Tuesday, 17 May 2022

Bessler’s Clues Here and on Besslerwheel forum

I’ve decided to go back to my original plan which was to share everything I’ve discovered and know, or believe about Bessler’s wheel.  It has proved difficult to make my new workshop available in the near future and now I have finally decided not to attempt to build a working model.  This was a difficult decision to make, but if it leads to someone finally succeeding by producing a working version based on what I have shared then it will have been worthwhile.

I shall post more or less the same text and illustrations on both mediums, and hope to finish up with a description of the prime mover in Bessler’s wheel, on 6th June 2022.



  1. "...and now I have finally decided not to attempt to build a working model."

    Sounds like you will finally be using the Ken B approach...don't personally build a wheel, but try to enable future Bessler wheel enthusiasts with "plenty of grit" to do the actual building of it. There is much wisdom in such an approach. Releasing the secret of Bessler's "prime mover" on June 6th would also be a nice way to honor Bessler's first public demo of his wheels.

  2. John wrote "I shall post more or less the same text and illustrations on both mediums..."

    Both mediums? Do you mean here on this blog and on one of your other websites?

  3. Here and BWForum


    1. Hmm...I think it would be best if you published it as a book. The day will come when blogspot and bwf disappear along with all of the posts on them. About twenty years of drawings and photos have already disappeared from bwf and are gone forever. A book, however, will be here forever. If not for physical books that were still available three centuries later we would know nothing about Bessler or his wheels today.

    2. Thanks for the suggestion 00.53. I’m already on it.


  4. Things are going much better for the Ukrainians than I thought they would a few blogs ago. With the help of NATO's donated weapons and satellite images, they've been kicking the Russians out of town after town. They are winning! The sanctions are starting to really hurt over in Russia and Putin is getting more and more desperate not to look like the twit that he really is. Meanwhile the billionaires over there that put him into power are probably starting to wonder how to get rid of him. Prediction: in a few more months he will be found dead by "suicide". Whoever takes his place will sign an immediate ceasefire and peace treaty with the Ukraine and withdraw all Russian troops and equipment from that country. The Ukrainians will go for that deal as long as they get tens of billions from Russia to rebuild their country and they will then immediately join NATO as will every other country along the western border of Russia.

    In the US some economic experts are saying gasoline prices will top $6 all over the nation this summer (it's already that high in the state of California) and the cost of diesel fuel used by long haul truckers to deliver practically everything bought in stores will rise to $8 or more. Each trucker uses about 11,000 gallons of diesel fuel per year and they immediately pass any cost increases on to sellers who then pass the cost right on to the customers of the delivered goods. Inflation in the US will remain high for the next year or two and prices will be the highest ever. Americans are not too happy about that and each of their two major political parties are now trying to figure out ways to blame it all on the other so its own politicians can win more elections and grab as much money and power as possible. Just politics as usual!

    Everyone thinks that the COVID-19 pandemic is mostly over in the US and fewer people are wearing masks in crowds, but hospitalizations and deaths are slowly starting to creep up again. You've heard of things like "cowpox, chickenpox, and smallpox", right? Well, look out everyone because there's a new virus coming down the road. It's called "monkeypox" and it's now slowly spreading all over Europe and starting to show up in the US. The good news is that it doesn't spread as fast as COVID-19's latest variants. The bad news is that it KILLS up to 10% of those who get infected with it which makes it about ten times more lethal than COVID-19! So far, I haven't seen any mention of a vaccine for it. It should be widespread by the end of this year.

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. I heard some doctor say that monkey pox is not a new virus like covid and that we do have a vaccine for it. But I'm wondering how many people will get it and die from it before the governments finally decide it's time to start vaccinating everyone. Then watch as we see the conspiracy theories start up and people refusing to get vaccinated. It'll be the same craziness as happened with the covid vaccinations.

    2. Fakestream news all of it, fake war, fake viruses.

    3. Monkey pox is a cousin of small pox and used to be difficult to catch. They've known about it since the 1950's. But now there are about 80 cases all over the world and some experts are saying it's spreading much faster than they would expect it to. It's possible this is a new mutation that spreads faster and the old vaccines for it may no longer be effective.

    4. That does it! I'm going to take my pet monkey into the vet tomorrow and get her vaccinated.

  5. So what will the world be like when there's free energy what won't you need?

    1. I suppose you would be able to do without everything connected with the supply of energy because you would have your own energy supply. But you’d still need heating and lighting. We have a log-burner for additional heating, but we wouldn’t need it. I’d miss it. Electric cars would totally obviate the necessity for gas driven cars, which I guess I could do without.

      This is such a massive subject Stephen, I can’t do it justice, but perhaps you have some thoughts on the matter?


    2. The Bessler wheel is not only free energy, the bessler could levitate, it could rotate without a supporting frame, it used a unique method of propulsion that has not been rediscovered to this day . There is gonna be flying cars, flying trains, flying bicycles and even buses, roadways will not be needed anymore.

    3. @DS
      Can you cite any CREDIBLE piece of evidence that Bessler's wheels could actually levitate?

    4. lol. he cant because there aint any.

    5. What about if you were to place his wheel on the turret of a Russian tank?

  6. There's nothing exotic, it's just plain down to earth imbalance.

    1. Yes, but it was an imbalance that persisted as a wheel rotated. Such persistence must have required a very precisely counterbalanced design. Bessler said he had to spend several days "adjusting" one of his wheels before he could get it to run. Now the question is exactly what was he adjusting and how did he adjust it???

      PM Dreamer

    2. @PMD
      Most likely Bessler spent those days attaching various connecting cords or ropes and springs to the levers in his newly made wheels. If you haven't seen it yet you should check out Ken B's wheel video. Its design depends on a lot of precise cords and springs attached to its levers so their end weights cog can stay imbalanced as it rotates. But even so the amount of imbalance of the weights from the center of the axle is very small which could be the reason why the torques of Bessler's wheels were so small.

    3. "...which could be the reason why the torques of Bessler's wheels were so small."

      There seem to be two schools of thought on that. Some think B's wheels were high torque and reached full speed in seconds and others think they were low torque and took several minutes to reach full speed. These two groups base their opinions on different interpretations of the translations done of the private letters describing the tests done with the wheels. I wish we had more info. Maybe there are still more letters out there somewhere that we don't know about yet that might have that extra info in them?

    4. To anon 21:57 I don’t give any credit to KB’s wheel for two reasons; firstly the design is based on a number of clues he claims to have found which are in fact purely figments of his imagination, as anyone with a moment’s consideration can see; secondly Karl saw the interior of the wheel and described it as simple, and he was surprised that it hadn’t been discovered before, if there is one word to describe KB’s wheel it is NOT simple - 42 pieces string!


    5. To anon: 01:53, there are good reports both official and in private letters that the wheels reach full speed in 2 or 3 turns which is pretty quick. The pulleys which Wolff described were there to slow down the speed of the lift and no to make it easier to do the lift of 70 pounds. Each lift took about 2 minutes to complete, but without the pulleys it would have taken maybe less than one minute, impressive but too quick for the assembled witnesses to get a proper look at. The lift was about 50 feet, but could haven more. I don’t know why people downplay the potential power of Bessler’s wheel, but to satisfy those who have doubts, the machine is eminently scalable with, for instance, several wheels in series on one axle.


    6. @JC
      I have KB's book on B and his wheels and he claims that each of B's one direction wheels had a total of 40 ropes in it separated into 5 different layers so that no 2 ropes could rub together and break each other as a wheel turned and its weight carrying levers shifted around inside it. Those ropes interconnected 8 Y shaped levers to each other and each lever also had two springs attached to it. But some have stated that only 16 of the ropes or 2 per lever would actually be necessary to make a wheel run. Like others KB also thinks that B's two large two direction wheels actually contained two of the one direction wheels arranged side by side to propel the drum in opposite directions depending upon what direction the drum was push started toward.

      I think you are dismissing the clues KB found as imaginary mainly because they don't happen to agree with your clues (whatever they are) but he makes a convincing case (at least to me) that the clues for the parts of B's wheels are contained mostly in the two DT portraits which also happen to have the only image of B we know to exist. But they are not easy find and are mostly numerology type clues. KB says this was because B was a numerologist and very skilled at hiding information using the letters of the alphabet to stand for numbers like the measurements of the parts used inside of his wheels. To find those clues you really have to be numerologist which KB says he became during his B research.

      You can't just use the items in the two portraits by themselves to get the measurements of the parts in B's wheels. You have to combine those items with the number values of certain letters in the German text under the portraits. That is a unique approach I've never seen done before. Everyone tends to focus just on the portrait parts and ignores the texts. KB says that is a big mistake because the two must be used together to make any real progress in understanding B's secret wheel design. KB points out about two dozen of those clues he located in the two DT portraits in his book but admits he's not convinced that he has found all of them.

      He celebrated June 6th last year by revealing a clue he found in the first DT portrait. He made a youtube video showing how you can get the Y shape of the levers using the B's two eyes and the wig curls in the first portrait. It's a remarkable find and doesn't require the use of numerology. KB says it was an easy to understand clue B put into the first DT portrait so he could quickly point it out if another inventor came up with the same design B had after B had destroyed a wheel and B needed to prove he actually had found the special lever shape first.

    7. Here he is again! Ken you have to stop promoting your book here….Please! I don’t support your conclusions in any way and I utterly dismiss your so-called clues, so why on earth do you keep peddling your ridiculous non-discoveries built upon a pack of paper tissues to come up with a design that cannot possibly work, bears no resemblance to the witness reports nor Karl the Landgrave’s personal knowledge of the machine. FYI I know the design and I will be sharing that information and then there will your precious book be - on a bonfire.


    8. Further to the above I have often called KB a narcissist, see what is next.

      ‘Major Human Flaw: Some people refer to themselves in the third person.
      Response No. 1, by Elsa Ronningstam, associate clinical professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School and author of Identifying and Understanding the Narcissistic Personality: Referring to yourself in the third person creates distance between "I" and "he." So if you have an exaggerated view of how great you are, you could be using this distance to make yourself even bigger.’ You’re still a narcissistic personality KB.

    9. After reading all the above, I think it's time I finally got a copy of that Ken B book for myself and checked it out. So far I've only seen his wheel video and read second hand accounts of what his book is about. John keeps mentioning all of the new clues he's got, but he only shows us clues from his websites that are now decades old and unfortunately did not lead to a solution. I want to see those supposedly new clues Ken B found for myself. If they are a load of BS then I'll know it.

      I also finally saw that video Ken B made to celebrate June 6 of last year that anon 12:26 mentioned and that shows the hidden "Y" shape lever in the first portrait of DT. I agree that it is an amazing clue but I can't even begin to imagine how he managed to find it. He would have needed to know the shape of the lever first before it could be found! I'm also wondering if that "Y" shaped lever could also be hidden somewhere in the second portrait or in any of the other drawings in DT.

      Now that I think about it look at that wheel at the end of AP that has the three light beams coming away from the center. Could it be possible that it is actually a symbol for the letter "Y"?! It's also interesting that Bessler puts an axle of some sort at the center of that wheel and there just happens to be some sort of pivot at the fork part of those "Y" shaped levers Ken B says Bessler used. Coincidence?

      PM Dreamer

    10. Very interesting speculation you've done about that wheel in AP, PMD!

      I have no doubt that the letter "Y" would have attracted Bessler's attention for at least two reasons.

      The first reason is numerological. It's the 25th letter of the alphabet and if you add its digits together you get 2 + 5 = 7. As I've pointed out here several times on past blogs, 7 is considered the luckiest of numbers and appears in many places. When you used to hit a jackpot on a casino slot machine, the number that came up was always 777. I personally wear several talismans with the number 7 on them to boost my own luck and recommend others do likewise. I don't go anywhere without them.

      The second reason is religious. The most used name for God in the Old Testament is a "tetragrammaton" or four letter Hebrew word that is usually written in English as "YHWH" (the order of the letters is actually reversed in the English version because, unlike English, Hebrew is read from right to left!). The word begins with the letter "Y" which corresponds to the 10th letter of the Hebrew alphabet that is called "Yod". In English this word for God is pronounced as "Yahweh".

      The English version of Jesus' Hebrew name is "Yehshus" and the English version of his Aramaic name is "Yeshua". Both of these names begin with the tenth letter of their language's alphabet which is the same letter "Yod". Also, like Hebrew, there is no letter "J" in either Greek or Latin which is why Jesus' name in those languages is written as "Iesvs" and "Iesous" with the letter "I" taking the place of the "J".

      As a student of Hebrew, the Bible, the Cabala, and other esoteric writings, Bessler would have been well aware of all of this and it probably motivated him to try using "Y" shaped levers in his wheel. When those levers finally made one of his wheels work, that would have completely convinced him that God had divinely helped him with a miracle.

      Sayer of Sooths

    11. Thanks for that information about the four letter Hebrew word for God. That Hebrew letter yod is often used by itself in freemasonry as a symbol for God instead of the entire four letter word. Here's how yod is used in freemasonry. Because of the similarity you can see why we use the English letter Y for it:


    12. Thanks, anon 19:36, for that link to the image of the Hebrew letter "yod". It reminds me of the Arabic numeral for 7. Maybe that's why everyone considers 7 to be so lucky? It looks like a Hebrew letter associated with God! What could be luckier for one then to have a miracle from God?

      PMD at 20:44 wrote: "I'm also wondering if that "Y" shaped lever could also be hidden somewhere in the second portrait or in any of the other drawings in DT."

      You can easily find THREE "Y" letters in the drawing of the Merseburg wheel. They are each represented by those long pendulums attached to the cranks at the end of the axle. Each pendulum has a long vertical rod from the little ball weight at the bottom that goes up and reaches a point where there are two diagonal rods attached to it on opposite sides. Those three rods of each pendulum form a letter "Y".

      Also look closely at the numbers Bessler put near the rods of the three pendulums that you see in the Merseburg wheel drawing. Each one has two 8's and a 9 near it (although the 9 is actually for that rod from the crank driving a pendulum). Add up those three numbers and you get 8 + 8 + 9 = 25! Imo, this was a clue by Bessler that he intended those pendulums to symbolize the letter "Y" and that was because that was the shape he used for his wheel levers. Just as those pendulums could swing side to side, the levers in his wheels must also have been doing some swinging around as a wheel turned.

      Here's a link to a nice image of the Merseburg wheel on JC's site where you can easily make out the numbers near those pendulum rods:


      Sayer of Sooths

    13. Great info as usual, SoS! I know whenever you show up I'm going to see something I never noticed before and which I won't be able to find anywhere else.

    14. You are all, of course entitled to your opinions and beliefs, but for myself, I have to dismiss it all because I know it’s wrong, but you will just have wait until I post the correct information - which bears no relation to the above posts.


    15. @JC. You promised some blogs ago to reveal all THIS year and we are all very much looking forward to that because you've been holding out on us too long! We need as much information as possible if B's wheels are ever going to be solved. SoS always supplies some good clues whenever he comments here. He doesn't make us wait for them for months and years like you do.

      His clue about those numbers, 8, 8, and 9 near the three pendulums could be an important clue about how B's wheels worked. Maybe the 8 means each wheel had inside of it eight levers each holding a weight. There are two 8's on each pendulum which could mean that each two way wheel contained two complete one way wheels inside of its drum that were side by side. That explains why he had to double the drum thicknesses starting with the Merseberg wheel when he started making two way wheels.

      The number 9 can be written as 3 + 3 + 3 which probably also had religious meaning to B. Jesus was supposedly executed in 33 AD. Jesus and died about the 9th hour after sunrise which would have been about 3 pm if the Sun came up at 6 am. I think SoS is 100% right about B using numbers with religious meaning. Anyone seriously looking for clues in the B drawings needs to keep this detail in mind at all times.

    16. Thanks for your Y lever revelations about the Merseberg wheel, Sos.

      I decided to look at the Kassel wheel drawings and think I found some more for you. Look at the two drawings showing the wheel with that big wood cylinder thing in the tub of water next to it. Bessler has Y shaped forks stuck into the end of the axle in both drawings for the rope to the wood cylinder thing to go around. They have b letters near them. The drawing on the right side shows four of those forks in the axle and the drawing on the left shows three in the axle so he's only showing us seven forks in both drawings. But there's really supposed to be four of them in the left drawing because one of the forks is hidden behind the axle and that would make a total of eight Y forks for the two drawings.

      Maybe this is another clue Bessler gives that each one direction wheel in the Kassel drum contained eight Y shaped levers?

    17. Excellent find, anon 04:45. Now you are starting to think like B did! I also noticed those "Y" shaped forks sticking out of the axle that were probably necessary to prevent the wet rope from slipping on the axle as it turned. But, you've shown there are actually 8 of them present in the two drawings while B only shows us 7. By hiding one of them, he reduces the number from 8 to 7 which is that lucky number again. I think you have found an important clue. Here's a link to that drawing for anybody new here who hasn't seen it yet:


      PMD wrote "I think it's time I finally got a copy of that Ken B book for myself and checked it out."

      I think that's a good idea. After months of delay I'm finally reading my way through my copy but haven't gotten to the end yet where he gives the locations of all of the new clues he claims he's found in the two DT portraits. So far I've found the book to be impressive.

      The amount of detail he provides for the inner workings of the wheels is definitely unprecedented. I'm not a builder, but it looks to me like the instructions he gives for building B's wheels are intended for those that work with wood. There are no metric measurements anywhere. Everything is in English units of inches, feet, ounces, and pounds. I noticed that he gives the dimensions of parts down to 16th's of an inch and a carpenter friend of mine told me that is the kind of measurement that most carpenters prefer to work with.

      However, I'm far more interested in the numerology and symbol analysis he gives. I know my numerology and symbology and if he's making his clues up, then I will quickly know it and expose it. Like you, I was also impressed by that new clue about the "Y" shaped lever hidden in the first DT portrait that he showed in his video last year to celebrate 6/6/21 especially because it helped make sense of a clue I found later that used the two DT portraits placed together. It seems to me like too much of a coincidence to be one. B must have intended those two clues to be linked together.

      Sayer of Sooths

    18. Very interesting discussion going on here. I looked at that image of the Kassel wheel you linked to, SoS, and noticed that those letter Y shape forks at the end of the axle in both drawings have the letter b next to them. B is also the first letter of Bessler's name! Maybe he purposely put that letter near those forks as a way of signing them using a single letter? In other words, it was his way of saying that he, Bessler, had been the first one to discover the special Y shape levers needed to make an overbalanced pm wheel work.

    19. That interpretation of yours makes sense, anon 11:58. Thanks for sharing it with us.

      Here's yet another interesting clue B gives us in that right side drawing of the Kassel wheel that I gave a link to above. It's one that the average person would probably miss, but that a skilled numerologist would quickly notice. It's also a clue that only a skilled numerologist like B could make. Here's that link the the Kassel wheel drawing again:


      Look at the ride side drawing cross section of the axle carefully. You will see two "b" and two "c" letters near it. Now look at the four "Y" shaped forks on the axle that have the two "b" letters near them by opposed forks. All four of those forks can be thought of as forming an addition or "+" sign. Behind them you will find the four other pieces attached to the axle closer to the drum that work the two levers that make the stamps rise and fall in that frame to the right of the wheel. Two of those other four pieces have the letter "c" near them. All four of those other pieces can be thought of as forming a multiplication or "x" sign.

      B is obviously telling us here that we must perform an addition followed by a multiplication of the alphanumeric values of the letters in the drawing. So, let's do exactly what B wants us to do.

      First we add the values of the two "b" letters and get 2 + 2 = 4. Next, we add the values of the two "c" letters and get 3 + 3 = 6. Now it's time to do a multiplication. We then take the two sums we got and multiply them to get 4 x 6 = 24. But, we're not done yet.

      Notice the lone letter "a" floating vertically above the center of the axle? It's perfectly lined up with the vertical part of the "+" sign formed by the four "Y" shaped forks attached to the axle. This is B's way of telling us to add its value to what we already have. That then gives us 24 + 1 = 25!

      So, again, we see that B is skillfully using numerology to focus our attention on the 25th letter of the alphabet which is the letter "Y". I see this as further evidence that something with that particular shape played a very important role in how his wheels worked and I believe it most likely refers to the "Y" shape of the levers inside of his wheels. As I mentioned in past blog comments, I have also found this letter hidden in some of the MT drawings as well.

      Sayer of Sooths

    20. @SoS
      Your numeralogy clues are amazing. I think I learned more from them in this one blog than I did from all of the posts over on bwf in the last six months.

      Bessler would have known that those weird Y shaped levers were the key to building working overbalanced pm wheels and he also knew he was the first and only one to find and use them. But there were no patents in his country at the time to verify and protect his discovery and he couldn't just openly reveal the lever shape and have it stolen from him so he could never make any money for all of his years of toil to find it. The only thing he could do to record his discovery was to hide clues about the shape in all his drawings. Now we're finally seeing those clues starting to show up in all of the DT drawings.

      I look forward to seeing any more clues you can find for us, SoS!

    21. Thanks, anon 09:23. It pleases me that you and others find some value in my numerological analyses of the B drawings.

      I will leave you for now with a little puzzle to solve. Look very carefully at that first drawing of the Merseberg wheel which you can again find here:


      Now here's a puzzle to test one's observational and numerological abilities. Of all of the numbers B inserted into that drawing, which of the numbers BETWEEN 1 and 22 are MISSING and WHY are they missing?

    22. 5 is not missing and you seem to be ignoring 23 and 24!


    23. Sos. I went over the drawing carefully and I can't find number 5 or 21. Are those the ones you mean are missing? If so, I haven't the faintest idea what that means, but I'm sure you do!

  7. Talking about narcissists with inflated egos...could there be any ego bigger than Putin's today?

    I just heard a story which is REALLY scary if it's true.

    Over in the Kremlin and even on the Russia state controlled tv and radio news channels, they are starting to casually and routinely discuss dropping a nuclear bomb on a target in one of the NATO nations that are supplying the Ukrainians with weapons. Those weapons have allowed the Ukrainians to steadily push the Russia troops out of their country and are inflicting huge loses of lives and equipment on them.

    The three particular NATO nations that the Russians keep mentioning they should hit with a nuke are France, Great Britain, and the US because those three are supplying the Ukrainians with the most weapons. It also looks like most of the Russian people Putin has brainwashed think that is a great idea that will get the message across to the West to stop interfering with Putin taking over the Ukraine and making it part of Russia so he can make Russia great again. He is totally obsessed with the idea that the Ukraine has always been part of Russia and that anyone in that country who disagrees is a Nazi and needs to be killed!

    Now ask yourself what you think will happen if Putin actually does drop a nuke on a NATO nation. Will they immediately stop sending aid to the Ukraine so as not to risk starting WWIII? Will they just give the Ukrainians a similar size nuke to shoot back at Russia? Will they immediately admit the Ukraine to NATO and send troops there to help them fight Russian troops? Or, will this actually trigger WWIII?

    I said in a past blog comment here that I thought we were closer to WWIII since the Cuban Missile Crisis of the Kennedy presidency back in 1963. My opinion that we are is now stronger than ever!

    I think it might be a good idea for people in the West start considering what they would do if they suddenly heard a radio or tv broadcast telling them that there was an incoming missile from Russia that would land in their area in the next half hour or so. People should be preparing for this possibility now while they still have time to. Maybe reinforce a corner of your basement and put some supplies of non perishable food and water there along with a first aid kit and one of those hand cranked radios so you will know what is going on outside if a nuke is detonated near you and knocks out your electrical power.

    We live in VERY dangerous times!

    Anonymous and PROUD of it!

    1. I think what NATO does will depend on what Putin decides to nuke. If it's some military target that kills soldiers, then the NATO country will probably respond by shooting a nuke back at one of Russia's military targets. A good choice would be their naval base on the Crimean peninsula which would put a real dent in their Black Sea naval operations.

      But, if Putin nukes a NATO country city with civilians in it and tens of thousands die, then things are going to really get ugly. Maybe it would result in a back and forth exchange of tactical nukes and would finally end with Putin's assassination. Some generals think that a "limited" nuclear war is possible without it escalating to WWIII. But, if Putin is not killed, then it could definitely escalate right up to WWIII.

      I agree that we definitely live in dangerous times.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...