Sunday 25 June 2017

Update for June 2017

Returned from a few days in Spain where I went for some warmer weather,  just as the UK weather finally improved!  90 degrees in both countries at the same time!  Now I'm back and the weather here has returned to its normal grey skies etc.  Ah well, Spain was wonderful as usual so no regrets.

I've put two black boards in my new workshop which I'm using for drawing ideas, calculations and notes.  I know it's an old fashioned method, these days it's white boards, but I made my black boards for pennies and I'm too tight to pay for a piece of plastic for which they charge pounds!

I'm still working on finishing documenting all the clues I've used to accomplish the reconstruction of Bessler's wheel. On that subject I can say that when the wheel works it will be identical in concept and design to Bessler's.  Many people have argued that we can never know if it is the same as Bessler's, but in fact Bessler stated that the information was there for those who were prepared to look, well I have looked and I have found it. 

Elsewhere I read that it is estimated that nearly 1.3 billion people do not have access to electricity, in addition, around 3 billion people cook and heat their homes using open fires and simple stoves burning biomass (wood, animal dung and crop waste) and coal. Plus, over 4 million people die prematurely every year as a result of illnesses attributable to household air pollution from cooking with solid fuels.

In the past I've talked of irrigation schemes as a useful Bessler wheel  application but I think these alarming figures above seem to me to provide a much better argument for the development of Bessler's wheel as a cheap/free source of energy for all those who do not have access to electricity or cannot afford it.



  1. You looked and you found it! good for you John.
    Can you confirm that the wheel has plenty of power?

    1. Not yet anon. Once it's up and running I'll have a better idea.


  2. Hi John, I'm really pleased for you, how confident are you?
    And it starts spontaneously (no little Push then).

    1. For the first time in my life I am 100 per cent confident. It will start spontaneously.


  3. Bravo john,
    We are several in this case lol, the question always there even from where comes the energy? Or make a big machine in permanent imbalance (too strong for my neurons) in my mind I have several that work ... there are as many machines as researchers, few, I grant you ...
    It is the bottom that lacks the least, said a plowman to his children lol.

    1. Hello thx4
      "It is the bottom that lacks the least, said a plowman to his children."
      I guess that English-speakers may not easily understand this quotation... 😉

    2. je ne peux rien pour eux :)

    3. You are right as far as I am concerned, I do not understand, but as, I think you suggested, the proof is in the working model, no matter how positive I may be.


  4. Best wishes for a successful build! I hope you decide to sell the plans when it's up and running. Attempting to patent a device which has potential to reduce the energy monopolies' profits could result in it being suppressed. Once the technology becomes common knowledge, it can't be stopped.

    1. I never intended to patent this device if I ever succeeded in building a working model, and that position remains the same

  5. Hi John, can you give us an approximate time as to when your wheel will be finished? Such as 24 hours, 24 weeks, 24 months? Or do you have a specific date in mind as to when to reveal this wonderful wheel?

    1. No Pman. I can't give an estimate because I have a number of other things which occupy my day and I'm not going to rush this. All I can say for now is that I shall get on with the build and if I find it is too complicated for me I will bringin a friend who has better facilities than I have to finish it.


    2. I understand, I too I have many things that occupy my time as well. I'm doing what I can finish my wheel. It takes a while to get all the parts made and balanced. It's not an easy task, especially when you have to take care of priorities first. Just one question though, did you decode all of Bessler's clues?

    3. I decoded all of a certain run of clues - and they were complete enough to understand the concept and how to build. I have not decoded chaper 55nof Apologia Poetica, but I'm sure that once the wheel is in public hands there will be a number of people who will do it.


    4. HI John

      I wish you all the best with your wheel build.

      You said in the past that there was a change in size of a structure within your wheel.

      I have also founds some clues, sometimes to many to make sense of :-)

      The main clue which seems to be spread throughout his works are based on 55 I have followed these clues and the 55 clue connects the following:-
      AP Wheel
      Toys Page
      Copper plate / wood cut drawing of the main wheel.
      Pendulums in the above.
      MT 55
      Various MT drawings.

      Its quite frustrating I have had the main clue for about a year and have only just seen the connection to the AP wheel drawing and as always, once its seen its so obvious, you think how did I not see this before!

      I have now doubt that once the wheel is completed that a direct connection will be made back to Besslers original design by following the clues.

      I understand that you cannot give much away but are the clues that you have found connected to 55 and do they show a change in size?

      Anyway I just wanted to say that having heard of Bessler and then finding your books, its have been a blessing and a curse :-)

      All The Best


    5. Hi Terry,

      Thanks for your good wishes. I can't remember saying that or thinking it, but perhaps I did. Anyway it doesn't apply now.

      55 is a major clue but in my opinion, Bessler' uses it in various places as a code and also as a pointer to it. It's use is extremely simple but a vital ingredient.

      He uses it in his name, and as chapter 55 in AP, and in the AP wheel, and in MT 137 as well as the other places you mentioned - but in each of these cases it is designed to point to the importance of the 55.


    6. Hi John

      Thanks for the reply

      I find it very interesting that we are following different clues that Bessler has left us.

      The clues that are connected to 55 have led to a calculation that gives sizes, angles and positions of items, these are common to all the drawings I mentioned above?, some of the text in his books also show some details of this information.

      Its very easy to delude yourself when looking at clues but if I find one occurrence it could be luck two maybe coincidence but three,four,five then maybe there is something to it :-)

      I sit here with Bessler drawings pinned to a board in front of me, with overlays draw on top of them all created from the same calculation and they all fit. I can't for the life of me see how it can be used but I only have just recently seen the AP wheel connection so who knows :-)

      Anyway when someone creates a working wheel perhaps the purpose of these clues will be revealed.

      Again Good Luck


  6. How exciting for those of us who have believed for many years. The final demonstration of his work and hopefully the credit that he so rightly deserves will be a welcome event for all of us. You have made a lot of friends around the world with your ceaseless pursuit and the world needs it badly right now. Thank You for sharing your news with us and we all look forward to the explanation and the many replications that will begin immediately upon release.
    Bravo John Collins Bravo

  7. It's HIGHLY possible that someone else is VERY close to revealing a true gravity powered wheel.

    1. I agree, and some may be close without having the benefit of Bessler's clues.


    2. Why thank you John ��

  8. Dear JOHN, congratulations on your find. Can you confirm when this will be put into action? And when it's is, please, have faith in humanity and let it help us as a planet to evolve. Never let it be sheltered.


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Johann Bessler, aka Orffyreus, and his Perpetual Motion Machine

Some fifty years ago, after I had established (to my satisfaction at least) that Bessler’s claim to have invented a perpetual motion machine...