Monday 10 April 2023

Update - Things Are Looking Up!

Finally the builders have left and I’m getting ready to move into my new workshop.  Originally they estimated finishing in January, but a few events  conspired to cause delays.

There’s one wall of bare plaster which I’m painting, then I’m building a work bench to fix to the end wall. I’ve got some of my wheel parts ready for assembly but I’m going to build a test rig just to test the action of one mechanism, which I’m confident will act as I designed it to.  I know how overconfident I sound but the truth is the prime mover is so simple to understand, once you know, it’s a forehead slapping moment…..

I have drawn the mechanisms on computer and also on paper.  There are five mechanisms, each with one weight.  There are ten small pulleys to guide five lengths of cord.  There are no springs. The Toys  page holds much information as do the drawings in GB and DT.  AP and DT also hold some good textual pieces of information.  For me there is little information in the rest of MT, but more may surface once the correct configuration is known.

I know people are sceptical and I don’t blame them, I’ve been positive so many times before (haven’t we all?) but never like this.  For most of the last year, I’ve been writing up details of the clues and the reasons for the meanings I’ve taken from them.  My concern is to try to show what and where the information is in the books, and what it means, and try to avoid dubious interpretations.  I think that if the wheel works that should remove any doubt, but if it doesn’t, I’m still certain that it is very, very close. 

Much of my code breaking has centred on the number five which Johann Bessler appeared to be obsessed with.  I think the number five might have been the one word he was worried about accidentally revealing in case it might give his secret away.  But that does not appear to have happened and perhaps he wasn’t speaking literally, but meant any accidental slip of the tongue.  

Given the very simplicity of his wheel, I half expected someone else to stumble upon the truth about the Prime Mover, before I had a chance to test it out on a model, and although there has been much discussion about certain clues Bessler sprinkled all over his works, and I thought that they were getting close, the focus of the talk moved away.

My one determination is to build and test my design before I release it to the public.  I’m not interested in patents, IPs nor am I concerned at someone else using my/Bessler’s design for their own purposes.  Having spent most of my life chasing information about Bessler, I would like to think it that I did something worthwhile with my life that would be remembered after I’m gone. 

My translations and publications of everything to do with Bessler will still be available for years to come, and probably better translations will appear.  But I like the idea that all information currently discussed and quoted from, originated from my hand and was the source most commonly used in this field of research.

So at last, maybe I’ll succeed in building a proof of principle machine.



  1. Thanks for your kind words 😊

  2. Sounds good John. I know eventually when all is revealed, I'm going to be depressed that it was that simple. Glad to know and really sad I wasn't smart enough to figure it out. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Sorry @JC you gave good clues in part one of recent blogs but because our lake of understanding we didn't get them.
    As of now I think that
    1. Tippe top spinners working will used in wheel where center of mass put spinner upword.
    2. When one bar or weight travels 90 degree other will get some progress by lever connected to rope and ready to shift position so that ceter of mass shifted and imbalance continues.
    3.gravity fall will not used(thank you for clearing this false direction for finding of bessler wheels working)
    4. Number Five theory is good as one falls 90 will raise other four quarters.
    5. A driver drives weight which travels 90 degree
    6. A runner runs rope on pulley
    7. The seer sees mechanism which moves by driver part.

    1. Sorry CPK, I didn’t tell you enough about the clues because I intend building the device first, then I’ll share.


  4. John - would you say that Bessler's dodecagram is kind of the "wiring" chart of how the cords are run. I've often thought Bessler's final arrangement exhibited a star kind of drawn with the ropes. A perpetual cascading of motion of this weight across to that weight which triggered a release of a weight on the descending side, which pulled the next weight across the wheel which in turn triggered the next weight - back and forth and on and on. Is this kind of what you're leading up to?

    1. To me the dodecagram is included for two reasons. See my blog about it at


    2. Also this blog at

    3. Thank you for the links John. Very interesting reads.

    4. Can you say if your weights are counterweights or are they the source of the oob or both? I know you don't want to give away too much so forgive me for asking if I crosses any lines.

    5. NQ they aren’t counter weights.


    6. @NQ

      Sadly all we will ever see (or actually only read about) from JC will be more of his pentagon - pulley type designs similar to this disaster of his from 2020:

      It is a useless approach because the total fall of the red weights (regardless of how many levers, pulleys, and ropes he uses or clues he thinks he's found) can never make the total rise of the blue weights higher so the wheel can stay overbalanced and provide any energy as it turns. Even if such a wheel is overbalanced to start with that overbalance will quickly be lost as the wheel turns and the cog of all of the weights just settles down below the center of the axle and the wheel becomes stationary. All he will ever have with this kind of design is a fancy pendulum but no pm. This was well understood even back in Bessler's century.

      Until he can get away from this approach he can make no real progress toward pm and it was definitely not the approach Bessler used, imo.

  5. Use of spring in anyway in your Idea.

    1. Possibly - I won’t know for certain until I build it. It’s purpose would be to push the weight to fall as soon as it can. Any delay would reduce the efficiency of the mechanism, but it might not be a vital ingredient.



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...