Sunday 26 July 2015

My current status with regard to Bessler's Wheel

My wheel is approaching a  dénouement; either it works or it doesn't.  If it works then I will publish everything I have on it, including a video of it in action, on one or more of my websites; if it doesn't , the same goes, but without the video.

I'm currently transferring much of the text and drawings I have already completed, onto a website, but this will not go live until it's ready, which may take a while.  However in the mean time I will post on a message to the same effect and try to update it as things change.

The final publication will reveal details of the principle which provides the means to drive the wheel  through the  gravitational force, and in addition it will have many illustrations and explanations of many of the clues I have managed to discover and decipher, which confirm that the design is right. 

The website will contain the same information as the document I originally planned to publish in PDF format and it is taking me considerable time and difficulty to complete this double project, while also working to finish the wheel.  So I would ask that you please to bear with me as I struggle with the current technology which I use to be familiar with but have partly forgotten, I am 70 after all!  It may be a few weeks before it all comes together but I will post updates as and when I think is worth it.

The fact that I include the possibility that the wheel might not work should not be taken as a presumption that I am not 100 percent certain of the design.  I do acknowledge, however, that there are difficulties for me in manufacturing and assembling the various components in such a way that they work relatively frictionlessly and without interfering with each other unless required by the design to do so.  I know that Karl the Landgrave said it was a simple design and once you understand how it works, the overall concept is simple, but I have yet to see an equally complex design published on the BW forum.

So either way, once the web site is ready I will publish it.  I say this because I think the wheel will have been tested and proven or not, long before the website is finished, but if it is, I may not be able to announce it immediately.




  1. I'm glad to see that you are now beginning the final "documentation phase" of your Bessler wheel research, John. It's, obviously, very important that you firmly establish priority to the design you've found for historical purposes just in case it actually does work. Even if it does not work, your efforts and the dates they were made may be of interest to future historians on the subject as they compile historical accounts of free energy research in the 21st century. As soon as you publish any sort of a clear image of your design, I will try to construct a virtual model of it. Even if the physical device you have does not work, that does not necessarily mean it is worthless. There could be the possibility that its construction did not have the precision required to allow it to run; that is, your theory could be correct, but its physical execution too crude which is a common problem that often plagues many pm chasers. A computer simulation will eliminate the problem with imprecision and, possibly, demonstrate that the design would work with a more precise physical prototype.

    My own plans are somewhat similar. Satisfy myself that my 3 foot diameter wm2d model is working through several very sensitive tests. Then scale up to the 12 foot diameter version used in the Merseberg wheel and also verify that it is working. Once that is done, I will begin writing a book to reveal and share the design with anybody who might have an interest in it, particular with actually building a physical prototype of Bessler's design. Right now I'm envisioning a heavily illustrated book that will be roughly divided into three sections. It will be one third an autobiographical account of my research efforts over the years, one third devoted to giving the construction details of Bessler's 3 foot diameter prototype and his 12 foot diameter bi-directional Merseberg wheel, and, finally, one third covering the many geometric and alphanumeric clues in the two DT portraits that led up to the rediscovery of his secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanics.

    Something tells me that we both have a lot of work ahead of us!

    1. Thank you Ken, for the offer to sim my design, much appreciated. The next few weeks should be interesting. Good luck with your own project.


    2. Ken,

      If your "mass diminution" hypothesis is incorrect, then there is no additional energy being added to the system and your wheel will be at best break even, excluding friction. This would explain why you have not had success. Your constant tweaking of the design may be removing all the inefficiencies in operation, but in the end, you will likely up with a up non-runner, because no matter what, you can't eliminate friction, and because of that, the wheel will eventually come to a halt. I hope I am wrong because you are deserving of success with all your efforts.

    3. To put it plainly, if the "mass diminution hypothesis" is invalid, then perpetual motion is impossible! I had to constantly "tweak" my ongoing models because I had not yet correctly interpreted all of the many DT portrait clues. The tweaking, however, is now over. There is nothing left to tweak and I am very convinced that, upon testing, model # 1197 will prove to be a working design.

      Speaking of testing # 1197, many may have noticed that I have been delaying it while philosophizing about the psychology of procrastination. The good news is that tomorrow, # 1197 will finally be given the first of several important tests to determine if it is actually "it". Why tomorrow? Well, I've analyzed that particular date and concluded that astrologically and numerologically, it is a most propitious date on which to do the testing. Tomorrow, for me, will be Tuesday, July 28, 2015. What's so "special" about that date? A quick numerological analysis (the exact same that Bessler would have performed many times during the planning of his ultimately successful imbalanced pm wheel mechanics) shows why. We rewrite the date as 07 / 28 / 2015. We add 07 plus 28 to obtain 35. We then take the year 2015 and break it down into 20 plus 15. Adding them also yields 35. What's so important about the number 35? It can be written as 3 plus 5 which equals 8. Thus, tomorrow's date can be represented by 8 plus 8. 8 is a very important number in numerology and signifies completion and perfection which is exactly the properties that will be possessed by the design of Bessler's internal wheel mechanics. Two 8's equal 16 which is 1 plus 6 or 7. 7, aside from being a "lucky" number is the number associated with heaven and in ancient times it was the total number of stellar objects (other than background stars) that could be seen (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn). Also tomorrow the Moon is entering Capricorn. Significance? The Moon in that zodiacal "house" favors projects require precision of their parts and careful planning. I can't think of any project in human history that is a better description of than Bessler's wheels! Oh, and Tuesday is the 3rd day of the week. 3 is also an important number in numerology and is associated with God. Bessler, as many may recall, attributed his ultimate success to divine inspiration by God.

      Yes, tomorrow I will finally know if I have "it" or not!

    4. "To put it plainly, if the "mass diminution hypothesis" is invalid, then perpetual motion is impossible!" - K.B. 28 July 2015 at 05:03

      Whoa, whoa, whoa, K.B. !!

      Hold ON !!

      That is an awfully big statement of supposed absolute fact. (Shees!)

      Mightn't you care to soften it just a bit? You know, for the rest of us poor clueless strugglers?

      (Really, I think the intoxicating poetical impulse of recent days, as given into around here, was of some inordinate influence in forming SUCH an extreme prepostulation. Truly.)

      Well, you did sort of made up for it with this bit: "Bessler, as many may recall, attributed his ultimate success to divine inspiration by God."

      Now, I could not prove it but, I accept that this particular attribution was one likely true, this as well as it's having been the actual case, of course.

      As a judge recently stated at the very end of a decision I that read: "Only God Almighty can make something from nothing."

      Since things and energy cannot be created or destroyed, being only changeable as to form, this would appear to be the case. I guess it's now law.

      Just think, what a very ugly and inconvenient scene it would be - the sad reality of energy issuing-forth from no place explainable.

      (Embarrassing, too. Oh, pity the poor lab-coats looking around for the nearest open window.)

      I guess THIS week is to the be old #1200, right?

      The tension mounts! :-)


      (The deleted item above contained a too-obvious spelling error.)

    5. Nay, I shall not soften my opinion. If Bessler's wheels outputted mechanical energy (they obviously did), then that energy had to come from somewhere; that is, some source inside of the wheel. Bessler claimed the source of the pm was the weights themselves and he was right, but could not know exactly why. Mass = Energy and a considerable amount of it at that. We usually consider the "rest mass" of objects as marking the mass below which they can not reduce and, in fact, consider these masses to only increase as energy is added to a "resting" object to increase its gross translational motion or microscopic thermal motion at the atomic level. An imbalanced pm wheel, however, would actually force the rest masses of all of the subatomic particles of all of the atoms of its weights to drop below their "resting" values. It is a concept that we will just have to get used to with the advent of imbalanced pm wheels and, indeed, any sort of free energy device. I am comfortable with it. Now, I see it's Tuesday 7/28/2015 in my location. Today is to be a very important day in the history of pm! Incredibly, there is even a particular time of day in which I have to conduct the first test! I will not miss my appointment with destiny!

    6. Well, I guess THAT pretty much nut-shells it!

      Some say, or so I have heard, that merely thinking can create reality.

      This must be (presuming a soon-to-be turning K.B. wheel) the very case here.

      It IS getting exciting.

      Destiny DOES await!

      (Well, I am getting my vintage Havanas, my Cognac and Baccarat snifter our and all ready for the announced moment!)


    7. Last night I did more numerological analysis to determine the optimum time of today to perform the CoM location stability test on model # 1197. My calculations indicate that exactly 5:30 pm is the best time and I will be performing that test at that time unless I get hit by lightning between now and then. That time is exactly halfway between the 17th and 18th hour of the day and this number is particularly relevant to Bessler's wheels for reasons that I can not elaborate on now.

      Zero minute of zero hour approaches!

  2. 'that they work relatively frictionlessly'
    You must be joking, its supposed to be able to lift a tonne of weight and you are worried about 'friction', you must not have the correct principle if you are worried about that. It should work without bearings and the parts rubbing off each other with enormous friction and be able to hoist a piano up the side of a building at the same time.

    1. Oh you know what? I looked at what I'd written and I thought someone's going to pick me up on that! All I meant was that it would be desirable if all mechanisms worked smoothly with minimum resistance.


  3. Hi, John.

    "including a video of it in action"

    Please, make sure that whoever is holding the camera also pans around to your face. I would really, really love to see your expression when you witness it running for the first time!

    1. Hi Mark,

      Will do, although the hands my be a bit shaky.......


    2. Shaky hands? My fear is a sudden massive rush of adrenalin that would boost blood pressure to point of causing a fatal stroke or heart attack! A reaction that is the exact opposite of the crushing angst of depression that engulfs a pm chaser viewing yet another failed "make or break" test. Such angst can linger for days. The ensuing depression makes one feel like all of the neurotransmitters in his brain have disappeared. Sort of like squeezing a wet sponge in a 100 ton hydraulic press until there isn't a single molecule of water left in it!

    3. We, I believe, take note of the fact that the Poetical Compulsion is alive-still and well here.

      (Way better this than some others that come to mind.)

      That said, it IS exhilarating, awaiting that Golden Moment of Final Truth:

      is it TO or, is it to NOT?

      Which is it to be???

      Ha! Only the Three Fates know, all else being but mere wishful guesswork.

      (Side note to all that excitement going-on here: Things continue to heat-up over there, at the BWF, as the Exorcizing of the Slithering Demoniac program [ESD-1] goes forward. So-far, so-good. They continue to expose their tools of manipulation by means of pseudo-canny mis-usage of Greenies as WEAPONRY - just as I have asserted before. It is a very good thing that there is no Elitism Stratification Device [ESD-2] operative here.)

      We all continue, I am sure, to await the positive results which surely ARE to come, due to the splendid K.B. effort on-going.


    4. Now 3:00 pm my time which means only 2 hours and 30 minutes to go until zero minute of zero hour arrives. I'm going to take a brief nap prior to the final and ultimate testing of my best and last attempt to crack the impervious nut of the secret of Bessler's imbalanced pm wheel mechanics. So far my mood remains very optimistic. After all, there was a prior "partially" successful test using a somewhat similar lever shape. Now I will be performing the same test with the new and improved lever whose shape was dictated by a final a very carefully hidden clue in both of the DT portraits and with a previously untried rerouting of one of the design's coordinating ropes. Every particle of my being is telling me that it may work! Rather, it must work...all doubts have finally left my mind and I believe, as I mentioned on "another free energy site" once, that I have finally achieved full "Bessler Consciousness" ; a state of awareness of the mechanics of Bessler's wheels that is akin to the 10th level of consciousness (i.e., "satori") sought and only very rarely attained in Zen Buddhism!

    5. " Every particle of my being is telling me that it may work!" - K.B.

      (Here, like a reverent monk, K.B. treads The Modest Path which is of the Dextral/Upward.)


      Every particle of MY being shouts-out to the heavens "it SHALL!"

      "another free energy site" - K.B. Yes, here this probably should not be referenced.

      Also, 'we' take note of the fact additionally, that said levels of the Poetical Compulsion are now reaching new heights of extended expression. Given the stakes and obvious, impending success, it is, at very least to myself, understandable.

      Onward and upward.


  4. Less than a single hour remains before I know if I have finally solved a 300 year old mystery or if I am to just become another burned out, failed, ex pm chaser! If this single test is successful, it will give a new direction for future pm seekers to move in. First, they will successfully duplicate my wm2d models of the mechanism. The builders out there will then compete to see who will be the first to produce a working 3 foot diameter physical prototype. With that success, the most serious of craftsmen will undertake the construction of the 12 foot diameter one directional wheel. With that success, the very best of craftsmen will undertake the construction of a 12 foot diameter two directional wheel; in other words, a replication of the Merseberg wheel made all the more difficult due to the need to install 16 of the special latch mechanisms needed to achieve its bi-directionality. Well, it all sounds wonderful and will be just the boost this subject needs. If, however, I have just another failed test, nothing will change and interest in Bessler's wheels will eventually fade. A very sad ending indeed to a centuries old search.

    1. I began my testing of model # 1197 at exactly 5:30 pm today as promised. The testing is not yet complete. I will be making an important announcement tomorrow. Stay tuned, folks.

    2. One way or the other, a New Era is about to dawn.

      If I might be so bold as to dare speak for the teaming crowds of onlookers, we shall I am sure severally and individually not only do as you advise but as well, abate our breaths at least partially for this coming 'moment-of-moments. (To go further into 'fully' would only result in our expirations, which at very least would prove counter productive to all our needs, rational or not, individually or severally.)

      The best of the very best of luck to you, K.B.

      It is borderline CRUEL to have to WAIT but, here I go . . .


    3. Ken, I will say it again. You're talking like a crazy man. Maybe you need a time out. After that, get back to work. Few investigators have your motivation and zest for results. It's a calling and it will eat at your very sole until the day you die. Don't deny the world your gift. You can use this time to take a fresh look, set aside the DT portraits and clues for now, and start a new line of thinking. Do it.

    4. Thanks for the advice, Anonymous. But, if I don't finally hit "it" by model # 1200, I'm going to take a long vacation from the subject which, most likely, will be permanent. I recently found some unpublished scientific papers I authored decades ago and am considering putting them out as a bound volume. That could keep me busy for several years to come. But, I will, on occasion, come back here to see if there is any progress being made with "the" wheel. John is, apparently, going to soon publish the "principle" he derived from Bessler's illustrations and that should be of interest to all. I look forward to seeing what he has.

  5. Ken, don't feel too bad if this model fails because.........THERE ARE NO HIDDEN CLUES IN THE PORTRAITS!!!

    1. Over the years Ken has provided many details on the supposed clues he found and 'if they are not there' as you suggest, it is amazing that these suggestive hints exist. What Ken has found is highly suggestive or interpretative, but what else would you expect with hidden clues.

      justsomeone, hows your work going with the buzzsaw wheel? Have you mounted it and done any weight tests? It has been too long for this amazing device to not be discussed.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Justsomeone,

      How is it that you have come to know that " THERE ARE NO HIDDEN CLUES IN THE PORTRAITS!!!" ?

      Let me hazard a guess: It is because they are not hidden but rather, are right out-in-the open for all to see if they have but the requisite experienced organ builder's eyes with which to?

      Did I get it? Is this what you meant?

      Very best of luck with your finding and wheel building.


      (Sorry about the misfire above; a nasty misspelling crept in.)

  6. James "Let me hazard a guess: It is because they are not hidden but rather, are right out-in-the open for all to see if they have but the requisite experienced organ builder's eyes with which to?"

    Yes James we no you are an organ builder. You've hinted at it many times you have the answer all over the place. When are you goind to tell us what the portrait clues mean and explain your theory since you are that organ builder???

  7. OK, I'll play but first of all, WHO are you?

    No identity; no credibility.

  8. Epic ... James.

    You can call me Justsomefella who wants to here your theory and proofs.

    1. I don't think you're Justsomefella. I think you're another Anonymous who is just posing as Justsomefella.

    2. The real justsomeone is a woman .

  9. I've never heard of anyone having such a name as "Epic".

    I will call you "Nothing" to describe just what you will be getting if and until you uncover with a known identity. No goodies for sniffing NSA trolls.

    Your write like Ed, the sweet/beloved over at B.W.F. That slip-of-a-youth is a real lightweight and is massively out-of-his-depth, defecating constantly and then sliding in it unawares. Just as I wrote there ". . . having a kind-of-a mind. . . ."

    So, how about YOU, Nothing???

  10. Update. Last night I began the crucial CoM location stability testing of model # 1197 at the exact "propitious" time various astrological and numerological calculations indicated and sat there monitoring the test as it slowly cranked out one frame after another of the simulation. Like all of my previous models, the CoM hovered in place for a fraction of a second and then drifted over to the wheel's ascending side! In other words, just another failure! I was crushed because, if one only watches the zoomed out view of the wheel, everything appears to work perfectly. Just in case my CoM feature in wm2d was somehow malfunctioning, I deleted the "assisting" motor from the wheel (which rotates it at a steady 1 rpm for 7.5 seconds and then loops back to the beginning of the 45 deg test segment of drum rotation) to see if the wheel would spontaneously rotate through the entire segment. All the wheel did was turn about ten degrees and then stop and begin counter rotation (an effect sometimes referred to as "keeling"). So, # 1197 is a failure and I now only have three attempts left before I will be calling it quits.

    However, there is a very tiny ray of hope coming out of this black void of disappointment. I studied my failed design for about an hour and the problem was obvious. As usual, my ascending side levers were still not shifting fast enough. It looks like the addition of another part to my levers might solve this problem, but I would only do it if I could justify it using the DT portrait clues. I then spent another hour studying them, particularly the second portrait. Incredibly, I did find another clue which seems to justify the modification I need to make. I call it the "Invisible Clue" whose name will become obvious if it does lead to a successful design. It's really bizarre and totally unexpected. I immediately wondered if Bessler made it "invisible" so that it would only be discovered by a reverse engineer of his wheels just before final success when all hope seemed lost!

    So I'm now working on the soon to be modified lever with a tiny bit of hope. Onward to "source" model # 1198 which I hope to finish tonight. If model # 1200 represents 12:00 o'clock, then model # 1198 represents 11:58:48. Now the question is do I have only 72 seconds to go to noon or to midnight. Let's hope its a bright noon that will represent a plausible solution to this centuries old enigma.

  11. Anon. ( who inquired about the buzzsaw wheel ) thanks for your interest. You are correct, it has been too long since it has been discussed. I have been going through a divorce for the last year plus. It is now final and I am now the sole owner of the wheel! ( made sure of that ) I do not intend on working on the original but I certainly will build a model. I have just one theory to try and I am quite excited to test it. Again, thanks for asking.

    1. And besslers old book, did you get that in it as well ?

    2. Good to hear justsomeone. Sorry to hear about the wife, but you can only really have one true love and that is the buzzsaw! Till death due us part ... as the saying goes. I too link quite a lot about the buzzsaw and have my own theory as to it's operation. At this time I am inclined to think the 1" weight off-set is the driver, and once the wheel got up to speed, the flywheel effect is what allowed the wheel to drive the saw in the mill. Taking short breaks between cuts would allow the wheel to spin back up to speed.

    3. Sorry ... 'think' not 'link' ...

    4. The key would be in how the weights are shifted outward and inward without effecting the momentum or energy of the wheel.

    5. She was married to a woman !

    6. I'm the person who originally came up with the name "Buzzsaw Wheel" on "another free energy site" since that is what the two rotating components reminded me of. I even made a very nice wm2d model for this unique piece of Americana, but it had no net axle torque whatsoever. It looks like it should work, but there are energetic reasons why it can not which are not obvious from inspecting it. IIRC, there was a story going around that family members of the inventor saw the device spinning at high speed and that one of its cylindrical weights came flying out with such force that it made a mark or hole in a nearby wall. Sounds impressive, but I suspect that the inventor was using an "assisting" motor attached to the device's axle to rotate it at high speed in order to see if the weights would transfer smoothly between the inner and outer rotating components. Possibly, one these weights got stuck during the transfer and flung out of the machine. Maybe you can figure out a way to get it running, but I would not be optimistic about that possibility. Good luck with it anyway.

  12. It doesn't matter who succeeds or fails, it's how you feel about your accomplishments.

    One may say: I have the answer! Another may say: I thought I understood the question? Who's to say that man can't achieve the impossible?

    If the answer lies within the realm of human ingenuity, then someone somewhere will eventually prove the impossible....Possible.

  13. Is it possible to use bouyancy in a gravity powered wheel?


    1. It is not only possible but absolutely essential if you want to achieve a working device, according to what is illustrated in MT .

    2. It certainly would be possible, but only with the right design. However, buoyancy type pm wheels really offer no advantage over weight driven wheels. But, they do have one unique advantage. With all of that water sloshing around, the inventor need not pause to shower!

    3. Could the solution to a buoyancy powered gravity wheel be hidden in this old design from the 1800's?

      Image from

    4. @ Perpetualman. No, that device is useless because there is no imbalance in it. Note that as the weights at 12:00 are lifted by the floats inside of the water filled cylinder, the water is displaced to the other side of the cylinder. That results in the CoM of the weights and displaced water being located at the exact central axis of the cylinder. Thus, there is no torque. The design only looks workable if one does not consider the counter torque produced by the water displacements inside of the cylinder.

  14. Update. I've finished the "source" model # 1198 which has a modified lever suggested by that "Invisible Clue" of the second DT portrait I mentioned above. However, I still can't get # 1197 out of my mind and how fluidly its levers were shifting during a 45 degree segment of drum rotation. The only problem with it was that, as usual, its ascending side levers were still not shifting fast enough. If that problem could be solved (and done so in accordance with plausible interpretations of various DT portrait clues), then that model should work. But, how could I increase the rate of shifting of those ascending side levers? Well, after mulling the matter over for a full 24 hours now, I think it might be possible! The solution requires rearranging the ascending side shifting rope attachment points to the levers. I will spend the next few days doing this to see what happens and have decided to put the "Invisible Clue" model # 1198 on hold for a while (and also renumbering it to a higher number). Of course, this raises the possibility that I may have to exceed 1200 models which is something I previously swore I would not be doing. This is a dilemma for me because I like to carry through on my promises. However, these are somewhat extenuating circumstances and I would not want to quit such a long term research project a model or two short of victory just to stick to a self imposed limit. Well, maybe it won't come to that and victory will come exactly at model # 1200. Time will tell.

    1. Uh-oh! - - -

      ". . . However, these are somewhat extenuating circumstances . . ." - K.B.

      Might this be the "Prelude to a Re-set in F-flat" (molto prestississimo et larghississimo) tune?

      Now, should I be surprised ??? (rhetorical - not needing of any answer)

      ". . . Well, maybe it won't come to that . . ." - K.B.

      Perhaps not but, maybe yes.

      " Time will tell." - K.B.

      Now, THIS is a for-sure, no question but, the part of it that might be a bit 'iffy' is . . . HOW MUCH?

      - James

    2. If I am forced to go beyond the 1200 model limit, then so be it. The satisfaction to be gained by finally successfully reverse engineering Bessler's wheels will surely far exceed the embarrassment of having to "back pedal" on a previous commitment. One must try not to become too rigid in life and adhere to a late President's admonition to "never say never". However, if I do broach the 1200 limit, it will probably not be by much. I am truly at the very end of what I can do with my efforts and there is only a little bit of "wiggle room" left for me. In a few more minutes I will get to work on model # 1197 by making # 1198 from it and juggling its ascending side lever shifting ropes about to a few other attachment points. If I'm lucky, I might even stumble upon the correct arrangement on the first try though it probably won't happen. The perfect balance of the upper drum levers demonstrated by model # 1185 convinced me that I had the right lever shapes, masses, and spring constants. But, obviously, some of the interconnecting ropes between the ascending side levers are still not correct. I have to try every possible DT portrait sanctioned configuration to make absolutely sure none of them work before I head off to working with the "Invisible Clue" model. It can wait. First things first.

    3. "If I am forced to go beyond the 1200 model limit, then so be it." - K.B.


      Oh-no-you-don't !!!

      "Forced" as in 'it is beyond my control' or some such other common, predictable nonsense borne of liberated warped minds where what is real is what we, you, me or anyone, merely THINKS, i.e. Situational Reality.

      Do you really, K.B., believe that you would and could retain A SHRED of credibility around here, after pulling such an asinine stunt?

      After ALL that you have put us through as onlookers, as well-wishers and in some cases, as encouraging hand-holders, you would even consider THINKING of trying it?

      If actually so, that you might be able-to, given even all the foregoing NONSENSE HISTORY of years, and of damnable magnum-tedium of utterly WORTHLESS detailage, then I would suggest they you might actually BE a madman; of-appearance logical but in reality divorced from it.

      A prudent advisement to you, I think, would be to: DO as you have implicationally (and in some places better) promised, and FINISH-UP by model # 1200 and, OPERATING OR NOT, celebrate in triumph or, bow-out gracefully in defeat, for which either case we will all wish you well, I am sure.

      Be a MAN of your word and DO as you have led us to believe you would.

      Your fine word-spinning and otherwise poetical expressing will not rescue you from the justifiable ignominy that surely is to follow (for I shall SEE to it), such as you will suffer-from greatly, should you prove an AFTER-ALL LIAR.

      Do let's avoid such an inevitable tasteless spectacle should you mal-perform, as you have nearly stated that you 'must', and end this HONORABLY, and in PEACE for it not . . . . . . (here the blanking is meant to be filled-in by the interested reader).


    4. Actually, if I must go beyond 1200 models, then that does not really make me a liar...just someone who had to move the finish line a bit to make sure I've done my "due diligence" and can rest easy thereafter because I won't be doubting that maybe, if I'd continued on a bit farther, I would have found victory. At the end of the day, I'm more interested in solving the Bessler wheel mystery than mindlessly adhering to artificial limits or gaining the approval of strangers on the internet. I've come very close to quitting many times in the past. But, this time is definitely different. If I don't finally find success "around" the 1200th model, then I will be calling it quits.

      Update. Last night I managed to modify model # 1197 and it is now # 1198. It contains a slight rearrangement of the ascending side shifting ropes and its testing is scheduled for later today. I'm feeling optimistic about it at this point.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. [The former above corrected for spelling and grammar.]


      Not "Actually"!

      To the very last protest, liars and dissemblers are self-excusers, this being part-and-parcel of a devious, self-serving type mind, invariably.

      Understand please, K.B.: If you do this, at very least you WILL be branded as a knowing liar, and I will be of aid in the project.

      You WERE drummed-out of B.W.F. and here you WILL be treated likewise, as well, so I predict.

      It is OUTRAGEOUS, what you propose to do, now that you see that your theory is one unworkable and fatally flawed, as started from years ago when it was first proposed at B.W.F. adn as to it you just would NOT give up and thus your deserved, ignominious EXIT, stage left.

      Don't make an even larger ass of yourself - there is nothing whatever in it to be gained, only lost.

      We are SICK of this stuff as coming from you. (If I might be allowed to speak gently for a likely-existing, but quite oddly-silent majority?)

      FINISH at model #1200 and let that-be-that, and all of us off your crazy hook.

      For way too long now, we've been wriggling on it.



    7. Ken,

      I wonder if, during your research into the portrait clues, you studied any of the other portraits that came out of the studio of the brothers Fincke?
      If not, it is possible that the 'Bessler portrait clues' exist in the portraits of everyone else who could afford the 55 Thalers to buy one. It is possible that the 'Bessler portrait clues' are no more than the standard infill of artistic devices employed in every picture produced by the brothers.
      This would be an interesting discovery to make at this stage, especially with the potential failure of #1200 so perilously close now.

    8. @ James. "Methinks thou dost protest too much."

      @ John Worton. I have studied other works done by the Fincke brothers and, admittedly, they do contain symbolism similar to those found in the DT portraits. However, the items in the DT portraits are unique in that they indicate a collection of particular angles and ratios that are synchronized with numerical data that is alphanumerically encoded into the text below the portraits. The probability of these relationships being there by chance is so low that I have to conclude it was purposely put there by Bessler for a specific purpose. I believe the purpose was two fold: 1) to record the critical parameters of his working imbalanced pm wheel just in case someone else stumbled upon the design and thereby establish Bessler's priority, and 2) to preserve a record of the design for future rediscovery in case nothing came of Bessler's efforts to sell his invention. One wonders why Bessler would not have divulged the secret mechanism to his legal heirs such as his wife, brother, and children. Guess that shows how much he trusted them!

    9. @ Ken Behrendt "Methinks me does not protest enough."


      That others here do not excoriate you up one side and then down the other for what you have indicated that you will likely do, indicates-for some really defective characters operating around here.

      You seem to have been configured to be invulnerable or perfectedly indifferent to what others might think of you and the discomfiture that you absolutely do create with your informational masturbating into faces.

      To be so and act in such ways, you must be some variety or other of insane. Truly. Such as yourself are custom-crafted for this N.W.O. hell, that now forms around us all.

      Situational Reality, is how I would put it.

      Also troubling and sad, is the seeming fact that you are not told TO STOP by the moderator of this Forum. What's up with that?

      Now, understand this, you: you and others like you SHALL NEVER possess what you so-desire-to. 'Taint in the cards. Take it to the bank.


    10. @ John Worton there are just too many of them to qualify for being 'of the mere coincidental' or "standard infill."

      No, they are real.

      (And, how might I have come to "know" this? Well, "THAT would be telling!" - No.6 to No.2)

      The great difficulty lays in the sorting-out of it all; which are relevant (a few) and which are not (most all).

      K.B. fantasizes about all the wrong things. Because of being the way he is, his efforts, all of them, are DOOMED to failure.

      Such as he simply would not ever be ALLOWED to succeed, this by existing forces beyond the kin of his five senses and mind, such that it is.

      This most recent semi-recanting of what was essentially a promise to end the irritation madness, after olde #1200 had succeeded or failed, stands as evidence 'for' a massive lacking of essential character traits, to say nothing of good sense and intelligence beyond that of the merely, thinly apparent.

      Excepting for but one here, it is amazing to me that the "community" does not scold him by ear boxing as I have but, all seems now situational as in our new and wondrous Situational Reality, this being what everyone fancies it to be most willy-nilly as in a thinking improvisation.

      Soon, so it might seem, we'll no longer be able to communicate in a common language even, having been struck by this peculiar N.W.O. generated malaise into utter blithering and babbling, believing it all-the-while to be actual communication.

      I write and I write, believing it cogent and logical and perhaps somehow useful, and relevant to reality but, nothing much at all seems to get through.

      It is wearying, this casting of "pearls" before the feet of stamping, snorting, insolent and clueless, spitting swine.

      Perhaps it is a good idea to maintain a noble class so as to make-clear and maintain the necessary separation between themselves and the walking, barely functional garbage..

      Amazing, this deterioration.

      Ho-hum; so-so, la-la.

      - J.

  15. To Anonymous , "The key would be in how the weights are shifted outward and inward without effecting the momentum or energy of the wheel."
    I agree totally !

  16. I have a great idea Ken. How about no more daily, repetitive long winded and boring reports after model 1200? Please continue your research though.

    1. Now listen here justsomeoulone, I come here everyday to read the latest of Ken Behrendts posts and I want to continue reading them .

    2. Great. Then why don't Ken start his own blog instead of taking over John's blog?

    3. I'm sure some will resent my input here while others will look forward to it. Generally, when others post more, I post less and when they post less I tend to post more. It's not my intention to "take over" John's blog or anybody else's for that matter. Nothing more boring than a blog that does not consistently change from day to day. In any event, unless I soon find that successful imbalanced pm mechanism design I've been chasing for years, my postings here will take a dramatic decline in frequency / length. I, of course, am hoping that will not happen. If I find that success, my future postings here will become updates of my efforts to make the design available to those seriously interested in building physical replicas of Bessler's wheels and their progress toward doing so. It should make for some very interesting reading. Well, that's for the future. Later today I will get on to the testing of model # 1198 and seeing how its CoM behaves during the 45 degree segment of drum rotation I use as a "standard" in my tests. # 1198 has a design feature in it that is rather unique and I'm looking forward to seeing the test results. Stay tuned folks!

    4. Justsomeone, I think we are to be mistreated with this endless nonsense as flowing from the tap-tap-taping of this very malinformed, informed personage.

      Until his is TOLD by the moderator to cease and desist, the nuttiness will ever-continue.

      My question is, why do not more object to him and his slippery-greasy, manipulative overbearance? You seem to, why not others?

      These days the sheep are taught to keep their viewing heads down and bleatings to silence. This must be the answer as for 'why'.

      It all goes to the matter of good character and it's presence or lack.

      At least you, for one, seems to understand. My tip of the hat to ya.


  17. For the record, I too enjoy reading Kens posts - Keep up the good work Ken and good luck.

    1. You are an Anonymous and therefor on account are NOTHING, being void of credence.

      For all anyone knows, you are Ken Behrendt himself working-up support for his own continued presence here.

  18. Just for the record, I never post anything anonymously. Well, I tested my latest model # 1198 earlier and, once again, its CoM stubbornly refused to remain on the descending side. My levers begin and the end a 45 degree segment of drum rotation with the same orientations and appear to be shifting smoothly, but they are, apparently, just not shifting correctly between these points and that is what is allowing the CoM to drift over to the wheel's ascending side. Most frustrating, but I will make a few more shifting rope rearrangements in an effort to correct the problem. I tried artificially enhancing the inward swinging of my ascending side "prime mover" lever by attaching an assisting motor to it. Surprisingly, if I forced this lever to swing in toward the axle at the rate of one degree for every degree of drum rotation, then the CoM would remain virtually motionless on the descending side! This means that one must arrange things so that, literally, the weights being raised on the ascending side must rise "in a flash". I still think a shifting rope modification could achieve this and I will continue trying for a few more models. I will be giving this matter much thought in the coming days.

  19. There is part of a sling shown in the main drawings, its also shown in one of zhe portrait pictures behind bessler hanging on the pillar, a spring attaches to the end of it, is what it is for is locking the spring around the axel of the arm of the sling. It actually worked exactly like a modern skeet thrower mechanism except it was a sling, it was much bigger than a skeet thrower and stood upright.
    At the top of the wheel the crossbeam locks the spring up, at about six o'clock on the wheel the crossbeam is unlocked by the weight of another weight that becomes heavy at six o'clock and the crossbar is swung back when the spring unlocks overbalancing the wheel as it does so, when it swings back its weight goes onto another spring that causes the overbalance, there is two springs on the crossbeam, one that locks up and another that transfers the momentum to overbalance the wheel, the unlocking weight can be attached to the crossbeam by pulleys and strings .
    - Orffyreus

    1. Its works like a swing, a child on a swing, except he goes around 360 degrees and locks the spring under his own weight up at the top, so its pre-loaded and then when it unlocks at the bottom it swings back - unbalancing the wheel, and that is what I explained to my friend prince Karl that day when I was showing him my wheel in the big long room in the castle .

    2. It is basically a swing, the crossbeam is the childs body on a swing, at the top it swings forward locking up the spring under its own weight, so it is pre-loaded with a tensioned spring, at the bottom around the six o'clock area the spring unlocks, like a spring would unlock on a skeet thrower when you pull the lever, the spring unlocks on the crossbeam and it swings back throwing its weight onto the opposing spring unbalancing the wheel when it pushes against the other spring .

  20. The part that lines up the spring with the axel, it is shown in the main drawings wrapped around the axel, the lever with the curved end, a string or spring attaches to it, you could do a spring and the a rope or chain onto the spring or attach a rope or chain onto the curved part of the lever and then attach a spring .
    The reason that a chain, twine, string or rope is used is that the spring has to let go so that the weight of the crossbeam can go onto the opposing spring to overbalance the wheel .
    Letting go is common the all the principles, all three different principles of orffyrean perpetual motion.

  21. Update. After the disappointing failure of model # 1198, I decided to take a good long look at the second DT portrait yet again and found what I believe is a critically important clue. I said in my last post above that model # 1197, like earlier models, failed because its ascending side levers were simply not shifting fast enough. Now, I have found a new interpretation of two of the symbols in the second DT portrait (the carpenter's plumb bob and the upright lamp) that suggests a specific attachment point to the ascending side levers being lifted during drum rotation. Just doing some rough calculations indicates that if I attach my shifter ropes to these points, then the shifting rate should be tripled! There is, however, a price to pay for this "turbo" shifting action: the shifting is delayed as the drum begins a 45 degree segment of rotation, but when it does take place it will be very swift or "in a flash" as Bessler might have said. But, won't this delay allow the CoM of the weights and levers to drift right over to the "punctum quietus" below the axle? Actually, no! During the delay, the 6 o'clock moving to 7:30 lever, since its suspension spring is just starting to stretch, easily swings in toward the axle and helps keep the CoM at its starting location. The delay in the shifting also has another benefit. It allows the weighted lever swinging in toward the axle, as its pivot passes the wheel's 9 o'clock position, time to fully come to a stop before it reverses direction and begins to be lifted by the lever lagging it. Sudden changes in lever swing direction are to be avoided because they could put enough stress on the coordinating ropes to actually break them. This pause before swing direction change takes place helps prevent this problem.

    So, later today, I will modify model # 1198 and rename it as # 1199 and its ascending side levers will have their shifting ropes attached to the new location given by this most recent interpretation of the second DT portrait symbols. This could, finally, be "it" and I might even be declaring victory exactly with model # 1200! Now that would really be nice, numerologically speaking. My enthusiasm / excitement is being to escalate again!

    1. Double "Yawn" even though we do not know which this particular Anonymous might be.

      (Could it be that J.C. actually desires the ever-continuance this ceaseless K.B. outrage onto us or, is it just a kindly, native gentleman's timidity that mostly answers for it? Don't know but, it might be worthy of a tad of consideration, just for fun???)

    2. One of the anonymii is Ealadah

    3. Update. Model # 1199 is now completed, but still needs to have its various shifting rope lengths adjusted prior to testing. Not sure if I'll get to it today, though. So far, everything looks fine with the model wheel. Amazing how Bessler could actually encode a number using a physical object in a DT portrait. If I ever get around to producing a book on this subject (which I will only do if I find success), the topic of the many clues hidden in the DT portraits will be absolutely jaw dropping for those who have casually dismissed their significance not to mention their very existence! Their true significance is actually staggering and the effort Bessler put into composing those portraits amazes me almost as much as Bessler's wheels themselves!

    4. That's interesting, STEVO, Thanks for that info bit.

      I've heard this name somewhere. Maybe over at good olde B.W.F.

      Unfortunately, with this Anonymous infesting plague (that is allowed for what reason I cannot fathom) this commenting individual cannot be told from the rest that are not real. So, how might such knowledge be of any use? Better to know than not, I suppose.

      Let's see now: 1. ban outright K.B. and posthumously TechoGuy and, 2. in all cases disallow all Anonymous posting - you're real or you do not exist, that simple.

      That would be a very nice beginning, I think, to restoring this Blog to some semblance of control and obviously necessary order. But, perhaps it's estimable-in-all-ways moderator prefers the "Little Bohemia Cut Loose" free-for-all arrangement of present. ' Just cannot know for sure.


    5. K.B. lives in his own self-contained little sefl-world, doesn't he?

      Really, I wonder what it must be like, inhabiting such a me!-me!-me! sort of hell.

    6. James Miller wrote;
      'this commenting individual cannot be told from the rest that are not real. So, how might such knowledge be of any use? Better to know than not, I suppose.'
      The four posts above signed Orffyreus are by me and are genuine, there were slings that were used in warfare that worked in an almost identical way to a modern skeet thrower . Days before the first BW was invented I went to a house and examined one of those slings, the people had it in their house as a family heirloom, their immediate ancestors had used it in battle, I pulled the arm of the sling back and the spring locked up when it became aligned with the axel, there was a separate lever for unlocking and it swung up when I pulled the lever, the separate lever for unlocking it became the weight that became heavy after six o'clock on the wheel.

    7. Antigonish,

      Yesterday upon the stair,
      I met a man who wasn't there,
      he wasn't there again today,
      I wish, I wish, he'd go away.

    8. Ealadha,

      My full paragraph from which part you did your misleading cobbling was/is as follows:

      "Unfortunately, with this Anonymous infesting plague (that is allowed for what reason I cannot fathom) this commenting individual cannot be told from the rest that are not real. So, how might such knowledge be of any use? Better to know than not, I suppose."

      What you did was destroy the clear context of the original so as to (obviously) make it appear as if it applied to yourself, when in fact it did not. That's a no-no.

      Why would you do such a thing? Yet-more Situational Reality, perhaps?

      This would not be all that surprising as it is quite the 'IN' thing to do as more certainly are in these latter-day primitive times of dis-education, and of in-your-face ' ME! ME! ME! - It's ALL about ME! '.

      Know what I mean?

      Yes, one can use parts of quotes as long as the meant original intent of the author's extract is not thereby changed. To do otherwise is unethical.

      The correct usage of the ELLIPSIS in varying numbers is for signifying that 'text has here been omitted'.

      There are RULES. (This following may be of some help to you )

      Also, why for Heaven's sake would you choose to sign things you post as Orffyreus, when we all know he has been dead for more than two-and-a-half centuries, now?

      Was there actual purpose in the doing of such? If so, then what might it have been, for curiosity's sake?


  22. Just reviewing some of the details of the October 31st, 1715 official examination of the Merseberg wheel. During that demo, after the wheel's weights had been removed and it was being moved to a different set of upright axle supports, the examiners were allowed to handle one of the weights, but it was wrapped in a handkerchief and they were told not to touch the ends of the weight. We learn from this that the weights had a mass of about 4 lbs and it's obvious that Bessler did not want the examiners feeling something at the ends of the weights. Most likely, each lead weight had a narrow hole bored through its length and a long carriage bolt was used to secure the weight to the end of a lever. In a previous blog I mentioned that I was convinced that the Merseberg wheel used four of the small 4 lbs weights at the ends of its 16 levers. That means that there would have been a total of 16 levers x 4 wts / lever = 64 wts and their total mass was 256 lbs! That's a lot of lead weight. There is a quote floating around that I can not find where someone mentions that the weights Bessler removed from the Merseberg wheel would have "filled a considerable box" or something to that effect and suggest the person quoted actually saw all of the weights that had been removed from the huge wheel. That then made me wonder what Bessler did with these 64 weights after he removed them. I guess he could have put them on a nearby sturdy table and somehow nailed a thin wooden panel up on one of its sides so that no one could directly observe the uncovered weights. Or, perhaps, he had some sort of special box that he that constructed for the weights which would be a simple matter for a carpenter to do. Maybe that box opened and exposed a square wooden surface that was marked off like a chessboard into 64 squares and each of these had a circular hole drilled into it so that Bessler could quickly insert a weight into a hole. Once filled, the box would be locked shut and could be moved about by two strong men holding handles attached to its ends or maybe by a single man using a hand cart or "dolly" of some sort. Maybe the weights had individual numbers from 1 to 64 stamped into them and they were assigned to their own numbered hole in the box. Why number them? Maybe each one went to a specific position at the end of each lever and this numbering system allowed Bessler to make sure that the weights he removed from the wheel during a change of axle supports would always be put right back into their original locations inside of the Merseberg wheel. If there were small variations in the masses of the weights, then this would prevent random chance from causing four "lighter than average" or four "heavier than average" weights from inadvertently being attached to the end of the same lever and then, possible, interfering with the smooth running of the wheel. Lot of speculation here. How I wish we had more details on the Bessler story. Well, maybe someday...

  23. I have no wish to ask you to go away Ken, but I have requested previously that you reduce in length and quantity your comments here. I am grateful for all comments posted here, because people have taken the trouble to express their thoughts and I agree with them who think that your presence here appears to be taking over the blog. It is partly my fault because I have been remiss in posting new blogs and I intend to correct that, but you should not feel it is necessary for you to fill the void just because my mind has been elsewhere!

    I was prepared to go along with your frequence because it appeared that you were approaching a climax, metaphorically speaking. However, as many have predicted, the big bang was more of a damp squib, but never-the-less, disappointing, for you I know.

    I have to admit that I have never had any faith in those mysterious clues that only you can see Ken, and when you introduced numerology into the mix I think my patience and that of many others was stretched to the limit. Please continue to comment and keep us updated with your work, but please keep it to a more occasional comment and I will in my turn try to refresh this blog for the entertainment of those who continue to read it.


    1. Once again, John, I apologize if I gave you or anyone else the appearance of "taking over" your blog. That is certainly not my intention. I was just trying to provide some content here that, unlike on most other free energy sites, actually puts the focus on Bessler where I believe it should be as well as showing any newbie pm chasers out there what serious Bessler research looks like. Yes, the failure of my model # 1198 was a very big disappointment, but, in a sense, it was beneficial. It finally made me realize how I would never succeed unless I got the ascending side lever shifting rate greatly increased and that then led to my new "turbo shifting" concept which I am now keenly pursuing and for which I am finding previously unsuspected DT portrait clue support. I truly believe that I am now only a very few models away from success although I may have to exceed my self-imposed 1200 model limit to do so. Sorry if my excitement over the forthcoming testing of # 1198 caused me to momentarily delve into the subjects of astrology and numerology. I picked these up from my study of Bessler who was indeed obsessed with both subjects. Also sorry if my talk about the many DT portrait clues seems mysterious. I can only continue to assure you and anybody else interested in Bessler that they are indeed real and very numerous. Unfortunately, they only take on full meaning to someone who has an actual schematic of Bessler's imbalanced pm wheel mechanism in front of him and this is why they really require a book length treatment to fully explore them. I'm doing my best to obtain and provide that schematic and the treatment of the clues that will follow. Anyway, I shall try to post less abundantly and frequently in the future and look forward to seeing the new blog topics you will be providing.

    2. "Once again, John, . . . "



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...