Saturday, 6 April 2013

Prize Funding for Alternative Energy sources - no matter how bizarre?

I have remarked, on occasion, that the funds which would be welcomed in Bessler wheel research are not available nor will they ever be until a proof of principle wheel is produced.  However, it is clear that there are dozens if not hundreds of prizes on offer for the person or persons who succeed in designing and constructing and developing alternative energies or finds a way to store energy cheaply and efficiently.

For instance:-

"The Zayed Future Energy Prize is an annual award which celebrates achievements that reflect impact, innovation, long term vision and leadership in renewable energy and sustainability. The Prize represents the vision of the Late Founding Father Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who championed environmental stewardship.

"Through the Zayed Future Energy Prize, the United Arab Emirates has been honoring those who have placed a tangible and evident effort in globally advancing renewable energy and sustainable technologies. One of the greatest unifying challenges the world faces today is the urgency to address climate change, promote sustainable development and encourage innovation in renewable energy technologies.

"Each year, an individual, organization or a non-governmental agency is recognized for groundbreaking achievement in developing and deploying solutions to our future energy needs. The following represents a breakdown of the Prize categories:-

"Large Corporation (A recognition award)
SME (US$1.5 million)
NGO (US$1.5 million)
Lifetime Achievement Award (US$500,000)
A Global High School Prize (US$100,000 divided amongst 5 regions – Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania)"  

Or this one:-

"The Leigh Ann Conn Prize for Renewable Energy, whose purpose is to acknowledge, publicize and disseminate outstanding ideas and achievements in research related to the science, engineering, technology and commercialization of renewable energy. Nominations may address a wide range of topics involving renewable energy and energy efficiency with a demonstrated or clear potential global impact. The award is designed to recognize and reward the impact of specific ideas or achievements, rather than a lifetime of achievements in the field.

They offer the Leigh Ann Conn Prize in Renewable Energy Research which consists of the award of a medal and a cash prize of $50,000.  Ideas eligible for nomination may have an individual author or multiple authors; however, the total cash prize will be shared in the case of multiple authors."

Or this one:-

"The goal of the Energy & Environment Prize Group is to generate breakthroughs in clean energy, climate change, energy distribution/storage, energy efficiency/use, and water resource management. Advances in these fields will lead to greater sustainability and efficiency, while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels."

Gregg Maryniak is the Chairman of the Energy and Environmental Systems Track of Singularity University and the Secretary of the X PRIZE Foundation. He wrote:-

"If you read newspapers, blogs and other popular reports on renewable energy, you are very likely hearing almost exclusively about power generation advances in solar cell or wind turbine efficiency or ways to reduce production costs.   But exciting as these steps are, an examination of where our energy comes from today shows that even after decades of improvement in renewable energy systems, more than 95% of the energy in the United States is still provided by fossil fuels, nuclear power and traditional hydropower.   So, what is missing from the present picture that could dramatically advance the use of renewable energy?  

"Economical energy storage.

"The phenomenon of the world's so-called addiction to fossil fuels is actually an aspect of a greater underlying energy truth.  What society really wants and needs is energy on demand."

And finally, although there are literally hundreds to choose from:-

"The Anzisha Prize – Africa’s foremost entrepreneurial awards which reward young African entrepreneurs – has now included a $10 000 USD Energy Prize in addition to the $75 000 USD in cash prizes already up for grabs.

"The award has been made possible thanks to the Donor Circle for Africa, a group of Silicon Valley Community Foundation donors supporting individuals and non-profit organisations committed to making a difference to improve the lives of the people in their community. The $10,000 Energy Prize supplement to the 
Anzisha Prize will be awarded to an applicant who demonstrates ingenuity in developing sustainable renewable energy sources.

"Qualifications for a winning project are that:
"It provides an affordable, sustainable source of energy generation. Energy can be based on any type of renewable resource such as wind, solar, geo-thermal, bio-sources, water and others (what others?).

"It is locally sustainable. The project must be built, operated, and maintained by the people and resources available in the community it serves.It has applicability in a broad range of communities across Africa. While the project must be locally sustainable, the resources and technology must not be so unique that it cannot be replicated. Other communities could implement the model given access to reasonably common resources. It is innovative either in the technology (a new or more efficient way of producing power) or in the application (adapting methods or technology to generate or store power in a new way)."

With all this money sloshing about you could be forgiven for thinking that perhaps some of it might be pushed in our direction.  Don't get me wrong - I don't crave money for research, I'm just puzzled at the apparent complete ignorance of our work here.  I know it is viewed with scorn buy the vast majority of those who seek to help develop new forms of energy, but when you consider the following areas of research being investigated it does make you wonder

"One day, you may use sugar to power your laptop; bacteria to run your car; or dead bodies to heat a building; trap the the solar wind and beam electrons to earth via a infrared laser beam, process feces and urine, collect vibrations from traffic, process sludge into biomass, protein from jellyfish, "exploding lakes", so-called because they contain huge reservoirs of methane and carbon dioxide, trapped in the depth by difference in watere temperature and density etc etc!




  1. I would want 100,000,000 dollars .

  2. For petty cash .

  3. Primemignonite6 April 2013 at 13:50

    These are wonderful examples of what may be (or not) in the area of new energy sources, John.

    As simply put here, it seems to me that it is a matter of that same-old-same-old deficit: Namely, No Working Example Or Anything Near, as far as most all are aware presently.

    Until this happy time of circumstantial confluence does arrive, we'll just be spinning our wheels (so-to-speak) when wondering WHY the world does not beat an ever-widening path, to our so far still-born, but heart impelled endeavors.

    It is ALL against us really, which is why the final victory would (will) be SO VERY SWEET for the tasting.

    We await that prize for the awarding, for a gravity-only 'actuated' wheel aturning.

    The THING turns by gravity alone - and the one responsible gets his (or her) well deserved millions, just as Johann should have.

    That simple.

    I find this a really good topic for the further exploring.


    The Anonymous (unnumbered or unsigned) are non-persons, and would (should) be awarded no thing whatever BUT AIR, 'till identifying themselves in some way or other, at least.

    (Why DO you all so stubbornly resist??? Is it not comprehensible that, by remaining in the shadows, you work an imposition of extra burden upon all that are not? If any actually, what then might be the purpose of all your dark hiddenness? Surely, as to this matter-most-curious, the naughtier of minds WILL ruminate variously.)


  4. Good morning soldiers! How is life in the trenches?

    Currently I am helping my partner through some DIFFICULT medical issues, but I can SEE the light at the end of the tunnel and it will HOPEFULLY not be long before I can come back more regularly.

    In the meantime, I sit here in waiting with printed AND laminated copies of both portraits and my dry erase marker, putting the FINISHING touches on some work that I believe will offer some crow to those who think the second portrait has nothing to do with Bessler!

    Hasta la vista, and as they say "I'll be back!"

    1. Good to see you again in the same old fashion TG?…Been missing a lot…anyway, how much do you really think that a BW inventor would stand to gain from these prizes mentioned? I have a feeling that at least; the individual’s country would definitely organize a function and do the honors by awarding something…It all really can’t go much unnoticed for doing the nation proud…

    2. Tg, I can't wait to see what you have to share with us about those dt portrait clues! Its amazing how all of the so-called Bessler 'experts' are completely blind to them. Not you though. With you returning this 'dead and decaying post tg blog' might just miss its appointed shut down this June! Meanwhile can you provide a translation of those words under the second portrait? I cant find that info anywhere on the web.


  5. John ,
    I know I have said this before but I have the Bessler Principle ! You know I am never satisfied with anyone's " ideas " ( or even mine for that matter ) . All we know is how things work , how gravity causes things to drop and certain other mechanical facts , most of it shrouded in vagueness , constituting mere glimpses of what we are trying to achieve . As of today , thanks to my own discernment and unwavering persistence to seek out this principle of Bessler's ( And God ) I have been blessed with the solution . What science has abandoned , with your help and Bessler's example I have finally found . Thank you for being the pivotal figure in mt quest . I know I am a pain in the a$$ . To you or anyone else who has offered me advice and/or criticism I now offer my thanks , and also promise that this device will soon be realized in full much in the same way Bessler realized it ( after he got the right principle ).

    1. You are setting yourself up for another fall Chris. Justsomeone

    2. Little do you know . And it shows . I am not going to fall . I have what you and all those involved here have thirsted for . Accept that . Your comments are uneducated , clueless and unappreciated at this point but for the sake of a reply ( instead of just ignoring you ) this is my response . An anvil receives , buyer buys , cat eats , dog yanks his chain round , the dog is Bessler in the poem . But what is he talking about ? I know plain and simple his thoughts . Welcome to ( and take note if you will ) the extremely rare occasion of an exception to the rule ... and the day when confidence will not suffer because of negativity .

    3. Continue on in your fantasy land Chris.

    4. Chris

      If you come forward with a working wheel that meets Bessler's clues, I think that wheel has be accepted as "the Bessler Wheel". Later on, if someone else produces a working wheel that also meets the clues, then I think there will be a controversy. Not until after some undisputable proof is found from Bessler (maybe deciphered drawings by 0ystein) will the matter be settled.

      So Chris, I hope you get to enjoy your status as the re-inventor of the Bessler Wheel, who knows how long it will last ;)


    5. "...the dog is Bessler in the poem . But what is he talking about ? I know plain and simple his thoughts ."

      Chris, you think you know Bessler's thoughts? You don't even have a clue! You refer to Bessler's poem. You are referring to a part of chapter 46 of Apologia Poetica, which contains metaphors. But, ALL of AP was written in rhyme. You didn't know that, because you don't know what you think you know!

      How can you or anyone else come to any kind of solution without understanding the Bessler material? The answer is, you can't!

      So go back to the drawing board and good luck with that!


      By the way, to those who call this section of AP the "Little Book", again AP itself is what Bessler was referring to. AP was produced as a small pocket book, and GB and DT were larger, more normal sized books.

    6. Ed ,
      I really don't understand you and your fellows . You have all your facts so neatly arranged but can't seem to arrange your weights likewise .

    7. I'm not the one claiming I got it, but yes...organizing you facts is something you do when you seriously research something. Why bother claiming you know what Bessler thinks when you don't even know the material? People can tell you are being foolish just by listening to you talk. Now instead of making claims or talking at people, initiating a discussion would get a whole different response.


  6. Well thank you Chris! Always nice to get a kind word, and good luck with your solution. I hope it works.


    1. You are welcomed John . I have so many ideas that I couldn't build them all without a fortune anyway ... so I trot about changing my mind frequently and as I've said before this seems to serve me well . I am like the boy who returned to the mountain as a man and climbed it for the sake of climbing it . I have really had to come to terms with this " obsession " in the context of merely continuing or not and defining whether or not it is actually a solvable problem . Just a few days ago ( like I'm sure all of us who are serious do ) I had to question , from the point of view of science if this is even possible . I have heard it said that regardless of the path of a weight within a wheel or similar structure no mechanical advantage can be obtained . My response to this is whoever said it was simply mistaken . I am pretty handy and in all probability can most likely produce this device myself after some trial and error of course . From now and henceforth walking the walk and not just talking the talk .

  7. Yes ,..I say anyone who believes they have the solution,regardless as to whether it has been tested,should be encouraged further to confirm if this is the case.
    Eventually the solution is going to be genuine.

  8. Primemignonite7 April 2013 at 01:04

    "technoguy 6 April 2013 15:55

    Good morning soldiers! How is life in the trenches?

    Currently I am helping my partner through some DIFFICULT medical issues, but I can SEE the light at the end of the tunnel and it will HOPEFULLY not be long before I can come back more regularly.

    In the meantime, I sit here in waiting with printed AND laminated copies of both portraits and my dry erase marker, putting the FINISHING touches on some work that I believe will offer some crow to those who think the second portrait has nothing to do with Bessler!

    Hasta la vista, and as they say "I'll be back!"


    HIM again!

    Materialized for yet another dreadful round of bullying and boorish overbearance?

    (The correct answer asserts itself.)


  9. If all that is wanted is research money, why not a Bessler type wheel with a small electrical component powered by an earth battery, just to give it the little nudge, most of us have needed to get our designs to run.
    Bessler, no.
    Free energy, maybe.

    1. Surely if you do that they will miss-understand and accuse us of being a fraud.
      No!..I believe it has to all mechanics or nothing.

    2. In my opinion that is the point exactly , residual mechanical force " leftover " from a highly efficient ( can you say OU ) mechanical process .

    3. I didn't intend it to deceive anyone, or call it perpetual motion, just free energy, with an explanation of how it works.
      That way the line between the two is not blurred.

  10. My view is that examples of free energy devices are already "out there," in some cases for decades. My two best candidates would be the Thesta Distatica (aka Testatika) and the Japanese magnet motors.

    I see that the original Methernitha video of the Thesta Distatica has been posted in 14 parts starting at The last several parts show a discussion with their chief engineer Luzi Cathomen in his workshop — unfortunately in German — I can't follow it well. Near the end of part 9 they explain why they won't release the technology into the world as it currently is.

    Another even more convincing video (IMO) is the "Dream Energy" program I've mentioned before. It was included in Tape 4 of the "Cold Fusion Day at MIT" set of videotapes. I can find the introduction to those, with Eugene Mallove, on YouTube, but nothing about the "Dream Energy." Hopefully someone will get around to posting that one also.

    1. Arktos, check out,
      plenty of info in English, I think there's even a transcript of the videos you're talking about.

    2. Stevo, The beginning and the end of that reference are interesting; yes the end is a transcript of the original Methenitha video.

    3. Arktos, did you check the photo's on the site under the first one?
      The one with Luzi Cathomen looks so much like a Bessler Wheel, it's unbelievable.
      Bolt one of those babies to a Bessler wheel, you'll get 10K.W. no problem!

    4. Sorry, that's 30k.w.!

    5. Stevo, Yes, that big wheel is the Thesta Distatica called the "Elephant" which was designed to deliver 30kW. Methernitha themselves had trouble with it at first; I don't know whether it can now deliver its rated power. The smaller machine in the video delivered its rated 3kW without problems.

  11. Free energy for myself would be enough reward for me.
    I shant be sharing with anyone.
    Let them eat cake.

  12. Chris, free advice, learn how to calculate the overall COM of a wheel. Draw your design on paper. If you find that the wheels COM stays on the descending side of the wheel through to the next shift than maybe you have something. Do this before you shoot your mouth off claiming to have solved it and it may help prevent you from looking like a fool again.

    1. Like I said , you know nothing and it shows . I could care less how I " look " . You guys need to stop acting like Gurus in the PM game because your wheels don't turn anymore than anyone's . What makes you think I don't know what you know and then some ? You could choose to be encouraging , as if the problem is solvable ( by someone , even me or you ) , but you never do , therefore I can tell that you don't actually believe it is . Keep your negativity to yourself .

    2. I will keep my negatively to myself if you keep your self promotion to yourself! You don't know how Bessler did it! You didn't know the last 100 times you claimed to know either. What's the definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over and over and over again and expect a different result. You accomplish NOTHING by saying you know, nothing. Enough already.

    3. No way man , you will always be negative and I will put you ( and all others who don't know what I know and pretend that they do ) to shame ... regardless of what you type on your little computer screen ... and regardless of what's been said or done up to this point . The truth being either I'm talking out of my backside or not ... it's not for you to know until it's time , or predict like some intuitive mental giant sooo capable of advising others about things which you obviously don't have a clue . So , no , to you can I be clear enough ? Go heckle someone else , or not , either way you and others like you are the least of my concern .

    4. Justsomeone, are you female or male .

    5. Who wants to know? I hate responding to annons. Please use initials or a handle when posting.

    6. CW thinks justsomeone is male, I have always thought justsomeone is female .

  13. Going back a few articles, to Bessler's sales techniques, the only thing he could have done was to come down on the price. No-one would have bought a "pig in a poke", when steam engines could do it bigger, faster, stronger.
    Or if all that was required was occasional use, a few men with a block & tackle, could do just as well.
    A few decades earlier than Bessler, Drebble did market his "Perpetual Mobile", more of an Atmos clock really, but that was because it had a novel appeal to the gentry.
    Improved clockwork mechanisms soon put paid to that idea!
    If Bessler did use his wheel to drive a carousel, or maybe an automota show, to appeal to the gentry (that's the only things I can think of as an amusement). It wouldn't be long before someone came up with a "donkey wheel" driven show, just to cash in on his success.
    So I think he was between 'Scylla and Charybdis" when it came to selling his invention.

  14. John,
    Out of respect for you I admit that I have been wrong in the past and have continuously ( yes , over and over ) stated that I know how Bessler did it . But I believed it , I never intentionally lied . So what do you do when you can see more clearly as an outsider what turmoil someone is going through ? Do you rub salt in their wound ? Or do you make sure they know their place among their peers , and how you are better , more sane , more " adult " . It should be obvious that the good Bessler was a little " touched " and likewise most of us a little touched because it comes with the territory . At least I am making claims based on new ideas and inspirations ( and note that I have spared any boring technical details to yawn at ). So if I may shed my skin and let everyone note that this is a new Christo , enlightened if you will also blessed and uninterested in the usual scuffling with the rougher characters around .

    1. Ponder this ... even in Bessler's day and most every day before or since there are those who PRETEND to know that PM is impossible , even going so far as to say that the laws of the universe PROHIBIT it . So no matter how many claims I make ( in favor of myself and what I believe ) don't forget the " standing claim " that the world at large has made . There is always someone to carry that torch ... but hardly ever someone who has the meddle to carry the contrary one .

    2. Chris, speak for yourself! Just because you are touched doesn't mean the rest of us are, and Bessler wasn't as "touched" as people like you think. People with half ass knowledge of Bessler!

      Too many people try to carry the contrary torch, which is the problem.

      I'm reminded of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Ask yourself why you seek the it for his glory or for yours? Same thing. Ask yourself why you write a comment to a post on a blog saying you solved it for John's benefit or for yours? Not one person is going to stop working on their projects because you announce you have it with no proof. Not one! Likewise, not one person gives a crap that you have something with no details and no proof. Because you don't...have anything that is.

      Saying this to you has nothing to do with suppression, it has to do with waking you up! Get it together man! What is your problem? What do you want from this place, from John, from the others who come here?

      Because without proof you are just another gasbag powering that contrary torch of yours!


    3. I will be back with the announcement of the device . And I was speaking of being " touched " in contrast to being your average " sheep-like " kind of personage . John's benefit ? Hmm, no I have already given John advice for his benefit but he doesn't care to heed it . But I still respect him and have not proven him wrong as of yet .

  15. All of these 'prizes' are of little use to the pm researcher - inventor unless his machine is putting out thousands or better tens of thousands of watts and is small enough to fit in a car. Any inventor who manages to produce a 12 ft replica of one of Besslers wheels that is churning out 25 watts can just forget about getting any grant or prize money for it. He and his machine will not even be considered and he will have to fight just to get the world to acknowledge that he actually has what Bessler had. The 'Ignorami' will be doing everything they can to 'neutralize' his discovery, its promotion, and the inventors credibility. Make no mistake about that reality taking place. The real only true prize for the serious Bessler wheel builder is just managing to duplicate what Bessler did and nothing more. Dont expect anything more to come of it and you wont be disappointed! Any prize money floating around out there will most likely go to someone who makes a breakthrough with solar panels or can figure out a way to take the energy out of fossil fuels without releasing exhaust gases into the atmosphere to make 'golbal warming' worst.


    1. Golbal Warming is the biggest hoax in history!

      I wish I could figure out how to use this newfangled Ignorami to keep from having to see all of your stupid posts.

    2. Golf ball warming is real , it is caused by the friction between golf balls and air . Golfing should taxed for the golf ball global warming that it causes .

    3. Mike, I thought the power of Bessler's Kassel wheel was estimated to be somewhere around 100-130 watts (1/7th - 1/6th HP). Let me know if incorrect.

      The average sewing machine motor is 1/2 HP (3 times more powerful than the Kassel wheel). You sure wouldn't be bringing a Bessler sewing machine home in the trunk of your car.

    4. For those of us who can remember the 1970's, the scientists back then were warning us of an impending ice-age! Go figure.

    5. I love it. The polar ice caps are not thickening, and the global warming crowd now say it is because ice deep in the ocean is melting and then re-freezing at the surface.

      So lets examine their logic. Ice deep below the surface (where it is the coldest), melts and rises to the surface (where it is the warmest), then re-freezes. Right ...

      We have to be nice to these idiots because ultimately when we have a runner, we will need them to sell it, so yep, I agree with everything they say ;)

    6. Embarrassing spelling error.

      The polar ice caps are NOW thickening ...

    7. One of the anons said 'Mike, I thought the power of Bessler's Kassel wheel was estimated to be somewhere around 100-130 watts (1/7th - 1/6th HP). Let me know if incorrect.' The last estimate for the Kassel wheel I read said the output while working the water pump was about 25 watts. Maybe at lower speeds than 20 rpm it could put out more power (tg said a wheels maximum power was right after it started up and then it trailed off as it approached its maximum steady speed). If Bessler wanted to really impress potential buyers he needed much higher power. With the count footing the bills for him there is only one excuse he could have for not building a demo wheel with much higher power. He could not do it because of the sever limits of his design. This is why I think anyone trying to turn Bessler's wheels into the 'energy source of the future' is totally wasting his time. If it could have been done Bessler would have done it and his invention would have sold and we would be using it now and not endlessly debating it on blogs like this!


    8. Mike, I agree with you 100%. Finally someone is saying it like it is. Bessler's Wheel had a very low energy output due to the nature of overbalanced wheel designs.

      If you are right about the 25 watts for the Kassel wheel, then my original estimate of needing 3 Kassel wheels to power a sewing machine would need to be changed to 12 or 13 wheels. Wow, now wouldn't that make for an interesting sewing room.

      So how many Kassel wheels would you need to run the average household. I wouldn't even want to speculate. It's enough for Bessler to have proven overunity, our goal should be to find a non-overbalanced wheel approach.

  16. I have found a motion simulation program . It is called Blender 2.66a . It is a free simlation program and you can build mechanisms on it . I am using it to try and discover Bessler's secret .

    1. You will have to create and keyframe movements yourself . Try not to exaggerated reality . The pot now calls the kettle black .

    2. I could make anything work in blender and throw physics out the window .

  17. I'm not sure why some people are so enamored with building a replica of the Bessler Wheel. Nostalgia, unable to build without clues to follow, or maybe the thought of vindicating Bessler. The problem is, and will always be, a Bessler wheel is a Bessler Wheel, too weak and too big to be of any use.

    1. Why don't they build something useful, like a buzzsaw gravity wheel , that can power a whole sawmill, and it probably could power a modern house with energy left over .

    2. We are going for the Bessler wheel because his was one wheel that past the test for genuineness.

    3. The buzzsaw gravitywheel is the bessler wheel.

    4. @Anon 8 April 2013 18:59
      Family, worker, and eyewitness reports say the Buzzsaw Gravity Wheel turned one saw blade (not sure about a whole saw mill). Considering the wheel's weight, it would have had an enormous flywheel effect, that along with a narrow cutting surface, and the wheel would seem to have more power than it actually had.

      @Trevor 8 April 2013 19:35
      Very sentimental of you. Any wheel is better than no wheel, obviously. Shame it has to be such a under performer.

    5. The buzzsaw is just too complicated, we want a simple wheel.


    6. When Trevor says "his was one wheel that past the test for genuineness", he means it was a proven working wheel. Why pursue some other inventor's idea when it was NOT proven to work.

      Makes perfect sense to me.

    7. Guys,..Who cares if Bessler's wheel was an under performer,it was still perpetual motion and thats our first goal.
      Once that is achieved then we can work on improving it.

    8. There are two types of perpetual motion,one without power,and one with power.
      Either one will make you famous.

    9. Sorry, I thought the goal was to come up with an energy source that would save the world, not something to make you famous. An original Bessler Wheel won't cut it.

    10. No, No, No, Not to save the world, its all about money, fame, women, drink and a Hollywood lifestyle.


  18. Here is an important clue you don’t want to overlook when theorizing about how the Bessler Wheel worked.

    Did you know that the Merseburg wheel displayed a hopping effect while running? During every half revolution of the wheel, it lifted up, and during the other half rotation, it moved down. Eyewitness said they could see one of the support legs move slightly up and down in the floor bracing. Keep in mind that the wheel may have weighed several hundred pounds, so the upward force had to be sufficient to lift the entire wheel off the ground, even if it was only briefly.

    It is believed that this unexplainable movement is what prompted accusations that he wheel was being driven by someone in an adjacent room, and ultimately led to Bessler’s arrest.

    Was the oscillation due to the wheel being out-of-balance, or was there some type of oscillating effect of the internal mechanism.

    For those of you that think you know how Bessler's two-way wheels operated, your design better incorporate the capability to produce this movement, otherwise you are off target.

    Below are links to the member’s forum on if you want to read more. You do need to be a member to access these comments.

    1. The wheel was not centered on the axle and precession could explain that movement.


    2. A non centered wheel is definitely one possible explanation. Had one of the support columns not been fully attached, we would never have know about this. It certainly suggests the wheel was out of balance for some reason. A simple overbalanced wheel (on the descending side) would not on it's own produce this added movement and therefore cannot be all there is to the solution, it if ever was.

    3. A set of mechanisms that always is turned "backwards" could count for this. As the weights are locked up when the wheel starts to turn "backwards" the weights are not spaced equally around the wheel and would likely have an unbalance every turn, or positiv / negative every half turn. I will not use much time at the moment speculating on how the backward function was solved. Either it was attached some springs that is "overcome" by the weights centrifugal force and momentuum inside, and/or some "hooks".

    4. The 'hopping' of the Merseburg wheel is easy to explain. The drum was not perfectly centered on the axle. When the drum's center of gravity was above the center of the axle, it wobbled upward and lightened the load on the supports and they could shift up a bit. When the drum center of gravity was below the axle, it increased the load on the axle and pushed the supports down against the floor again. I guess Bessler had tohave the uprights held in place by bracing pieces of wood and could not nail them directly into the floor and ceiling which allowed them to shift about a bit inside the 'box' of the bracing pieces. Some landlords dont like alot of nails being driven into their floors, walls, and ceilings. Bessler used a thicker axle on the Kassel wheel and centered the drum better to eliminate this problem. The uprights were probably better attached to the floor and ceiling also because the count would permit it.


    5. A likely scenario mike.

      Does anyone know if Bessler's first two wheels had support columns that went from floor to ceiling, or was it just the last two?

    6. An off-balance wheel could also have caused a harmonic oscillation to develop further amplifying the effect. What ever the cause, the full weight of the wheel was behind the move, otherwise, the wheel would not have lifted.

    7. No guys thats way out.,..Believe me,here's what happens.
      The hopping is cause by tyhe reactive rise of the weights,nothing more.

    8. Are you saying the hopping is due to the raising of the shifting weights? Can you be a little more descriptive. Thanks.

    9. Yes and no,..The hopping is caused by the centrifugal force as the weights swing outward and upward.

  19. Suppose man happens to land on a planet which is quite away from the sun or on which it can depend for solar power then imagine what a gravity wheel can do in that situation?... So, can we say it is even futuristic…and then , can there not be any prize for such an invention?...

    1. The invention must work in space.


    2. I think I didn't convey my point properly…
      What I actually meant was that suppose man wants to settle down on a very distant planet where the sunlight/starlight is so much faint that converting solar energy is not feasible then what role a gravity wheel could play in that situation…simple:…the gravity wheel can be successfully used to convert that planet’s gravitational force, isn't it?...

    3. Yes you are correct. It would seem that some energy source other than sunlight would be needed for heat, and the Bessler Wheel would work well, assuming you didn't need to power anything larger than a night light!

      While you are on your way to that new planet, you will need a source of energy too. Why not rely on power from your non-gravity gravity wheel! I know, it's not a Bessler design.


    4. Something is really better than nothing at all…
      Nightlight is always better than total darkness…
      There would be some real worthwhile use for gravity wheel…especially, where sufficient sunlight can’t be harnessed or in remote civilizations…Gravity wheels can run fans directly to cool the environment…provide light lighting…grind grains,etc.,…pump liquids…Provide power to run our communications equipment…provide means of conveyance thru conveyor belts from point to point…provide support to spinning mills…run mini toy models…run various machinery in amusement parks…run exhaust fans…run bird and animal scarers…Run water equipment for agricultural purpose, etc.,…

  20. Well I don't know about you guys,..I have one more part to install and I can test my latest attempt and whats more it even hops even though it's perfectly balanced.
    This is the ultimate and if it does not work then,I'm over it.

    1. Something thing is better than nothing...

  21. Is this blog shutting down in June !:(

  22. No, but maybe for a week in May!


    1. Yes, Spain...again! Warm dry sunshine, cheap but good wine, sangria, beer....


    2. JC, do you get US brands in the UK, like Bud Light? I was wondering how you would compare this to other more worldly beers.

    3. John, you can always tell the Mrs. you were checking the parametric oscillations when you're on the topless beaches!

    4. Watch it...she might use the same excuse...

    5. Thanks Stevo...and anon, I like it.

      Yes Zoelra, we get the US brands here. Funny thing is I like the US beers when I'm there, but prefer the German, Belgian and Italian lagers when here - and San Miguel when in Spain.


  23. I have build 387 different mechanisms over the last 8 years, none of them worked.

  24. I am afraid your approach has been totally wrong…the right thing to do would be to first realize the concept mentally and then start building the same…pure mental efforts can really lead one to success especially as far as this mechanism is concerned…But it has to be quite intense…you have got to be very obsessed, too…the nature of this concept is such that one’s intuition plays a great role…you don’t require anything handy at all…just a quiet and peaceful place to imagine, imagine and imagine…till the puzzle pieces fall in place gradually…

    1. Although I kind of agree with you Suresh, in my experience you cannot beat hands-on building and anyway how do you know how much mental effort has preceeded each build? Speaking for myself, I only build from ideas that have seemed to me to hold promise of success. So I would encourage anonymous to continue with his builds, obviously working to a design in his mind or on paper, which is how I work.


    2. So Suresh, have you finally completed the straight edge of the puzzle, ready to begin filling in the middle, or are you still stuck imagining?

  25. Suresh is giving good advice. I think what he is saying is think about it, get a good feel for it in your head, do the math, design on paper, then build. Some people jump right into building without having even a basic grasp of the mathematics and physics behind motion and gravity. Without this, everything you build would be by the seat or your pants, trial an error. There is nothing wrong with this approach, but you can end up wasting a lot of time.

    The project I'm working on now came from a mental vision of sorts, and is based on previous builds, builds that required a lot of homework.

  26. You are right sir…I, of course, agree with you…As I have been constantly insisting, the bessler wheel design is a very peculiar design not seen anywhere…we have no much idea of it…without knowing what to build there is no point trying out various designs practically in vain, in my opinion…
    A building architect first completes his drawing or blueprint and becomes very sure what he has to build…this is a more logical way…it becomes very costly to realize later after the build what actually went wrong…
    The usual reference to a lever or a weight in a bessler wheel makes one to think of a normal lever or weight…but it is not so…very specialized way of lever-weight combination is actually used…they perform in a special way not seen anywhere…and this idea doesn’t comes to mind that easily…you have got to put yourself in bessler’s place…it is like pursuing a spiritual realism thru meditation…and once you hit upon the right idea you feel enlightened…you will know for sure that it is it…it is the one…The wheel starts to rotate non-stop in the mind…it is easy to keep ruling out various designs mentally…one can easily make out which one will work and which one won’t easily thru mental efforts…without any predetermined destination in mind it is like going round and round in a journey…In a nutshell, the key to the solution of the bessler wheel is to think out of the box…a lot of mental work is required before one arrives at what really to build…Bessler wheel has been very elusive…many a valuable clue suggested are not being rightly considered by many…with this the climb is only getting too steep…ultimately, it is one’s choice and, as far as bessler was concerned, he had it revealed through his dream…

  27. "…and once you hit upon the right idea you feel enlightened…you will know for sure that it is it…it is the one…The wheel starts to rotate non-stop in the mind…"

    Words to live by.

  28. You all should forget about the bessler wheel and leave it alone, because big oil would not like it.

  29. This growing pile of irrelevant 'entertaining banter' seems to have reached its limit of 100 comments again. Time for a new pile to begin! Like all of the fragrant piles since Jan 8th it has attracted a fair number of 'Ignorami' flies. They are attracted to the odor of irrelevancy which helps them deal with their own lack of an results with pm. They want to think the rest of the world is just as irrelvent as they are! But to be fair there was one small hint of relevancy because we did learn a bit more about how Bessler anchored his Merseburg wheels uprights to the floor and ceiling. Even a ten thumb carpenter like me knows that a board the exact length of the distance from floor to ceiling wont fit and must be a bit shorter to go in upright. Bessler's 'hopping' Merseburg wheel would have hopped a lot less if he had proberly shimmed the uprights. Guess he was better with smaller furntiture carpenry jobs than the kind involved in wall construction. Shut down in May? Earlier than I expected. If tg has returned before then it might even not become permanent!


    1. Methinks the BABY doth protest too much!

      I am TIRED of seeing my name get invoked here by the likes of you, Mike. I said I had personal business to complete before I can begin posting regularly again, but THAT apparently is not good enough for you!?

      It has been a real eye-opener these past few months, and I don't care to have my work PILLAGED in such a manor. Where is YOUR relevant information related to uncovering Bessler's secret mechanism? I come here to try and SHARE!

      John has not actually said he is interested in having me come back, and I may have had some differences with some here in the past, but I have NO interest in coming back if this kind of behavior has been seeded here!

    2. technoguy...aka...mike...aka...KenB

      You must really be messed up to post like this. Definitely stay away.

  30. It may be worthwhile to remember that we have got to just work out how a lever with weight attached plays the mystical game within the confines of a wheel….it is that simple…if that can be found then the rest is just duplication…seven more such levers with weights have to be made….they all have to be identical…They all play the game together…One chasing the other in a very rhythmic manner…from a distance the entire array looks quite grand…On the descending side, it is all due to gravity but on the ascending side both gravity and inertia keep the game going…

    1. Hi to all, I think just 2 levers are sufficient to prove self rotation.

  31. TG you are of course welcome back as long a you stick to the short comments. By that I mean keep it short, succinct and in one part.


    1. Yes "of course" but, REALLY short, REALLY succinct and, REALLY of one part.

      With unalloyed zest I am sure, various here do look forward to the real Ken Behrendt appearing and then (necessarily) affirming positively that he is not, never was nor will ever be "TG"!

      Come forth!


      If this business is in any way a thing that's right (as a few madcap supporters of the craziness try to sell, and quite futilely) then such a needed event should occur but, if not, the issue will ever-continue and with more and more suspicion heaping up without surcease.

      Indeed, we'll be watching to see which way our tiny pet tempest goes . . .


  32. Ha ha ha! Just as I suspected. All comments by 'technoguy' including the above made after Jan 8th this year should be ignored because they were made by Collins pet troll (only read the genuine tg comments made from Aug 30th 2011 and Jan 8th 2013 if you are a serious Bessler wheel builder looking for valid info to the secrets of Besslers wheels). It looks like he is now getting his looney kicks by impersonating ex posters and making it look like they are insulting others here like me who has acted as the real tg's 'defender' more then once since he left. Next the troll might even make it look like the real tg was putting down or even denying his own past contributions here! This troll's leash is again in need of some serious tightening by Collins! I admit that he did almost convincingly copy the real tg's style but tg if he was returning would not be posting 'I'll see you all later' messages here. He would be telling us about his latest Bessler wheel research in detail and he would not have failed to answer the simple challenge question I asked him twice already. Only a troll who has not even bothered to buy and read DT would be unable to do that.

    Any newcomers to this blog should know that it is actually being indirectly controlled by the 'Ignorami' who are a very small loose conspiracy of burned out and failed ex pm wheel builders. They want to make sure that no one ever discovers the secret of Bessler's wheels since they, who like to think of themselves as geniuses who 'deserved' to do it first, were not able to do it and never will. They will do anything possible to make the blog as boring, irrelevant, and serious wheel builder unfriendly as possible. Their big victory will come when they can shut it down completely. Their tactics were already successful in getting Collins to make the real tg feel unwelcome here on Jan 8th of this year and I'm their next target because I expose them with every chance I get. They are the most serious obstacle to any real progress with Bessler's wheels. Most likely the troll did his hoax at the bidding of an 'Ignorami' master who did not want to risk being involved if the hoax was exposed as it was. All trolls are desperate for approval which they rarely if ever get on the web and will often obediently serve an 'Ignorami' master in the hopes of getting a few crumbs of approval from him. I don't want to think that Collins would have been knowingly involved in such a crude and unethical hoax or have given permission for it in any way.


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  34. Having overbalance of weights in a wheel may not rotate the wheel, Bcoz, energy required to keep weights in overbalance is more than what the energy get out from overbalancing weights. so we need a lever which can keep weights in overbalance with less energy.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...