Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Update and a short hiatus for me.

My work on my own project to reconstruct Bessler's wheel is progressing at last and I plan to complete my single mechanism test rig in the next day or so.  When and if that works as I hope, then I will build some more mechanisms and test the final wheel in the next couple of weeks.  If the test rig experiment doesn't perform as I hope, then apart from seeing if there are any further adjustments I can make which will improve the situation, I'll have to reconsider my options.  I await the results of Øystein's build with great interest, but the two of us seem to be approaching the solution from two different perspectives and who is to say whether either or both, or none of them will prove right or wrong.  There are others out there who also believe that they are on the brink of success, but it would be foolish not to remember that we have been on the brink of success for what...300 years now!

I mentioned above that I intended to add 'more mechanisms', but I did not say anything about adding the ubiquitous five!  The reason for this is that lately I have come to the conclusion (as everyone has been telling me for the last, I don't know how mnay years!) that perhaps having five mechanisms wasn't strictly necessary for a proof of principle wheel.  Bessler said, "If I arrange to have just one cross-bar in the machine, it revolves very slowly, just as if it can hardly turn itself at all, but, on the contrary, when I arrange several bars, pulleys and weights, the machine can revolve much faster..."  If my wheel turned so slowly but still continued to turn without stopping then I should consider that proof enough for me.  Then I could add sufficient to make a clear demonstration of the wheel's power.

I  have written 309 blogs and received 334,815 visitors over that time which works out at just over 1000 per blog, from more than ten countries.  I'm proud of this but it doesn't really compare with other blogs and to tell the truth I'm running out of ideas to write about.  What I thought I'd do is to leave the blog as it is for a few days to guage reaction and then leave it closed for some weeks with just a brief account of Bessler wheel on it until I have something useful to report.  That would either be some more information about my own theory or the revelation that my wheel worked.  If the information related to the latter then there would be some short period of time before I was able to say anything publicly anyway.

So it's time to take a break (not my Spanish break yet!) and see if anyone wishes me to continue writing and perhaps some will offer subjects to comment on.  

In the mean time a big thank you to all who commented, both positively and negatively - you can't have one without the other.

Best wishes to all and good luck.- and keep me informed!



  1. John, are you still working on your new book?

  2. Hi Vincent, I'm waiting 'til I have proved my wheel...or not. Then I shall finish it.....at longgggggg last!


    1. John ,
      I have an idea that encompasses my interpretaion of Bessler's Praepondium and Motus Perpetuum . The thing is I've done so many animations of so many different concepts and have even began to build some of them but what always happens ( except for this time in particular (( so far )) ) is I change my mind due to the impossibility of actually constructing my imagined mechanism/s . So I have forced myself to actually come up with a design which , sharing similarities with my general concept , is , however , not so damn difficult to build . I know many are using animations and they will understand what I mean when I say that this one " just feels right " .

    2. "Click", goes the broken record!

    3. A record is a mere copy of an original " master " . None of you will (most probably ) ever take this as far as I have , that is , FAR ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY SUCCEED ! So mock me if you wanna . In the end it will be apparent that you were wrong all the time and could have spent your time more wisely .

    4. Also I am sorry that you don't get excited by you ideas the same as I do mine . You must think it's your job to point out to me , yourself , or anyone who might be reading your A-nony-mouse comments that I've been excited before , and that probably my ideas must be really " different " in order to cause me so much elation !

    5. CW said
      "None of you will (most probably) ever take this as far as I have, that is, FAR ENOUGH TO ACTUALLY SUCCEED".

      In you own words, show us your runner. Oops, you can't, because you don't have one.

      That's the point CW. All you say is one more day, just one more day, no really just one more day, ... . So how many months has it been since you first said just one more day? And you still haven't built it. When this blog is gone, all memories of you will quickly fade.

    6. Anon 18:10

      Lets strip out the fluff.

      "None of you will...take this as far AS I HAVE...to succeed". The key in this statement is "AS I HAVE". Not "AS I PLAN TO" or "AS I HOPE TO", but "AS I HAVE". No wiggle room here, no double meaning, no interpretation. This is a complete 100% definite absolute positive admission of "I HAVE".

      So CW, you are now a FRAUD and a LIAR.

    7. CW, anyone who fails to plan, plans to fail, I bet Bessler screwed up,and burnt many plans on paper, each time realizing that it's not "The One" after all.

    8. ...and all you do is " sweat " me . I am working on something . I could care less if anyone remembers me as you say . I'm not doing this to impress you .

    9. " taken this as far as I have " implies effort and perseverance concerning a constant goal ... I was not saying that I have a wheel that turns ... If you weren't such a mental case ( stalker ) you'd have known what I was saying ... I have never said that I have a working wheel .

    10. You probably just one more day.

    11. Whoever you are Anon 18:10 ... you should be crying , pouting ,kicking and screaming about now ... along with the rest of the covetous crybabies . Okay ... here it is , " I understand Bessler's invention " . You will eventually have to shut your big mouth and pack that slow computer up for archiving ... after slapping your wife of course .

    12. You do realize that if I actually discover this thing you and a lot of others will be instantly comparable to Gartners , Wagners and Borlachs ? It will mean that in spite of your egotistical back-patting self-aggrandizement that you refused to search for the thing until you actually found it , all along giving someone like me ( who has never stopped looking since day one ) a hard time ! Good luck with your wheels , sirs .

  3. Well, it's been an enjoyable blog, John, I'll miss it.
    Have a good hiatus.

  4. Did the MIB get to you, is that why you are shutting down your blog.
    If so they will probably be getting BW.com off the internet as well.

  5. John, How about your next blog being a preview of your new book.

  6. @ John Collins

    Wow, I've been coming here for years. Early on just to read messages. I didn't actually start posting until recently (sometimes as Anonymous I admit). I'm beginning to have that empty feeling, kind of like your favorite restaurant is going out of business, or one of your friends is moving away. I know all things must come to an end, it just sad when that time comes.

    You will be missed should you close this site. I want to tell you that you have been a great inspiration to me and I thank you personally for everything you have done, not only for the cause, but also for all the help you have given me thru your books and posts here. I don't think you will ever know how many lives you have touched.

    I'm guessing you will still keep your other sites up. Would it be correct to reach out to you via the bogywheel@yahoo.com address should this site close?


  7. Trevor Dauncey Said...9 April 2013 15:21
    Well I don't know about you guys,..I have one more part to install and I can test my latest attempt and whats more it even hops even though it's perfectly balanced.
    This is the ultimate and if it does not work then,I'm over it.

    Well...what happened to Trevor...Not visible...I am worried...He was already very old...How do we know if anything happens to anyone?...I hope he is not over...He contributed a lot...I will also be missing everyone...

    1. Probably just out drowning his sorrows in a bottle of chianti.

  8. Trevor, don't let this so & so have the last word, tell us it's a bottle of bubbly to celebrate, or at least a tea or two, and a re-think.

  9. chirp, chirp, chirp ...

  10. Okay guys,relax,..As murphy's law would have it I was halfway through my testing and I had to down tools and move house.
    I am right next to the airport and the planes come in to land right over my house so the doppler effect does affect the wireless internet now and again.
    I have to now go and complete testing to see if I can get this principle to work.
    It involves raising a weight using a quarter of that weight which is no problem but now I just have to work out how to maintain the pendulum swing.
    I hope John does not give up because this wheel has to be conquered.He must just ignore all the squabbling sparrows.

    1. Trevor, what the anonymous American twit doesn't realize is, the "chirp, chirp, chirp" joke is wasted on a Brit.
      What it means is, that there is no response, usually from a comedian's audience to one of his jokes, they are so quiet, you can hear the crickets chirping.
      So anonymous, hoisted by your own petard!

    2. Stevo said: "... what the anonymous American twit doesn't realize is, the "chirp, chirp, chirp" joke is wasted on a Brit."

      What is it that makes you think that it could only have been an American that posted that?
      If you believe that that 'joke' is exclusive to Americans, than you are the twit.

    3. Too much American TV than (sorry then).
      Your defensive attitude, and your writing style.

    4. Oh! and the time stamp on your posts, East Coast, right?

    5. "Oh! and the time stamp on your posts, East Coast, right?"

      What's the matter, Stevo, does your Mommy only let you on her computer for one hour a day?? Poor baby. I get to post at all hours of the day and night, I'm a big boy. LOL

      And Stevo, when you get to third grade, they'll teach you Geography. You'll learn that that time zone also cuts through South America.

      My interpretation on the "chirp, chirp, chirp" post was that that person was commenting on what it'll be like around here while John has his blog temporarily shut down.
      The fact that it was posted an hour and a half after your comment doesn't mean that it was directed at you, or any one person in particular really.

    6. Mommy, third grade, U.S.A. for sure, some Latin American countries adjust their time zone by half an hour, to avoid changing to summer/ winter time, by the way, I'm in the South American time zone area. We don't change our clocks at all. My posting times fit in with the short breaks I get from running a business between 5:45 am and 10:30pm.
      After working those hours you get tired, you ought to try it some time.
      The "chirp, chirp" was directed at Trevor, meaning no response from him, and as a Brit. he wouldn't understand the reference.
      If you want to know where I am, ask Matt Damon, he knows a nice place to visit when he sees it.
      You see, I am smarter than a fifth grader.
      Oh! now you're a big boy, better get Mommy to let out your replica Star Fleet uniform.

    7. "Mommy, third grade, U.S.A. for sure,"
      "you ought to try it some time"

      My, you sure are adept at assuming things, aren't you?

      BTW - "The "chirp, chirp" was directed at Trevor, meaning no response from him"... the only way that you could know that for sure is if you posted it.

    8. Why do you think Trevor mentioned "squabbling sparrows"?
      It was because he thought it was directed at him, but didn't understand the reference.
      Why, as a Brit myself, would I post a remark to another Brit, knowing full well he wouldn't understand it?
      There are twits in every country, tell me, do the anonymous, sarcastic postings not irritate you too?
      Do you not agree that "Chirpnonymous" comes across as an American?
      If we keep on like this, he/she has achieved his/her goal, don't let the last few postings be all squabbles.


    9. Chip Chip, I'm headed our for a nice fag.

    10. Okay, Stevo, I think that the 'cricket' post was an innocent comment, and you think it was a little malicious. I agree to disagree. So yes, truce.

    11. whats not lost on the brits is the americans took away their manhood long ago and all they have left is to give each other reach arounds as they comfort each other in the pubs. pip pip da doodly do, rub rub rub two men doing it in a tub, god save the queern they all say ...

  11. I'm not giving up Trevor. I'm building what I think (hope)is the answer.


  12. Now to get to the heart of the matter :
    An atheist or even someone unlikely to seek the same source , the appointed , aforementioned , and directly referred to source of Bessler's secret principle will even more likely than your average " wheel-maker " FAIL in his aimless wanderings . That is a fact .

  13. You are right Anon…I am also sure that nothing is possible in this year and that is a fact…In fact, it is going to take a few more years for the wheel to be built successfully…I know how difficult it is for some to digest this fact…there are so many factors that needs to be considered whereas, going by the present trend, it is very clear that some aspects like the axle design, wheel’s support structure, etc., are not being discussed…These things are really very crucial to the success…I am sure these are not covered in the codes…

    1. How long are you going to continue preaching that which you don't know, and actually start building so you can join the others that at least have a clue.

  14. None of those things are facts, they are merely opinions. That IS a fact.

    1. Agreed, all this talking with no proof from Bessler to back it up. It's now starting to get very old very quick.

  15. The most important thing is to discover the principle of the prime mover.With that all else can be accomplished,like the loading of the weights which turn the wheel by gravity.
    It's all about the prime mover and nothing else.
    That is what made the differance to Bessler's quest.

    1. Philosophy and theology:

      The prime mover, primum movens, an unmoved mover in the philosophy of Aristotle, later used by Thomas Aquinas in his cosmological arguments, as a "first cause" of existence

    2. Trevor ,
      The " Prime Mover " in theory must contain , within it's form and substance both an original constant cause ( gravity and weight ) and a constant effect ( motion and acceleration ) . The first ( two ) are what is GIVEN and we are striving to compliment IT/THEM to such an extent that they are perfectly mixed into ONE END .

    3. From DT:
      "The internal structure of the wheel is designed in such a way that weights applied in accordance with the laws of Perpetual Motion, work, once a small impressed force has caused the commencement of movement, to perpetuate the said movement and cause the rotation to continue indefinitely"

      The key words here are "once a small impressed force has caused the commencement of movement". The prime mover in his wheel required an external cause (push) to start.

    4. I agree with you Trevor on the importance of the prime mover. Unfortunately everyone's perception of the prime mover is different, but this is to be expected. The most general definition I have seen for the prime mover is "that which produces mechanical movement". Even though the definition is very vague, I like it because it allows flexibility in what you call the prime mover, and what the prime mover moves.

      I myself think the prime mover must be a complete functioning mechanism that can move itself and anything in it's path. You would place one or more of these prime movers on the outside of the wheel to turn it, or one powerful one inside to lift weights to the overbalanced position, and the overbalance would turn the wheel.

      Some think that the prime mover is just the lever(s) and weight(s) at the end of each crossbar. And those components drive the frame of the wheel. That use would also be correct.

      Based on the previous post, I would say Bessler's prime mover required an outside push to get it started, then once moving, would power the wheel.

  16. Yikes! It looks like the end is coming even sooner than I predicted! Sometimes I hate being right. Those damn 'Ignorami' can eventually destroy the best of blogs or sites as they work slowly but relentlessly over time. They never rest! I think you should continue right along with this blog and start giving us the details of what you are working on as you promised to do years ago. Stop worrying about sitting on it until its perfect. Nothing is ever 'perfect' in this universe! Also stop worrying about the insults of the 'Ignorami' because they are just pathetic quitters with nothing better to do then mock those who refuse to quit! If you cant then let others model what you've got for you and let you know if works or can be made to work and discuss it all right here. If youve got something then great and if not then that's life and nothing to be ashamed of. Aside from that keep the focus on Bessler and the clues because that's what serious Bessler wheel builders are always looking for. You quote Bessler 'If I arrange to have just one cross-bar in the machine, it revolves very slowly, just as if it can hardly turn itself at all, but, on the contrary, when I arrange several bars, pulleys and weights, the machine can revolve much faster...' I think tg mentioned this once and said he thought it was a poorly translated description of a block and tackle attached to a wheel's axle for lifting weights. The 'bars' were the axles that the b&t's pulley wheels were mounted on and Bessler used some sort of adjustable b&t that he could add axles and pulleys to get different lifting forces. He played around with them using different size weights to always try to have his wheels lift the heaviest weight as quickly as possible which looked good during demos of the wheel. If this view is right then the quote is not about any mechanism inside a wheel but only about a device hooked up to the axle outside of the wheels drum.


    1. ...says the 3 faced nut job...

      Well at least we won't have to put up with this loser and his on-going failure of a wheel much longer.

    2. "Yikes! It looks like the end..."

      That's right. Bye-bye, KEN !!

      (now, you'll have no choice but to post all of your nonsense on a blog of your own)

    3. Thanx for the 'feedback' you pathetic 'Ignorami' stooges. It's losers like you that are the real problem with this (and other) blogs!


    4. So you have the same problem on other blogs that you have here. Interesting how someones character shines through all the mental bullshit. Well good luck finding a life where no one knows you.

  17. John, if you had moderators for your blog, you could keep it open and not have to check it every day .
    You should get all the troll posts deleted from your blog, especially all TGs and Ealadhas posts, moderators could do all that for you.

    1. troll insults and spam yes but ealadha and tg no. just filter any who insult others here. they don't belong here.

  18. There isn't a moderator service on the blog, but I occasionally delete thos that are offensive or spam or are too long. Other than that I enjoy the banter as long as it keeps reasonably good-natured.


    1. Glad to hear that John, I did get carried away a bit !
      Toodle pip! I'm off for a quick fag. (coffee actually, Cafe Bustello, for our American friends) I don't smoke.

    2. Don't you mean tea and crumpets?

    3. Stevie, You may not want to tell your American friends that you're off for a quick fag! Trust me on this one. ;)

    4. If he looks like a cross between Oliver Hardy and W.C. Fields then it might just work. ;)

    5. Yeah, yeah, I know what "fag" means in the U.S.
      Trust me, in British slang if I was looking for a "nice piece of crumpet", a "quick fag" would be the last thing I was searching for!
      It was a correction to anonymous' attempt to sound British.
      Nice try with B.V.I. though, I guess Matt wasn't saying.
      Try Heavyweight Champ, George Foreman, he, his wife, and all the Georges come to our business occasionally, I wouldn't upset him too much though. :-D

    6. BTW, lost 3 stone (42lbs.), mail order Prosacea's working, Richard Geere in no time !

    7. Gor blimey guvnor!, I've just been down the frog an' toad to the supermarket, and there's a new shipment of Thomas' Nooks & Crannies (crumpets), right before me minces,
      luvly jubly !
      Have to take it easy with the Land O' Lakes and Smuckers though, got to keep a watch on the Derby Kelly.
      I say, old chap, I see the link to the B.V.I. tourism site has gone, I take it was something unsavoury, that those foreign devils get up too.
      Zounds ! what's the world coming to ?

  19. In my opinion the prime mover is not the kiiking swing but the swing in reverse.You are welcome to disagree but then you should volunteer an alternative.
    Here's what happens...The innitial turning of the wheel causes the pendulums to swing.The swinging of the pendulum causes a vertical pulse which can be used to incrementally offset the heavy weights to the one side to over-balance the wheel,turning it faster,which in turn causes the pendulums to swing more and more.
    I cannot be more open and down to earth than this.

    1. Sounds like you are utilizing CF from swinging pendulums, attached to the frame on the overbalanced/ascending side, to hoist a weight further towards the outward position, creating more overbalance which drives the wheel. Correct if wrong.

    2. Yes more or less,..but I would point out that if the hanging weight is to the right of the pivot at any quadrant of the wheel,the wheel will turn clockwise until all the weights hang at six o'clock,the point of rest.

  20. Anyone ever thought of using a "swash plate" design ?
    That way, the weights only need to move side to side, and not lifted.

  21. Its lіke you reаԁ my minԁ!
    Υou appear to know so much abоut this, like yοu ωrοte the book in іt or sοmеthіng.
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    a bіt, but other than that, thіs is еxcellent blog.
    A fаntastic read. Ι'll definitely be back.

    Feel free to surf to my web page; georg ohm

  22. Good luck with/in your hiatus. We will keep in touch anyway as agreed, either way how our individual projects turn out.

    Before you close up I just like to say that everybody needs to take their time to read, memorize and carefully use logical thinking when reading Besslers written words. Also think about what difference a sloppy translation of a word could make a difference to your work.

  23. I agree with Øystein and would only add "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar".

  24. Thanks to all, I'll be back! (as some once said)



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...