Saturday 22 May 2010

Use it or lose it

Here's a quick update. The situation at present is this. I've just received a signed NDA from Pete Clarke and we have yet to arrange a meeting to discuss our alternative designs and, I hope, take the first steps toward constructing a wheel according to my (Bessler's) design. Pete leads a hectic life and it may be some weeks before we get together and make some progress. In the mean time I am continuing to try to build my own proof of principle wheel and maybe I won't need Pete's help if I can finish it successfuly in the next few days.

I'm also writing up my research and this is time-consuming because I need to describe my theory and show why it will work without compromising the laws of physics (which I can do). I am also providing supporting evidence from the descriptions of witnesses as well as Bessler's own words. But in addition I am citing as confirmation that my design matches Bessler's almost exactly by including my decoding of Bessler's many many clues, most which I have not published so far, because they are too revealing!

I am a sudoku addict and have been for three or four years because I find that it stimulates my thought processes. According to Ronald Kotulak, a Pulitzer prize-winning author, mental training in old age can boost intellectual power, and help maintain mental functions like problem solving, and also reverse memory decline. He reckons that even if they haven't received the benefits of good early education and experience, older adults can still do much to keep their brains in shape. That's my experience too. My powers of recall had faded significantly but recently there has been some improvement. [Ronald Kotulak. "Inside the Brain: Revolutionary Discoveries of How the Mind Works" (Kansas City, Mo.: Andrews McMeel Publishing, 1997)].

Marilyn Albert, a Harvard University neurologist and director of gerontology research at Massachusetts General Hospital, studied more than 1,000 people ages 70 to 80. She found that both physical and mental factors seem to determine which elders hold on to their intellects. Key elements revealed in the study were education, which appears to increase the number and strength of synaptic connections; strenuous activity, which improves blood flow to the brain; lung function, which ensures that the blood is adequately oxygenated; and the feeling that what people do makes a difference in their lives.

Kotulak quoted Albert, "Is mental exercise important for the brain? People used to ask me that years ago, and I would say we don't have enough data one way or another. I don't say that anymore. I tell them that's what the data look like: Use it or lose it.

So as well as researching Bessler's wheel, doing sudoku, acrostik crosswords and reading, I cycle for roughly an hour each day; I used to run, and have done four London marathons and competed in numerous smaller events, but acquired a prolapsed disc about four years ago which prevents my running. I have designed an amazing machine with which I hope to cure my disc problem but lack of money and time means its on the back-burner 'til I get this wheel going. I believe that the mental stimulation I get and intensive excercise will keep my mind alert and functioning for at least as long as the body does -well I hope so anyway. ;-)

Of course I'm only 65, a relative youngster, but it's as well to try to keep everything working to the best of its ability.

The thing about sudoku is this; when you 'discover' the next number, you get this mental kick, which spurs you on to the next one. The 'discovery' is 'rewarded' with a quick shot of dopamine. This is the 'jolt' that induces euphoria and combines the initial reward and subsequent reinforcement. Over time and with repeated exposure, these jolts initiate the gradual adaptations in the reward circuitry that give rise to addiction. Which is why I'm addicted to sudoku!

But I think that this is related to the addiction we Besslerfiles get when we think we have 'discovered' the secret. It does not matter that in due course we find we were mistaken; the 'jolt' has already been received and we seek another one and that is why we continue to research this 'science'. It's the same mechanism that causes people to become drug addicts, but in our case it may turn out to be a beneficial addiction.



  1. Who is Pete Clarke? Why are we supposed to know this in advance?

  2. How difficult can it possibly be to write up the solution? All it needs is a couple of diagrams, since the solution is apparently so simple that a carpenter's boy could understand and build it, after seeing it.
    Why do you need to write up anything? Bessler didn't need to explain anything, his wheel spoke for itself.

    Just more delaying tactics. What did your second from last blog post say? "I'll publish and probably be damned".

    If you have a solution, THE solution, it would be easy to see in a simple diagram.

    The members of the BesslerWheel forum post up pictures of their ideas all the time, without the need for months of paperwork to 'explain' them. Their solutions are shown to be wrong, without any paperwork or copious explanations from the inventors.
    What's so different about your solution? Either it works, and obviously works, or it doesn't.

    If it's Bessler's wheel, then anybody with an ounce of mechanical knowledge should be able to immediately SEE how it works, without any explanation needed.

    So who is Pete Clarke? How are people who haven't read every single blog post of yours supposed to know who he is, and why it's important to your discovery, that he has signed an NDA agreement?

  3. never heard of soduku but i bet you'd get better results from imbibing a liter of bourbon and checking out whats working in the cribs . thats all the dophamine ya need .


  4. I quite agree with John that if a person does create a working wheel (after years of effort) then they will want to spend a month writing up a paper explaining the physics behind it. Otherwise you will be just the yocal that stumbled upon PM, while the scientist that first creates the formulas that everybody will use forever after will have his name put in every text book. F=m*a is synonymous with Newton, but it's really Galileo's thought. e=mc2 is all Einstein, but before that, scientist were working with m = 4/3 E/c2. Close, but used by anyone, therefore unremembered.
    If you make the formula that people use, then people will remember you. If your not interested in the fame, then I guess this doesn't apply. I think though that anybody that actually figures PM out will want to be remembered for with formula that future generations are going to use rather than the sidebar caption.
    Not only that, but It often saves a lot of time because doing so (in my case) may only prove that the idea is not feasible and no amount of tinkering will make it work. Then you can say with finality that this idea will not work and move on. (You tinkerers who don't work out the math and spends years working on one concept may not agree because you're still in denial ;-)

  5. Sorry for mentioning Pete Clarke but there you go, I've mentioned him again!

    More delaying tactics, anon? To what end?

    Hi Doc.


  6. "I quite agree with John that if a person does create a working wheel (after years of effort) then they will want to spend a month writing up a paper explaining the physics behind it. Otherwise you will be just the yocal that stumbled upon PM, while the scientist that first creates the formulas that everybody will use forever after will have his name put in every text book."

    Yes, sure, that figures...
    Excuse after excuse.
    So I presume that nobody remembers the Wright Brothers, because they didn't explain the physics behind flight before actually flying?

    Who is Pete Clarke? Delaying tactics? To what end? To avoid having to reveal your non-working solution, that's to what end, obviously.

  7. "If you make the formula that people use, then people will remember you."

    Mr Umez, your entire post is an attempt to deny reality... nobody remembers who came up with the formula for flight, etc.etc. they remember the INVENTORS. If John's wheel works, that is all that matters. Still, it's very entertaining watching you people come up with pathetic excuse after pathetic excuse, for why John isn't revealing his 'solution'...

    So who is Pete Clarke? I am still none the wiser. Are all newcomers to this blog expected to read every single post back into the mists of time, in order to find out who he is, and why he is important to Bessler's wheel?

  8. Well, Anon, it's also very entertaining watching you come up with pathetic rant after pathetic rant, offering nothing but insults and FUD. If you don't like anything of what John's doing, then why are you so extremely interested in his every move? Since you know for certain he doesn't have a solution, why do you keep spewing your irrational diatribes here? Nothing can convince you anyway - you already have all the answers. So, your Highness, please just ignore us, like we mere mortals deserve.

    There is, however, something completely correct in your post: the fact that you are none the wiser. And you'll never be, even if we would lock you up in a rotating, working wheel. You'd probably insist that you are the secret ingredient making it spin.

  9. You guys! Do you really think that even if John has a working wheel,he is going to show it. I don't think so. His first priority will be to secure remuneration after all the hard work he has invested in it.

  10. Of course, Trevor. But isn't it amusing to see an anonymous person getting completely riled up over... an anonymous person?

  11. More ad hominem rubbish from Andre...
    Go and study 'logical fallacies' then come back and post something useful.
    I see that you couldn't rebut my rebuttal to the rubbish that Mr Umez said...
    John doesn't have a working solution, so he doesn't have the solution. If it worked, he would have been able to build it easily...


    See how all those people built allegedly working wheels, over a hundred and fifty years ago? Imagine how much better the technology is today, compared to then, yet John can't even build a model of his solution.

    That tells you everything you need to know.

  12. From the page above:
    "It is a simple wheel, runs on gudgeons, and is independent of any outside spring, weight, or power, as a propeller. On the same axle on which the metal wheel is fixed, is a band wheel, on which a band runs over a small pulley that drives a small circular saw. Set it on a table and remove the brake, and it will start itself and run with great velocity, driving the saw. It is the simplest thing in the world, though I cannot intelligibly describe it; but it is at once understood by the beholder."

    Sound familiar?

    "It will not, nay cannot, stop without a brake, as it is so fixed by means of balls and arms, that the descending side of the wheel is perpetually further from the center of motion than the opposite ascending. The most incredulous beholder here is at once convinced, on seeing it, that a wheel can be make its own motive power."

    But I expect the same cannot be said of John's 'solution', which apparently requires a scientific paper to be written, to convince the eventual observers of this incredible device...

  13. To put it even more succinctly - John's behaviour is exactly what you would expect of somebody who DOESN'T have the solution... publicising it for months, yet never actually revealing what it is, because it doesn't work.
    I would love to be proved wrong, but I doubt I will.

  14. Anon 23 MAY 2010 10:04, I think the Wright Brothers would not be as known in history if Wilbur did not defend their patent to the death. Langley, perhaps, would have taken their place.

    I do not blame John for wanting to get his proof paperwork in order first. However, I think since (in his own words) he works alone, he has missed the error of his ways, but we will see. That is where Pete Clarke is supposed to come in. He is the guy that will help John build a (working) prototype, since he hasn't managed to yet.

    I just hope John does not develop gangrene on his foot lolly!

  15. Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur. Being loud, nasty and verbose doesn't make you more clear, Anon 16:40.

  16. "loud"? How? Oh, I see... proving you wrong is being "loud, nasty and verbose".

    Nice try.

    So far you have acted like nothing more than a cult member. You defend John's lack of production of his solution at any cost, making up the most ridiculous excuses.

    His solution doesn't work. How did all those people in the 1800s manage to produce allegedly working wheels, yet John can't produce one in the 21st century? How difficult can it be?

  17. Whenever the claimant needs some endorfins(sp), he writes about his discovery, repeats all the claims of certain knowledge, just to get some of you idiots to cheer.
    He's done nothing but self-promote from day one.
    Recommend that all of us refer to him as "claimant", since that is all his self-promoting does--makes unsubstantiated claims.

  18. Hi..Can anyone figure out a very vital clue in every posts that JC sir makes at It's in the logo. Inverted twin Fish like thing, one fish black and the other white...Am I right JC sir???

    This should be sufficient to convince any skeptic that our invincible JC sir is not any different from the great legend Bessler himself. Look very carefully with your discerning eyes..You will definitely understand it..I don't want to stress more here for it will not only be more revealing if not exposing but also I wouldn't be doing any justice to our respected JC sir..

    Annons..pull up your sockes and start to realise now the importance of JC sir. He has very many clues up his sleeves.

    I also quite agree with many annons that JC sir doesn't have working solution to bessler wheel...It is just because he hasn't yet refined it..he needs to sort it out that's all. I mean its just like as if he has solved the entire puzzle but just needs one vital last arrangement. I think it is in the lever design...Oh.. I hope I am not revealing more again...

    I expect you annons agree with me and remain optimistic and also just stop annoying our wonder that is JC sir, who is going to contribute more than anyone else to the development of the world's eighth wonder. It really takes time to build anything, especially outstanding monuments, things, etc,...

  19. I shall have to wait for publication in order to demonstrate why Bessler's wheel has proved so difficult (impossible?) to replicate. I have tried to explain this before on more than one occasion.

    Knowing and understanding the principle by which it operates is not enough on its own. I believe the dream that Bessler reported which gave him renewed enthusiasm for his task was the understanding of the principle. But how to bring it into play to produce a working wheel proved more difficult and took him a long time to achieve. I have a considerable advantage thanks to Bessler's clues and despite the various anon's outspoken views (or is there just one?)that I don't have the solution, in fact I do and shall prove it very soon, if not through a working wheel then through a description of how I arrived at my personal conviction that I have the answer.


  20. I was in hysterics at Anon's sudden reaction to the knighthood of Sir John Collins,it brightened my day.!

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I am new to this forum, but it seems that there are two camps of people; those people with names that agree with John's actions, and those without that think that he should just publish all his work right away. Now I am when it comes down to it, a greedy selfish person that would love to be the one that discovers and patents a PM device. In order to do that successfully I would have to explain scientifically how it works so that my patent claims would prevent people smarter than myself making a better version after and patenting it with stronger claims. Secondly, I wouldn't publish anything relating to it before a patent because that can ruin your attempts to get one. In many countries, once the information is public, you can not patent it. In North America, it is unpatentable one year after you publicly show or publish information about it.
    Now I would love to read all of John's research and have him publish, but I think only a completely altruistic soul, or a total idiot would go to the press. Those who don't understand that and are badgering John to publish, likewise have to be one or the other. I myself wouldn't publish anything unless I had totally given up on making a working model myself. To expect John to do so would be childish of me. I think it's funny how these nameless people are hanging around like beggars looking for a free handout. Well 'get a job' and once you understand the value of doing years of work yourself, then maybe you will come back and have the courage and maturity to actually use some kind of name.

  23. Mr Umez. What will you do the day free plans are posted of a simple free energy device. Will you eat our hat, shit it out and eat it again and then build it and use it? Ever heard of open source software? Yeah that thing that's free and still manages to survive. I bet you have illegal software which you didn't pay, where there's an open source alternative for, on your pc right now.

    People like you are what is called the old generation. You apply old concept to new things, and when someone proposes a new thing you are so terrified of it you go into mental block mode. This is why FE inventors have failed for more than a century now. But go ahead be an idiot and repeat the same mistakes many did before you, because you are the "one" right? But in truth only doom and misery will await you.

    I work and share with all my heart because mankind should not be greedy especially when it concerns advancing it. If you don't agree stay away but please don't preach us on how beautiful it is to earn money just because you have failed to produce anything in years.

    FREE ENERGY is more than patenting and control grips. It's about breaking the chains of oppression and showing mankind can shine. The only reason why you would want money is to build an open R&D facility for this kind of field where all ideas are welcome and where any monetary gained is put back fully into the center. Any activity at this facility is completely open to the public. No dogma no rules in research.

    If you don't agree stay away. Greed will meet its end soon.

  24. This is starting to look more and more like a pissing contest. It's absurd. There's no point to any of that. I think it's extremely clear from his own repeated statements that John will publish when he chooses to do so, and he's completely right as he's the one who's doing the work, and investing time, money, and resources. We are merely following his work and efforts, some (like me) with (in my opinion) justified enthusiasm, others constantly whining, sobbing and insulting and demanding immediate disclosure. I am actually amazed they don't demand a all-expenses-paid 5-star hotel room to go with it. Even a baboon can comprehend that it's completely unrealistic to demand disclosure at OUR discretion. We don't decide that, we don't have any rights. None whatsoever. John will decide the right time, not us freeloaders. In the meantime, try to be supportive and enthusiastic about this fantastic initiative, for a change. Or have some prozac.

  25. UTOPIA? Unfortunately impossible.

  26. Andrew, what your long and drawn out post essentially says is "I want to believe that JC has the solution, but I don't have any faith in my own beliefs, so please all shut up and stop talking sense."

    As for the idea that we should hold JC in high regard because of his ALLEGED solution, that is ridiculous.

    We have no idea whether he has a solution or not. The evidence of the past tells us that he hasn't. He doesn't need to patent it. How could he possibly implement such a patent, when anybody can build their own wheel once the secret is revealed?
    He doesn't need to publish any explanation or formula either, as soon as he has a working wheel, he can go on Youtube, and then go round various TV stations and get paid millions for exlusive rights to interviews and explanations, and a feature film. It's not as if nobody knows about his research into Bessler's wheel.
    As for your ridiculous comments about "I am actually amazed they don't demand a all-expense-paid 5 star hotel room to go with it" - nobody is demanding disclosure, we are saying - put up, or shut up. I have no reason to believe that John has the solution, because I have seen hundreds of 'solutions' excitingly revealed at the forum, and none of them worked...

  27. that I don't have the solution, in fact I do and shall prove it very soon, if not through a working wheel then through a description of how I arrived at my personal conviction that I have the answer.


    JC sir, You must prove it through a working wheel otherwise the world will hesitate to accept it. This happened with bessler despite having a working wheel. You can do it...I am confident..pls be free to discuss any bottleneck that you may be facing...we will support you in all the possible way.

  28. Ah, to have the fiery passion of the young liberal fanatic! Kerob is correct in saying I am old generation thinking. Before trying to drop this issue, I would like to offer something to ponder. Who is more greedy and selfish; those that think John should receive the benefits of his work, or those that think he should share it with them for free (or the low price of $40).
    I could easily leave because I'm not here demanding answers. I'm here seeking the 'company of rivals'. We are all looking for the the holy grail of PM. We all think we have a piece of the treasure map. We all want to be the first to find it. Sometimes we even share tidbits of knowledge, but only with people of our choosing. It is very exciting when you think about it. Why am I here if I don't intend on sharing all my ideas? Well, just because we are rivals doesn't mean we can't enjoy each others' company. Going around thinking we have the solution is acceptable behavior in the PM club (if checked with modesty). Going around demanding others to explain their solution is just rude. These are the unwritten rules of the game that 'make it fun for everyone!' (Yes, life is just a game, now play nice)


    John. Use this !

  30. @Mr Umez: I kind of feel sorry for you. Rather than accepting change you avoid it. It's interesting that you didn't comment on how any open source project can survive and in a lot of cases thrive. But hey if you don't understand it then you have to hate it right? You will fit right in the NWO my friend. COMPETE CHEAT KILL.

  31. "Seven of the weights are descending while one weight is ascending."

    Therein lies the answer.

    Mr.Umez said "Who is more greedy and selfish; those that think John should receive the benefits of his work, or those that think he should share it with them for free (or the low price of $40)."

    You must have been living in a cave for the past fifty years. If John has the solution, and puts up a Youtube video of himself showing the solution, then that will spread like wildfire, via e-mail, all over the planet, and everybody will know who he is, and that HE discovered the secret. He will have journalists from all over the planet knocking down his door for exclusive rights to interview him, as this will be the biggest story of the century. He will therefore be able to name his price (i.e. millions of pounds) for the exclusive right to interview him, etc.
    Thus he cannot lose anything by revealing the secret - IF HE HAS IT...

    Mr.Umez said "Going around demanding others to explain their solution is just rude."

    Can you show any such "demands"? I haven't seen any. All I have seen is some people (including myself) asking when John is going to reveal his solution, and asking why it is taking many months longer than he said it would. This is a completely reasonable position to take: if I said I had the solution and was going to reveal it before the end of May 2010, for example, and then five months later I am still making up reasons why I just can't quite tell you what the solution is, you would probably be asking me why I still haven't made it public - even though I specifically said I WOULD over five months ago.

    Does any of that sound familiar?

    And that is why I don't believe John has the solution.

    The question is, does it involve:
    "Seven of the weights are descending while one weight is ascending."

  32. Anon 23:32, you make sense..

    And I agree with you.

  33. Sorry guys, I have to disagree. The only way this wheel can work properly is if the hanging pendulum weights at 12 o'clock and 6 o'clock on the wheel are simultaneously reset to the 12 o'clock position on their pivots. So logically in half a turn you will have half the weights on the outside going down and the other half on the inside going up. Now, how these weights are placed is for you to work out!

  34. so in other words John is not publishing?

    Whatever, it's sad when someone admittedly is reinventing something someone else supposedly invented but somehow decides that all kinds of money should come to them. Lots of folks work hard and don't get a dime for their contributions to humanity. If he has what he thinks he has then every minute he withholds it from society is a crime against that society. If he doesn't he is wasting everyone's time and shamelessly using a false pretense to get people to read his blog. Either way this 18 months and counting extravaganza is just plain getting old.

    NDA, patent, and copyright should all be damned to hell. Stupid asses, don't you realize we are talking about life and death, our neighbors ar our family, and half the people that get loads of money discover it's a curse anyway. Hell, he'd be probably be better off publishing it anonymously. So many stupid asses in this community. In too. Stupid asses don't invent things this important, just like Bessler didn't. What they do is rape everyone of their time by virtual hoaxes like this one, or real hoaxes like Bessler's. Stupid. I thoroughly hate greedy bastards especially stupid greedy bastards. Steve Jobs is a smart greedy bastard. He copies 100 things, adds 1 thing that some peon he pays invented, and then charges everyone out their rears to use the 101 things. Then sues anyone who uses any of the 101 things. Hate him too, but at least he's smart. Thank God that the guy who invented the shirt, the wheel, and the bed don't charge royalties. I hope John plans to pay the guy who invented the wrench, the screwdriver, the drill press, the bearings... and every other 100 things he's putting together some of those royalties his royal highness is drooling over. Dumbass.

  35. Your words reveal your passion, dfg - I'm impressed with your depth of feeling. I'm still going to publishing - nuff said.


  36. Ah dfg ah man of my heart. A man who can see the direction this shit hole of a planet is heading in and all the irrational behavior people are knowingly and unknowingly taking part of.

    From the whole FE/OU community is the most delusional one. Everyone there thinks they are the next bessler, everyone there wants to crush everyone else on the forum, everyone wants to become rich and famous. Poor suckers. I wonder what they will do if someone on a forum posted a working palm sized solid state device outputting 1kW power continuously.

    I hear the oil cartel is hiring hitmen, quick apply now folks.

  37. Alright, if we try to find out why it is taking so much time to make a proto type, we would find several reasons...
    First, it could be a faulty design, or that it is due to lack of spare time it is not possible to build, it could also be due to lack of thorough knowledge of the mechanism, due to lack of funds, due to disturbance or misguiding by others, due to laziness, due to over confidence, may be due to confusion even, may be the inventor is waiting for the appropriate time to make profit or expecting help or a clue or two coming his way, may be because it is written in his destiny that he would never attain success in this life eventhough he has worked hard, maybe it is due to some physical handicap, non-availability of right spares, etc,.etc,...

    There could be several such reasons for the delay.. and this could go on and on....

    The best thing to do under the circumstances will be to consult someone under oath and make necessary corrections or go public with the available findings instead of delaying which only brings misunderstanding...

    As far as I can make of it, JC sir knows the principle 100 percent but not the complete mechanism for which he needs to buy time...

  38. No doubt I'll be condemned for it by the resident negativism and FUD-gurus here, but I'll say it again: instead of constant mudslinging, whining and insulting each other and half the world in the process we should support John by word and by deed. He's not claiming to be the next Bessler, the only thing he's trying very hard to do is to get his version of Besslers implementation working, predominantly based on cryptic clues. You know, these clues nobody else was able to interpret. Now he's convinced he got the principle mechanisms right and he's working to get it done, and he's documenting it. What the heck is wrong with that? What the heck more can he do?

    For those who missed it once again: he'll publish anyway, no matter the outcome, just as he has confirmed once again. Why do people pretend he ever claimed otherwise when it's all there, in writing, for all to see?

    To me, this attitude is extremely disappointing. So it takes longer than estimated. We've been waiting for hundreds of years already. Give the guy a break!

  39. JC ;

    I think you should put Fergie in charge of all your PR . she knows how to turn a buck .


  40. Suresh said:
    "Alright, if we try to find out why it is taking so much time to make a proto type, we would find several reasons...
    First, it could be a faulty design, or that it is due to lack of spare time it is not possible to build, it could also be due to lack of thorough knowledge of the mechanism, due to lack of funds, due to disturbance or misguiding by others, due to laziness, due to over confidence, may be due to confusion even, may be the inventor is waiting for the appropriate time to make profit or expecting help or a clue or two coming his way, may be because it is written in his destiny that he would never attain success in this life eventhough he has worked hard, maybe it is due to some physical handicap, non-availability of right spares, etc,.etc,..."

    Or it COULD be because John hasn't bothered to test out his solution on a simulation program...
    Because that wouldn't require any physical objects to be created, machined, paid for, etc.etc. and we could see the proof in an online video, within a few days...

    In other words, you are making excuse after excuse, irrationally.

    Andre said "I'll say it again: instead of constant mudslinging, whining and insulting each other and half the world in the process we should support John by word and by deed."

    Nobody has been "mudslinging" "whining" "insulting each other and half the world in the process" (drama queen, much?)...
    Again your post is a load of emotion-laden, ad hominem rubbish, with no FACTUAL discussion... because you are a 'believer', a cult member, a follower. Truly pathetic.

    "he'll publish anyway".
    Nobody is denying that. The question is WHEN? And why the five month delay?
    "To me, this attitude is extremely disappointing."

    And? Do you actually think anybody cares what YOU find "extremely disappointing", Andre?

    What I find "extremely disappointing" is that John announced before CHRISTMAS that he was going to publish his solution before the end of 2009... and still we have nothing but excuses.

    And as dfg said, every day without the solution is another day of suffering for so many of the world's inhabitants. If John has part of the solution, then he should publish it, so that others, who may be able to work out the final piece of the puzzle, can do so. We ALL benefit in the long run.

    I have already explained above how John will make a fortune if he publishes. This is the age of the internet - nobody else is going to be able to magically take credit for his discovery, if he publishes first. Publishing means simply posting it on this blog, that is all that is needed to prove who got there first.

    But he won't publish, because he doesn't have a solution that works, and can't even be bothered to learn how to use a simulation program, and would rather waste months trying to build a real model.

  41. As dfg said: "If he has what he thinks he has then every minute he withholds it from society is a crime against that society."

    You CANNOT patent Bessler's wheel. It is too simple a device to be patentable, and far more importantly, by its very nature, it will generate hundreds of times its manufacturing cost, in energy, once built, so there will simply be no way to stop the man in the street from building one and using one, in his own house, times by a few billion people.

    So why the delay? Why all the excuses, none of which are remotely convincing - especially the nonsense about NDAs and preferring 'hands on' instead of CAD.

  42. “every minute he withholds it from society is a crime against that society."

    What you retards must have to be joking; the real crime against society is letting people who think like that breed.

  43. John,
    You must hurry up,otherwise the World will
    turn upside down in forty-eight hours.

  44. I accept all of the varied criticism and I'm aware that time seems to be passing by at an ever increasing rate. I am trying to get the prototype finished asap with or without Pete Clarke's help, and I'm trying to finish the description of how the wheel worked so it can be published.

    As for simulations, I've read pages and pages about them and I've concluded that they prove nothing - they may be indicative of an avenue of research but little more - unless you can afford a high powered pc and expensive software, which I can't.

    The emotional diatribes that some commentators have posted are, I'm sure, sincere and they make some telling points, but I have my own life to lead and have a number of calls on my time which occasionally limit the amount of time I can devote to my stated plans of action in relation to Bessler's wheel. As I've said before, my own family comes first, before the rest of the world and its problems - something I'm sure applies to each of the visitors to this blog. I'm trying to maximise my attention to each without it being detrimental to either.


  45. Listen to yourself, Anon 00:11. You call people, and I quote, "emotion-laden, ad hominem rubbish, no FACTUAL discussion, 'believer', a cult member, a follower, drama queen, and above all pathetic. And subsequently you have the gall to accuse others of ad hominem attacks? You don't know me sir. and I don't know you, but at least I try to support John. Not because I am a 'believer' or a 'cult member', but because I am convinced that he's doing his best. And that is certainly more than can be said of us freeloaders. I don't give a flying hoot whether you or anybody else agrees or even sympathizes with me, but I just want John to know that I do support his efforts and am even willing to invest in it. To me, based on his books and posts, it's clear that he's a intelligent and honest person and I like persons like that, especially when they try to do good - instead of whining from the armchair about how bad and evil and greedy the world is.

    As for the CAD/CAM stuff people bring up again and again, that's pointless and I agree with John on that. No amount of computing horsepower can thing for you, or be creative. Not in the past, not now, and likely not ever. And I don't say this as a believer, or cult-member, but as an insider. I designed and programmed such systems and many others for decades, so maybe I know a little more about them. John is completely right.

    What I really don't like is pathological critics. Most keep ranting and raving here about issues already discussed, such as the CAD/CAM nonsense, and screaming about the delays. As if he never explained those and as if it's a crime to humanity (!) to try to come up with something working first. Pathological critics will never, ever, be satisfied no matter what happens - even a fully documented working model would be called a fraud, just like in Besslers time.

    In that respect, nothing has changed over the centuries. And you don't have to be a 'believer' or 'cult member' to see that. Just read the literature to see how those with the best of intentions always have been ridiculed, accused, suppressed and vilified.

  46. It takes courage to be a pioneer

  47. Exactly, dr. What. And time.

  48. John said: "unless you can afford a high powered pc and expensive software, which I can't."

    You are living in the dark ages. You can buy a quad core PC for about £300 on Ebay, that will run any software on the market, and you can get very cheap simulation software.

    You say your own family comes first - so you don't have six hours free a day? I wasn't aware you were the parent of newborn children, so what exactly is it that you do all day with your family, that takes up all of your time?

    Excuse after excuse...
    I work full time, yet I still have hours left every day to do whatever I want, including posting on here.

    Andre said "You don't know me sir. and I don't know you, but at least I try to support John. Not because I am a 'believer' or a 'cult member', but because I am convinced that he's doing his best."

    How are you "supporting" him? What difference do 'yes men' make to somebody who is stalling and announcing things that he never follows through with?

    You are clearly a brainwashed cult member, and are totally irrational.

    "but I just want John to know that I do support his efforts and am even willing to invest in it."

    Well, aren't you just wonderful and noble then.
    Perhaps you could volunteer to look after his family for a few weeks while he finishes off his paper, since that apparently takes up all of his time (even though he is retired...)

    "As for the CAD/CAM stuff people bring up again and again, that's pointless and I agree with John on that. No amount of computing horsepower can thing for you, or be creative. Not in the past, not now, and likely not ever. And I don't say this as a believer, or cult-member, but as an insider. I designed and programmed such systems and many others for decades, so maybe I know a little more about them. John is completely right."

    Sure. That's why EVERYBODY else who actually manufacturers REAL things, uses CAD/CAM nowadays. I'm sure that all the car manufacturers would be so much better off if they threw away their computers, and just randomly designed parts of their cars, hoping they could 'feel' when it was right.

    Sorry, but nobody is convinced by this rubbish.

    Computer models of SIMPLE objects like Bessler's wheel WORK, and you know it. You just can't face reality.

    I see that John hasn't addressed anything I've said above - about why he doesn't need to explain anything, he just needs to build the wheel, or show the solution, and that will be more than sufficient.

    "What I really don't like is pathological critics. Most keep ranting and raving here about issues already discussed, such as the CAD/CAM nonsense, and screaming about the delays."

    "ranting and raving" - you mean disagreeing with you.
    "CAD/CAM nonsense" - none of the cult members here have adequately explained why CAD/CAM is "nonsense".
    "screaming". Where? In your head, obviously...

    "Pathological critics will never, ever, be satisfied no matter what happens - even a fully documented working model would be called a fraud, just like in Besslers time."

    And? There aren't any "pathological critics" here, they are only in your mind - meaning - anybody who dares to question your 'master' is 'evil' and should be silenced...

    Your posts are just endless twaddle, you never actually discuss the wheel itself, and everything you say is an emotional reaction to the threat of revealing the emperor's new clothes...

    John is never going to publish because he knows it doesn't work. And if he DOES publish anything, it won't work. Either way, he doesn't have the answer, and that is VERY obvious to anybody who reads previous blogs of his...

    Just go back to Christmas 2009...

  49. Don’t know why you bother even reading the comment section of the blog JC, you know deep down not one of them is worried about the good of society. One is very young and every second seems like an eternity, another very old with time is running out fast, the last one is strictly a parasite.

  50. I guess I'm just curious anon 14.15. In the end, regardless of what others say, I'll do it the way I think is right - and when I can. I will probably not respond so much to the comments in future because in the end everyone has their opinion to which they're entitled.

    Time will show if I'm right, or scamming people, or lying or deluded!


  51. Once again, a very predictable reaction from our ever trustworthy anon 10:30. Although I tried to remain reasonable and polite, everybody can now see what this person really is and the way he/she/it thinks and 'reasons'. Thanks, anon, for proving my point. (I am sure you don't understand, but that's o.k., as long as others understand it, hmmm?)

    If I may be of any advice, John, then I would just about now start thinking of shutting off the possibility of anonymous stuff being posted. But that's up to you, of course. As things are, all this anonymous junk is becoming completely counterproductive.

  52. I apologize to the anon at 14:15. I admit, there are good ones too.

  53. More vacuous rubbish from Andre.

    Now, about those seven weights falling while one is descending...

    John is never going to release his solution, everybody here knows it.

  54. Anon 26 May 2010 10:30, Why don't you make yourself useful and tell us what the name of the "very cheap simulation software" is and where it can be bought?


  55. Anon 25 May 2010 22:42 is right, he has not been "mudslinging" "whining" "insulting”; he has been fishing; all his provocative rubbish is directed to make JC publish his work, anon is a scavenger that has smelt JC has something valuable.

    Don’t you believe it? Just take a look, on 25 May 2010 22:42 he wrote:

    “And as dfg said, every day without the solution is another day of suffering for so many of the world's inhabitants. If John has part of the solution, then he should publish it, so that others, who may be able to work out the final piece of the puzzle, can do so. We ALL benefit in the long run. “

    Now, if JC would publish his solution and others, by example, our dear scavenger would be able to work out the final piece of the puzzle. Who do you think would get the credit? JC? Of course not, our great scavenger would get it! He would be the one with the solution of the puzzle.
    Do you really think our beloved scavenger give a dam for all those world’s inhabitants who are now suffering? Do you really believe we ALL benefit in the long run? No, I don’t think so; the only one who would benefit would be … Guess who! Now it’s clear why he is anonymous, isn’t it?


    "Physics: rigid bodies, fluids, chains, gears, gravity, contacts, friction, restitution, springs, hinges, lock, motors, light rays, optics."

    29 Euros.

    Okay? Took me two minutes to find it.

    Still, it's obviously MUCH better spending months and months trying to actually build a real, physical wheel, than to 'waste' time finding out whether it works or not, using simulation software...

    Still, wouldn't want to question the emperor's new clothes, nor to upset any of the cult-followers here...

    "Burn him! Heretic! Burn him!"

  57. I suggest you watch the Algodoo Youtube video a couple of times... tell me why that isn't the way to design Bessler's wheel.

    (Apart from: "I know my solution doesn't work, but I just can't give up hope, so I'd rather waste the rest of my life trying to build a real, physical model, and then when THAT doesn't work, I can blame it on 'not quite having it right', or some other such excuse")...

  58. 29 euros, eh? Gosh, I wonder why everybody else doing serious engineering is using mainframes and/or VERY expensive 3D rendering software. Tell me, anonymous genius, how your 29 euro toy program is going to create a spontaneous solution for something, in CAD-speak a shape, that has not been invented yet? I was also very impressed by the springs that were attached to thin air. Or the water propelled rocket. Pure genius.

    But again, if it is SO simple, why don't you use this program and present us misguided morons with a solution in, say, 48 hours? Want me to buy it for you? But only if you don't post until you have the solution, remember.

    Lucius Aneus summarized it nicely: anon is a scavenger that has smelt JC has something valuable. Another called you a parasite. I think they are all very kind.

    The provocations and insults are not going to work, Anon. Go troll somewhere else.

  59. Here's the predecessor to Algodoo, known as 'Phun' - FREE:

    Watch the video:

    Watch from 2:30 onwards to see the sort of 'out of the box' thinking that is easy to come up with, with Phun or Algodoo...

    Now tell me that building a physical model is easier and faster than playing with Phun or Algodoo...

  60. Again, nothing of substance from Andre...
    "Tell me, anonymous genius, how your 29 euro toy program is going to create a spontaneous solution for something, in CAD-speak a shape, that has not been invented yet? I was also very impressed by the springs that were attached to thin air. Or the water propelled rocket. Pure genius."

    Oh, I see, a strawman argument... to add to your never ending list of logical fallacies...
    Did I say that Algodoo was going to DESIGN the solution? I said it was going to make it EASIER to experiment with ideas, until you find the solution.

    Of course, the fact that you are obviously wrong means that you can't even entertain the idea...

    As for:
    "29 euros, eh? Gosh, I wonder why everybody else doing serious engineering is using mainframes and/or VERY expensive 3D rendering software."

    Duh. I don't think that "everybody else" IS actually using MAINFRAMES any more... Perhaps you've lived under a rock for the past twenty years, and haven't noticed the incredible increase in computer power available for under £500... Very expensive 3D rendering software? Please, enlighten us all... There is plenty of incredibly powerful FREE 3D rendering software available...

    Then we have yet another strawman argument:
    "But again, if it is SO simple, why don't you use this program and present us misguided morons with a solution in, say, 48 hours?"

    I never said it was simple. I never said *I* had the solution either. Two strawmen arguments in one sentence...

    John doesn't have the solution. John couldn't even be bothered to do some simple Google searches for the software I had never heard about until today, when I spent two minutes searching for it.

    Algodoo is more than powerful enough to model Bessler's wheel. It is WAY more powerful than virtually all physical modelling software that existed twenty years ago, plus your PC is WAY more powerful than all the computing power available to the average car manufacturer, twenty years ago.

    Or did that escape your notice?

    YOU are the one who can't face reality. YOU are the one who keeps coming up with laughable ad hominem arguments, and your posts consist of little else...

    I've actually come up with some useful software for your 'master' John to use. I'm sure he won't bother, though anybody who was really looking for the solution would jump at the chance of such incredibly powerful, yet easy to use, software, with which they can test out umpteen ideas in an evening, without having to build a single thing in the real world...

    John is never going to reveal his solution. It's been over five months since he said he would release it "before the end of 2009"...

  61. This earlier post of Andre's made me laugh - somebody 'anon' (not me) posted:

    "Thinking that others are jealous when in fact they are not is a symptom of psychopathy."

    To which paranoid Andre replied:
    "Anon 04:10 - thinking that you are not jealous while in fact you are is not only a symptom but also proof of psychopathy, as well as schizophrenia. Furthermore, posting useless and unfounded insults without underpinning evidence is a symptom of narcism. You are one hell of a mess."

    "You are one hell of a mess", just because he (whoever he was) posted "Thinking that others are jealous when in fact they are not is a symptom of psychopathy."

    Anybody who disagrees with you is apparently a 'troll' Andre, what a great let out! You don't have to argue your position any more!

    Anyway, if John isn't even bothering to use Algodoo, when he and Pete Clarke (whoever he is) can both use it and swap files over the internet, without having to even leave their homes, then he must have some massive problem with computer technology. Or is afraid that his solution WON'T WORK...

  62. "Do you really think our beloved scavenger give a dam for all those world’s inhabitants who are now suffering? Do you really believe we ALL benefit in the long run? No, I don’t think so; the only one who would benefit would be … Guess who! Now it’s clear why he is anonymous, isn’t it? "

    Yes, that would be it, Lucius... I must be a 'bad' person, because you can apparently read people's minds...
    More of the same ad hominem rubbish.
    John says he has the solution. Not PART of the solution. Anybody can have 'part' of the solution, it's getting the weights over the top that is so difficult...

    But you would obviously rather that nobody ever finds the solution, than have John reveal 'part' of it, and then somebody else complete the puzzle. After all - what does it matter if billions continue to live without cheap energy, as long as John gets all the credit? (That is EXACTLY what you have just argued - how embarrassing...)

  63. You're all dumb. John's been telling the same story for years and your fools for paying attention. Let him finish it, then pay attention.

  64. Your provocations, insults and demands only show your intellectual bankruptcy, Anon. Stop making a complete fool of yourself. Read your own posts. You said at least twice that it was all so very simple. Want me to quote you? No? Well, here we go anyway:

    "Computer models of SIMPLE objects like Bessler's wheel WORK"


    "It is too SIMPLE a device to be patentable"

    Obviously, you are now so full of yourself that you don't even remember the gibberish you posted earlier. You want a list of engineering firms using cloud computing clusters and mainframes? You call us irrational, but it's painfully obvious you could do with some help yourself, my brilliant friend.

    Found a Bessler profile already for your toy program? Go on, you can do it. It is, after all, so very SIMPLE...

  65. And sticking with the facts, it shouldn't be remotely difficult for John to model it with Algodoo, since it was "so simple even a carpenter's boy could understand and build it"...

    Nobody in their right mind would prefer to build a physical model, rather than experiment with a physical simulation program.
    Let me see: I'm near the solution, but I think I need an extra lever on all eight weights. I know, I'll spend a few days building them, attaching them, etc. and then find it doesn't work.
    Or, I spend five minutes in Algodoo, and then find it doesn't work.

    What's to choose?

  66. More laughable repostes from Andre!

    "You call us irrational, but it's painfully obvious you could do with some help yourself, my brilliant friend."

    Yes, that must be it Andre! I'm MENTALLY ILL, because I don't worship your god!

    And then you post this:"You said at least twice that it was all so very simple. Want me to quote you? No? Well, here we go anyway:"

    Huh? What are you talking about? When did I say that it WASN'T simple? So why are you implying that I have just said the exact opposite? You've got strawmanitis, you paranoid fool.

    The solution is simple - KARL himself said so. Or didn't you read that part of John's book? Didn't you see when I quoted his very words on this blog, many times?

    The solution is simple. John's solution is probably not that simple, which is why it doesn't work, and requires so much stalling. And which is why he doesn't want to use simulation software.

    We can all see the endless stalling and excuses that both John and his irrational 'followers' have been making here...

    Five months and still waiting. Does it take five months to produce a couple of drawings of something which is so simple that once seen, a carpenter's boy could build and UNDERSTAND it? Something that is so simple, that Bessler was afraid that when whoever bought the wheel's secret from him, saw the inside of it, they would feel cheated because it was so obvious a solution?

    All this rubbish about having to write up explanations for how the wheel doesn't contravene the laws of physics, etc. Nobody is buying it. (Except the cult members). We aren't living 300 years ago! A video of a working wheel can go viral in 24 hours, and be seen by tens of millions of people within that time, most of whom will understand exactly how it works.

    So please spare us all the nonsense and excuses, they aren't remotely convincing. I'm sure John could get a perfect representation of his solution made in Algodoo within one day.

  67. Here is Andre's gem of wisdom again, I just read it again and was amazed at how stupid it is:
    "thinking that you are not jealous while in fact you are is not only a symptom but also proof of psychopathy, as well as schizophrenia."

    Funny that. I've never heard of ANYBODY being 'diagnosed' as being a psychopath because - get this - they thought they weren't jealous, when in fact they WERE jealous!

    Ain't you a hoot, Andre!!!

  68. You are now completely out of your mind. READ YOUR OWN POSTS, you fool. Something tells me you wrote that toy program, Anon. That explains a lot. Found a way already to criticize us dumbasses for your own falsehoods? No? Think a little harder. Maybe Algovoodoo can help with this too. Good luck!

  69. No, no, no, anon, you're not a bad person.

    How could a person so so so worried for billions of people having to live with cheap energy, be a bad person? No way, man.

    You really are a quite a good person.

    How I dare to prefer that nobody ever finds the solution, than have John reveal 'part' of it? Shame on me!

    And again, you're right again, man, nobody can read people's mind nither I can.

    By the way buddy, telling me that I can apparently read people's minds..." What kind of rubbist is that? Of course that isn't an ad hominem rubbist. Is it? You know, I'm not a fanatic in fallacies, so would you mind to tell us what kind of argue is that of yours? Of course it must not be a fallacy.

    Dear anon, I surely read wrong your post, would you mind to tell us if these are not the exact and precise words you wrote?

    "If John has part of the solution, then he should publish it, so that others, who may be able to work out the final piece of the puzzle, can do so. We ALL benefit in the long run."

    These are really your words. Aren't they?

    So how you dare to argue now, that "John says he has the solution. Not PART of the solution", if you by your own words said that John had PART OF THE SOLUTION?

  70. I'm sorry guys, but this anon is actually quite right.

    Don't deny it, it's true that you can save many days of work by simulating a concept in a CAD/Simulation Software..

    IF you deny that, I believe you aren't driven by rational, only by emotions.

    This disclosure sure gets far too much time to be made, I'm afraid this is another failure happening right there.

  71. The people working with a simulating concept in a CAD have achieved exactly the same results as those using real builds, that being fuck all, so why not let people use their own weapons of war.


  73. So... go get your jollies somewhere else you dolt. Nobody is making you read the God Damn blog you mental midget.

  74. Anonymous has been discovered as a scavenger, he couldn’t alone; so now he brought us LustInBlack, another scavenger, of course to try to convince us JC must publish his work right a way, because the “disclosure is getting to much time to be made” and “this is another failure happening right here” and bla bla bla

  75. LustInBlack, nobody denies that (professional) 3D CAD software suites (not just one program) can be handy verifying ideas. I wrote the stuff myself. Please note the word professional. Not 29 euro 2D toy programs for kids in physics classes. Which (thus) means seriously expensive. Which means MAJOR computing power, not bloody PC's under stupid Windows but professional high-end parallel multiprocessor workstations running Enterprise-class operating systems such as Unix. And what does all of that mean? It means great effort (MORE delay!) to develop your basic Bessler shape library as there is no ready-made-mechanisms and stuff to play with since we are INVENTING stuff and not ENGINEERING. The computer is not creative, nor is the application, no matter how expensive and professional.

    Anon himself admitted (in writing, but he'll probably deny it anyway) that the best solution would be to write (wow - read: develop) a program that would generate millions of random (wow # 2) possibilities. Do people have any idea what kind of brute force computer power is necessary for such a undertaking? And how much time that would consume? Anon's estimate was within a year. I think he's a couple of years off, and that's conservative. This is NOT simple, even if the basic principle (appears to be) simple. There are trillions of possible permutations! Anon has no clue what he's talking about... THAT is the problem, and he vastly underestimates things. What he says does SEEM to make some sense on the surface, but it's mainly false assumptions. It sounds reasonable and persuasive on the surface, but when you think it through he's wrong.

    That, plus his extremely disrespectful attitude (to state it mildly) to just about everybody has created the mess you find here today.The result? Nil. Nada. Zip. Nothing. All he has achieved is a waste of (our and his) time. Maybe (most doubt it, me included) he means well, but he has a hell of a way to show it.

    These are all irrefutable FACTS. No emotions involved.

    If he wants to contribute in a productive way, then he has to change. Not us. Time is something that is required for inventions, whether mr. Anon likes it or not.

    I am sure that before I even have finished typing this in, he will already have posted another JOHN WILL NEVER PUBLISH ANYTHING post, gimme gimme gimme, yada yada yada. And somebody like that calls you and me and everybody else pathetic. Not very convincing to me.

    If you want to debate, and one is proven wrong, you reinforce your argument. Not scream harder and accuse everybody else.

  76. All this negative critism is depressing.We need to get back to positive feedback. J.C. is not the only person who is perilously close to a solution. Take good look at yourselves,take your mind off John and get on with the job.

  77. Andre said: "I wrote the stuff myself. Please note the word professional. Not 29 euro 2D toy programs for kids in physics classes. Which (thus) means seriously expensive. Which means MAJOR computing power, not bloody PC's under stupid Windows but professional high-end parallel multiprocessor workstations running Enterprise-class operating systems such as Unix."

    I see what your problem is now, Andre - you have been living under a rock for the past twenty years!
    What are you talking about? I can buy a second hand PC off Ebay for £100 tops, which will run FREE CAD software which is way more powerful than ANY CAD software available just twenty years ago.

    Bessler's wheel doesn't need a 3D representation, Algodoo will work just fine...

    Andre then said: "If he wants to contribute in a productive way, then he has to change. Not us."

    Hilarious. I think you meant "Not ME"...
    I've been contributing perfectly well, thank you very much... I think you'll find it's you who have some sort of massive emotional attachment to John's 'solution' (which doesn't exist)...

    You also don't seem to understand how computers work, nor how they advance every year... never heard of Moore's Law?

    You are so insanely committed to John's vapourware, that you've spent the entire week talking pure rubbish here, which everybody can see, in order to 'defend' something which you have no idea even exists or not (John's solution)...

    John has also told us how he doesn't understand computers, doesn't know how to install software properly, or keep his computer clean and running smoothly, doesn't know how to install a DIFFERENT piece of software, when the first one he tries doesn't work very well, and then we have to all believe that 'hands on' is actually BETTER than CAD/CAM! At which point any rational person can see that this is all just defensive posturing for the sake of covering up the lack of results...

    Anybody with an ounce of common sense would use a simulation program, then, when they have a working model on the program, they would build a real one...

    So no, Andre, it doesn't cost a fortune, you don't need a mainframe, you don't need to use Linux, and you don't seem to have a clue about anything CAD/CAM related, contrary to your laughable claims that you used to write such software! When? In the 1960s? Things have moved on a bit since then... what a shame you haven't...

    John will never release his solution, or if he does, it won't work.

    Either way, we are no better off. Why are you convinced that he has the solution?

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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...