Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Circumstances in which a gravitywheel can be turned continuously by gravity alone.

I have felt for some time that maybe I should put something about my own thoughts about the fact that gravity is a conservative force and therefore apparently unable to drive a gravitywheel continuously.

So I posted a short piece on my web site at and perhaps more unwisely, a short copy on the Bessler forum.  I know in advance that some people will take their customary potshots at me for taking this viewpoint but I cannot help my opinion.  I remain uttlerly convinced that there is a way to drive a gravitywheel by means of weights reacting to gravity and no amount of  constant repetition or parroting of the disinformation stuffed down our throat  at school can shake my conviction.

I read and read and read what I had written over and over again and I cannot see how anyone can argue with it, but argie they will and in the end I shall go my own way and maybe I'll prove myself right.  I hope so.


In the light of a new day my words seem a trifle strong.  I wasn't dismissing everything we have been taught, rather I wished to express my doubts about the fact as taught, that because gravity is a conservative force it cannot be used to drive a gravitywheel continuously.  My feeling is that such a statement will one day be shown to be too inclusive, and that a particular mechanical design will allow such a mchine to work.


  1. Sir John, I feel I really must respond. Respectfully I cannot agree with how these scientists try to catagorise gravity.
    Gravity does not care what we say or think because it is really only an innert constant force,...not energy in itself. The fact that we can devise a way to recycle weights continuously within a wheel mechanism using gravity in order to do work is due to the ingenuity of man under the inspirational provision of God. The wheel IS perpetual motion because it does not require energy to do work,only the gravitational force.
    Once this wheel turns it is going have be redefined.

  2. I recently came across your website when I was reading some information about gravity. I've read the things you've written on your various sites to support your argument for a replication of Bessler's wheel, and it seems you are quite confident you are on the right track. One thing bothers me though: If the man that was allowed to look inside the wheel at the inner workings saw the mechanisms you've described,(the 5 pendulums and double weight system) I don't believe he would then say it was simple and a carpenter's boy could build it. Also, would your design make the same noises as the 1712 wheel? It seems the weights at the ends of the levers wouldn't come in contact with the rim(per your youtube video demonstration), not that they would need to. But, also don't forget forces come in pairs (Newton's third law) and the related fact, acceleration and mass are inversely proportional. So any swinging weight inside a closed system like a wheel is going to be producing an equally opposing force.
    I don't want to discourage you, but a devil's advocate is always helpful wouldn't you say?

  3. I am very pleased with the way the final configuration of the wheel is working out. I is becomming far simpler than I thought. I should easily be able to cram eight weights into 360 degrees. The Apologia poem is an apt description.

  4. Plese excuse the typo,...the 'I' is meant to be 'It'.John could you correct it please.

  5. That means Trevor you didn't realise its simplicity before attempting...eight weights can easily be accommodated inside...we needn't necessarily cram them..

    This wheel can only work successfully with eight weights...but everything could still come to a grinding halt if the mechanisms holding the weights are not designed as bessler had designed them...

  6. Wrong again Suresh,sorry,...The wheel can work with just two weights. The reason why there eight weights is to provide that extra power and smooth transition for the whole 360 degrees.
    My referance to cramming is just a figure of speech. And also there was nothing special about the weights,but they were quite narrow so that they did not interfere with each other.

  7. I can't correct your post Trevore but if you write it again I can delete the original one.


  8. John,thanks,not to worry. I think they got the gist of what was said. I have have made some very interesting progress.Will relate that soon.


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