Wednesday, 24 June 2015

"The Legend of Bessler's Wheel" - or, "The Wheel of Orffyreus".

I have replaced my usual blog with a brief account of the legend of Bessler's wheel as I will be away for a short period of time.  My apologies to my readers and I promise I will be back here as soon as I can manage it.


The legend of Bessler’s Wheel began on 6th June 1712, when Johann Bessler announced that he had invented a perpetual motion machine and he would be exhibiting it in the town square in Gera, Germany, on that day.  Everyone was free to come and see the machine running.  It took the form of a wheel mounted between two pillars and ran continuously until it was stopped or its parts wore out. The machine attracted huge crowds.  Although they were allowed to examine its external appearance thoroughly, they could not view the interior, because the inventor wished to sell the secret of its construction for the sum of 10,000 pounds – a sum equal to several millions today.

News of the invention reached the ears of high ranking men, scientists, politicians and members of the aristocracy.  They came and examined the machine, subjected it to numerous tests and concluded that it was genuine. Only one other man, Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, was allowed to view the interior and he testified that the machine was genuine. He is a man well-known in history as someone of the greatest integrity, and  the negotiations between Bessler and Karl took place against a background in which Karl acted as honest broker between the warring nations of Europe; a situation which required his absolute rectitude both in appearance and in action. 

There were several attempts to buy the wheel, but negotiations always failed when they reached an impasse – the buyer wished to examine the interior before parting with the money, and the inventor fearing that once the secret was known the buyer would simply leave without paying and make his own perpetual motion machine, would not permit it.  Sadly, after some thirty years or more, the machine was lost to us when the inventor fell to his death during construction of another of his inventions, a vertical axle windmill.

However, the discovery of a series of encoded clues has led many to the opinion that the inventor left instructions for reconstructing his wheel, long after his death.  The clues were discovered during the process of investigating the official reports of the time which seemed to rule out any chance of fraud, hence the  interest in discovering the truth about the legend of Bessler’s wheel.

My own curiosity was sparked by the realisation that an earlier highly critical account by Bessler's maid-servant, which explained how the wheel was fraudulently driven, was so obviously flawed and a lie, that I was immediately attracted to do further research. In time I learned that there was no fraud involved, so the wheel was genuine and the claims of the inventor had to be taken seriously.

The tests which the wheel was subjected to involved lifting heavy weights from the castle yard to the roof, driving an Archimedes water pump and an endurance test lasting 56 days under lock and key and armed guard.  Bessler also organised demonstrations involving running the wheel on one set of bearings opened for inspection – and then transferring the device to a second set of open bearings, both sets having been examined to everyone’s satisfaction, both before, after and during the examination.

So the only problem is that modern science denies that Bessler's wheel was possible, but my own research has shown that this conclusion is wrong.  There is no need for a change in the laws of physics, as some  have suggested, we simply haven't covered every possible scenario in the evaluating the number of possible configurations. 

I have produced copies of all Bessler's publications, with English translations.  They can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate links on the right.




  1. When I looked yesterday there was a blog which when I looked again later seemed to have disappeared.

    Did anyone else see it or have I imagined it?

    1. Do you mean the putt-putt boat, Frank? It's still there and I haven't posted anything else since.


    2. I think the artificial intelligence on the net made it disappear temporarily .

    3. No, I don't mean the putt-putt boat. I mean the post below.

      Tuesday, 24 March 2015
      The High Power Potential in Bessler's Wheel.
      There seems to be a body of opinion among Bessler researchers that even when someone does eventually build a successful version of Bessler's wheel - a working wheel - that it will prove little


      Posted by John Collins at Tuesday, March 24, 2015

  2. I've just noted the date. I obviously clicked on the wrong part of you blog. Sorry about that. :-)

  3. It is the absolute certainty that Bessler had a genuine, working imbalanced pm wheel that has kept thousands of pm chasers desperately trying to duplicate it for three centuries now. Yet, despite Count Karl's stating several times how "simple" the design was, one wonders why no one has yet managed to duplicate it. I can only conclude that the design relied upon a very careful combination of precisely shaped parts for its operation. Finding the solution requires one chancing upon that precise combination. Solving the Bessler wheel riddle is sort of like a lottery in which millions of people can bet on a different combination, but only one of them is lucky enough to bet on "the" one combination that will be selected. So far, all of the thousands of designs tried for Bessler's wheels have been losing ones.

    Update. I finally made it to my model # 1185 and, seeing no previous positive results, was beginning to think about how I was going to word my upcoming "retirement" from active Bessler research announcement. Then, only this morning, I was poking around with model # 1185 and something truly amazing happened. I moved my spring to drum attachment point to a particular location I'd tried before without success and set the spring constants to a recently decoded value from the second DT portrait clues and, incredibly, seven of the wheel's eight levers became perfectly balanced and remained rock steady when the simulation was Run even though the wheel was not allowed to turn. At first I thought I had neglected to delete a pin fixing one of the interconnected levers to the drum, but, no, the entire array of levers was free to shift and it only stayed gently "floating" in a precise state of counter balance! I still have not unleashed the 7:30 lever, but if it also is stable, then this design I have could, finally, be "it". If that 7:30 lever is stable in its required orientation, then I can see no reason why this particular array of levers will not maintain the position of its CoM on the wheel's descending side during rotation as all of its levers assume their starting orientations at the end of each 45 degree segment of wheel rotation. Well, I should know in a few more days and if the testing is successful, then expect a very exciting announcement on this blog!

  4. "Update. I finally made it to my model # 1185 and, seeing no previous positive results, was beginning to think about how I was going to word my upcoming "retirement" from active Bessler research announcement. . . ."


    Sounds like a worthy endeavor, this prefatory study.

    Only FIFTEEN to go !!

    (Now, what brand of Havanna, caviar and Cognac is it to be when THE MOMENT itself has manifested?)

    Excitement builds.

    Relief promises.

    (NOTE: I would not read too much into the tiny, seeming miracle of petty mechanical happenstance K.B. now reports. This too, just like all the others of the past, will pass and onto the so-needed desirable it shall be . . . not-to-worry for "retirement" it is to be. False hopes abound to the desperately nostalgic, for a success that simply is not to come. Let us recall profitably at this most opportune Great Juncture of Salience, that 'twas A KING that wrested Great Excalibur out, and not some slobbering, uppity mere peasant of square-toe.)

    CHEERS !!


  5. Now, as I got a recently published german book, where the author set a focus on Bessler and his wheels, I believe on this subject as much more. It's a pleasure to read and great to have all the facts in his history refreshed in my mind. Bessler was for sure a honest person and he believed on god, as I do. For me there's not any reason not to continue the research and I've to implement my concept that I claim can be the only possible solution that's 100% in conformity with the laws of physics. Surely, there should be many mechanical configurations that will fit the concept.

    1. Hello, what is the name of the book?

    2. "The secret of everlasting energy - About the Bessler-wheel and other »eternity-machines«"

      ISBN: 978-3-86445-184-3

    3. Zhe book iz in german, how am I suppozed to vunderstand it, can I get it in english.

    4. It seems there's not english version available but as a german it was a great found, of course. I'm sorry.

    5. Anonymous of 28 June 2015 at 20:25 shared with us the following querying scintilla:

      ". . . how am I suppozed to vunderstand it, can I get it in english."

      We'll assume that to have been a question.

      You (we) are "suppozed to" learn ENOUGH Deutsch in order to understand the work at least minimally.

      Then, with that accomplished, to go on and learn even MORE !!

      Then, to repeat the cycle yet again.

      THIS is what we are "suppozed" to do.

      Any more queztions? I'll be in my office . . . standing at-the-ready.


  6. Update. Bad news to report on my model # 1185. Testing showed that its 7:30 lever would not assume the orientation it has to have in order to put the CoM on the wheel's descending side. However, I'm still convinced that this particular arrangement of spring attachment points to the levers and drum is very close to the design Bessler used and I will continue to work with it for a while longer. Very frustrating to think one is very close to success, but being prevented from achieving it due to a single incorrectly interpreted clue. But, then again, if finding the solution was so simple, it would have been done centuries ago.

  7. Ken, are you doing a virtual wheel or a hands-on mechanical one?

    1. All of my models are made using wm2d. I will leave it to the far more skilled craftsmen out there to produce the working "hands-on" model after (and if) I manage to finally find "the" design that Bessler used.

      Update. I have made it to model # 1187 and still have the same dilemma. If my springs are strong enough to support the upper levers, then they pull the 7:30 lever out of its required orientation and ruin the displacement of the CoM onto the wheel's descending side. If, however, I make the springs slack enough so that the 7:30 lever has the required orientation, then they are not strong enough to support the upper levers! On the surface it looks like an impossible problem to solve, yet Bessler had to have found a "simple" solution otherwise, imo, he could not have achieved imbalanced wheel pm. Fortunately, I have one last trick up my sleeve to try and resolve this dilemma and am starting to employ in now. What is it? Hint: Bessler implies that he used it in MT 18.

  8. THIRTEEN to go !!

    I do hope that no breaths are abated ones here.

    I sense a 're-set' of some sort after K.B.'s 1200th has not performed.

    Also, I fear that this quite boorish, mega-wordy overbearance is to continue 'till his very demise.

    Practically, one might term it something like 'soft sadism'.

    If not as I suspect and he does disappear, at very least a reappearance of TechnoGuy (notice that when K.B. appeared, T.G. disappeared and, they both pushed the identical Bizarro World cracked-pot theory about mass converting coldly to energy or some such theoretical defectiveness?) will likely be in the cards.

    Really, honestly, I think there is to be NO RELIEF from it's tyranny. In one way or the other it is to be this continuing mundane Word Hell of a sort.

    Soon we'll see what it is to be . . .


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. IIRC, I "arrived" here during the summer of last year and, in order to find out what was being discussed and by whom, I read back about six months or so of past blogs and the replies they generated. I saw no mention of anyone named "TechoGuy" and am unfamiliar with his approach to Bessler's wheels. I can assure you and anybody else here that if I do not find success by model # 1200, then I will be retiring from active Bessler research and it will, most probably, be permanent. I will, however, still maintain that he actually did achieve imbalanced wheel pm, but that I am unfortunately just not "the" one destined to find it. Indeed, it is quite possible and perhaps likely that it will remain, for all time to come, yet another historical puzzle that will never be solved. Its real function will to be to inspire those with nothing better to do to try to find the "simple" design Bessler found. I will wish all of those doing so the very best of luck. And, even though I won't be active on this blog anymore, I will, from time to time, drop it to see what the latest chatter is and if John ever does reveal his "principle".

    3. So then, that's that.

      Very good.

      Signed! - Sealed! - Delivered!

      Now, all that remains is for the 1200th try to come and go and blissful deliverance will be OURS !!

      (However, with my bad luck as it is sometimes, the final try will WORK, James being then consigned to the dust bin of cantankerous, faithless needling detractors, with good matured T.D. exclaiming something like 'I warned you !!")

      Alas, as it is to be with all things gone-by or of present, TIME will act dispassionately to reveal the very TRUTHS themselves. (For they DO LIVE as untruths do not!)


      PS For the record: TechnoGuy denied being K.B. just as the latter denies now being the former however, however they both acted with quite similar passion so as to prop-up "their" discredited, moribund theory, a phantasm workable only in Woo-woo Land. Why is it that T.G. never appeared simultaneously with K.B. and vice-verse? Something seems not quite right about this whole T.G./ K.B. / K.B./T.G. sad sack saga. Just for the record . . .

    4. "Just for the record", James, I was advancing my "mass diminution hypothesis" for the source of the mechanical energy Bessler's wheels outputted as early as 2006 on another free energy site. So, anybody proposing it after that year does not have priority to the concept. They either independently discovered after I did without knowledge of my work or they read my material and then presented as their own. It is, after all, the only rational explanation that does not require us to believe we can get something from nothing.

    5. This very hypothesis along with your relentless, cussed and stubborn pushing of it, was what cooked your goose well-done, over at "on another free energy site," resulting in your departure.

      Yes. Some of us remember. It is all there (at B.W.F.) still for any that might be interested in plumbing the depths of that fuss.

      It is so. Some personality types DO NOT KNOW WHEN TO BACK OFF!

      You, yourself, would seem to be one of them. Whatever it is actually, it goes WAY beyond healthy determination into some form of mind pathology, I believe.

      For one, these sorts do not win my bemusement, to put it leastwise. Others find it all just splendid, existing rather on the more masochistical side of things than not.

      Yes, you have priority on your hypothesis, and I'd bet that all would agree heartily that you are welcomed to it.


    6. I voluntarily and permanently resigned from "another free energy site" when I finally realized it was not the right place to present my type of research. In my opinion, the serious pursuit of pm is definitely "some form of mind pathology" and an absolutely necessary one at that. Without it, Bessler would have achieved nothing and we would not be discussing him here. Indeed, this very blog would not even exist.

  9. Really James... shame on you!...I admire Ken's unwavering persistence.
    At least he does not deride me when I make a bold assertion.

    1. Trevor !!


      Aw, come on!

      I admire it too but in a way quite marginal.

      If only all the fuss, verbiage and thought-dust were to actually result in some thing tangible, other than a mere promised near-end to We, the beaten-up observing weary.

      "At least he does not deride me when I make a bold assertion."

      I suppose it to be so, that he does not. This is good. Some persons do not deserve derision to be accorded their assertions, whereas some other sorts certainly do.

      In my small but highly considered opinion, you (both you Trevors) are of the former because so good-natured in a natural and delightful and youthful way, whereas our present subject - he and his particular peculiar way which is so vexatious in the manner of cussed old persistence - is OF THE LATTER, and thus my attentions paid him that he so-attracts.

      This work others will not do, although some have nibbled rather hard around the edges of such an imagined project of which nothing ever comes. So, it is left up to . . . 'moi' ;-(

      This is my judgement which in no way is a thing prejudicial. On the extreme contrary. It is post-judicial, having been built-up over a fair while of observing, reading and interacting with our favorite subject / personage of instant.

      (I do wonder WHAT he might be like as experienced in-person. Here, I believe no guess could possibly suffice, so bizarre and under-worldly it likely would be. By any interested it might be noted that 'his' earthy living visage is NOT to be seen in J.C.'s "A Rogues(') Gallery" over at BWF. WHY this omission??? Our own can be observed and enjoyed. What is there about this other's that so-needs hiding???)

      Only a few more tries to go and we shall SEE what results in that promised way of a blessed retreat from public awareness. (Meaning specifically from HERE. "The Cosmic Vault" itself is a trip, and is well-done indeed! Did you ever visit there, Trevor? If not, I strongly suggest that you might consider doing-so.)

      CHEERS !!


  10. I tried going there but it did not want to open, or maybe I am a little impatient, I will try again later.
    Please don't take offence but there seems to be a dearth of potential optimist wheel builders progress announcements... I am feeling quite alone!
    On the other hand maybe it's because they are tight lipped about what they are doing because they close to success... I hope so... and that includes John Collins.

    1. Thanks for the kind sentiments above, Trevor, I do greatly appreciate them. One must liken the quest for the "Holy Grail of Mechanics" or mechanical pm as requiring about as much effort as it would take for an armless and legless man to climb to the top of Mt. Everest during a blizzard. Those that actually attempt it quickly learn this truth. Naive enthusiasm and the encouragement of the Bessler story about his "simple" wheel can propel one along on the search for years, decades, and, on occasion, an entire lifetime. However, I believe that, should a pm chaser live long enough, he will eventually reach a sort of von Neumann type "singularity" at which point in time, he will have tried dozens of variations of every conceivable approach to the problem that he can only to be "rewarded" without a single shred of success. At that point in time, the pm chaser will finally realize that, as far as he is concerned, the continued pursuit of a solution is little more than masochistic exercise that will really achieve nothing other than more regret for not having quit much sooner when he finally does quit. There are far more other pursuits in life that one could be devoting his time to that would produce tangible and admirable results with the time remaining to him if he can only manage to summon the strength necessary to break free of the inexorable gravitational pull of the pm black hole.

      Sorry to read you are having trouble with my website. It tends to work better with some browsers than others and can, occasionally, be blocked by security software due to the various popup advertisements that one gets bombarded with by such "free" website hosts.

  11. Update. I made it to model # 1188 and there's bad and good news to report. The bad news is that I tried that last "trick" up my sleeve which was to see what happened when I switched from using linear to using non-linear springs on my models. I hoped that this last ditch effort would finally tame that unruly 7:30 lever and its end weights and make them assume the orientation they had to have so that the wheel's imbalance would be maintained during rotation. Several hours of testing showed me that it made virtually no difference.

    Then, as I was about to call it quits, I suddenly found myself concentrating on that damn lever and realized that the design I had for the rest of the wheel was correct, but that something was still missing from my wheel. In other words, after years of effort, it was still incomplete. I realized that Bessler would have had to have passed over the same ground I was now stumbling over, yet he, with the grace of God or just sheer luck, found the extra component needed to stabilize his prototype 3 foot diameter wheel's 7:30 lever. I knew it had to exist, but what could it be? The DT portrait clues were not providing the answer and then I wondered why they had led me to this point and then went silent? The answer was obvious. Bessler must have left this final detail out of the portrait clues as a final obstacle to those trying to reverse engineer his design. He figured that only the most tenacious would be able to determine what that missing part was.

    Finally, the good news is that, incredibly, I think I know what that missing component is and I am now beginning to model the concept. It's ridiculously simple, but completely unexpected. Stay tuned!

    1. Do we not discern the unmistakable, putrid odor of "last moment RESET back to model # 1" coming-on ??

      In certain cases, the perfect predictive powers of a Mr. Criswell are not needed, to know what new trickery is to be. This is one such.


    2. Speaking of him, Criswell, the real deal, here is his site official:

      It and Criswell's illustrious story, all set in Hollywood back in the Fifties and Sixties, is well worth noting, and it is all there.

      The whole gang: Ed Wood, Vampira (Myla Nurmi), Tor Johnson, Bela Lugosi, Liberace and Korla Pandit were his associates and friends. Truly, he was a West Coast phenomenon and really did serve to start television in that market. We owe him a lot out here.

      If you like The Cosmic Vault, then you are sure to LOVE this tribute site to a true wonder of showmanship, predictably shaky but still all there.

      There you have it!

      Some real uplift attached to an otherwise very, very dreary prospect of Behrendtian Permanence.


    3. Oh, but James ....... Let's not forget ..... 1199a, ........... 1199b, ........ 1199c, ........... lol

  12. Ken wrote:
    "Finally, the good news is that, incredibly, I think I know what that missing component is and I am now beginning to model the concept. It's ridiculously simple, but completely unexpected. Stay tuned!"

    Maybe a small 2SO at the right place, firing at the right time, to nudge the lever into position?

  13. It looks like my reply concerning Criswell above somehow got lost. I just mentioned in it how I enjoyed seeing him on the old Johnny Carson show and doing the narrations in several of Ed Wood's movies from the 1950's (the best example being "Plan 9 from Outer Space" which the curious can watch on youtube for free). Criswell is notable for being the only prognosticator who had a 100% rate of making wrong predictions! Perhaps he was really teaching us an important lesson. Along with my missing reply was an interesting quote from AP in which Bessler describes quite accurately the kind of motion his weights were undergoing on his wheels' ascending sides which is the motion I try to produce in all of my model wheels. I won't restate the quote at this time.

    Update. I have made it to model # 1190 which will incorporate what I have good reason to believe is the missing component in my models that has prevented them from maintaining their imbalance as drum rotation proceeds. It was this last critical component which I believe Bessler discovered just before he found success with his house of Richters working 3 ft diameter prototype. Unfortunately, installing this newly discovered component requires me to make a slight modification in the design of my levers which has caused a delay for me. Hopefully, I'll have something ready for initial testing in a day or so. I do hope this works in the next 10 models, because, sadly, it will be my last attempt to do so before I officially terminate my Bessler research. At this point in time, I'm feeling very optimistic.

    1. For one, at least, I received by e-mail that lost posting. Twice. (For completeness' and tidiness' archival sake, I would be happy to forward a copy to any party interested.)

      An area of enthusiastic commonality regarding Mr. C., seems to exist between K.B. and myself. (This IS a sobering thought.)

      It is really hard to comprehend fully what Criswell's philosophy of existence might actually have been.

      Jeffery Jones' excellent version of Criswell appearing in Tim Burton's flick "Ed Wood" put part of it just right, I think.

      While imbibing with friends, when asked by a friend as to 'how' he 'did it' Jones replied "I just make it up! It's all just a bunch of s - - t !!"

      I'm afraid this bit of extreme candor amused this James to no end. This must have been the case in Criswell's real life, or something very near to it.

      Criswell was loaded and comfortable when he expired, although one might not suspect this. Apparently, he became quite good at profiting from buying-and-selling real properties.

      Once, at one of them located on Selma Ave. (a street nestled between Hollywood and Sunset Blvds., I and a friend caught sight of him outside watering the law with a hand sprinkler and hose. We were star-struck by this, having watched him and his prognosticating abilities on local L.A. Channel Five(?) for a long while.

      There were two small buildings comprising this. On the side of each was boldly imprinted "Unit No. 1" and "Unit No. 2" ! This struck us as most odd. We concluded eventually that this was to some purpose relating to taxation or zoning requirements. I am sure that it was Criswell gaming the system in some way advantageous to his ever-improving bottom line.

      We waved and shouted greetings to him which he heartily returned.

      My brief but most memorable contact with a true Hollywood Immortal.

      There were to be others in a near future: Liberace, Mr. Blackwell, Korla Pandit, Onik Sahakian (Trance Dance dancer), all business related but fun and memorable. I wonder what any of them might have thought of Perpetual Motion?

      So, we are up to #1190.

      This one to the end of next week may be "it", if our luck continues to hold.

      So-far, so-good.

      Let's stay tuned . . .


    2. Those interested in more details about Criswell can find them in this excellent Wikipedia article on him:

  14. Update. Model # 1190 is proceeding smoothly, but not yet complete. Rather than produce an entirely new lever along with all of its previously determined attachment points, I simply spliced in an extra section that contains the additionally needed connection point to which the "missing component" I previously mentioned would be attached. For want of a better name, I am simply referring to this extra component as the "Compensator" for the time being. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that this single extra part is what allowed Bessler's prototype spring enhanced imbalanced wheel to achieve and display the long sought pm effect. In short, no Compensator in such a design and a "runner" is not physically possible. In late 1711 or early 1712 no one else had even imagined the need for this additional component to such a wheel, but Bessler did and the rest is history! I previously stated that the second DT portrait clues were silent on the matter of this extra component. I was wrong! There is a clue about it that is so obvious that I am amazed that I did not "see" it before. Well, this how Bessler's hidden portrait clues were intended to work. Initially, none of them make any sense and the casual viewer of them actually believes that there are no clues present. Then, slowly as one continues to build and test (or in my case model and simulate), a clue here or there begins to make more sense. Eventually one has a collection of clues in whose interpretations he is very confident and a collection that are still ambiguous. And, of course, there are many more present of which he is completely unaware. Over the course of years and hundreds of attempts, the collection of clues that have been properly interpreted continues to increase while the number that are ambiguous and still unknown continues to decrease. Then, that day finally comes when one has properly interpreted all of the DT portrait clues. I believe the clues about the Compensator are the very last that one must properly interpret before he finally successfully duplicates Bessler's secret pm mechanism. I remain confident that I am now at that very last point just before ultimate victory is achieved. My excitement is beginning to escalate!

  15. Nice BIG text block.

    " I remain confident that I am now at that very last point just before ultimate victory is achieved."

    So do we but, we are not so sanguine that ours - a cessation of your 'nice big text blocks' just bristling with this, that and the other plus occasional health updates - are to ever come to pass, or, as set in another way: Relief from the more-or-less regular onslaught of free-association verbiage usually leading to Nowhere Land from same.

    "My excitement is beginning to escalate!"

    And so is ours too, that "blessed relief" might actually be ours that is - IF our stars are shining just right AND IF the moon is just-so, AND IF our luck really, really holds, AND IF . . . . . . . (here, fill-in the blank for it too will be needed so as to effect THIS TRICK!!)

    The models continue to count-up but, to what possible let-down?? (Ha!! As IF we did not know.)


    1. If this final approach I'm trying can not be made to work, then I (and only I) will, quite regrettably, have to admit defeat. I now believe that I have gone as far as possible with the DT portrait clues and will not be able to go beyond this point. However, although I will be "retiring" from active Bessler research, I will not just delete my last wm2d models. I will retain them just in case, weeks or even months later, my unconscious mind suddenly thrusts a new approach to try into my conscious mind. That's probably highly improbable, but I have to allow for the remote possibility so that I will not spend the rest of my life regretting not having done my "due diligence" with regards to the Bessler wheel mystery. I've always maintained, exactly as did Count Karl, that Bessler's wheels were very simple. But, then I wondered why, if that was the case, someone centuries ago did not manage to duplicate them. Now I realize that they did not because they did not have the critically necessary missing ingredient: the Compensator. I'm even starting to think that many of the other imbalanced pm wheel designs that Bessler illustrated in his unpublished MT could also be made workable through the use of this additional component. Who knows what might have happened if only Bessler had sold his original wheel design and managed to establish his "Fortress of Wisdom" over in Russia. The mind boggles at the possibilities!

    2. I for one, at least, would never "admit defeat" for you. I am capable of trying much else, but never that. Just for the record.

      All the rest seems perfectly reasonable to me.

      What might the compensator accomplish, generally? This seems interesting.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...