Monday 23 May 2016

The Legend of Bessler's Wheel.

I have replaced my usual blog with a brief account of the legend of Bessler's wheel.  I'm currently unable to maintain the frequency of my blog due to commitments which are keeping me exceedingly busy!  

Once I have completed my house purchase, and have set up a new workshop so that I can finish my wheel tests, I shall return to the blog - plus I shall have published my interpretation of a large number of Bessler's clues, none of which relate to Bessler's portraits. So there should ample reason for discussion.

23rd May 2016


The legend of Bessler’s Wheel began on 6th June 1712, when Johann Bessler announced that he had invented a perpetual motion machine and he would be exhibiting it in the town square in Gera, Germany, on that day.  Everyone was free to come and see the machine running.  It took the form of a wheel mounted between two pillars and ran continuously until it was stopped or its parts wore out. The machine attracted huge crowds.  Although they were allowed to examine its external appearance thoroughly, they could not view the interior, because the inventor wished to sell the secret of its construction for the sum of 10,000 pounds – a sum equal to several millions today.

News of the invention reached the ears of high ranking men, scientists, politicians and members of the aristocracy.  They came and examined the machine, subjected it to numerous tests and concluded that it was genuine. Only one other man, Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, was allowed to view the interior and he testified that the machine was genuine. He is a man well-known in history as someone of the greatest integrity, and  the negotiations between Bessler and Karl took place against a background in which Karl acted as honest broker between the warring nations of Europe; a situation which required his absolute rectitude both in appearance and in action.

There were several attempts to buy the wheel, but negotiations always failed when they reached an impasse – the buyer wished to examine the interior before parting with the money, and the inventor fearing that once the secret was known the buyer would simply leave without paying and make his own perpetual motion machine, would not permit it.  Sadly, after some thirty years or more, the machine was lost to us when the inventor fell to his death during construction of another of his inventions, a vertical axle windmill.

However, the discovery of a series of encoded clues has led many to the opinion that the inventor left instructions for reconstructing his wheel, long after his death.  The clues were discovered during the process of investigating the official reports of the time which seemed to rule out any chance of fraud, hence the  interest in discovering the truth about the legend of Bessler’s wheel.

My own curiosity was sparked by the realisation that an earlier highly critical account by Bessler's maid-servant, which explained how the wheel was fraudulently driven, was so obviously flawed and a lie, that I was immediately attracted to do further research. In time I learned that there was no fraud involved, so the wheel was genuine and the claims of the inventor had to be taken seriously.

The tests which the wheel was subjected to involved lifting heavy weights from the castle yard to the roof, driving an Archimedes water pump and an endurance test lasting 56 days under lock and key and armed guard.  Bessler also organised demonstrations involving running the wheel on one set of bearings opened for inspection – and then transferring the device to a second set of open bearings, both sets having been examined to everyone’s satisfaction, both before, after and during the examination.

So the only problem is that modern science denies that Bessler's wheel was possible, but my own research has shown that this conclusion is wrong.  There is no need for a change in the laws of physics, as some  have suggested, we simply haven't covered every possible scenario in the evaluating the number of possible configurations.

I have produced copies of all Bessler's publications, with English translations.  They can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate links on the right.



  1. Well, while John continues with his house and his bessler wheel, has anyone had any success with their sims program gravity wheel or, an actual build? I just wanted to start a new discussion.

    1. I've had some theoretical success with simulations that involve 1) gravity, together with 2) the fact that the Earth rotates.

      Currently I'm looking at ways of obtaining pendulum-like oscillations of long periodic time, without having to use physically long pendulums. (Linkages such as Roberts or Chebyshev etc. *may* work for this).

      But, like others, I don't want to just give away all I've found so far!

    2. Hi Arktos 1001,
      Out of curiosity, is it designed to start spontaneously.

    3. Uneqk, It can only start with some energy already stored, e.g. in springs, or a weight raised above its equilibrium position. But it could be stopped in that same initial state for its next restart, after running. So then it would start spontaneously.

  2. I have a question for anyone on this post: Does anyone know where I can find a (clear) inner tube for a 27inch bicycle rim? I read some place that they can be bought in the UK. But is that the only place to buy them? I read that these inner tubes are very lite and reduces the weight on the bicycle. Does anyone have an idea where I could get one? Perhaps someone on this post has one or two that I could buy from them.

    Please let me know.


  3. Thanks, I'll contact them!

  4. Where is everybody at? Hello? Knock knock? Ring ring? Where's John and Uneqk and Surish and Ken and......

    Seriously though, has anyone heard how John is doing? I'm still working quietly in the background on my gravity wheel. It's about 90% complete, just waiting on a part that I bought which should be here today or sometime next week.

    Anyway, it would be nice to have a conversation with someone besides myself, it's really no that enlightening. So, I look forward to hearing from someone.


    1. i wrote Ken last week. hes got all the pcitures done for his new bessler book and is working on the text part. he thinks it will be about three hundrd pages long. he said he'll be back here when its done and on its way to the publisher.

  5. Hello Perpetualman,
    John's probably still on holiday, or moving into he's new House, and like you everyone's working on they machines, can I ask, how long have you been working on your machine, and will it start spontaneously.

    1. Hello Uneqk!

      I've been working on it for about a month now. Progress is slow but ongoing. As far as it starting by itself, I haven't got that far yet. But,
      I'm building it in such a way so that it will start by itself, and also run in reverse. My only road block is, what if this thing actually works!? Honestly, I wouldn't know what to do, where to go, or who to talk to. I would have so many butterflies in my stomach that, I would probably get sick. But, first things first, finish building it and then video tape it...just in case it does what I think it will do.

      Wow!!! Its so awesome to finally talk to someone again on this forum!😄

    2. Hi Perpetualman,
      You'll be working on your device for about a month, if your nearly on completion then that is amazing.
      However if your working from Besslers clues, then forget it. Your got more chance of being successfully with a device of your own.
      You could spend a million years looking for clues, they won't help you.
      From what you say, I don't think you believe your device will work anyway?
      Anyway it's nice to dream now and then,
      You say "what if this thing actually works" then sell it to John.
      Main thing is to enjoy what your doing.

      And John - hope you love your new house and have many, many happy years living there.
      Best wishes

    3. Well, if it actually works, shouldn't I just go public with it? Like get news coverage of it weather on tv or newsprint?

      I'm not building from Bessler's clues. I'm doing it my way, maybe even better than Bessler's and it will be very quiet compared to Bessler's noisy wheel.

    4. Good for you.
      Once you know it works, patent it, now people will tell you not too. But it isn't that expensive and then you can do what you like with it, you can sell it or give it away, or even throw it in the Bin, the choice is yours. Ok you can just go on TV with it, but no patent, then no rights, then anyone can just build it. People say they wouldn't patent it, but if they had a working model in front of then , most would change their mind.
      Good luck and perhaps we can compare models one day.

    5. Being that this is a totally different approach from a traditional gravity wheel, I think I will pursue patent rights for this particular design. But, before I can do that, I need to prove that it works. Once the piece that I ordered comes in, I can finish putting it together. And then hope for the best!

    6. Angelic fairy people run the patent system .

    7. Your probably right, but once you present you application, they cannot throw it out without an hearing, and if your got a working model in front of them, there's little they can do, also your seen to do the right thing, these patent laws are there for a reason.

  6. All my posts normally normally disappear within a minute or two .

  7. my post about angelic fairies was deleted !

    1. we angel fairy people decided to do that because we dont want anyone knowin we monitor this blog and made besslers wheels move!

  8. I checked the spam folder and there has only been one since April. I unspammed it.


  9. Today is 304 year anniversary from Bessler first public wheel demonstartion!

    Do anybody know, how many different outside wheel tests was made totally?
    Was this first Gera demonstration only one, whitch was made in outside!?

  10. Well my part finally arrived today! Now I just need to fix one piece on my wheel which should take about a couple of hours, and then put it together and see if I have one of those eureka moments. I'll post the results soon.

  11. Well, I fixed one part of my wheel, and it took about an hour and half. So, my next step is to re-enforce the inside rim of the wheel with plastic sheeting.

    Almost there!

    1. Any relation to Ken?

    2. I don't think so. But, I do believe that we all came from one set of parents. So, in one way or another, weather directly or indirectly, I think we're all related to each other in some way.

      What do you think?

    3. I think we just had a bad spell of whether!

  12. Question:

    Bessler said that his wheel or something in his wheel resembled a grind stone. What was he making reference to? Was he saying that the whole wheel looked like a grind stone or just something inside that looked like a grind stone?

    Or, now that I think about it, maybe he was describing the weights inside his wheel as looking like a grind stone.

    But if that were the case, how could one weight lift another weight above the plane of equilibrium? There must be some ingenious way to get this accomplished.

    Can anyone shed some light on this subject?

    1. he was just talking about the shape of the drum. there wsa no stones inside the drum

    2. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

    3. First logic, where start to "think" here is ... like Bessler try to inform us with drawing nr 5 in MT.(In my findings it must come after some other drawing, not firstly, to understand all bigger picture correctly. this nr 5 supports Bessler clues theory, that John and others here have found. but it is not main clue, just tiny little supporting one). This picture shows ONLY, that wheel have two working areas. We may call those as rings, inner and outer ring.
      Actually inner ring "things" reassambles outer ring "things". (Those "things" are not visible in drawing 5, this is just one small part of the clue, that supports his setup and what must come after you have seen others clues.)
      In actual machine, inner ring with his little moving´s, is always in balance (like roberval), outer bigger moving is not in balance (like kiiking or teeter totter)... thanks to inner ring.


  13. Just like the weight can easily lift another...but bessler ensured several other supporting effects...the weights follow a shorter path while ascending...this, and other two crucial design of both weights and the internal wheel structure ensure a very smooth movement....this can be only envisaged through a serious mind racking and by simulations not following codes...and, as far as patenting is concerned, we should think of crossing the river only after we reach it....bessler wheel comprises of a very cleverly designed levers and weights for viruses a very well coordinated movement....Suresh

  14. Omit viruses...Suresh

    1. Read as " not by simulations or codes".....errors regretted...Suresh

  15. Someone asked me if I was related to Ken, how come? Does it sound like I'm walking the same path as he was? I'm just trying to share a little optimism by letting others know how my progress is going on my wheel.

    1. I can't imagine why anyone would.

      Your writing style varies greatly from his, displaying none of the clueless, thoughtless telltales that do a clinically diagnosable narcissist's. (And, borderline schizoids display utter cheeky disregard for the discomfiture of others plus, the impossibility of BEING SHAMED ever, or of feeling ashamed.) These subtle but very dangerous disorders of personality ARE-ON-THE-INCREASE!

      I believe this to be on the account variously of food additives plus environmental recombinant drugging (fluoride, aluminum-based underarm "deodorants" as infused over a lifetime - Alzheimers anyone?) as coupled with madcap nonsensical teachings of politics as combined with mega-creepy self-censorship, this according to "correctness" politically.

      (The Trumpster Donald seeks to disintegrate mercilessly, this Marxist-derived stinking garbage, of mind control on-a-roll.)

      Most cannot take it all, and abort unbeknownst from Reality itself, the Peculiar Personage himself standing as a prime example of this tragedy, the only thing left after being no heart nor feeling, for others or self, just ugly brain-work all shorn of those two essentials, these required so as to be and remain as recognizably human.

      (And, for good measure, throw-in the ancient insane mystical BIG THREE Abrahamic-based cracked-pot belief systems, and it becomes an obvious wonder that any are barely functional-still.

      No, you could not possibly be related to "Ken", Perpetualman. (If I were, I would seek an RCC Exorcism Deluxe pronto, for one would not much desire to wrestle with demon Azazel, would one???)

      Keep up the search . . .


    2. no one is related to ken. hes a force of nature like a eartquake or huricane. on one site they niknamed him 'the volcano'. when his book comes out i want one. it should be incredable after what he wrote here about besslers wheels.

    3. "no one is related to ken. . . ." Anonymous

      Then, any that might have been are indeed lucky. (Proved, raging egomania is best avoided, especially by blood relatives.)

      ". . . hes a force of nature like a eartquake or huricane." - Anonymous.

      Frankly, this part of his equation I had missed. Thanks for updating us.

      ". . . on one site they niknamed him 'the volcano'. . . ."

      Really! This part fits. Utterly regardless, endless spewing of self, and of attention-getting 'me! me! me! look at ME!!' will tend to net one such a just appellation. This tiny information bit is good to know-of.

      ". . . . when his book comes out i want one. it should be incredable after what he wrote here about besslers wheels." - Anonymous

      I won't. I like credibility not smoke and self-stroking. Let him REVEAL the wheel's actual operation, THEN he will become "incredable" no longer. Until then, it is just more of the so-so-la-la usual.

      (As I write of such matters, it is good that I remain in a positive mood for it.)

    4. endless spewing of self, and of attention-getting 'me! me! me! look at ME!!' will tend to net one such a just appellation.

      that describes you too J. people who only see flaws in others mostly feel very flawed themselves. i hope ken comes back and soon.

    5. '. . . that describes you too J. . . ."

      No. Rejected. Absolutely it does not.

      ". . . people who only see flaws in others mostly feel very flawed themselves."

      Now, this seems right but, the problem is that it does not apply here. Nice try, though.

      No, the actual issue now abated (seemingly) was the presence of an awesomely overbearing monstrosity of egoism, that just did not and likely never will know his right limits.

      We all have them and should realize why and what they are for.

      In this regard, for this purpose, that Peculiar Personage now blessedly exiled didn't obviously, and at his age I am sure never will discover that ideal balance. (I pity those around him, if there even are any.)

      What you and too many of ones like you do not do nor understand, is that at certain times it is necessary to confront that which is out-of-order and vexing to see it fixed or with that failing, to say 'hasta la vista' to the parasitic presence.

      This very thing John DID, and for very good reason, after all that endless nonsense had progressed WAY TOO FAR, and now on account a blessed peace unknown before does prevail.

      Understand please, that standing-up for what one perceives as being right and just these days, is some risky business, in this Marxist PC-soaked nuthouse of a cracked-pot world. For any doing of it as I see fit to, I make no apologies.

      ". . . i hope ken comes back and soon." - Anonymous

      I think we understand that this is the case for you, whomever or whatever you may be.

      For my own part I hope he does-so AFTER he has an actual working wheel. That would be splendid but, before then if he were to, it would be the same old tired routine which many here even though mostly silent, disliked greatly and would again.

      In addition and to close, there is something supremely vexatious about know-it-all's, generally.

      Great German pianist Alfred Reisenauer commenting on the greatly-famous also pianist Paderewski:

      "He knows ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING . . . except music!!"

      Well, with all due respect to Herr Reisenauer and his essentially correct opinion as it regarded Pederewski's likely hard musical knowledge deficit, it was not at all offensive to any that Paddy knew very much about a great deal, as he was a genuinely great man.

      Our Peculiar Personage is not but, went-on as if this were so.

      As to the proposition that it might be otherwise presently I demurr but, we shall see. (I am no Criswell.)

    6. stll i learned much from ken about bessler wheels. i have not learned anything form you or others here accept john. to me ken is like giant. a volcano yes but one that shoots out ideas.

    7. I think we are beginning to get the picture here . . .

      You are right, he IS a "giant", a giant of ego maniacal self-preoccupation and, as well , a "volcano" of a certain sort, the precise describing of which I'll resist the temptation to do, this for the sake of propriety, and of comity.

    8. i think you are like miget who is jeaslous of giant. you make much noise hoping to be giant but stay miget. he is silent and rmains giant. big difrence.

    9. I think we are beginning to get the picture here . . .

  16. Replies
    1. Hi Trevor!

      Uh-oh! I guess you did not much like that last "And, for good measure . . ." part? (Yikes!)

      Sorry 'bout that, Trev . . .

      Of-recent I have been listening to the arguments of atheism/anti-theism, and much of it is hard to counter logically. It seems a fact indisputable, that these three systems of belief in myriads of ways, are responsible for so much bloodshed, lying, hate, self-hate, self-loathing, the inculcation of GUILT, confusion, division and endless fighting, that they would appear, each and every one, as Nexis Evil itself, very nearly.

      Certain of followers of "the Prophet" have made crystal-clear what so-motivates them, and what they like most to do, and it ain't anything coming to, or of good. I sniff the smell of sweet brimstone with that one. (And, for those in the know apropos the culture, massive hypocrisy is the order of the day - do it but don't DARE get caught. How impressive.)

      We had a TV preacher out here once, his name was euGene Scott and I used to listen to him a lot back in the Seventies. He had composed a fine general definition for 'faith' which I've remembered to this day. I goes like this:

      "Faith is ACTIONS TAKEN as based upon the belief in the existence of things unseen and unknowable." (This is paraphrased fairly well from memory.) I accept this as being a truth and one logical.

      So-called Christianity is divided into some, 40,000 or so differing faithing systems of belief and only ONE is prsumed right according to them all, all the others and their followers headed for the Hot Place supposedly, being THE ones in-error!

      Does it take a rocket scientist to sense that, as given all that, that something BIG is very wrong with the now-focused-up big picture?

      It would appear the the issue of heterocentrism v. homocentrism is to be THE Christians' Burden, the rock upon which it all smashes up into effective nothingness, or triumphs in vindication and ensuing mass murder. (Again, this religion of peace and love too seems to be in the mood for killing - not very "Christian" I'd say!

      Again I ask, is there not something massively defective to such a belief as would produce such A HELL of enforcement and torment upon their non-conformants???

      And let us not forget the RCC long-term INQUISITION of giddy burning and sadistic torturings. What we are to forget and forgive that earhly hell by them as made for those centuries? I think not.

      Something is UP, and the facts do not readily support those mysticisms' plead cases!

      We'll have to all stay-tuned for the Big Shakeout and, it IS coming.

      (It is possible, so it occurs to me, that in the end of the Great Final Struggle, the mystics will find themselves straight jacketed and celled in that padded way, IF continuing to get too loud, and too clear, and too frisky about what they intend as their succeeded desire!!! (Here, it is to be understood as "Criswell Predicts".)

      Did not mean to offend you in any way, dear Trevor.


      - James

  17. Hi James, what you say is too true and things are coming to a head, pretty soon; all will be revealed.
    I am speaking to you from a position of strength, because although I have solved the wheel(soon to be revealed,I have also had a personal spiritual experience and that is; there is one true religion and that is Christ and the Cross.
    If anyone calls out to God in true repentance, his Son will revealed himself to you and give you eternal life; imagine that, it is a free gift!
    As for the turmoil in the world, don't you think it ironic that it is most prevalent in areas where this gospel is rejected.

    1. GREETINGS Trevor!

      I've a strong feeling (as I always have) that the Wheel Secret is just about to be within your noble grasp.

      I hear and understand your words of The Good News, and appreciate greatly your sharing of them with me.

      I am not so sure though, that I can agree fully with your good question re that it, "turmoil", is confined mostly to where 'this gospel' is made-not. The Christian denominations themselves (the exceptions being set aside, and thank goodness for them) are deeply troubled themselves with hypocrisies and inner confusions as to what Nature has inserted into US ALL and for what purposes it is in truth and, as well untoward desires that others the they object-to, should be no-more as in MADE d-e-a-d! Not very Christ-like, I would say.

      The Rock of Destruction, as I wrote before, is directly an issue of one's own to-purpose AS TAUGHT hatred of self and body, regarding sexuality specifically as well as generally.

      It is THE most serious of issues and the one that accounts for most if not all of Man's ills and conflicts. Apparently this is, according to some, to kept going 'till the end of time and thus, the earthly temporary produced Hell of it all will just keep rolling along.

      It is madness itself as a thing to abide, and should not be any longer. Enough.

      Anyway, for better or worser you now know some of my view, regarding the most salient matter.

      I am crossing everything I've got on me for your (any day now) success with turning wheels soon to be merrily a'spinning.


    2. ........ just a few more days now ...........

  18. Thanks James, all I can say is God's son is the only one who can bring peace. Go well!

    1. You might believe that, but many more don't, Trevor, please keep your mythological, supernatural, or spiritual beliefs to yourself, rather than inflicting them on the rest of us of whatever theistic persusion each of us may or may not be.


    2. Your kindliness is much appreciated, Trevor.

      - James

  19. Is Bessler's way the ONLY WAY to build a TRUE gravity powered wheel? Might there be 2 or 3 other ways to build a TRUE gravity powered wheel?

    1. maybe many, but good lukc finding them. maybe this

    2. Bessler's way is the only way....if other ways really did exist it would have been easy to invent....also, bessler would have mentioned the same if it had existed...Suresh

  20. Trevor,. Spirituality existed even before Christ....I suggest you go through Hindu spiritual literature deeply and you will change your mind....Christianity doesn't answer all questions but Hinduism does...we should never blindly conclude...Suresh

  21. Well, so far, everything looks positive for my gravity wheel. Sorry that it's taking longer than anticipated. But, at least I'm making progress.

  22. Sorry Suresh, you may or may not know this but Mahatma Gandhi's dying words were:'For the first time in my life I find myself in a dark place'.
    Jesus himself said: 'I am the way and no man cometh to the Father but by me'.

    1. No they weren't, there is considerable controversy over what he said, many say all that was heard was a dying gasp, others say he said 'hey ram' or "ramin", nothing is certaina and since he had been assassinated it is doubtful if he had the presence of mind to utter something so banal as you suggest.


  23. if bessler had voltage he could make this

    1. Hey, that is a very interesting video. And you know who it was done by -- none other than Roobert33. And you know who that is? He is one of the coolest people in the "free energy" movement in my opinion. I first found out about him when I discovered this video:

      which looks like an actual working magnetic motor, but most people seem to think it is fake. But this video I just gave the link to, was one of the major reasons I got interested in this field.

      This guy (Roobert33) has done some REALLY interesting experiments!!

  24. Did Bessler ever use just two weights in his gravity wheel? If so, is there a picture or pictures that I can look at?


  25. Dear...this question always crops up often...eight sounds were heard...let's stick to's a great clue...a circle or wheel can be equally segmented into four or eight portions for the weights to perform continuously...there has to be perpetuality here....two weights cannot be made to do this task....they would simply balance each other out....bessler began his venture with a single weight and then progressed gradually till he found the right configuration....this is the most probable happening in my opinion....we should try to get this thing straight in the first place....else, be prepared for an endless pursuit....Suresh

    1. Hello Perpetual: no one can answer your questions, for nobody knows but Bessler. Each of us has only his/her own conjectures.
      Hello Suresh: I think it is hard to be very assertive.
      Eight sounds... or *around* eight sounds were heard. And do 'eight sounds' exactly mean 'eight weights'? Furthermore, were all the weights used for the same purpose inside the drum? Perhaps not...
      Who knows?
      Hello Socrates, were you the one who said: I only know that I don't know?

    2. Yea, 8 sounds ...
      1. Hear your self, what was (approx) sound of the wheel, how 8 sounds per second sounds and how easy is to measure it without any "helping tools". Pls. visit
      Put tempo to 480 BPM (after 240 must use arrows upwards: 8 beat in sec. x 60 sec = 480 beats per minute)
      Turn off "Sterss first beat"
      Hit "Start" ...
      Try also different values, down and upwards.
      2. Count now ALL beats that you hear. How easy is that?


    3. Very good experience, Eastlander, that confirms what I expected.
      As a musician, I know that we are not used to listen to 5, 7, 9 or 10-beat rhythms. So, hearing those unusual rhythms with no stressed first beat, we always are under the impression of hearing 8-beat rhythm.

    4. There may be problem in our limited imagination ...
      If turn wheel manually for one round only, and then hear how many sounds produced in this one rotation ...
      BUT, I see that this would not work! Because, you do not hear then anything. There need to archived certain rotational speed, before there will be any hitting/clicking sound available.


  26. It does not really matter how many sounds were heard. Bessler managed to get the wheel to turn with only one cross-bar.
    What counts here is the principle used to prime the weights which made all the difference.

    1. ........ just a few more days now ...........

    2. I just don't agree Trevor...if this is the attitude one can never succeed....Suresh

    3. A sound is produced when a lever with weight hits the inner circumference on the descending side and the number ef sounds heard in a single revolution indicates the total number of is as simple as that....Suresh

  27. The main problem is no one listens, forget Bessler and all he's clues. Build your own machine, then you can compare it with Besslers, then make your own mind up, if he ever succeed. Orffyreus was a very clever man

    1. I totally agree with said it man!!!!..Suresh

  28. Thanks for your input. Truthfully though, I've been building my own wheel, and now It's about 98% complete. It's about 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches wide. It uses only 2 weights and is very quiet. I built a stand for a wheel a while back and will use that to support it off the ground. I just need to drill a hole for each bearing and then mount it.

    This has been a long process but the time is fast approaching for it to come alive. I've built several wheels in the past, but they never worked like I wanted them to. Now, I feel that this is the only way it will work. It's truly an amazing set up, and has all the signs of moving on its own.

    If I'm correct with all my calculations, and it does exactly what I want it to do, I'll post a single word comment that says:


    But if it doesn't, I won't post anything.

    1. if its centr of gravity stay on dropping side it will work. if nto it wont. good luck to you.

  29. The center of gravity stays on the descending all the time. At least that's the goal.

  30. this kid have good spirit.

  31. Here have all forget one main part "how Bessler describes, how he have found solution". What was real story behind that? So I must firstly ask here, are you "beliver"?


    1. he had dream to see how to make wheel work. i believe he made real wheel but now i want to know how.

  32. If you can conceive it and believe it, you can achieve it.


  33. No! (to last three answers)
    Secondly, there was very big .... and Bessler .... or may say ...... that the secret will "uncovered" to him!


  34. Hello Mr. Collins,

    How's your gravity wheel coming along? I was just wondering if you or anyone else on this forum has succeeded in getting their gravity wheel to work?

  35. Hi all, sorry for the hiatus but I'm almost back and ready to post again. Got back from Spain last Friday and completed on new house the same day! Got TV, internet and phones Saturday; furniture out of storage Sunday.

    Now surrounded by about 100 boxes full of stuff accumulated over that last 20 years or so - stuff I haven't even missed in the last three months!

    I've just got to stow the nboxed stuff - or chuck it out; create a new workshop and I'm ready to go.

    Posting soon, guys, and thanks for your patience.


  36. there is reason besler shows this toy. what is reason

  37. I'm closing the comment facility for a short while, as I'm unable to respond to other comments and this page is getting too long! Thanks for your patience guys and I apologise for this long delay but I'm so busy I simply don't have time to post anything or respond as I'd like to. I will be back and I hope I don't lose any of you. Come back from time to time to check if the blog is up and running.



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...