Sunday 13 December 2009

Yin yang, Tesla and Bessler.

In 1997, I wrote about the principle of yin and yang in my biography of Johann Bessler. I argued that it had very little provenance and yet it was widely revered as a philosophy. I know this word, provenance, is usually attributed to paintings and describes records or documents authenticating them or the history of their ownership, but I was trying to describe the odd lack of explanation of its origin and development. I am fully aware of the philosophy behind this important symbol and have read a number of theses on the subject but there is absolutely nothing which explains its derivation or origins and I suggested that perhaps it derived from a design for an actual machine - many eons ago, as the SciFi books say. This is not the place to enlarge on my theory but suffice to say that all references to yin and yang include descriptions of various kinds of energy and that and the lack of provenance was the basis for my idea.

I went on to compare the yin yang design with the design of the Savonius Rotor, but subsequently I felt that there was too little substance to add to my suppositions on this matter to pursue it and I had more or less dismissed any thought of further research from my mind - other than using the device as my avatar on - until today. Imagine my surprise to discover a link between yin and yang, something I call Bessler's principal and a diagram by Tesla. I don't wish to reveal anything more at this stage but I cannot help but marvel at the strange circuity of events that we encounter in a more or less haphazard manner throughout our lives, which seem to have a connection, however nebulous. I don't use the word circuity in its implied sense of a roundabout way of doing something, but more in the sense of a circuitous connection between two or three apparently disparate events which seem to add up in the same way that two plus two equals four.

I don't think I'm a gullible fan of mysteries and the so-called suppressed inventions, so I try to treat gossip and rumour ,with a generous helping of salt, as unsubstantiated and prefer to work out the truth myself where possible, but I once saw a sketch which was reputed to have been drawn by Tesla which, he apparently said, showed the shape that all energy derived from. There were some similarities to the yin-yang symbol. I have been unable to locate any copies of this sketch although I have looked from time to time and its possible that I have a copy in my Bessler archives somewhere. I shall endeavour to find it and will post it here if I'm successful - or someone else locates it and sends me a copy. How reliable the information is that Tesla did really draw this sketch, I don't know, but at least it makes an interesting coincidence if nothing else - and I can confirm there does seem to be a link between the yin yang symbol and Bessler's wheel.



  1. I predict failure and the biggest fall from grace in this field ever (bigger than Steorn)- a reputation shattered and unrecoverable. A mighty Bessler champion humbled and the entire potential Bessler legacy damaged - No pressure!

  2. Well thank you anonymous! Somehow I don't think I can fall as far as Steorn, never having spent a penny on advertising unlike them. I predict success and a reputation enhanced and Bessler's legacy legitimised, but then I would. ;-)


  3. I liken the borders of known science to a precipice; deep and black and filled with the unknown.
    Its rim is where knowledgeable men of cowardice wait, to sneer at those who have the bottle to leap into its depths, whilst secretly harbouring a yearning to follow. But the truth of the matter is, we need these people. Science needs these people. Without them, we would still be dying by the million of common ailments. With out this leap of faith, we would not be able to dive into the deep ocean or take to the skies. We wouldn’t be able to drive faster than sound, obtain heat from an atom, or play golf on the moon.

    John, by your very belief, you attract the sceptics, just as Bessler did. But only you can take it on the chin with calm dignity; not stooping to the secret anchoring of the false doubters.

    You just carry on as you are; a true visionary, a real life Dan Brown; filled with ambition and hope, and one day; just one day, the critics will fall silent; as they always do.

  4. John,

    I read your book a years ago and love it. Lately I must confess you are getting me worried with the coding stuff. My opinion is that Bessler had absolutely no intention to leave clues, and lied for a good cause. The lie was not that of perpetual motion, which I am convinced was real, but all misguiding details he left in his writings.

    Anyway, I do have one question for you, which you may answer at your own discretion. Are you still of the opinion that gravity alone is the principal cause of motion?

  5. Thank you for your kind support anon @19.59.

    Anon@20.41 - Am I still of the opinion that gravity alone is the principle cause of motion? Yes, obviously we are discussing Bessler's wheel. I understand how it works and gravity is the first cause of it's motion. What follows includes other forces but without gravity there would be no initial motion and the other forces could not come into play.


  6. Don't concern yourself about the codes, anon@20.41. They are real and this will be proved when a working wheel is finally built and it conforms precisely to the codes that you know and some that you don't yet know of.


  7. So what has happened to "releasing before the end of the year whether finished or not" promise. Or are the words of a man meaningless these days?

  8. I'll release it when I'm ready anon@08.45. My words were not meaningless - time just passed too quick.

  9. Thanks for spitting in our faces John.

    We followed your blog with big amazement but after almost a year we realised we were fools for following a self deluded fool.

    Sorry, this mistake won't happen again.

  10. I'm sorry you feel that way anon 13.26. I'm working hard to fulfill my commitments, but life has a way of interfering with ones plans. My intention is as ever, to finish the construction as soon as I can, hopefully before the end of the year as promised, and if the build fails I will release all information as promised.


  11. I don't believe what I read, why anons are bashing you John... They don't lift their little fingers and come here crying.. WTF!?

  12. I really feel you are on to something great here, John. Hang in there and keep up the good work! And... Merry Christmas!

  13. Thanks guys and a Merry Christmas to you all. I'm looking forward to 2010 - I have a feeling its going to be a helluva ride!


  14. Hello John,

    I am a retired electrical engineer, and dedicate most of my time to the most unusual alternative energy ideas. One of your followers got my attention to your work a few months ago and I also got your book.
    As soon as I saw Bessler's wheel photos in your book I immediately noticed the familiarity with one of my experimental working prototype.

    Reading your posts in here, and on Bessler's forum I am not sure whether you arrived at the correct solution - we shall know soon. I honestly wish you luck and want to let you have the honour of being the first one to replicate his work. If you do not succeed in the next 6 months I shall contact you to have a look at a working wheel (no bullshit). The wheel may not save the planet in the way you think, but taken to production level, it should definitely reduce carbon emissions. The science involved is very interesting, and as you say no physics laws are contradicted.
    Since you do not know me yet, you will probably ignore this post, but still, here are some suggestions for you (sort of my Christmas present to you and all those interested) :

    1. All there is to know is NOT ecrypted in codes. Decrypted codes make sense after you find the principle but are not a requirement.
    2. You should understand why Bessler called himself a mathematician, understand his mathematics, and the science it is referring to. Personally I would refer to him as a scientist.
    3. The prime mover need not be inside the wheel, although he preferred to hide it within it.
    4. Pin point what was so important for Bessler in organ making.
    5. A good dose of lateral thinking is required.
    6. Before constructing a wheel, you should test the driving horse for one complete cycle, if you cannot do this, you're simply wasting your time.
    7. A carpenter boy can easily replicate the unidirectional wheel. You seem to be in trouble with this one. Let me assure you, that a 12 year old child with not much practical experience can, with todays equipment and off the shelf parts, finish a working wheel in a couple of days.
    8. Do not ignore Wagner's rantings.
    9. Is it really a wheel? The answer in NO.

    I think you are right, 2010 will be a hell of a ride for Bessler's followers, just do not get discouraged by failures, each failure will teach you something new.

    Best of luck & Merry Christmas to all friends,


  15. Thanks for the support Xavier. I personally find the encrypted codes extremely helpful, particularly once you have the basic principle.

    I am satisfied that I have arrived at the correct solution, as any one would agree if they were shown it, so I guess if you know it then you will understand why I say that.

    I do think the wheel will reduce carbon emissions enormously and if that doesn't save the planet then the problem is not man-made (and I personally doubt that it is.)

    No need to wait six months, although that is generous of you, I plan to finish this prototype before the end of this year, or very early next.

    Xavier, I don't ignore anybody, too many have ignored me over the years.

    For me the prime mover has to be inside the wheel. I don't know why anyone would put it anywhere else?

    I believe that I understand why organ making was important.

    No it is not necessary, in my opinion, to test the driving horse for one complete cycle, in my design the driving horse could not complete one cycle - but perhaps if I cannot do this, I'm simply wasting my time?

    Perhaps I'm too slow Xavier, I understand the design completely but there is more to this than simply copying a design before one's eye. In my case, even though I have the complete design, there are variables which have to be worked out and the pieces cannot simply be thrown together and expected to work.

    No, sorry Xavier, I ignore Wagner's rantings. Is it really a wheel? Yes undeniably.

    I never get discouraged by failure, I learn and start again, but thanks for the encouragement.

    Please don't take my response the wrong way. I have enjoyed our little discussion and I appreciate your comments, but I have my own way of doing this and I make mistakes and get my estimates of finishing dates utterly wrong but I will get there and that's a fact;-)


  16. xavier, thank you for sharing your pointers.
    i find 3,4,6,8 very interesting, though 9 is
    baffling to me a little. but not much, i enjoy
    the thought process this one gives me.
    what are your plans regarding your wheel, and
    most importantly, where can we read more about it
    when the time has come?

  17. Hi Greg,

    The plan is to show how Bessler made it turn for all those days, without using compressed air, springs, weights, etc... and most of all using 18th century materials. One can arrive to his secret much easily through research than by going through what's left of evidence, even though John has done an excellent job in gathering what was scattered around in various docs. Research was the way I arrived at it, even though my kind of research is not exactly what you find in standard physics textbooks. But first we'll follow John for a couple of months, as I suspect he still has a few more clues to find.

    Kind Regards,

  18. Xavier is a moron.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...