Monday, 31 March 2014

The Legend of Bessler's Wheel - in a nutshell.

The legend of Bessler’s wheel began in 1712 when Johann Bessler announced that he had invented a perpetual motion machine and he would be exhibiting it in the town square in Gera, Germany, on June 6th of that year. 

Everyone was free to come and see the machine running and he would demonstrate its unique ability.  It took the form of a wheel mounted between two pillars and could run continuously until it was stopped or its parts wore out. The machine attracted huge crowds.  Although they were allowed to examine its external appearance thoroughly, they could not view the interior, because the inventor wished to sell the secret of its construction for the sum of 10,000 pounds – a sum equal to several millions today.

News of the invention reached the ears of high ranking men, scientists, politicians and members of the aristocracy.  They came and examined the machine, subjected it to numerous tests and concluded that it was genuine. Only one other man, Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, was allowed to view the interior and he testified that the machine was genuine.

There were several attempts to buy the wheel, but negotiations always failed when they reached an impasse – the buyer wished to examine the interior before parting with the money, and the inventor fearing that once the secret was known the buyer would simply leave without paying and make his own perpetual motion machine, would not permit it.  Sadly the machine died with the inventor when he fell to his death during construction of another of his inventions, a vertical axle windmill. 

However, the discovery of a series of encoded clues has led many to the opinion that the inventor left instructions for reconstructing his wheel, long after his death.  The clues were discovered during the process of investigating the official reports of the time which seemed to rule out any chance of fraud, hence the  interest in discovering the truth about the legend of Bessler’s wheel. 

My own interest was sparked by the realisation that an earlier highly critical account explained how the wheel was driven according to Bessler’s maid - an explanation so obviously flawed that I was immediately attracted to further research. In time I realised that there was no fraud whichleft me with the only other possible explanation, the wheel was genuine and the claims of the inventor genuine

The tests involved lifting heavy weights from the castle yard to the roof, driving an Archimedes water pump and an endurance test lasting 56 days under lock and key and armed guard.  Bessler also organised demonstrations involving running the wheel on one set of bearings opened for inspection – and then transferring the device to a second set of open bearings, both sets having been examined to everyone’s satisfaction, both before, after and during the examination.

The only fly in the ointment, so to speak, is the fact that modern science appears to deny that Bessler; wheel was possible, but my own research has discovered what might be called a loop-hole, a work-around that avoids conflict with the laws of physics.




  1. Have you built your working wheel yet ?
    I thought you had it all solved, where is the wheel .

  2. No not yet. I prefer not to discuss it because so many other people are working on it, and any one of them could succeed. When one of us has a working model that's the time to talk about it. But I am as ever, optimistic


  3. "When one of us has a working model that's the time to talk about it."

    Forgive me John, but this sounds like an attention grab. Please explain what there would be of interest, in your past withheld work, if someone else succeeds first?

    1. I was trying to be non-attention grabbing Ed!

      Ah, I see what you mean. I didn't mean that I would talk about my past failures when a working model appeared, all I meant was that I didn't want to talk about my own work because I didn't have a working model and that if anyone wished to talk about their work they could best do so once they had a working model..

      Does that make sense?


  4. No offense was intended.

    Yes, that makes sense.

    Thanks for the clarification John.

  5. why u are not talking about your idea which are not succeed
    and which are running. you should copyright before doing this.

    1. I don't talk about past failures because much of what I do relates to those past failures. Somethings I learned lead to new ideas.


  6. John,
    I'm just about to build a model, after my little cardboard test piece had some success .
    All I'll say at the moment is, the number 5 features in a way no-one thought of.

  7. Good try dear-this for your past efforts
    Best of luck- this for your present working and
    well done-this is for your future success.

    I Am seen your years of reserch, hard work,commitment happy to say you are out standing.

    I am also working of some ideas which no one applied yet ( as I known about 1 year net searching ).

  8. So John, how is your wheel progressing?
    Do feel we are any closer to cracking it?
    Do you entertain using pendulums inside the wheel or not?
    We all accept that the large external pendulums were there just to govern the wheel, of course that's a given and probably there just to make the wheel look more complicated than it was!

  9. I wonder if the black/white segmented logo is a code wheel? Maybe roll it over the text? just an idea ....

    1. This idea has been suggested before Jon, and I too considered it, but my own thoughts on the AP wheel are largely discussed on my web site at

    2. I agree with Johns basic view on the purpose/use of the AP wheel. In addition/IMO: It serves several purposes. One is to prove the geometry used where text are ciphered elsewhere in AP. It also holds a geomteric proof by itself. Geometric "coincidences" describes Besslers basic secret mechanism.

  10. As said before, I'd prefer not to talk about it because without a working model I have nothing to offer. What I can say is that work continues and I believe that I'm making progress.

    Do I think I'm closer to cracking it? Yes

    But this is a purely subjective impression and who knows at this point if I'm really any closer.


  11. John & all,
    my experiment was an epic fail !
    The idea behind it was , if you use the curve of the figure 5 to go around the hub, it would leave just the "L" sticking out, whereas on the other side you would have the curve and the "7" sticking out further.

    However I learned a great deal, and have now got a very simple plan , that if indeed you were to peek inside the wheel, you would complain about the lack of content.
    It includes all parts mentioned by Bessler, and fulfills all the noises mentioned by the witnesses.
    It also explains why the larger wheels were slower, and why one cross was slow.
    Eight mechanisms are very easily fitted inside.

    Interested in a drawing John ?

    1. Stevo, only a working wheel will do .

    2. In this blog, I didn't find how to send a drawing, Stevo. Do you know how to do ? It woud be intersting.

    3. Michel,
      the last drawing John asked me to send was by E-mail , I like to ask first, I imagine John has far too many unsolicited E-mails sent to him, I am guilty as charged :-)

      John has requested a drawing from me before.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...