Monday, 28 December 2009

More cold, and a cold.

Well I shouldn't be criticised for having good intentions but even the safest-seeming plans can suddenly become too hard to accomplish - they can go astray at nature's whim. Only days ago I believed the cold snap was over. Soon I would be back in my workshop to finish my final prototype (as I like to think of it); Christmas day followed with all the glad familial diversions it brings; more of the same on Boxing Day, to recover and then the freezing temperatures returned and I awoke with a throat that felt as if broken fingernails were wripping it apart! A fresh fall of snow of some 8 inches is forecast and it looks though my plans have been scuppered again!

It is only just over a year (November 5th) since I had a large portion of my right lung removed to rid me of a small benign tumour. I asked if I needed to take any precautions after my surgery and was told "no, just steer clear of infections"; I saide "OK - for how long?" "For ever" was the response.

So = now I have an infection and I have to keep warm - what a "*^$-8:/><*!"

I have finished my 'paper' on the workings of the gravitywheel and I'm ready to go public but just let me try to complete this final fiasco first ! (I love alliterations - in fact I find 'front'-rhymes fascinatingly fortuitous. The repetitive rearrangement of rhyming rear-end rhymes rate rather less rewardingly for reasons I realize are probably personal.)

I'll be back as soon as possible, confidence is sky high!



  1. John, honestly you can never be late with this quest. Its already 300 years late, even year or two more doesnt make a difference :)

    I do hope for your succes, and if it is asking for more time, than let it be. It took you soo much time and resources that you dont have to ask anybody for a bit of delay. For others which will do make preassure on you, what counts at the end is only the results.

    Take care, and when you would feel its right time to disclose what you find out than it will be the right time.

    Best wishes,


  2. John, I always get very excited reading your posts here. Knowing the day is getting closer that you will show us what you have found.

    I hope you get better soon. Without being too drammatic, I just wanted to say be careful because Tuberculosis is on the rise so if you have any doubts about your health get proper treatment.

    As always best of luck,


  3. Hi John,

    I have been following your progress for a long time and I wish you all the best in your endeavours. I am with Damian on this one and feel the excitement rising as the time approaches to information release day!

    On this note, what was the first clue that you deciphred and how did you go about it?

    I wish you a speedy recovery.


  4. Speedy recovery is far more inportant now than speedy publication, John. Hang in there, get better soon! Although I personally can't wait to hear about your invention, your health is more important.

  5. Well thanks guys! I'm lousy at making predictions but I should have either the working wheel or the details of it published very soon.


  6. i wish you a speedy recovery john! it sure sucks the
    weather this year, never had it so "extreme" since im


  7. John, I'm a late arrival to this but the seeds were planted 50 years ago when I first read about Bessler's Wonderful Wheel in Frank Edwards book Strangest of All. A friend recently gave me an old paperback copy of the book and I immediately began looking for the story about the wheel. The reason for my memory of this one story is obvious. The idea of a gravity wheel is so tantalizing to anyone with a curious mind.

    I have grown to love the internet for the ability to find answers to any thought that jumps into your mind. I recently began keeping a little notebook with me so that if I think of something, I can write it down and not forget it later when I get to my computer.

    When I read about Bessler's wheel again the other day, I immediately became re-obsessed with the idea of a gravity wheel. I started up my computer and spent the last 2 days trying to get a grip on all that is currently going on with gravity wheel progress.

    It boggles the mind so, trying to figure out ways to cheat the fact that "what goes down, must come up". This of course applies to the weights that pull the wheel into motion. How do you reroute them to circumvent their inevitable wheel-stopping path back up? I think of holes they can fall through, or geometric shapes that route them to the center of the wheel on the upswing so they don't cause gravity to work against the wheel.

    If you have truly figured out something that works, I wish you all the luck in the universe that you succeed in building it. Sure the world needs this now, but I think people need it in another, even more profound way. It rekindles faith in man that we can co-exist with the forces of nature in a partnership. It gives us faith that our minds can lead us out of the danger and back to where utopia and world peace are possible. If energy bacame free and unbounded, I believe it could lead us to a new level of existance together. Strife might end and suffering may eventually be conquered.

    Then again, maybe we will all just have another cool toy to marvel at. In any case, I hope with all my heart you succeed!!!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

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