Monday 14 December 2015

Bessler's Wheel and Climate Change

A deal to attempt to limit the rise in global temperatures to less than 2C has been agreed at the climate change summit in Paris after two weeks of intense negotiations. The pact is the first to commit all countries to cut carbon emissions, and nearly 200 countries took part, and it would come into being in 2020.

On the face of it exciting and encouraging news, but of course it's full of holes and let outs.  I don't need to go into these nor list the major states which were, understandably, reluctant to sign up to a condition that they feel could hamper economic growth and development. 

Although I remain unconvinced that this is a man-made problem and not a natural turn of events, I accept that the pollution caused by the current fossil fuel consumption is undoubtedly a cause for concern.  So the search is intensified to find an alternative source of energy and one that could be applied anywhere on or in the planet earth.

Below, smog in Beijing caused by industrial pollution.

On my way to Rome a couple of years ago, I had to change planes at Amsterdam and a plane came in from Beijing.  The passengers queued to catch an onward flight and everyone of them wore the smog masks as you see above.  I asked one of them why and he simply said, "we must".  I told him he was OK here in Europe and didn't need to keep them on and he just smiled and shook his head.

I saw an interview with Anote Tong this week, who is the President of Kiribati, an island republic in the Central Pacific, comprising 33 coral atolls stretching along the equator. It is one of the first countries in danger of becoming uninhabitable owing to climate change.  Because atolls are naturally low-lying, and have a high ratio of coastline to land area, they are especially vulnerable to sea-level rise and storm surges.

President Tong's message was that we should not be thinking of this is a problem for the future, his country is feeling the first effects of global warming now. With most of its land only a few feet above sea level, Kiribati has already seen growing damage from storms and flooding. Some of the nation's uninhabited islets have even vanished beneath the Pacific.  Global warming threatens to render Kiribati unliveable well before it is completely submerged. If global warming continues at today's rates, rising ocean waters may shrink Kiribati's land area, increase storm damage, and threaten its freshwater reserves.   He asks that everyone should be concerned and seek any kind of alternative energy source.  Solar panels and wind turbines are all very well but they cannot hope to replace fossil fuels as an energy source, we need something more basic, more universally usable and available in the very, very near future.

I know that we still have an enormous vertical cliff to climb to convince the world at large that Bessler's wheel did work and perhaps it might ultimately hold the key to reducing industrial pollution.... and maybe not, but surely it's worth trying. The wheel must be proven to work first, then it's up to the design-engineers to find ways of upscaling the basic model.  Bessler said bigger and more powerful wheels could be made and we have no evidence that he would have misled us about that, nor can I think of why he would have done that.  We must take him at his word.

How utterly amazing would it be to successfully reconstruct Bessler's wheel and then find that the entire world had taken the technology and developed it and found that this 300 year old machine had solved the problems of the 21st century!



  1. I've been following that Paris conference on Climate Change and it's encouraging that they reached an agreement although it is largely voluntary. I routinely encounter Climate Change "deniers" who think it's all a hoax. All I know is that right now it's the middle of December and in my location the temperature is in the mid-'60's out there! Possibly, we will have a January without any snow and, perhaps, we will really have no winter this season.

    Currently, we are dumping something like 40 billion tons of carbon into our atmosphere every year. That has got to be causing a global temperature rise. Well, the Climate Change agreement requires a review of the situation every five years. If things turn out worse than expected, then the measures to eliminate fossil fuels can be increased. Hopefully, it won't come to that.

    Yes, that situation with air pollution in China is incredible. Their pollution is about 20 times worse than the worst in the US. I heard they have things called "air bars" where people can come in for a few minutes to breathe some clean fresh air to clear out their lungs! God only knows what their lung cancer rates are over there.

    Bessler's wheels will solve all of our energy problems in the future? At this point in time it does not look too likely to me. Everyone is talking about solar, wind, nuclear, and, perhaps, fusion power right now. But, I'm wondering about simple water current power. No, not hydroelectric or tidal, but, rather, simply submerging the aquatic equivalent of a wind turbine into rivers. These rivers flow 24/7 all year round. Water is about 800 times denser than air so anything air can do, water can do 800 times better. They could sink water current driven generators into rivers and just run the power cables to shore and hook them into a country's power grid. Also, with that approach we don't have the have our countrysides covered with those unsightly and noisy wind generators.

    Well, I'm not worried that much about all of this. Where there's a need, there is always someone that comes along to fill that need...for a profit, of course. The problem of Climate Change will be solved whether we find a solution to the Bessler wheel mystery or not.

  2. Is that all the clues you wanted to talk about? There wasn't anything new there.

  3. And while we continue to struggle with the reverse engineering of Bessler's wheels, another happy inventor gets his permanent magnetic motor up and running!

  4. I'd bet a dollar to a dough-naught the all three of you arguing this thus far, maintain and operate private motor coaches.

    Although approaching 71, I had one of the things for a period of about five years and, yes, it sure did afford me that feeling of freedom but not so at all as far as the vexing nature of the creature went plus it's horrendous cost what with every Tom, Dick and Harry having their hands one's pockets, all aided and abetted by governmental power and it's fiat.

    Got rid of the beast and just as from before it, have walked to-and-fro ever since. Most of my motor-coached-up friends have gone on to the Other Side with the usual hyper this and sub conditions related to indolence and lack of exercise. These always criticized me for not being as they were and as they are now D-E-A-D!

    SHOULD I try my best to resist the temptation to gloat or not?

    Well, whichever might prove best, it is so absolutely that

    "He who laughs LAST laughs BEST."

    OK chaps, over a lifetime I've done MY BIT to not personally add to pollution directly. Now it is up to YOU THREE to get rid of those "motor vehicles" (correct "codified" Statutory Speak)and put a knife through hypocrisy's heart. Better later than never.

    - James -

    1. I've owned and driven "private motor coaches" since I was knee high to a grasshopper and still do. I live in a suburban neighborhood where walking to the nearest store is difficult without having a car or, at least, a good bicycle. I agree walking is excellent exercise, but I get sufficient for my age from other activities.

      The automobile is certainly a major source of pollution, yet, surprisingly, trucks, which are only about 10% of the traffic, actually put out 90% of the pollution! Eventually, I'm certain that our cars and trucks will all be electrically powered and our centrally generated sources will also be virtually pollution free. The best solution I see at the moment is a combination of solar, nuclear, submerged river current which is still experimental, and, hopefully in the near future, sustained fusion. I know one thing for sure, there is no way Americans would ever put up with that mess over there in China and I'm somewhat surprised that the people over there are putting up with it. They wouldn't be doing that, I believe, unless they were desperate to build up their economy. When they see how we're cleaning our air over here, it won't be long before they follow suit.

      Update. I've pressed on to model #1425 and believe that I now only have a single parameter left to determine before I finally achieve continuous wheel motion and acceleration: the mass of the levers Bessler used. I'm also starting to think that his wheels were even simpler than I originally thought! The entire configuration of the weights and their levers is determined solely by the lever suspension springs and a single set of ropes. All other ropes in the design are merely present to provide coordination. But, that "coordination" is critically necessary to maintaining the offset center of mass of the design. If any of the parts is missing or does not have the exact parameters it must, then the design will either not work or work very inefficiently. Stay tuned for further developments.

    2. I actually agree with you James, but truth to tell, I'm a nimby where cars are concerned, but I reassure myself that I'll more than make up for my lack of conscience if I can get someone to produce a working Bessler wheel.

      My friend Mike often castigates me for flying to Florida and Spain and I ask, how shall I get there, walk on water? Wrong JC. :-)


    3. Just as I thought, K.B.!

      So, over all that time, how many TONS might you calculate (and, we know you are good at this) might YOU have contributed to your total 'carbon footprint'?

      (NOT 'getting on your case' :-)

      "I'm also starting to think that his wheels were even simpler than I originally thought!" - K.B.

      Well, it's about time! Bessler was clear like crystal that he thought others would find it so, and think it 'not worth it'. (As paraphrased here from rusty memory.


      Well, John, I'm happy that at least one here does.

      Cripes! "a nimby"? Yet another one new to moi! Into the pile it goes. (I can easily guess as to it's meaning.)

      Well now, could you not go through that Chunnel you've got to France and just a quick hike it would be for you to then find yourself(s) in sunny olde Espagna, no?

      THINK of the exercise and additional YEAR it might add onto your life.

      (You MUST last at least until this thing is done and proved. Obviously you are to be alive until, at least, as Scheherazade was 'till she ran out of stories for the Sultan, and that living corpse of Poe's was, forever awaiting his next tale. All of this is simply too obvious on it's face, I think.)

      In-and-of-itself, this new topic was so perfect and complete that it really needed no commentary, and thus the ensuing, deafening silence.

      (I wish I could write like that, then, if so, I would not continually worry about a first RED dot appearing over "there" as the Sinistral Contingent continue to stew and boil, over what I had left them over a decade.)

      Well Christmas approaches and THE place to be on it is in Merrie Olde Angle-Land!

      My last time there was back in '69 but not at that particular holiday time, sadly.

      Personally, I think the English cuisine to be JUST SPLENDID! I like ALL of it that I had there. (A slight exception to this being something call a "Whimpies Burger" or something.) But, it does help being 1/3 English. Maybe that's it.

      The best thing I had when there was a delicious pigeon pie! It had a cream sauce with peas and a delightful light buttery crust. I fancied most naturally that such a thing would just have to appeal to H.M. the Queen, and that she most likely had one at least every week. What a luxury!

      I am working hard on my own wheel - now studying how to transfer with minimal loss, momentum between like-masses. Looks like I've got it licked. (For most the tricky part of such an achievement is in perfecting the check-and-hold mechanism, so that achieved gains will not go suddenly bye-bye? Oh well, enough of the technical talk as the Holidays are upon us and such can get boring fast.

      Cheers and All of the Best to All (Excepting of course for a certain Tasmanian, a "special project" of mine as such are termed, company-wise. To him I shall one day deliver his due whatevers IN PERSON: "Surprise! I am here! What's for dinner?")

      - James -

    4. James,
      I don't think the Queen would eat pigeon pie, she has her own loft, and is quite fond of pigeon races, she probably wouldn't like to eat some of her pigeons cousins !
      I know for a fact that Prince Charles likes boiled egg (not pigeon) on wholewheat bread, all from his own farm, because that's what the Mrs. had to prepare when he visited the culinary school she studied at.

    5. STEVO,
      Oh, I see. Thanks for the info.

      Of course I'd no idea she does and, I suppose she wouldn't and, I did not know she raced them.

      I shall try the Prince's combination. I do wonder if the egg is just boiled, sheared or deviled?

      One thing that struck me about the pigeon meat in the pie that I had, was that it was a distinct red color. After that, when seeing pigies anywhere anytime, I thought immediately: DINNER! Now, I could never bear to hurt one of the poor creatures but, maybe would if truly starving.

      It is the very devil finding fruit cake here in Las Vegas. All have 'the prejudice' against it and like to joke about it, this being a Yankee/Hetero type thing that they think cute. Sickening. Mincemeat pie can be found and is really quite good and spicy, but most do not use a hard sauce for it. Plum puddings are costly.

      - James -

  5. James asks:

    "So, over all that time, how many TONS might you calculate (and, we know you are good at this) might YOU have contributed to your total 'carbon footprint'?"

    Hard to tell with precision, but I can offer a reasonable estimate. During my lifetime, the world's average population will be about 6 billion humans and the average carbon output about 30 billion tons per year or 5 tons per person. That means each person, if he lives an average of 70 years, will, during his lifetime be responsible for releasing about 350 tons of carbon into Earth's environment. The density of carbon is 2250 kg/m3 or 0.07023146 tons/ft3. To get the number of cubic feet of carbon each person releases during his lifetime, simply write 350 tons /(0.07023146 tons/ft3) which equals 4983.52 ft3. This is the volume of a single cube of pure carbon that is 17 feet on an edge. Not really that much during an entire lifetime when one thinks about it. If one were to take all of those blocks of carbon put out by the Earth's human population in their lifetimes and stack them up, they would stretch to a height of 17 feet x 6 billion humans = 102 billion feet. Since one mile is 5,280 feet that means the stack would reach a height of 19,318,181 miles! Since the average distance to our Sun is about 93 million mi, that means the stack of carbon blocks would stretch out into space about (19.3 million mi / 93 million mi) x 100% or about 20.75% of the average distance between the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun. At that rate it would take the human race about 350 years to build a stack long enough to connect the center of the Earth with the center of the Sun. Sounds like the inspiration for those "Dyson Sphere's" in the sci-fi literature of the '60's!

    Anyway, it's starting to look like Bessler's wheels were way simpler than I originally thought. Their internal motions were governed strictly by spring tension, leverage, and a single coordinating rope that interconnected all of a wheel's 8 working levers. But, again, there are about two dozen parameters one must find in order to have "it", "the" design Bessler found at the House of Richters" in early 1712. You either correctly have all of those parameters and then successfully reverse engineered his wheels. Or, you don't have them and have nothing! So far, I still have nothing...

  6. K.B., now THAT is a lot of tonnage!

    Might you feel just a teeny-weeny bit guilty over this? And, how to make-up for it all? Just askin'.

    If you were to triumph, and crack Bessler's secret, then I thing we all could easily let you off that sharp hook.

    To this goal, it would seem as though you've made tangible progress however, at this point ". . . and a single coordinating rope that interconnected all of a wheel's 8 working levers." we two builders diverge: I say not so many and ONE tethering for each of those. A minor point, I guess. Whatever works will prove to have been J.E.B.'s.

    All of your stat-detailage is most impressive, I must say.

    I am planning on catching some pigeons for a delicious you-know-what for Christmas. This little play may go awry as I could not possibly bring myself to slay one of the colorful, kindly creatures. It'll have to be "back to England." for my next, I suppose, nearly fifty years later.

    Please, do let us hear, K.B., that success has been yours or, in John's case, his.

    - James -


    "But the "floor" below which nobody in the U.S. can reach, no matter a person's energy choices, turned out to be 8.5 tons, the class found. That was the emissions calculated for a homeless person who ate in soup kitchens and slept in homeless shelters."

  8. James asks, referring to my lifetime "carbon footprint":

    "Might you feel just a teeny-weeny bit guilty over this? And, how to make-up for it all? Just askin'."

    I don't really feel guilty, just concerned that something needs to be done to correct the problem in the near future. The reality is that there is a balance between the carbon emitted by Earth's animal life and that taken in by our planet's plant life. They absorb carbon from the atmosphere and, using solar energy, convert it into high energy carbohydrate molecules. We animals or the ones we collect on farms then consume the carbs and extract the energy from them to do useful work in our environment such as growing and repairing our bodies, homes, infrastructure, social organizations, and, of course, doing pm machine research. The problem is that, since the beginning of the Industrial Age, we have been dumping more carbon into our atmosphere than the Earth's plant life can extract because we've discovered how to use vast buried sources of carbon deposited eons ago. The solution to this imbalance seems obvious: we need to either increase the amount of vegetation on Earth, reduce our emission of carbon, or both. Well, as history demonstrates, nothing motivates humans better than fear! A couple of winter's in the northern hemisphere with temperatures that don't go below 40 degrees Fahrenheit followed by summers with sustained over 100 degree temperatures will settle the matter in the minds of most people as the number of "Climate Change Deniers" continues to dwindle. What we need is a true breakthrough in clean energy generation. Fusion power would do it or ultra high efficiency solar panels or some free energy gadget that actually did work and if that comes along, I'm convinced it will be a permanent magnet type motor and not a gravitationally activated type imbalanced wheel unless one can figure out how to project its center of mass directly out horizontally from the axle and far onto the wheel's descending side. This, imo, was not the case with Bessler's wheels or they would have had much higher power outputs.

    @dougsubous: Estimates of just how much carbon each of the world's average citizens emits per year tend to vary widely depending upon one's starting assumptions. In my estimate, I attributed all of the carbon emission to human beings, but we must remember we share our beautiful blue water planet with a lot of other animals all of whom are exhaling carbon with every breath they take. Eventually, the human race will "get its act together" and detox from its current addiction to fossil fuels.

    Btw, I caught part of a call in political show this morning in which a caller mentioned that there was a process discovered by a chemist years ago that allowed one to "burn" fossil fuels to extract their energy without emitting any carbon dioxide! I was distracted with breakfast at the time and did not get all of the details, but the caller said he was surprised that no one was talking about it. I'm going to have to look into it more. If this process is real, then I, too, wonder why it is not being used.

    1. Well, I found this interesting technique for "cracking" methane gas into hydrogen gas which can then be burned to release energy and just produce nice clean water as exhaust. The carbon from the process is then collected and can be buried or otherwise kept out of the atmosphere. By converting all fossil fuels into methane, this method looks workable even though it requires heating the methane gas to a high temperature.

    2. Well K.B., for this you deserve a special reward:

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Thanks for the "Perpetual Motion" tune, James, I enjoyed it. It's overflowing with energy which is, so far, more than I can say about my model wheels!

    5. You are most welcomed, K.B. I thought you'd find it appealing.

      It is amazing, I think, how many composers working in various of genres of music have composed titles honoring that reality supposed by some to not exist.

      For instance, the great, unique and famous violinist/rascal, Paganini (he of the much-traveled corpse) composed one supremely-fine, as did Carl Maria von Weber, a 78 shellac Victor "five-lines patent" copy, one of which I've resting upon my lap. It is a piano work and was played long ago (slightly over a century) by one Wilhelm Backhaus, being then quite young and precocious and sporting a marvelous crop of wild hair. (For any interested, it is No.7143)

      One of the most fascinating of the musical Perpetual Motions is that of Frenchman Claude Debussy's. Of course it is impressionistic but, also it is machine-like too, and so well might be considered on that account as being per se musical Art-Deco way before that had made even it's first bow. This because it is endeavoring to represent the sounds of a mechanism and so musicality really takes somewhat of a back-seat during all the furious geared-action. (Debussy's era was that of the Art-Nouveau and his Book I from around 1905.)

      It's title is "Mouvement" and is the first of three "Images" of the Book I. It has no tune or melody so be aware. One may hear and see it at this link:

      After auditioning it, K.B., go back to designing and SEE if it did not help some little bit? It just might.

      More musical P-M's later.


      - James -

    6. Thanks for that, James. Yes, Debussy was a gifted composer and I think his "Movement" might have been an artistic response to the ever increasing mobility of humanity ushered in by trains, planes, and automobiles. Humans had never before had such rapid mobility and it was a bit overwhelming to many who only knew about horse drawn carriages. Here's another fascinating "short" work that is also dedicated to rapid motion by attempting to musically depict the actions of a common insect: the bumblebee. The piece is titled "The Flight of the Bumblebee" and was composed by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov around 1899 to 1900 for his opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan". I first heard this piece performed by the comedian Jack Benny years ago. Everyone thought that his awkward playing of the violin on his Jack Benny tv show meant he was incompetent when handling a musical instrument. In reality, we was a VERY accomplished violinist. He cracked out the piece in about a minute without missing a single note. Afterward, he told the astonished interviewer that although the piece only took a single minute for him to perform, he had to practice it his entire life to be able to do so! I love to hear of such dedication because, sadly, too few nowadays have it. Here's the piece being performed on the piano by Alberto Lodoletti.

      Does it have anything whatsoever to do with pm? Oddly, yes, because, ultimately, the energy for the ceaseless motion of these insects is provided by the loss of the mass of fusing nucleons within the core of our Sun. And, even more oddly and just as with the case of Bessler's wheels, all of the "experts" a few decades after this piece was written proclaimed that their latest aerodynamic theories "proved" that it was physically impossible for the bumblebee to fly! Fortunately, no one told the bumblebees and they just went right on doing their thing. It was not until the mid-50's that a more sophisticated aerodynamic theory came along and, finally, a new generation of experts said, yes, of course a bumblebee can fly and she (since most are sterile females as only the queen is allowed to mate and breed) does it rather efficiently. We can learn a lot from studying her amazing flight performance! I suspect that someday all of the current "experts" that are dismissing Bessler's wheels as a physically impossible hoax will be singing the same tune!

      Update. I tested another model this morning and got yet another keel. I am continuing with the testing and increasing the lever mass incrementally as I go along. Interestingly, as I was finishing up, I suddenly had a thought how it might be possible to make MT13 work without having to have someone near the 12 o'clock position of the wheel to raise the weighted levers up "with lightning speed" or having to use that clumsy crescent shaped weight hanging off of the axle that Bessler put in his drawing. I've filed the idea away for possible future use.

    7. Just a followup note on my post above. Since posting it someone mentioned to me that he remembered Benny doing a rendition of Francois Schubert's "The Bee" on an 1937 NBC radio broadcast and that I was probably mistaken about the solo demo Benny gave. But, no, I definitely saw this interview and the piece was the far more famous and difficult piece by the Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov. The interview took place in the late '50's (note that Benny did not die until 1974, IIRC).

    8. I am gladdened to know that you are musically knowledgeable/aware K.B. but, really it is not all that surprising to me that you would be.

      Yes, Rimsky was a very important Russian pedagogue/composer and turned-out many fine, finished pianists from St. Petersberg to say nothing of compositions - the operas like Tsar Saltan, as you mentioned, and various of others, Mlada being a standout that is borderline weird but really wonderful.

      I listened with pleasure to Lodoletti's turning of the Rachmaninoff transcription, and found it both fine and pleasing. I'd not before heard any of the chap's work. I subscribed to his channel and will be auditioning his Liszt and Moussorgsky presently. Thanks much for that link, K.B.

      Yes, Benny - an American institution all of his own. I always suspected that he could actually play, and maybe do it very well. Henny Youngman too, the same. (But as to this last I am not so sure. Berle said of his ability at it thus "The only thing funnier than Henny's jokes is his violin playing.")

      Liberace, when not in Mr. Entertainment mode which was practically always, could seriously play. Once, after having had a nice dinner (as cooked actually by his Mom) in the small dining area just off the kitchen, afterward he did a few things 'straight' as he knew I was a big fan of his mentor, Paderewski. Some Chopin it was, and it was effective and fine indeed. Our fellow auditors were Phyllis Diller, Jamie James (Lee's manager, I think), my friend who arranged for the contact originally and, of course, 'Mother' who was very sweet to us. Oh well this is way off track from P-M and the environment, so the tiny impertinent digression must be ended before my luck is.

      Your correlationship-drawing 'tween P-M and insect energy, upon first-blush seems a thing solid. Had not thought of that before.

      Of course, we all "know" that bumblebees never could fly 'till the scientists had finally found-out why they did.

      Also (to say nothing of one certain foolish one's opinion on X-rays and their proposed non-reality by him) the researchers mostly all had concluded that heavier-than-air powered flight was an impossibility.

      Why this? Simple: because their "science" and calculations "proved" pro- this negative assertion. When proven themselves as the fools they had been all along with their disproved supposition, WHICH of them then had the honor and manhood to ADMIT WRONG? All that did not had then proved themselves and work thereby as having been 'defective' ab initio.

      Why do they not learn to keep their mouths SHUT publicly until they are locked-in solid, theory/evidence-wise?

      Yes, I have and likely will always have problems with this most peculiar "dispassionate" and usually overpaid/overrated, too strutting a proud species. (Of course there are the glowing exceptions such as the natural Human noble Clerk Maxwell and other of like-genuine sorts.)

      "I suspect that someday all of the current "experts" that are dismissing Bessler's wheels as a physically impossible hoax will be singing the same tune!" - K.B.

      Me too, but in my case after such an advent has come-to-pass it will be the supremely logical rule-of-thumb as follows . . . "NO repentance - NO grace!" that will here prevail. (Hereat, mercifully, I shall leave-off!!)

      It is good news, actually, that that keel happened as you now know of yet one more thing that did not work because it never could. Now, that's progress and onto the next which just might.

      - James -

  9. Hello everyone - I would just like to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a Fantastic New Year.

    1. Thank, Uneqk, and the same to you and everyone else here. Someone the other day asked me what I wanted for Christmas. My answer was completely honest: to still be alive! If I can have that, then everything else will just be some extra frosting on my cake of life. In the last year I've known several people who passed on. Hopefully, they will all somehow still be celebrating Christmas somewhere, although it won't be on this world. And, of course, if, as Santa flies over my roof, a new Rolex watch should, by the most fortuitous of circumstances, fall out of that big sack of gifts he has for everyone on his "nice" list and land on my lawn undamaged, then I certainly would not complain to the FAA that he was flying without a proper license while also dropping dangerous debris down on us citizens. This is the season to be forgiving...

  10. Ken, something tells me you and john will have a interesting new year.

  11. Shouldn't (2) weights reset at 8 & 2 positions in order for a true gravity wheel to work?

    Just corious.

  12. I faild to mention that there are 8 weights evenly spaced around the wheel. So, each weight that reaches the 8 O'clock and 2 O'clock position, will reset to cause an imbalance so that the wheel will rotate.

  13. I'm sorry, but one weight, two weights or fifty weights it cannot work. It not a question of just bolting a load of weights on a wheel.

    1. I see, well, if someone should ever succeed in making one work, what would be his reward? And, should that person open source it for everyone to replicate?

    2. If not that actually as a question, Uneqk, then what?

    3. Perpetualman: In my view, first he (or she) would deserve to have his (her) ass kissed with regularity, then all manner of other things nice and pleasant done as well equally scheduled, and these mostly according with Necessity by the defrocked, dis-proven "dispassionate" so-called "scientists" sporting visible, downed crests.

      Also, I would recommend to such a discoverer to declare once again essentially as follows: "NO FREEBIES!"

      JUST as it was with Bessler: some one (or ones) PAYS the man, or it will be 'no goodies' for yet another round of three centuries!!

      That simple - that logical - that necessary.

      For bare starters, that would be some that I'd recommend, since you asked.

      - James -

  14. How much your (all) ready to pay, to see inside the working wheel!?


  15. When Bessler speaks of the "upper weight" excersizing universal motion or movement, what is he referring too? Is it just one weight at a time that causes this motion or is it several weights combined in a sinchronized set up around the wheels rim that makes his wheel rotate?

    1. I believe that the term "upper weight" is a mistranslation. What Bessler wrote, imo, should have been translated as "superior or greater weight" which was his way of referring to the fact that the center of mass of his wheel's weights was continuously located on a wheel's descending side and it was that situation which caused a wheel to continuously rotate. If the center of mass of a wheel is located on one side of the axle, then that means that side of the wheel is a bit more massive than the side which does not contain the center of mass. So, the trick to making a functional imbalanced pm wheel is to find some arrangement of weights and levers that initially has its center of mass on the wheel's descending side and, most importantly, keeps it there as the wheel rotates. Obviously, this requires that the weights shift about during wheel rotation. Bessler managed to find an arrangement of interconnected weighted levers that were suspended from springs in such a way that, when at equilibrium, their center of mass was on one side of a wheel's axle which then became the descending side. But, this equilibrium was of a persistent nature; that is, as the wheel rotated, that motion upset the equilibrium and the weights and levers then immediately reacted by restoring the equilibrium and, in the process, keeping the center of mass of the weights and levers at its same location on the wheel's descending side. I remain firmly convinced that the design Bessler found that worked was actually very simple, but also very precise. Right now I think that there were probably about two dozen parameters that went into the successful design. The clues to what these parameters were are, imo, contained in the two DT portraits of Bessler, but they are very carefully hidden within the images.

      Bessler had a rather strange conflict. On the one hand, he wanted to document his discovery and thereby establish his priority to it and also, should it remain unsold and he die, provide some future pm chaser with enough information to find and duplicate his design. On the other hand, though, he did not just want to give the design away for nothing. He chose his method of recording the technical details to assure that anybody who solved the mystery of his wheels would only do so after paying a tremendous price in terms of time and effort. But, the lucky person who succeeds in solving the mystery shall know the greatest of satisfactions.

      Keep the faith, everyone. 2016 will, finally, be the year the mystery is solved! How can I be so sure? Simple. 2016 can be numerologically written as 20 + 16 which adds up to 36. Then we do a subtraction and note that 20 - 16 equals 4. So, the two inverse math operations we did gave us the numbers 36 and 4. Now, we multiply these two numbers we've derived to get 36 x 4 = 144. What is the significance of 144? It has much religious and esoteric significance which Bessler would have been familiar with and I won't go into all of it here. But, what's important is that 144 is the exact diameter of the Merseberg and Kassel wheels in inches! So we see that there is a numerological connection between Bessler's wheels and the year 2016. This to me and any numerologist strongly suggests that the coming year will be most propitious for the rediscovery of the secret of Bessler's wheels!

      Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

    2. Yes, K.B., most likely a mistranslation, the superior weight acquiring the needed additional energy to then be transferred to the imbalancier and ergo: overbalance and thus the reason for rotation, torque.

      Mechanically (as I agree with you) it must be simple (as the Landgrave Karl attested, but, the physics behind it being quite sophisticated, particular and specific: one thing's missing, and the whole chance at success goes bye-bye.

      THE issue being (as the villianous Tasmanian himself correctly asked once) - 'WHAT is the legitimate source of extra energy?' Well, of course, the source is one NOT legitimate and therefor cannot/should not be revealed as it must remain close-hold secret for the while, for THE obvious reason. The right garden lane game is what supplies it. (This being just 'a guess', you understand?)

      - James -

    3. I'm convinced that "garden lane game" you refer to is actually hoop rolling or hoop "trundling" which is a child's game played since ancient times and which, no doubt, Bessler saw the children of his day playing outside. They would have been using the metal hoops from old discarded barrels and used a stick to accelerate them and guide them. The most recent incarnation of this was the popular plastic "hoola hoop" that came out during the '50's (I owned several of them!)

      Here's a nice wikipedia article on this ancient game:

      Why would Bessler say that the principle used with this game was the same used in his wheels? The hoop is accelerated by using a stick to push down on its trailing and ascending side and that force then becomes a torque to speed the hoop us so that it will not slow and fall over. In Bessler's wheels another "stick" falls down on its ascending side and the result is that the drum is accelerated. However, that stick is the weighted lever that travels between the 6 and 9 o'clock positions of the drum. As it falls or, actually, swings in toward the drum's axle, it releases some gravitational potential energy which is immediately used to stretch a suspension spring that connects the lever to another part of the drum. There are five levers that lead the 7:30 lever as it approaches the drum's 9 o'clock position and each has a stretched spring that will, as it contracts, release some of the previously stored gravitational potential energy in it which is then used to pull all of the interconnected weighted levers over toward the descending side of the wheel so that all of the weights draw a little closer to their wooden stops on the rim. This action is smooth and continuous and the result is that the center of mass of all of the weights and their levers on the wheel's descending side is raised at the same rate that the rotating drum tries to cause it to drop. Thus, the wheel's center of mass stays fixed on the wheel's descending side and that results in a constant torque on the axle which can either accelerate the entire wheel or move the parts of any outside machinery attached to the wheel's axle.

      Yes, the principle of Bessler's wheels is actually very simple. However, finding the exact mechanism that continuously demonstrates this principle is a challenge. One must have the same precisely shaped and weighted levers that Bessler had and they must be interconnected in a precise manner and suspended by springs with a certain spring constant. All of this information was encrypted into the two DT portraits, but it can require an enormous amount of study linked with wheel building and testing to extract that information. I remain optimistic that 2016 will be the year this information is finally extracted and the first working virtual models of Bessler's wheels obtained!

  16. "Why would Bessler say that the principle used with this game was the same used in his wheels?" - K.B.

    Well, my guess is that it is because it is not the one, the hoop. My choice was another. And this seems to fit.

    The way that the particular game of my own choice works, would quite naturally react so as to impart another whole of extra work to the sum, as it IS a resultant "deeply embedded in Nature." as Johann stated. (Here from memory but, to this precise effect.)

    We are dating ourselves here, K.B., with all this talk of Hula-hoops and I would add Chubby Checker and his Twist. I think the two happened at about the same time, no? I think I have a photo of myself with one in abound '56. To this day the imagery of "THEM" pops into my head when thinking of this grand era of my life, and it has been a full half century+ since!

    Well, soon we shall have a "9" year and be done with this annus horriblis "8" one. In it the wheel will pop into existence, finally. (This also being but a wild guess.)

    (Please don't overdo it with the booze and visiting and eating. Remember that our fellows are the most efficient vector for the transference of microbes and virus. I am sure they both wait for Christmas, to get their best and biggest chunks of human.)


    - James -

  17. Thank you Ken & James for your input. You guy's must have spent a long time going over Bessler's drawings and strange writings. I have more questions about this intriguing wheel, but I don't want to bore you guy's with questions that most likely have been answered somewhere else on this forum. I feel I can learn a lot more if I talk with people who respond back with there own insight instead of reading past posts of long ago. But if I may, I just want to ask one more question for now: Has "anyone" come close to solving this mystery?

    1. I do believe that, after over 1400 wm2d models, I am, indeed, "close". I have the correct lever shape and spring constants used as well as, I believe, the correct weight mass. What I'm presently struggling with is the mass of the levers themselves. I am now incrementally adjusting the lever masses and then just releasing the 3 foot diameter model wheel to see if it can self accelerate through 45 degrees of clockwise drum rotation as all of its levers again repeat their starting orientations. So far, all I'm getting are keels after about 20 degrees of rotation. As I home in on the correct lever mass, that situation should change with the keels occurring later and later until, finally, the drum's rotational speed increases smoothly throughout the 45 degrees of rotation. If the design does that, then I'll test it with a larger 12 foot diameter version and, if that works, then I shall declare success. I'm hoping that will happen early in the new year.

  18. Well, thank you Perpetualman for addressing your question to us.

    For my own part I would just have to say that it is likely that no one knows, really. If someone had done-so, I'd expect that the fact would have become known by now. However this is an area of search where a true success might net an untrue reaction defense-wise from hidden quarters.

    And also, that both K.B. and John have been at this for a whole pile longer than have I. Maybe between them they have near-to a century of searching for the proposed, supposed non-existent? I've been at it off-and-on now for only a bit more than ten years. (I am sure they will be delighted to amplify somewhat on this subject of their essentially ancient dedications to The Cause & Search.)

    I am known to most as a sort of trouble-maker, so most steer-clear of me, however, at my best on a really good night, I am inside just like Eros himself! (And too, if I were in Tasmania and spied a certain denizen thereof, I would shoot one of my LEADEN arrows at that target's ass while he was near a Devil. Surely, you will not understand the meaning of this minute effusion but, certainly he will.)


    - James -

  19. Very interesting comments. Who knows, maybe someone will reveal the answer in 2016. But, if I may, I have a question for James: what does your statement mean?
    "However this is an area of search where a true success might net an untrue reaction defense-wise from hidden quarters."

  20. Sorry about my little arabesquerie sentence. [Don't bother looking it up; it is one of the very few words existing for which no definition does.]

    I was meaning by it: dangerous, reactionary conspiracy-to-suppress.

    There, that should do it. (If not, just let me know.)

    All the best to you, Perpetualman.

    - James -

  21. Hi ken,
    I know I have ask this question before, but does your design still start to rotate spontaneously

    1. Yes, if one has the same design Bessler used, then the one-directional wheel must be constantly out of balance and must, therefore, always be self-starting. Like Bessler's wheels, his design must have maximum torque and acceleration at start up, but then the torque and acceleration, with increasing wheel speed, must slowly decrease. A point will then be reached where the wheel's diminished torque exactly equals the various counter torques acting on the wheel as caused by its bearing frictions and aerodynamic drags. At that point the wheel will continue to rotate at a constant rate. If a piece of external machinery is then attached to the wheel's axle, the extra drag from the machinery will cause the wheel to slow down as its torque increases to the point where it equals the counter torque provided by the external machinery and that machinery will then run continuously. However, if the wheel's maximum startup torque is insufficient to operate the attached external machinery, then the wheel will simply stop.

  22. Thanks ken, can I ask how long have you been working on bessler's wheel.

    1. On and off since the mid-60's after reading Gould's book and rather intensely since 2005 after finding out about John's translations of Bessler's works. My current wm2d model count is over 1400, but there were several 100 or so earlier models that are not counted in the larger figure. Additionally, I have about a dozen or so physical builds in the past which, of course, were non-runners. It's only because I used wm2d that I was able to accumulate such a high number of models. If I'd been limited to just handmade physical models, I'd probably only have completed a few dozen by now.

      Update. I had a little time this morning after breakfast and tested my latest wm2d model. It was another keel and my immediate reaction was to further increase the mass of my model's levers in order to increase the rate at which the ascending side levers swung in toward the axle. But, then, suddenly, the wise admonition of Bessler in AP came into my mind:

      "He can rack his brains and work his fingers to the bones with all sorts of ingenious ideas about adding extra weights here and there. The only result would be that his wheel will get heavier and heavier - it would run longer if it were empty!"

      I was actually starting to do exactly what Bessler warned us not to do! So, to avoid this trap, I have halved my lever's spring constants, halved the mass of the weights at the ends of the levers, and halved twice the last lever mass I tested that failed. This change still produces a delicately balanced configuration of weighted levers, but greatly lowers the gross mass of the entire wheel. That's important because, for the purpose of manual translocation of the wheel, I want the remaining mass of the wheel, after its many lead weights are extracted, not to weigh more than about 220 pounds. That way, if two strong men wanted to lift the wheel by the ends of its axle, each man would have 110 pounds or less to lift which seem possible to me.

  23. Thanks again Ken, like John you have been chasing Bessler's wheel for many years.
    Is there anyone else on John's blog been working on bessler's wheel for longer than say 15 year's.

  24. Is it possible that the last wheel bessler ever made only used weights instead of pulleys, ropes, and springs? Might it just have been a simple set up of just using weights alone?

    1. Many, many attempts have been made to make "weights only" imbalanced pm wheels (all of the rolling ball weight wheels are of this type) and they all failed. Those failures, imo, have much to do with the lack of coordination between the weight carrying levers because of the absence of ropes to interconnect them. Also, without the use of springs, any gravitational potential energy lost by ascending side weights on the ends of their levers swinging in toward the wheel's axle is turned into wasted motion / noise instead of being stored up for later use in moving the descending side weights closer to the wheel's rim. I'm firmly committed to using ropes and springs in all of my model wheels and don't believe a successful duplicate of Bessler's wheels is possible without them.

  25. Since your query was not addressed to anyone in-divi-dual specifically, if I might?

    As to the first, I have just have to admit that I don't know - guesses, yeah - knowledge, no.

    As to the second, I believe it to be possible, and thereby trimming-down still more on all the 'stuff' you mentioned, any result ending as simpler than even Johan or Karl likely ever thought ' could be.

    THE TRICK itself lays in the ability to transfer momentum between gathering (falling) masses and imbalancing ones while enduring minimal loss.

    These always interactive pairs are in fact as A TUNED CIRCUIT is, to which all of the usual known physics apply unexceptionably. Get you magnification of resonance of the total circuit components TO UNITY, and you will do fine with your conservation imperitive.

    For more information appertaining this very particular researched discipline, investigate that applying to sound drivers (a.k.a. "speakers") wherein "ALL WILL BE REVEALED".

    Best of luck to you, Perpetualman.

    - James -

  26. I apologize James for not directing my question to one individual only. I was just wanting to see the various opinions that pm searchers have. I suppose that the right set up will present itself when the time is right. Until then, are you personally looking for an untraveled path to a true pm wheel? Oh, I don't want to leave Ken out. So, l would like to ask Ken a question: Does it make a difference how many weights are on a wheel? Some people feel that an odd number of weights are the key as compared to an even number of weights. What's your opinion on this?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Bessler appears to have used 8 levers in his one direction wheels and these levers would each have had one or more lead weights attached to their end opposite the end that was attached to the drum by a pivot whose ends were inserted into brass bearing cups attached to the drum's radial members.

      Why eight? I think it's probably possible to make an imbalanced pm wheel with less than 8 levers or more than 8. Bessler probably chose 8 because that quantity allows the pivots to be fitted into brass bearings in the drum's radial members that are neatly arranged around the axle at 45 degree angular intervals from each other. As one starts to use a number of levers greater than 8 in a wheel with a drum 12 feet in diameter, there is the growing danger that, as an ascending side levers swing inward toward the axle as their pivots travel from the drum's 6 to 9 o'clock positions, that a lever's end weight(s) will make contact with the lever immediately lagging it. That would then interfere with the free swinging of the weight and prevent the mechanism from keeping the center of mass of all of the weights and their levers on the drum's descending side. Ultimately, however, it really makes no difference whether one uses an even or odd number of levers. There is no advantage to using an odd number and, if one is placing their pivots into the drum's radial members, then one has the problem of constructing a drum with an odd number of radial members. The construction of a drum will be both simple and strong when on uses exactly 8 levers whose pivots rest in brass bearings located in radial members at 45 degree angular intervals from each other and all of my models use that number.

    3. Hello Ken,
      I was thinking of this the other day and wanted your input: Do you think that a gravity wheel might work if each weight we're reset every 1/8th of a turn instead of a 1/4 of a turn before it reaches the 7 or 8 O'clock position and the 2 O'clock position?

      To me, this seems to make sense. But then again, I'm not an engineer or a scientist. And math was my weakest subject in school.

      Also, would it make more sense to start off building a small scale prototype than a full scale one?

    4. From your question it seems like you are pursuing designs that move the weights away from the rim and in toward the axle near the bottom of the wheel and then lift them back up away from the axle and to the rim again near the top of the wheel. I can assure you that this approach will not work. Pm chasers tend to fall into the trap of trying this approach because they want to maximize the torque of an imbalanced wheel and, obviously, that happens when the center of mass of its weights is located directly out horizontally from the axle which is what would happen if this design approach worked. It is, I am much convinced, not the approach Bessler used and the reason he did not was because he knew from bitter experience that it would not work.

      In the design approach I use and which I'm very convinced Bessler actually used, the weights are in contact with their stops on the rim at the drum's 6 o'clock position. Then, as a weight's lever's pivot traveled from the drum's 6 to 9 o'clock positions, the weight swung in toward the axle and reached a maximum drop angle from the horizontal at the 9 o'clock position of the drum and stretched the lever's suspension spring in the process. From that position onward to the opposite and descending side of the drum, the levers were shifting continuously so that their end weights slowly approached and then alighted on their rim stops on the descending side of the drum. This approach only displaces the center of mass of all of the weights and levers a little way onto the drum's descending side. While it will not produce a great deal of torque, only such an approach, imo, will allow one to maintain an offset center of mass. This is the main reason that Bessler's wheels had such low power outputs and is, I fear, the reason they will never become a serious source of power. But, after they are finally duplicated, perhaps further research into their mechanics can correct this problem.

      I need to again emphasize that providing an interconnected collection of weighted levers which automatically maintains a configuration that always keeps their center of mass on the descending side of the drum that carries them, requires very precisely fashioned parts whose motions are very carefully coordinated with each other via a network of ropes. The entire arrangement of weighted levers must also be very carefully counter balanced with suspension springs. While the operation of the mechanics in Bessler's wheels may have been "simple" to understand by viewing an uncovered wheel in motion as Count Karl did, understanding the various torques acting on each lever at from one millisecond to the next was most definitely not that simple. When we finally have Bessler's design, don't be too surprised if the engineers and physicists out there make model wheels in which the torques acting on each of its 8 weighted levers are constantly tracked during each 45 degree segment of drum rotation. When that is done, it will be seen that the sum of the torques on each lever was zero when the drum was stationary, but then increased just a small amount to begin shifting the particular lever as drum rotation started. As drum rotation speed increased, the torques on each lever would then also increase in an effort to maintain the center of mass of the weights and levers on the wheel's descending side. But, the increasing centrifugal forces on the weights would then begin to interfere with this and result in the center of mass slowly swinging down and toward a point directly vertically below the center of the axle. As this happened the torque of the axle would also decrease. But, apparently, as long as there was some drag acting on the moving parts of a wheel from bearings and air, the center of mass would never actually drop to a point directly below the axle and the wheel would just reach a maximum speed of rotation above which it would not climb.

    5. If I might butt-in here?

      I have never said-so before but, I have built and observed much over this past decade of search for Bessler's hidden wonder. It is that I just don't (well, 'till now not) trumpet it. What follows are just a few items that I have confirmed by hands-on physical experimentation and observation, to BE FACT, with nary a guess done anywhere.

      Long-story-short, if anywhere upon a vertical rotating platform you LIFT a weight against the force of gravity and hold it fast, it will conserve and render positively. Nature "sees" that one has done WORK and credits us IN-FULL with torque as reward, for such a good deed as-done.

      For instance, if a weight at position 6:00 o'clock is lifted some small distance UP directly against gravity and there checked, this will result in it's, say opposite brother of 180 degrees away, to now seem heavier than it, and ergo: TORQUE until the descending one lands at 6:00 o'clock as well, there to be pulled upward and checked, with all repeating ad infinitum ideally, etc. [Champagne, caviar, Havana smokes, naughty Bacchanalian revelries till 6:00 as pagan thanks & etc.]

      This seems simple when read as explained this way, as I have just done. This is because it IS that.

      As to it's obvious rightness, no one with half a brain could logically object, I believe.

      THE PROBLEM ITSELF IS: From whence is this needed extra energy - so as to effect the upward displacement, to arise from???

      This is the sole difficulty, really.

      As a question, this too is as simple as could be but, accessing the pertaining answer definitely IS NOT.

      [And, as very many over the centuries have found to be the case, to their sometimes falling into madness or penury and death, even. Once it is acquired and chronic, there IS NO CURE 'till succeeded-at or . . . blessed demise where The Reaper becomes friend, not foe. It is much like the search for the El Dorado or that for the Philosopher's Stone, but with a 'payoff' potentially orders of magnitude greater than those two as combined!]

      Bessler touted and taunted about this, his 'primus motus' but, just what is it and where might it be found?


      Find THAT so-acting to move a weight upward against gravity, and all else you will be enabled to do by it, will sum only to so much 'fun'.

      REMEMBER: horizontal displacements will net you nothing but possible frictional losses, whereas vertical ones of the like might buy you THE WORLD! (If you are to be allowed to live long enough to enjoy it.)


      - James -

      That is the sole difficulty, really.

  27. Gee's, nothing to apologize for, Perpetualman.

    "Until then, are you personally looking for an untraveled path to a true pm wheel?"

    Yes, but I cannot know that it is one untraveled. I fancy it to be precisely along the very lines as Bessler has laid them out, here-and-there. (All the good stuff being hidden in gigantic clouds of thrown, obfuscating dust, of course.)

    (I like the fact they YOU are polite, and have condescended to address me. Such get my immediate favor, whatever true worth that in-fact might have.)

    - James -

  28. Thank you James, I believe that being polite and kind creates an atmosphere that we all can breath that allows us to communicate, and have respect for all kinds of people. It's so amazing how far technology has come! Especially when you can communicate with people on the other side of this beautiful blue planet that we live on. Well, I'll pick up this conversation tomorrow. Till then, keep up the search and I'll do the same!

  29. You're welcomed, of course; and I agree with and appreciate your upbeat outlook.

    (Did not mean to imply that others here are not AS polite as yourself for many are, J.C. and K.B. being near-perfect exemplars of their good kind.)

    Yes, on-the-morrow . . .

    - James -

    1. Well, it's the dawn of a new day on my side of the earth. So now, after I take care of the more important things (family), I'll continue my quest of my own GW design.

      One thing that weighs on my mind though, what if it should actually work this time, what should I do then? What would you do James?

  30. ". . . I'll continue my quest of my own GW design." - PeMn


    "One thing that weighs on my mind though, what if it should actually work this time, what should I do then? What would you do James?" - PeMn

    Go into dark seclusion while still alive?

    (Ha! Sorry, I could not resist, you left to me the perfect opening for that.)

    Seriously now, most everyone has given this serious thought. I know that both J.C. and K.B. have (J.C. seems to have deserted us for the while) but, the opinions as to the 'what' and 'how' of it, seem to scatter all over our Map of Inquiry.

    I'd opt for a quick sale to an already-known near-billionaire. Such would have far better a chance at doing some productive thing with it while simultaneously remaining alive than, say, would we two for instance. Of course this approach is predicated upon first knowing such a person for if not, it could only be as a dream.

    Second, work it up for an offering to Humanity via Crowd Sale, not as 'funding' per se but rather as a give-away upon receiving funds for this favor.

    Get yours going, Perpetualman, and I'll come up with a third or, help you out with the first.


    - James -

    1. James, sorry to jumps in but would you patent it first

    2. No problem, Uneqk.

      I am very sure that I would not.

      The potential down-side for gigantic invested interests could potentially be huge and ugly, to put it leastwise. This, even as an outside possibility if they were to believe it real, would likely signal a pro-interdiction of the threat, overt as in a buyout too good to refuse, or covert as in cancered, heart attacked, accidented, suicided, etc., and to be accomplished no matter what the cost.

      Since such have unlimited resources, by means of a thousand-and-one differing ways, they could easily effect these and more.

      Ordinary persons like us are ordinarily 'soft targets' for the normal vicissitudes of life. Painting a great big giant target on one's back with flashing red neon light proclaiming "INSERT HERE, I AM PATENTING AN INFINITE FREE ENERGY SOURCE!" would be a thing most unwise of-doing. (And also, I have it on inside worker authority, that the UPSTO has many inside spy types being well-paid paid for HANDY TIPS.)

      Just my little THREE cents worth.


      - James -

  31. For those just starting to get interested in Bessler and his wheels, here's an article written by a "high energy physicist" about them. It tends to be a bit negative, but is, nevertheless, a good overall intro to the subject:


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.

Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...