Friday 13 May 2016

Johann Bessler's use of Codes

Did Johann Bessler leave any clues?

Were any encrypted?

Was there more than one kind of clue?

Were they intended to help us reconstruct his wheel or was there some other reason??

Johann Bessler left numerous clues of such a diverse nature that although researchers have made some progress in interpreting some of the clues, in almost every case each researcher has discovered that a different method of encoding them has been used.

My own work on chaper 55 of Apologia Poetica can be seen at
It doesn't reveal any hidden information other than the fact that there definitely is a code and an extensive one.

I have also presented some other codes at my web site at Again these offer little other than the code and my interpretation of each one, and they appear to be indicating fiurther research is needed in order to understand what they mean.

Øystein has made signifiant advances in deciphering another range of codes totally unrelated to those I have mentioned above.  He has shared with myself some examples of his work and it cannot be denied that what he has found was intentional and therefore authored by Bessler himself.  There is also the work done by Ken B.  Unfortunately I have not had access to his findings so I am unable to verify it but he is planning to publish details shortly and then perhaps we can form an opinion

Where as Oystein's work is a combination of what I might call alphagraphical codes although it doesn't relate to QR bar codes, Ken's has found information in Bessler's portraits.  My own work involves yet another variation on the codes used, this time deducing the author's intention from clues within certain of Bessler's drawings.

Finally there are a number of textual hints which seem on the face of it either meaningless or too ambiguous to be of practical value, however when taken together with other clues, some sense can be made of them.

It is clear from the above and other areas of research that Bessler did indeed intend to leave enough practical informtion to allow us to reconstruct his wheel.  I know that there have been several statements both here and on the forum that we shall never know whether we have reconstructed Bessler's wheel or simply found another way to produce similar results, but in my opinion which comes from informed research, there are a number of pieces of useful information, which indicate why his wheel worked and how, so that the reconstruction of a wheel very similar to Bessler's will be achieved and in the near future.

I think that the detailed explanation in a textual format will be found in Chapter 55 of Apologia Poetica, but the graphic explanations which may be intended to supplement the text version will be found in Bessler's drawings.  Elsewhere there are the hints in the text which suggest the answer may be found in Apologia Poetica, and as I've said above, specifically in chapter 55.  There are also numerous tiny clues which seem to point to 5, 5 and 5 or 55; why the number 5? I think everyone knows my feelings on that, but using the number 5 may also have presented itself as the obvious choice for which chapter to include the extensive codes in, hence chaper 55.  

Also he initiated the whole encodement question by adopting the pseudonym Orffyreus, and you can see more about that on my web site at

From all the hints and statements he made we can be sure that Bessler did intend for his wheel to be rediscovered should he unfortunately die before a buyer could be found - and he stated that he would be content with post humous acknowledgement - if that is not an unequivocal allusion to information being available after his death, then I don't know what it.



  1. It is possible bessler didn't want anyone finding out the wheel's secret hence he incorporated codes iin his writings to enable him to easily access the same in his rebirth...Suresh

    1. This is a belief I do not subscribe to but I know that it is a widely taught doctrine in Buddism for instance. The idea that a person is born again after death, in endless cycles, has echoes in perpetual motion - no offence intended.


    2. I see now things that way, where Bessler wanted to "sign" his achievement in his lifetime or then later on, to history books. With his findings and all public tests, he was in state "I must left some clues behind, that I was the first one". Before someone else will discover or steal and reveal or sell his inventions. There was big push to him mentally, "must left clues" from his name. Other ways there was no any proof left in future, that Bessler have made and discovered something similar.
      Always there can take things like in movie "Paycheck" - remember the future. My last personal wow in this field was when I read, in witch date Bessler was born... I take it more like coincidence, at least at the moment ...

      @John... Øystein ... have you found "some codes" from page layouts/positions in original MT? Also have you found arbor vitae there?

      (Do here readers (not writers) know how many original copies of MT are in the world?! I know the right answer. But those who do not know, please find it out!)

      All the best to John, in Your moves.


  2. In order for (a) gravity wheel to work, does it have to have weights, levers and springs just like Bessler's origanal wheels?

  3. Absolutely....the levers, weights & springs are the main is the levers swinging with the weights actually imbalance the is much like pedalling a after one the weights land at 3 O clock position and then descend thereby turning the wheel in the process...this is the simplicity which we have to accept...the wheel just comprises of weights, levers & springs...all arranged in a beautiful manner, of course....Suresh

  4. Bessler could finally find this design after many, many can be said that only the above design will make a gravity wheel work and no other...that is why no one could solve the issue till is this one and only design(bessler's design) that'll took bessler so many years and even proved tough for can imagine how tough it would be to normal persons like us...that is why it is proving hard...Suresh

    1. One of the things that demonstrates his commitment to the project, is that he had to build and rebuilt so many models, and parts of models, to find the answer. It was the only way for him, as there were no simulations possible, no help available, just the 'experts' to tell him hie was wasting his time. At least we have the knowledge that it could be done because he did it, he didn't even have that.


  5. No doubt, I'm off topic: no clues, no levers, no springs... But, for those who are interested by the 108th drawing of Maschinen Tractate, here is the MT-108 animation I've recently made:

    1. On topic definitely Michel and nice work, thank you. I wonder why Bessler's version emerged from the water at the top. I can only think that by coming out of the water at that point there would be less resistance to rotation?


    2. So John, do you think the above animation has potential?

    3. Thank you, John! Still about MT-108, and to be really "on topic" now, I've added a new paragraph —with a small illustration— to discuss a potential clue shown in the drawing:

    4. You might be right Michel, I cannot decide whether the addition of the bent arm 'A' adds anything to Bessler's drawing or not. Does it tell us anything we cannot determine from the rest of the drawing? But certainly I think it's better included than not and it does look like another of Bessler's clues. It could be used to point out that the action of the letter 'A' might be used elsewhere in MT. Nice work.


    5. I agree, it's hard to decide. So, let's play a betting game.
      For instance, let's look at the letter A, in the previous drawing 'MT-107' (even though, obviously, this wheel can't work): the right leg of the A isn't it very much bolder than the left one? Obviously yes.
      1. May it really be aleatory, due to chance?
      2. May it mean that the right containers are more filled, thus heavier than the left ones?
      How many will we bet (or how many chances percent) on the first assumption to be right? And how many on the second?

    6. I hadn't, consciously at least, noticed that one leg was deliberately drawn heavier in MT 107. I think maybe because I dismissed the design as unworkable, but now you've pointed it out Michel, I think it is definitely meant to indicate the right containers are heavier.

      How does this fact apply to MT 107? The 'A' in MT 108 looks normal to me.


  6. Hi John, any items here your not aware of?


    1. No I'm very familiar with all the books, but thanks for asking.


  7. Hello John,
    Any new developments on your gravity wheel?

    1. I'm stuck in limbo right now. I'm living with my daughter and her family, I have no workshop and very little room, but as soon as I'm back from a short holiday in Spain I take over the new house on June 10th - then I can get back to work on the wheel!


  8. Eastlander wrote: @John... Øystein ... have you found "some codes" from page layouts/positions in original MT? Also have you found arbor vitae there?

    Do you mean the Jewish Three of Life or the Sephirot? If so, no.

    Yes there are codes in the original MT! Both general codes and personal codes. Bessler had to be thought codes and must have been thought both the ancient and recent "mysteries" and secrets. He preserved the knowledge in MT.

    I have never found the Sephirot used as a code, and I believe the reason is that the Sephirot was and is public knowledge (not secret), thus only serves as a "cover-up" for the real ancient secret figure.. This figure is found in MT! And in other great works.. It has to do with what we now know as "Pythagoras". Read: Pythagoras was not the inventor of "Pythagoras". Pythagoras was originally secret knowledge, applied in a secret way. Bessler knew. The first time Pythagoras formula was publicly described was almost 4000 years ago in a stone inscription! "Pythagoras" later became a part of "The Elements" (of Euclid).

    The great mason Albert Pike wrote that "All masonry is based upon Pythagoras as described in "The Elements".

    Then most masonry is based up Rosicrucianism, and the Rosicrucianism is based upon the ancient secret from Egypt and the mystery schools!

    All this is public knowledge, even written on their web-sites.

    Good luck searching...

  9. Thanks for educational information Øystein!

    I just want to bring out here next:
    One finding/clue lead to another and
    almost all are connected with each other.
    One books "end" show you the way where to look future.
    Do not forget to bring key with you.
    The key and lock are not in same place,
    rather they are like twins, connected with each other in special way.
    It all sounds here like one mad man halucinating dream, but
    this dream facts are more then real, when you see all in right order.


  10. I would like to ask a question: does anyone have a cheap way for a cheap solution to put a hard coating over Styrofoam? I'm making my own wheel and so I want to cover the inside and outside with some type of hardcoat covering. Any ideas?

    1. try several layers of water based acrylic sealant

    2. Should I place fiberglass between each layer of acrylic? Or just straight acrylic? Also, should it be sprayed on or brush on?

    3. if its small object just mulitple layers of sealant. you can spray them on. if its a big object, brush it on and yes you can put fiberglas between coats if you want. all this increases wt of object though. always check label to make sure sealant is ok for styro.

    4. I put approximately two coats of (Mod Podge) basically it's a glue that seals the styrofoam, on it. So, I would like to really make it stiff just like fiberglass. I think your idea of using water based acrylic with the fiberglass would work very well. Thanks for your help! ��

  11. Look at this now.

    How peaceful and reasonable, and measured matters seem presently, post the "departure" of that Peculiar Personage, of much unwarranted self-impress.

    "ALEXANDER - The Man Who KNOWS!!"

    But did ours, after all?

    The horrendous, clueless overbearing upset that that one caused IS irritation no more.

    What an improvement, such that we now enjoy.


    Now, barring a reappearance of the Technoguy (so-called, this being but a not-so-cleverly disguised alter ego version of the P.P. himself, or so I believe) this particular ". . . attack dog." (as I was once dubbed long ago by a justly-excoriated object of my ire, which may actually have been TG "himself") will go back to his wheel building subterra.

    When done, and of it's very own self running finally, then I will have something to offer, something other than mere vomitous "Me!-me!-me!- AM I not so intelligent, and so admirable? Huh?" type blather, as some here used to foist but NOW no more.

    As we used to exclaim when glorious Hippies doing Hippy-like thingies back in the day . . .

    Peace, man!


    PS Before I was that, I was a Beatnik. Java anyone and, what is the meaning of life??? Well, now we know, I think. It is to be found in searching for Bessler's wheel secret and then . . . finally discovering it.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...