Wednesday 18 March 2009

Overlapping mechanisms?

There have been hundreds, probably thousands, of designs for gravity wheels over the years and because they are designed to fit on a rotating wheel, all of them are confined to the restrictions imposed on them by the shape of a wheel.

Curiously almost all of them consist of a number of mechanisms, each separate from the other, with none of them overlapping another, and yet I wonder if this possible design feature should be ignored. One problem I frequently encounter is - how do I fit all the required mechanisms onto the wheel without one or more of them interfering with another?

One solution is to make the wheel larger - or the mechanisms smaller - or have fewer! Or, a solution that seems to be avoided for some reason, have each mechanism overlapping the adjacent one.

I don't know if this would work but it seems at least a feasible option. I can imagine for instance a wheel with three mechanisms, each, for instance, designed to operate over half the wheel's surface. You would therefore have overlapping mechanisms. Maybe the Apologia wheel indicates something along these lines?

It might be impractical but perhaps worth a look?


Friday 13 March 2009

The videoless lecture

Unfortunately the video I had planned which would tell the world about Bessler, ( well an assortment of retired engineers with time on their hands) did not turn out quite as I had hoped. It was decided that my lack of charisma might have a stupifying effect on the audience and anyway my pc froze at the prospect of some minor editing, so it was agreed that I would read the text of the video to my good friend in Florida and he, having recorded same, would then play it to the assembled throng (I use the word in its loosest meaning) with some suitable projected images to enliven my spoken words.

Apparently it went down rather well amongst the entire audience of 23, (Dave are you sure you don't mean 230?) and now they know as much as I do about Johann Bessler.

Anyway I decided that the video which I had originally planned to post on youtube would send anyone who innocently perchanced to light upon it, into a dangerous zomby state, so I am rewriting the script and making it altogether more punchy and of course much shorter. I have arranged for some charisma pills to be taken just before filming begins so - watch this space for an announcement!


Wednesday 11 March 2009

Bessler revelations

Over the years of researching Johann Bessler I have often woken in the night, usually around for four o'clock in the morning and lain there thinking about how to build a working version of his machine. Often the solution to an apparently insoluble problem appears to me in clear detail. Obviously these 'revelations' don't bear fruit otherwise I would be sitting on a tidy fortune by now - but they are always new, unique and unobtainable by normal means in the daylight hours.

I think that the unconscious continues to worry at the problem and it only surfaces in the small hours. Last night I had another revelation and I am sure that I have everything I need to build the wheel.

About a month ago I had another one which resolved the problem of gravity being a conservative force. The answer was so clear and so obvious and so simple I cannot understand why I didn't think of it before. It was then that I decided to write a thesis, if I can call it that, and present it to a contact in the USA who has given me so much encouragement over the last twelve years.

So I must finish the video, the thesis and build the wheel. The book will have to wait just a little longer, but it is already about five years late!


Thursday 5 March 2009

The 300th anniversary of Bessler's wheel.

On the 12th June 2012 it will be exactly 300 years since Johann Bessler first exhibited his wheel. In some ways it feels as if events are conspiring to create the perfect moment for the re-emergence of Bessler's wheel.

First we became aware that we could no longer rely on unlimited supplies of oil and then that there is no realistic universal alternative energy solution in view. Next we were warned that the enormous amounts of pollution we are creating are apparently leading to global warming. Now we have the global recession. Companies going bankrupt, jobs disappearing at an ever increasing rate.

What single simple solution would go a long way towards resolving all three crises? You know the answer - Bessler's wheel!

Firstly it would help massively to supply electricity for domestic use at least, replacing in some measure the fossil-fuel-burning electricity generators we currently use. It would largely remove the necessity for banks of windmills and nuclear power generated electricity.

Secondly, as a non-polluting solution it would also help in reducing pollution and eventually, maybe, correct global warming in time.

Lastly, it would generate millions and millions of jobs in a useful contribution to the stabilising of the global credit meltdown.

Bessler was born before his time, arriving as he did at the start of the steam age, but perhaps we had to go through the steam age and the fossil-burning age before we could return to a cleaner, less demanding source of energy. Who knows, perhaps we wouldn't have had gas-driven autos, jet aircraft and space shuttles if his technology had prevailed?

Then again what other developments have we missed because of his reluctance to share his secret while he was still alive?

I hope that the world will be celebrating his life by 2012 because someone has suceeded in duplicating his wheel.


Thursday 26 February 2009

A scientific paper (amateur) and the Video

I'm in a quandery. I am completing the video about Bessler and I'm completing the paper which contains everything relevant to building Bessler's wheel, which I have discovered over a number of years. Do I continue with the paper and await the review by a certain learned gentleman, or do I hold on to it and wait until I have tried to build the last prototype? Do I add anything to the video which is also in the paper, thus giving away much of my own work? If I give it away and someone else builds a sucessful model, using the information I have given, will I get any recognition?

Reading this back it sounds selfish and I do want to share the information, but at the same time I'd like to achieve some kind of reward if only so that my family and I can benefit. Time is short, I know, and a new energy source needs to be found. Bessler's wheel could be that source, I certainly believe so.

I shall probably end up sending the paper because the wheel is too difficult for me to build with my limited resources, so that could help me make the decision. As for the video, I can leave some stuff out because if the paper is accepted then the video doesn't matter so much.

The video began as a favour to a friend but now looks more useful for me in letting the world know about Johann Bessler. We shall see.


Wednesday 25 February 2009


I have several web sites devoted to Johann Bessler but I have one which is for quirky information I might wish to publish from time to time. It does not have to be connected with Johann Bessler but it might be sometimes.

About a couple of months ago I decided to place some odd-ball information about the phrase 'Et In Arcadia Ego' on line. As usual I haven't advertised the fact that it's there and I don't think anyone has found it yet, but it will be fun to see what happens when it is found. In my opinion it is the most likely explanation for the phrase and has ramifications for an area not that far from Rennes-le-Château in south-west France.

The website in question, .

I look forward to seeing the reaction to my discovery.


Sunday 22 February 2009

The Johann Bessler Video

I'm still working on my video. I never realised how hard it is to get something that looks good in writing, not to look too long winded when spoken. I have tried to cut the wordiness down as much as possible without losing the important information as well as the viewers attention. I am supposed to limit it to fifteen minutes and so far I'm on seventeen. A few more judicious snips of the editing tool, and it'll be ready for youtube!

My family asked me why I am writing this blog and yet I haven't advertised the fact, well the answer is simple. I don't want to tell anyone about it yet until I can look back at it and think, maybe its ok - or maybe I'll just delete it and say nothing!

There is also the fact that as time goes by, I shall add more information about Bessler's Code, and of course once the video is on youtube and I can see how many viewings (if any!) it gets, I might tell someone about the blog - or not.

That's it for now but I'll be back.


Update on my PoP Bessler Wheel

I know from emails I’ve received that people have been wondering what’s been happening with my promised construction of what I believe will ...