Sunday 5 July 2009

300 year old code contains solution to global warming and an alternative energy source.

In my previous post I mentioned the likelyhood that Bessler left some kind of instruction or clue on his headstone that would provide help in discovering the secret his wheel. I'm certain that that instruction would lead to the decipherment of the Bessler code. My own research has confirmed that the code holds the information for reconstructing his gravitywheel. I have deciphered much of it but the main text continues to defeat my best attempts.

This is an extraordinary situation, given the state of the oil industry; the increase in global warming and the pollution caused by carbon emissions. It continues to amaze me that this potential solution to these problems is right before our eyes as it has been for almost 300 years and yet the evidence, such as it is, is determinedly ignored by the rest of the world who continue to believe that gravitywheels are impossible.

I could describe the reason why they are possible right here and right now and even those who have refused to reconsider the evidence would be forced to admit that there is no longer any reason to think that such machines would violate the laws of physics. The answer is simple and once understood I think that there would be found many other ways of building gravity wheels that differ from Bessler's.

In anticipation of the questions I will probably receive, such as 'if I'm so certain why don't I publish this explanation here and now', I will explain, again, that I will publish this information as soon as I have completed this final attempt to use my amateur engineering skills to reconstruct the gravity wheel. If I fail then that does not mean my understanding of why such devices do not break the physical laws that bind us is incorrect - it just means that my expertise is not up to the task. In that case I shall share what I know.

The story of Bessler's wheel and the existence of the code reads like a Dan Brown novel, only in this case the truth is stranger than the fiction. The code once deciphered will reveal a new source of energy which can help alleviate many of the problems that we face today. Bessler's wheel will not require the consumption of any fossil fuels, other than, possibly, in its construction; it won't produce any CO2 nor any other toxic substances; its proliferation will reduce the need for the traditional form of electricity generation thus accelerating the decrease in CO2 emissions and helping to counter the increase in global warming.

The technology is so simple that vast numbers of people will be able to build or buy home-based electricity generators producing sufficient for their domestic needs - free. The poorer nations of the world will benefit the most but of course their voice is the least heard; on the other hand, given the growing clamour from the wealthy nations to find an alternative form of producing electricity which doesn't require us to burn fossil fuels nor produce nuclear fuels which cannot be neutralised, you might think that someone somewhere with the necessary contacts and funds might just reconsider the evidence that Bessler's wheel was genuine and realize that here was a potential solution.

What fame and fortune might accrue to such a person! I don't need the fame nor the fortune - just the solution. Where are the entrepreneurs who see opportunities where the rest of us see problems?


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...