Friday 9 September 2016


I have again replaced my usual blog with a brief account of the legend of Bessler's wheel.  I'm currently unable to maintain the frequency of my blog due to commitments which are keeping me exceedingly busy!  

I've opened the comments feature just for this page, but as soon as I have something of interest I'll be back and open for all comments.  In the mean time all the books detailed on the right are available and I hope that any new readers will want to obtain copies for the information Bessler left for us.

I would just like to add something that seems to me to be extremely important.  Many people around the world are attempting to duplicate Bessler's wheel or make something that does the same thing even if it the inventor is not sure if it is the same as Bessler's, or works on a different principle.  The chief criticism in all this endeavour is that such an aim in life is doomed to failure because a gravity-driven machine is regarded as impossible according to accepted scientific principles.  In which case we have a paradox, if Bessler did it, how can it be impossible? - is it impossible?  Was Bessler a fraud?  The answer to both final questions is  NO!

The truth is that Bessler's machine was genuine and such a machine is not impossible, the evidence in support of this is convincing.  The difficulty in accepting this is due to the conviction that it is impossible.  I shall show how it can be achieved without conflicting any accepted physical laws.  The proof is so simple that once it is explained, any scepticism is permanently removed.

 I worked out the explanation several months ago and the answer is stunningly simple but it is not so easy to design and build.  I am going to get back to work on it as soon as I have finished modernising the house we recently moved into.  Hopefully most of the work will be completed by early next year and I will have my workshop back.  Then I will construct my final design and show my proof of principle for all to see.
8th September 2016


The legend of Bessler’s Wheel began on 6th June 1712, when Johann Bessler announced that he had invented a perpetual motion machine and he would be exhibiting it in the town square in Gera, Germany, on that day.  Everyone was free to come and see the machine running.  It took the form of a wheel mounted between two pillars and ran continuously until it was stopped or its parts wore out. The machine attracted huge crowds.  Although they were allowed to examine its external appearance thoroughly, they could not view the interior, because the inventor wished to sell the secret of its construction for the sum of 10,000 pounds – a sum equal to several millions today.

News of the invention reached the ears of high ranking men, scientists, politicians and members of the aristocracy.  They came and examined the machine, subjected it to numerous tests and concluded that it was genuine. Only one other man, Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, was allowed to view the interior and he testified that the machine was genuine. He is a man well-known in history as someone of the greatest integrity, and  the negotiations between Bessler and Karl took place against a background in which Karl acted as honest broker between the warring nations of Europe; a situation which required his absolute rectitude both in appearance and in action.

There were several attempts to buy the wheel, but negotiations always failed when they reached an impasse – the buyer wished to examine the interior before parting with the money, and the inventor fearing that once the secret was known the buyer would simply leave without paying and make his own perpetual motion machine, would not permit it.  Sadly, after some thirty years or more, the machine was lost to us when the inventor fell to his death during construction of another of his inventions, a vertical axle windmill.

However, the discovery of a series of encoded clues has led many to the opinion that the inventor left instructions for reconstructing his wheel, long after his death.  The clues were discovered during the process of investigating the official reports of the time which seemed to rule out any chance of fraud, hence the  interest in discovering the truth about the legend of Bessler’s wheel.

My own curiosity was sparked by the realisation that an earlier highly critical account by Bessler's maid-servant, which explained how the wheel was fraudulently driven, was so obviously flawed and a lie, that I was immediately attracted to do further research. In time I learned that there was no fraud involved, so the wheel was genuine and the claims of the inventor had to be taken seriously.

The tests which the wheel was subjected to involved lifting heavy weights from the castle yard to the roof, driving an Archimedes water pump and an endurance test lasting 56 days under lock and key and armed guard.  Bessler also organised demonstrations involving running the wheel on one set of bearings opened for inspection – and then transferring the device to a second set of open bearings, both sets having been examined to everyone’s satisfaction, both before, after and during the examination.

So the only problem is that modern science denies that Bessler's wheel was possible, but my own research has shown that this conclusion is wrong.  There is no need for a change in the laws of physics, as some  have suggested, we simply haven't covered every possible scenario in the evaluating the number of possible configurations.

I have produced copies of all Bessler's publications, with English translations.  They can be obtained by clicking on the appropriate links on the right.



  1. Nice to hear from you again, John. Scientists reject the possibility of a genuine pm wheel that can perform work on objects in its environment because they think that, in order to output the necessary energy, such a wheel would have to actually create energy out of nothing which, clearly, is impossible because it violates the Energy Conservation Law that has never been observed to be violated by any device in any experiment. Therefore, as far as the scientific community is concerned, the energy Bessler's inventions outputted had to come from some hidden source either inside or outside of the wheels. It occurred to me years ago that if we accept that his claims that his wheels were not powered by some conventional source of energy as the scientists claiming they were fakes assert, then there could only be one unobvious source inside of them that could provide their outputted energy: the mass of their active parts which, in the design I've obtained, was a collection of carefully cord coordinated and spring suspended weighted levers. Meanwhile, I've just begun Chapter 9 in my "tell all" book on Bessler's wheels and I remain optimistic about the early 2017 publication date.

    1. Ken did you patent your wheel? They say that if you don't then someone else might just do it and then you could find out that you can't even build and use your own invention.

    2. No, I'm not going to patent the design I have because it is not my invention. It's Johann Bessler's invention and, after 300 years, should be considered in the public domain. My goal is to present enough of the precise details of the mechanics of his wheels so that a craftsman can readily duplicate them. At this time, I don't believe that his wheels are suitable to be used as convenient sources of energy for the modern world, but they will show that it is possible to build a device which can continuously output the energy associated with the mass of its own active parts so as to do external work. Such a device is not "perpetual" in the absolute sense of the word because, once its active parts are completely drained of their energy and become massless, the device will stop running. But, depending upon the output, that could take billions of years. What I'm hoping is that the rediscovery of his secret will spur additional research into self-motive machinery that will then lead to these devices being used on a large scale and, aside from saving everyone money on their energy bills, will help us combat Climate Change before we all have to move down to Antarctica to keep from dying of heat strokes! We have to stop dumping so much fossil fuel generated carbon into our planet's precious finite atmosphere and do so as soon as possible (we only have about a decade to "get serious" about this problem). Alternative energy sources, including self-motive or "overunity" machines, will be part of that solution we need.

  2. If I were to get my wheel working can I announce it on here and link to a video of it working ?
    Or is that not allowed ?

    1. I can't speak for John, of course, but I've posted links here in the past to some youtube videos about various pm devices and they were allowed and even stimulated some discussion. I'd enjoy seeing anything you might want to share, especially if it is related to Bessler's wheels.

    2. I am building the Bessler Wheel.

  3. here is someting bessler might make in spare time for music. he like music.

  4. tis place queit like tomb. here are guys making light for poor world from gravity!

    1. Good link, nice idea and so obvious once you see it. Thanks


  5. tis is one for metal builders.

  6. I see that people are still working on their bessler wheel. Has anyone been able to make the weights shift at the 8 O'clock and 2 O'clock position to overbalance their wheel?

    1. In the design I derived from the DT portrait clues, all seven of the weights from the drum's 6 to 3 o'clock positions shift during each 45 degrees of drum rotation in order to maintain the imbalance of a wheel's center of gravity. Only the weight traveling from 4:30 to 6:00 remains motionless and in contact with its stop.

      Update: I've gotten boggled down in chapter 9 of my book which covers the clues Bessler hid in the second portrait. I've been working on it for almost a month so far and am only now beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel! The amount of data he packed into that portrait is nothing short of phenomenal and I want to make sure I reveal as much of it as possible in my forthcoming book on his wheels. Then it's onto the next chapter that covers the lesser number of clues in the first portrait. This delay puts me a bit behind schedule, but I'm still optimistic about publishing early next year. Stay tuned for future updates.

  7. tis one work but slow.

    1. Very interesting and it does look like it's close to being a runner. However, we need a design that runs robustly instead of just creeping along at low rpm. Thanks for the link, though.

      Update: Good morning, troops. I just completed chapter 9 of my forthcoming "ultimate" Bessler book which deals with all of the clues I have found in the second DT portrait (there are, most likely, additional ones that I missed). This chapter took a full month to complete and is about double the page count I was initially anticipating! Now, it's on to the next chapter which covers the clues in the first portrait.

      An interesting pattern has emerged. There are more geometrical clues in the second portrait than the first, but more alphanumeric clues in the first than in the second. There is a simple reason for this that I provide in the book. So far, despite the delay due to this unexpectedly lengthy chapter, I'm still more or less on schedule.

    2. Well done Ken. I appreciate the shorter posts too! I'm on holiday in Spain but hoping to get on and complete house alterations as soon as I return - at which point I hope to get my new workshop up and running.

      Your ultimate Bessler book sounds amazing, but I wonder how much of what you've discovered bears any relation to my own discoveries - I can't wait to read about your own research.

      Ken, will your research lead you to a working wheel? Mine will.


    3. Glad to see you're soaking up some sun in "Sunny Spain", John. I am, of course, convinced that the design I extracted from the DT clues will lead directly to a working wheel or else I would not be doing a book on it. Mainly, I just want to see this frustrating, centuries old mystery finally solved so we can all get onto other matters such as duplicating his wheels and trying to improve their performance. I'm also very interested in the potential of permanent magnet motors. In the Epilogue of the volume, I provide the reader with a rather interesting and unique design for a permanent magnet motor which, unlike Bessler's wheels, should work in any orientation and produce that "robust" motion I mentioned above.

  8. As we All here are in final stage...
    John, I hope that Your New findings are related to toy page?! As my afterfindings based 98% to this page only. Some other pages are only supporting ones.


    1. Yes in fact my new information does relate to the 'Toys' page.


    2. John,
      I can't quite put my finger on it, but when I look at the Asa Jackson wheel, I get the impression of a cross between a lazy tong, and a pantograph.
      The best I can make out is, that a pantograph collapses flat to one side, and as the wheel turns, the lazy tongs "re - square" the pantograph to a position ready to collapse again.

  9. I think there is danger in reading interpretations into MT's "Toy Page" items that are too literal. Imo, they don't represent the actual mechanics inside of his wheels, but were intended to give the astute reader only a very general idea of how his actual wheel mechanics operated. For example:

    The spinning top at the bottom of the figure whose center of gravity does not fall over is Bessler's way of telling us that his wheels maintained a stable state of imbalance as they turned.

    The scissor mechanism on the left side suggests that all of the weighted levers in this wheel worked together to maintain the imbalance of their center of gravity.

    The Jacob's Ladder on the right side suggests that some sort of sudden motion takes place that travels through the interconnected weighed levers as their carrier drum rotated. My research shows that this sudden motion takes place mainly inside of a drum's ascending side.

    The two hammering men toys at the center let us know that as the weights on one side of the drum moved closer to its center and axle, symbolized by the anvil, the weights on the other side moved farther from the center and axle. There are two toys shown working in opposite directions which suggests that this action was reversible and this is what would have been happening inside of the drum's of his two-directional wheels.

    But, the reader will only find something "extraordinary" from what is shown on the Toys Page or MT 138 to 141 if he can find a different way to apply the principles suggested as compared to how they are shown being used in the figure. Finding that "different way" is what has stopped all progress with Bessler's wheels for the last three centuries. That situation is about to change!

    In the highly unlikely event that there is anybody reading this post that has not seen the Toys Page yet, here is a link to it:

    1. Your words are an expression of your interpretation of the meaning of the 'Toys' page, Ken, but you will not be surprised to learn that I dismiss all that you have written above, other than your comment that the drawings were intended only to give a very general idea of how the mechanics operated.

      I have good reason to think that I have made the correct and intended use of the 'Toys' page but of course we are free to disagree with each other and until we publish our findings and allow others to consider our arguments we can only wait and see. I do as always wish you luck Ken.


    2. And I, in reciprocating fashion, also do wish you the best of luck with your particular interpretations of the toy page, John. Ultimately, it will be the interpretations of the Bessler clues which finally lead to a successful duplication of his wheels that will be embraced as the accurate ones.

      I've tried, in my interpretations of the Toys Page items above to be as general as possible and, as such, they do allow for a variety of possible internal mechanics for his wheels. But, only one unique mechanical system worked. I think I've got it and, obviously, you think you do. Right now, there are probably dozens of other people worldwide that believe they also have "it". Since all of the designs are different only one or none can be correct. Time will tell which design, if any, is truly "it". Even if the design I have proves not to be "it" and someone else's does, I would still be very happy just to finally see this annoying mystery resolved once and for all time!

    3. Hi John and ken, its only me Uneqk, I do wish you both the very best on solving this puzzle, but are we both under the impression that both your ideas with start spontaneously.

    4. All information in this page are mean to be "visible" and understandable only afterwards Ken. After You have right working solution. All in there provided information is much simpler then there can firstly imagine. Not so in complex description, as You describe here.


    5. Final confirmation of one's interpretations of wheel mechanics clues can only be obtained after they lead to a working design. Before that happens, various interpretations of the clues can only serve to help one draw slowly closer to the actual design Bessler used. It is a slow and tedious process of elimination that can take years of effort to complete. It is not a pursuit for the arm chair philosopher or dilettante. Only the most determined of reverse engineers will manage to claw his way to success!

    6. We all have our personal opinions about the meaning of Bessler's words and images, which is perfectly acceptable and right, I only take exception to opinions stated as if they were facts, Ken. My 'facts' don't coincide with yours, that's why I think it's important to say that these 'facts' are personal opinions and subject to modification when new evidence or ideas are


    7. I agree, that is KB's most annoying trait. It just goes to show how much he is up his own backside!

    8. John wrote: "...that's why I think it's important to say that these 'facts' are personal opinions and subject to modification when new evidence or ideas are encountered."

      I could not agree more. In obtaining the current design I've extracted from the DT clues, I had to make close to 1500 "modifications" until I found one that finally produced a working simulation of Bessler's little 3 foot diameter Gera prototype. Whether or not that simulation design will translate into a working physical prototype will, unfortunately, take a little more time to determine and require the resources and skills of others. At this point in time, I am very confident it will. But, of course, how many times in the past have we all been highly "confident" that we finally had "it" only to have that confidence shattered by the cold reality of a single failed test. But, I can't be concerned about that now. I've got to get it all written up so I can present it to the world as soon as possible. If the design is not "it", my book will just be another "colorful" addition to the cranky literature of perpetual motion devices. But, if it is "it", then it will open the door to whole new concepts for the generation of free energy and clear Bessler's tarnished reputation in the process. If the book comes out early next year, I should known which way the situation is heading by the end of that year.

    9. Anonymous on the 15 October 2016 at 10:14

      I agree, that is KB's most annoying trait. It just goes to show how much he is up his own backside!

      Splendidly put!

      Anonymous, as well I too agree but, let us not forget all of the other lessers of them: near-insufferable boorishness; cheeky pushiness; a narcissistic level of over self confidence and, a consistent highly objectionable scent of haughtiness as if being lectured to from a place on-high. For all the years that he has been posting and writing interminably about this, that, and the other even, this has been a prime feature shot throughout it all.

      Of course there are others that I could include but, these few will do nicely so as to serve to underline the collection of fundamental Behrendt Essentials, so that we and our posterity might not possibly forget.

      (And by-the-way, Behrendt's interpretation of the spinning top's significance on the Toys Page I think excellent and correct, even though I really do hate to admit it, having a Little Man within me, admittedly. However, it is so that, even the Devil himself deserves his due if and when found to be correct, and so it must be held as likewise, even with the likes of a Behrendtic sort, fair being fair and all.)

    10. Good morning troops.

      I do thank James for his positive comment concerning my interpretation of the "Toy Page" spinning top symbol. We must bear in mind that all of the toys on that page were probably actually owned by Bessler when he was a child. How he must have marveled at them, especially the top which seems to defy gravity. The very sight of something remaining imbalanced without visible support must have seemed like a miracle to him and still does to today's children. The effect is, admittedly, rather amazing, but eventually was easily explained in terms of angular momentum vectors and torques. Bessler would naturally have wondered if the same effect, that is, stable imbalance, could be used to make a wheel with a horizontal axis of rotation accelerate to some maximum rate and, thereafter, keep turning. Well, he found a way to do just that and so here we all are trying to reverse engineer his method. I remain confident that I have found his stunningly simple, but precise parameter value required method and that its revelation will soon lead to the physical duplication of his wonderful invention. I hope to have another update concerning my forthcoming "ultimate" Bessler book available by the end of this week. Stay tuned, troops.

  10. tis one fake. look at jump at 6 to 7 sec like vid is loopd!

  11. tis guy makes water botle wheels which runs for monts!

    1. same wheel runs over 5 minutes here. looks good!

  12. wow - It's hardly believable

  13. when your wheel dosnt work you can do like tis guy and make sculptor from it!

    1. I am not interested in wheel that tisnt work .

    2. Why you talking to yourself?

    3. All the posts with 'tis' in them is a troll called ealadha .

    4. my name is boris not eladha. english not main language for me but I try to spell word ''this' right from now. here is easy gadjet for the magnet builders to make.

  14. Good afternoon, troops.

    Just a quick update. I'm now working on the last chapter of my magnum opus on Bessler's wheels which is probably the most important chapter in the entire volume. One of the problems with the clues in the DT portraits is that they only provide precise parameter data for Bessler's 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel (which was not the one he hauled outside his home for demonstrations) and his 12 foot diameter, bidirectional Merseburg and Kassel wheels. There are no clues that I've been able to find in the portraits that provide parameter values for the second Gera wheel or his Draschwitz wheel. Apparently, Bessler expected anyone locating and correctly interpreting the DT portrait clues to learn enough about his imbalanced pm wheel mechanics so that he could then interpolate the parameter values for any wheel with a diameter between 3 and 12 feet. In my book's final chapter, I give a simple method for interpolating the parameters for wheels in that range of diameters and even for extrapolating the parameters for wheels of greater than 12 foot diameter such as his planned "super wheel" that could reach 40 feet in diameter! I plan to provide a nice neat Table at the end of the chapter that summarizes all of the correct parameter values for a wheel's critical components for a variety of drum diameters. This should make the job easier for the well equipped craftsmen who will want to attempt the construction of one of his larger wheels. But, I have not forgotten the average builder out there who may only have a few hand tools available to him and have provided complete construction plans for Bessler's first working 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel in an earlier chapter.

    Early 2017 publication still seems most probable. Stay tuned troops!

  15. Hi JC.

    What was happened to this first big hypothesis?
    If I understand here all correctly, at the moment. Reading trough Your blog history. There You mention several timeframes, in last one/two year blog period. There was one "three year" timeframe, witch ends with one hypothesis.
    And second one is from Your last posts "half year" time frame.
    I just have interested, is this hypothesis and last half year discovery like same "things" or they are different approaches!? If they are different approaches by the final mechanism. Then from where You got the clues or ideas to this new last "half year" setup? Shortly, what was the trigger, to change this hypothesis, to some other setup?


  16. I first discovered the basic concept which lies at the heart of Bessler's wheel, three or so years ago. Once understood there can be no doubt that it is correct and doesn't conflict with current laws of physics. I described the concept and hid the explanation within a code which post at the foot of every post, because I thought that if anyone else discovered the same concept I could prove I got there at a particular time.

    Since then I have struggled to design a wheel mechanism which works according to the concept I had originally discovered. For most of this year I have been without a workshop and have only been able to work theoretically, but I am ready to begin building my new wheel as soon as my workshop has been built. This will happen once improvements have been finished on this house which I bought back in the summer.

    So although I may seem to have talked of other hypotheses there has only been the one which has engaged me totally since I discovered it.

    I hope this answers your questions.


  17. On October 20th, Anonymous posted a couple of links to a wheel using soda bottles.
    A new updated video has been posted:
    I think it might be time to take a good look at this, and might be worth a build.

    1. It certainly looks convincing, the trouble is, it's not a new design and anyway it can't work like that, so it must be a fake, even though I don't know how it was done. I am sure I know how Bessler did it, and this design does not match Bessler's in any way.


    2. Assuming that this version of Bhaskara II's wheel of 1150 AD is not a hoax, then it would seem to prove that Indian inventor was right. It's usually assumed that he only designed such a wheel (his version used mercury, not salt water), but never actually constructed one. But, maybe he did construct one and it did work! I'm really hoping these youtube videos are not just more hoaxes because, if they are genuine, then that would mean that working imbalanced perpetual motion wheels are physically possible despite what most of today's scientists believe. Note that, like Bessler's wheels, the version in the video seems to reach and then run at a constant velocity. I also like his simple method of attaching the plastic soda bottles to the metal rim of the bike wheel.

      Like John, I'm 100% sure that this is not the design that Bessler used (even though some who witnessed his demonstrations were convinced it was and used liquid mercury). Bessler was into classical mechanics, not fluid mechanics.

    3. I've been hesitantly following the saga too, but with obvious concerns, such as the suggestion that raising the liquid weight by adding salt, somehow assists the over-balance - there IS no overbalance, that is impossible, but regardless, raising the the uniform density of the fluid has no impact on balance.

      The only thing it does raise significantly, is angular inertia.

      If this is a factor, then related points to consider are the bulbous ends of the bottles and the way the sloshing may be converted to angular momentums within the fluid (ie. vortices), and hence their corresponding counter-torques, as well as KE as a variable function of MoI via the varying radial distribution of fluid mass.

      A sensitive test rig should only require two opposing bottles, on a rotating beam. Perhaps worthy of a little weekend diversion, tho.. might consider knocking something up myself..

    4. I agree that, initially, there is no imbalance because his wheel is not self-starting as Bessler's one-directional wheels were and requires a startup push. However, in order to continue running, the center of gravity of the salt water in the bottles must spend some time on the wheel's descending side. I think you are right about vortex action playing a role in the operation of this wheel. As the water pours toward the ends of the bottles as they approach the top and bottom of the wheel, the sloshing creates a vortex in a bottle's water that is in the plane of the wheel that helps "throw" the water toward the opposite end of its bottle. That action then, momentarily, pushes the composite center of gravity of the water of all of the bottles to the descending side of the wheel to provide a pulse of torque to keep the wheel rotating at constant velocity. The inventor states that adding salt to the water to increase its mass and using more and longer bottles helps to "smooth out the action". These would seem like logical factors that would enhance its operation. However, if sloshing is the key, then it should also help considerably to use containers for the salt water that were not cylinders as the bottles he uses are. I would suggest using long, flat rectangular containers whose largest area sides were parallel to the plane of the wheel. That design should maximize the sloshing and vortex formation and thereby improve torque by keeping the center of gravity of the water on the descending side of the wheel for a little longer time during each pulse. If one was skillful with cutting sheets of plexiglass and cementing pieces of them together, he might be able to fabricate these specially shaped rectangular chambers from that material and then provide them with a plugged hole through which the salt water could be added. The filled chambers would then be carefully secured to a bicycle wheel as the inventor did. Something tells me these videos are not a fake!

    5. Before anyone attempts a build, I respectfully suggest they check out,


      I suspect this is how a lot of "perpetual motion" devices really work.
      The metal strip probably has a thin plastic coating to allow both electric poles to pass, and with a simple electronic switching circuit and batteries concealed in the wooden base, it would be easy to fake.
      Remember the builder made a point of cleaning out the grease, and WD 40 is easy to remove with a aerosol solvent.

    6. I think the inventor cleaned out the bike wheel bearing's grease in order to help reduce the viscous drag it would introduce into the wheel. He probably put some liquid lubricant on the bearing in place of the grease. The method you suggest to fake the video might work, but it seems rather elaborate considering that there are far easier ways of doing it such as just placing a powerful fan above the descending side of the wheel that is off camera and whose down draft provides a bit of torque to keep the wheel turning.

      Above I recommended using long, flat rectangular plexiglass chambers to hold the water and improve torque. In thinking it over, I would now amend the description of these chambers. I would round off their ends so that they resemble semicircles. That would help to maximize the vortex velocity as the colored salt water sloshed about in the chambers during wheel rotation.

    7. Some kind of variable geometry chamber would be convenient, or else a small selection of different shapes.. and yes, the rounded ends were what got me thinking about orbiting angular inertias.

      An orbiting mass that is also rotating and varying its radial distribution about those axes, is subject to complex inertias, as the two interacting moments combine additively then subtractively each cycle - the amount of real, actual space the masses are being accelerated through, and thus the inertias incurred, can vary significantly.

      Furthermore, water is all about conservation of momentum - it can sustain lossless vortices able to travel large distances, unnecessary in this case, but the point is simply that these vortices can store and harbor coherent angular momentum just as robustly as any flywheel.

      As the bottles rotate from vertical through horizontal, the aspect ratio of these vortices gets deformed with the host water body - mass that was at high radius gets pushed to lower radius, and vice versa, inducing equal opposite counter-torques on the main axis (via the torque couple / pure moment principle).

      But all this is so much BS before knowing if the claim's even genuine.. let's see if i can replicate any effect first.

  18. Roobert33's stuff is always cool, and yes the water bottle thing's most likely bollocks as usual... the brine thing just seems like classic distraction technique, but it's a couple of plastic bottles, a beam and a bearing.. should be easy to eliminate. Will be on the lookout for small soda bottles over the next few days..

    1. If anybody is into making simulations using Algodoo, then this could easily be done with this salt water bottle Bhaskara wheel since that program can handle liquids in containers. However, when dealing with fluid mechanics, a physical build is preferable to a sim. Good luck with a physical build and, perhaps, you can manage to get sustained rotation with only two bottles at the end of a carefully balanced beam.

  19. looking for perptual motion is like this guy who tries to reach top! lot of work little progres.

    this is boris not elada!

  20. We can always look back at some of the only facts that we can document. Karl said " Levers and Strings" so simple a carpenters boy could build one after examining it for a while. Come on guys isn't one of us as clever as a carpenters boy?.......... SIMPLE is better


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...