Monday, 28 September 2020

Bessler Collins Gravity Wheel Preface

The end of September is nigh and I must honour my commitment to share what I know about the design 
of Johann Bessler’s wheel. I also promised to reveal the details of my own reconstruction attempt whether it worked or not. It doesn’t work yet but that’s because it isn’t finished. I have known the design for several months but assembling the mechanisms has been difficult. So I shall continue working on the wheel until it’s finished even after I have posted a picture of it.

I have written a full description of the wheel and its mechanisms and actions and it is way too long for one post and I haven’t even tried to include pictures at this point, so I’ll probably publish details piecemeal.

As for the Besslerwheel forum, I’m wondering how to show everything on the forum? I could possibly add it all to one of my websites and place a link to it? Or I could simply provide a link to my blog? I can post pictures of anything on my blog, but I’m not so sure about Besslerwheel forum. As far as I can tell you can’t post a picture to look at on the actual post, they all seem to link to a separate page which you get to by clicking on a link in the post? Is this the only way to post pictures, I’m sure in the past people have posted pictures which were visible within a post on a thread, but perhaps I’m mistaken.



  1. John, if I were you, I would type out everything, and include all pictures, in a regular word or office or writer document, and then save as a pdf. Then take this pdf and upload it to a free pdf site, like scribd or arxiv or some other site where you can upload any document you want for free (I've done this myself more times than I can count), then share the link so everybody can download the whole thing at once. That saves a lot of time.

  2. Does anybody have a sim or something showing the cog of the wheel of the Marquis of Worcester? There were a few who erroneously claimed it was far below the axle (which simple experimentation rules out), and others show the real problem is that it is not far enough over to one side.

    To envision this, hang two weights from a rod suspended in the middle, one on either end. No matter how long your rope is, and how far the weights hang below the rod, their cog acts as though the weights were attached directly to the rod (thus more elevated then assumed), and this is because it is the point of contact of the rope with the rod that counts, not how far down the weight hangs.

    This interesting discovery, which would be confirmed by showing a perfectly balanced marquis wheel, opens up new possibilities.

    If the ropes were to alternately "slip" from one way to another, as the weight bears down on each in turn, it could raise outer weights to an overbalanced position.

    1. This blog page will give you some more information on the Marquis of Worcester's wheel. I think that several simulations of it were made on bwf years ago and they all showed it was a nonrunner with its cog right below the axle. It looks like it must work but that's actually a sort of optical illusion.

    2. Yes read through that blog. I found a reference that the wheel design associated with the Marquis was actually provided by Henry Dircks. That may throw a wrench in your studies if you have been working that design.



      My comment as anon 28 sep 20:41 sent a request out to determine if the wheel of the Marquis of Worcester was pretty near balanced, with a cog not far to the left of the clockwise wheel.

      I was pleased to find that anon 29 sep 4:35 and anon 29 sep 17:12 replied to me with the result that yes, I was indeed correct in my assumptions, although it seems as though they might not have understood the intent of my comment well.


      My wheel is based on a discovery which I made in my initial comment, which derives from Marquis's wheel.

      And, if it happens to be Henry Dirck's wheel instead, I don't care, because the illustration is still valid for my discovery.

      Since each of my mechanisms will have two weights instead of one, the number of weights will be doubled.

      Marquis's (or Dirck's) wheel has 40; mine would have 80; hopefully that number can be reduced altogether.

      The wheel is an OVERLAY of the two wheels shown below:

      If you calculate the cog of THIS composite wheel, it should now be a runner.

      If not, then my wheel is wrong, but now I'd be truly stumped as for an explanation.

      As for the raising of the weights in the clearly overbalanced wheel in the second image, the weights in the first image do the lifting, in accordance with the principles of the discovery I laid out in my original comment.

      The rope would be arranged on pulleys, and be connected on either end to the weight, to be able to provide the necessary oscillatory motion to lift the other weight repeatedly upward in both directions.

  3. As promised I deleted a comment from Ken, yet another preposterous statement from him. I won’t be announcing any more deletions, I’ll just delete them.


  4. OMG the time is finally upon us...

  5. Hi John .. I'd suggest that you either start a new topic over at and post everything up there as you prepare it, or post to your web site and also copy everything to The reason is this - to aid discussion emanating from your postings. At members can "quote", add pictures, and more importantly can add sim files for others to work with if a validation is required for example. You'll note that Ken never did this.

    Best -f

    1. IIRC Ken B. quit posting on BW forum back in 2006 which was like 14 years ago. At that time he was one of the few who were showing screenshots of his wm2d models which were only being used by a few members like Jim Mich. They weren't on the main forum but over on their Community Buzz forum in an ongoing thread he kept that you had to be a member to visit.

      As for John posting on BW forum that's a good idea, imo. But, I think he's trying to overdo it. I'd just post a small sketch or photo and let the other members go to work on it. Many there are now using wm2d and other sim programs. In no time he will have many sims of the design appearing. He can jump in as needed in case someone is not making the sim the right way according to his design.

      And also, he should not forget something over here for his blog followers. But, keep it simple. The focus should be on the basic design. The finer details can wait for a while.

    2. In addition, it should be well noted that Ken B. also has written a book on Bessler's wheel. In the book, Ken B. explains in very intricate detail how to actually build a physical model of a working replica of Bessler's original wheel.

      Ken B. had tried many various methods and sims over the years as he tested various designs and ideas, and finally found the true design embedded in the portraits in DT. Ken B. had discovered that Bessler had encoded enough clues in the portraits to recreate his original wheel.

      The best thing to realize is that, while he had originally posted wm2d models, he has now published a video showing the simulation, so that viewers do not need special software to see it in action. You can watch the video here

    3. @anon 14:15

      You are obviously a fan of Ken's book and want to bring it to everyone's attention. But most who come here already are well aware of it and his youtube wheel video by now. He basically claims that all of the specifications of the parts inside of Bessler's wheel drums are precisely given by the DT portrait clues. But, ask yourself if that could actually be possible? Ken must be delusional about those clues he says he found. If he is then it's too bad those delusions drove him to write a huge book about the wheel and the clues. Unfortunately delusions can be powerful things once they get a grip on someone's mind. Of course if he's not delusional and his clues are valid then he's solved the Bessler wheel mystery. So far nothing has been done with his design and probably won't be for some time if ever. But at least he's had his say on the subject so he got that need out of his system. Now we need to keep the spotlight shining on what John claims is the design Bessler used. Many have patiently visited this blog for years waiting to see John's analysis of that wheel. This is a time of great excitement for all of us. I think we will all be amazed by what he will soon be revealing. Finally we are going to see the light at the end of a very long tunnel.

  6. Wide dissemination is also advised. Go John !!!

  7. Thanks guys, good advice as always. I’ve been over complicating this whole thing. KISS!


  8. Check this out

    1. I call this wheel the spaghetti wheel cause it looks like a plate of spaghetti. Interesting thing is, the spaghetti runs through me faster than that wheel will ever run.

    2. The youtube video of Ken's wheel does look a little like a plate of spaghetti if you look at those long blue and purple ropes in it. But I think that's just an effect caused by using WM2D for his sim. That program makes any rope that's loose more than a certain amount look like a curving S shaped line.

      In an actual wheel turning at high speed the loose ropes would not curl into S shapes. They would all tend to be thrown outward toward the wheel's rim and away from the axle by centrifugal forces and would look like arcs between the points they connected. WM2D does not show that effect though.

      He's also got some sort of pins or posts that those ropes pass between that look like they are supposed to prevent any loose ropes from hitting the nearest arms of the levers. I think that has to be avoided so the levers don't get tangled up by the loose ropes which would interfere with their smooth shifting motions.

  9. That wheel is a joke!

  10. Buddy, I have a question. If you are not satisfied with this arrangement, show your PM construction. You can bring your added value here and earn our admiration.

    1. Anonymous 16:39 asks anonymous question 14:47

    2. Hey Buddy, how'd you know my name was Buddy?

    3. For a friend 17:24
      All my colleagues with this name are friends with me.
      So don't be angry with me for mentioning your name.
      Dissatisfaction, criticism, yes, but always constructive based on examples.
      Moderation is highly desirable that's all.
      I think you can do it for your friend.
      This will help us at work.
      Thank you .

  11. @ Anon 29 September 2020 at 03:10

    You have a short memory. KB did indeed stop posting in 2006. He did post up pictures of his many many sim wheels. The mechanics were not shown and were covered up. They were hidden so that only the wheel rim showed and some metrics. All of them did not work but were based on levers and weights and ropes and springs etc as do his latest 2019 sims.

    Whilst JC should Keep It As Simple As Possible a picture won't do imo. For his own record he needs the backstory of his hunt for and interpretation of the Bessler clues on which he bases his design. This is equally as important to him and any claims of provenance as his most recent design detail revealed, imo. Especially if some tweaking is required, we want to stay as true to JC's interpretations as possible, so we need the full picture.


    1. Lets not forget Ken continued to post on this blog under the name technoguy, but eventually stopped after much criticism over his numerous and sometimes lengthy posts. They did provide insight into his thinking. I always enjoyed the reading because he gave so much detail. I think he is rather good at identifying and interpreting hidden clues.

    2. Chris … , the BW patent troll, author of two embarrassing Maschinen Tractates, is waiting in the wings for John's release.

    3. @ "-f" at 20:36

      I do remember that SOME of Ken's wheel pictures on bwf had blacked out rims to conceal his mechanisms but that was because he was convinced he had found Bessler's secret and did not want to reveal it yet. Eventually he dispensed with them and just showed everything he was working on which as you say never worked.

      @anon 21:28

      IIRC Ken showed up on this blog about a year after technoguy went off in a huff because John deleted several of his lengthy posts. When Ken arrived he said he'd never heard of technoguy and wasn't him. He did however say that technoguy might have been someone he had previous email contact with but who was using his real name on his emails. I think Ken said he won't reply to people using pseudonyms. He also stated that he never posts anonymously and when he does post he always uses his google account. He warned against those who might try to impersonate him and try to change what he was saying about Bessler's wheels. I don't think technoguy and Ken are the same person although I do think they may have been working along the same lines when it came to Bessler's wheels. Now years later technoguy is gone and Ken has finally published his research claiming to have successfully found the secret of Bessler's wheels. I hope he did because he must have put an tremendous amount of work into writing that book of his. I don't think anyone makes an effort like that unless they are very sure they have something real. Still the Bessler wheel mystery is something that can make the smartest guys run around in circles for years like dogs chasing their own tails. It's been doing that for 300 years so far which makes we wonder what the chances are of John or Ken or anybody else ever solving it. I think if is was really "so simple a carpenter's boy could..." then it would have been solved centuries ago.



    My comment as anon 28 sep 20:41 sent a request out to determine if the wheel of the Marquis of Worcester was pretty near balanced, with a cog not far to the left of the clockwise wheel.

    I was pleased to find that anon 29 sep 4:35 and anon 29 sep 17:12 replied to me with the result that yes, I was indeed correct in my assumptions, although it seems as though they might not have understood the intent of my comment well.


    My wheel is based on a discovery which I made in my initial comment, which derives from Marquis's wheel.

    And, if it happens to be Henry Dirck's wheel instead, I don't care, because the illustration is still valid for my discovery.

    Since each of my mechanisms will have two weights instead of one, the number of weights will be doubled.

    Marquis's (or Dirck's) wheel has 40; mine would have 80; hopefully that number can be reduced altogether.

    The wheel is an OVERLAY of the two wheels shown below:

    If you calculate the cog of THIS composite wheel, it should now be a runner.

    If not, then my wheel is wrong, but now I'd be truly stumped as for an explanation.

    As for the raising of the weights in the clearly overbalanced wheel in the second image, the weights in the first image do the lifting, in accordance with the principles of the discovery I laid out in my original comment.

    The rope would be arranged on pulleys, and be connected on either end to the weight, to be able to provide the necessary oscillatory motion to lift the other weight repeatedly upward in both directions.

    1. Yes, I think you are right, I think Bessler got his inspiration from Edward Somerset. They were very close in time. You never know, your wheel might actually be Bessler's. Is it two-directional?

    2. Your claim is not recognized because you did not sign your name. Please provide your name on your birth certificate or if changed by deed poll, to be recognized as the true and correct author of the invention.

    3. It won’t work it’s not asymmetric.


    4. "Your claim is not recognized because you did not sign your name."

      LOL! As if providing a design anonymously makes the design invalid! HAHAHA!!!

      "Please provide your birth certificate"

      LOL LOL LOL!!!

      I have good idea, let's get Obama over here with good wheel, make him give up his birth certificate! LOL!!!

    5. @Anonymous30 September 2020 at 04:08
      The inventor does not need to provide his name if he wishes to enter his design into the public domain as an open source idea. If nobody claims it, then nobody can claim it, and thus everybody owns it without restrictions. If the inventor wanted to provide his design as an open source, then he would publish anonymously. Its a perfectly legitimate option, without having to later go back and provide constant "written permissions" to accomplish the same. The only thing the inventor loses is the personal fame of the discovery.

    6. LOL - recognize sarcasm? - sharp and often satirical

      1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain. 2a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual. b : the use or language of sarcasm.

      THE CLAIM.




      My wheel is based on a discovery which I made in my initial comment, which derives from Marquis's wheel."

      I guess Anon is shy and doesn't want to have his name associated with another unworkable concept.

  13. Is this John's wheel? Or perhaps similar?

    Has a Merseburg pendulum

  14. I'm getting that tingly feeling like Chris Matthews is crawling up the back of my leg.

  15. Keep your curtains pulled John, or at least until you complete the upload.

  16. It's now almost 7 pm over in England which means in another five hours it will be Thursday, OCTOBER 1st over there. September will have come and gone over there.

    WHERE is the much anticipated disclosure of John's wheel design?

    We must all just be patient a little longer...he will probably upload some material shortly. Standby everyone...this will surely be worth the long wait...

    1. Sorry for the delay, posting early tomorrow.


    2. Why is everyone so impatient..?? We've waited well over 300 years, a day or seven either way will make no difference. JC has been an inspiration to myself and I dare say many others in regards to everything Bessler related. "No-one" on this planet knows more about Bessler than JC. You all should be thanking him for his work rather than giving him grief. God speed JC Sir.

  17. The hair on my leg just went limp.

  18. Ok I have to ask, tomorrow as in 12:01am or 11:59pm ?

  19. John released the video … here it is … oh boy Ken will be disappointed.

    1. Ken would probably be very happy if John's wheel did look like that. And I think John would have been very happy if Ken's wheel looked like whatever John is going to reveal tomorrow because that would show that an entirely different set of clues (Ken's) led to John's wheel. With all those clues pointing to a single design (John's AND Ken's which would be identical) that would virtually guarantee it had to be the same one that Bessler had. Unfortunately that won't be happening. They are two independent and completely different designs and either one of them or neither of them will be Bessler's wheel. The sims will eventually tell us which is the case.

    2. Ken did not release his sim for checking. The design he finally settled on in 2019 as his 'working' sim has essentially the same elements he was experimenting with up to 2006 and beyond. Before one can have complete confidence in a sim it has to be proven robust. Ken's by his own admission was a devil to get 'tuned' so that it worked, according to him. There are many parameters that can be checked in a sim to see if an energy or momentum gain is legitimate or an artifact of the build process. One quick one that comes to mind is to run the sim at various accuracy settings. From course steps (low accuracy) to very fine steps (high accuracy). If it continues to 'work' over a wide range of accuracy setting then you can cross that off the list of things that might be causing an aberration. Many sim models which display a momentum and energy gain only do so because of builder error. And one of the main causes is to low an accuracy setting i.e. the sim takes to big a jumps between iterations, or to narrow a band of accuracy, then there is probably something not right about it. We don't have that information about Ken's 'working' sim. We will get that information about JC's.

    3. Just because Ken has not released all of the .dxf files for his wheel doesn't necessarily mean it really doesn't work or that there's some big error in his sim that only makes it look like it's working.

      I read some of the comments below his wheel video and there was one guy there who wanted a copy of his .dxf file for the wheel and said he would GUARANTEE that he would prove it was invalid! I can see how that would have turned Ken off about sharing any of his private model wheel files with strangers on the web.

      Somewhere else he said that he thinks it best if those seriously interested in the design he found obtain a copy of his book and try making their own sims using the specifications of the parts he provides in that work. He is confident that if enough people do that then the majority of them will get positive results and be convinced as he is that what he shows in his video is in fact THE design Bessler used.

    4. I don't need no more sims to prove to me that Ken's got a runner. Just look at that little black and white COG marker on his wheel video sim. The wheel goes through a complete 360 turn and the marker always stays on the descending side of the axle. I don't need no more proof than that. It's a runner. If it's the same as Bessler had great. If not then who cares as long as it works?

    5. Hot dog then I dont need no prove either ill just jump right to it and build me a working wheel an be the first.

    6. @anon 02:31

      Did you ever consider the possibility that his wheel was being run by a hidden motor and that "black and white COG marker" near its axle might be one he made and pinned in place with a hidden anchor pin? I don't see anything in his video that could not be easily faked. Not saying he definitely did that, but until someone else sims or builds it I have to consider it a possibility.

    7. That cog marker on his sim is real. If you look at his video of the sim full screen and at maximum quality or 720p and double the playback speed, you can clearly see that the marker is not fixed in place. It bounces around a bit in response to the lever motions on the ascending side of the wheel.

  20. Patience guys, it’s been over 300 years, just a few more hours. I’m off to bed now anyway but I’ll be up early as usual.


    1. I can read between the lines … that's code lingo for hasta la vista suckers.

    2. It's too bad he couldn't have beaten the deadline but a few more hours is okay. If however it turns into a few more days and then weeks I will really start to feel like a sucker. I like people who stick to their promises.

      Of course sometimes last minute unexpected things can come up and prevent promises from being kept and we have to keep that in mind. I think everyone will agree tomorrow that the delay was well worth the wait. Taking the extra time could make the difference between a rushed drawing and one that clearly shows all of his wheel's parts. I'd rather have the better quality image even if I have to wait a little longer for it.

    3. Yes I agree we should give John all the time he needs. I'm sure it's only days away!

    4. Yes, very soon...maybe only weeks, months, or years. Perhaps even a few decades, but it's definitely worth the wait.

      Just don't sleep through the waiting time,'ll wake up with a very long beard you didn't have before.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...