Sunday, 17 November 2024

Johann Bessler’s Perpetual Motion Mystery Solved.

The climatologists and scientists are clamouring for a new way of generating electricity because all the current method (bad pun!) of doing it are flawed.  

Solar panels on fields that used to grow crops, or feed cows is short-sighted and unacceptable.  

Windmills and wind farm are incredibly expensive to build and locate - upto £30,000.  The towers can last 25 years but the actual generator needs constant maintenance usually three times a year. A five-megawatt wind turbine can require 700 gallons of lubricant, and costly synthetic fluids are preferred in the industry. Typically, oil change intervals are scheduled for from 9 to 16 months.  

The other alternatives are also flawed but is there a solution to these problems?  Something that is low tech, clean and cheap.  Yes of course there is and we’ve known about for more than three hundred years!

Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, exhibited a perpetual motion machine in 1712. Of course it wasn’t a perpetual motion machine (PM for Perpetual Motion) in the sense that most people think of them.   For a start it wasn’t isolated from any form of external energy, which is a strict requirement for such a theoretical device. It used weights which means it was enabled by gravity.

A waterwheel is driven by the flow of a river, the combustion engine by igniting petrol.  These two examples could just as easily be described as PM machines too.  They are not isolated from any external source of energy, because the river flows down hill because gravity makes it.  It could in theory run continuously as long as the river flows thanks to gravity. The combustion engine will run continuously as long as it has fuel in its tank.

If the energy source is being maintained at a sufficient level, the machine will stay in motion like the so-called PM machine. But surely gravity isn’t an energy source?  No, but without it the water wheel won’t flow.

So Bessler’s wheel wasn’t a PM machine because it wasn’t isolated from external sources of energy.  But this is where confusion lies.  It was what people believed it to be, namely a PM machine.  But once people examined  the idea and defined it more precisely, they realised that many machines have external sources of  energy and they couldn’t all be PMs, so the idea was introduced, that a PM must be isolated from all external sources of energy including gravity.

The idea that a PM had to be isolated from all external stimuli and yet retain motion once started - and do work is utterly ridiculous.  No wonder PM is believed to be impossible.  Continuous motion can only happen if it can tap an external energy source.

Like every other would-be discoverer of the secret of PM, Bessler’s wheel used a number of weights in its interior, this is a well established fact.  This clearly implies that gravity had a role to play - the design of the machine required the movement of a number of weights configured in a certain way to produce continuous rotation. Thus we can say that his wheels were gravity-enabled.

But we have been taught that the force of gravity is not a source of energy.  This is actually true, but without its force the river wouldn’t flow.  Without its force the weights in Bessler's wheel wouldn’t fall.  But the water has to flow from higher ground to lower in order to run and turn the water wheel - and the weights have to fall; both events are driven to move by gravity.  In doing this gravity does work, expends energy.   But in both cases there has be an intermediate medium.  Water or the weights.  Without them no motion is enabled by gravity.

So when we say Bessler’s wheel is enabled by gravity, even though gravity is not a source of energy, it is a vital ingredient.  The energy for the work being done is generated by the fall of the weights, the intermediary between gravity and the wheel. This process seems to be ignored even by many who study this field, they are still battling with the idea that as gravity is not an energy source it can’t be labelled such.  But it is just the same as any system which relies on the presence of gravity to provide input at its most basic level….mass in motion.

The main argument against this point of view is well known and simple. When a single weight falls, it derives kinetic energy from the motion of its fall.  When a force moves an object of mass it does work.  In this case the force doing the work is gravity.  After the work is done the energy has been transferred to the object of mass.  

Bessler’s wheel was driven by weighted levers, causing the machine to rotate.  We know that a weighted lever beginning its fall from the twelve o’clock position in a clock face and being allowed to fall freely will only get to the six o’clock position before it has to begin to climb against the force of gravity to get back to its starting point at twelve o’clock position.

Even if we could remove all possible friction, the return point would only just reach the twelve o’clock point.  But we need the device to do work, not just overcome friction.  Theoretically thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of people have studied this problem and tried to resolve it - but all failed except Johann Bessler.  Instinctively those many, many people knew that there was a solution to this problem, and there is.  Bessler found it and I believe I have found it.  I’ve been working on a PoP wheel, (Proof of Principle) and I hope to have finished by early next year.  It won’t be an attractive model, just a crude assembly of previously used parts, but one that proves the design.

But…Bessler was extremely confident that his machine would pass any test that could be arranged.  He even swore that he should lose his head if he should be found to have cheated. He also placed coded information in his three books which he published.  This information was encoded in different ways, some within the text and some within several drawings which he made and this information was designed to provide the full concept and solution to his machine. describes some of the deciphered codes along with their meaning.

Click on the link below for all information about my published books.  There is my own biography about Bessler which includes all documents by or about Johann Bessler, plus you can obtain digital copies of all of his publications each with a full English translation.

For more information about Bessler and his codes, view my YouTube video at  it describes some of the codes.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...