Thursday, 8 August 2024

Johann Bessler’s Purpose - to leave us his Free Energy Machine.

Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus spent more than ten years trying to design and build a perpetual motion machine.  He had the skills to succeed if he could only find the secret.  After several years of toil and experimentation he woke up one morning with an image of the right design in his minds eye.  He instantly knew his design was the right one and he had succeeded.  He went on to build the first model.

He was careful to hide the internal design from spectators because he had planned to sell the secret for a large sum of money.  This made it difficult to prove his machine was genuine and yet he couldn’t let anyone see how it worked.  It was witnessed and examined by many people but he needed to design and incorporate tests which would prove that his machine was genuine, so over the next ten years he built a succession of bigger and more impressive devices, finally producing his largest one. 

They all took the form of a wheel suspended on small steel bearings fitted into two wooden pillars.  He was contacted by the great scientists Gottfried Leibniz who examined the exterior view of one of the wheels and even though he dismissed the possibility of a perpetual motion device, he concluded that “there was something remarkable about the device and it should not be allowed to be buried and lost”.  He advised Bessler on various tests, all of which were incorporated in all his later examinations.

The tests involved lifting a heavy box weight 70 pounds up and down the outside of Hesse Kassel castle.  Providing a second set of bearings and pillars a few feet away from the first set, so that the wheel could moved between the two sets according to the examiners wishes.  This was so that the examiners could thoroughly inspect both sets of bearings before and after as well as during each trial run.  Another test involved an Archimedes pump attached the wheel’s axle to pump water out of large wooden chest.  Bessler also added a unique demonstration by designing his last two wheels with the ability to turn in either direction as desired by the examiners.

The final test was an endurance test.  The wheel was locked in a room and started.  The rooms in either side, above and below were thoroughly examined and found free of suspicion. A 24 hour guard was placed outside the door which was locked and sealed with the Landgrave of Hesse Kassel’s personal seal. He then left along with a number of courtiers and did not return until 54 days had passed.  Upon opening the door, the wheel was found to be spinning as before.

Karl, the Landgrave, had already seen the interior of the wheel and agreed to keep his knowledge secret until the inventor had received payment for the invention.  He had insisted on seeing the interior to confirm the inventor’s claims were real, before offering him his patronage.  Karl was highly regarded as a man of unparalleled honesty, negotiating as an honest broker between the warring nations in Europe.  He would not countenance the possibility of being involved in fraud.

Karl’s personal approval, is convincing; as is Leibniz’s opinion of the invention. The strictly organised tests would be difficult to mimic today using only the technology available more than 300 years ago.  

Finally, Bessler was determined not to give away the design without receiving payment.  He said he would rather die than do that. He did however, provide several strong hints that he had provided the necessary information within the books he had published.  Those books are available with English translations from the panel on the right, or click on the link below.

I have published other websites which describe some if the clues and codes I have deciphered. See the links in the right panel.


Sunday, 4 August 2024

My Poems - Written During the Long Years of Research into Bessler’s Life

I’m certainly no poet, but having written several over the years, I decided to post them all here in one go! My apologies for the quality, but I enjoy trying to put down ideas with the occasional light touch of humour.  This is by no means all I’ve written and I’ll probably put down some more.

One more thing, if you would like to obtain copies of my biography about Bessler, plus four books by him, with full English translations please click on this link.

For an excellent discussion forum for all things relating to Johann Bessler aka Orffyreus visit


All these poems have a theme,  but firstly let me set the scene.

When I was young I read a story that filled my head with dreams of glory.

Johann Bessler’s sole intent, a non-stop wheel he would invent.

Triumphant after toil untold, he sought to sell it for silver and gold.

People came to see the wheel, witnessing that it was real.

Though offers came from men of wealth, they did not buy because they felt 

the terms of sale were too unfair, they left with nought but empty air.

The cash must be upon the table before the buyer was even able

To study the inside of the wheel  and it’s secret at last reveal.

Perpetual Motion was proscribed, a possibility denied.

Yet Bessler proved it possible to make a wheel unstoppable

It was the first, no precedent, turned non-stop ‘twas self-evident,

Witnessed by the man from Hesse, unimpeachable - nothing less.

He saw the inside of the wheel, he understood, said it was real.

Somehow Helmholtz got it wrong, and so I’ve spent a lifetime long

Looking for the hidden secret, but where did Johann Bessler keep it?


My first poem about Johann Bessler aka Orffyreus

This Ancient Mystery, I have sought, for many years, to solve and thought

The secret of the wheel's construction lay beyond mere skilled deduction.

So I brought the world's attention to this greatest missed invention. 

Hoped some rare ability'd retrieve this fair facility.

Yet scarcely had the thought occurred before I realised how absurd

It was that I should have the notion I could solve Perpetual Motion

This Ancient Mystery's merely myth, credited by those whose kith

And kin forgot what they had learned, that energy spent must first be earned.

Despite this fact there was some doubt - did Bessler find a way about

This obstacle to energy, and find a force that's pure and free? 

Long ago my doubts were dashed, for certain inspiration flashed, 

The energy whose source I sought was all around - its cost was naught.

And wherein lies this bold solution that will solve the world's pollution?

The answer lies in Gravity, a field of energy that's free.

Conservative - its attitude to work is that its magnitude

Remains the same. It does not stop. It's constant and it makes things drop.

It’s said that this is contrary to what we think is verity, 

Gravity cannot be used and those who think so are confused.

It matters not who's right or wrong - the clues have been there all along.

Bessler wrote in ciphers rare and paranoid, he did not dare

Reveal a clue - changed his ambition - sought posthumous recognition.

Text and image, cryptic instruction, showing us complete construction. 

His secret solved will be the key to giving us free energy.

If you believe this can't be true, suspend your judgement - see if you

Can find a fault in what you read about the proof, with which I plead. 

 My aim is clear, intent is strong, to show that Bessler has been wronged.


More Poems

Perpetual motion?  It’s a lie

That’s what they taught us, so don’t  try

To understand, how Bessler found 

A way to make his wheels spin round.

But if that’s true then he’s a fraud,

The evidence we have is flawed,

But there are things that don’t add up

Things which tell us don’t give up.

You see I think that Bessler’s wheel

Was not a fake, no, it was real.

He said the motion came from weights 

But I think this misstates the case.

Deftly he abbreviated

Clues that each weight gravitated

Falling down then shooting higher

Each weight moving like a flyer.

The clues are there before our eyes

The mechanisms come alive,

Each one connects to the one next door

One goes up and one to the floor.

The evidence is very strong

Bessler’s claims cannot be wrong.

It’s just because we do not know

Exactly how he made it go.

They still say its impossible

To make a wheel unstoppable

But Bessler did and so can we

It might be you, or maybe me?


I was callow and thin of skin,

when first I found Orffyreus' spin;

the poisonous barbs of jeers and sneers

aimed at me by my erstwhile peers

did not a jot of difference make,

to my intention to forsake

those oft repeated laws of old

that we were vehemently sold - 

immutable and set in stone.

I, ignorant, set out alone

to prove those falsehoods once proposed,

accepted almost unopposed,

weaved in argument assumptive,

circular and quite presumptive,

conclusions made were not conclusive

and some agreed were too inclusive. 

For 60 years I've sought success,

wanting more than just a guess.

Helmholtz said non-stop rotation,

driven just by weights in motion,

had never ever been achieved,

and not by Bessler, who deceived.

The words of many witnesses

dismissed as so much witlessness,

by Helmholtz, who said that he had proved

no weight-driven wheel had ever moved   

without the aid of trickery,

chicanery and quackery.

Addressing such a case as this

a court of law might well dismiss

on grounds of lack of evidence

when set against such testaments, 

given by those who saw the wheel.

Concluding that his claims were real

required a leap of faith to prove,

that gravity wheels could never move.


Three hundred years ago, he saw

the conservation of energy law,

which had previously prevented

every thing that he'd invented,

such as wheels that turned forever

driven just by weight and lever, 

finally be circumvented.

The so-called experts who declared

that such devices are absurd,

proscribed their source as gravitation,

nor anything else in isolation,

and denied perpetual motion 

could still be a valid notion.

But given the ubiquity

of the earth's force, gravity,

how blind they are to evidence

that Bessler's wheel was common sense.

Gravity is not exclusive

permeating and diffusive,

it affects all in its compass, 

supplying weight and moving mass;

with the right configuration

it supplies from gravitation

wheels which turn continuously, 

simply driven by gravity.

Those scientists who vent their spleen,

who criticise us and demean

our strong belief that such machines

do not turn in isolation

but draw their strength from gravitation..........

are wrong!


When I first read about Bessler’s Wheel

I wondered if it could have been real.

I put the question to the teacher

Who said my question was a feature 

Of lazy people who’s attitude 

Demonstrated their ineptitude

To understanding what they were taught.

But his response I never bought.

I never could accept the logic

Which denied the force gravitic

Which endlessly maintained its presence 

It always seemed just common sense

To find a way to tap this source

And put to use its driving force

That makes things heavy and makes things fall.

They say it’s not a source at all,

But we can use the way things drop

To make a wheel rotate non-stop

We need a mutual exchangement

Within two gravitised rearrangements .

One weight works in each division,

Five divisions to aid transmission

Work together to make the wheel turn

Why five and not four, eight or six?

 Five is the most that really fits.

Using the right configuration.


A Circle of Fifths.

My apologies for this poem, for over-egging the importance of the number 5, but it was clearly of immense importance to Johann Bessler but for reasons unknown, it seems we ignore it at our peril, well not peril but surely we should be using his own strongest clues to replicate his machine!

Bessler embedded the number five

In his name so that we would realise 

How vital five is to nonstop drive.

If we ignore how Bessler strived

To make us value number five

We will always fail to derive

A spinning wheel with endless drive

Unless we follow his advice

To make our wheels have space for five

Equal compartments just for five

Single weights to number five

It’s obvious that we should try

Configurations based on five.

The reason for the need for five

is simple once you realise

The regular and even drive

Needs no pauses to come alive.

Bessler fitted full mechanisms five.

Fewer than five will cause a dive 

In the speed and it won’t revive.

The most of them he could contrive

To fit inside the wheel was five

All  the space was needed to thrive.

Any pause in action denied,

Giving the eveness described 

By countless witnesses advised.

All hesitation is denied

To make this non-stop wheel thrive.


You think you've found the right solution
To continuous revolution,
Without the need for energy,
except of course for gravity.

It's common to the likes of us
Who like to think Orffyreus
Was genuine, and not a crook
Who fooled us all with gobbledygook.

But we get fooled ourselves you see,
When ideas, new, convince us we,
Have found the secret to the wheel.
We tell the world we will reveal,
The details of our cherished notion
That we found perpetual motion - 

But then we find we were deceived
And it was wrong which we believed.
The wheel stayed still, it didn't turn
We smash it up and let it burn.

But soon we're back with a new concept,
The disappointed tears we wept
Forgotten in the blinding light
Of revelation in the night.
This time for sure the wheel will spin
Endlessly - but who will win?


Empirically some things are known
But laws deny what they can’t own,
Those eyes that witnessed certain facts
Were dominated by an act 
Of Will directed by a brain 
That’s ruled by Laws it can’t explain.

Perpetual Motion is a myth
Chased by all the kin and kith
Of those whose sole objective lay
In lightening mankind’s hardest day
By giving us an engine free
Driven by limitless energy.

The open minds our scientists own
Are like two doors wide-open thrown,
Ideas like atoms blown asunder,
Creating mushroom clouds and thunder,
Flow unimpeded, wrapped in wonder,
Into minds we pay to ponder.

Their open minds are one-way doors,
And shutting out what it abhors,
Is common practice in mankind
And in the scientific mind
Odd notions which it won’t admit
Are left abandoned of their remit.


John Collins ©️ 2024

Tuesday, 9 July 2024

Bessler’s Wheel is the answer to Global Warming.

We've all heard the term Carbon net zero, but what exactly does it mean? Put simply, net zero refers to the balance between the amount of greenhouse gas i.e, Carbon Dioxide, that's produced and the amount that's removed from the atmosphere. It can be achieved through a combination of emission reduction and emission removal. This balance – or net zero – will happen when the amount of carbon we add to the atmosphere is no more than the amount removed.

Unfortunately the plans to achieve a balance between Carbon Dioxide removal versus its emission is already proving disastrously over-optimistic. The best guess was that a balance between the two could be won by the 2050s if we could cut emissions in half by 2030, but with China planning to build another 168 coal fired plants and the USA committing to a huge oil drilling project on pristine land in Alaska, the future looks grim.

These old methods of generating energy are expensive, wasteful, polluting and inefficient. In general the modern methods of generating energy are limited to nuclear power, which has its own concerns, windmills, solar energy and a number of small inefficient technologies; the solution to produce clean, free energy available anywhere in the world 24/7 is up for grabs. Without a radical shift away from fossil fuels in the next very few years we will continue to face increasingly serious effects of global warming.

Briefly we can expect record-shattering storms, catastrophic drought in places in Africa.  But by the 2030s, as temperatures rise, climate hazards are expected to increase all over the globe as different countries face more crippling heat waves, worsening coastal flooding and crop failures. At the same time, mosquitoes carrying diseases like malaria and dengue will spread into new areas.

So are there grounds for hope?  Most people dismiss the possibility that a Perpetual Motion machine could ever exist. I’m not referring to a device which is supposed to produce more energy than it consumes, an obvious impossibility. Nor am I suggesting that it is machine that moves, rotates or drives something while being isolated and with no access to an external energy source. I’m talking about a gravity-enabled machine that was able to rotate and move other devices through the effect of gravity on a number of weights on a wheel freely able to rotate. These were arranged so that the energy that they generated was used in a unique way, to provide more than was needed to keep itself rotating leading to acceleration up to a certain point and therefore other devices were also moving.

At first sight this seems as impossible to achieve, as are the items discussed in the above paragraph, but there are two excellent reasons for being optimistic. One reason is that someone has already built a working model, exhibited it and had it certified as genuine by a man of absolute integrity who was allowed to examine the internal workings.  The second reason is that the inventor wrote not less than three books extolling the virtues of his machine, and in order to protect his invention against theft and competing claims by other inventors, described the full details of his machine in his books, how it worked …. in a series of multiple clues, codes and ciphers. Through these cryptic notes, he explained, his work could finally be acknowledged and his rightful place in history be established, even after his death if necessary, for he declared, he would never just give away the secret of his machine without receiving a full and generous reward and acknowledgement as the true inventor of this remarkable machine.

As a matter of interest the difference between codes and ciphers is this. “ Codes substitute arbitrary symbols—typically, letters or numbers—for the components of the original message. Ciphers use algorithms to transform a message into an apparently random string of characters.” Both systems plus some others unique to the inventor were used.  Much work has already been done to extract the intended meaning from the secret writing and I think the solution is imminent, and better now than later. Why?

We are being bombarded with warnings of impending catastrophes mostly due to climate change. We need to do this and that - and stop doing that and this, to reduce the impact of global warming. It seems as though there is no attempt to look elsewhere for solutions other than the old school, tried and trusted laws of physics, which are pretty well established even though they are based on empirical evidence which in general, looks at what is and ignores what might be.

Astoundingly this machine was first exhibited in 1712! It was and is dismissed as fraud, a scam to get money for a fake invention. The inventor, Johann Bessler, spent his entire life trying to get someone to buy the secret of his machine, almost succeeding when Peter the Great, Czar of Russia, decided to purchase the device and was on his way to do so when his plans were interrupted by his sudden death en route.

I have spent most of my spare time over the last fifty or so years researching the life of Bessler and I have absolutely no doubt that his claim to have invented a gravity-enabled wheel was genuine.

All around the world people are studying his books all trying to decipher the codes and discover the secret of replicating his machine. The benefits of this machine today are incalculable.  As I mentioned previously, imagine a world where you could have free electricity from a simple inexpensive machine, day and night, anywhere the world, in both small units for each house, or huge ones to power whole cities.  It would be an example of low technology, being simple build and simple to maintain.

I have been trying to alert the world to this invention since 1996 and now it’s time for it to come to life again and take its place on the world stage and save this planet and all its inhabitant.  Close all fossil fuelled industries, remove their polluting technologies and replace them with Bessler’s Gravitywheel,  and maybe we have a chance to stop global warming.

All of the books in question are available with full English translations from the panel on the right and in the previous blog.  You can read some of the codes I have deciphered at Other of my websites also contain deciphered information are linked at the same right hand panel.


Thursday, 20 June 2024

The Legend of Bessler’s Wheel or the Orffyreus Wheel and the facts.

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine was genuine, I decided to obtain as many verifiable facts pertaining to the legend of Bessler’s wheel as possible.  I believe that my publications below provide a summary of all the information available, but I should mention that I have made considerable progress in deciphering some of the inventor’s coded information, none of this is in the books detailed below, but you visit some of my other websites which give plenty of details.  This information is alluded to several times in his books, but it has taken many years of careful study to make sense of only some of it. Having said that there is considerable speculation about the various ciphers embedded in his works but most are too speculative to accept.

I think that the more we speculate the more confusion we can add. Speculation can be taken as fact and if further ideas are added that can compound the problem. I’m not promoting my books as the ultimate source of information on Bessler because there are so many historical documents which remain unexplored due to their poor condition or because they are lost in numerous private libraries. But for now they provide a quick and easy source of information on Johann Bessler and his perpetual motion machine.

Even though I published my biography of Johann Bessler several years ago, the information in it has not altered, because it is based on old documents written more than 300 years ago. There are new additional facts which need to be added at some point but they are details about his later life and although of interest do not impinge on the history of his perpetual motion machine. There are also Bessler’s own books which he published which cover his life in his own words and provide much information. The only other thing relevant to his story which I didn’t publish are two critiques written by his enemy, Christian Wagner and they are freely available in English at my main website, see below.

What follows is a list of my books, all but my biography were originally produced by Bessler to which I added a full English translation. The books are available in both hard copy and also as a digital PDF file.  The digital file allows easy searches for words and names.

I hope that people will continue to use these books as a source of accurate information in their journey of discovery to find the solution to Bessler’s wheel.

1) “Perpetual Motion: An Ancient Mystery Solved?”  View the synopsis for details of the book’s contents at my web site.  Briefly it is an account taken from of every document relating to Bessler that I could find from files held in museums around the world, researched and translated.

2) “Apologia Poetica”   This was Bessler’s account of his life up until the time of Karl the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel’s patronage. The book contains the original German transcribed into a modern font and includes a full English translation at the rear. I would have preferred to include the original German font but it was in such poor condition that it would have been unreadable. This book contains some allusions to secret codes hidden within the book itself.  

3) “Das Triumphans Perpetuum Mobile “- this was Bessler’s most professionally finished book. It was written in both German and Latin and this edition is a faithful reproduction of the actual pages of the original book. It also includes a full English translation at the rear. A number of drawings are included by the original author and these are said to contain a number of clues as to his machine’s workings.

4) “Gruendlicher Bericht” - this was Bessler’s first publication, ostensibly produced by a friend although I think one can detect Bessler’s handiwork in places. This copy is also in the original German and includes a full English translation at the rear. It also includes the very first drawing which Bessler published and this also contains clues to the way his machine worked.

5) “Maschinen Tractate” - this was found in the Bessler’s possessions after his death, in the form of a number of pages (141) and which contained a message on the front of the volume which stated that he had removed the drawings which depicted how his machine worked but that some one with a penetrating mind could by studying several drawings ultimately discover the secret of its construction. I have reproduced the drawings as they were found.  I included his handwritten notes with the best translation I could obtain, since the writing is very hard to read.

You can also read Christian Wagner’s two critiques of Bessler’s wheel at my main web site.

 Copies of all the above books can be obtained from my web site at 

Books available from    

Alternatively you can use the buttons in the lower part of the right side panel under the heading, ‘My Publications’, which also takes you to a payment page.

There are some excellent additional resources and a forum for discussion at the  

Besslerwheel forum

The best German web site is at

That’s all.  Of course some people prefer to continue their research into perpetual motion machines without referring to Bessler’s own efforts and I respect that, but for those who like to have the information relating to Johann Bessler aka Orffyreus to hand in an easily accessible format, the books detailed above provide a good digital resource.

It is common knowledge that Bessler left a lot of encoded information about how his wheel worked.  I have published a great deal of information about these codes and you read details both here www.the orffyreus and in my previous blogs.


Friday, 14 June 2024

Observations About Johann Bessler and his Codes. Part One and Part Two.


I had planned to provide information about some of my discoveries concerning Bessler’s codes but my plans got disrupted.  Since then I have decided to go more generally into Bessler and his codes.  I believe these observations are accurate and they cover both his personality and his codes. This is part one, hopefully I will publish more of these if only to put them on the forum for discussion or simply information.

I hope this subject might be of interest?  I’m no expert so all the following info gleaned from various google searches.  I think that Bessler  had Asperger’s Syndrome, a development disorder that’s part of the autism spectrum disorder.  People who have this type of autism tend to have a hard time relating to others socially.  Asperger’s is known as a high functioning disorder, meaning it’s not as obvious as other forms of autism.  Asperger’s have problems reading body language and miss cues that are obvious to most people.  They obsess on a particular topic, they exhibit paranoia, but they often have strong verbal skills. In some cases their IQ may be very high, even in the genius range.  They often turn to computer science and apparently many of the best programmers have either Asperger’s syndrome or some of its traits.

Gottfried Leibniz wrote of Bessler, “ Malicious people are trying to get Mr. Orffyreus to think badly of me, particularly as he is of a suspicious nature. I hear that he talks about me in front of the spectators.” In a later letter, Leibniz describes Bessler as his friend, but he has not adapted to the rules of communal life.

These comments support the suggestion of paranoia and social awkwardness similar to Asperger’s.  The obsessive study of perpetual motion is typical of the syndrome and perhaps his higher intellect contributed to his amazing success in solving the puzzle.  His verbal skills were clearly excellent.  But this is just my diagnosis of his personality.

I first attributed Asperger’s to Bessler on reading about the English hacker Gary McKinnon who, in 2002 was accused of penetrating the computers at the Pentagon and  NASA in what was described as the biggest military computer attack of all time. He was seeking anything about UFOs at the time.  He was officially diagnosed as having Asperger’s syndrome and there are a number of similar character traits between the two men.

Of course such obsessions might be suggested as being attached to our own search for the solution that Bessler found?  I’m not qualified to comment!


We are certain in our own minds that Bessler’s claims to have invented, built and demonstrated a genuine perpetual motion machine (PMM).  In his case a PMM is a continuously turning wheel which can also raise heavy weights, turn other wheels or pumps etc.  To be true, it must be enabled by gravity.  The evidence is overwhelming if studied without bias.  

Consider this, if he was genuine then he almost certainly would not have risked his invention being lost to the world after his death.  Indeed he said as much and also wrote in AP, “Those who are keen to ask questions should ask them of this little book.”  He used a well-known code to produce a pseudonym to establish his credentials as being accomplished in the art of ciphers both graphic and textual.   The other point of the encoded pseudonym was designed to hint at further, more complex codes which might provide more detailed information and that is what has happened.

There has been some discussion about whether Bessler used the 24 letter alphabet or the 26 letter one; in my opinion there is no questions he used the 26 letter alphabet.  He was born Elias Bessler, note the inclusion of the letter ‘i.’  Just prior to his first demonstration he added two extra forenames, Johann Ernst, note the addition of the letter ‘j’.  So the letters ‘i’ and ‘j’ are both used.  That fact on its own should settle the argument, but there is much more.

We know he used alphanumerics extensively and J was the tenth letter, E was the fifth letter.  He also used the atbash cipher, so E also became the letter R, and J became W.  Using the 26 letter alphabet R is the 18th letter which fits in with his ubiquitous use of the number 5 and the pentagram.   So J is the tenth letter, but W is the 23rd.  23 doesn’t seem a useful number but Bessler used to draw the letter W in his own special way as two interlocking Roman Vs.  He even managed to find some examples of printers type  arranged as interlocking Vs and used it for his inclusion of Gartner’s name several times in AP.

Why was this important?  I believe it was meant to tell us about the cross.  Note, not the cross-bar, because he uses ‘creuz’ simply translated as ‘cross’.   The letter W with the interlocking Vs includes a perfect cross.  I have said before that this cross is also visible in the scissor mechanisms and it’s clear to me that this is what he meant. In fact the letter W is a highly important part of the mechanism. The several ‘bent’ horizontal bar ‘A’s’  in MT also suggest the scissor mechanisms.  

Bessler deliberately chose the letter ‘J’ in his extra forename to lead via the atbash cipher to the letter ‘W’, and of course to ensure that the correct alphanumerics were applied.

PS I know the idea that Bessler used the 24 letter alphabet has some support, mainly I think because he used 24 numbers in the Merseburg and Weissenstein illustrations, but that number was chosen because he embedded a hidden clock with both pictures.  The reason for the presence of the clock was to hint that the total of the numbers within the picture had to be divided by the twelve hours of the clock.  660 divided by 12 gives 55, another reference to the 5 mechanisms and their interlocked Vs.



Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...