I wonder if it is possible to place a wager on the likelihood of the appearance, in the next twelve months, say, of a gravitywheel? If I am really convinced that I shall succeed in this venture then I suppose I should put my money where my mouth is and wager that I, or some other misguided fool, will indeed produce such a machine and one that works?
Certainly the rewards would be exceptional. I have yet to receive the exact odds available (I have applied for them) but suppose odds of 5000/1 against such a thing happening in the next year were offered; it might persuade me to part with say £50 or even £100 for the promise of upto half a £million!
The history of betting is full of off-the-wall wagers and this is almost respectable by comparison. At least I'm not betting that the earth will be governed by aliens by 2010 or that the Elvis will resurrect next year, which some have bet heavily on!
This wager has a certain attractiveness to it for me because it simplifies the actions under consideration should I succeed in my venture. I could just show the working wheel on youtube and then pocket the winnings from the wager.
No patents to worry about; no contracts to sign to sell the device ; instant availability for anyone with internet access - and of course the publishers would contact me for permission to publish my book instead of the other way around where I have currently papered the walls of my office with rejection letters.
Some may say that giving it away is foolish and I could earn tens of millions but the truth is I don't need millions, (just a couple!)

A blog about Johann Bessler and the Orffyreus Code and my efforts to decipher it. I'll comment on things connected with it and anything I think might be of interest to anyone else.
The ‘Bessler’s Books’ button at the top of the right side panel, will take you to a page giving access to all Bessler’s books. Simply click ‘home’ to come back to my blog.
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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!
The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference. My book titl...
It's not that unlikely. In the 1870s, two inventors, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell, both independently designed devices that c...
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Thats a great idea John ... it solves many things after the succes of building such a device. With all that said, am starting to be really looking forward that you are really up to something ... I have high hopes for your wheel and I do really appriciate your news ;).
ReplyDeleteTake care
John, my father used to say to me, "It's not more need for a thing not to do it,
ReplyDeletethat give it for done" "Before a thing is a whole, it is nothing, and in its beginning to be, it is still very deep in its nothing". Now, you have give your gravity wheel or
another misguided fool's wheel for done, your are thinking in placing a wager in
the appearance of the gravity wheel in the next twelve months, you are also
thinking in the reward, have made a request of the available odds, and are saying
you'd be satisfy with a couple of millions; the wheel will not be done, so the
answer to your question is: "no, you should not bet for anything, instead you
should keep working hard on your project, that it is still very deep in its nothing".
Lucius Anneus.