Monday 9 January 2017

Why I'm sure that 2017 will reveal Bessler's Wheel.

When I  look back at the posts here and on the Besslerwheel forum, at this time of the year I note, with some sadness, how each new year we are optimistic that this year will be the one!

The truth is, we want it to be this year, whatever year it may have been, but wishing is never enough, even when you have devised a new mechanical arrangement.  Something new, a novel principle or an additional element that has so far been lacking is needed, then we may see our wishes fulfilled. I am as guilty as anyone for forecasting success, and yet despite numerous setbacks (failures) I remain optimistic that this year will see success.

So what's different about this year, why now and not before?  Ever since I began this search roughly 55 years ago, I have ignored Bessler's advice and concentrated on creating an over-balancing wheel, totally dependent on having its weights further out on the falling side and closer in on the rising side.  A few weeks ago I asked the question, "is over-balancing a side-effect of some other principle?"

This was an obscure clue to something I'm working on at the moment.  I suddenly realised several months ago how Bessler's wheel could do all that it did without conflicting with the well-known argument that gravity-driven, or as I prefer, gravity-enabled wheels, violate the laws of gravity.  I'm convinced that the dream  Bessler had, which encouraged him in his persuit for a solution, revealed to him the same principle I discovered.

Although I'm not ready to share the information yet, until I've tested it, I can say that there is confirmation of a sort in Bessler's text in his Apologia Poetica.  The passage I refer to is the one where he begins, "For greed is an evil plant"' etc. (chapter XLVI). He mentions various substances and the effect gravity has on them, and includes other types of force.  If the confirmation I referred to sounds a little vague it is because a Bessler is deliberately vague, but there is something about the words he uses which struck a chord with me and I related it immediately to my own discovery.  I doubt anyone could make the connection in reverse, you have to understand why he included it and have the principle in your mind before the words make sense.

So even if I am unable to incorporate the principle in a working wheel, I will share the information widely, and that is why I remain more optimistic than ever before because this year there is a new element to include in the wheel's design which has never been there before.  Someone, maybe not myself, but someone will make the wheel work this year, of that I'm certain.



  1. Yes I think we all agree and to confirm the possibility of PM at least the guys might like to check out what Grimer has discovered on It does look genuine.

  2. John I strongly believe that whatever design you have, you must give it a slight push to send it on its way.

    1. I will try in the near future, to persuade you to my point of view Uneqk. Remember, Bessler's one way wheels did not need a push because they were always OOB, whether stationary or spinning.


    2. Hi John,
      In the kindness possible way, I hope you prove me Wrong.

  3. Yes, I've noticed that pattern of beginning year euphoria for success followed by a crash around summer when all those who were earlier reporting that they were making "progress" and on the verge of a "breakthrough" suddenly fall silent and disappear from the scene for a while. Realizing one has, yet again, been chasing the wind when it comes to reverse engineering Bessler's wheels (or finding any pm design for that matter) is, indeed, bitter medicine to take. That's why I am very happy to be able to state with virtual 100% certainty that this year will, at long last, be greatly different!

    Here's an AP quote of Bessler's that is only rarely mentioned:

    "Anyone who wants can go on about the wonderful doings of these weights, alternately gravitating to the center and climbing back up again, for I can't put the matter more clearly." (page 295)

    In the design I found in the DT portraits, the ascending side weights do "gravitate" toward the axle from the drum's 6:00 to 9:00 positions and then "climb back again" as they move around the drum from its 9:00 to 4:30 positions.

    Also consider this from AP:

    "It must, simply put, just revolve, without being wound-up, through the principle of 'excess weight'" (page 362)

    His one-directional wheels started rotating spontaneously because the center of gravity of their weighted levers was located and maintained on their descending sides and, thus, Bessler described those sides as having "excess weight" even though, technically, the number of weighted levers on both sides of the an axle were always the same.

    One has to be careful when looking for a "cause" for the imbalance in Bessler's wheels which can then lead one to the erroneous conclusion that the imbalance was the result of something. I view his self-starting, one-directional wheels as being naturally imbalanced and any attempt to balance them by allowing them to rotate so that their centers of gravity were under their axles as actually creating an unstable condition which the mechanics of the wheels would immediately to correct (with the efficiency of the correction declining with increasing drum speed). The details of how that correction was made are now known to me and, soon, they will be known to all serious students of Bessler and his wheels and the weakening heart of serious Bessler wheel research will, metaphorically speaking, receive a massive and much needed dose of adrenaline. The process by which the necessary imbalance for pm was maintained is actually childishly simple on one level, but very profound on another! When the secret is finally revealed, I fully expect the majority of those evaluating it to think "That's it?! That's what nobody could figure out in three centuries?!" But his design's outward mechanical simplicity is very deceptive because it actually relies upon the precisely coordinated motions of the weighted levers necessary to maintain a wheel's center of gravity on the descending side as its drum rotates and continues to accelerate.

    So, I continue to look eagerly forward to unprecedented progress this very year!

    1. I think Ken is right and I have deleted my comment which suggested free swinging movement of the weights.

      I found with the Keenie that the problem was intractable and realised one had to reduce the system variety (using the concept in the Ross Ashby sense) by confining the weight into a circle of mass analogous to the wheel rim in the Rubber Band Motor. The weights must go in and out of the two wheels in a coordinated fashion. I can't visualise the implications of this in the case of the Keenie but it must be analogous to that of the RBM.

      In the RBM the mass of the rim is kept permanently to one side of the axle by the rotating vector of the band tensions. In the Bessler Wheel the ropes are merely acting as lightweight connecting rods ant Ken's weighted levers will provide the rotating vector.

      I suppose if his simulation is watertight some people will believe by it sufficiently to build a working model.

      Since the implications of the Bessler Wheel being genuine are so vast Didymus will not be convinced and will need a full scale working model before he believes.

    2. Frank,
      quite a while back I posted a solution to the Keenie wheel on this blog.
      The yellow section moves twice as far as the red.
      The ring that is missing from the back was fitted with barbs to hold the weights in the slots in the red section.
      There were 8 weights 12 to 6 O'clock on the right of the red wheel, and 4 weights on the left of the yellow wheel, 6 to 12 O'clock.
      As the wheel turns, the weight at 12 O'clock position on the yellow wheel drops into the empty slot at the top of the red inner wheel.
      The dropping of the top weight pushes back the retaining barbs, and the weight at 6 O'clock on the yellow wheel drops into the empty slot at the bottom of the red wheel.
      The rest of the weights in the red wheel are held in place by their angle of repose.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Imo, one also has to be careful about the use of the word "swinging". It implies that a weight attached to a lever whose other end is pivoted can freely rotate about the pivot in either direction inside of one of Bessler's wheels. In the design I've found, the weights at the ends of levers can, indeed, rotate about a pivot attached to a wheel's drum, but its motion is not "free" as one would normally used the word. All of the active weighted levers inside of one of Bessler's rotating wheels were interconnected to each other by one or more coordinating cords and, thus, were not each "free" to rotate as they might if no cords were present. In essence, at any time seven of the eight weighed levers inside of one of his one-directional wheel's drums would rotate together, but, because of the interconnecting cords, at differing rates about their individual pivots. The net effect of this continuous, but restricted rotation was that the center of gravity of all of the weighted levers would remain on the descending side of the axle. The secret to duplicating Bessler's wheels reduces to finding the correct shape of the levers he used, the different types of coordinating cords attached to them, where they were attached to the levers, and the types and constants of the steel suspension springs attached to the levers. I now have all of this information and, soon, so will the rest of the world!

    2. Sorry, again, John. But using the word "swinging" to describe the motions of the weighted levers inside of Bessler's wheels is misleading and implies that they could act as freely as pendulums which they most definitely could not. No doubt this false interpretation was created by AP quotes like:

      "...all the inmost parts, and the perpetual-motion structures, retain the power of free movement, as I've been saying since 1712." (page 295)

    3. And there's me thinking it was Norman Vaughan that used the word "swinging" all the time !

    4. Ah Stevo, that takes me back!


    5. John Collins10 January 2017 at 06:31 suggested thus:

      "Ken? logorrhoea!"

      Absolutely that!

      Ken Behrendt10 January 2017 at 08:39 in pseudo-apologetic, semi-bent over mode, then dared utter in-part

      "Sorry, again, John. But . . ."


      "again, . . ." ?

      Excuse me?

      "But" ?

      I don't think so.

      Rhetorical question: WHY should any that are rational and perceptive-still, mindlessly believe such an expression of proposed sorrow as coming from THIS QUARTER, given it's famous bounty of previous misbehavior and broken promises?



      Not in-the-least is he sorry, for if he were, he would have done long ago as our Editor has requested so patiently over and over and over again now, but, surprise, with no positive result ever accruing, just MORE TEXT and "Look at ME!!! Am I NOT wondrous, and maddeningly intelligent? ME!"

      "Obvious truths need not be proved." - Maxim of Law, original in Latin


      As we have noted plentifully from above, insincerity is one of THE KEY MARKERS for our custom-crafted (as professorially, systematically taught) American Left Madness, which is a lethal lying species of 'psuedo', one now-headed for the headsman's axe and stone.

      These creatures of the creeping deceptive are not to be allowed yet another go at what they do, the stakes being too great for more experimentation in mind anarchy, and reinforcing, useless wind, all pretending AS IF actually useful and substantive. (Tell us another JOKE!)

      It is so, tragically: ONLY the Grim Reaper's final visit speaks to THEM in their language understandable, all else being but mere pesky sounds to be ignored, as issued-forth from the Liberally-kicked, Liberally-derided, and Liberally-legally decimated groaning!!

      Of this "We . . ." have endured way-past enough, and shall no more.

      It is so and thankfully, that the worm has now turned.

      Only a few days are left before American Independence Day 2017, after which the violent, noise and madness-spewing Trotskyite Kids get their hind parts spanked good and raw or, chopped-off even, the choice as to which being theirs.

      These rebellious sorts are now taking their very best and last shots in exposing who and what they are (as they have been always but, strutting otherwise) for future necessary 're-adjustment work' or, for the really hard cases of them, consignment to the GR Himself, for the Last Word Treatment they truly understand.

      The right minded have had way-past enough, and now THE BILL HAS COME-DUE, and it is be paid.

      The wild-assed Left anarchist partying/experimenting torment is over.


      The adults are now back in charge, with reconstruction work on an actually WORKABLE, and again DECENT society, soon to commence.



    6. "ONLY the Grim Reaper's final visit speaks to THEM in their language understandable..."

      Hopefully, I won't get a visit from him before my Bessler book is published. I've already had several visits from him in the past and each time when his bony hand reached into his pocket, he found a rain check for me. However, each of us only gets so many of those and then the day comes when the Reaper's hand comes out empty! Definitely not a good day for a pm chaser...

  5. I have a question for JC & KB:

    You both are extremely confident in your beliefs that you've, beyond the shadow of a doubt, have found the secret to Bessler's wheel/mechanism and that fame and fortune await you the world over.

    But, is it for God's glory or yours, that you seek this illusive treasure which will fill your hearts and wallets with joy, sliver and gold?

    What do you think?

    1. As an atheist I' m satisfied that I'm not doing it for God's glory, I take it from your words that you believe that I, at least, seek fame and fortune? But your wrong, I admit that I would take great pleasure in proving the so-called experts wrong, but a minute of fame would be too much, but perhaps a low-key acknowledgement in some scientific paper would be nice. And a fortune? Just enough to allow me to help my family when ever needed.


    2. I am "extremely confident" in the design I've found and the sim showing it working. But, ultimately, unless it leads to a working physical model, it will not be accepted as "the" one Bessler found and used. I am confident that will eventually happen after my book comes out.

      Fill my pockets with silver and gold?! That would be nice, of course, but the reality is that few ever get rich writing niche market books. I'll be happy just to see this 300 year old mystery finally solved so I can turn my full attention to other subjects I think need addressing. It will be nice to see Bessler proved to be an honest man with a genuine invention and then finally receive his rightful place in the history of science. Also, once people see that Bessler's wheels actually worked and how they worked, some of them will go on to try the principle in other types of machinery and, perhaps, a new era of working self-motive machinery will begin. Such devices might even help contribute to humanity's fight against Climate Change which, if about 95% of world's climatologists are right, will wreck our planet's biosphere unless we start getting serious about doing something about it in the next decade or so. Their message is clear: fossil fuel combustion has to go and go soon! Finding new power sources to replace it will be a major challenge for humanity in the coming decades.

    3. LOL. If you're right Ken, it won't be a niche market book for long I assure you. :-)
      Same applies to John's existing stuff and anything further he might write.

  6. Fair enough. I just wanted to ask that question because I seen it on a movie and I wanted to see what kind of response I would get.. Other than that, I have one more question I would like to ask Mr. Collins.

    Would it be possible to build a free energy device that Is purely powered by a pendulum instead of being connected to a wheel? The only reason why ask is because I seen one on YouTube where this company used a pendulum to power or to make energy for their warehouse.

    What do you think?

    1. I don't know. I'm working with Bessler's clues and they involve a wheel, so that's the direction my thoughts move.


    2. no problmes with perpetual pendulums. already been done.


  7. The Milkovic two stage oscillator uses a pendulum. Correctly set up so that the all the 3rd derivative energy is transformed into 2nd derivative angular momentum it will deliver free Newtonian Gravity energy.

    So my answer to your question is:
    Yes it will be possible to build a free energy device that is purely powered by a pendulum not connected to a wheel. The pendulum in the Milkovic is connected to a lever.

    1. At the risk of demonstrating the depth of my ignorance Frank, I don't know what you mean by 2nd and 3rd energy derivatives, but you don't need to explain, I seem to have got on well enough without the knowledge. 😐


    2. Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis................. :-)

    3. 'tis folly to be wise'. indeed!


  8. When I get it working, then what.

    1. Ah, what indeed? First catch your rabbit, or in your case get yourself a working wheel. Generally the simplest advice is youtube it. There are tons of posts about what to do next on the Besslerwheel forum.


    2. I've got the rabbit cornered and it can not escape this time! But, I'm going to have to depend upon others to actually catch it once I tell them where it's hiding.

  9. Accepting that a clue is a clue, and not wishing to impose further upon that privilege, i can't help but try to resolve this suggestion that OB might be a side-effect of something else, and i'm afraid i have trouble with it.

    My problem is that the one-way wheels were under static torque, so most likely due to OB.

    How can a [i]cause of OB[/i], that isn't itself OB, be a static effect?

    It seems that a cause of OB that isn't itself OB can only be a dynamic effect. IOW, any static effect that causes OB is itself OB.

    And if the cause of OB has to be a dynamic effect, then it must be an event that has already occurred when the one-way wheel is stopped and tied off.

    So we're then led to conclude that the cause of OB is actually some form of UB - something that assisted raising the OB weight.

    Which means this principle, whatever it is, is the source of energy. OB / GPE is just its converted output form. But whatever it is, it must've performed free work against gravity to cause the resulting OB.

    I suppose what you mean by "something else" is that the cause of OB is not another GPE input - ie. the kind of 'shift weight' that is usually invoked to cause OB in gravity wheel attempts.

    And if it's not gravitational, then it can only be sprung PE which has to come from elsewhere, or else inertial work - the implication being that the input work against inertia is less than the rise in GPE it causes.

    OB is caused by an OB weight being allowed to get lower by rotating the wheel - but reciprocally, by an UB weight able to rotate higher. This UB weight then requires a further input of GPE in order to become over-balanced at some point past TDC.

    Gravity is constant, therefore the whole focus on GPE and gravity seems superfluous - the ultimate cause of OB has to be a free input of GPE from some dynamic effect..

    As i say, i don't mean to beg further clues and i'm content to remain stumped, for now... the proof's in the pudding..

    1. Vibe,
      I'm not saying my idea that you was so kind to simulate is the right one, but it may help visualize what happens in the wheel.
      The reason for 5 (or maybe 8) mechanisms is, that there's always the next one to follow through before the first one is finished it's full movement.
      Wherever the wheel stops, there will always be one mechanism fully extended, or two half way out, which equals the same thing, hence always OB.
      Also, the return springs are tensioned on the descending side, but on the ascending side they are free to return, taking the sliding weight with it, so the work they are doing was pre-loaded in advance.
      Hope this makes sense.

    2. Vibe you are very clever and your examination of the issue I kind of hinted at is accurate. As you suggest an event must have already occured when the wheel was stopped.

      When you consider it, this must have happened in order for the wheel to be able to start spontaneously when the brake was released.


    3. Same applies to your comments Stevo, the next action starts before the current one finishes, as you say.


    4. You have to think of what is happening inside of Bessler's drums as one continuous process involving all of its weighted levers. The center of gravity of the drum's weighted levers remained fixed at a particular location on the descending side of the axle at any particular drum rotation speed and that did not vary as the weighted levers inside of the drum proceeded through their continuous and cyclical shifting motions during any 45 degree segment of rotation. One must get away from the notion of only two weighted levers at a time shifting each other about during any 45 degree segment of drum rotation while the other weighted levers were passive. That is what everyone else's failed designs were doing. That approach will not keep the center of gravity at a fixed location on the descending side. At best it will produce pulses of torque that will not carry the drum through until the next shift takes place. I can speak from much bitter experience about this unfortunate reality.

    5. The center of gravity of the drum's weighted levers remained fixed at a particular location on the descending side of the axle at any particular drum rotation speed and that did not vary as the weighted levers inside of the drum proceeded through their continuous and cyclical shifting motions during any 45 degree segment of rotation. ~Ken Behrendt

      I took a week off from work just before Christmas, because I wanted to try to get my PMM working as a gift. I had come up with a design that seemed to indicate it would keep its center-of-gravity on one side of the center of the wheel (turned out to be the opposite side to what I had expected/designed it for, but oh well). And I was just ready to start going out to buy the raw materials to try to construct it, but I thought, of course, there is no way this is actually going to work. And then it struck me! Even if you come up with a wheel design which keeps the center-of-gravity to the left or right of the center-of-rotation of your wheel, the wheel will not turn of its own accord if the center-of-gravity of the weights in your wheel remain in the same location as the wheel turns. The only way the wheel will turn is if the center-of-gravity of the wheel is allowed to be pulled down by gravity thereby turning the wheel. But then this of course leads to the problem of getting that center-of-gravity back up to a higher position once it comes down. But the thing is, when I realized this problem, I saw that coming up with a PMM was even more difficult than I had first anticipated. There are at least 2 hurtles. 1) get the center-of-gravity to remain on one side and 2) somehow allow that center-of-gravity to move to a lower position in order to turn the wheel and yet somehow bring it back up again. Hurtle #2 seems the most intractable problem.

    6. It's fairly easy to come up with a design that puts the center of gravity of its various weights and levers or rolling sphere weights on the descending side of a wheel's axle. The internet is loaded with those types of designs (a fair number of which I contributed in the past!). The problem is finding a design that also keeps the center of gravity at that location despite wheel rotation. So far as we know for sure, Bessler was the only one to achieve that miracle of mechanics.

      To achieve this requires that, as the wheel rotates, the motions taking place in its "perpetual motion structures" cause their center of gravity to begin rising at a rate that exactly equals the rate at which the rotating wheel carrying the perpetual motion structures is trying to lower that center of gravity. That requires the constant expenditure of energy which must come from somewhere. Bessler assured everyone that the drums of his wheels did not contain any sort of conventional source of energy such as wound up springs or falling weights as found in a clock. So, the big question is exactly what was the source of energy that his wheels used? The only answer that makes sense to me is that the necessary energy came directly from the mass of the weights and their levers. We know that mass is the same thing as energy because of the equation Einstein popularized, E = mc^2. But, how did Bessler's wheels manage to tap that mass energy of its perpetual motion structures which were just weighted levers? Again, the only solution that makes sense to me is that the weighted levers on both sides of the wheel's drum rose and fell through the same horizontal distance, but, because of the unique mechanics he found and used, there was a slight discrepancy in the velocities involved. To extract the mass energy of the weighted levers, the descending side ones had to drop at a slightly higher velocity than the ascending side ones rose. That would then provide the energy needed to continuously raise the center of gravity of all of the weighted levers despite the rotation of the drum so that center would then stay fixed at a certain elevation. By nothing short of a miracle, I have found in the clues Bessler left, a design that does this and will soon be revealing it. It's very simple to understand how it works. But, the mechanics involved in it are quite unique and very precise. When revealed, it will produce much illumination for those seeking a solution to the Bessler mystery.

    7. Yes folks, the rpm of the descending side was faster than the rpm of the ascending side. Simple!

    8. Sounds good to me Ken.

      How soon is "soon". I think we deserve some "use by" date, eh! Doesn't matter how far in the future it is. I'm a patient man.

    9. dougsubous wrote: "Yes folks, the rpm of the descending side was faster than the rpm of the ascending side. Simple!"

      No! I said the horizontal rate of falling of the descending side weights and their levers was a little bit greater in magnitude than the horizontal rate of rising of the ascending side weights and their levers. The rates of fall and rise of the opposite sides of the carrier drum itself were, however, always the same. This is only possible because at all times during drum rotation, 7 of the 8 weighted levers in a one-directional wheel have extra motions about their pivots in addition to the motion of their pivots about the center of the drum's axle.

      @ Frank Grimer:

      I really wish I could give an exact date by which my monumental tribute to Bessler and his wheels will be available on Amazon and at about 25,000 bookstores globally. Sadly, I can not do that. I thought by now I'd have the first of the volume's 11 chapters completely proofread, but I'm only about 1/3 of the way through it at this point in time! Too much holiday celebrating when I should have been chained to my keyboard working on it. So, I'm a little bit behind schedule and will have to try to make up for it in the coming week. I remain, however, optimistic about publication sometime in April. I hate the delay too, but I want to make sure this work is as precise and packed with information as I can make it even if causes a bit of a delay. Believe me, the wait will be well worth it. The free energy community has never seen anything like what I plan to unleash upon them!

    10. Yes folks, the rpm of the wheel was slower than the weights. Simple!

    11. On the descending side of the wheel, the weighted levers did drop a bit faster than the drum at certain locations. On the ascending side of the wheel, however, the weighted levers rose a bit slower than the drum at certain locations. It was this slight discrepancy between the horizontal velocities of the weighted levers on both sides of the drum that allowed Bessler's wheels to continually convert a small amount of the masses of their active weighted levers into energy during rotation that was then used to continuously raise the center of gravity of all of the drum's weighted levers so that it would remain at a fixed elevation despite the rotation of the drum. Simple!

    12. Yes folks, picture it in your minds: levers connected to each other by ropes. Yet despite these connections, they managed to drop faster on one side (and rise slower on the other!) than THE DRUM THEY WERE SUPPOSEDLY TURNING. Because gravity! I'll wait for the movie.

    13. You've almost got it right! The weighted levers, being interconnected by ropes in a rather unique way, will rotate at different rates about their particular pivots which are each attached to the drum's frame pieces. Despite these variations in rotation rates, however, they apply a constant downward force to the drum through their pivots such that their collective center of gravity will always remain on the descending side of the drum (as long as the wheel is not forced to undergo retrograde rotation, that is). Movie?! When it's finally made, I will be more than happy to give the screenwriters permission to use the first chapter of my book for the plot...for a small fee, of course. But, I will insist on technical accuracy. Any wheel mechanics shown in the film, even if just a prop or CGI, must conform to the mechanics that Bessler used in his wheels. Anything less will not receive my approval.

    14. Yes folks, step right up! See Ken's amazing variable velocity wheel!
      Dougsubous said: "I'll wait for the movie."
      Meaning: I won't be buying Ken's 600 page book available anywhere if it actually makes it to print.

    15. Ken, I'm sure any movie you approve would be terrific!
      However, I'm not sure how many people will be able to sit through a movie that's 45 hours long!

    16. @ dougsubous

      After the publication of my monumental tribute to Bessler and his revolutionary invention, the world will be slowly divided into two groups. One will be those familiar with the volume's contents who will achieve a sublime state I refer to as "Full Bessler Awareness" (and occasionally "Total Bessler Consciousness"). It is a state wherein all of one's questions about Bessler's wheels are finally answered and any and all correctly translated clues in his writings immediately make complete sense. Such people become blissfully happy because they realize that they are part of the generation that finally sees the Bessler wheel mystery solved before they all pass on to their eternal rest. The other group, quite unfortunately, will be those who are unfamiliar with the volume's contents. They will continue to struggle onward experiencing one failed design after another in the desperate hope that, somehow, someway, they will be able to finally stumble onto Bessler's secret wheel mechanics or find something just as good. The vast majority of them will only waste the remaining hours of their finite lives in a fruitless pursuit and not find it before they go on to their eternal rest.

      @ Anonymous

      Well, no, a 45 hour long movie is unnecessary. I'm thinking that it should not be longer than 1 hour and 45 minutes maximum. It should have a few top stars in it and also have some locale scenes filmed in Saxony, Germany. I'm thinking of CGI to recreate Weissenstein Castle and Count Karl's cascade. Since this film won't be made until after Bessler's wheels are physically duplicated, I'm thinking that the director could actually rent the best of this duplicates and have them flown to the movie's sets for use in the various testing scenes. Other than dialogue in English with a German accent, the attention to detail must be meticulous. I want a viewer to feel like he's actually gone back in time and is witnessing the major events and discoveries in Bessler's life as they were happening. I'm already starting to imagine the beginning of the film. It will begin with Bessler, as a 65 year old man, climbing to the top of that horizontal windmill he was constructing and having an accident that knocks him off the top. People find him laying on the ground and badly injured and carry him to a nearby house hoping that he will recover. Unfortunately, that is not meant to be because he is hemorrhaging internally. But, as he lays there slowly dying, his mind wonders back to his childhood and then his entire story is told in retrospect. At the end of the movie, his wife arrives and he is dead. Then we see her going through his possessions and finding the drawings for MT and the crushed remains of a small wheel. Those with her wonder if anyone will ever find the secret of his wheels again. Yes, I have no problem seeing this as a full length, shown in theaters, type of movie and it would be a great way to acquaint the world with Bessler and his achievements. He needs to be vindicated and such a film would certainly do that. I'm confident it will be made...

    17. Tell us about your design again Ken, please. How many ropes, springs, and pivot points does it have in total, counting each rope and spring connection as a pivot point as well as the levers and the weights? I believe at last count each mechanism had two ropes and two springs, but I can't remember if you changed them back to one, or not.
      I think a movie would be fun to see, but I'm not going to hold my breath for that either. It's too esoteric to be profitable.

    18. Once again, it is not my design, but rather Bessler's!

      I can quickly summarize the components of one of his one-directional wheels with a rather short list: 8 weighted levers each with its own pivot pin in the drum, a total of 40 coordinating cords, a total of 16 steel suspension springs each of which is anchored to a pin in the drum. Those numbers must, of course, be doubled for one of his two-directional wheels which contained two complete one-directional wheels side by side / back to back inside of a drum of doubled thickness (a two-directional wheel also requires some additional hardware that I go into in the book). While this is a short list, the real secret of his wheels is in the shape of the levers he used. They are not quite as simple as one might suppose. There are actually about two dozen different construction factors involved in his imbalanced pm wheel mechanics and, in the last chapter, I provide the reader with a nice big table that provides all of the values for these factors or parameters for all of the 7 wheels he actually built as well as the "super wheel" he never constructed. My goal is to provide a craftsman with as much precise information as possible so that he can begin building immediately. However, I urge the serious reverse engineer of Bessler's wheels to start exactly where he started: with the 3 foot diameter, one-directional Gera prototype wheel. Those 40 cords (actually just threads!) in this toy proof of principle model must be carefully arranged into several discreet layers within the drum so that none touch during drum rotation. I provide complete details on how the various sets of cords are arranged within those layers so that no two are allowed to touch each other during drum rotation.

      As far as the movie is concerned, the description of how his wheels worked can be done in a minute or so and the various construction factors needed not be overly discussed. What will intrigue the audience will be seeing the human side of the Bessler story: his early wanderings, how he became obsessed with pm, his medical career, the struggle to find a design that worked, problems in his marriage, final success, the frustrating efforts to sell the invention, the various tests, his meeting and friendship with Count Karl, the effect of the death of the count, his later life struggle and financial problems. His wheels, while certainly amazing, were really only the tip of the iceberg of a man with very interesting life. His story needs to be told!

    19. That's 120 pivot points for the one way wheels, if the weights are rigidly attached to the levers.
      That's not encouraging, not to mention the problems with the threads being stretched. I wish I could be more optimistic about your design that you think is his, but that fact alone is enough to rule it out, wouldn't you say?

    20. Yes, the end weights are rigidly attached to the weighted levers and removable, but there are only 80 pivots points in a one-directional wheel and these are located on a much lesser number of pivot pins. The threads themselves are not really under that much tension because much of it is taken off of them by the suspension springs in the design although as one moves beyond the 3 foot diameter Gera prototype wheel to larger diameter wheels, one must move from threads to cords and, eventually, even ropes. When I examine the schematics I have, I am in absolute awe of the amount of time and effort it must have cost Bessler to find this particular design. It also uses no gears. It's just weights, levers, cords, springs, and a large mostly empty wooden drum to hold all the parts in a special geometrical arrangement with respect to each other. On one level, the design is ridiculously simple, but on another level, it's incredibly novel and precise.

    21. 8 pivoting levers
      40 cords would have 80 pivots
      16 springs have 32 pivots
      The problem with threads or cords stretching will be the latency they exhibit in the real world. I don't think your simulation is showing you that. How long does your design sim turn without the motor on?
      If you've ever tried to build an engine like I have, then you know less is more. Maybe John can explain it better, since he has so much experience at it.

    22. Bessler had to make sure that the distances between the centers of the various interconnected pivot pins in his wheel mechanics were as close to certain values as possible to achieve the pm effect. Therefore, any threads or cords he used would have been tightly woven ones that would be as inelastic as possible. He probably even pre-stretched them prior to installation to further decrease elasticity. I give theoretically ideal values for all of the interconnection distances between the centers of the various pivot pins for all of his wheels, but a craftsman's actual values can be off a bit without it seriously affecting wheel performance. Motor? No, I don't use any motors in my sims. Those are for people with designs that don't work! I just let gravity do its thing.

    23. What material do you think he would have used for his cords, if he used them?
      How long does your sim rotate while gravity does its thing?
      I remember you previously had said you let a motor turn it at 1 rpm so you could analyze it as it went through the motions.

    24. The cords could have been made of either tightly stranded cotton, hemp, or linen. Maybe he used thin strips of pre-stretched leather. It's even possible to use metal chains as long as the links are small and kink resistant although chains can put out a lot of noise. It's really only necessary for a sim with eight weighted levers to make it through 45 degrees of drum rotation during which time the wheel's center of gravity stays continually on the axle's descending side. During this segment of rotation, only some of the 40 coordinating cords become tight and need be included in the sim. At the end of the 45 degrees of drum rotation, all of the weighted levers must have the same orientations they had at the beginning except for a bit of variation caused by the build up of centrifugal forces. At that point all of the weighted lever motions observed will be repeated again in the next 45 degrees of drum rotation only using different levers. I am in the process of extending the sim to show a complete 360 degree rotation of the drum in which each of its eight weighted levers makes a full orbit about the axle. Unfortunately, because of the large number of parts, such extended sims can take a long time to compute and push my available computer memory to its limits. I no longer attach motors to my sim wheels because they can make anything look like it's working and tend to negate the effects of centrifugal forces. If one has a "runner", then it should not need to be "assisted" with a motor! It should be self-starting and self-limiting at a high enough rotation rate.

    25. Yes, I thought you used to attach motors, thanks.
      45 degrees of rotation under gravity? I would have thought you had made more progress. Good luck with the 360 sim. Maybe you need to buy more memory?
      All ropes stretch, cotton is the worst, then hemp, then linen, but linen rope was the most expensive.
      If your sim isn't computing the rope stretch, it won't give you an accurate result.

    26. Admittedly, coordinating cord stretch is a problem, but I think that pre-stretching of the cords by Bessler and the use of suspension springs to take the strain of the weighted levers off of the cords allowed very precise coordination of the levers as they shifted during drum rotation and resulted in the stability of their displaced center of gravity on a drum's descending side. In the book I emphasize several times that I have not built a physical prototype and what I'm presenting is based upon what I believe to be correct interpretations of the many previously unsuspected DT portrait clues and accurate simulations of a design based on those clues. After almost 1500 simulations, I developed the ability to quickly determine if a design was just another non-runner that would keel after only a few seconds of real time simulation and, maybe, 5 or 10 degrees of rotation. My model #1480 is the only one that ever made it through a full 45 degrees of rotation while constantly accelerating. When I first saw that, I thought I was going to have a stroke!

    27. Yes it is a problem. Pre-stretching doesn't solve it (sorry, Bessler). Rope is elastic, like a spring. So your sim has to contain a spring constant for the rope. Do you know that? Have you included that in your sim if you have been able to figure out the spring constant for the size rope you are simming?
      Details, details. They bring us back to reality eventually.

    28. So you're going to publish your book even though you admit in it you didn't sim or build a working wheel? That's funny.

    29. There will always be a tiny amount of unwanted stretching in a wheel's coordinating cords, even if chains are used, but it won't be enough to prevent the design from running. Indeed, even in a metal lever there will be some structural flexing depending upon its orientation in our gravity field. One will never eliminate all of these or reduce aerodynamic and bearing drag to zero. These are the unavoidable impediments we much contend with in the real world versus the virtual world.

      Yes, I am going ahead with the book based on the results of the successful 45 degree drum rotation test of my model #1480 and the lack of physical prototype. My goal is to provide a craftsman with the ideal parameters for such a wheel and, as long as he does not stray too far from achieving them, he should still be able to construct a working wheel even though it will not be the most efficient possible. And, I highly recommend that anyone serious about physically duplicating Bessler's wheel start with the 3 foot diameter, one-directional Gera prototype to make sure he understands its principle of operation and the arrangement of its various components.

    30. The reason the design won't run in the real world versus fantasyland is because we can't contend with the unavoidable impediments.
      A craftsman won't be able to build a working wheel based on your book because 45 degrees isn't PM. Oops! How many books do you think you can sell, dude?

    31. dougsubous from 17 January 2017 at 19:34 in-part asserted as follows:

      "Details, details. They bring us back to reality eventually."

      To some yes; to some others, sadly and tragically as can be seen on these worthy pages, not.


    32. "... because 45 degrees isn't PM."

      Actually, even Bessler's wheels weren't "PM" by the strictest definition of the term. There is no such thing, only designs that will run for longer and longer periods of time. Bessler's wheels would have run the longest if they were routinely serviced and my calculations based on their mass energy content and estimated power outputs indicate, literally, billion of years!

      I'm not concerned about the 45 degree rotation limit of the sim because, if one discounts CF, one 45 degree segment of drum rotation is identical to any other in terms of the weighted levers' motions throughout a full rotation consisting of 8 of these segments and then throughout billions of additional full rotations. The "fly in the ointment" is the creeping increase in CF as wheel speed increases. That is not the same from one 45 degree segment to another. It is this increasing force which causes the power output of a wheel to begin decreasing as wheel speed increases. But, it does serve the purpose of limiting the maximum free running speed of the wheel so that it does not tear itself apart.

      I am also in the process of extending the sim to 90 degrees and, hopefully, to the full 360 degrees, but I expect there to be problems running those sims so they may not run and not due to any problem with the design. If they run on my computer, I don't expect them to change my opinion of the design and that it is, indeed, "it". Recently, I completed a WM2D model for a one-directional, 12 foot diameter wheel using 4 lb. weights on its levers. I will start with a sim of the 45 degree segment of drum rotation to make sure that all of the mass parameters have been scaled up properly. I found that there is a critical ratio that must be maintained between the mass of a weighted lever's end weight and the lever itself. Unless that ratio is maintained in a design, it will not display the "pm effect".

    33. One 45 degree rotation is identical to any other in terms of the levers'motion? You'll find out otherwise soon enough I suppose.
      You don't need to worry about your wheel tearing itself apart, or running for billions of years with routine service. No one is going to construct a wheel the author freely admits did not run in simulation or in a physical prototype he did not have built for him.

    34. The only thing that varies from 45 degree rotation segment to segment is the CF acting on the weighted levers although, of course, the rotational kinetic energies of the wheel's components are also increasing steadily and exponentially with their their velocities. I am not concerned with these because my model wheels only accumulate rotational energy and don't use it to perform work such as overcoming aerodynamic and bearing drag or driving external machinery attached to a wheel's axle. Also, I can assure you, the book will not be released unless and until I am fully satisfied in the validity of my simulations. At this point in time I am. My goal is to provide those looking for a new approach as close to a schematic for Bessler's wheels as they will ever find and, in fact, probably more detailed than even Bessler would have provided them with. I think those who take the Bessler wheel mystery seriously will be very happy with what I have to offer. It's something new, it's huge, and it's very detailed and well illustrated. Time will tell how it will be received...

    35. What you have is not new. Gravity will do its thing on your wheel just as it does on every wheel. Which is nothing! The drag and rope spring constant you aren't simming will do their thing, and levers can't be specially shaped to change their basic relationship to the effort or the load.

    36. Well, I certain hope gravity "does its thing" because, if it doesn't, then an imbalanced pm gravity wheel can not work! Of course, any force field can be used, but it's handy having one already provided by our planet. What really makes Bessler's design interesting is that he found a way to temporarily store ordinarily wasted GPU from the ascending side of the drum and then, later, on the descending side release it to help provide some of the GPU needed to raise the center of gravity of the entire collection of weighted levers located on the descending side of the axle so that its location would remain at the same elevation despite wheel rotation. It requires a very precisely balanced collection of interconnected and spring suspended weighted levers. You may think that the shape of a lever is unimportant. Actually, it's shape is critical to the design working because the various coordinating cords and springs must be attached to precise places on the weighted levers so that what I described above will take place smoothly. Soon the special shape of his levers will be revealed along with the cord attachment points on them. Be prepared for a surprise! He does hint at this requirement in the notes to MT 10.

    37. Gravity doesn't do anything in a gravity wheel. That's why they don't work. Gravity wheels are very aptly named.
      What would surprise me would be any of the claimants to success keeping their word about quitting their pm efforts and releasing their huge idea that didn't work to the inevitable criticism.

    38. I agree that gravity, itself, does not supply the energy that a genuine "gravity" wheel outputs. That can only come from the mass of the active weights inside of the wheel. I see gravity as sort of acting like an invisible spring to temporarily store energy which it then returns to a falling mass. I'm not sure who you are referring to by "any of the claimants to success", but, most likely, when my book is published, I will not be pursuing the secret of Bessler's wheels any longer because I will have finally achieved my goal and completed the research via publication. But, the search will certainly not end there. Once his wheels are successfully replicated, the next step will be to figure out how to improve the process so that machines can be built that will output mass energy at a far greater rate than any of Bessler's constructed wheels ever did. The mechanics for that will, most likely, be far more difficult achieve than the relatively simple mechanics found in his wheels. But, where there's a will, there's a way...or so they say.

    39. You, John, Trevor, the usual suspects claiming success. 2017 will just be another year like years past, because you're all trying to build gravity wheels.

      "I just need to blah blah blah, and then hopefully around Christmas I'll be revealing the secret!", or words similar. Then "I found another clue that changes this or that", etc.

      Surprise us! Keep your words for once so you can get on with your lives, or at least try something besides gravity wheels.

    40. I can appreciate your frustration at the lack of real progress in the area of Bessler type imbalanced pm wheel research. I can assure you that I, at least, will be doing what I can to change that situation this year and relatively soon.

      We focus almost exclusively on gravity wheels or imbalanced wheels because that is the direction Bessler's most easily translated clues take one. Many, however, have come to the conclusion that is the wrong direction to move in because of all the prior failures to make such designs work. Other designs using different principles may be possible, but I'm adhering to the imbalanced wheel design because I'm more convinced than ever from my research that that is what Bessler used.

    41. I don't expect *any* progress, because you are all researching in the wrong direction. Each time anyone thinks they've found a new 'clue' it starts over. Don't you all think you must be misinterpreting the clues? Designs using different principles are possible, and I would hope after *decades* of failures, you guys would try something else. Sheesh. Surprise us!

    42. Okay, if you are totally disappointed with the imbalanced pm gravity wheel approach (a condition I plan to soon change!), then what other approach(s) would you hope that we would try? I once looked into the claims that Bessler was really describing a "motion wheel" in his writings instead of a "gravity wheel". Because of the somewhat ambiguous nature of Bessler's 18th century writings, it's often possible to "spin" a translation to support any approach if one tries hard enough!

      A motion wheel was supposed to use the change in moment of inertia on opposed sides of a rotating drum to create a net accelerating torque on the drum and axle. It certainly sounds good until one comes up against Newton's 3rd Law of Motion which is just as frustrating for those types of wheels as the Conservation of Energy Law is for the gravity wheels. While I have seen, literally, dozens of imbalanced gravity wheel designs over the years (and contributed my fair share of them!), I don't recall seeing any motion wheel designs. Where are they? Even a failed one would be nice to see for analytical purposes.

      An obvious advantage of a motion wheel over a gravity wheel is that the drum of the former should be able to have any orientation with respect to the Earth's gravity field while the latter must always have its axle perpendicular to that field. I note that all of Bessler's wheels had their axles perpendicular to the Earth's gravity field which, obviously, I consider additional evidence that they were, indeed, gravity wheels and not motion wheels.

  10. Everyone seems fixated on finding a "cause" for the OB or imbalance in Bessler's wheels. Maybe the solution is that the effect, OB, is its own cause?! That is, as the OB configuration of weighted levers within a one-directional wheel attempts to rotate the wheel and bring itself and the wheel into a state of balance, it would simultaneously knock itself out of balance again and thereby perpetually maintain its chronic state of imbalance. This process then results in an ongoing redistribution of mass energy from the shifting weighted levers to all of the other components inside of the drum, to the drum itself, and, of course, to the axle and its pivots.

    1. ..because if gravity is constant, and space itself is uniform and homogenous, then the GPE either side of any axle or fulcrum is by definition equal - no system of weights alone (ie. gravitating masses) can yield an input/output energy disunity.

      I know that this seems like a rashly nebulous generalisation, but despite already being aware of it before i started here, i still spent the best part of two years trying to find any room for doubt... and unfortunatelyi beleive in this instance, the generalisation fully covers all bases here.

      If you have a system that is generating or destroying energy, which you believe depends only gravity, then that assumption must be wrong - success implies that there must be displacements against some additional force/s, and it has to be this secondary workload that is causing the I/O energy difference, which nonentheless is then manifested and harvested in the form of output GPE.

      But the input GPE has to come from elsewhere.

      Consider it like this - 1 meter is always 1 meter, no matter in which plane or position it is measured - so 1 meter radius or height is same/same either side of an axle or fulcrum. Gravity and mass are static forces no changing in time, so a circuit trajectory of any shape or orientation (such as within a vertical rotating wheel) is energy-neutral, since "energy" is simply the product of force and displacement. Trading height for width, or any scheme of 'shift weights' - no matter where or when they operate - can perturb this status quo.

      A continual surfeit of GPE can only be manifested by a weight able to continually drop lower. If that weight or another must also rise by the same distance, then net GPE is zero.

      Bessler's success implies that gravitating systems DO have some inherent property that assists OU, but gravitating systems alone cannot be the cause of an I/O energy asymmetry. Whatever raised the OB weight could not have temporarily disabled gravity - no matter what was responsible, it performed the same amount of work against gravity that the OB weight then output as GPE.

      So we're looking for something that performs free work against gravity - rather than some way of manipulating gravitation itself.

      To make a bad analogy, the scam isn't forging money, nor manipulating its value, but siphoning full-value cash from some other resource.

      Weights alone can't perform free work against other weights, therefore something else must be..

    2. "But the input GPE has to come from elsewhere."

      Of course it does because it can not be created out of nothing. In the hypothesis I use to rationalize how Bessler's wheels worked, the GPE needed to continually raise and keep the center of gravity of their weighted levers elevated and fixed at a certain location on the descending side of the axle comes directly from the mass of the weighted levers themselves (actually from the masses of the subatomic particles composing their atoms!). Quite fortunately, this is possible even though any particular weighted lever will rise and fall through the same vertical distance as its pivot travels around the center of the wheel's axle. In order for this to be possible, however, the weighted levers must lose a bit more GPE on the descending side than they regain on the ascending side with the energy discrepancy then being distributed to all parts of the rotating wheel for acceleration or to the moving parts of any external machinery connected to its axle to power them. Well, if the ascending and descending side weighted levers travel vertically through the same vertical distances during a complete circuit of their pivots around the axle, then there must be a difference in their vertical ascent and descent velocities for there to be any usable energy discrepancy produced. My research shows that this, indeed, is exactly what is happening and, most importantly, it only happens in Bessler's particular design!

    3. Vibe,
      the thinking behind my idea was to use the force of the heavy pendulum's tendency to hang straight down, as you know, the force did actually move the small weight, and tension the spring.
      But on the ascending side the heavy pendulum did not touch the small weight / spring tensioning cord.
      Since all the heavy weights are in balance around the wheel, it's the positions of the small weights that cause the overbalance.
      I think the extra oomph is supplied by the heavy weight wanting to hang straight down.

  11. Balance is an equal and opposite configuration.

  12. How did Edward Leedskalnin overcome gravity when he was building the coral castle?

    Maybe looking into his life might shed some light on how to make a gravity powered wheel.

    Just a thought.

    1. I did look into him once and concluded that he did it all single handedly using a simple tripod equipped with a block and tackle for lifting the stones. He had incredible, Bessler-like tenacity. This was confirmed by two kids he once allowed to watch him loading a large block of coral onto a flatbed truck he owned. It took him about an hour and he managed the feat all by himself. Here's a short video that will tell you everything you need to know about the mysteries of Coral Castle:

    2. Here's a better video,

    3. I've seen this one before and, possibly, it can explain how the ancient Druids managed to lift the massive stone lintel pieces at Stonehenge into position although I don't think they used the technique shown in the video for the horizontal motion of the stones over the ground. There is a much easier method for that using an A frame to drag the stones along from the quarry to a building site. But, the Druids apparently did not have machinery of any kind (not sure if they even had the wheel!). Leedskalnin did have machinery in the form of pulleys and rachet mechanisms and he used them exclusively in the construction of Coral Castle.

    4. Wow how naive you are Ken. I bet you buy lots of magic beans.

    5. Naive in what way??? (No need to buy any magic beans...I grow my own! Lol!)

  13. Bessler's Wheel and the Orffyreus Code › ...
    Ever since I began this search roughly 55 years ago, I have ignored Bessler's advice and concentrated on creating an over-balancing wheel, ...
    John as it's been 55 years then maybe it's your year with all them 5's floating about. But it will need a push to get it going? As much as you believe it starts spontaneously the power surge needed to getting it moving is enormous from a standing start. You have to give Orffyreus credit for fooling or tricking the onlookers to believing it started spontaneously. He either tricked people to believe it started spontaneously, or he never actually had a working wheel.
    Perpetualman asked you and Ken what would you like to achieve if you completed the wheel?
    In my opinion you should get a Gold Star for the effort that you have put in over the years and for the interest that you have brought to others.
    Good luck.

    1. I can't find Bessler telling anyone that they shouldn't concentrate on an imbalanced wheel. All he suggests is that it's a very difficult thing to make work which I heartily agree with! Also, there is little doubt that his one-directional wheels were all self-starting and he did not have to "fool or trick" onlookers into believing that because his simple demonstrations made it obvious. Even those who he allowed to test them verified that they were self-starting.

  14. Ken, I hold my hat off to you, your probably a Fantastic guy, but unfortunately miracles don't happen, honestly Orffyreus was much cleverer than most people give him credit for. I'm on yours and John's side, - read what Orffyreus actually said.

  15. "... but unfortunately miracles don't happen..."

    I look at all reality as a miracle. Here I am, a collection of 100 trillion microscopic blobs of jelly each one of which is more complicated than all of the structures on the island of Manhattan put together. And, all 100 trillion of my bodily cells are now working toward one overall goal: bring the secret of Bessler's wheels out from behind that "curtain" Bessler repeatedly alluded to and into full view of all of humanity! Now that's a miracle!

    Yes, we're all familiar with this AP quote:

    "Many would-be Mobile-makers think that if they can arrange for some of the weights to be a little more distant from the center than the others, then the thing will surely revolve. A few years ago, I learned all about this the hard way. And then the truth of the old proverb came home to be that one has to learn through bitter experience." (pages 295 and 296)

    But, again, he does not say it's impossible to make an imbalanced wheel work, just that one must endure much "bitter experience" in order to learn how to do so. I can certainly attest to the validity of that observation!

  16. heres guy with wheel turning nice and i cant see battery or motor. he does not tell how it works.


  17. "Many would-be Mobile-makers think that if they can arrange for some of the weights to be a little more distant from the center than the others, then the thing will surely revolve. A few years ago, I learned all about this the hard way. And then the truth of the old proverb came home to be that one has to learn through bitter experience." (pages 295 and 296)

    I think what Bessler is saying is, YES an overbalanced wheel is needed to create and maintain rotation, but something more than simple overbalance (like shown in MT9) is needed. That something is what he alludes to in MT11, MT13, and MT15, and that something is the prime mover.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Precisely - and this "prime mover" HAS to involve energy that is a function of something other than gravity, mass and height.

      All energy is a function of force and displacement - and the only other forces available seem to be inertial.

      So somehow inertial force has to either perform free input work against gravity, or add to its output, or else obviate that requirement via some kind of counter-balancing during the lift..

    3. "I think what Bessler is saying is, YES an overbalanced wheel is needed to create and maintain rotation, but something more than simple needed. That something is...the prime mover."

      When the mechanics Bessler used is finally revealed, we will find that, during any 45 degrees of drum rotation, two of its weighted levers were functioning as "prime movers" while 5 others were being moved. During each complete drum rotation, each weighted lever took a turn being a prime mover for 1/4 of a full drum rotation, became a moved weighted lever for 5/8 of a full drum rotation, and remained a passive lever at rest with its stop for 1/8 of a full drum rotation. This dynamic process kept the center of gravity of all of the weighted levers on the axle's descending side despite the continuous drum rotation that futilely attempted to swing the center of gravity down directly horizontally below the axle to the punctum quietus. That futility allowed the wheel to constantly extract the mass energy of its 8 weighted levers so it could be used to accelerate all parts of the wheel or those moving parts of any outside machinery attached to its axle.

  18. With the rotation of the wheel and the movement of the weights, it's sufficient to stay in motion.
    Without that initial Gentle Little Push - forget it, the wheels going Nowhere.

    1. "Without that initial Gentle Little Push - forget it, the wheels going Nowhere."

      Certainly true for Bessler's bidirectional wheels, but not for his one-directional ones. They were all self-starting.

    2. "Certainly true for Bessler's bidirectional wheels, but not for his one-directional ones. They were all self-starting." - KB

      "Certainly . . ." (!)

      He ought to know for he was THERE! :-)

      (Certitude is not knowledge.)

    3. I don't think Bessler liked anyone trying to give one of his one-directional wheels a "surreptitious" shove to get them going faster. He just wanted them to untie them and let them accelerate at their own rate. When I finally reveal the design he used, the reason will become clear. Any attempt to shove a one-directional wheel in the direction it is supposed to naturally turn upsets the delicate internal balance among its weighted levers, especially the ones on the ascending side near the 12:00 position of the drum. That can result in some of the coordinating cords wrapping themselves around certain levers and disabling the wheel so it can not maintain its imbalance until the wrap up is manually undone. Bessler came up with a means to prevent this that he incorporated into this bidirectional wheels which did require a gentle shove to get them accelerating in one of their two possible directions of motion. In my book I give the complete details of this means which is rather simple. I did not realize how critically important it was until I saw what was happening to those ascending side weighted levers when I tried to give my model wheels a shove in their normal direction of motion.

      Strange thought just occurred to me. If the design I present based on the DT portrait clues proves to be "it" because it results in a physical duplication of his wheels, then, in essence, I am functioning as the de facto executor of Bessler's estate at least with respect the distribution of what he considered his legacy to humanity which was the secret of his imbalanced pm wheels!

    4. Ken, I think you are getting carried away by your own hyperbole, although I'm sure you don't think it's exaggerated at all. You continue to express your opinions as if they were facts and not merely your interpretations of Bessler's portraits.

      The reason why I get irritated by your continual dismissal of my requests to always modify your posts by saying something like, "I speculate that this or that may be the meaning etc, etc", is simple.

      I do not believe that you have found such detail in the portraits. Another reason is due to my own research reveals a much more convincing explanation for Bessler's success, and it doesn't require your madcap idea that the weights provide the energy through their minuscule loss of mass.

      Also your limited descriptions of the design you believe you've found including the presence of 40 cords, bears no relation to my own findings, not to mention your continued presumption of eight weights. You may say that I must be wrong, yes maybe I will be shown the error of my research, but I'm not in for such an overwhelming, dumbfounding, jaw-dropping revelation of the true design as you will be when the truth does eventually come out.

      I wish you well Ken, but please modify your tone, stop using my blog to promote your book, and compress or abridge your posts.


    5. With all the effort Ken has put into his book, and considering Bessler's heritage, I think it should have a nice catchy title written in German.
      Maybe something like,
      "Mein Kampf vor das Bessler Rad"

  19. Again, John, let me beg 2,000 pardons of you for displaying so much exuberance in my recent posts. In most cases, I was just trying to answer questions others posed as I really don't like leaving someone hanging and waiting for information. You wrote "I do not believe that you have found such detail in the portraits." Yes, I know what I'm saying about the two DT portraits seems absolutely incredible at this time, but I can assure you that I would not be saying it if they were not actually there and had not led to a working sim of Bessler's wheels! I mentioned long ago that I would love to write a book about Bessler, but would not do so unless I could also provide the reader with "the" solution to the wheel mystery. Only last year did I finally arrive at a point where I had seen enough to convince me that I could begin that book! Well, time will tell if I'm right or not. Meanwhile, I will try to keep any posts I make shorter and less frequent and thereby devote more time to the proofreading of the massive tome's manuscript. That should help speed it toward its completion and publication by April of this year. I want it to come out before the 300th anniversary of the completion of the Kassel wheel as a further tribute to Bessler.

    @ STEVO I like your title, but it sounds a little too similar to that of a volume by an author who is not held in much esteem in our world! I do have a nice title for my book now and it's certainly descriptive of its contents. My problem is coming up with a attractive cover for it. The cover will actually be done by a professional digital artist, but I have to tell him what I want! Obviously, it will have to have some sort of a wheel on it, but I don't want to just use a image from DT. I'll have to start doing some thinking about this and making a few rough sketches.

    1. Interesting.

      Our saintly-patient Editor rightly receives his abject supplication, while the rest of us his contempt, in-essence, as judging by KB's classic, clueless directed malbehavior past and present.

      Yeah, he fears and respects power, obviously, but spits into the faces of all others consistently by default. (Well, into the half that are not his big fans, that is.)

      So, are we to be shocked at this? (Rhetorical; let's not even bother.)

      As descriptive apologia for his boorishness (as if being anywhere near-adequate) he uses now the term "exuberance" as facilitator, this ostensibly to make all-right that which is all-wrong (and has been from since forever) about him, his ways, his theories and heedless mania, all summing-to a clinical condition of exclusive pro-self or of narcissism, oh yeah.

      For fun, let's take a look for some short range of associations, as his usage of this new terminology might naturally inspire, starting with his own:

      [mass noun] The quality of being full of energy, excitement, and cheerfulness; ebullience:
      ‘a sense of youthful exuberance’

      1.1 The quality of growing profusely; luxuriance:
      ‘plants growing with wild exuberance’

      Sounds like me! And next . . .


      1 A person who is very interested in a particular activity or subject:
      ‘a sports car enthusiast’

      2 archaic, derogatory A person of intense and visionary Christian views.

      Sounds like most here and, not bad so-far but, finally we come to IT . . . itself


      1A person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause:
      ‘religious fanatics’

      1.1 informal A person with an obsessive interest in and enthusiasm for a particular activity:
      ‘a fitness fanatic’

      So, which of the above applies best to our present subject/trial and, why might it?

      Also, for a really big 'flash-finish' for the truly curious, I suggest looking-up 'tar baby' and see what interesting associations that one might provide for fun thought and reflection, regarding our subject.

      (A bit of help for the less energetic of we enthusiastic seekers-after: )

      Why does he not simply acquire his very own pages on "blogspot" which are free of charge, and reign like H.M. Monarch of Knowing there? He would not be bothered by myself, I promise-promise-promise! Just THINK of how central he really could be in his very own little machine as Big Gear! Why the possibilities inspire even MYSELF! Yes. Why must the half-torment continue on HERE, and not THERE???

      Ah, well, it will require several more gross oversteps as done by him to get that "FINAL WARNING", which will come I am sure although 'saintly patience' can go a long, long way.



    2. "Why does he not simply acquire his very own pages on "blogspot" which are free of charge, and reign like H.M. Monarch of Knowing there?"

      I have been tempted on several occasions when things got a bit slow around here, but John does such a nice job with this blog, that I can see little point to it. Why needlessly duplicate effort? We all have only one goal after all: to find out how Bessler did it. It's not about me or John or anyone else, it's about Bessler's wheels. (However, in my forthcoming volume, I do provide a short chapter about myself and my involvement with the subject which may be of interest to future biographers should the design I unveil prove to be "it".)

    3. Now, after that little spate of concentrated nonsense, I'll 'deign' to speak directly to H.M., newly-crowned Monarch of Knowing:

      To us H.M. states: "I have been tempted on several occasions when things got a bit slow around here, but John does such a nice job with this blog, that I can see little point to it. . . ."

      Have you really been so-tempted or, is this but yet more of your trade-mark disingenuousness, complete with condescension not so subtly disguised? (Or, is it that you are simply clueless after all, with regard to such implicational delicacies?)

      And then, this he proffers: "We all have only one goal after all: to find out how Bessler did it. It's not about me or John or anyone else, it's about Bessler's wheels"

      As regards most all here, we can easily believe this-so but, certainly not with respect to yourself. No! Too many of your routines you have gone-through already, for that old tomfoolery to fly-still.

      No, your particular shtick, KB, is all about YOU - YOU - YOU, and is a pitiful, sad display of striving for approbation to be drawn out of a myriad of faceless, would-be donors. (Did you not get enough from your father or, perhaps, none at all?)

      Without any doubt this need you exhibit (and-so nearly consistently) is a symptomology deriving of the pathological - no question.

      (Now, if you find this that I say out of bounds and damaging to your valuable public persona, then PONY-UP and SUE ME in open court! That would be the beginning of one sure way of being rid of you finally, as bankrupted by litigation costs, after which you'd not be much up for more P-M searching and, we would thus be mercifully relieved of your terror-reign of willy-nilly word masturbation, for this is about all that is sums-to. It would be worth it! You really ARE interesting to me - what resides within as a perverse, animating force, and causes you to tick with so much seemingly studied, impudent indifference, and unfounded fearlessness. Ones like you really do understand only ONE THING, that being APPLIED FORCE, whatever form it might take as required. It's your dough and decision - you first!)

      Continuing . . .

      And then, there was THIS not atypical bit to finish: "(However, in my forthcoming volume, I do provide a short chapter about myself and my involvement with the subject which may be of interest to future biographers should the design I unveil prove to be "it".)"

      Well, having not even FOUND Bessler's source of impetus, why then would you ever consider putting together and publishing something, on what is essentially nothing???

      This understand, if you might: if you or any do not possess knowledge certain-and-true of this prime essential, and continue to not, then such have nothing and never will.

      Simply more of your pointless madness on display, this last is.

      If all this were not so very tragic - what you do and the ways in which you carry-on despite editorial authority's multiple pleas to CEASE such excesses - it would be sheerly laughable but, it is and therefor is not. Deeply sad, it in-truth is.

      And, WHY do you not SHOW yourself? Why the hiding routine? You are a published author of a vanity sort so, whereat is to be accessed your publishing likeness?

      Is it that you are hideous or, too beautiful for any safe, physical contemplation by us? (Or, perhaps, it is an over-abundance of precaution that answers for it, being a raging-paranoid after all, this to go with the rest that is aberrant?)

      DO let us find-out by means of one discovery device, or another.

      Your move . . .

    4. I thank you for your various opinions all of which I find most insightful and eloquently stated as usual. I can only say that finding the secret of Bessler's wheels is somewhat like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Not actually impossible, but extremely difficult to do. In my quest, I almost quit a hundred times, yet something always managed to keep me motivated and ever moving onward. It was perhaps the worse type of mental bondage of which to be a victim: not being able to make progress, yet not being able to quit the pursuit. Then, one miraculous day, I noticed something most unusual in the second DT portrait and thereafter, one by one, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place over the course of the next year or so. I eventually had the full details of Bessler's 3 foot Gera prototype and of his 12 foot, bidirectional Merseburg wheel. The other of his 6 wheels' various mechanical parameters were then easily determined by interpolation / extrapolation. His wheels are, indeed, very simple, but only after one has a complete list of their almost two dozen construction parameters which I do now have. Soon the entire world will have them and Bessler will finally be vindicated. My mission will be completed and I can move onto other subjects which are not connected to pm chasing but, nonetheless, are of a frustrating nature and difficult to make progress in.

      As for my image which you seem most curious about. I am, generally, a rather private person and debated whether to reveal any of my personal information in a book. I eventually decided to do so for the sake of the curious among my readers, but I learned from several "bad" experiences in past before the arrival of the modern internet not to provide any images of myself, a home address, or a phone number. I did provide those years ago in connection with another subject I was involved in and it was not too long afterward that I was getting weird phone calls late at night and strangers even began appearing at my residence unannounced and without being invited and some of them were, obviously, suffering from various mental health conditions of a serious nature. So, for security reasons today, I don't do this anymore. There are mentally disturbed stalker types out there and I don't want to put my or my loved ones lives at risk by providing them with any information they might then use to act on their various paranoid delusions.

      However, for those that have a need to connect a face to a name, I have been told several times that I somewhat resemble the actor Shia Labeouf who played Harrison Ford's son in the last of the Indiana Jones movies ("Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"). Here's a link to his a photo of him:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/alg-shia-jpg.jpg

      No wonder women, especially devastatingly beautiful younger ones, find me so irresistibly attractive!

  20. John Collins,
    beyond the performances,in your opinion the Bessler's wheel may also work with two weights, instead of eight?
    (excuse my bad english)


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...