Friday, 15 April 2011 updated again

I have updated again. It occurs to me that perhaps not many people understand why I have continued to search for clues among Bessler's works when I should be trying to build working model of the wheel. The truth is I do both.

Even as I construct a new design, I continue to ponder on Bessler's clues. I cannot ignore the strong hints that Bessler left regarding clues to the wheel's workings. He left textual clues which were designed to both intrigue and mystify. He left pictorial clues which achieved the same result and if all he wanted was to mystify, then it might appear to be a hopeless task to try to make sense of what he left.

But I'm convinced that he wanted us to learn his secret. Consider this. He demonstrated his wheel over a period of at least eleven years during which time it was thoroughly examined by a host of people intent on proving him a fraud - and no one ever found reason to disbelieve his claims. He allowed one person to observe the inside, who was known as a man of utter integrity, who said the claims were real. Even after he left this man's patronage Bessler designed a variety of machines some of which were based on his wheel. He never ever gave up, and maintained his innocence of any suggestion of fraud, 'til his death.

Given the above one must assume that he was telling the truth. It seems to me to be absurd to give up trying decipher his clues when he made it so clear that he wanted posthumous fame as the inventor, if he couldn't have it while he lived. To achieve fame after he'd gone he attempted to ensure that sufficient clues were left beind to help someone to replicate the wheel. The clues had to be obscure or someone might have deciphered everything while he lived, so it was never going to be easy.

Consequently he flooded his published works with clues of an intriguing nature, which by themselves, were of little help in actually building his wheel. He did everything in his power to make people understand that the solution was there if they looked. But so far few people other than myself have researched the possibility that the answer lies encoded within his publications.

My self-imposed task has been to underline any and all clues that I find, but so far they are merely eye-catchers which interest and intrigue us but don't provide the answer. But they were designed to lead to that answer and that is why I list every piece of code I find, with my interpretation of the meaning behind each. That is what my web site at is for.

There is no doubt that we are in desperate straits searching for a new form of energy, if there is a half a chance that Bessler's wheel will answer, than we should be doing all in our power to solve it, replicate it and use it.



  1. The golden mean section is the addition?

  2. He would still have received posthumous fame without leaving clues behind. He could have simply kept the answer under lock and key to be found after his death. The clues might not reveal anything for all we know.

  3. Hmm interesting.
    The golden section is used in art and science because it occurs so often in nature. What better inspiration than nature?

  4. John,..The only way you are going to solve the wheel with codes is if you can link them to some sort of description of the mechanisim.
    It will never be accomplished with just the codes alone.Its like trying to invent something using maths or figures,it's just not possible
    Nothing personal.

  5. I think you were right when you said in an earlier post that a lot of the clues might just be coincidences. Also, the fixation he seemed to have had on the number 5 is kind of weird. It's like, ok, we get it. Enough with the 5's. And couldn't the number five have referred to something besides the number of mechanisms or weights? How does anyone know if they've interpreted any of the clues correctly?

  6. Trevor, isn't John linking the clues to his attempts at a model?

  7. I don't know Doug,..He did mention that he thought it could be 5 mechanisms.
    He relates it to pentagram and the golden ratio,which is the formula for a perfect spiral.
    It is also connected with the frequency of 440Hz which is A.This frequency is supposed to have been used to make objects lose weight,..go figure.

  8. I think the ubiquitous 5's were Bessler's hints that we should look for other coded stuff and he put them everywhere to try to grab our attention. It may also indicate 5 mechanisms, but it might not.

    I think 55 points to chapter 55, of Apologia Poetica which IMO holds a precise description of the wheel, encoded with the help of the Bible references. I think that Bessler also hid the same or a similar description within AP encoded with what we call the X's but which are abbreviations for the word, "etc".

    I think this duplication theory is born out by the evidence shown by Bessler who invested every code with at least two layers or ways deciphering it.

    My own wheel designs are derived from other Bessler information not found in the above coded stuff because I don't know what it says, other than the reference to number 5.

    So I can only link my designs to the number 5, as that is the only sure fact we have, and we have to make our own assumptions as to how to use it.


  9. I think that Bessler was succsessfull to combined into one body (electrostatic,mechanical motion,gravity).

  10. Vincent, interesting that you mention electrostatics. A bit too advanced for the time? But I agree that he likely used several different ways to achieve his wheel, perhaps 5 different ways / 5 mechanisms. And, as you know, I am fairly convinced one of those methods was a parametric 2-stage oscillator, where the axle of the wheel acts as the pivot for the overbalanced output beam, and the pendulum swinging left (or right) of the axle. It's compact, powerful, fits in the wheel, and could be made to drive both the wheel and at the same time drive a simple mechanism to set/reset overbalanced weights (the peacock and it's feathers). Just my 2 cents.

  11. Could it not be the five main properties of physics, Gravity,Inertia mass,velocity,Reaction,
    and spring or pendulum resonance?
    These things were around in that day.

  12. Every theory could be right Andre,unless is proven
    otherwise,I read Bessler's book's many times and in my personal opinion there is strong evidence that he somehow incorporated electrostatic motor,I believe that he found a gravitational continuous movement, but not enough to do any useful work .
    Intermarriage? (gravity, electrostatic).
    Extract:an interesting electrically operated toy utilizing the principle of the electric fly was constructed in 1761 by Ebenezer Kinnersley,a friend of Benjamin Franklin.The toy was know as the "electrical horse-race".It consisted of a light wooden cross pivoted horizontally on a central pin.Each end of the cross carried a figurine of a rider on a horse.The motion was produced by corona discharge from the spurs of the riders.To demonstrate that the electric fly converted electric energy into mechanical energy,electric flies were arranged to lift small weights or to climb inclined rails.
    Alike Bessler's toy page?What about scratching noise in his wheel?(comb?)and much more.

  13. No,no no, Vincent thats way out man! I would rather believe he discovered a sonic levitational principle.
    That was around in his day since he was after all, an organ builder and I know there is an undiscovered property of sound that is yet to be exploited.
    For instance,why were the weights cylindrical and fastened in the middle,right at the node?
    If you support any bar in the middle you can make it sing if you tap it lengthwise.The frequency is determined by the length.
    We know there was hammer sound when the wheel turned.
    Just a thought.

  14. So, you thing that Bessler had in his wheel

  15. Well he had the audience! The pitch only dogs would have been able to hear because it would have been ultrasonic.
    We have to explore all avenues!

  16. Andre, I responded to you on the previous blog entry.
    I think it's interesting that John says in his opinion the precise description of the wheel is in chapter 55 in the Bible references.
    If it is, then did he encode the description from a 1720 German version of the Bible? I can't read German, so unless the code worked after it was translated into English, I'm stuck with only the other clues in the drawings and such. Does anyone know if the code/Bible verses would reveal anything in an English bible? Assuming we could break it?

  17. Hi Doug, sorry for butting in here but if you need to know more about the deciphering of chapter 55, you need to read my work on my website at

    You don't need to know the German Bible Bessler used because he didn't use one. Some of the references do not apply to any known Bible. You will see what I meanif you visit the site.


  18. @Doug: thanks, I will read it.
    @Vincent: Although I think it's too advanced, I love the idea, precisely because I absolutely believe in the "intermarriage" as you call it: several systems/techniques all working in unison to achieve the goal. Hmmm.
    @Trevor: Some indeed believe that Bessler used some acoustic principles in his wheel, the banging noises to be precise, which could move an airmass perhaps, much like woofer in a speaker enclosure. It could induce resonance effects, for example. Maybe the levers were acoustically tuned, like organpipes. More hmmm's.

  19. Look,,..That is one option for the long term future but I know there is an easier way.
    It's staring us in the face.

  20. James (Prime . . .)17 April 2011 at 10:53

    And, how many points might die zimbelstern of Bach's and Bessler's time have featured???

    (The less organically grounded among us could find this of interest . . . depending.)

  21. Good to see you here James - welcome!

    Er - Nine?

    James is somewhat more than au fait with the intricasies of certain air-activated musical instrument.


  22. Thanks, John. I could never accuse you of butting in.
    I've re-read your other website. Now I wonder, do you think, since the poem is in German, would the message he left in the poem, after it was decoded, also be in German? In other words, a German to English translation wouldn't reveal a message, just a string of nonsense? That seems logical. And, if each line in the poem contained part of the message, would the message have a corresponding number of letters or words? 220? 220 words would seem to be enough for a description that we're after. 220 letters would work out to 55 words if the words had 4 letters each (on average). A 55-worded message would seem to be consistent with everything. What do you think?

  23. Oh wait, it is letters, sorry. What was the german word for wheel back then? If we could find just one word out of the 220 lines, wouldn't that be the first step to breaking the code?

  24. But since there are only 141 bible references, if each reference stood for one letter, would the result then only have 141 letters in the message?

  25. No I think there may be as many letters and spaces as there are numerals in the references, Doug. 141 letters and spaces could produce as few as 15 or 20 words, not nearly enough in my opinion.


  26. I counted about 500 book, chapter and verse numbers. It depends on how you count the numbers in some of the bible references. Some of them could have only three numbers where I was counting 4.
    That would be a "5" number. A "55" number would be 495. (9 x 55)
    That count would produce in the neighborhood of 75-100 words depending on word length and spacing.
    My best guess is the German is Early New High German. John, you can verify this? When I translated "wheel" into modern German, the word I found the most was "rad". That seems a good starting point. If we can find those three letters in a sequence in chapter 55, that would help. I could be wrong about the translation though.. I found it here:

    One step of breaking codes is letter frequency. Here is a German letter frequency table, I'm not sure how well it applies to ENHG:

    e n i s r a t d h u l c g m o b w f k z v ü p ä ß j ö y q x

    I guess those last 6 letters weren't used then, if it was a 24 letter alphabet.
    Does anyone want to count how many times each number appears in the Bible references? If the letter frequency table tells us the letter e in German appears most often, then if the numbers are substitutions for letters, whichever number appears the most in the bible references could be referring to the letter e in the stanzas and so on. I could be wrong, what do you guys think?

  27. I appreciate the ideas Doug, but if the references are designed to point to a particular letter in a pieces of text, i.e., the 55 verses of chapter 55,then letter frequency analysis won't help. It's like the old code method where the coder picks a book and selects the words he needs from random pages and lines. All he has to do is find a method of pointing to the particular word he means - page number, line number and word number.

    Letter frequency analysis in that case wouldn't help, because he doesn't have to use the same bible reference each time he needs a particular letter.

    We do at least know which book, i.e., which piece of text Bessler used the fourline stanzas in chpater 55. Now all we have to do is find how the Bible references point to a particular letter.

    Thanks for the suggestion - keep at it. ;-)


  28. Regarding the last six letters you quoted Doug, ü p ä ß j ö y q x, those with umlauts are considered the same as, or alternatives to those without them. The j is an alternative to i, as is the same with u and v, and the ß stands for double s, leaving 24.


  29. Ok, I thought letter frequency was going to be too easy.
    Is there an English translation of the poem somewhere? Not that it would help with the decryption, just curious what the poem is saying in general.

  30. You can get all Bessler's books complete with English translations, Doug, from my web site at

    Only £5 each if you choose digital. Apologia Poetica contains chaper 55,
    with the four stanza poem.


  31. Unbearable shame!

  32. Guys, if it helps somewhat, in this day and age of supercomputers we might try to have a (super)computer find patterns or clues in the bible references. I have access to such systems and if anyone is willing to help to input the raw data in the computer, I don't mind financing it in terms of developing software and making the hardware available. Just a thought.
    @Doug: thanks for your reply. The reason COP doesn't count with, as per your example, the AM radio station, is the fact that WE (the "operator" of the receiver) don't have to supply power to receive it. That's why the efficiency is horrible, but the effectiveness (at OUR end) excellent. Same applies basically to the sun, which, as you correctly state, does provide us with most of the power (possibilities) on earth.

    I'll see if I can find you some additional info/links on the "broken" second law. I agree with you on geothermal (as energy from the Earth) but even that is somewhat powered by the sun - some say, the sun's enormous gravity field causes the Earth and planets to rotate which causes internal friction which provides the heat in the Earth's core. So even that would be, in a way, solar power.

    You are right that COP may sound (feel) misleading, as long as we keep in mind that we're always talking OPEN systems. Not closed. The laws of thermodynamics only and exclusively apply to closed systems. Unfortunately there are almost no closed systems in nature, so it's not entirely correct to make that assumption. Of course there's always some way the "missing" energy comes from "somewhere" - outside of the system under measurement. And thus, no laws are broken.

    I agree with you on the example of the heat pump: it doesn't transform anything, it only transfers. The higher the effectiveness (and efficiency of energy dissipation, i.e. the less electricity "consumed") the higher the COP of the pump.

  33. The laws of thermodynamics only apply to closed systems? That's not true. From the wiki entry on COP:
    According to the first law of thermodynamics, in a reversible system we can show that Qhot = Qcold + W and W = Qhot − Qcold, where Qhot is the heat given off by the hot heat reservoir and Qcold is the heat taken in by the cold heat reservoir.

    Values for actual systems will always be less than these theoretical maximums. In Europe, ground source heat pump units are standard tested at Thot is 35 Celsius (95 Fahrenheit) and Tcold is 0 Celsius (32 Fahrenheit). According to the above formula, the maximum achievable COP would be 7.8. Test results of the best systems are around 4.5. When measuring installed units over a whole season and one also counts the energy needed to pump water through the piping systems, then seasonal COP's are around 3.5 or less. This indicates room for improvement.
    It goes on to explain the improvements aren't made because of the money the heat pump manufacturers make selling boilers and turbines to electricity plants... go figure.


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...