Friday, 15 January 2010

Gravitywheels for Reactionless Drives?

I'm probably going to be accused of jumping the gun because no such device currently exists, however I, a least, am confident that a reconstruction of a working Bessler wheel is almost upon us, in which case the following speculation might be of interest.

If I am right in my thinking, I believe that the simple fact that Bessler's wheel, or gravitywheel, is a real device then it should be possible to employ, say, an electric motor which can be used to drive it, taking over the role from gravity. What possible reason might one have for doing such a thing? A gravity wheel depends for its power on the force of gravity and what it does is convert the linear force of gravity into a rotational force. If we then apply power to the same device, forcing it to rotate, we should be able to obtain linear thrust, creating a linear propulsion engine or reactionless drive.

This is a well-known characteristic of many mechanical devices. An electric motor is also an electric generator. In its simplest terms you can turn the coil to produce an electric current or you can apply an electric current and turn the coil. So how could we use this potential inertial thruster?

Such a mechanical arrangement has been sought for years for space ship drives. Currently the options are limited to rocket power, although antimatter drives are being researched because it is reckoned to be the most potent fuel known. While 15 tons of chemical fuel were burnt per second to propel a rocket-powered human mission to the moon, just a few tens of milligrams of antimatter will send a ship to Mars, but imagine how much simpler the research would be, and cheaper, if a technique based on a gravity wheel configuration was available.

There are many other potential uses for such a machine and I'm sure that once a working gravitywheel is verified, the floodgates will open and a torrent of new ideas will come pouring out all based on the simple principle of a gravitywheel.

The employment prospects allied to this invention are probably higher than anything else ever invented.



  1. All that, and the potential for real freedom for all mankind. Low or even near-zero energy cost will literally liberate the world from the iron chains of fossil fuels en rogue states. Progress in almost every way imaginable will be possible - blooming deserts, cleaning up the environment overnight. The possibilities are almost endless. A working gravity wheel would be of monumental importance, like the discovery of fire. So hang in there, John, and don't give up ;)

  2. - followed by overpopulation- which means, land-grabing, deforestation and extinctions. There are simply too many of us around already, and most of those folks are really irritating!

  3. Wow Dicksian, that's a pessimistic view! As Andre says, the desert will bloom; how many millions of desert miles have we currently? A quick google reveals the following; -

    "True deserts cover about 14 percent of the world's land area, or about 8,000,000 square miles (20,800,000 square kilometers). Another 15 percent of the Earth's land surface possesses some desertlike characteristics. Most deserts lie near the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn, two lines of latitude lying about 25 degrees from the equator."

    That seems to me to be potential living areas for all that overpopulation you are concerned about.

    But you're right we also need some system to slow down population growth but that's a separate issue.


  4. Andre your naiveness is childlike. The world will not be liberated by mere existance of technology or else it would have been long before you were born. The world is gripped by control freaks who have studied human behaviour and know more about you and your behaviours than you will ever know about yourself.

    If people do not realize this and ignore this, they will be hit hard and fast, before they realize anything. They will fall faster than Icarus.

    If you don't play game you will be discarded and trust me it's as easy as pushing a button for these men behind the curtains.

    This is why this type of technology not only has to be fully exposed but has to also come with enlightenment so the people understand they have been part of an illusion for centuries under rulers whom never show their faces.

    Don't be naive John, if you underestimate the hidden force that you are up against you and everyone around you will regret it.

  5. I would say, dear Anon, based on documented history, that technology has already given us many more freedoms, added quality of life and much improved living standards than people used to have, say, 150 years ago. Nothing naive or childlike about that, just fact. Of course technology can be used for good or evil purposes, but that has been true from the moment Homo Sapiens understood that a rock can be used to cut the dialy catch as well as a weapon. Control freaks only have control because we allow them, with centralized control and supply structures. So to make sure everybody can benefit from (new) technology such as this, it has to be open-sourced - which is exactly what John is planning. Also, there's nothing naive nor childlike about trusting someone with a excellent track record like John. As for not playing game: I'm one of those. It has given me unprecedented freedom and possibilities. Nobody scares me, nobody controls me or my life. The secret? Use the freedoms technology has given us against them. And thanks to people like John, their control will be even less. Once it's out in the open, that will be fact.

  6. First of all John has achieved nothing yet compared to ocuntless inventors in the past who have but somehow never made it mainstream.

    Second of all John is not planning to open source afaik. I recall a blog post mentioning going under the radar after succes untill a patent is granted.

    Thirdly, you have nothing that the current power elite fear so you are a worthless human. To state you have no fear is thus ignorant. Unless you become a threat you will be left alone in the illusion of freedom and democracy.

  7. Amazing, what briliant onclusions and stunning insight you are able to distill from essentially nothing. Do you also walk on water, perhaps only on Sundays? John will disclose - read his posts. John has already accomplished much - obiously far more than you know. And, dear poor sad Anon, your sorry ad hominem attacks only confirm your lack of real arguments. Go troll someplace else. Or try Prozac.

  8. The truth is sometimes hard to digest.

  9. wow, your extrapolation is very clever, I had never considered that. Very interesting!

  10. John.

    When I can oder you NEW book , full with hints :)

    Bookbookbookbookbookbookbookbook ? ? ?


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