler Prize even more desired than the Nobel Prize only one would be awarded each year and it would have to be for a really unusual mechanical invention of some sort. What better way to honor Bessler for all of the sacrificing he did to find something that worked and the many insults he had to put up with when he brought his invention to the attention of the world?

    11. Here's my question. If someone does figure out how Bessler's pm wheels worked or he invents some different pm wheel that works, then would that be enough to earn him a Nobel Prize?

    12. @Anon 2222 Bessler is being accepted as a charlatan in the scientific community. I don't think someone would sponsor such an event.

      @Anon 2236 No, you have to also provide a scientific explanation. Nobel physics prize is not an engineering prize.

    13. Wiki : Nobel Prize : "Emphasis on discoveries over inventions

      Alfred Nobel left his fortune to finance annual prizes to be awarded "to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind". He stated that the Nobel Prizes in Physics should be given "to the person who shall have made the most important 'discovery' or 'invention' within the field of physics". Nobel did not emphasise discoveries, but they have historically been held in higher respect by the Nobel Prize Committee than inventions: 77% of the Physics Prizes have been given to discoveries, compared with only 23% to inventions. Christoph Bartneck and Matthias Rauterberg, in papers published in Nature and Technoetic Arts, have argued this emphasis on discoveries has moved the Nobel Prize away from its original intention of rewarding the greatest contribution to society."

    14. Invent a working PM gravity wheel and you cover both bases. A novel invention that benefits mankind; and the Discovery that Gravity Force is not a Conservative Force, and therefore Newtons' Laws, the Laws of Thermodynamics, Laws of Conservation of Energy and Momentum, and Noether's Theorem of Symmetries need a serious rework ! Not to mention opening up another avenue of discussion regrading Quantum Mechanics.


    15. Anyone who finds Bessler's secret pm wheel design will have a problem getting a Nobel Prize for it. First, it's Bessler's invention and not his own and they don't award the prize posthumously. It's also an invention and that lowers the probability of the prize being awarded for it. His real hope would be coming up with a previously unsuspected physics theory to explain how it worked. That would be new science and not just an invented device. Also, if the invention makes a contribution to society by leading to other more powerful devices that become a major source of power, I don't think the Nobel Prize committee could ignore that. They might award the prize as a sort of general apology for the centuries that pm chasers were ridiculed and to encourage average people to make inventions and take an interest in serious science.

    16. Besslers never left a blue print for his invention therefore your working PM mechanical design is yours and yours alone. And his won't be proved retrospectively from your PM principle for the same reason. Though people will try to 'fit' all the Bessler 'clues' they will come up short in the attempt, for the same reason the 'clues' did not lead to a successful PM design before yours. They weren't intended to, they were a marketing tool to generate interest.

    17. I recall reading somewhere once that both Edison and Tesla were notified that they were being considered for Nobel prizes. Edison for his discovery of the "Edison effect" that eventually led to the vacuum tube diode and the science of electronics and Tesla for his invention of the "induction motor" that eliminated the need for a commutator and greatly simplified motor construction. Both men declined the prize because they didn't think their work deserved it. If this is true it's an amazing story. A few years ago some guy eagerly accepted the prize for inventing an LED with a blue glow to it! Times have changed.

    18. Without a scientific paper at least, it is almost impossible to get a Nobel Physics prize today.

      You have to write some sort of an explanation, a scientific paper.

      I don't know any other case tbh.

    19. To me getting a Nobel prize for an LED is like getting one for coming up with a new mouse trap. I think a lot of these prizes are really being given out to make some sort of political statement or to influence the masses in some way. I can see why they don't give it to past dead scientists because if they did they'd have to give out hundreds of them to guys who usually didn't have phd degrees and worked outside of universities. That would then send the message to the world that it's possible for such an "uneducated" person to also make a valuable contribution to science. Wouldn't want to do that and make the big professors and universities mad at them. Don't worry about hot air prizes. Worry about getting results which speak louder than all of the awards, degrees, prizes and other bs put together!

      btw. Neither Edison or Tesla had college degrees. They are still remembered over half century later. Can anybody remember the guys who won Nobel prizes in the sciences last year?

  20. Update. The US hit a very sad milestone today. We've now had over 100,000 deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic in less than three months. That's about four times as bad as the "seasonal" flu and, as someone said, we're still at the beginning of this. It's like we're at the end of the second inning of a nine inning baseball game! Dr. Fauci, government virus expert and currently disliked by Trump for not completely agreeing with him, says that a second wave IS coming in the fall of this year. Some other experts are warning that that second wave could actually be worse than the current first wave we are still in.

    So far, our "Make America Great Again" president has yet to say anything about the 100,000 dead. He's trying to give everyone the impression that the figure is inflated and should be ignored. The experts, however, are all saying that the figure is too low because it's not counting everyone who is dying at home and not being give post mortem testing to see if they had corona virus in them and that it was the cause of their death. The latest computer model projections say we should be reaching about 132,000 deaths by August 4th. My gut feeling is that we'll probably be hitting closer to 150,000 although I pray I'm wrong.

    The weather is getting much warmer now and more and more people are out and about after being cooped up for months and no one can blame them. But, now we're seeing that in the "red states" where a lot of the Trump supporters live, they are tending to ignore the advice of the experts about preventing the spread of the virus. Result? We're seeing a steady increase in new cases and deaths in those states. In the other states where they are following the advice, the number of new cases is either holding steady or declining. The message from this is obvious. When people ignore the social distancing advice and the wearing of face masks, the virus will then continue to spread and kill. Incredibly, even at 100,000 deaths there are still many Americans who don't believe or don't want to believe that the pandemic is as bad as it is in the US.

    Maybe if the death toll reaches 150,000 or, God forbid, 200,000 EVERYONE in the US will finally start to wake up and take this pandemic seriously. Trump will probably not be re-elected as a result, but he still has to face the fact that more and more people are blaming HIS administration's slow and incompetent early response to the pandemic for the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

    Well, it looks like we have a very long and hot summer ahead of us. Wearing masks outside will be uncomfortable and many may just dispense with them altogether and hope that they won't get infected and spread it to others who may die as a result. Wishful thinking is nice, but COVID-19 could not care less about that. It will just keep doing its thing which is constantly looking for new people to infect and then killing a certain percentage of them as it does. What happened to our loved ones in nursing homes is one of the greatest tragedies in American history and on a par with the kind of losses we would see in a war. I wonder if they will get any sort of a memorial on the Washington, DC mall as a result. Imo, they certainly deserve it along with an official national day of mourning as a sign of respect from all Americans.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. I was hoping the death rate would have stabilized at the non-sad milestone of 99,999 but that didn't happen. Well Trump's critics are right, he should not have locked down the country. Can't we all give heard immunity a chance.

    2. Just saw on the cable tv news that over 2 million more Americans filed for unemployment benefits last week. I think we're up to about 40 million unemployed so far and the number just keeps climbing. No telling how many of those will have jobs to go back to when this thing is finally over with. That number could be 50 or 60 million by the end of this summer. This disaster may pave the way for a guaranteed minimum income for all Americans which many countries already have along with universal healthcare. I'm starting to see the end of capitalism in the US and the beginning of socialism on a grand scale. Not necessarily a bad thing and perhaps overdue. This pandemic is a learning experience for us. Just because we have nice big oceans on each side of the country no longer isolates us from what's happening in the rest of the world. Meanwhile, "fashion" face masks and skin friendly hand sanitizers are gaining in popularity!

    3. Stalin once said "The death of single person is a tragedy. The deaths of a million people is a statistic."

      As the number of corona virus deaths continues to climb, people will start to get used to them and it will become like the numbers on a car odometer that just keep changing. I like that the news shows are focusing on particular people who have died so we are constantly reminded that they are our loved ones, friends, relatives, and neighbors and not just numbers.

  21. Trump is a xenophobe. I'm tired of America first. We need to be last. Only through weakness and poorness can we proud of our country.

    1. More and more Americans are becoming Trumpophobes and wish he'd been removed from office last year but I doubt if his religious vp could have done much better to keep Americans safe from corona virus. Somehow we thought it wouldn't come over here or if it did we'd quickly take care of it. Lesson learned.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...