Saturday, 26 December 2015



Mathematics in our world is a vital tool for invention but Michael Faraday had no use for it, in fact he believed that the subject could actually be a hindrance to successful experimentation. He worked intuitively and experimented with new ideas until he had exhausted all possibilities.

I have little use for maths in my search for a solution to Bessler's wheel.  I read with a glazed expression the discussions about varous forces and formulae and I continue with my experimentation.  I leave aside simulation and animation, possibly because I am not au fait with much of it, but also for me it would be too easy to overlook something that only becomes apparent when you have the parts in your hands. Handling parts, moving them manually, altering the range of movement, moving and adjusting the positions and sizes of the weights - all of these things help to visualise the potential new configurations that would not be visible in simulations if only because all of these things have to be fed into the computer to see what happens.

That is why I ignore statements which deride our efforts here.  It has always seemed to me that gravity holds the answer to Bessler's wheel, but I learned long ago that I was not supposed to regard gravity as an energy source and I always try to maintain that stance in public, but actually I still think of it as an energy source and that gives me an advantage over all those people who persist in looking for another energy source.

Bessler clearly (in my opinion) took the same view and that is why he succeeded where everyone else failed.  I know that in 2016 the solution to Bessler's wheel will be published.

And here's another thing - people have questioned whether planet earth completely covered in gravity-driven wheels would have some detrimental effect on us, the earth or some other facet of our lives.  To me the answer is simple; no it won't have any detectable effect.

Gravity is basically a non-contact force so any collisions resulting from its attraction are secondary, it has simply been the vehicle in which mass rides.  In a car crash we don't blame the car engine for driving us at speed into a wall and causing terrible damage.  The resultant damage is simply the effect of stopping suddenly.  If we hadn't hit a wall, the work being done by the speeding engine would have continued onwards as before.  So when a weight falls, regardless of whether we use the fall to raise another weight or rotate the wheel  a little, gravity does its thing in making the weight fall and then continues on its merry way looking for something else to make fall.

Bessler’s wheel was driven by the reaction of falling weights to the force of gravity. No-one can argue that the energy is not free to us even if at some nano level it is paid for throughout the universe. I'm satisfied that nothing we do on earth here using gravity as our energy source can effect anywhere in the universe by any detectable means over any period of time you care to consider.

So onwards with enthusiasm, optimism and hope!



  1. Thanks for the inspirational message, John. Yes, I, too, believe that 2016 will finally be "the" year of successful Bessler wheel replication. I showed a couple of blogs back my numerological reasoning for that conclusion.

    I've noticed that pm chasers tend to obsess in different ways when it comes to their research. Some are obsessed with building and constantly modify some "basic" design they've worked on for years in a desperate attempt to make it run. Others, usually with a bit more formal education, tend to obsess over numbers and equations. They are forever trying to minimize their time in the shop by using mathematical projections to weed out the designs that clearly will not work. They spend much time with scientific pocket calculators, spread sheets, and notebooks filled with line after line of math calculations. Some, like myself, eventually discover the benefits of simulation software which not only frees us from the shop, but even takes care of all of the mathematical computations for us! With the translations of Bessler's works that you have provided (thanks!), I've seen the rise of a new type of obsessed pm chaser: the code breaker! He is convinced that the solution is already right there in plain sight in Bessler writings / illustrations and all one has to do is decode the right parts of his works and the solution will immediately be known in all of its details. I, of course, am also quite obsessed with this approach as my past posts about what I've found in the two DT frontispiece portraits demonstrates.

    Will any of these pm chaser obsessions ever lead to "the" solution or any solution? I certainly believe they will and, just as everybody else, I'm convinced that my approach using both simulation software and the decoding of portrait clues is the best way to proceed. Time will eventually tell which of us is correct.

    1. Drat. My post above was a tad too long so I have to include the extra part here.


      Yes, it certainly does look like gravity "does work" on a falling object. It seems so apparently logical. No gravity means no force means no work means no acceleration means no increase in the object's kinetic energy. But, if one believes that gravity is supplying the energy to the object, then one has to ask himself where gravity is getting that energy from. It can not simply come from the gravity field itself because that is only a mathematically defined region of space within which the gravitational effect is observed. That energy, therefore, must either come from either the Earth or the object or both. As I learned after studying this in some detail, the correct answer is "both". When we raise an object in a planet's gravity field, we actually must push both bodies apart and then we have to supply the energy to do that. As the objects part, their gravitational potential energy relative to each other increases by the same amount and that, according to relativity theory, requires that both bodies also increase their masses by the same amount. That amount is very small and is usually ignored in calculations since, for small weights that are lifted, it's only a fraction of a picogram. When the object is finally released in Earth's gravity, the extra mass it gained will remain constant as the mass associated with the extra gravitational potential energy we gave it is converted at an ever increasing rate into the mass associated with its increasing kinetic energy as it begins to drop and accelerate. The exact same thing is also happening to the Earth, but its acceleration toward the object is imperceptible. At some point the object will, unless caught, finally strike the surface of the Earth. But, both the Earth and the object move toward each other and strike each other at the same instant and, when that happens and they both stop, the extra masses they gained when we parted them will immediately "flow" out of them and into the various atoms and molecules that compose them at their surface of contact. Those atoms and molecules will then begin oscillating more vigorously as their various energies and the masses associated with them are increased. Over time the region warmed by the impact will transfer that thermal energy and the mass associated with it to neighboring materials not directly involved in the impact and, finally, the extra thermal energy will simply radiate away in the form of infrared radiation of various frequencies. Anyway, my point here is that, in modern physics, there is no doubt about what gravity does especially with regard to the masses and energies of the objects involved. The big problem is explaining exactly how gravity does what it does; that is, the real problem is providing a mechanism for gravity's "action at a distance" which is observed. Newton gave up when it came to providing that mechanism and Einstein came up with a scheme involving the distorting of four dimensional space-time that is not possible to visualize except through the use of three dimensional analogies. But, ultimately, imo, Einstein's model for gravity is just as unsatisfying as Newton's lack of a model. Einstein only tells us that mass and energy can "warp" the four-dimensional space-time continuum and that distortion coupled with the inertia of an object moving through space gives rise to the force we call gravity. This gravity model of his is developed in his General Theory of Relativity of 1915 and it does not consider gravity to be a new force. Rather, what we call gravitational force is really only an inertial force and the weight of an object that we measure and think is due to a gravitational force is actually caused by our attempt to pull the moving object away from its straight line motion through warped space-time.

  2. Yes John, quite simply gravity used as a force can prime the wheel and also drive the wheel; no energy involved.
    Oh drat, I fear that my post is too short!

    1. Lol! When one considers the lengths of your and my last two posts, they average out to three "normal" length posts! It's too bad that we followers can't post an occasional sketch on these blogspot blogs. Well, at least one can always provide a link to an image on another host site. Meanwhile, here's a link to an image of a "Techstuff Type" wheel which, as shown, will not work. However, in studying it, I'm wondering if it might be possible to turn it into a "runner" by making a few minor modifications to it. For example, instead of using cylindrical metal weights as shown, one might use cylindrical magnets. Then one might place two extra cylindrical magnets outside of the wheel. One magnet would be on the left ascending side of the wheel and the other on the right descending side. The magnet on the ascending side would repel the approaching wheel magnets and push them a little closer to the wheel's axle while the side external magnet would attract the approaching wheel magnets and pull them a little closer to the wheel's outer octagonal rim. That should then force the center of mass of all of the wheel magnets to be located on the wheel's right descending side and the result would be a perpetually imbalanced wheel.

    2. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. Double drat! I got so wrapped up in psychoanalyzing my fellow pm chasers and expounding on gravity that forgot to wish you the same! Yes, "Happy New Year", John. And it will, indeed, be a very happy one if this is the year we finally "crack" the secret of Bessler's wheels. A workable solution is way overdue!

  3. Happy New Year everyone,
    Happy New House John !
    Let's have some New Year resolutions & REVOLUTIONS! (The turning wheel kind)

  4. Totally with your sentiments JC, but the actual rationale seems a little... "disengenuous" is too strong a word, but sure, nobody disagrees a weight falling aginast gravity can perform work... it's just that re-lifting it usually costs equal work.

    Which is actually pretty good grounds for dismissing gravitational interactions as a potential energy source; if the weights must travel equal distance up as down through a static gravity field, then the interaction's net work is clearly zero.

    We can only credit gravity for an energy gain if it is also directly responsible for increasing or reducing the effective weights while falling or rising.

    But if that attenuating factor is something else, then it is responsible for the gain, and gravity's role is incidental.

    Gravity could only perform more down-work than up-work if the strength of the force was changing in time, or the weights were progressively getting lower. If neither of those things is happening, then down F*d = up F*d: the weights have travelled in a closed loop through an static field, and no net work has been done.

    If OTOH a weight was effectively heavier or lighter due to, say, a change in inertia, then that is the field responsible for the gain.

    The Higgs field is responsible for manifesting mass and inertia.

    If energy is ultimately conserved, then drawing it off depletes the source.

    If the local value of mass ("local" meaning within a bubble expanding outwards at C) is less than the global mean, then the rest of the universe will be heavier relative to the area inside that bubble.

    The system will then have an impetus towards re-equilibrium. We'll have created the one thing Nature abhors - a vacuum, if only a partial one...

    So the question of sustainability comes down to when, not if, a regauging event is precipitated.

    If OTOH energy is not ultimately conserved, and the energy source is freely replenshed as fast as we can tap it off, then that would offer some peace of mind, although it wouldn't necessarily see us out of the woods. But any such assurances would seem long coming..

    And since a CoE break actually depends on CoE applying to a non-zero sum of input to output integrals, it would seem the most rational position to presume CoE remains ultimately immutable.

    Again, the major concern would not be any risk of exhausting the source (at least if either "vacuum catastrophe" estimate is in the ball park), but rather the question of how much can be drawn off how quickly without causing a cataclysmic phase transition.

    I'd like to think that any classical asymmetry is underwritten by time, that the universe has a constant throughput of energy from the vacuum, rather than a conserved and rapidly dissipating quantity.. and that the supply will thus harmlessly rise to meet whatever the applied demand. But that's dreamy conjecture bordering on superstition.

    I believe energy IS conserved, that we'll succeed only because of this fact and not in spite of it, and that gravity is so not an energy source, it just isn't. I just worry that we're even less prepared to deal with the potential implications of that, than PM itself.

    But hopefully i'm just FoS, everything'll be hunky dory and we'll discover inertial propulsion and time travel as knock-on technologies. Bottoms up, and Happy New Year to everyone, looks set to be a good 'un...

    1. I'm convinced that an imbalanced wheel can continuously output mechanical energy because, at any instant, descending side weights which are closer to a wheel's periphery are dropping at a slight greater rate than ascending side weights which are closer to the axle are rising. That outputted energy is extracted from each weight after it completes a rotation around the axle. The problem is finding a mechanism that will maintain this situation despite wheel rotation. I'm very convinced that the use of springs is critical to producing such a mechanism. If I'm right, I should have a "runner" early in the new year which, for me, will be beginning in exactly 4.5 hours.

    2. A mechanism that will maintain that situation despite wheel rotation is called a time machine

    3. Something tells me Bessler was not using a miniature time machine inside of his wheels. He found a self maintaining equilibrium of carefully counter balanced weights whose center of mass stayed on the wheel's descending side despite drum rotation. But, the critic says that raising the center of mass of the weights to counter the drop in them caused by drum rotation takes energy. Where would that energy come from? The most obvious answer is that it came from the weights on the ascending side as their levers swung in toward the axle whose levers' pivots approached the drum's 9 o'clock position. But the critic then says that gravitational potential energy lost by those ascending side weights just momentarily speeds the whole wheel up to conserve angular momentum or is lost in the production of noise and stirred up air inside the drum. Well, yes, that could happen, but it does not if the swinging weights' lost GPE is used to stretch springs during the swing. Stretch springs? Why? So, the energy stored in several of them can supply the energy needed to raise the center of mass of all of the weights and levers at a rate that exactly counters the rate at which the rotating drum tries to make it drop! The method Bessler must have used seems so intuitively obvious (at least to me!) and the mechanism to achieve it was supposed to be "simple". This will be the year it is found!

    4. You are so right Ken, now I know I've said this before but the working wheel's appearance is at hand!

    5. @Mr Vibe, I was being honest in stating my habit of regarding gravity as an energy source and I do this to put myself in Bessler's shoes. He had no knowlwedge of gravity, not even the label; he regarded objects of mass as having an intrisic heavines; and just as we do he sought a way to make use of that heaviness.

      If we truly believe that Bessler was genuine then surely it makes sense for us to work from the point he started from. He said that the weights formed the whole of his machine, how can we not assume that he believed that his wheel derived its power from gravity?

      Relifting a fallen weight enough to let if fall again must be possible, because Bessler did it. You know that I have stated many times now, that I know how it can be done in principle and I am going to prove it this year.


    6. I wonder how Bessler would have reacted to the following experiment. In the vacuum of space one attaches two of his one direction wheels to the ends of a long beam. The beam is the rotated rapidly around its center. The centrifugal forces acting on the weights in both wheels pushes them away from the center of the rotating beam and that then causes both wheels to begin rotating. There is no significant gravitational forces acting on any of the wheel's weights, yet the wheels turn. I wonder what Bessler would have thought about these experimental results? Actually, he would not have had to rewrite any of his works because when one only talks about the "heaviness" of a weight, it really makes no difference whether it's caused by gravitational or inertial forces. But, the point of this little thought experiment is that is shows that any mechanical energy being outputted by the two wheels can not be coming from a gravity field because there is no gravity field!

  5. Happy New Year John, and everyone here at the Blog.


  6. You can't force weights to descend at a slightly greater rate on one side than they ascend on the other side. That's pseudoscience.
    Start your new years gentlemen!

    1. But, that is exactly what Bessler did! It must happen in any pm wheel that manages to keep the center of mass of its various weights always on one side of the axle's center as the wheel rotates. And, the mechanism he found was so simple that Count Karl wondered why no one other than Bessler had ever thought of it! Bessler worried that it was so simple that, should he sell the wheel for the exorbitant price he demanded, the buyer would, upon seeing the mechanism, complain that he had paid way too much for it! I'm more convinced than ever that it is the use of spring tension that makes this possible. This is the year I will finally know in detail how he did it! Pseudoscience? Every major advance in science was also describe with that word until undeniable proof was finally presented. The duplication of one of Bessler's wheels will be that undeniable proof and help to energize the entire field of free energy physics.

    2. No it isn't. That's what he wants you to think he did, the impossible.

    3. Sounds like you're suggesting that Bessler was just a hoaxer! Well, I am most certain that he was not. Many reject the possibility of a weight driven imbalanced wheel because they think that there can never be any net change in the GPE of weights that fall and rise through the same vertical distance. They are wrong. There can be a difference just so long as the instantaneous rates of the dropping and rising of the weights are different and they will be in a genuine imbalanced pm wheel that always keeps the center of mass of its weights on the wheel's descending side. Obviously, saying this is far easier than achieving it mechanically. But, Bessler did so it must be possible. I continue to pursue what I firmly believe was his design and am hoping for success very soon.

    4. How much difference do you think it is?

    5. In the case of the Merseberg wheel, the weights on the ascending side were only about 6 inches closer to the axle than were the descending side weights. If we assume the descending side weights were about 70 inches from the center of the axle, then the minimum distance of the ascending side weights would be 64 inches from the axle. This means that the ascending side weights would only have been rising at about 64 in / 70 in = 0.914 times the rate at which the ascending side weights were dropping. We can turn the calculation around and say that the descending side weights were dropping at 70 in / 64 in = 1.094 times faster than the ascending side weights were rising. These calculations are for the weights when their lever pivots were located at the drum's 3 and 9 o'clock positions and weights at these two positions would be transferring their mass energy at the maximum rate to all of the rotating structures of the wheel.

    6. Have you given this any thought at all?
      Good luck simulating your time machine!

    7. Bessler's wheels only traveled through time at the rate of one second per second just like everything else in the cosmos. Yes, I know that Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity predicts that time "dilates" or slows down in inertial reference frames whose velocity relative to an outside observer begins to approach that of light. But, I'm starting to have some doubts about that prediction for various reasons I can not go into at this time.

    8. One side of a wheel, and whatever it contains, can not move faster than the other side and its contents. RPM is the same for every point. What are you smoking?
      Einstein's theories have been proven to be correct. I won't go into it at this time.

    9. The only thing I take into my precious lungs, wanting to live well past the century mark, is a gaseous mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and traces of argon and other noble gases. I like it to be as pure and particulate free as possible. I highly recommend anyone else wanting to break the century mark do the same as I.

      I did not say one side of the drum was rising slower than the other side was dropping. That is obviously impossible. What I am saying is that the weights at the ends of the levers inside of the drum are not rising and falling at the same rates on both sides of the drum. This is because the descending side weights are always a little farther from the axle than are the ascending side weights. It is this discrepancy in the rates of vertical motion of the weights in an imbalanced pm wheel that allows the wheel to extract the energy associated with the mass of the weights. The trick is to, as Bessler did, find the mechanics that will manage to keep the center of mass of the weights continuously on the drum's descending side despite the rotation of the drum. I continue to work on it and am very hopeful of success this year. As for Einstein, yes, he was certainly a gifted thinker. However, that does not mean he was infallible. I have uncovered much evidence that indicates his model for gravity is erroneous. But, like you, I won't go into it at this time.

  7. Firstly, Happy New Bessler Year to Everyone!

    My own thoughts and others concearns about ...
    "... people have questioned whether planet earth completely covered in gravity-driven wheels would have some detrimental effect on us,...."

    I think there must start from next and read all. (I´m not gona rewrite it)

    Conclusion from there can be...
    So there is lot of tremendious amount of watermasses allready moved aroud the planet and this with every day basis. Depends on earth angle to sun (different seasons) and moon location (time of month). There is different masses of water relocating them self all the time and NOT all the times EQUALY. If from those mass movements earth itself do not "cluck" ... or we do not feel this.
    Then those "small GW masses" (compared water mass to builded GW masses) do not change our way of living also. Must not forget, GW masses located at one geological point and do not travel all the time around the earth.

    But not only tides have tremendious amount of relocated mass, there is lot of other nature and man made "things", witch have connections to "relocating" big masses.
    Winter ... snow/ice is staying in on side of earth at long time periods and then by melting, "relocting its mass" again to other side of earth. (do not forget there is also tides still relocating water at same time). Also floods, dry and rainy seasons, rivers.... Man made changes to earth "mass" - oil pumping, different mines, water dams, citys ... all matter, things (what ever)... transportation (how many trillion (billion...) tons moved each year by humans)...
    All the time some big mass moves somewhare in earth ... do we feel "those" changes in some way!?


    1. Happy New Year to all!

      As someone looking at extracting energy from the rotating Earth, rather than from gravity, I agree that there is a tremendous amount of water moving, by tides, around the planet. The Earth dissipates power at a rate of 3.321 trillion watts, mostly by tidal friction, although 0.121 trillion watts is transferred to the moon, increasing its angular momentum.


    2. Directly tapping the Earth's rotational energy is difficult. One of the most interesting proposals I remember reading about involved constructing giant Foucault pendulums which were kept swinging using wind power. These pendulums were mounted in superstructures which could complete a single rotation every 24 hours with tremendous torque that was used to drive generators and produce electrical power. However, it was all theoretical and no prototype was built. Sounds like an interesting idea, though. Right now, solar power and nuclear look like the best "renewable" sources of energy for the modern world.

    3. About a year ago I calculated the power output that could be expected for a very large gyroscope at either the North or South pole. With a 4.5 meter diameter wheel of 100 tonnes, spinning at its highest safe speed of ~ 1200rpm, (for maraging steel) it would deliver only 0.14 watts; far too little power to be useful.

      I found one interesting paper on obtaining useful power from a rotating planet, at

  8. I am late to this year's year-end excitement but . . . "better late than never" although in my case I know that some might violently disagree. (Well, let those just STUFF themselves, an art with which at least one infesting old Tasmania, is only too familiar, so-says the grapevine.)

    With all of the wise words, advisements and suggestions as proffered above, I am in full agreement, and particularly with those of Vibrator. (This even though he has never lowered and thereby lessened himself to deign to speak to me here, if my recollection serves me well?)

    Now, for the GOOD PART - - -

    At this Year's End and with the beginning of the Nine One, let us all take heart in knowing that, Now Starts the Upturn, and not a moment too soon.

    Lights; music; action !

    As all know, our K.B. here is an aficionado of Fifties B&W film legend, lore and etc., however, I would bet my one dollar to his remaining dough-naught that he (nor the rest of ye for that matter) have ever seen as coming from the end of The Roaring Twenties - in 1930 - onset of The Great Depression (here drum roll) . . .

    J U S T I M A G I N E !

    (What is it?)

    Glad someone asked: It is the world's first and only (as far as I am aware) Science Fiction Fantasy Musical. It was somewhat of a hit even though many here were starting to hurt badly already. It was a Twenties-inspired last gasp of that "Era of Wonderful Nonsense" and in this presentation you will see very much of that, along with science fiction of the future such as a permanently docked flying ballroom and a quite fine travel to Venus showing Venusian savages as well as beauties both female AND male, lots of music and madness that ONLY THIS TIME could have produced.


    First, the Pre-Curtain-Rise Music in three parts w. Abe Lyman and his boys doing their jazzy best: - the title tune "Just Imagine" ; - "(You're Just An) Old Fashioned Girl" ; - "Never Swat A Fly".

    (Prepare to dance to the second and watch out for the King Kong March flash-finish.)

    And last, but certainly not least, The Feature Itself, compliments of YouTube:

    These are just THE items, I think, to start-off the countdown to Bessler Wheel success - the supposed, proposed impossible just as these entertainments were, are and will be for always.

    - James -

    1. Thanks for the link, James. I've heard of "Just Imagine", but never actually viewed it. I just love yesterday's visions of the future (in this case 1980 New York City) that have model cities and flying cars in them. I'll view it as soon as I can. Here's a screen shot from this unique and, possibly, last of the comedic musical sci-fi themed films from the '30's:

      Update. I continue to work on my latest wm2d model of Bessler's 3 foot diameter wheel and have made what appears to be a staggering discovery at this point in time. Apparently, there is precise mathematical relationship between the mass of the weights, levers, axle, and drum that he used in his wheels. This relationship is such that their total mass must equal a certain value which is encoded into the two DT portraits. I continue to work on it and am more convinced than ever that this year will be "the" one in which successful reverse engineering finally occurs!

    2. I started watching "Just Imagine" and must say that I'm enjoying it. If I had to describe it in a word it would be "ambitious". I'm about half way through the film at this point. The special effects were a surprise and, obviously, "state of the art" for 1930. I like the beginning when the guy and his girlfriend must meet clandestinely and do so by "parking" their mini-planes in mid-air next to each other (their positions maintained by horizontal propellers built into their wingtips). The guy then crawls out onto the wing of his craft and jumps across to the nearby wing of his girlfriend's craft. He seems oblivious to the fact that they are both about a thousand feet up from the street and he is not wearing a parachute! Love can make a guy do dumb things like that. Anyway, in order to be able to marry his sweetheart, he must do another rather dumb thing: pilot the first experimental "plane" to Mars! That should be interesting. I like the way the film depicts New York City of 1980 as being a congested maze of Gotham architecture with arte deco interiors. Much of it still is. Some of the predictions like big screen video communication were very accurate. Others, like the use of airships were not. I still haven't seen any robots yet, but maybe they'll appear when the hero lands on Mars. Once again, thanks to the link to this interesting film.

    3. Aren't
      Young Frankenstein and The Little Shop of Horrors musical Sci - Fi ?

    4. You're most welcomed, K.B. I kinda thought it might grab ya just a bit. (It would seem that our more P-M Seeking Only School of Mono-thought compatriots here, did not. Pity.

      So much for possibly of flexibility of mind, and creations of Universal Men. Nowadays it is, for the most part, specialization that is in greatest vogue, and of use to most wicked corporatism, as it has now become. Well, good thing I suppose for it has produced such a seeming miracle of mind and deep, penetrating perception as our own Vibrator, even though . . . etc., etc. & etc. the usual drill.)

      If you liked the first, then surely the second half will have made your days. Those were drone planes upon which that Heterocentric-type "business" was being hatched as usual, that you had mentioned.

      What a world that would have been if actual - with everyone (excepting for some, as usual, according with same) having 'their place' and as a result a 'place for everyone'. (Personally, I fancied the old lady State Agent - MY kinda gal!!)

      When they land on Venus (or Mars, whatever) the natives found there varied greatly some being, well, "that way" but . . . unlike on earth having too wildly "their place"!

      (As regards this 'sort' of thing, we must keep ever in mind, I believe, the fact of just who and what created this orgasmic fancy of the plausible/fantastical, IF ya catch me naughty meaning?)

      There will never be another like it - Metropolis and Madam Satan (one of DeMille's earliest of musical efforts) - all rolled into one fun ball of Twenties Wonderful Nonsense.

      BE SURE to investigate the links going to the individual music cuts, all done by none other than Abe Lyman himself. They are quite special and jazzy.

      - James -

    5. STEVO I suppose you were addressing K.B. but, since he is asleep still and I am not, I'll just risk jumping-in with some fluffy, meaningless arabesque commentary.

      If pressed just-so, I'd answer thus: "Well, STEVO, since pressed in a way, I would have to say that: They were actually to be more accurately described as having been created as 'horror/science-fiction with some music thrown-in." however, since I have not been actually (it would take a slightly differing approach), I'll beg-off. Sorry.

      Ta-ta! :-)

      - James -

    6. @STEVO: I don't recall any music or singing, other than some classical violin playing, in "Young Frankestein". Yes, I'd have to classify "Little Shop of Horrors" as a comedic musical sort of sci-fi / horror film. Both are great films that can provide some welcomed escapism in this hectic world of ours.

      @James: I noted an interesting line in "Just Imagine" which you might remember. After the 1980 scientists revive the man from 1930 who had been struck by lightning, died, and was preserved, two of the film's main characters decide to take him around New York City and show him the wonders of his future. At one point (starting at minute 22:00 in the youtube video) the revived man from 1930, who takes the futuristic name of "Single Zero" from one of the numbers found on a roulette wheel, looks skyward and the hero explains how all of the giant "airliners" floating over the city are build by a guy named "Goldfarb". At that point the 1930 man laughs loudly and says "It looks like someone got even with Henry Ford. Ha ha ha." The people who saw this film in 1930 would have realized that Single Zero was not just laughing because, in the future, everyone was flying planes instead of using automobiles. Rather, they would have realized that all of the planes were build by Jewish people and Ford was a well known anti-Semite! Thus, Single Zero was saying that a future where the principal mode of transportation was build by Jews was a fitting punishment for Ford's anti-Semitism. Such a line in a movie nowadays would probably trigger a defamation lawsuit. No doubt this line appears in the movie because the screenplay was written by Jewish writers and that was their way of trying to fight the anti-Semitism in America at the time.

    7. @K.B., sorry but I do not remember as it has been a few years since I viewed this movie however, I will be doing-so again soon. (I am out of Havanas and Cognac which are required essentials for watching this masterpiece of Sci-Fi Twenties-Madness. (As would be as well a reefer or two IF legal here but, sadly, nothing doing as it is not. ' Will just have to wait for that.)

      When I finally get to it, I will be sure to watch for that juicy very un-PC part. Whatever it was all about truly, it is ALL now secruely within the historical record and, however it is to properly play-out in a near future, one which we'll see doubtless-so within OUR lifetimes. WHICH will enjoy the FINAL LAUGH after all????

      There was some similarly suspicious business going on in Orwell's "1984" with a "Goldstien" I think, who was supposedly the enemy to Big Brother and the focus for all the "HATES".

      I think it was a put-on, and that B.B. was only a mask hiding Goldstien himself who was the ultimate 'man behind the curtain' just as it always seems to be in "real" life.

      It is good in a way, actually, that we only have to endure this HORROR called "life" for no more than eighty or ninety years of tearing-at and lying-to one another, for no good reasons other than what our hideous Heterocentric indoctrination as ever-compounding directs, beginning at birth, and then afterward, onto the next ugly little adventure, that one hopefully sans Satan and his natural reps who ruin everything after any sale.

      Remember all, do let us respect and heed Hygia and all her directives for best results. (In other words "go for it" but keep it clean.)

      [It is a darned good thing that The Cat is attending to his house sale and move, while we naughty P-M seeking mice play.]

      - James -

    8. @ Ken,
      In Young Frankenstein, there's the "Puttin' on the Hat" routine.
      The 1974 movie was made into a Broadway musical in the early 2000's.

    9. @STEVO: You're right, I clean forgot about that sequence where Gene Wilder's character, Dr. "Fronkensteen", dances Fred Astaire style with Peter Boyle as the monster as some scientific symposium. Very well done. To make sure he did not produce a dud, Mel Brooks would attend the test screenings of his comedies and stand at the back of the theater with a hand operated counter. As his movie played, he would count how many times the audience laughed and the count had to be above a certain number or he would not release the film. He always kept some additional footage available for insertion to make sure his product met or exceeded his expectations for it. I like that kind of attention to "quality control". I have "Young Frankenstein" on DVD and it includes some of scenes that did not make it into the final cut. One of those involved Wilder going to Teri Garr's bedroom after he is given a rejection and guilt trip by his fiancee played by Madelaine Kahn. They get into an "intellectual" discussion about the speed of light that sort of went overboard for a movie with a rating of GP which is probably why it was not used. I'll leave it to the reader's imagination as to what happens during the "discussion".

      @James: I'm almost done watching "Just Imagine" and am now seeing the part where the two main characters and their stowaway, the man from 1930 who was revived, Single Zero, land the experimental rocket plane on Mars. They all jump out of the large rocket prop and don't even need spacesuits in the tropical world on the Martian surface. How different the real thing is from what it was imagined to be. They soon meet the mostly women inhabitants of the red planet who communicate through a combination of body language and some Martian chatter. You wrote:

      "When they land on Venus (or Mars, whatever) the natives found there varied greatly some being, well, "that way" but . . . unlike on earth having too wildly "their place"!"

      The queen of the Martians assigns a big male guard to accompany Single Zero around and this guard starts touching him in a "playful" manner in an attempt to communicate with him. Single Zero then says to one of the heroes "She's not the queen, he is" referring to his muscular guard. "Queen" was and still is a slang term for a male homosexual. Another interesting line suggesting that the writers may have been trying to promote tolerance of gays through the film who, unfortunately, had to endure much discrimination during that time anywhere outside of Hollywood.

      Anyway, the trip to Mars was an accurate prediction about the future because that is exactly what is on everyone's mind today. Most likely, we will find no evidence of "higher" lifeforms on that dry, frozen world other than, perhaps, the remnants of abandoned ET equipment connected with mining activity. Btw, has anyone here yet seen some of the images from the Curiosity rover now on Mars which show what look like artificial metal domes which are not ours! If you haven't, you should take a look at this one I provide a link to below. So far, NASA has declined to comment on the image. When and if they do, expect to hear one of the wackiest "explanations" possible! The dome is tens of feet in diameter and located on top of a hill. There is a smaller dome on a base farther back from it and another long snaking object that even looks like a pipeline of some sort!

    10. @ Ken,
      Toomorrow, with Olivia Newton John is another Sci-Fi musical, I have a very vague memory of seeing this as a teenager.
      Also, how on earth (pun intended) could we forget, Josie and the Pussycats in Outer Space ? :-D

    11. @STEVO: Yes, it would seem that sci-fi would be a natural genre for comedic treatment. Things like science and the resulting never ending technological change it creates can be very intimidating for many people. Making fun of it all with comedy is one way humans deal with this stress. I remember seeing Woody Allen's "Sleeper" and finding it really funny. I did not see nor remember the film "Toomorrow", but it sounds interesting. I'll see if it's available on youtube.

    12. Ken, your most insightful analysis thus far of "Just Imagine" is really quite interesting and useful, I think.

      Yes, that's what I meant re the Queen of the Martians. It was and is a riot.

      In those days (pre-code?) they got away with lot's of stuff that was pretty neat. (You see, K.B., I can speak as ordinaries do as well . . . where and when necessary? I am NOT 'always on', but sometimes jump off of it. Just sayin'?)

      ". . . other than, perhaps, the remnants of abandoned ET equipment connected with mining activity."

      Oh! Is THAT all? Such would be better news, I think, than having to deal with, say, some subterranean civilization that might be equipped enough to kick our cheeky, exploring butts right back into the Stone Age. No? (I sure do hope that you listen to Richard C. Hoagland's superb Internet programming. Art Bell seems to be O-U-T, but Richard is very much listened-to because he is real, is interesting and informing, and is a rationally thinking scientist, essentially. Last night he featured and Astrologer and it was GREAT? Richard's "the man" as far as I am concerned.)

      Anyway, I do believe that some enterprising and capable interested soul might consider a literary/imagery deep-treatment of this unique piece of cinematic oddness, and post-pre-history, no? (Now, I just wonder WHICH such an individual might be?)

      I do know that there were plenty of super high quality still-shots taken of the meticulously designed and constructed sets. The creativity, I think, was generally very near to that of "Metropolis".

      (They SHOULD have taken some 3-D stills too. Yikes! Would such have been a treat to view, or not?)

      I've seen the artwork done for the sheet music of the three main themes (Have you yet auditioned these?) and it was featuring one of the winged drone-type aircraft with both of the Hetero-Seeking pair poised together, making ready for like pre-reproductive action, apparently. I have to obtain that one for "Never Swat A Fly" for my collection of Welte-Mignon (Licensee) corresponding title sheet music.

      It is a shame that no other participants here have chimed-in on this sub-topic, relating to this New Year and some coming future to be ours. (Look our for "Bi-World", the young people are having NOTHING to do with the old, enforced, supremely-wicked model; that game's up and o-v-e-r!! Their future is theirs, being ours no longer, and it is their right to do with it as they must and shall.) I guess it is just a matter of that ONE all consuming P-M seeking thing that so ties-up their minds/imaginations, leaving naught for any variance, etc.? (What's new? The corporations now HAVE their fleshy, order-taking robots, do they not? What more might they now desire, ones of metal and wire and transduction components??)

      (Ken, that perfervidly imagined book has already your name writ large upon it as author. I'd be it would really make you something, lucre-wise.)

      - James -

    13. Glad you liked my analysis on the fly as I viewed "Just Imagine" of which I still have half an hour to go. Yes, lengthwise and fx/model/propwise it does remind me a little of "Metropolis" which is, probably, one of the most important sci-fi movies of the 20th century despite it being silent. I'm surprised that a reimagined version using the latest CGI effects never came out. Incredibly, few of the generation X'ers have ever heard of the film much less seen it. I have it on DVD and it is part of my permanent collection of DVD movies (I currently have over 500 films in my collection!). If I was a billionaire, I'd get the best copies of the original film and have them made into a high quality colorized version with voices dubbed in to make the actors speak their lines anew. I'd even hire lookalike actors to film many of the missing scenes from the present patch job version we have so the original film would be as it was intended to look. Yes, it could be done, but it would be expensive. Most people are unaware that fully 80% of the audio and video recordings made before 1930 have been lost forever because of the deterioration of the media used to record them. Those films represent the history of our nation and every effort must be made to preserve them.

      You mentioned a book about the future that I should do, I think. Well, that book was published last May and is titled "Essays from the Edge of Science". It's aim is to present today's reader with a view of what, most likely, will be "established" science by the end of this century. Needless to say, it's rather amazing. I'm hoping to be around to see how many of its predictions come true.

  9. Nothing new eh?, Bessler toy clue?

    1. Interesting, but it's more of a challenge when you have to hit the wheel with a stick to propel and guide it.

  10. I came across this interesting video. You know how all of our nuclear reactors are powered by rods of uranium oxide? Well, it turns out you can also use an element called Thorium which has atomic number 90 and it produces far more energy per gram than Uranium 235. There's a company out there working on a Thorium powered automobile which you just have to refuel once per century!!! As it runs, it produces no carbon dioxide exhaust.

  11. @STEVO

    I speak to you but you do not return the favor.

    WHAT is your f'ing problem, buddy?

    Who ARE you?

    1. Sorry James,
      it started as a general comment, butting in between yourself and Ken, and then somehow gravitated just towards Ken.
      As to your second question, I ask myself that every day, as countless men have done for thousands of years, ever since we came down from the trees and wondered about the meaning of life, the Universe and everything.
      The best answer I can come up with is 42 !

    2. Sorry here too, STEVO, I was a bit quick on the trigger there. Drat!

      Sometimes I do get a bit confused. Perhaps right now it has somewhat to do with all of the "Just Imagine" excitement going of-recent.

      Well, that is a really nice and reflective answer to my way too pointed query. You seem a quite reflective person. Many are not and it is good to be-so, I think.

      OK - "42", man!

      You as well as K.B. seem to be aficionados or nearly of B&W films? I think those two you mentioned are that but, ones from later - the Seventies or Eighties maybe? I saw them both when just out and I thought them quite good. Ah yes, in Westwood where UCLA is. It was within easy walking from where I lived. Great days, those.

      Are you working on a wheel, as in actually getting to some building yet?

      I'd better leave-off here as I do tend to wander subject-wise, and besides, J.C. might rightfully object that I go so far off-topic so often.

      Best to you,

      - James -

    3. For those here who do not know what STEVO is referring to, the number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, "The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" and was calculated by an enormous supercomputer named "Deep Thought" over a period of 7.5 million years! The significance of this number is not given, but I note that, using numerological analysis, it can be written as 4 x 2 which equals 8 and 8 is considered to be the number of perfection or completion or the perfect balancing of opposing forces. Perhaps this number represents the perfect balancing of opposing forces in our cosmos. So, Deep Thought had reached the conclusion that the cosmos was in a state of perfect balance. As one might expect, something very unusual must happen whenever that balance is upset as was the case with the location of the center of mass inside of Bessler's wheels! Also note that each of Bessler's one direction wheels contained 8 weighted levers! Yes, Bessler the numerologist well understood the significance of the number 8 and made sure he incorporated it into his imbalance pm wheel design.

    4. @ James,
      I like most old movies and TV shows, at the moment I'm into, The Saint (Roger Moore) Robin Hood (Richard Greene) and an American show called, Science Fiction Theatre.
      Mainly because my cable company has just introduced Cala Classic channel.
      Strangely, Science Fiction Theatre is from the fifties, and the first season was filmed in colour, but because the producers thought that colour TV wasn't developing fast enough, the second season was in black & white.
      STEVO in capital letters was to prove a point, when somebody accused me of being an imposter, Stevo is fine !
      I'm not building at the moment, I sliced the top of my right ring finger off, so it's stitched up, and under a huge bandage.
      I do however have an idea I want to try, based on the last wheel video I posted about.I'll have to go back and find the address.

      @ Ken, don't bother with the movie Toomorrow, from what little I remember, it was lousy, so bad it was taken out of circulation after a week.
      According to Wikipedia, the producer was so displeased with it, he didn't want it released on DVD until after he died!

    5. STEVO6 January 2016 at 16:25

      @ James,
      I like most old movies and TV shows, at the moment I'm into, The Saint (Roger Moore) Robin Hood (Richard Greene) and an American show called, Science Fiction Theatre.

      [OK, 'Stevo'. That is an interesting list above. I remember "The Saint" mostly from it's intro, but for some reason I would never watch it. As for the other two, I was always waiting for the next new episode to arrive on-screen. Of course Richard Greene was (IS) wonderful. He was convincing as Robin as were all the other characters, even that naughty Nottingham sheriff. The irrepressible and inimitable Truman Bradly I always thought most authoritative and effective as a presenter of little experiments and examples of the wonders to come as 'fiction'. (I suspect that our very own K.B., in real life, well might be rather like him.) All of those episodes are available on DVD. If I had the coins, I'd grab 'em.]

      Strangely, Science Fiction Theatre is from the fifties, and the first season was filmed in colour, but because the producers thought that colour TV wasn't developing fast enough, the second season was in black & white.

      [Aha! - "colour" you are English, Stevo! Also there's that "theatre" bit which my spell checker always flags. It is always a giveaway when I see "s's" substituted for our "z's" which we line in our words and also, the difference you have to our own "color". (I am a Anglophile AND a Russophile too. My best friend is from Russia, here from since 8 yrs. old.)]

      I'm not building at the moment, I sliced the top of my right ring finger off, so it's stitched up, and under a huge bandage.

      [No!-No!-No! Not that - a shop accident? I am very sorry to hear of this, Stevo. The only "good part" of the experience, of course, will be in knowing that no one will have to advise you to "be more careful next time" as, hopefully, there will not BE one! I always thought that an asinine advisement, that people would tell me after some calamity, minor or serious.]

      I do however have an idea I want to try, based on the last wheel video I posted about.I'll have to go back and find the address.

      [What you posted I would like to see there. Will watch out for that link?]

      Kind Regards

      - James -

    6. @STEVO: Thanks for the warning about "Toomorrow". I'll steer clear of it. I am a big fan of "Science Fiction Theater" and saw all of the episodes as they originally aired and once again when they became available on youtube. They are truly classics and, I believe, were the inspiration for later shows like "The Twilight Zone" and "The Outer Limits".

      @James: I certainly don't mind being compared to SFT's Truman Bradley. Thanks. He did lend a sort of gravitas to the show that helped us all wonder "what if" as we viewed each week's episode. It was only later in life that I realized many of his introductory demonstrations were actually faked and much of the "science" presented was inaccurate or even erroneous. But, heck, it was science fiction and really meant to be more entertainment that education. I could say the same for shows like Star Trek and movies like Star Wars. If you want to learn real science, then you need to put down the sci-fi novels and pick up the textbooks. Sadly, a recent poll of college students indicated that about half of them would not read a book unless they were forced to! Oh, yeah, the US is going to be in great shape in the technological future to come!

      Well, I finished viewing "Just Imagine" and gave it a nice review over at youtube. The hero makes it back in time to marry his girlfriend and, interestingly, the chronically inebriated man from 1930, Single Zero, becomes the big hero of the movie when he manages, singlehandedly to drag the two unconscious astronauts back to their waiting spacecraft, knock out a giant hostile Martian chasing them, and successfully blast off in time to make it back to Earth to prevent one of the astronauts' girlfriends from having to marry the "bad guy" who she mistakenly contracted a marriage with. How the drunken Single Zero subdues the giant Martian is interesting. He discovered that if one pinches their earlobes, they pass out! When I saw that I though "OMG! That was probably where Gene Roddenberry got the idea for the Vulcan 'pinch' that was used in so many Star Trek episodes!" Roddenberry just moved the location from the earlobe down to the lower neck.

  12. The topic of this blog was "Happy New Year", but I just saw something on CNN that does not look too "happy" for this year. Apparently, the North Koreans claim that they have just tested their first H-bomb! As many students of nuclear weaponry know, an H-bomb delivers about a thousand times as much explosive energy as a Hiroshima type fission bomb. While everyone has been so concerned about delaying Iran's first fission bomb and various terrorists getting their hands on a "loose nuke", the North Koreans have reached the next level of threat. A few months ago they acquired a used Soviet Era submarine capable of firing ICBM or "Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles" and promptly successfully test fired one of them out at sea. I saw a clip this morning of one of the North Korean "news" broadcasters announcing her country's latest technical breakthrough. She said she was so happy that she felt like dancing! Something tells me this probably won't be the happiest of years for North Korea's neighbors or the US which has mutual defense pacts with most of them.

    1. Ken, of course the whole thing is simply past mad. Right now "they" are wondering "why" the disappearance of all the Pacific blue whales I think it is. Well "they" know why but will not talk about it, the fact of a non-solution to the reason being so very terrible and FINAL, in-essence. (Here, of course, I speak of Fukushima and it's endless pouring-out of serious radiation into the environment "an extinction level event".)

      The fact that it is ever-accumulating world-wide, and is not at all fixable, is too much to bear for most, and so it is to be until we all start bleeding-out.

      "Out of sight is out of mind" and thus we go on worrying about lesser level threats such as a bomb going off here or there.

      I feel really sorry for the spring chickens of us. I would encourage them all to find as much true love and happiness as they can before the inevitable end, and that is coming soon feel-good denials or not.

      This IS "On The Beach" in real life, but in slo-mo. (I recommend revisiting that movie and soon, for the feel of what it is to be like for us all. Sorry. Thinking abut "Just Imagine" is a thing way nicer to do.)

      - James -

    2. @ James,
      it's not my video, but I have an idea to make it all mechanical, using "split weights" and a spring.
      I hurt my finger messing about with the van engine while it was running, you're right, I'll never do it again!
      Yes I am English, living in the Caribbean, but I'm pretty sure the sci-fi producers spelled theatre the English way.
      Don't watch the movie On the Beach, the book is way,way better, I even had a dream about the ending when I read it.
      It was one of the books I was supposed to read in school, I read it online last month, it only took me 45 years to get around to it!

      @ Ken,
      Televangelist John Hagee once said that everybody thinks North Korea keeps making mistakes with their missile programme because they explode 200 miles high, but that is the correct height for releasing a massive EMP, so as to disable all electronic devices over a large area.

    3. P.S.
      @ James, MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction!

    4. Yes, that radiological disaster at Fukishima, Japan will have consequences for centuries to come. Five nuclear reactors melting down at once. Good grief! This was something the nuclear industry claimed was so improbably that we need not even think about it. Well, it happened and once the nuclear "geni" gets out of its lead lined bottle, it's impossible to get him back in again. The big problem with those reactors was that some genius over in Japan decided it would be safe to put all of the spent fuel rods in the same building with the reactors and to also put the back up generators needed to operate the reactors' cooling system in a sort of below ground pit covered with a tin roof even though the coast there is prone to seismic shocks and tidal or tsunami waves as they call them. Once that pit got flooded out by the tsunami wave waters, those generators became useless. The guys at the reactors started running around stripping batteries out of their parked cars and using them to try to keep the cooling pumps for the reactors working. They managed to buy only a few hours of safety before they had to run for their lives. When the batteries were drained, the cooling pumps stopped working, and the reactors overheated and started to be blown apart by hydrogen/oxygen explosions. Right now in my own state there are two reactors identical to those that failed over in Japan! Hopefully, they have made sure the backup generators are safe from flood waters. I'm not opposed to nuclear power, but, if the world is going to use it, then we need to start using the newer designs which are incapable of a catastrophic meltdown in the event of a cooling system failure. Switching over to them will take time and be expensive, but we can't afford anymore Chernobyl's or Fukishima's. Meanwhile, where are those fusion reactors we were promised decades ago?

    5. OK, Stevo! Thanks for all the info.

      I will watch the YouTube link this eve.

      Wow! That kind of injury could have been much worse, given it's origin. We are all glad, I am sure, that it was not.

      You inhabit an exotic place. It must be nice. I am Las Vegas which to some is just that but, if one actually lives in it, this does not necessarily seem the case.

      Sorry, Stevo, I already did watch it and many times. It is one of my sad favorites and it always gets me down, ones such as "Just Imagine" serving as antidote. (Anthony Perkins never got an Oscar which he should have for his many successes during his career.) Also, sorry to say, that read-fiction is not one of my strong points for doing; gave that up (excepting for Poe) way back in high school. (Maybe, since YOU have now recommended it, I'll give it a try.)


      - James -

    6. Ken, it is chilling what this stinking, unrepentant core-rotten "industry" has done to the world. Although I don't like to, I just accuse flat-out these rotters that created it as being murderers for profit but, in this case it is of the entire Earth, and all of Her creatures.

      This supremely-evil freakish capitalistic exercise in deathly destruction for profit, puts mere nationalistic warring and killing for same far, far into the low areas on The Scale of Seriousness, as graduated from 0 to 10.

      The magnitude of their (this industry's upper echelon and big stock holders, and their aiders and abettors) crime is STUPENDOUS - without equal this side of Heaven! And all done for INK-IMPRINTED PAPER ! ! !

      Please, do now give me The Lecture that Satan does NOT exist. This we await.

      Forgiveness for these? I don't think so, buddy. Off to drawing and quartering, then while alive-still, burning! (And that would be just for beginners. I was Cotton Mather in another life, see? Ha!)

      Well, now back to escapism, and "Just Imagine."

      - James -

    7. The hardcore capitalist is part of what is referred to as the "Acquisition Class". They are actually pathologically addicted to the acquisition of wealth in whatever form it exists. If they were doing this so that it could be equitably distributed to all, then that would be noble. Rather, they tend to want the vast majority of it for themselves and just share a few crumbs with the desperate who they depend upon to do the actually work for them of acquiring their excess wealth. In any country, this class, basically, owns the government and decides who they will allow to be "a leader of the people". They then use the political system they own to set up laws to make it as easy as possible for them to acquire even more wealth. Generally, they like to stay invisible and always live as far from the unwashed masses as possible. When the economical system they control experiences an inevitable collapse that wipes out the "paper assets" of the average people who invested the fruit of their labors into it, the wealthy are the first out with as much of the loot as possible while the impoverished investors left in their wake wonder what happened and turn on their tellies en masse to have the know nothing financial "experts" explain it all to them in terms a 6th grader might understand. Of course, what really happened to their lost wealth is never actually discussed. If that were to happen, those that control the world's media would pull the plug on the transmission and a sign would appear saying they are "experiencing technical difficulties". When the show came back on the air, anybody who came too close to informing the masses would suddenly be gone and some BS reason would be given. It's nice to be able to censor the news in this way. But, sooner or later, the light begins to shine through the cracks in the facade of reality and the common man in the street begins to wake up and try to take back his life again from those that want to own and control it. I think, thanks to the still free internet, that is beginning to happen worldwide now. The coming global socialist world state will be quite different from what now exists. No more multi-billionaires owning and controlling everything so they can live like kings while over a billion people worldwide live at a level one notch above that of a garbage dump. No more tens of thousands of children dying every day from infections that could be completely cured for less than a dollar's worth of antibiotics. No more senseless wars that, a decade or two later, no one will ever remember took place or care yet will still be paying off the weapons makers trillions for through their taxes. Yes, there is a new world coming and it's getting closer every day!

  13. John, what's happened to your blog?
    It's losing its appeal.

    1. I think it's great!

    2. Me too!

      @dougsubous, I think that for the while, J.C. is very busy with his various transitions as he is having to deal with and so, we P-M seeking mice can play around off-topic somewhat.

      When he returns and cracks the whip, we'll all scurry back into our proper holes and behave (more-or-less) but, until such time we will soldier-on with occasionally our off-topic ditties.

      (Sometimes, for one's peace of mind and general humanness, it is good to do alternate things than pursue the search manically for THAT which is not supposed to exist but does actually, this according with and to our faith that it supposedly in-fact does. As "masters do not fall from Heaven" [as I was constantly being reminded-of by the German journeymen from behind, when my chisel slipped making an ugly gouge) so-to perpetual motion secrets do likewise. These cannot be forced down from there. This most have learned or soon are-to, albeit with some kicking and screaming like babies ranting in frustration.)

      As far as it's appeal being lost generally or specifically (as it apparently has for you) most believe it just GREAT, this according to perceived, general participation. (However "I reserve the right to be wrong." - Jim_Mich)

      I hope this tiny impartation of opinionation/fact serves just a little to explain what may apply rightly to your question, and then to go some little further humble way in the direction of answerment to it? (I am sure we'll all know soon enough whether or not we have achieved success, or no. As to this, we await news.)


    3. Hi Dougsoubus. I don't mind the occasional ramble off the beaten track and away from the subject matter. However you make a fair point and I understand the interest of those who love the old movies, but if you guys can keep the posts to a more minmal amount I and others would appreciate it. While I'm laying down the law (lol) Ken I'd be very pleased if you could write your posts in some other format before posting them, as it is getting wearsome searching through the posts to remove all your deleted posts from the record. Thanks.


    4. John, I think we chaps just got into a more-than-usual period of ebullience, this being of course on account of all the Holiday fun and whatnot.

      I am sure it is now to be back-to our more staid, serious demeanor individually as well as severally, and behaviors generally.

      "I do not know HOW to put it more clearly."

      - James -

    5. Sorry, about the required deletions on my posts, John. I always want them to be as grammatically perfect and understandable as possible and, sometimes, when I reread them after posting, I notice a typo here or there and want to immediately correct it. I'll try to do a better proofreading job before I publish in the future. I, of course, continue my nearly daily Bessler wheel research (getting some very exciting results the last few days!), but, as you previously requested, am trying not to saturate your blog with the minutia of my current testing. I also have many interests aside from the quest to solve the Bessler wheel mystery once and for all and am most happy to expound on practically any issue anyone here brings up if I think I have something to add to it. Of any hundred lurkers / members who read the content on this or any other blog or forum, a certain percentage will love the discussion, a certain percentage will be ambivalent, and a certain percentage will positively hate the discussion. If someone does not like the flow of a discussion here, then, instead of just sitting back and complaining that he is not being sufficiently entertained, how about him introducing something he wants to discuss and see what kind of feedback it gets from members? Complaining is always easy to do. Being an active, contributing member of a blog or forum, however, takes a bit of effort which, unfortunately less and less people are willing to expend nowadays. Everyone wants gold, but few are willing to build up a sweat digging for it. Bessler understood that quirk of the human psyche and that was one of the major reasons for his obsessive preoccupation with protecting the secret mechanics of his imbalanced pm wheels.

  14. I have no problem with people liking old movies and worried about current events, but it becomes wearisome for your readers to have to go through all the social commentary to find the posts that discuss the reason for your blog. Isn't that what private email is for?

    1. @ dougsubous . . .

      At that other P-M Forum all can communicate to their heart's content by means of Private Messaging but, here there is no such thing as far as I am aware, nor is there a means by which participants might gain access-to or exchange e-mail addresses.

      Here it is a non-ratings type of friendlier environment, where all are equivalent rather than striated according to the judgment of a "community" or sorts. You might find things there more to your liking than here. (How about 'doing both', if you do not already?)

      As for any other issues that might apply here, please do see K.B.'s most recent posting just above, won't you? Always, he puts matters most eloquently and with compelling, gratifying completeness.

      ' Hope that serves a little to make clear what was too diaphanous before?

    2. Yeah, there's no Private Messages here or even a means for members to post sketches of ideas for designs they have. That is the drawback of free, advertiser paid, blogspot blogs. But, unlike youtube, we can still post links to images on other host sites and to various webpages of interest. As James noted above, we don't have to worry about being sorted into various artificial rankings here that have nothing to do with the pursuit of the solution to the Bessler wheel mystery. Leave that nonsense for other sites to impose upon their membership. I can usually get a good idea of the abilities, limits, and manners of a newbie poster after reading a few of his posts and I'm sure any other "regulars" here can as well. So far, I'd say the average poster here is far above average compared to what I see on other blogs and forums. Here is a good place to be, imo.

    3. John and Ken, might it be possible to somehow establish a relief 'co-blog' somewhere, so that we fellows (or gals) who want to go off-topic can, but still not cause distractive upset to it and others, to whom this seems bothersome? Just a thought.

      - James

    4. I think the problem is that we're all waiting around for John to either begin a new blog topic that starts giving us the details of what he's found with regard to Bessler's wheels. That is not happening for one reason or another, so we're all sort of doing the digital equivalent of milling around and chit chatting about this, that, and the other thing while we wait. If we did set up a separate relief co-blog, then this one might just completely fall into disuse and then be closed down "temporarily" by John until he finds the time to begin publishing his much promised, but yet to be delivered solution to the Bessler wheel mystery. Such a shutdown might, if prolonged sufficiently, turn into a permanent closure. Hopefully, this will all change after he has made his big move to Sunny Spain. Meanwhile, we must all be patient...

  15. I am from a parallel universe earth and am not familar with the history and technology of this world, is it true that this earths biosphere is rapidly dying ? Some of your sci-fi programmes and films are very close to reality, and especially fringe!

    1. Welcome to our universe's Earth, Anonymous. The history and technology of this world can be summed up with two words: greed and ignorance. Not all the time, thank heavens, but just enough to have gotten our biosphere into the perilous state that it finds itself in now. Fortunately, the problem is, finally, starting to be taken seriously and, hopefully, some effective steps will begin to reverse it before things really start to get scary.

      About sci-fi. H.G. Wells once told a reporter that he wrote stories about future possibilities not to cause them to happen, but, rather, to prevent them from happening! Wells understood that technology was a two edged sword. It could, if properly used, bring much benefit to humanity. But, if misused, could bring much misery. In the 20th century that technology was misused on many occasions and the result was the premature deaths of over a hundred million people. One can only dread to think what the body count would be if more advanced technology is misused in our 21st century. That could, literally, be a "species extinguishing event" for humanity. Right now, the only way I see of preventing this is the formation of a global state which will remove the inequities between peoples that leads to the strife that creates a condition of never ending warfare. It won't be easy to advance to such a new political and economic system, but I'm confident it will be achieved before the end of this century. Human beings have to start perceiving themselves as citizens of planet Earth instead of this or that particular patch of land. As De Niro's character, Archibald 'Harry' Tuttle, said in the 1985 cult movie,"Brazil", "We're all in this together."

      @ Anonymous, may I recommend two sci-fi movies to watch?

      This Island Earth, and Toomorrow, they're both about us stupid earthlings trying to help the populations of other planets.

      @ Ken, I'm surprised you didn't recommend This Island Earth, a genuine sci-fi classic.

    3. @STEVO: Yes, "This Island Earth" is considered a "classic" because of its big budget and props aplenty. But, to tell you the truth I found the first 2/3rds of the movie to be a bit of a drag. They should have condensed it to 1/3rd and given us double the amount of action in space and on the bombed out world of "Metaluna". I tend to disapprove of films that jerk the viewer around for most of the film and then, finally, and often grudgingly give him what he wants to see toward the end of the flick. This method is often used by low budget films that have cheap special effects that they don't want on screen too long or which have few of them at all. In a film like "This Island Earth" there was no excuse for that, imo. As a collector, I, of course, have a copy in my permanent DVD film library, but whenever I view it, I tend to jump through the initial 2/3rds to get to the parts I found well done.

    4. Thankyou for the welcome to this world, there is a Ken Behrendt in my own universe Earth as well and he is a Bessler Wheel enthusiast .

  16. Okay,
    I'll start with the wheelie bit first, just before my accident, I did carry out a little experiment with fishing weights, a bent Biro spring and a 12in. ruler, this worked as I expected, but of course, I had to manually place, and then remove the stop peg for the spring.
    On a larger scale I'm hoping that the stop peg can remain in place, and as the spring winds up, the part touching the peg will contract and free itself without having to use a release catch. Time will tell.
    Now the movie part, look away if you are of a nervous disposition !
    @ Ken & James, I don't know if you are aware of a website called sprdword, but there's lots of documentaries about big pharma, the meat / food industry, the Builerburgs, Freemasons etc. you both may like it.

    1. Thanks for the tip on Looks interesting and I've added it to my "Sites to Visit" folder and will check it out more thoroughly later.

      Meanwhile, here's something of interest I came across. What do gambling and perpetual motion have in common? Actually, the popular game of roulette found in all casinos worldwide was the result of a French physicist's failed attempts to build a perpetual motion wheel! Here's a link to a site that gives some more info on the game and shows the physicist with the original roulette wheel he developed:

    2. Ken,
      I did mention the roulette connection a little while ago, when John asked about making money from Bessler's Wheel, I suggested marking numbers on the rim while experimenting, and using the one where it stops to pick the lottery numbers!
      I think it's the Florida lottery that's worth over $600,000,000 now. WOW!

    3. I've been playing the Power Ball lottery for the last few drawings. Last night's jackpot was $500 million and there was no winner. Saturday night's jackpot is estimated at $700 million and if there's no winner that night, the next rollover could take it up to near 1 billion dollars! The odds of hitting the Power Ball jackpot are 1 in 292.2 million. That's not really's more like looking for a miracle. Actually, one's chance of cracking the secret of Bessler's wheels is probably far higher! But, sooner or later someone is going to win and if one is not playing at least one combination, his chance of winning drops to 1 in infinity also known as zero! You've got to be in it to win it, but you also have to have truly phenomenal luck. Most likely, when the win comes it will be by a pool of players who chipped in and played hundreds of combinations. But, there's always the chance it might go to a single person. With that kind of money and a few years of skillful investment, one could wind up as a billionaire! If it happened to me, I'd probably give most of the money to various charities and researchers doing medical research. I don't need hundreds of millions to be happy and comfortable...a few million should suffice, at least until that global socialist state I mentioned above becomes a reality. Meanwhile, you buy your tickets and get a chance to fantasize for a while until the drawing is held and you discover you only caught one or two of the numbers drawn. Last night, the combo I played caught none of the numbers drawn...bummer.

    4. I am not familiar with that one, Stevo, but surely will investigate.

      Also, K.B. has a link going to a fantastic B&W and color Sci-Fi reviews site. It seems to cover almost everything and the reviews are not just simple knock-offs.

      (Also, 'sure hope that injured hand was not your J-Zing one. That could add-up to a real bummer for a guy, alright.)

      - James -

    5. Here's the link to that site you mentioned, James:

      I might add that it was you who provided me with this link about a decade ago in an email. You probably forgot about that. I thank you because I used it extensively in building my "core" collection of DVD movies and still do use it on occasion. The guy who compiled it is truly a "world class" fan of these films.

    6. Sorry John,
      we do seem to have taken over your site and gone off topic!
      I'll try to make this my last one, I'm just replying so as not to upset people.
      @ Ken & James, I'm not much into collections, mainly because things ordered online, or sent through the post have to go through customs, some items, such as car parts can attract a 60% duty, I think the charge depends on how hard up the Government is at the time!
      I did however bring with me my entire collection of Doctor Who Target novelizations (by the way, it's always Doctor, never Dr.)
      Any old movies I fancy watching, I try to find on youtube.
      James, the stitches are coming out on Tuesday, hopefully then it'll just be a band aid covering, and I can take things in hand.

      If anybody does injure their finger tip while working on their project, here's a little wrinkle I use.
      I like to use the old type of fabric sticking plaster (Band Aid) so I keep some ready cut in the package, to save trying to do it when there's blood everywhere.
      For finger tips I cut a piece about 2in. (50mm) long, and then cut a V from the corners to the middle near the pad, making it look like a bow-tie.
      To use, fold the dressing over the cut, then wrap the "wings" around the finger, voila, one neatly patched finger.
      Of course, this only applies to minor injuries.

    7. Ken, I had quite forgotten and still have, it's having been so long ago.

      We used to communicate by e-Mail a decade ago? Seems like that long.

      Well, it is that same 11 3/4" wheel that I am working on, that we discussed back then.

      (You see, the thing is that I work small, long and hard, but think big, see? I am confident that if Johann were to come back and observe such a spectacle of sheerest dedication, that he would touch me which is Wonderful Wand of Perpetuum, and thereby on the account, grant me assured success.)

      I hope that Stevo will bookmark that link for his use.

      - James

    8. Stevo,
      Your make-ready fix for injuries seems to indicate to me that you occasionally have such accidents? In the long-run that can go very badly for one and his hands. I hope it is not actually the case. Once I had ONE very close call with a band saw (i.e. a meat-saw!) while cutting a wood piece. It cut through and rapidly went in-between my fingers stopping just before cutting into my hand. As a precautionary warning seemingly, it also just scraped the left side of my right hand ring finger drawing just a little blood and removing tiny skin shavings. This I took as a warning from Providence to "BE CAREFUL NEXT TIME!!!". I was to be so most dutifully, and as reward for this, for forty years hence never had an accident in the shop again, thanks to Providence.

      I must inquire: Might I ask about the Astrological sign under which you were born? (In some certain ways that you express yourself, these seem a tad familiar. There'd be no harm here, of course, if you do not wish to say.)

      Ha! It is good indeed to hear that those stitches with be out soon enough for vital essentials to be once again attended-to.


      + James -

    9. That is yet another advantage to confining oneself to only building his wheels on a computer monitor and not in the shop: one avoids exposure to a host of dangerous things such as razor sharp edges moving at high velocity through soft flesh and even bone, high torque surfaces pinching toward closure with a finger between them, snapping metal objects that fire shrapnel into the eyes at the speed of a bullet, and inhalation of various organic solvents that can lead to premature degeneration of the cerebral neurons. Just one nasty accident in a shop could leave a person disabled for life or even dead! Yes, I much prefer the quiet serenity of computer simulation which allow days of struggle in the shop to be easily compressed into mere minutes. Of course, if one's virtual research should be successful, then it's time to head to the shop for final real world verification. But, there's plenty of time for that and there's nothing saying it can not be performed by others who are better equipped to do so.

    10. Ken,
      you are right of course, but I wouldn't know where to start with a simulation, and the 2D one that Vibrator was kind enough to do for me makes me think that it couldn't duplicate what I have in mind.
      A 3D simulator may be the answer, but that would mean trusting somebody to do it for me.

      for what it's worth, I'm a Capricorn, just had my birthday on the 5th.
      40 years in industrial maintenance does tend to lead to quite a few hand injuries.The reason for the plasters now is that my wife and I run a small restaurant, and we have to keep a first aid box ready to use. Staff, delivery drivers, customers always seem to need something, so we keep stuff handy.

    11. @STEVO: If you were to download Working Model 2D and practice with it for a few hours, you would be amazed at how easy it is to use. They even have a tutorial with it that shows you how to use its various "tools" to construct different machines. I wish I had had it decades ago!

    12. Working Model 2D ........ how much?

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    14. Thank you for completely f'ing up my computer!
      If anyone is smart, they won't touch that link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    15. Stevo,

      Ah yes, a Capricorn. I've only been privilaged to know one, and he was a co-worker in organ building AND his name too was also James but, we were both called Jim by our fellows, he "big" and myself "little" this because Jim weighed about thirty pounds more. (I don't know what that might be in stone.) He and I (the Taurus/Gemini) got along splendidly. Thanks much for sharing that bit of info.

      It is most interesting to me what you and your wife do. When next down in your territory (this will be after a successful wheel is sold) I shall make it a point of visiting you at your eatery and of partaking of your menu delicacies, as I fancy they would likely be on account of your exotic location. (Once, while in Japan, I had there some very good gourmet Mexican food. Most laugh when I tell that story here but it was true.)

      I'd better cut this short right now as I've a baaaaad feeling coming on that The Scimitar of Baghdad is headed for our too off-topic necks! :-)


      - James +

    16. James,
      off topic, yes, but it does raise an important safety issue for anyone using lifting equipment in their workshop.
      1 stone = 14 lbs. it's based on what the Americans call the Long Ton, 2,240 lbs.
      Anyway, my point is, if you have any tackle marked only in Tons, always assume US Tons, 2,000 lbs. Something marked 5 Tons, could mean a difference of 1,200 lbs. so err on the side of caution.
      I guess the difference in weights, liquid measure, spelling etc. came about with the American Revolution, which occurred just about the same time as these things were being standardized.
      BTW, the metric system is the only officially recognized measurement system in the US, passed by Act of Congress in 1866.

    17. Well, I posted the email address and toll free phone number for the company that makes Working Model 2D, but it seems to have disappeared. Not sure if there was a problem when I posted it or if John removed it for some reason. Anyway, here is a link to a page they have where you can input your contact info and they will send you a free demo copy of their wm2d on a CD so you can "evaluate" it to see if you like it:

  17. K.B. and Stevo,

    While exploring YouTube "Recommendations" Saturday eve, I ran across a Top Ten Review of 50's Sci-Fi but this is an effort made by a quite young chap who I would guess to be around fifteen years of age? He does a good job. For his age there is much thinking, expressing and pondering offered the viewer. When seeing young people (some, not all) expounding, extemporizing, I am often amazed that their discerning/descriptive capacity, and am filled with hope that such WILL cut through all the crap that we have put them under, in figure out just what it is that they need in order to progress. I think that they are slowly but surely coming to understand that Political Correctness and certain now-bankrupt ideas of Nouveau Liberality, are to be trash-canned. Also they REJECT the regimen of viciously inculcated sexual misery that the older generations insist!-insist!-insist! that they should abide.

    The supremely evil, vile monstrosity that is in irrefutable fact Heterocentrism, is to be torn apart unapologetically limb-from-limb, by them.

    This process is well underway. It's thousands of years-long rule of tormenting Hell, as based upon inculcated guilt and self-loathing regarding ordered sexuality, is to be ended.

    That having been said :0 the kid is right-on, I think, regarding his excellent Review in two parts, both to be found here:

    "Live long and prosper."

    - James +

    1. Thanks again for the link, James. Well, he tends to ramble on a bit, but, generally, I would agree with his list of the top ten sci-fi films of the '50's, but not in the particular order he gives. I would not rate "The Day the Earth Stood Still" as #1. Come to think of it, it's hard to really pick a #1 film. I guess I'd let several films share that top spot.

    2. As always, you are most welcomed.

      Yeah, he does but I think he may have had a few tokes on some restricted substance just before. (Also, his language and usage is very 'knowing' for his years.)

      I'm not sure I could pick a number one favorite. If really pressed to, I guess reluctantly it would have to be Forbidden Planet. MGM put a lot of dough into that one, and it showed.

      When it first appeared, I found a discount coupon in some cereal that Mom used to get, and it was to see this one at about half-price.

      The idea of the invisible power and that it tore-up some guys scared this then eleven-year old. I was entranced by the color and interiors as well as the gigantic Krel apparatus. This must have been the very first instance of Sci-Fi being given the full-bore "A" movie treatment. (I wonder if there were any deleted out-takes that might have provided some gore scenes of inside the ship after the Id monster finished his rampage.)

      The same chap has some other single movie reviews available too.

      - James +

    3. Yes, I'd have to go with "Forbidden Planet" being #1 even though, at the time, it was not really a box office hit. It was the first sci-fi flick where human beings explored a planet outside of our solar system and did so in a flying saucer of their own construction. All that talk about radar, flux coils, dc tubes, blaster guns, invisible monsters, robots, and aliens which are never shown, but whose scientific achievements are everywhere was mesmerizing, especially for a young viewer. Even the avatar I now use on my Google account is of the Andromeda galaxy and reminds me of the same galaxy shown on the wall in Morbius' study. Maybe that's why I selected it!

    4. Here's a nice screen shot from "Forbidden Planet" showing Morbius in his study. However, now that I look at it, I'm wondering if the back lighted stars behind him are actually the Andromeda galaxy after all. In any event, it definitely looks cool.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...