Monday, 3 August 2015

Leibniz's advice to Bessler regarding the Tests.

I'm posting this because I think we have ignored the process which led to the design of the various tests applied to the wheel.  As will be seen, a lot of thought went into working out what possible tests could be undertaken which would eliminate as much as possible any accusations of fraud.  

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was Germany's leading philosopher, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor and historian, and he visited Bessler to examine his wheel around the 9th September 1714 in Draschwitz, scene of the second wheel's examination.

He records that "he allowed me, sometime ago, to carry out some experiments with his machine. It ran continuously for two hours in my presence and demonstrated considerable power." Later he writes, "I advised him to arrange a test in which his machine would be run for several weeks with all possible precautions taken to exclude any suspicion of fraud."

I have mention this because we know that Leibniz was certain that Bessler's wheel was of value and should not be lost to the world.  His advice to arrange a long running test was made during his visit and during the two hours I am sure that other suggestions were discussed.  For instance, building two sets of supporting pillars complete with a pair of bearing on each set, so that during the examinations the bearings could be thoroughly inspected for signs of fraud, both before and after changing the wheels over to a second set.

A demonstration of the lifting power of he wheel would also have been suggested by simply hoisting a heavy weight from the yard to the roof.  I also think the demonstration of an archimedes pump would have been discussed too, because mining was Leibniz's current research and anything which might be used to pump water from the many mines would have been a highly sought-after device.

The Draschwitz wheel measured 9 feet in diameter and turned at 50 RPM unloaded and its size might have been restricted by the ceiling height of the room, but I'm sure that Leibniz would have urged Bessler to build the biggest wheel he could, to generate the most power and that would have necessitated seeking the patronage of a prince such as Karl the Landgrave of Hesse-kassel or his cousin Moritz-Wilhelm, Duke of Zeitz, who had already viewed the machine.  They lived in castles with large rooms which would easily accommodate a larger wheel.

There was one more thing that Leibniz suggested; was there any way that Bessler might design the wheel to turn in either direction?  Such a feature would surely crush any  accusations of fraud.  It was this that occupied Bessler's time after the Draschwitz wheel was destroyed.  As we know he succeeded but even that surprising ability did not convince everyone.

Finally, the ultimate requirement would be to try to obtain the word of a trusted senior member of the ruling elite.  This would require Bessler to drop his obstinate determination to keep the secret of his wheel hidden from everyone and yet this should have answered all criticisms if he could find the will to do it.  In the end he agreed to let Karl the Landgrave into his secret and as history has shown Karl was regarded as a man of tremendous integrity, as incapable of breaking his word as he was of taking part in a fraud, with or without benefit to him of his realm.  Yet even this was insufficient!

One last thing; I mentioned the archimedes pump and certainly that was described on more than one occasion but it is not mentioned as part of the official examinations and the reason is this.  Arranging a large tank of water with the end of the pump submerged was quite achievable, but the archimedes pump is an inefficient device and the loss of water due to leakage would have required a constant procession of people with buckets to keep the tank filled sufficiently and there would have been a lot of water dropped around the device causing the floor to be wet and with so many people present would have led to water being spread to other areas outside the machine room simply by the passage of many feet!  There was enough damp in building of the era without adding to it.




  1. The evidence presented in that day seemed sufficient. I agree. I hope that your wheel works.

    Any thoughts on my mention of the word "divide" in a past post? The reason is because Bessler said Christ mentioned his "kind" of perpetual motion in the New Testament. Whether we be religious or not should not determine where we look for ideas.

    1. It didn't bring any thing to mind, Chris.


    2. All I am saying is that (my best guess) the wheel was basically balanced (like it is empty)... perhaps weights counter leveraging each other near the rim in some way .

    3. Chris,

      Overbalance must have played a role in at least the startup of the wheel. The axle turned with the wheel so nothing was bound to the Earth allowing for a push off such as by using a spring. How would the wheel start turning on its own.

    4. I didn't say completely balanced just not to such an extreme that weights were not recoverable to their previous positions. For instance say a total of 16 weights, 8 of which being able to (heavier) lift the 8 lighter weights but not allowed to on the heavy side. Pretty simple idea to me if say four of the lighter weights to differing degrees were lifted or "juggled" temporarily at the rim.

  2. I just watched you video of the levers on youtube.Thought: If you were to attach a cord to the fulcrum point of the long lever, use a pulley type of weight at the end and put you other weight on a "guide" cord or wire you could basically do away with the other two levers .

    1. Actually to correct/elaborate on the above you would need a pulley at the end of the long lever and the cord attached to the long lever weight and the lower "guided" weight.

    2. I did try something like that,Chris, but it won't work because there are other design faults, but thanks for the suggestion.


  3. John, did you know that the Italian program that included you was back up on YouTube?

    I had no idea it was uploaded again.

    1. No, I didn't. Thanks Hutch, I'll put a link on here.


  4. John,
    shouldn't there be a "to" before Bessler in the title ?

  5. I did not know Leibniz was the one that talked Bessler into developing a bi-directional wheel. That's surprising because, as Wagner's fake pm wheel demonstrated, it is possible to construct a clockwork powered wheel that is bi-directional. In other words, that property does not prove an alleged pm wheel is genuine. However, coming up with a reliable mechanism that can produce bi-directionality from two counter poised one directional wheels requires a very high degree of crafting skill. I can state with some certainty that the mechanism involved used latches to produce the effect. I'm also a bit surprised that Bessler chose to attach an Archimedian screw type water pump to his wheels rather than some sort of bucket mechanism that would scoop up water, raise it, and then dump out the bucket allowing it to run back down into a vat. If carefully made it would have been fairly efficient and would be able to raise the water higher than the 18 or so inches shown in his illustrations.

    Update. I'm now up to and preparing to test my model # 1202 and, so far, everything is looking fine.

    1. So, Behrendt has skipped right on up to # 1202. (Was the supposed "end" to this outrage of deceit, the supposed model # 1200, ever even mentioned?)

      This stink-bomb of a Perpetual Motion seeker is obviously delusional, and now made infamous as a shameless manipulator, he with his crafted deceptions and utterly discredited nonsense theory. To his grave this most strange insignificant personage will go, never having gotten anywhere NEAR the Prime Mover.

      (Without knowledge sure and true of it, ALL ELSE is to be done in vain. Best believe it.)

      On this Blog, the torturous Behnrendtian madness is, obviously, to ever-continue.

      Perhaps it will require another year of his pink fluffy foolishness, to finally see him drummed-out and consigned to Infamy's Scrap Pile?

      (Why not RIGHT NOW, and save us all the very hell of it?)

      Attack Dog James

    2. I'm pleased to see you're back in full spate James, welcome. All I'm asking of Ken is that he reduce his comments in length, quantity and assumptions! As someone commented recently, a large block of text is utterly off-putting!


    3. At least Ken is out there trying and reporting on his efforts. Without his posts, and the accompanying criticisms, this blog would be a bit vacant.

    4. Well, thanks very much for your most kind words and welcome, J.C.

      "All I'm asking of Ken is that . . ." - J.C.

      Yes, and JUST as before, with all respect.

      This very same place was arrived-at some time ago, eliciting from yourself a similar warning (plea, actually) to him, and yet he was back soon enough, to his same old threadbare, trademark overbearance routine.

      It is obvious, at least to myself, that he cannot control himself in those three ways as you mentioned he now might (should).

      From early-on this observable pattern began to establish A TREND, the makeup of which is obvious to those that have the guts to see it, and to where matters are likely to go next and to Dare comment. (Meaning as in very, very few here who could or ever would. Well, I 'dare' as Necessity dictates.)

      Anonymous (=NOTHING) of 5 August year instant at 16:38 states some foolishness directly following "At least Ken . . . " etc.

      Non-sequiturous in extremis!

      It does NOT necessarily follow that the blog would become on that account, any such a thing as he/she/it asserts. (This identical reference I created with regard to a former overbearing mystery personage "TechnoGuy" Remember? Also, he designated me as "attack dog," which I've now taken-up, as some occasion might require.)

      What there IS no question about, is that we will be right here at this same time and patience-wasted juncture some months into the future, wondering WHY it was necessary to endure yet-again, another "spate" of Kenneth Behrendt silliness as gathered from Nowhere Land itself.

      (This particular specialty tour is one circular, ending right back to where it first starting having gained nothing except accrued time and attention wastage, and sure as hell not anything that is perpetually self-motivating. 'Taint in the cards.)

      As to all of the above, MARK my words.

      Attack Dog James

  6. (Now, to somewhat make up for my own rather long screedy rant of above, it is only fair that I try to address some of the subject itself, of our estimable Moderator's latest and most interesting topic.)

    That Bessler took that good advice of giant-bewigged, noble Leibniz,' and instituted said changes which did not result in universal cessation of criticism, stands as sure indicator 'for' what any present day P-M discoverer will likely be facing.

    This realization leads me to the following and more: Any present day discoverer of Bessler's authentic wheel would be best served to put it into the Public Domain immediately if possible, by means of Crowd Funding.

    ONLY by such a means would a discoverer hope to acquire any deserved funds for his rediscovery, and LIVE to spend any!

    Some here as well as elsewhere previously, have suggested selling for patenting to some gigantic, deep-pockets corporation.

    This could very likely end up as being as suicide is.

    For instance, what if said corporation decided to 'back-shelf'' it, rather than exploit it for sales/use? What then?

    Such an instance would mandate (in order to keep knowledge of the inner workings secret absolutely) that the paid-off inventor walking around loose ALSO be 'back-shelved' just to 'make-sure'.

    (Know what I mean here? To be explicit, as in SIX FEET UNDER? Surely, that would guarantee that the secret WOULD remain just that. No?)

    For sure, if placed into the P.D., then any and all would be free to use and build the device and sell it or it's power, and even to improve same for patenting - corporate OR living individual. (And, as is well known, corporations MOVE at a glacial pace. Many improvements would be filed for patenting way before The Big Boys ever know what hit 'em! Remember they believe (as in 'blind faith'?) what their scientists tell them about it's 'impossibility,' and so-on.)

    Also, Crowd Funding is way, way safer as none would have standing to sue for return of funds for some trumped-up "cause", which the Underhanded Class certainly are capable-of.

    Sure, some few of the public might complain that, after building theirs would not turn, etc. but, hundreds of succeeded others would be citeable, thereby blowing any spurious charges right out the courtroom window, if such even were to have gotten that far, which is doubtful.

    Also, the People of the world would be MOST GRATEFUL and the Green People too.

    And what it a target amount was not to be reached?

    No problemo, Signor.

    Think of ALL that huge free publicity and notoriety to gained, and still with the secret intact!

    Of course this after-offer circumstance would MANDATE a length test done in pubic in, say, a secure window in N.Y.C. guarded 24/7 by the Pinkertons for the duration. Then ANOTHER crowd funding offer, but this time for ten times the first amount!

    As for the Archimedes pump, I think one might best be built as no one alive has likely ever seen such a thing operating. Spill some water; get someone to mop it up. Think of the fun spectacle it would be.

    It would be a Fun Riot.

    And, all-the-while this was transpiring, the Hessian State would be figuring the best way possible to reinstate the reputation of a favorite lost son/hero. Fireworks, celebrations, statue dedications, minted medallions some being in luscious blackened lead, honoring the the Three Hell Hornets that so-tormented Johann. (They DID play their parts in the whole of the saga, after all.)

    As usual, an excellent subject/topic that is inspiring of a threatening Grand Miscellanea of thought, only yet-begun . . .

    - James (here in non-attack-dog mode)

    1. Although I was aware of crowdfunding James, I had to take a quick look for the detail, and I think you are absolutely right - it seems to me to be the answer, or at least one solution.

      It has always seemed to be a problem trying to find a way of spreading the news without risk and without losing control of the action, at least at the beginning. Up to now I have thought it best to give it away as widely as possible and hope to garner some financial rewards through interviews, publications etc, but I'm not a publicity seeker so it's a bit of a contradiction.

      Crowdfunding would of course generate a lot of publicity too, so it seems there is no escape unless you can find someone who can arrange a sale to philanthropists who would then take the device and develop it - another risky format!


    2. I don't think that Bessler's secret imbalanced pm wheel mechanism can be patented. First of all it was his invention and not that of anyone who rediscovers it. Also, should I be fortunate enough to find success soon, I will be doing a "tell all" book on the man and his wheels and will include all of the DT portrait clues that allowed me to rediscover the secret. That information, although cleverly encrypted, has been in the "public domain" for centuries now. I favor just revealing the secret and then letting others privately invest their own money in seeing if they can replicate his wheels and improve their power output. What they come up with, if anything, could be patented and they would then reap the financial reward for having risked their capital in the developmental research. The next few years will indeed be very interesting ones for this field.

    3. Wow James posts seem to be growing in size. I guess this is his attempt to rival that of Ken's. Of course they include nothing of value in terms of PM work, just blather, which is what you would expect from a troll. Shame really.

    4. I agree with you Ken and that has always been my plan, but I guess crowdfunding is a possible alternative and there is still no need to patent anything.


  7. Sorry Ken, Bessler's wheel certainly can be patented if you know anything about patents.

    1. I'll second that, if I might?

      If I recall correctly, in the literature, Bessler mentions not all that much regarding the prime mover, one instance where he does having been in an MT, commenting there that the imbalancing scheme could be seen (arrayed rods with weights at their ends all positioned up and outward) but that nothing of the p-m was to be.

      As I understand it to be, for a thing to be disallowed patenting, it would have to either not work (but even then P-M ones that clearly do not and cannot function, often do get their patents) or be clamped-down-on according with mere claims by the Govt. that it is in the interest of the protecting of the national security or, to be interfered-with from the outside by means of an interference proceeding.

      Post issuance of a patent, yes, suit can be brought by concerned (having standing) parties but, such have the burden of proof to show cause as to why it - the patent being challenged - should be disallowed after-the-fact. This is a tough cut to make but could be done by some disgruntled challenger for whatever might be his/her reason.

      The whole business of patenting for a P-M device seems to me a proposition just riddled with likely, insurmountable difficulties being thrown in some tiny one's way.

      On the other hand if it were to be made the Public's property by like disclosure (this obviating any possibility of obtaining a 'fundamental patent' - which in this case would likely be the most valuable patent EVER in history!), then in such an instance it could NEVER EVER be taken back, any negatively impacted industry no matter how large, would just have to take their lumps. Now, might such wax-vindictive post all the damage? Quite likely, I think.

      I've but only one patent (US 5,237,123) to my name, and getting it was smooth sailing all along the way. Of course it was for an absolutely non-threatening to established "industry" purpose, being only a sensing device for recording artists' piano-forte key strokes, etc. but, it did afford me some 'gone 'round THAT mountain! ' experience at least once.

      Also, any knowledge gained from the experience was not lessened by my having had a practicing Washington DC patent attorney as a lifelong, advising friend. This afforded a good deal of pro bono privato legal advice, regarding some inner workings of this area of Law.

      As far as any desires or intentions that Bessler might have had regarding all this, of these nothing can be known, I think. The whole matter will just have to entrusted to the hands of that one who manages to find the prime mover again.

      - James

  8. John Collins is the biggest troll of them all .

    1. I think the above stands as a fine example as to why all Anonymous postings might best be disallowed uniformly?

      Who in their right mind would desire to respond to someone unknown, talking from behind a curtain? In real physical life such would never, ever be allowed.

      It just makes no sense. (Or, maybe it's just me, and it really does?)

      - James

  9. James, I asked John to please deal with this before by eliminating the anonymous option.
    It is now a criminal offense to troll and harass on the internet.

    1. Gee's Trevor, I had heard this was so in Merrie Olde Angle-Land and Europa but, I don't think that particular reach applies here, in Utats Unis, quite yet?

      Hmm, ' will have to investigate all this further.

      No matter the actual case, thanks for the heads-up, Trevor D.

      - James

    2. These are my choices with regard to comments:

      Who can comment? 1) Anyone - includes Anonymous Users.
      2) Registered User, includes OpenID. 3)Users with Google Accounts and 4) Only members of this blog.

      I guess I need to know what system people are using for now, is it OpenID or Google accounts? The fourth option seems too limiting. What do you guys think?


  10. Aaggh...I recently opted for that free upgrade to Windows 10 that MS made available to anyone who had Windows 7 and I've spent hours trying to get everything working right on my rapidly aging Toshiba "Inspiron" notebook with it. After the download it deleted my anti-virus software and then I found my touch pad wasn't compatible with it and did not work! I think the new touch pad driver I installed is finally working, though, and I'm going to stick with the new OS because going back to Windows 7 is another headache I don't need right now and Lord only knows what won't be working after such a "recovery".

    Didn't get much done on model # 1202 today because I was busy visiting a sick friend in hospital. I'll get the testing completed tomorrow, though. I'm already anticipating failure and thinking ahead to the next model that will incorporate a new possible coordinating rope attachment point to the levers which I only noticed yesterday. I do believe I could be within a model or two of success. Sometimes I wish there were 30 hours in a day and 8 days in a week.

    About the anonymous posters, well as long as they are not verbally abusive, I don't mind. Some visitors to this blog might want to chime in, but aren't savvy enough to set up various "profiles". The anonymous profile option lets them immediately make a post and, if they want, can just sign a username to it or their real name if they wish. The anonymous profile option tends to encourage input and it's better to have more opinions than just those of a small clique of "regulars". If it really gets out of hand or we get buried in spam, John can always just suspend the anonymous option for a while until things simmer down.

    1. That is why I revived the anonymous comment option. I can still delete anything I need to, although I rarely do.


    2. I think you made the right decision, John. I just noticed that in my post above I said I had a rapidly aging Toshiba "Inspiron". That shows how tired I am. The "Inspiron" is made by Dell not by Toshiba! I have both machines, but the Windows 10 is now on my Toshiba.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Yet more aggravation from my free "thoroughly tested" upgrade to Windows 10. I found out that it includes a new browser called "Edge" which replaces Internet Explorer and which has the "new and improved" Adobe Flash Player 11.3 integrated into it. Well, guess what? There's some bug in this flash player that causes it to malfunction when you're trying to watch a youtube video. The video either comes through "choppy" with a lot of stuttering audio or it just crashes! I can't view youtube with this new "upgraded" Windows 10. Incredible. Didn't anybody realize it did not work with a popular site like youtube before they released it? No wonder they are giving it away for free. Well, supposedly, the people over at Adobe are scrambling to come up with a fix and it will eventually be automatically downloaded to everyone as soon as its ready. Meanwhile, we've got to use our old outdated machine's OS's that do not have this corrupted "new" flash player installed in them if we want to view a video online. So far, I have to give Windows 10 a grade of D-. It's overall graphical appearance has a cheap and crude look to it, imo, compared to earlier MS OS's and I've also noticed the scrolling of downloaded pages is also a mess. To me it looks like it's primary purpose is to stick Bing advertisements under the surfers' noses so all of that traffic will not be going over to Google advertisements. I'm going to try visiting youtube with my Google Chrome browser and see if that helps matters. Maybe because Google owns youtube the videos will stream smoother.

    5. Nope. Youtube videos are also a mess when using Google Chrome with the Adobe Flash Player 11.3 "upgrade". Looks like I'll have to use that old Dell "Inspiron" I mentioned above to view videos for the duration of our wait for the fix from Adobe. Fortunately, because the Dell had only a few gigs of free space left on its hard drive, I had turned off the automatic Adobe updates on it and it should still have an earlier version that works. Oh well, such are the risks associated with being the first kid on the block to get the latest toy.

    6. Found a workaround! I discovered that the Settings control on Windows 10 gives one the option of opening a page with whatever version of IE he had on his hard drive that Edge is supposed to replace after the OS upgrade takes place and, apparently, that version will still be using an earlier and uncorrupted version of Adobe Flash Player. I just opened youtube with my old IE and the videos are running fine now. Just goes show how persistence can pay off.

    7. Windows 10 = Perfected Government Spy Machine, here lovingly and tenderly cared-for, no doubt.


    8. And, as well . . .

      "So you finally installed Windows 10 and joined the ranks of the other 67 million users. You open your browser to search for a place to grab lunch, and Bing already knows your location. You notice that all the banner ads are geared toward your secret knitting hobby. And when you open Cortana to ask what’s going on, she knows your name and the embarrassing nickname your mother calls you.

      This may seems like a stretch, but you’d be surprised by the amount of personal information Windows 10 collects from its users—information including phone numbers, GPS location, credit card numbers, and even video and audio messages. Of course, Microsoft’s privacy statement outlines all the data that is collected, and you agreed to this when you downloaded Windows 10 and checked the terms of service."

      * * * * *
      Read the rest HERE compliments of 'WIRED':

    9. DuckDuckGo


    10. "That is why I revived the anonymous comment option. . . ." - J.C.

      Yes, and just above we see a brand new bit of the results of this.

      I suggest that you should not have.

      It is n ever-continuing outrage, to which no appeal to logic is of any effect.

      - J.

    11. I'm not that worried about government snooping. It's mainly aimed at stopping terrorists and organized criminals. On practically all of the newer browsers nowadays there is an option that allows the user to turn off any tracking of his device's location. I think on Google Chrome one can even opt out of getting advertisements based on his surfing habits (although one is still bombarded with "generic advertisement" so they can keep that advertising money coming it).

      I'm a bit disappointed with "Cortana" which is the "voice activated, AI digital assistant" that comes with Windows 10. I thought "she" would be more chatty, but to speak to her you have to manually turn on your microphone and then when she's done, she shuts it off again. She will tell you your local weather, send emails, and send you to Bing search engine results for things you question her about. On request she will even tell you jokes (clean ones only). But after two years of development I thought she would be as loquacious as the AI character in the MS Xbox video games she is based on. I'm a bit disappointed, especially since this feature is a major selling point for the new OS.

      Update. Still have not gotten around to the testing of model # 1202 yet. Later today for sure.

  11. All in the name of free speech!...well I tell you, there is no free speech without accountability.

    1. I second that, Trevor D.

      Right now it is free-wheeling license with regard to posting Anonymous', not accountability.

      licentiousness - noun
      Excessive freedom; lack of restraint:
      dissoluteness, dissolution, libertinism, license, profligacy.

      - James

  12. Velocity easily overcomes gravity temporarily,indeed: multiplies it in fact. The secret to the wheel if any has already been disclosed in one form or another by Bessler, long ago. Now if we can get the weights moving faster than the exterior of the wheel the excess force created by the difference will drive the wheel.

  13. James, I suggest to not leave Anonymous comments out.
    Because never know witch info or clue may come from those sources in one day.
    I like to be here as anonymous (yet), because my name is not so common.
    I know that all stays in internet when you do some input. I prefare that my employer, or future ones, do not find my name in here. I do not mean here that this blog is "bad", this is just for caution. I am tecnical person and this blog is only blog that I read with very big intrest. There was good to have possibilty to make some input here as anonymous.

    All best to everyone


    1. Eastlander (Anonymous) you have signed as "Eastlander."

      I do not recall ever having seen it before; it is therefor as unique is to me.

      It may be yours or not; except for yourself no one knows.

      Why not register with THAT, whatever or who's-ever it may be truly, then we will all know that at least some person with that chosen handle IS POSTING.

      Since you signed using it, why not go the step further and lock-it-in for yourself?

      Then your particular often most confusing Anonymous we will never have to deal with again.

      Also, no one else would be able to misrepresent themselves as yourself

      Naturally, this applies to all Anonymous as well as potential, future ones.

      One additional thought occurs to me: Why must I even have to go into this, in detail?

      Why is it not obvious (intuitive) to people generally, on it's face?

      We are given brains with which to THINK, not to "obey" false authorities attempting to dominate over our lives, like some good little bleating sheep in need of shepherding. Supposedly we are better than for that. Let us proceed as if it is so.

      The Anonymous Terror must be put to a final end or it will go-on and on and on without surcease torturous liberal-style.

      - James

  14. I think that is up to John but I suggest you do not call him a troll again.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Ken, more important than the browser is the search engine. Try for a non-tracking secure browser.

  17. I continue to struggle with Windows 10. I've managed to be able to voice activate Cortana (one just says "Hey, Cortana" at any time to put her into listening mode) and now "she" will only respond to me and even address me by name! She's getting a bit more chatty I notice. Also, today I took a crack at using the speech recognition feature in the new OS. Setting it up was easy and it potentially allows one to do everything on a computer without the need to even touch a mouse, keyboard, or touchpad. Whether or not one will be able to do that, however, depends upon the skilled use of a variety of verbal commands. I've mastered a few of them, but I can see I still have a steep learning curve ahead of me. My first attempt to dictate a few sentences on Notepad and save the file turned into a real mess! I'll keep plugging away at it a little every day and, hopefully, practice will make perfect. I'm also thinking of setting up what's called "face recognition" to use as a password. You just position your mug in front of the computer's built in camera and it then scans your face and if the various curves and such match those previously saved during setup, you're allowed in. But, I'm wondering if one could just hold up a photo of a person and use that to enter? I had hoped to finish the CoM position stability testing of my model # 1202 this afternoon, but now I've got to take off to again visit my sick friend in the hospital. First things first.

    1. Ask Cortana to solve model # 1202 for you.

  18. "I continue to struggle with Windows 10. . . ." - K.B.

    So what?

    Despite recent and not-so warnings from our estimable Moderator, this boorish Behrendtian keyboard tapping sickness is obviously to go on, and on, and on ad infinitum.

    Left to his own he will NEVER stop, his affliction being an very real addiction of-a-kind.

    It will be stopped only when IT IS finally, blessedly, from without.

    - James

  19. I wish Cortana could solve this one, but I'm on my own here. I got little done with the wheel today other than a quick run of the finished version of # 1202. It certainly looks pretty and all of the levers are shifting very smoothly. However, I've learned from bitter past experience that this can be deceptive. It's ultimately the CoM position stability test that tells if a design is "it" or not. I'll try to get that critical test done later today. I would have gotten it done yesterday, but I was busy with a dear sick friend at a local hospital. Their condition has not significantly improved in the last week and my concerns for them are distracting me.

    Well, I thought that I would be able to view youtube videos with the IE viewing option on my newly uploaded and installed OS: Windows 10. Wrong! Now I can not view any videos anywhere on the web (unless I use another notebook or PC). As I mentioned before it is supposedly caused by a bug in the Adobe Flash Player that is "bundled" in with the new OS. I tried calling MS support and, after running around in circles with their voice activated "help" menus for twenty minutes, never got to speak with an actual competent human being and finally gave up. I've sent out a few emails requesting information on what is being done about this issue. Wonder if I'll ever get a response?

    1. I get my fingers crossed for your #1202 test !

    2. Thanks, Michel. I'll run the test in a few hours. I'm expecting another failure, though. But, it's the next model, # 1203, that is really important. Why? Because it could be my last model! If # 1203 does not work, then I will truly be at the end of what I can derive from the two DT portraits and it may be time for me to "retire". It's all in the hands of God now...

    3. ". . . # 1203 . . ."

      1 + 2 + 3 = 6


      ". . . can derive from the two DT portraits and it may be time for me to "retire". . . . "

      Notice the use of the term "may" and retire as set-in quotes.

      This is the weasel-out stuff and not un-expectable from such as he.

      And this:

      ". . . It's all in the hands of God now..."

      Which is most strange because I thought that some Topics ago, he had proclaimed the belief of atheism for himself. I could be wrong about this but, a little research should do the needed trick.

      Just more cotton candy coming from The Vendor Of The Vapid.

      (Why does no one know how he APPEARS? Might he be as Jabba the Hutt is - truly gross and rotund? His likeness has never been seen, to my knowledge. WHY??? What is being hidden here?)

      - J.

    4. Say, you may be onto something there, James. I hadn't done any numerological analysis of model # 1203 yet, but the digits do sum to 6. They also can sum to 15 ( because 12 + 03 = 15) or multiply out to 36 (because 12 x 03 = 36) which sums to 9 (because 3 + 6 = 9). 9, of course, is equal to 3 x 3 which is a "trinity of trinities" and particularly sacred in numerology. But, I will be testing # 1202 in a few hours today and expect failure. What else can I expect of that test on a day that just happens to be the 50th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Nagasaki, Japan! .Strange that I heard not a world about it on the news today.

      You seem overly concerned about my appearance. I did post a few photos of myself on "another free energy site", but they are somewhat hard to find. I would say that I have a rather average appearance and would not stand out in a crowd. I'm not overweight and I avoid such things as tobacco, alcohol, drugs (street always and prescription when possible), and try to stay as active as possible for my age and level of health. I also try to remain as optimistic and positive as possible in a world that often can be very frustrating and negative at times. I try to help my friends as much as possible.

    5. With all respect, unlike our estimable Moderator here, I like Bessler DO admit to the very real effects of the Numerological as well as the Astrological.

      I believe it modernly foolish and silly to dismiss such out-of-hand arrogantly. Such is typical of hopeless Materialists and their myopic Five Senses alone 'vision'.

      We might remember, according to no less a one than J.P. Morgan Sr., taht billionaires used both but piddling millionaires did not.

      Morgan and Rockefeller are reputed to have been rather successful.

      Who would ANYONE 'be' so as to dare toss-aside such evidence of supreme, stated utility, for some gain of mere-personal comfort, as might be derived from such dismissals?

      It seems not logical and childish.

      As for the appearance issue, I do not recall ever seeing any such living visage of his posted within the "A Rogues Gallery" of our estimable Moderator's, over at that ostensibly unmentionable Forum site.

      Any glimpse to be had of K.B., there or wherever, would serve to make him REAL in a way which he certainly does not enjoy presently.

      IF he might be prevailed-upon for instructions as to where such views might be observed?

      - J.

    6. I said above that yesterday, August 9th, 2015 was the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan. I was only off by 20 years! It was the actually the 70th anniversary of that hellish event. John D. Rockefeller once told a reporter that J. P. Morgan was not really that rich of a man. At the time Rockefeller's net worth was about 1.5 billion while Morgan's was just a "paltry" 250 million. I guess Rockefeller viewed him as a virtual poverty case! Lol! Must be nice to be a billionaire. As for a clue to finding my image on "another free energy site", you might try searching for any posts there with the words "Wrath of Ken" in them which was a pun made by a detractor intended to compare me to Kahn in that second Star Trek movie. Although the comparison was totally the opposite of the real me, I went along with it by photo shopping a real photo of myself to make me look like the Ricardo Montalban character in the movie.

  20. My Win 10 works fine viewing Youtube-videos through any browser. The new Edge or Chrome. I upgraded from 8.1

    1. I upgraded from Windows 7 and, perhaps, that is the problem? There is a message that comes through on youtube when one of their videos does not play that gives one recommendations for correcting the issues. I tried them all and they did not resolve the problem. I'll keep trying, though. If worse comes to worst, I'm supposed to be able to reset to Windows 7 again. Hopefully, that will not be necessary.

    2. Have you tried to use Google Chrome? It has its own flash player..

    3. Thanks for the suggestion, but further research I've done indicates that the Adobe Flash Player is not the problem. Apparently, the problem is that Windows 10 is not compatible with the display adapter used in my Toshiba "Satellite C655" notebook computer. That adapter is the AMD made Radeon HD 6310 Graphics Card. The solution seemed simple. Just go to the AMD support site and download the latest driver for that card that will work with Windows 10. I went there and discovered that I already have what they consider to be the latest and best driver for using my graphics card with Windows 10! In other words, there is, currently, no solution to my problem. So, it looks like I and millions of others who bit on the bait of a free OS "upgrade" are now up you know what creek without a paddle until and unless MS or AMD comes up with a compatible graphics driver that will solve our problem. I'll wait another week or so before I say "adios" to Windows 10 and go back to 7 which I had no problems with. If you had no problems with your Windows 10 upgrade, it is probably because your graphics card is made by Intel and not AMD. Toshiba probably opted to use the AMD cards because they are cheaper and they were trying to keep the final cost of their notebooks down to stimulate sales and enhance their quarterly profits in the "under $500" notebook computer market. Well, I guess the old adage is right, "You get what you pay for." Saving money today with a "bargain" can lead to an expensive headache tomorrow. Now where did I put my bottle of Ibuprofen?

  21. I prefer FireFox as a browser. I have been a long time user of Win8, started during beta release. I purchased two tools from Stardock, Start8 and ModernApps. Start8 restores the normal WinXP/7 start button and menu system. The cool 2D look of Win8 stays, you just get the traditional Start menu. ModernApp forces Modern Apps (which normally open full screen and can't be minimized or closed how we are used to) to open within a Window. You can minimize or X out anytime. They cost $4.99 each and are using on sale for much less. I can tell you I have installed this on several computers and everyone loves them. Win8 is the fastest app of them all (not 8.1) and it works great for gaming. I am happy with Win8 but I will check on the availability of similar apps from Stardock for Win10. Well just my two cents. Happy August 9 to you all ...

  22. Thanks Anon. That potentially was very helpful and easy to follow.

  23. I have the latest version of firefox, since a few months ago everyday I have to clear the recent history, if I do not clear recent history when I visit certain sites I cannot see the updates, the sites that the PTB are trying to censor load from the cache unless you clear it every day.
    If some of your favorite sites you visit have not been updated in a month or so, try clearing the recent history cache, go to the site and you will see it is updated !
    Many truth sites have disappeared from the internet in the last few months, the free internet is gone.

  24. "Windows10 is possibly the worst spyware ever made"

    1. Exactly.

      And this is precisely why K.B. should be equipped with it and encouraged as far as all can possibly.

      You see, anything that serves to distract him from the latest laying-out of yet ANOTHER useless path leading direct to Nowhere Land, is all the better, I say.

      I am still using Win98 II and a dial-up modem.

      Drives the for-stinking-profit cablier corpse outfits nuts.

      Sure, you have to put up with some little inconveniences but, hey what price privacy huh? And ALL that dough saved - oy! There is a whole support group for it and they are swell dedicatees.

      Bill Gates get lost and out of our hair with your hundreds of billions, and leave us alone with our fine performing earlier versions.

      Give me RETRO - my wax cylinder machines and cinematorgraph !!! Screw Win 10. It's for suckers.

      - J.

    2. I don't want to bash Windows 10 too much just because it hasn't worked out well for me. The problem was that I thought, obviously erroneously, that it had been thoroughly tested for all of the machines to which it would be downloaded. I'm sure it probably works okay for most that get it. My fear is that there will be no fix coming for me and those like me who are using computers more than a few years old because someone in MS or AMD will decide it is just not "cost effective" to spend the money for a fix for us. We will have no choice but to restore our computers to earlier OS's and hope that does not mess them up further. We have to think of each new generation of OS as a work in progress that will then, after its been hyped and sold to millions of users looking for "something new", be slowly improved over time with various "updates", "fixes", and "patches". OS's are very complicated pieces of encoding so that's to be expected (Windows 10 contains about 28 gigabytes of code!). But, not to be able to use youtube after one's "upgrade"? That is totally unacceptable to me.

  25. Leibniz - "It ran continuously for two hours in my presence and demonstrated considerable power."

    Let's see..... 25 watts ... considerable power ... hmmm


    1. I think that estimate of 25 watts was for the Kassel wheel and was based on its operation of the Archimedean water pump. Leibniz tested, I think, the Merseberg wheel which was less powerful. Yes, Bessler's wheels seemed amazing until one started to calculate their constant power outputs. Then, they were seen to be a lot less impressive because they could not compete with such things as water wheels and wind mills. I believe that is the major reason Bessler could not sell his invention and not his obvious paranoia.

    2. Bessler's problem power-output-wise was that he could not scale his wheels fore-to-aft because having to keep all under wraps.

      The wheel is quite capable of impressive power output when greatly deepened, as contra distinguished from made ever-bigger around, which is a pain?

      (Just wildly speculating here, of course.)

      - James

  26. Update. A few hours ago I thoroughly tested my model # 1202 failed. I expected it to, of course. However, I did learn something important from it. The model's CoM remained on the descending side for the first 2.5 seconds of the 7.5 second test rotation (during which time the drum rotates exactly 45 degrees). Then it swung over to the ascending side at 2.5 seconds and stayed there until 6.2 seconds after which it shot back to the descending side and remained there until the 7.5 second test rotation was completed. So, the CoM spent about 50% of the 7.5 second test on each side. However, from studying the motion of the model's "prime mover" lever (that's the one moving from 7:30 to 9:00) I noticed that its swing inward toward the axle seemed to stall out a bit during the time that the CoM was floating about on the ascending side. I think that if I can eliminate that stall in the prime mover lever during that time interval, then the result will be that the CoM will remain continously on the wheel's descending side throughout the 7.5 second test drum rotation! Can it be done? Well, I now have only a single remaining modification left to try. It involves changing the attachment point of one of the coordinating ropes to a new location on the levers. It was this new location that I discovered only a few days ago. It is the only remaining modification that I have left to try based on the DT portrait clues. If it works, then the secret of Bessler imbalanced pm wheel mechanics will finally be solved. If not, then I will have reached a final obstacle that I will not be able to bypass. I will test the new attachment point with my next model # 1203. If that model fails, then it will most likely be my last model ever. I will start the construction of # 1203 tomorrow. This could be it: final victory or total defeat. Stay tuned folks!

    1. ". . . I will test the new attachment point with my next model # 1203. If that model fails, then it will most likely be my last model ever. . . ."

      Notice consistently, the presence of legalesque weasel words sprinkled throughout this latest of his?

      WHY do we not ever see such as ' . . . then it will be my last model ever. . . .' without that "most likely" part?

      By now we ALL KNOW.

      Nowhere Land is a very disappointing place to be at; a gloomy realm where nothing ever works but rather remains but a pathetically beckoning impossible series of empty promises of successes all gone somehow wrong; of sought adulation of fellows which always are to be withheld out of spite and jealously and as well things ever darker no doubt; and, of course, those dreamed-of riches to be hauled into one's coffin after one - the new corpse now having exhausted life as well as the patience of ALL former loved ones that had fled years before in horror, as the madmen of P-M went doggedly on, and on, and on just like their sad wheels NEVER did, because NEVER could.

      So it would seem according to the tragic picture painted above, that the trek to Nowhere Land is to be the lot of all BUT ONE, where in Somewhere Land he is the sole reigning master, Great Excalibur well in-hand.

      Which ONE is it to be?

      - James

  27. If it fails Ken, what will it say about all the supposed portrait clues?

    1. Although this query was addressed to the non-estimable K.B. of this blog, IF I might be allowed some pre-commentary?

      If it fails it will indicate regarding those "supposed portrait clues" that he did not choose the correct ones in the correct order so as to afford him the correct result which, of course, is correct perpetual operation as in motion.

      If one were to have THE eye necessary with which to see truly what needs be, then that one would perceive a BRISTLING GARDEN of instructions angles and proportions, not just mere "clues".

      Bessler has laid-out the whole thing for us but, we simply seem oblivious to the lovely fact, and some curse him even, because of their own inadequacy and distracting impatience.

      As it regards brains as well as thrilling genitalia, it is not what you have that really counts, it is HOW you use it all that does. The sad reality is, that very many are woefully SHORT in all three, but do not know it and therefor carry-on unawares as it it were actually otherwise, disappointing non-events following.

      That would be my insignificant take on the matter, even though unsolicited.

      - James

  28. Ken, is your Prime Mover lever (7:30) connected to the outward moving lever (say at 1:30)? It would seem to make sense that the two are connected. The PM lever doing the work to move the other lever outward, creating overbalance, and thus the impetus to rotate.

    1. No. My "prime mover" lever is not directly connected to the diametrically opposite 1:30 lever. Such a connection would cause a coordinating rope to pass near or even through the section of the axle that is inside of the drum. However, the prime mover lever does work to make the lever immediately leading it begin to rise and return to its position against its wooden stop attached to the inside of the drum's rim. Lifting that lever then permits all of the levers leading it to be shifted closer to their rim stops by the stretched springs attached to them.

    2. Connecting the 7:30 lever to the 1:30 lever will result in a zero net change in angular momentum - one lever moving out and one lever moving in.

  29. Ken is trying to share John's stage. John is going to wait till Ken takes his bow. Then John will have the stage by himself, as he should.

    1. Dear dougsubous,

      This seems not clear, what you have stated above.

      Do you mean when K.B. takes a 'final bow' and bugs-off?

      Every indicator shows that such a thing will never happen. He would have to be instructed to leave by our estimable Moderator.

      There will be nothing of 'the voluntary' about any such delightful disappearance, as various here do so-look-forward-to; others thinking he's just grand; fine-and-dandy and an utter, brulliant delight.

      - J.

  30. Sometimes I think if I did not post here, then James would have next to nothing to talk / complain about!


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...