Saturday, 20 January 2018

The Secret to Bessler's Wheel is There for Anyone who can Decipher the Orffyreus Code

Given the powerful evidence supporting Bessler’s assertion that he had built a working gravity wheel,  I think it highly unlikely that Bessler would have gone to his grave without leaving some clues revealing the secret of his machine.

He mentions in more than one place that those who seek further information should study his books and drawings. He also provides evidence that he was familiar with codes and there are numerous examples of their use throughout his publications.  He also states quite clearly that if he fails to sell his machine he will be content with post humus acknowledgement,  This could only happen if the information on how his machine worked was available after his death and only he could provide this information. What evidence is there that he used codes to hide information?

The following can only be a brief summary of the many codes Johann Bessler used, but it does give some idea of them and gives strong support to the idea described above.  The first is of course his adoption of the pseudonym, Orffyreus.  This demonstrates his familiarity with both the ancient Jewish method encoding, known as the atbash cipher, and also the Caesar shift cipher, or alphabetical substitution.  He also uses alpha-numeric substitution in various places.

Studying his drawings reveals that many of them contain a pentagram, but it is not obvious and has to be sought, although once suspected it is not difficult to find.  The purpose of the pentagram is obvious once you know what look for.  Other geometric designs are also present in some drawings from which one can conclude he was familiar with the work of Euclid and Pythagoras.

All his drawings in one of his publications contain labelled parts, some alphabetical and some numerical, and totalling the numerical ones reveals further information pointing to another encoded section.  This section is too complex to describe here but further details can be seen in my web site at

Bessler’s extensive use of chronograms is designed to convey certain dates which in themselves provide further hints about where information may be found.  These chronograms are usually biblical quotations and traditionally, by using some upper case letters which can also represent Roman numerals,  can be added up to indicate ta certain date.

Extending the lines of perspective in one of his drawings reveals a hidden clock.  The eight o’clock line is confirmed by the presence, actually on the line, of two weights each labelled with the number eight.  The labelled numbers add up to 660.  Dividing this number by the twelve clock divisions gives 55.  This number appears frequently through out all Bessler’s books.  Besides the number five being such an important part of the pentagram, it represents certain information relating to the mechanism inside the wheel.

More evidence of Bessler's codes may be viewed at another of my web sites at

Describing all the codes used by Bessler is beyond the scope of this article, but I hope it gives some indication that there is a prize to be obtained whose value may be immense given the state of the energy resources and the pollution and its associated global warming.  Who ever deciphers Bessler's information and reconstructs Bessler's wheel, will become not only rich and famous but will also become a hero to our children and their children.



  1. Hi John

    "The labelled numbers add up to 650. Dividing this number by the twelve clock divisions gives 55."

    hmmm.... my calculator tells me: 650/12 = 54.16666...

    Even with rounding I end up with 54. I'm convinced that Bessler was able
    to compute correctly.
    Do I miss something?


  2. True... but if you take that 54 and add one Bessler, you reach that magical 55 number! ��


    1. Thanks 5park. This is what comes of writing from memory. It should read 660, not 650! I’ll correct it. Where would I be without you guys proof reading my words? Seriously I do appreciate it.


    2. Glad to know you guys still have your eye on the ball, so-to-speak!


  3. Hi John,

    not to be too nitpicking...
    On your Website
    you write:

    "The numbers in GB total 649 and those in DT 633 - not apparently significant, but let’s look more closely."

    and you get the number 660 only after a vew "numbermagic".

    I'm convinced that chapter 55 of AP1 contains some coded information, but I feel that it seem a little "paranoid" to see that number everywhere in Besslers writings or drawings.

    Just my opinion, John. Try not to limit your thoughts in a selfmade box. Wish you success!


    1. Hi 5park, I was always reluctant to post the labelling numbers total for the reason that it is more complex than it seems. I accept your view that it looks like number magic, but there is more than meets the eye to this, and it was designed to reveal more than I’m ready to share just yet. I know this is probably frustrating but I want to reconstruct what I believe is the real Bessler’s wheel, but I’m stuck in limbo just now because I’m travelling to hospital every day to support my older daughter who is being treated for lymphoma. As soon as she is in remission I will be able to return to work and share what I know. I only post an occasional blog to try to retain interest and let people know I’m still alive and kicking!


  4. Thanks John for your post. Prayers for your daughter and your entire family. We are all anxiously waiting for you to reveal what you have found. The chances for the survival of the Human Race will be enhanced by your hard work....... and will have a significant impact....GRAVITTEA

    1. I just came across your blog, Gravittea. Very interesting, I shall return from time to time. I can put a link up if you wish. Thanks as always for your kind words of support.


  5. Utilizing methods like golden ratio, fibonacci sequence, the rule of thirds etc. is a common practice in art. What you are finding in Bessler's figures and writings is basically result of these techniques. It just shows Bessler used similar methods in his works.

    1. Yes those were popular ideas back then, but apart from a brief flurry of interest back in the hippy era, there seems few examples of its use in art these days. (I could be wrong of course!)


    2. I have an extremely good theory...on paper :) I need some free time and motivation.

    3. Same here yellow, but I already have the motivation, just not the free time. If you have a theory then you must go for it, make the build and text it, otherwise you will never know. And you might make new discovery from trying to reconstruct Bessler’s wheel. Good luck!


    4. Yay! Thanks for the motivational talk John :)

  6. Is there any monetary value in constructing and proving that a true gravity wheel is possible? If I prove it, what’s in it for me?

  7. That my friend is the question of the century. There is probably no way to protect the data for you to really capitalize on it. It is such a game changer that it would disrupt the world economy. But is the planet that we are going to leave for our grandchildren worth the risk. I believe it is..... in actuality the survival of man on Earth is at stake. There are many points of view, but it seems to me that setting up the manufacturing of the device and selling them would bring in income until everyone knows the simple secret. The what ifs..... will never end, but to make sure that it actually gets to the people on this planet will the the greatest of achievements. The facts are the facts, and still we only know part of the gauntlet that Bessler went through.

    1. Thank you for your input. Why is it that, when I design a new way of making a gravity wheel, the results are always the same? When the weights shift to the right (further away from the center of gravity), it slightly rotates backwards and then stops? The weights that are further away from the c.g. Should rotate in that direction. But, it does just the opposite, turns backward just slightly and then stops. Am I doing something wrong?

    2. Yes, you’re trying to build a gravity wheel.

    3. 😂😂😂

      And I thought I was a genius!

  8. Oh, wait a minute, what am I talking about, I am a genius.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I've just been playing around with another model, of course it didn't work, but, I think I know what the lazy tongs are used for, my only problem now is trying to find a way to make them.
    Slightly off topic, has anyone thought of using a V gate magnetic motor coupled to a Milkovic oscillator to regauge the magnetic bar?
    Also, not perpetual motion, but, how about in areas where water flow is to low to operate a watermill so as to make free energy, use a small watermill just for regauging the V gate motor?

  11. Where did Bessler say he wanted post humus acknowledgement? Are you sure about this statement?

    1. Yes i’m sure, but he put it slightly differently, he said if he didn’t find a buyer for his machine during his life time he would accept acknowledgement after his death. I’ll post the actual quote when I get time.


    2. I'd be very glad if you post the actual quote John.

  12. Does a true gravity wheel need to be powered by rods, levers, springs, and things? What if Bessler only had one moving part in his wheel instead of many moving parts? He may have had many parts in his wheel but, might those parts have been just a decoy to hide the true source of his wheel? Mainly just ONE part that moves to provide a continuous imbalance on one side of the wheel?

    I’m almost convinced that this one object, whatever it was, is what drove his wheel or wheels.

    1. It’s an interesting thought but in my opinion, and from what I know, there were many parts within the wheels.


    2. I believe it is possible with one moving part and springs and that is shown in the main Bessler wheel drawings - that mechanism is shown in the drawings. And I am going to prove that the mechanism is shown with my next video demonstrations.
      If anyone stole the principle, Bessler would just have to point to the drawings which were already disseminated to the public, to prove that he discovered it, Bessler was not as stupid as people today think he was.

  13. I know what someone is going to say now, that what is shown in the drawings is pendulums that were on the outside of the wheel in a demonstration !
    Why were they shown exactly the way they were! I tell you why because that is what he wanted them to think. That it is not shown. But if it was stolen then he could reveal it from the drawings.


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Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved!

The title of this post is taken from the title of my first book which was a biography of Johann Bessler - with one difference.  My book titl...