Saturday 3 September 2016

Bessler's Clock

This particular piece of encoding is another one whose legitimacy is hard to argue with but although its purpose may seerm vague I believe I have the right answer.  Again it is to be found in the wheel drawing from Das Triumphirende.

Initially I simply tried marking in the lines of perspective which ran through the centre of the wheel.  Starting from the bottom left side of the central supporting column, I extended the line which connects the bottom end of the two columns numbered 12. Continuing in a clockwise direction, I drew a line linking the two number 8 weights, then the straight horizontal line.  The next line we have already encountered; it marks one of the pentagonal points on the far side of the wheel. I extended the line which connects the tops of the same two columns numbered 12 and finally the vertical line down the centre of the main column.

Twelve to six, three to nine, one to seven, eleven to five and ten to four all followed lines of perspective.  The only one that did not follow a line of perspective was two to eight, but interestingly the line exactly lined up the two number eights attached to the weights.

So extending all the perspective lines available to us, which cross in the centre of the wheel, provides us with a clock face.  Using this we can divide up the picture and therefore the numbers by twelve.  Remember in my previous blog I mentioned dividing the total of all the numbers by twelve?  To recap, 649 = 59 x 11, add the missing 11, making 60 x 11=660, the clock hints at 12, and 660 divided by 12=55!

Notice the most convincing feature, in my opinion is the alignment of the two number 8 weights occurs at the eight o'clock line. And it connects the 2 o'clock with eight o'clock line with two eights.

Also of note is the green line which I have drawn in, which follows the hatching lines, is 60 degrees from the vertical, but the line connecting eleven o'clock and five, runs at 55 degrees from the vertical - 5 times 11 = 5.  It's that number 55 again!  Ingenious.



  1. Hi John, very interesting.

    A normal clock face has equal spacings of 30 degrees. It looks like you show a clock face with unequal spacings. 60 degrees from vertical would normally be the 10 to 4 line, and the 11 to 5 line would be 30 degrees instead of 55 degrees (25 degrees out).

    What would be the purpose of creating an irregular spaced clock face other than to point to your numbering theories?

    There appears to be 13 divisions when the green pentagon line is included. Does this mean anything to you?

    1. The reason for the angle variation will be come clear. I'll add a post script to explain it, to the post later today, or possibly tomorrow


    2. The sizes of the angles are restricted by the need to adhere to the lines of perspective. There are some angles which are ambiguous, for instance the 55 degree angle might be 54 degrees, an important pentagon number.

      Only half the angles can be used because the other half will obviously only match those on the opposite side of the centre.

      Any angle selected and given a specific numerical value will affect the angles of the two adjoining


  2. Very nice, John. No doubt about it; his lines of perspective are meant to replicate a clock dial, but, being a clockmaker at one point, that's probably to be expected. He was obviously fascinated with the numbers 5 and 55. Of course, to me that reinforces how important MT 10 and MT 18 are to the final solution of the Bessler wheel mystery since "combining" their numbers via division as I did at the end of the last blog yields 10/18 = 0.555...

    I've also found some "hidden" V's or 5's in the Merseburg wheel's pendulums. As the quick drawing I did below and uploaded to photobucket shows, there are exactly 11 of them and, of course, 5 x 11 = 55!

    PS: Feel free to use this illustration if you wish.

  3. im learning form the giants here. for the lever spring buildeers here is algodo perpeutal motion wheel that run for 2 days!

    1. bad link. try this.

    2. There can do same effect, with drawing some 10 m diameter wheel, add central axle and set it´s mass to maximum possible. Now push it ... and come back tomorrow or day after that. It still rotates, because its mass is huge and there is no friction evolved. Also there was wind turned on and there was no acceleration after push.

      In this video
      There is acceleration and also resistance envolved. Also showed how one working weight changes it´s trajectory in different situations.


  4. Unfortunately, unlike WM2D, Algodoo does not allow one to directly export his wheel models' .phz files as .avi or .mp4 files for upload to youtube and other sites, but one can solve this problem by using a screen capture program. This allows one to actually record a scene right off of his browser window as it is running and then save it as a video file type that can be uploaded. You can also use your laptop's built-in microphone to narrate the material you are recording. I looked around and found that there's a free download available of a very popular, easy to use screen capture program from this site:

    1. Hello Ken,

      I don't know if I asked you this yet, but what animated program do you use to make your 2D models?

  5. here is something for the buildeers using gears.

  6. no need magnets or wheels. tis guy drive car running on water!

  7. Hello Ken,

    I don't know if I asked you this yet, but what animated program do you use to make your 2D models?

    1. Right now, I prefer to use the latest version of WM2D to make a wheel model and then simulate its spontaneous rotation (that is, without using motor assistance) to see if it can keep its center of gravity on its descending side. However, regardless of what kind of model and simulation I make on WM2D, if I wish, I can immediately export it from the WM2D Workspace as an .avi video file to a folder on my laptop's Desktop. From there, it is easily directly uploaded to either my photobucket or youtube accounts. This is one of the nicer features of WM2D. There is no need for a separate screen capture program as is needed in order to turn an Algodoo simulation's .phz video file into a file type such as .avi or .mp4 files that can then be directly uploaded to either photobucket or youtube accounts (but, if you also want to export the sound effects of your WM2D simulation, then you will have to use a screen capture program for that since WM2D does not, unfortunately, export a model's sound effects). Of course, WM2D does not have the "slick" look of Algodoo, but I really don't need to have flowing / splashing water since the design I found for Bessler's wheel mechanics does not involve the use of water.

    2. You're welcome. When the design I found that Bessler used is finally published, I want the person who did this virtual model to make a sim of it:

    3. beautful vid, ken. i give arm to make vids like that. here is one for conected tongs buildeers. it works good with hand nearby!

  8. Here's something to ponder that came up the other day in a conversation I was having with a friend about Bessler and his wheels.

    What if Bessler had actually managed to find a buyer for his Kassel wheel and, after payment was made, the new buyer took possession of it and then, suddenly and quite unexpectedly, he decided that putting the device into widespread use would just be too disruptive to the world's economy and, therefore, it needed to be destroyed and he then proceeded to do that?! Also, as part of the sale, suppose he got Bessler to promise to keep the wheel's imbalanced perpetual motion mechanics, now owned by the buyer, secret and never to construct any additional wheels for his own use or sale to anyone else? Thus, the new owner would be placing the same restrictions on Bessler as the latter had on Count Karl before revealing the secret to him. In other words, what if the new owner had decided to "shelf" Bessler's invention which, since he had paid the agreed upon price for it and owned it completely, would certainly have been his right to do. How might Bessler have reacted to that?

  9. car run on water no big deal now. tis one run on wind!

  10. bessler clock need winding! here is someting for coil buildeers.

  11. Hi John, could I ask you to confirm that in the above picture there are 57 numbers totalling 612(excluding roman numerals outside ‘main’ picture)?
    I am unsure on the following areas:-
    To the left of 16(top right of picture) is number 19?
    There are two 7’s to the left of the two 3’s (middle far left)
    Is there a number to the right of 20 on the wooden beam(top right)

    Many thanks in advance.

    1. Number 19 is to left of the number 16; 20 is to the right, the pulley; 21 is to the right on the sloping beam; 22 is on the chest hanging from the rope;two 7s and two 3s are on the left end of the axle.


  12. Sorry to read in the next blog that you've, again, been side tracked by other commitments. I shall be looking forward to your return and checking in periodically to see when it occurs. My own work on my "ultimate" Bessler book continues and I'm now beginning the chapters that deal with the dozens of clues in the two DT portraits. It's a mountain of work, but I don't want there to be any doubt about the reality of those clues. I'm still planning on a publication date of late this year or early next year. No guarantees, of course, because, as we've all learned the hard way, reality always seems to have a few "unpleasant" surprises in store for us when we least need them. Anyway, good luck turning the new house into a new home and making it as comfortable as you can.

    1. Thank you Ken. Sorry to have to leave again, but without the workshop, I can't find enough to talk about, but I hope to get things going again asap.


  13. sorry you go away again, john. but i still have something to show for magnet wheel buildeers. i might try this one.

  14. heres for the magnet buildeer guys to use. no need for cold nitrrogen or elctronics circuit to float magnet.

  15. John, each time you suspend your blog, you restart with the same old topic. You have fostered low interest because of this. You need to move on, either shut down, bow out an let people post, or start introducing something new and not rehashed information that is years old.

    1. If John does "bow out", then maybe I will start a new blog of my own to fill the resulting void and give everyone out there with an interest in all things Bessler a place to opine. I've been thinking this over seriously for the past few months. The blog won't just be limited to my particular solution to the secret of his wheels either (although I'll certainly promote it as much as I can!), but will be open to other approaches, the latest news from the "cutting edge" of self-motive machinery research, and even other topics that are in some way "energy related". Still thinking it all over since I also have a lot of other commitments on my time (maybe too many!) and having to complete a massive volume on Bessler by the end of this year is not helping to lessen that situation.

  16. tis di vincis wheel almost work.

  17. Hello, troops. Just thought I'd drop in and mention that my Bessler book is coming along fine and is now only three chapters short of being done. Of course, it's not really "done" until I've gone over the entire text and all of the illustrations several times to correct typos, grammar mistakes, and math errors as well as do minor editing, etc., etc. Still looks like the project will be finished by the end of this year, though.

    Remember that part of AP where Bessler mentions that the inventor who finally develops a working imbalanced perpetual motion wheel will inevitably become the target of much criticism and harassment? He wrote:

    "Have you ever seen a crowd of starlings squabbling angrily over the crumbs on a stationary mill-wheel? That's what it would be like for such a fellow and his invention, as I know only too well from my own recent experience!"

    I realized this also aptly described a short test video I made this morning with an Amazon "Fire" tablet to see if I could upload it to my Youtube account without too much of a hassle. Happily, I discovered it can be done in only minutes. I videoed a flock of birds that regularly land in my driveway several times a day to feast on a cup of bird seed I throw out of my kitchen window to them. Here's a link to that video which some might find of interest. Not really much to do with imbalanced pm wheels, but I've always been fascinated by birds and it's amazing the variety that show up around here, especially if they get a free meal!

  18. "Remember that part of AP where Bessler mentions that the inventor who finally develops a working imbalanced perpetual motion wheel will inevitably become the target of much criticism and harassment?"
    - You should be spared all that then!

    1. Actually, when my "tell all" book on Bessler is finally published and available, I expect it to quickly ignite a firestorm of controversy. Many will immediately proclaim that it must all be a hoax and that the design I extracted from the DT portrait clues is one that can not possibly work. Others, however, will immediately say "Yes, this must be it!" and will be relieved that this annoying centuries long mystery has finally been solved while the most skilled among them will begin making their own working sims and even building physical models. As reports of working sims and physical models start to come in, I have little doubt that what I've found will eventually be accepted as "the" long awaited solution and, in fact, the only one that will ever come out of the Bessler literature (although I am not convinced, like he was, that his approach is the only one that can work).

      Here's something to ponder. I'm currently working on the chapter that gives an overview of the two DT portraits as an introduction to the more advanced clue analysis that will follow in the next two chapters. As I was working on the 1st portrait, I realized that Bessler actually has the year 1712 embedded in it and I point out where to look to find it. Aside from documenting the year that he first discovered a design that would work, it was his way of telling the most observant of readers that they will find the details of that solution in the two DT portraits. Interesting as that little clue might seem, it's really only the tiny tip of a huge submerged iceberg of far more precise clues contained in the two portraits. My book will, finally, expose that previously unsuspected source of clues.

  19. Quick update. I'm finishing up Chapter 8 which is an overview of some of the simpler symbols used in the two DT portraits. It's intended to prepare the reader for the far more detailed analysis that will come in the next two chapters.

    Meanwhile, I captured some more wildlife video from my yard with my trusty Amazon "Fire" tablet. These tablet camcorders are so easy to use, no wonder the sales of video cameras are in a nose dive! The only thing that would make it better is if it had a 12x zoom and automatic image stabilization. The sound at the beginning is a bit muffled because I inadvertently had my finger over the little hole for the microphone. But, I moved it later and then the volume goes up.

    1. you have nice animals in yard ken. i have no yard now but here is chines guy who making 10 kw with magnet motor for lights. i think he for real!


Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...