Saturday 10 June 2017

Climate Change and Bessler's Wheel

I've never been totally convinced by the argument that climate change is due to the effects of pollution, courtesy of the internal combustion engine and other similar pollutants, and not some vagery of nature, but I cannot deny that what ever the case, the fact that it's here is indisputable.  Man-made global warming crisis crusaders are now facing a new threat. Their anti-fossil carbon-based premise for alarmism is being challenged by new scientific evidence of important solar influences upon climate that can't readily be blamed on us. Not that there wasn't lots of good evidence of this before. Actually, there has been, and it has been routinely denigrated and ignored. However, whether it is the former or the latter, does not matter really, we have to do everything possible to try to reverse global warming, even if it we don't see any benefits in our life time.

 Reading about the giant crack in one of Antarctica's largest ice shelves which is about to break off, forming a Delaware-size block of ice brings home the fact of the warming of the earth.The crack in the ice shelf, called Larsen C, has forked toward the Southern Ocean and is growing rapidly and scientists think a glacier behind the ice block could destabilize after the calving event.  This could lead to further disintegration of the remaing shelf. The fact that the ice shelf that has existed for thousands of years and is about to shed a absolutely huge block of ice conjures up the image of vast amounts of fresh water being released into oceans which in time will lead to sea level rises and all the associated disasters that that entails.

 It's at least 1,100 feet thick at the edge — it thickens inland — and covers roughly 2,000 square miles!  So when I read that Trump has pulled the US out of the Paris Climate deal because it would cost American jobs I am deeply disappointed.  I always steer clear of politics when writing publicly available pieces because I believe everyone is entitled to their point of view and each views these things from different perspectives, but I hope he renegotiates something of value out of this.  I'm sure that he is thinking short term, at least compared to nature, because he gave commitments which in his mind would be contra to the Paris agreement.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, now is time for Bessler's wheel to make its appearance and no matter how much some people dismiss its potential as an energy provider, I can see a tremendous future for this amazingly simple, basic mechanism which could change the world we live in.. I hope it won't be too late though.  Things need to get moving soon as possible - even if it appeared on the world stage tomorrow, it would still be too late to reverse climate change which, according to the 'experts' has been under way for at least the last 150 years - in other words since we began to pump steam.  If it is indeed down to our own pollution,  and even if there is some lingering doubt about that, surely we should be doing every possible thing to lessen the effect of climate warming, and if that affects the job situation in some countries isn't that better than the losing most of the Eastern Seaboard of the USA where some 40 cities are less than 10 feet above current sea levels and in 20 years they could be inundated.



  1. Darn!
    I've just given my copy of James Follets novel "Ice" to the book exchange!
    I won't tell you how it ends.
    Seriously though, whether climate change is caused by man, or not, don't we all want nice clean air to breathe, and unpolluted rivers etc. ?
    There's only one caveat to all the eco-friendly measures being taken nowadays, if one mega volcano erupts, as the one under Yellowstone Park is due to do, according to the experts. All the effort would have been in vain, one big bang will put a million plus years of pollution into the air in one go.

  2. I think that for now no one has found, even if some one already pretends to have made one ... I hope that the one who finds it will give it to humanity even if it costs him much for his ego. ..

    I imagine tomorrow put mine on youtube, and that the next day another says it was him who designed it, I would have trouble :), have you already thought about all this, and what would be the solution Clean, for the designer especially if he gives it for free, can hope to at least receive a medal in chocolate !!!

    Personally the question is still premature :)

    A ++

  3. @ thx4,
    an easy way to solve the problem of who designed a working wheel is to use a poorman's patent, send a copy of your design to yourself via recorded delivery, and leave the envelope unopened.
    I think this is still accepted as proof in an English court of law.

    1. Great idea! The patent offices have spies and the military could confiscate it for national security reasons.

  4. “If present rates of global warming continue and production of carbon dioxide is not curtailed, many scientists believe the Earth’s average temperature will continue to rise, resulting in wilder and more unpredictable climatic swings and higher ocean levels that could threaten the low-lying coastal areas where much of humanity makes its home.” A non polluting gravity powered wheel would change all that. But then, "Big brother" would step in and remove the wheel or wheels and shut down everyone who tries to defy the governments of this world. Tesla wanted to give free energy to the world, but when certain people realized that they wouldn't be able to make money off of free energy, they pulled the plug on his dream.

    So, how can you remove "Big brother / Oil companies"?

    1. Big brother etc. no one, nothing has the power to stop the technological progress...


    2. I totally agree. I just wanted to throw that in there. Technology will continue until the moon is no more.

  5. Just found out about a gravity powered aircraft!
    Read about it at....

    1. Thanks Stevo, interesting hybrid, with several advantages - if they can get it off the ground.


  6. Obviously nature has effects on the environment. That said, the world's population of humans in 1000 AD was around 250 million up until about Bessler's time, where it was 750 million, then 1 billion around 1800, 2.5 billion in 1950, 4.5 billion in 1980, 6 billion in 2000, and 7.5 billion today. You seem to sniff at the 150 year figure, in which begins the burning of fossil fuels and delivering of CO/CO2 into the environment, by exaggerating that we were "pumping steam"? You use derogatory terms like "alarmism", "crisis crusaders", and "'experts'"? If you lived in my county, you'd probably be a Trump supporter. :-)

    John, may I ask, then, what makes you think man made pollution isn't adding to climate change?

    1. I'm sure man made pollution is adding to climate change, but I think that it is also a result of some changes in the sun's output as suggested by some scientists. Because I mentioned that above, doesn't mean I don't acknowledge man's part in polluting the earth, and the effect of that pollution on climate. Perhaps I phrased it badly.

      Actually some of those words used, which you objected to, came from a news report whose source I should have acknowledged, found on google.

      I was trying to be inclusive of both potential causes but my main point is that we need to get rid of as many pollution sources as quickly as possible. Plus we need non-polluting devices such as Bessler's wheel up and running as soon as we can.

      As for Trump, I neither support him nor am I against him, I don't know much about him, other than what I read in the various media outlets.


  7. Thanks for your explanation, John. It seems we are in agreement then, which I would guess is the case with most thoughtful people. The problem still have, and I realize it’s not your doing, is this idea there are two sides. If we weren’t around, the sun, and more generally nature, would be responsible for 100% of any global warming. But then you add humans into the mix and we now add another layer of it beyond what is natural. So in talking about man-made global warming, we are talking about that which we have control over, and common sense says “of course there is this other part of it related to nature, but let’s set that aside for a moment”. Unfortunately, you have these groups of people who either don’t understand that or don’t want to acknowledge the man-made part, so we can’t seem to get past what should be an obvious premise and move on to talking about solutions.

    To that point, I agree with you that Bessler’s wheel would be able to run 24/7 cleaning up pollution, but there is one more factor that gets lost in this global warming debate. Please do a search on Global Dimming, if you’re not familiar with it? Ironically, we can’t just remove pollution as quickly as possible without considering the pollution that is actually attenuating some of the warming or we’d be in real trouble. The issue surely is complicated and there is no more time for human nonsense taking sides. We really do need to work together to solve this!

    Thanks for the article and the discussion, John.

    1. Well I guess I knew about it, but I didn't know it had a name. Global dimming is defined as the decrease in the amounts of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. The by-product of fossil fuels are tiny particles or pollutants which absorb solar energy and reflect back sunlight into the space.

      So this is another critical factor to take into consideration. It seems to me it might be possible - in theory - to measure the amount of dimming being generated as the rate of pollution reduces so as to try to keep it all balanced. Actually that sounds impossible and too lengthy, but there are some clever people out there, let's hope someone has a solution.


    2. The only dimming going on here is in intelligent thought.

  8. Couple of questions John, has there ever been a consensus as to why he always drew a pendulum in this drawing, but there was never any mention of it? seems very strange. Have you seen this, I saw a new directed solar panel from Austria called the smartflower which looks very interesting

  9. i just looked at it, very nice and attractive too, but no good for us in the Uzk unfortunately.


  10. Whatever happened to all those 1970's scientists that told us we'd be in an ice age about now ?
    Now most of them are probably dead, I guess the next generation of experts had to find a new way of attaining funds.

    1. The trillionaires who are responsible for aerial spraying of the skies with chemtrails are actually attempting to alter the weather by blocking the sun, reducing crop production and reducing the world's population. The climate change scheme originated in the United Nations and is designed to justify a global carbon tax for the financial elite to enrich themselves and bring in global governance. It's all about money and control over humanity.

  11. I know someone that knows the secret design but won't share for another 10 to 30 years. Does it make you angry that such a person would withhold that information to the detriment of man kind and the environment?

    1. You KNOW(!!) someone who knows the solution??!!! Please let us know who this person is! Or at least tell us more about this.

  12. I have heard that before, they will not allow free energy technology to be used for 10 years or more. The reason being that the psychopaths want to reduce the world population to a manageable 500 million before they do.

  13. Relax! Nobody has anything. Don't be so gullible!

  14. I think it is a guarantee on knowing the solution - assume as much for arguments sake. He is unwilling to disclose the secret for at least 10 years so he can finish a hobby project. He is a long time PM researcher that no longer feels the need to help his fellow man or improve the condition of the world, because his hobby is more important to him than the 30 minutes it would take to reveal the secret. Some might say this is the worst kind of person? I will reveal the name of this person for all the good it will do. First I wanted to see in a generic sense how everyone feels about this.

    1. If I want a guarantee I'll buy a toaster. I think sane people will agree, it is time to forsake this argument. The PM realm has hit a new low. Scammers are now trying to convince you they know someone that has the solution? Pathetic!

    2. I'm not trying to convince you I know someone with a working wheel. The point I am trying to make is this. Assume someone of rather high standing on another site does have a working wheel, or at minimum knows the secret behind the principle, and now that they found it, decides to delay disclosure for a generation or so, and for no other reason than they want to move on to other things. Knowing how it will adversely affect the lives of many people around the world, how would that make you feel about the person?

    3. And no I am not referring to John.

    4. And my point is this, it wouldn't change anything. Those of us who want the solution won't stop until we have it. Anyone else can cry about it and stop working, if they want, but that's pretty dumb since nothing has changed. If some person "convinced" you they had the solution, then your confidence should be high that it's achievable, which still shouldn't change anything since you thought that already and it is why you are following this stuff in the first place, correct? Otherwise you can go off and cry about this person's fake accomplishment and be as useless as them for not delivering the solution.

    5. I assume this "other site" refers to And the person who you think knows the solution is one of the regulars there.

      As far as how I feel about this, well, I don't think its that big of deal, since we all know that a working Bessler wheel will not produce very much power. However, if this person came up with a gravity wheel that produced enormous amounts of power, that would be a different story.

      Besides you don't seem to understand the situation we are in. Even if someone does come up with the solution, do you know how hard it will be to get the word out? The main stream media is not going to push it or even cover it (because of the heavy influence of the fossil fuel industry). The scientific community is going to try to block it (the same way they blocked cold fusion). As far as I'm concerned, may well be a site that was set up just so that, if someone DOES find the solution, the powers that be can then quickly move in to suppress it.

  15. Well, that was entertaining. Conspiracy theories, misinformed opinions, finding fault, fraud, claims of success; it's all here. All that's missing is Ken's five thousandth explanation of how Bessler's wheel worked.
    Solar and wind energy are the future. Hydropower has limits. Nuclear may still have some role, if the tech can be found to deal with the waste. It may be too late for some areas. I read a small island in Louisiana has begun evacuating .

  16. What happened to Bessler's wealthy wife?

    1. His first wife died before he left Kassel, and he never sold his wheel so he wasn't wealthy.


  17. I wonder if he showed or revealed the true mechanism to her?

    1. He didn't even show it to his brother Gottfried. No one other than Karl ever saw it.


    2. I see. Maybe his second wife just wasn't interested in his ideas. What what do I know?. Anyway, I have another question for you John : I know that you've written several books on perpetual motion, and I don't know the answer to this but, can you sell your books in a bundle for one low price or do I have to buy each one individually?

    3. Email me and I'll give you a price.


    4. Before Bessler went off to work that final day, I think it is a safe bet that he didn't destroy or hide from everyone, a working wheel, the schematics, or final copy of MT. Someone got the secret after his death.

  18. Hello John,

    I have a question: from an engineer's point of view, should the main structure of a gravity wheel be light? The reason is, Bessler said that many pieces of lead was used in his wheel. When he made that statement, was he saying that he had to use many pieces of lead in order to balance the main structure of the wheel? Should the main structure of the wheel be light as possible?

    As far as the weights he used, do you think that they were geared to each other in such a way that when one moved in one direction, and the other moved in the opposite direction thus, "one against the other"? Would the gears need to be the same size or, would one need to be bigger or smaller than the other? Any thoughts on this? I'm trying to construct a gravity wheel and could use some engineering thoughts on this.

    1. I work on the assumption that the many pieces of lead refer to the weights not the structure which was described as lightly framed.

      Sorry but I don't want to give away my own thinking at this time.


  19. Many pieces of lead is a misleading clue. By this time lead shot was in use to shoot game. So many pieces of lead could be used as a clue to what form the lead was configured. Many pieces of lead in a cast form would have involved a lot more tooling and apparatus to form the pieces. Using shot would allow you to be very easy to get exactly the weight you were looking to produce. It would just need a container to hold the shot, and the clue would be absolutely correct.

    1. From memory I think lead shot making in Bessler's time was an extremely laborious process undertaken almost entirely by ammunition manufacturers who kept their methods very secret. I favour the simple lead casting of weights. Bessler allowed professor Christian Wolff to handle one of them wrapped in a cloth. He estimated its weight st about 4 pounds.


    2. John, have you ever had in your hand a recoil-less (reactionless) hammer? If perhaps not, I have, and the effect of it is most peculiar when felt. The organism believes naturally that there will be a rebound, but it does not happen as all of the momentum stored in the metal pieces inside (possibly hardened lead) are each ahead/behind one another in terms of their co-impacting.

      When one hits the inside leading edge of the hammer, it cannot rebound because of those behind it crowding in, and this time spread (only in milliseconds) then puts very much of the energy as stored by this action into a single direction thus preventing energetic reflections and, as some heat loss too.

      I have clipped little lead pieces and they are all quite dissimilar as to shape and size, and when put inside of a small container, did certainly exhibit this most interesting and likely useful behavior. In his need to conserve "kraft" from dissipation, such a thing just might have been of utility to dear Johann. Just a thought.


    3. No I haven't, although I have seen a video recently of one being demonstrated and it is ingenious. It's an interesting idea to consider trying to find a benefit in Bessler's wheel. I did give it some thought a few weeks ago after I saw the video but I was unable to see how Bessler would use it, but I shall return to the subject to reconsider.


  20. I believe that he is describing a dead blow hammer which is a very unique and useful tool. I have had one for years and it has practically no bounce dance and would perfect for transferring a force into a component. An anvil receives many blows..... has a lot of bounce back. This a great idea. Lead shot is fabricated by dropping molten lead into water from a very specific height and the shot forms and cools a great deal while in the free fall.

  21. I think we all are underestimating the power of the wheel. Yes, it is a clean energy source, but please let me look at this subject at a different angle. 65 million years ago an asteroid hit the earth and killed all the dinosaurs. There are very strong evidences showing that such an event really happened. Well, if it happened once, it is going to happen again someday. When? May be tomorrow, may be a million years later. What type of protection do we have against such an event? Go and hide in underground may be...
    As a species, we have to be interstellar. That is that. I strongly believe that the wheel will open the door for technologies which will help mankind to leave this planet at will.
    I know what I present here is farfetching at this point, but it will be a reality once the wheel is disclosed.


  22. I have been working on the Besslerian stardrive.

  23. Once my wheel is finished and working, should l reveal it by news media (TV), radio, newspaper, word of mouth....

    Will I be able to get a patent on it? Since the patent offices are on the lookout for scams like this to shut it down, what in the world do I do in this situation!!!!

  24. I'm in Spain on holiday but will be back in a few days, when I'll post a new blog.


    1. Good morning, John,
      If you go through Paris, it would be a pleasure to share a lunch ...
      A ++ JP

  25. When the wheel turns, my deepest desire is the it continues on forever. My plan is to make a working model for a number of closest friends and we all call the local TV station on the same day and the same time. I figure they can't get us all at once. There may be a mechanism or some particular item that can be patented or kept as a trade secret. If a couple of your friends were well respected men of authority or officers of the court, that would be better. I will include my attorney who is a well respected man that I have known for years and trust completely. But it is important that there is no just once working example and under the control of one person. A set of plans will be held in safety deposit boxes and only to be released if something happens to me.

  26. "One day man will connect his apparatus to the very wheelwork of the universe [GRAVITY] and the very forces that motivate the planets in their orbits and cause them to rotate will rotate his own machinery. ”
    — Nikola Tesla

    I think I'm really close on this one!

    1. Thanks John🙂

      I've always liked this quote. I think Tesla was on to something when he said this.

  27. Sometimes we can get a little frustrated dealing with our wheels:

  28. Things around the globe are bad right now but, imagine how much worse world conditions would be if no one had a conscience!

    1. If I had the solution and chose not to disclose it for a generation or two for very selfish reasons, would I not have a conscience? It is totally up to me when I choose to disclose, and if I want to wait so conditions thin out the heard, then that is my choice and you should all agree with me that it is my choice and perfectly fine regardless of human suffering.

  29. Humans will always suffer as long as Satan is the ruler of this wicked world. So, let's just focus on getting a true working gravity wheel working.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...