Monday, 18 September 2017

Why Science is wrong about Bessler's Wheel

Science has taught us that perpetual motion machines are impossible, they violate the laws of physics and we are all wasting our time and our lives in chasing this fantasy. It's interesting to look at the support for both the scientific point of view and the dogmatic one.

Science relies initially on theory which is an idea held contingent upon 'evidence'. A theory can be a set of statements supported by evidence  that can be used to predict natural phenomena. Predictions are the fundamental support of theories and they evolve from empirical observations.

Even 'established' laws of physics are still theories though regarded as proven by evidence and the fulfilled predictions based on that evidence, but they are still subject to re-evaluation if either; new evidence comes to light; or a better (simpler) theory comes along that explains the same evidence.

Dogma or doctrine, on the other hand, could be a statement originating from a revelation, vision, image, dream, or thought or any other source of mental origin. Its support is faith. No evidence is required and neither is it necessarily sought. Reliable and consistent predictions are absent from faith related statements. Dogmas may change and evolve exclusively from human decision and not from any empirical observations.

Perpetual motionist's beliefs tend to fall somewhere between science and dogma. Adherents believe, for what seems to them to be good reason, that perpetual motion machines are possible, in particular, gravity enabled machines. I used the word 'enabled' with good reason as we have been told an infinite number of times (it seems!) that gravity is not an energy source. Leaving that aside for a moment, perpetual motionists feel intuitively that a weight driven machine could be made to run continuously with no additional input of energy other than that from falling weights.  It seems so obvious to them, and I include myself,  that we think that science must be wrong - at least in rejecting Bessler's wheel.

But, without a theory explaining how this might be achieved, the disciples of this belief can only be regarded in much the same way as members of a religious faith, who, requiring no evidence other than their own subjective certainty that what they believe must be true, exhibit blind faith when questioned on their convictions.  This may be regarded as too simplistic a view but without evidence to the contrary where does this strong but inexplicable certainty come from?

Well in this case, Johann Bessler's extremely convincing demonstrations of his wheels provides the strongest evidence ever reported about such machines.  The vast majority of people dismiss the very idea that Johann Bessler could possibly have built a genuine perpetual motion machine. Personally I don't like to use the term 'perpetual motion' about a weight driven machine; it isn't perpetual motion so much as continuous motion, providing the force of gravity is present.  Continuous motion sounds more believable too, not that that is any kind of criterion to support such a contention.

The laws of physics must remain unaffected by this machine; there can be no conflict with them, in which case the theories I spoke of earlier will remain intact and supported by the evidence provided by Bessler's machine.  Only the predictions are wrong about such machines being impossible.  As I said above, the predictions are subject to re-evaluation and in this case they will be once the proof is self-evident, in the form of a working model.



  1. I like next saying (not the person who was saying this):
    "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." T.A.E.

    John, have you got any positive results from your build or maybe found some new answer or view point to some previous clue?


    1. My build is barely begun yet, too involved with several other tasks; writing up account of all the clues and codes; writing text for video explaining same details and preparing new workshop in garage which isn't ready yet, but won't take long to finish. Nothing new to consider re. the wheel, I just need time!


  2. John, Thanks so much for keeping our thought process in motion. I too believe that there is just too much evidence about the tests that were done on the wheels to ignore. The integrity and reputation of a man like Karl had just too much to risk when he held Bessler up and said... Here, take a look at what has been created. I still believe

  3. It is funny how nearly every scientist who examined the wheel accepted its genuineness. Once science was on Bessler's side...


  4. I remember some time ago I built a wheel, like a hamster wheel that was about 10 feet in diameter, that I could stand in and make it rotate by swinging in and out, I would lean in to the axel at 12 o'clock and swing back at 6 o'clock on the wheel, as long as I kept swinging in and out like that it kept rotating. I built many models based on how I was rotating the wheel with my body and put them on smaller wheels to try and get them to rotate the wheels perpetually, I did succeed and build many different types of perpetual motion wheels.
    The simplest one that I invented I have not spoken much about before this post here. That is the one where I got the crossbeam to work on its own on the wheel, without the other weight connected to it. How I done that was, I noticed that in riding the wheel my body was connected to the wheel indirectly, not directed connected because there is joints, the ankle, the knee, the hip and on the arms there is the wrist, the elbow and the shoulder. I found that the crossbeam worked on its own by connecting it up like that, there was one arm and two legs made from wood, the legs were crossed to stablilize it,I used springs in place of muscles. One of the springs locks up at twelve and unlocks at six o'clock.
    This is the simplest type I invented, its also as powerful as any of them that did exist.
    By a crossbeam I mean a length of timber such as a 2 by 4, or it could by a length of anything, wood, stone or metal, the heavier the better because its weight will rotate the wheel with usable power left over.
    There was a type of catapult on which a spring locked up and could be unlocked with a lever, it worked exactly like a modern skeet thrower.
    Those catapult types were probably erased from the historical records of the world to prevent my perpetual motion machines from ever being reproduced, because my technology was being suppressed by powerful forces in Germany that did not want the world to have free power.

    1. So you have made a working perpetual motion machine? GREAT!! Let's see a video of it running. Or at least a drawing, sigh...

    2. I can sense the movement across the axle rather than with the circumference. Very nice, as it has little or no adverse effect on the rotation

  5. Interesting post, Derek. Your idea of swinging your body in and out is a variation on my suggestion using something called 'kiiking', which you can read all about on my web site at

    Click on the links on the left for more information


  6. Well, since the governments can't solve the energy problems of this world, I guess the time has come to release free energy to everyone...

  7. Whatever those of us who are true believers is at your disposal.. guide us as time allows

  8. Well fellow Bessler Wheelers, I have bad news (at least I think it is). For years now I have been exploring videos at YouTube of people who claim to have solved the perpetual motion problem. I must have a hundred links stored on my hard-drive. But now, I was just going through some of them, dragging the links to my browser window, and I see that YouTube seems to be cracking down somewhat on these videos because, I guess, they are making unsubstantiated claims (of perpetual motion) which can't be verified, or something like that. Anyway here are some of the links I was just trying to revisit. Notice that some of them now bring up an ominous message from YouTube:

    1. 100% Actual Perpetual Motion Machine - YouTube

    2. A Machine to Die For The Quest for Free Energy Watch Free Documentary Online (well this isn't actually YouTube)

    3. Free energy core - YouTube

    4. Perpetual Motion Machine - YouTube

    5. SPRING POWERED MOTOR - YouTube (<- thank goodness this is still here, probably because the title makes no claim of perpetual motion)

    6. YouTube - Bessler wheel 2 (wish I could remember what this was about)

    7. YouTube - Karra Green Energy (quite impressive if valid and it seems to be)

    Well, that's just a little sample of links I had saved.

  9. John, is it possible to have Derek make a drawing, I am very interested

    1. Yes if Derek sends me a drawing I can put it up on separate page.


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You can post the details on the besslerwheel forum, or send it to me and I'll post it here, or you can describe it with text and pictures and publish it in numerous other places or on your own web site.

      Forgive my scepticism, but such claims have been made so many times before that the current opinion requires nothing less than a working model. If you can do that then you can post a video on YouTube or other such place and your claims will be vindicated. Good luck.


  11. What would you call it if you have a working wheel?


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. very funny Stephen :) I always thought the very first re-invented one should be called GERA...It has a historical importance and is somewhat a good pun about gravity :)


  12. Please allow this beautiful planet to receive the blessing of the solution

    John Collins has shown himself to be a true believer, that there is a solution and I am sure will be glad to assist you in whatever way required..... as will I and so many, many others

  13. the road we travel, the path we choose at the fork in the road determines where the journey will turn out, but not how it will turn out. That will be determined by ourselves and those folks we have chosen to take along with us. Just getting on my feet after 56 radiation treatments, twice a day for throat cancer, but ya know its just a speed bump in the road of life and I am back working on my attempt to uncover the solution, this is why I was put on earth to build things, better things that benefit the planet I will be searching till there is no more energy to go forward I will not give up until the world has this device which will change almost every SINGLE aspect of life on PLANET EARTH..... for I am a Perpetuum Mobilist

    1. Well said, I admire your courage and fortitude Gravittea! Good luck and best wishes for your continued positive mental attitude.


    2. Get well soon Gravittea! We will crack the nut, I promise.



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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...