Tuesday 11 April 2017


I'll be away in Spain for a few days but will still be able to comment etc.

I've built this new log cabin in which I originally intended to have as my new work shop but my wife thinks it's too good for sawing wood and drilling and cutting metal so I shall be using it to do the wheel design and write blogs etc, but the actual work will be carried out in the garage, now somewhat truncated as a part of the building alterations we have undergone in the last six months.

Here are some picturs of my log cabin under way so-to-speak .

There's nothing much in it yet, other than an old PC which has a lot of drawings on it.  But it will do for writing scripts.  The log cabin will be the place to make the video and I have begun to write the script.  The need to include plenty of images means I can use some for the paper I'm writing.  I call it a paper but really I just intend to publish it maybe as just a digital download or possible in hard copy, so it could be a book, and/or a website.

I've been drawing the wheel design onto a three foot MDF disc so I can drill the holes in the right places and attach the various levers and weights.  Although the garage is shorter than it was, I'm creating an additional storage area at the side of the house where I can put all the stuff which is taking up too much room in the garage at present.  It's not ideal, being long and narrow but it'll do and I'm putting a translucentt roof on, so I can see what's in there in a few months time when I've forgotten what I originally stored there!  It seems as though more work produces more work before I can begin the real wheel work!  

Even at this late stage in my Bessler research I had one of those blindingly obvious revelations which cleared up a question I had which had been bothering me for a long time and which now seems so simple I cannot understand why, after so many years of study I didn't see the reason for its presence.

These breakthroughs both small and miniscule add up to a significant amount of information which, if I had published back in 2008, without the new stuff, would have missd the mark by a mile and probably have been of little help to anyone.  Hopefully the new stuff will galvanise everyone into action!

I'll be back soon.



  1. Very nice John! Have fun in Spain 🇪🇸. By the way, is your bessler wheel put together?

  2. John, that's so cute the way you put that little dwelling together! It reminds me of the Lincoln Logs I used to play with as a kid. Were you able to purchase those long boards with the 4 slots cut out of the ends like that? Or did you have to cut those yourself. It never occurred to me that you could build a livable structure that way.

    1. I bought the complete kit from a Dutch company called Tuin, who specialise in robust log cabins. I didn't need any nails or screws except to fix the roof boards on. Brilliant


  3. Where in Spain? Barcelona?


    1. Costa Blanca, about half way between Alicante and Valencia. a little seaside place called Moraira.

    2. What a beautiful place! Have fun John ;)


  4. John, It is good to take a break and mentally prepare yourself, for that which is about to come your way. You unvariably ...and .instantly, will become the worlds go to Authority for all things relating to Bessler and his work. As well you should be. No one else has the vast knowledge base that you do. It will be very beneficial for all of us to support John, his tireless searching, his discoveries and years of dedication. It will do well for us all to support this Noble Quest so that as each of us picks up the banner for this device we are a united group that is welcoming this incredible moment in the history of Mankind and this fragile spacecrart we call Earth

    1. Wow, thank you Gravittea for your support.


  5. Hello again John,

    Things are are really looking good so far. Although it's a little slow right now, I'm still progressing towards the finish line. It kind of reminds me of the tortoise and the hare. How are things going with you?

    Just one question though: do you think that your mechanism is simple or complex? Mines really simple. In fact, it's too simple.

    1. Still in Spain at the moment pm, but it's a simple mechanism.


    2. Glad to hear that. But another thought just occurred to me. As I was reading some of Besslers quotes, I started wondering if he changed some wording to hide the true meaning of how his weights really worked. The reason I say that is, when you read what he wrote and how he wrote it, it kind of doesn't make sense. I'm not saying he's a liar. But I think some of his words were changed to hide the true form or inner workings of his gravity wheel.

      Did you ever wonder about that?

    3. You are absolutely right, PM... Keeping in mind that he could give away the secret Bessler has obviously used differing words...The inner working is extremely simple but usually doesn't occurs in mind unless one does deep thinking...The weights constitute essential parts...And the entire principle depends on the weights...

  6. John, please excuse me but, I am a little confused.

    Why is this structure call a log cabin? Frankly, I am at a lost to see one long. The thing though lovely seems made of planks.

    Here, in the U.S., we build our log cabins out of big round ones and they are dark.

    One of our presidents, Abraham Lincoln, the one that started the War of Southern Suppression was born in one, or so the Federalist Propaganda Contingent and their ever-puffing Lincoln Saint-Making Machine have been preaching for almost a hundred and fifty years, now.

    Also, this Spain location appears one awfully lush and green. Is this in Spain or in the Queen's Kingdom, actually?

    Whichever the cases may be, we now see that you are preparing for our arrival one day for a visit and sit-down, and pow-wow ('summit') on how we might finally get wheels of themselves to go.

    There seems just enough area between the patio and grass area for socializing and a pitching our tents, whether in Spain or not.

    All that remains now, is to settle on the date.


    1. Welcome James. It is called a log cabin because of the way the logs/planks interlock at their connecting ends, not probably a log cabin as you know it though. An ingenious Dutch product. It is in my back garden/yard at home. But I'm in Spain at present in blessedly warm sunshine and drinking excellent wine at a fraction of the English price.

      Pitching your tents might be a problem as we have downsized considerably and what you see is almost all there is in space terms, however we have some extra room outside the fence where we might accommodate you but there is little privacy should you wish to light your camp fire for cooking purposes. Our neighbours are gregarious - some might call them nosey - but harmless enough!


    2. I forgot to add, you're welcome James, just let me know when.

    3. Oh no, John, it looks like you've got a Trump supporting Reality warper on your hands! I'd be careful about letting them into your back garden.

    4. All shades of opinion welcome as long as it isn't flaunted.


    5. Thanks very much, John. Will-do.

      Your little log cabin certainly is pretty and stylish. Mightn't you be willing to reveal it's maker? You did say it was a pre-fab, no?

  7. It is not a log cabin. You could call a shoebox a log cabin but it would still be a shoebox.

    1. Just back from Spain this PM, Weather here is cold and grey as usual!

      That seems a bit harsh Johann. The company who make them are Dutch and are called Tuin, just google it. Mine's called Daisy log cabin, its incredibly strong and you can jump up and down on the roof if you desire, because its constructed to withstand very heavy falls of snow. I like it and to me its a log cabin, not a shoe box, and measures 8 feet by 11 and a half.



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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...