Friday, 13 June 2014

Has the Time Come to Ditch the Search for an Additional Force?

Preface to today's blog

 I have considered the following points, for several months but until now, have settled for merely stating my opinion rather than discussig the point.   Lack of space necessitates brevity so the examples are limited but will hopefully be sufficient to sway some of you to my point of view.

After all this time one would think that some progress would have been made towards solving Bessler's wheel.  I know there has always been a strong bias among those who believe in him, that his machine required some additional force to assist the weights to overcome their final hurdle and complete a full circle.  The reason for this bias lies, of course, in the strongly held conviction that gravity alone, cannot achieve this.

Those of us who take Bessler's words as true, and believe that there was no additional force necessary, are undoubtedly in the minority.  Yet the sheer lack of progress in identifying the additional force seems to me to prove that it is less likely to lead to a solution than to stick with Bessler's words -  and work on the assumption that no additional force is required.  All available forces have been considered and nothing has worked.  So where do we go next?

I have described Bessler's wheel in the past as a gravity wheel, this was wrong; it does not run on gravity; no more than my car runs on petrol, diesel or gasoline. What does that mean? We all blithely talk about autos and their gasoline engines for instance, but even though we call it a fuel, actually it's just a liquid with some useful properties.  We fill the tank and then it is drawn through the fuel pipe and into the combustion chamber - after being mixed with air - and ignited.  The subsequent explosion leading to a rapid expansion of gases, drives a piston down or upwards as required and this causes the first real movement, and the crankshaft turns.  This was originally termed an internal combustion engine and the fuel used to create the explosion could be almost any combustible material. Denis Papin and Christian Huygens in 1680 used gunpowder to create the explosion in a gunpowder engine consisting of a vertical tube containing a piston.

A steam engine relies on coal, which has to be burned, to heat water, to produce steam which is another rapidly expanding gas, and that thrusts a piston up, or down, another example of the first real movement.  Coal is just fossilized trees and is simply a fuel burnt to heat the water to create the expanding steam, but it does not directly fuel the engine.

The electricity we use is generated by steam turbines using water heated by burning coal, and now nuclear fission, but the basic concept is very simple and not dissimilar to that used by James Watt in his steam engine. 

If, for the sake of argument, we leave aside all the life on this planet, nature has only two ways to generate movement; one way is through heat, and the other is gravity.  Nature generates heat in a number of ways, chiefly from the sun warming the planet and from volcanic action.  The subsequent temperature variations can lead eventually to hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes.  The temperature variations can have odd effects; some rocks in deserts appear to move of themselves but it is due to intense heat during the day and very cold nights, expansion and contraction plus gravity, makes them move.

I know there are some out there who think Bessler may have designed a machine that ran on ambient temperature changes.  As a retired engineer I feel certain that you could never create a wheel using such technology, which operated at the speed Bessler's did, nor start up so quickly, and not with that much power, 300 years ago.  So we are left with nature's only other motion instigator - gravity.

So far, I have focused on the final step which was the moment of movement, but the previous step was what caused the movement.  There is a common denominator in the descriptions of the above engines; they all require an input of heat to generate the first movement.  Should we be looking for a solution to Bessler's wheel using heat?

It may appear that I have proved that Bessler had to have used heat of some sort to generate rotation in his wheel, because the alternative is said to be impossible - but - nature has both solutions available to her and if you think about the moving rocks in the desert, they used temperature variation and gravity to move themselves.    There are many examples of gravity operating in nature.  Rock falls, water falls, rain, floods, land slides and avalanches, the tides both during and away from the full moon; and it has been said that the solution, if it exists, will be found in nature- and - I am utterly convinced that Bessler didn't use temperature variation, or we would have had reports of burning smells, smoke, heat etc, accompanying each demonstration. 
We have  tinkered at the edge of this virgin technology, using gravity in watermills, and weight-driven clocks, for example but no one has given a hard, fresh and new look at why we think we cannot  build a continuously turning wheel, as Bessler did..  Rather than looking at each possibility, the world of science and engineering have repeated parrot-fashion the old, old story that gravity is not a source of energy and therefore Bessler's wheel was a fake.  I have news for you, gasoline does not provide the energy for an auto engine, heat does, generated by burning the fuel which is stored in the tank.  Gravity does not provide the energy for Bessler's wheel, the weights do.  Gasoline enables the heat to be produced to move the piston, and gravity enables the weights to move and overbalance the wheel.

It is my belief that, like gasoline, coal and oil which each form part of a series of steps, gravity will prove to be but one step in the process of finding a way to manipulate weights to create continuous rotation in a wheel, just as Bessler did, more than 300 years ago.




  1. Were magnets not employed in the wheel .

    1. Were they? I don't know, but I suspect not.


    2. My view on the subject.

    3. Couldn't open the link, Frank. Just takes me to BW index page.


  2. John, the only additional force that was required was the investment of a falling smaller weight x leverage.
    This is how Bessler could justify that his perpetual motion did not contravene the law of thermodynamics.

    1. Since the Gravity Pulse Motor (see my BesslerWheel Blog) depends on the energy provided by the falling of a "smaller weight" (the simple pendulum which weighs less than the compound pendulum) I obviously agree as well.

      No magnets, no heat, no zero point energy, no wormholes - just common or garden apple gravity.

  3. john, we are discussing so much about wheel and 1712 it has already discovered by johann bessler. Hence sooner or later some one will discover this wheel, but will it of any use for us? p.l.g.

    1. In my opinion it will be of great use, plg. Bessler said it could be enlarged many times and of course you could place more than one or five wheels on each axle or simply make them deeper, dependent on the configuration. This means they can be made more powerful, and also Bessler said he could make them turn more slowly, or faster, according to the demands of the load. JC

    2. I agree.

      It can be used everywhere not only on the surface of the earth but underneath the earth/sea as well. Power stations can be buried out of sight of our green and pleasant land.

      It is 100% non polluting and solves the problem of global warming at a stroke.

      It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven. It's manna for the second millennium

    3. Global warming is a scam, its not a problem .
      The problem is chemtrails, would it solve chemtrails.

    4. Its not global warning, it is terraforming, our planet is being terraformed to make it more habitable for an incoming alien race, they are planning on not having many humans alive on earth in the future.
      The bessler wheel is not going to solve that problem .

    5. Alien terraforming is a scam, it's not a problem.
      The problem is people with inverse mouth to brain ratio, would it solve people with inverse mouth to brain ratio.

    6. I know it is true because I read about it on the internet by David Icke . Reptile alien people are running the world .

    7. I cannot get onto Grimer's blog on the BW forum , its for members only and they will not let me join the forum, it is just not fair.

    8. You're confused Ealadha. Anyone can read my blog - even you. My forum is different.

    9. I cannot find your blog .
      Global warming is a lie .
      Chemtrails are real, they are polluting the world and causing species to go extinct .
      Would the Bessler wheel help to save nature from being destoyed .

    10. Go to the main forum page.

      Above the blue header line which reads;
      Forum Topics Posts Last Post

      You will see a line in smaller print which reads:

      Recently updated Blogs: Grimer's blog, Real gravity-magnetic engines, scott's blog, The Green Magician.

      Click on Grimer's blog and my blog will appear.

    11. It shows Real gravity-magnetic engines and scott's blog but no Grimer's blog .
      Are the MIB censoring it !

    12. LOL - Gosh! I do hope so. I'll have to have a look.......

      Nope. It shows up OK here in London - Perhaps you are in Alice country. I'm sure the Red Queen wouldn't want the secret to get out.

    13. Hey you, paranoid dipstick, you gotta login first!

    14. Don't forget to login using your computer that you built from collecting sunlight in a clear glass jar...

    15. When I try to log in it says I am banned.
      I watched the video by Tarsier 79 and yes that could work if the wheel was balanced but also it would need something to dampen the pendulum when it swings back, there was a video about 14 years ago of that principle on the internet that someone had gotten working in their garden.

    16. I would not be bothered building one of them because the amount of material that would be needed for a small amount of energy would not make it feasible, no wonder rar energia has to build there machine on such a massive scale if they are using that principle .

  4. Love it Ed!!!! LOL.

    I guess the aliens have taken over also.

    1. Yeah, Grimer's blog is written by the human underground. It's where the rebels plan to defeat the alien reptiles using Flash ads in the sidebar. That'll get 'em! LOL

  5. Hello, John. No news from your new experiment ?

    1. No news yet, Michel, it's not finished - too many other issues to deal with, but I get back to work on it, as and when I can. One death in the family, two hospital stays for family members, and one death each from my adjacent neighbours!


    2. I'm sorry for these sad news. However, I believe totally in your next success.

  6. Jhon, " In my opinion it will be of great use" was your reply against my quarry "will it be of any use for us".In what way it will be useful for mankind ? please elaborate. Can it generate energy and use of petroleum product, coal and nuclear will not be required? p.l.g.

  7. correction:-last line please read as "nuclear fuel will not required ? p.l.g.

  8. Yes. if it works it can be used to generate electricity, pump water, provide heat and air-conditioning, refrigerate, irrigate - everything that we do today that we use electricity for. Maybe nuclear fuel will always be here, I don't know, but perhaps it will be reduced to nil after a few years. Petroleum products and coal are becoming rarer and harder to extract so it will gradually replace them. Windmills will not be needed for electricity generation. That's it in brief!


  9. Hi john,
    for the wheel to produce any decent power, it would have to be of considerable size, so long-term is it any good for the general public, you have always said you wouldn't patent it.
    but the government would not allow you to put one in your back garden if it was 8 to 10 mts high.

    1. You could dig a hole and put it under the garden.

      People in London are constantly digging basements under their property. There was an article about it recently which revealed that after the JCBs had been at work they were buried in situ since this was a cheaper solution than recovering them.

    2. I understand your point and I've considered it many times over the years but in the end we won't know until we have succeeded in building the first one. I anticipate that ways will be found to make it more powerful, without necessarily increasing its size as much as its power .


  10. Everyone's wheel is grounded to the Earth so this means that inertial forces from the Earth are partly responsible for the operation of the wheel. If your design incorporates a pendulum, it keeps the pivot point steady allowing for an oscillatory motion (excluding friction and wind resistance). By virtue of the wheel rotating, CF is also introduced, and therefore must be mitigated or taken advantage of. IMO gravity, inertia, and CF will all three play a role in any working wheel.

    1. Well spotted, Zoelra. Everyone's wheel is grounded to the Earth but not in she same way as the Gravity Pulse Motor (GPM). The GPM is grounded both at the axle, permanently, and at the compound pendulum, intermittently.

      Inertial forces from the Earth are indeed partly responsible for the operation of the wheel.

      My design incorporates two pendulums. A simple pendulum and a complementary compound pendulum which form a balanced beam at a crucial phase of the power cycle.

      Newtonian Gravity, inertia and Ersatz gravity (CF) all play a role in the GPM.

    2. Just thought of this...

      JC's kiiking approach also utilizes inertia, or changing the moment of inertia to gain energy or height.

      I don't think there can be a "gravity only" solution, but I look forward to someone proving me wrong.

  11. All these different wheel designs, when a wheel turns, it will be the design of the person who turns it and not besslers. Maybe besslers was the same, but its their design. We will never know what was in besslers wheel and if it really worked.

    1. If we can show gravity can be harnessed in any manner then it will be pretty certain Bessler's claim was genuine. The thing stopping his claim be given any credence at present is the scientific establishment's view that it contradicts scientific dogma.

  12. Believe me, it is a gravity only solution...I have proved it to myself.

    1. Unless your wheel is 100% balanced 100% of the time, then it can't be a gravity only solution. The Earth anchors your wheel, expending energy to keep it in place, keeping it from falling over or sliding about as the wheel rotates. If your wheel works, it will do so only at the expense of the Earth.

    2. Indeed. It will obtain its angular momentum at the expense of the earth. It's the same principle as the gravitational slingshot, gravity assist manoeuvre, or swing-by

      However, Not only is the loss of earth's angular momentum negligible but is it counterbalanced by the next door wheel which rotating in the opposite direction.

    3. It is for this reason that I don't think there is such a thing as PM or free energy. Any working device we make (and Bessler made) will take energy from the Earth. The net energy remains constant.

      Instead of taking the Earth for granted (assuming it is just some immovable object - which it isn't), if we factor in it's pull of gravity and resisting inertia (movability), we might find a way to exchange momentum between a wheel and the Earth. By ignoring the Earth we are closing our system, forcing a solution inside a box that can have no solution. JMHO

    4. You might find a solution thru trial and error with a build, but certainly not using mathematics.

  13. John,
    Do you agree that physics cannot even begin to explain the existence of any particular particle that has " come into being " ? Let's assume that Bessler's wheel did contain a perpetual force ; point being it couldn't be explained by physics any more than the above mentioned particle .

    1. post note : the really hard questions which are long off from being answered are avoided and often assume to be too obscure to answer , and oftentimes left to religion and superstition , but no one is supposed to notice the shortcomings of the elite minds .


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...