Friday, 22 June 2018

My Hopes and Intentions for the Summer of 2018.

I have been planning to publish a video of a working Bessler wheel for a couple of years, (I haven’t got a working one yet!) ever since I found what I believe to be the true design or concept which formed the basis of the device.  I also intended to publish an explanation and demonstration of the details of the extensive range of clues which I uncovered.  These plans have been largely on hold for most of the last two years, firstly due to our decision to move house to a smaller property, which unfortunately lacked a workshop, and latterly to a string of random but serious illnesses within our family that required our presence almost daily.

Our circumstances are improving and I have managed to create a small working area in a somewhat reduced garage space and begun construction of the machine which I hope to have finished within a few weeks.  If in the end, the machine I have built does not work, as I freely admit, is a possibility, I shall immediately publish details of the discoveries I’ve made including the design of my wheel.

My hope is that someone will take my information forward and succeed where I failed, but of course I don’t think I will fail!

Once this machine is up and running no one will be able to deny that gravity may be the cause of the rotation if not the source of energy driving it.  I shall look forward to seeing the numerous red faces among those many people who scorned my determination to prove Bessler’s claims were genuine and who dismissed my suggestions; one called me a snake oil salesman (had to look that one up!) and  others just regarded me as a fool.  One thing in this field of research, you do acquire a thick skin!

So many ‘experts’ derided the subject of my book about Bessler, dismissing all the evidence as either contrived, misread or blatantly exaggerated.  Any discussions about the book began with the basic premise that such a machine as Bessler described is axiomatically impossible and therefore Bessler must have been lying. 

This has been the whole problem right from when Bessler himself tried to convince the authorities that his wheel was a perpetual motion machine as it was known then.  Yet here we are 306 years later and the position is exactly the same; prove it by revealing the workings or shut up and go away!  Fortunately I decided many years ago not to take the patent route for several reasons, so I shall be happy to reveal how it works......when it does (or doesn't!)



  1. Good luck with it John Collins!!
    I wish some one would succeed, so I could get my life back. I'm close to trying mine again; I think it could work but probably won't-------------

    I don't know about you but, for me it's been a miserable thing to work on, Sam

  2. As I have always been harping, there are no two ways about it... Whether it'll work or not?... If the design is right the inventor will be extremely sure that it is the one even before the build...

    Because already Bessler has left enough clues... And there are those made by the eye witnesses... and also, the design being such that it would make one realize the way that Karl felt... it being so simple and also of it not occurring to anyone before...

    It's uniqueness... The matching of it's design or mechanism with the available clues... And, it's agreement with the comments of the eyewitnesses or examiners... It's grandeur... It's glorious peacock's tail look... It's artful arrangement of the weights... It's self starting ability... it's banging sounds... All these are too overwhelming to go unnoticed before the practical trial...

    An amusement that is too exciting of that experienced by an enlightened being would occur in the inventor's mind soon after the concept is realized...

    The simple reason that there's only one design and whoever is able to hit the same will definitely undergo all the above excitement and feelings without fail... and also, let me make it very clear here that if all the above discussed criteria is not met (which evidently is) the outcome wouldn't be any positive...

    No hard feelings...

    1. I think we all agree that John deserves to discover the secret of Bessler's wheel after the incredible amount of research he has done on this. But I have to say I just get so inspired by what Suresh has written, he seems to know the answer with such assuredness. So are you saying that all the clues we need to know to build the Wheel are in the books that John has published? Even without getting into the secret codes that John has discovered? We just need to read 1) Perpetual Motion; An Ancient Mystery Solved, 2) Apologia Poetica, 3) Das Triumphirende, 4) Grundlicher Bericht, & 5) Maschinen Tractate? And after looking through all of those, we will have gleaned all the clues we need to solve the riddle of the Perpetuum Mobile?

    2. Quazgaa... To solve the BW riddle one should initially have an open and an independent enquiring mind... One also has to read books written by all the authors on the subject to form his own opinion later... As far as BW is concerned there is only one design or mechanism and it is extremely simple ignored normally by others... I don't believe in codes... There's enough out there in written form already plus you need to think out of the box a bit... Eight banging sounds indicate an even number of weights how can it be construed to be five which is an odd number?... This is where we go off the track... The weights have to be fixed at equal spaces but due to the elliptical path they follow some weights are closer to axle creating the imbalance... In our bid to excel we suppress or ignore others ideas often... And, this is where the greatest hindrance lies... It is like god faith... don't follow a particular preacher... Follow your own intuition... JC sir has done a wonderful job no doubt... And also, this splendid blog...

    3. Quazgaa Seeso, I haven't solved the wheel but might have solved one riddle. Bessler stated: "He will be called a great craftsman who can easily / lightly throw a heavy thing high, and if one pound falls a quarter, it shoots four pounds, four quarters high". (Stewart translation) At first glance this statement seams completely impossible. Then it occurred to me that he must be describing a compound lever. I.E., two levers hooked together, like the key(s) on a piano key board. He did say working on the organ helped to solve the wheel. Anyway, theoretically, with a compound lever, one pound could fall one inch and then lift four pounds four inches. Now it all makes sense, for what ever it's worth. Sam Peppiatt

    4. You are partly right, Sam... There's one more secret gimmick that acts in conjunction with this lever to propel the weights to produce that effect stated by Bessler... Levers alone can't accomplish this great task, you know?...

    5. Hi Suresh! After the weights turn the wheel they have to be lifted back up, or reset, right? I'm suggesting that a compound lever is, that secret gimmick, that resets the weight(s). They alone accomplish this great task, with the help of gravity, of coarse. If I'm right, they may be the so called prime mover, reference MT-15. I don't mean to say I'm right, but it's starting to make sense, Sam

    6. are on the right track... This great task of lifting and resetting the weights is actually not accomplished by the compound levers alone... But a couple of other secret gimmicks' aid is mandatory... one factor is the lever... Of course, you are making a lot of sense for the first time and this is highly appreciable... You are right about the prime mover, too... levers alone cannot accomplish with the help of gravity...

    7. Suresh, I think, 'I'm on to it' but, who knows, will just have to try it and see, Sam

    8. Sam, when you hit the right note you'll know for sure in advance like anything that it'll definitely work... But when you feel that you'll have to first try it out then always remember my words dear which I keep ranting... because in this line there's no end to trying... It could take eternity... This is the thing NO ONE here seem to get my point... Not even Yellow, for that matter... it strikes like gold, like a lightening... Like a flash in the mind... You know if took bessler more than 300 designs to get it right... What I mean to say is that first guessing then building the same to see if it would work or not is not the right approach... Try mental experimentation... Our mind is quite capable of discerning it as far as BW is concerned... Saying that you'll have to try it out seems quite far fetched...

    9. Suresh, Getting this wheel to turn isn't quite as easy as you seam to think, if you actually make one, Sam

    10. Don't make one...That's the reason I advice anyone from building the wheel, Sam... Thought experiment... Yes this is what is reqd... Till we get at the right design that matches up with all the clues given out by bessler and other witnesses... Don't try to build the wheel... Keep racking your mind perfecting it all the while... I never build... But I know I have grasped the solution... By carrying out intense thinking only... As I said, it comes in flashes... One by one the puzzle will fall into place... The greatest blunder one makes is go for the build straightaway without knowing the secret movement first... That is the reason why 300 years have elapsed... What happens is people keep building and when it doesn't perform they feel the frustration... Can see my point?...

      We are very fortunate to have do many clues before us... The problem is many don't rightly interpret the same... A dog wags its tail... What does this mean?... Have you worked out like this?...

      Real success lies in mental work...

    11. I agree with you, Sam it isn't easy... It took me many years of mental work... But it was real fun trying to figure it out throughout... I spent numerous nights simply lying down and staring at the ceiling... Just imagining... Bit by bit... It was a real thrill... When you overcome each hurdle... Being on track is very important...

      Pls note... Everyone is not destined to succeed in invention especially of this stature... You know this is a very fundamental and a groundbreaking discovery?... Anyone just cannot handle it... You must have such a quality which a normal person doesn't have...

      See what others fail to see... Investigative capability... Catch others point easily... High intuition power... A bit of luck, too... There are so many secrets this cosmos offers but only to receptive mind...

      It is very disheartening to note that you are unable to understand what i am trying to make out... Never build first... Keep working it out mentally and after matching the results with available clues you will be as confident as i am ...

    12. Bessler wheel is unique... It's simplicity is such that it can be conceived in mind... I mean the movement of weights... You need to understand what are all the obstacles and how best to overcome it all... Inch by inch... It may take a lot of time but sincere efforts will not go in vain... You can also make drawings... Simple geometry... You need to understand lever advantage... My talking may irritate many but you know I may hide much but I never tell a lie or misguide someone... Because I believe if I indulge in such things destiny may go against me...

    13. "Try mental experimentation... Our mind is quite capable of discerning it as far as BW is concerned... Saying that you'll have to try it out seems quite far fetched..." - Suresh
      Yes Suresh, its fine to conceive and run a wheel in your mind, where it will doubtless work. But some of us want it to work in the external world too.

      "it strikes like gold, like a lightening... Like a flash in the mind..." - Suresh
      More than almost anything I seek to experience those flashes of insight. How do they come to one? Maybe it helps if you consume special herbs or spices.

      "I spent numerous nights simply lying down and staring at the ceiling... Just imagining..." - Suresh
      I too have spent countless hours in bed before going to sleep with my eyes closed, trying to imagine different designs that might work. So far all my ideas, even ones I 'felt' were it, have failed in simulation. I might even like to show you some.

    14. Quazgaa...

      Out of the box thinking is the key... Tell me how many years you've spent on this?... I spent about 30 years just imagining and comparing... You just have to keep going until you hit the right one and when you do you'll know it... Because there are clues to compare... My ultimate question is why to build when you can compare with clues... you know Einstein?... He mostly did thought experiment... Can you build everything that comes to mind?... No... You need to patiently wait for that particular one... First you have to conceive in mind... It is important...

      Again, my golden advice is don't build... Get it in mind first...

      Quazgaa... I also stated everybody cannot become such an inventor... You need some special qualities... See, you are unable to realize what I am saying... How can you invent BW... Even JC sir has miserably failed so far by getting into the wrong track though he is not openly admitting the same in totality... He is the one that actually deserves...

      Discerning mind is mandatory... Have you worked out which is the closest mt drawing?...

      You need to start from the scratch... Apple was the inspiration to Newton... BW invention is of that stature... Though it looks simple... At the end of it all when I finally reveal many are going to say why it didn't occur to them... Now it is easy to make fun of me and that's because of inability to grasp...

      There are many things a normal person misses... You have got to be an odd ball...

      I also stated that it has to be ingrained in your destiny... Certain things happen in our lives due to past karma in a previous life...

      All these may appear alien to you... I can convince you if me meet... Everything cannot be explained here... It would run into lenghty pages...

      Simulation won't help... It would be absurd to build without the actual design... You need to have such an observation skill to see what others miss... And only an odd ball can succeed...

      Do you now understand why it has taken so long and why the entire scientific community is unable to see what we see?...

      Just think deeply dear and do let me know the outcome... It is easy to dismiss or ignore but to you have to find the needle in the haystack...

      When you so many clues to compare then why to build and get frusted?...

    15. It is easy to dismiss or ignore but you have to find that needle in the haystack...

      When you have so many clues to compare then why to build and get frustrated?...

    16. POINTS to PONDER

      Has anyone tried to know what it means about the dog wagging its tail?...

      The closest mt drawing?...

      What is the shape and size of the lever-weight system?...

      How is the weight attached to the lever?...

      How is the lever attached to the wheel?...

      Which direction the wheel is expected to rotate?...

      What causes the swing?...

      How weights are lifted on the ascending side?...

      What causes the imbalance?...

      What happens at the Zenith?...

      Why exactly Bessler concealed a weight in a cloth before passing it to others?...

      Is every clue available really true?...

      Which are wrong ones then?...

      Is Bessler trying to misguide us at some places?...

      Which is the most revealing clue?...

      And which is the most misguiding one?...

      Where did Bessler make the biggest blunder?...

      And, what is that thing which we can adopt to trick gravity on the ascending side?...

    17. "Has anyone tried to know what it means about the dog wagging its tail?..."

      Yes, it's a piston system.

      Your mind alone is not enough. You need to build what you have been thinking. Only then you will be able to see and learn why gravity is deceiving your mind.


  3. Good luck John,
    hope your families health keeps improving, you can actually buy Snake Oil, it's used to prevent rust, and lubricate drain cleaning snakes. Known in the US as roto rooters.

  4. We all are wishing the best for you and your family. The wheel was controversial when it first appeared and will be again. Sending you all our best wishes for success.

  5. God luck John! The wheel is definitely genuine. Do not listen the naysayers. All of Bessler's "weird" actions are somewhat explainable.
    To be honest, it seems to me that scientists of that era put Bessler in an extremely hard situation to deal with and they forced him to reveal the secret. After years of struggle, Bessler had every right to demand a reward from his marvelous accomplishment.

  6. Thanks for your kind positive messages of support. I guess the the realisation that time is passing by hit me, and I need to prove my theory or share it....or shut up! So onwards and upwards!


  7. Solar system... Yes, that's what the inner mechanism represents... And, it performs like it too... The axle is like the Sun while the weights move around like the planets do... In an exactly elliptical orbit like path... And, this gives it that so called artful arrangement look... Unceasing movement and Wonderous flight isn't it?...

  8. John Collins,
    Why are the 'experts' so against Bessler's Wheel? They seam to be personally offended for some reason. It's not only that they claim it won't work, it seams to be much more than that. It's more like they don't want it to work! I would like to know your thoughts on that, Sam

  9. Who wouldn't want it to work?... My feeling is that given all the past fraud and false claims people have become quite wary about the whole thing... The conspiracy theory seems quite remote here... Take for example the advancement in the developement of modern electric cars... The oil barons haven't resisted the same...

    IMHO, the experts are constantly disappointed in our great inabilities by delays and silly excuses in producing a working model... Maybe, Newton's opinion on the same renders credence too to the experts' claims... Also, the gravity's basic nature of bringing everything to a great halt supports their point... And finally, the very men, who are quite professionally inferior, claiming the possibility of a working wheel appear incredible to the world... Also, the impossibility of attaining PM (as per established physics laws) since ages and it's great confusion with that of a gravity assisted wheel (which is possible) is the actual reason for the experts' outcry for which they can't be simply blamed due to our I adequacies, isn't it?...

  10. Pls read as our inadequacies...

    1. HI Suresh,
      Wow! I hardly know what to say. Not only am I inferior, I must really be screwed up in my way of thinking--------------------Sam

    2. Oh, and I forgot to add inadequate----------

    3. Sam you’re right the so-called experts are offended by our reluctance to accept their opinion, and also irritated by our apparent inability to see what seems obvious to the
      them. They have been taught that Bessler’s wheel would contravene the laws of physics and they will hold to that opinion until they are forced to change it, by irrefutable evidence to the contrary.


    4. All the best wishes to you, yours and your project or mission. "Mission impossible" they would say.. by the way, I have written a philosophic assay in Norwegian where I discuss this. I find a natural human tendency to seek balance both in nature, sciences, philosophy, mind, society and relations etc. I try to derive at the reason for the human mind (consensus) to favour natural balance and always a zero sum, let's call it "conservation of everything", rather than to favour or look for a "perpetual/winning view" Humans will rather keep everything "human/nature" balanced and then believe in a unknown creator creating matter and energy, even if this is in direct opposition to nature's conservation principles. So isn't God a part of nature then? I surely believe Bessler's wheel was a part of nature. And maybe even placed at the core of our most important philosophical and scientific question: Where does everything come from? Why did it all start? The funny thing is that as soon as you put a working Besslerwheel into the "equation" we can soon "see" what everything is coming from, and the answer to it all becomes rather clear. Bessler said that except from God, his principle was the only thing that could create energy from dead materials. Bessler's wheel does the same as "God" does, and that is to create!! So isn't nature balanced after all? Looking closer at this philosophically; the answer to Bessler's wheel could give us the answer to why we exist and live in a universe of energy! It could also point us to whom of the different physics understandings of "everything" is the correct one, if any! Good luck John, and I will stand in line to prove Bessler right too..

  11. Best wishes for success with your build, John. From the clues you've given us, I believe you're on the right track. I plan on building mine in the near future, God willing.

  12. Usually, we often consider only gravity that powers the BW... It is right but we don't realize how many support system are required for utilizing gravity in the most efficient way... The lever system is one such thing... Without the levers and their advantage the weights wouldn't perform in the desired way... Then further the role played by inertia, CP, CF, angular momentum, etc., Can't be ignored... All this calls for an exotic designing... There is that free fall, the swing, the take off and landings happening inside which simply are thrilling to watch... But the most amazing thing is to see how the same gravity which makes thing fall also raises the weights!!!...

  13. Check out @anandmahindra’s Tweet:

  14. To everyone where did Bessler say he got the design from and whose name was it in

  15. Here's a clue lateral thinking

  16. The lifting levers arrangement should maybe raise the weight in a line/curve that biases toward the opposite direction of rotation, not 'into'the forward motion of the wheel?
    I think the arrangements that John and I are considering will not lift a weight with a 4:1 ratio of mass, maybe not even 2:1, friction, CF, etc.
    My pet theory is that springs are req'd. (as stated/used by JB)to aid the lift. Either as a timed 'kick' to the outer swinging weight, or as part of a two stage lift (ie partial weight lift around 6.30 - 7 o'clock then sprung push/lift [with a scissor?]at around 9 o'clock where it takes least energy. Giving a stepped orbit ie part lift at 6.30-7, 2nd move toward axle at 9, part lift (out/up) at 12-1, 2nd move away from axle at 3).
    Bessler used many words 'allied' to spring tension release/compress, like: snatch, twang, bow, sear(a catch), fire, etc. He was an organ maker an knew of the special hammer mech that does bounce/catch/hold/release... He confirmed once that he used springs in at least one wheel (never confirmed a wheel without springs to my knowledge), but then never really spoke or wrote of springs ever again (candour?).

  17. Springs are only used to hasten the swinging...

    Your first point about levers lifting seem to be somewhat right...

  18. The other factors that you mention are important. No weight can be lifted with the mass of a falling weight....... even with a lever, unless it is a magical lever. John has been correct with his desire for a work around. He and he alone has the grasp of the key elements and now is the King.

  19. Gravittea, A one pound weight can easily lift two pounds four inches. In a way you are right, a compound lever(s) is/are, some what magical! Just as Bessler tried to explain, Sam

  20. There is another factor about his behavior that has not really been addressed. The is EGO. One just has to believe that for a moment, he was the most clever man on earth. Time has certainly proven his creative designs to be able to do something that no one else had ever done and that would be pretty hard to just put aside. All the questions were fine, but the ridicule and suspicions could and would get the best of even the most Level Headed person. He had a right to be a little arrogant, and yet, he was so bent on getting his due, that he deprived us all of this most amazing of devices as well as himself over the money and his recognition as one of the greatest minds of all time.


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  I wish all of you a happy new year!  This year, 2025, I believe we shall see the arrival of an actual working model of Johann Bessler’s pe...